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Practicum Office

Faculty of Education
511 Union St.
Kingston, Ontario K7M 5R7

Faculty of Education
February Summative Practicum Assessment (PRAC 440/441)

This assessment is intended to assist Associate Teachers in making judgments about demonstrated levels of teaching
proficiency. Associate Teachers should approach this assessment based on reasonable expectations for a
Teacher Candidate at this particular point in her/his B.Ed./Dip.Ed. year.
A candidate who is still ‘Progressing Toward Expectations’ at the mid-point of the February practicum component must be
assisted with a formal Supporting a Candidate in Difficulty process to try and achieve a minimum overall rating of ‘Meets
Expectations’. Please see page 14 of the Practicum Handbook for the Supporting a Candidate in Difficulty process.

Please ensure both Associate Teacher and Teacher Candidate sign page 3 of the assessment.
Candidate Name: Vivian Lakatos School: Moraine Hills Public School

Associate Teacher: D. Alexander Sanna Gr/Sub: 6 Homeroom

Board: York Region District School Board Date Completed: March 9, 2018 Days Absent: 0

Overall Rating: Exceeds Expectations

Summative Assessment Dates: February 12-March 9, 2018 (19 days)

I – Professionalism
1. Initiative & dependability
Exceeds Expectations
Effectively assumes appropriate degree of responsibility for the classroom

Takes initiative to contribute to students’ learning in many ways Exceeds Expectations

2. Discretion & professional judgement

Uses appropriate professional judgement and discretion in relation to interactions with Meets Expectations
Demonstrates sound judgement in dealing with parents, peers and colleagues Meets Expectations

3. Response to mentorship
Exceeds Expectations
Invites and incorporates Associate Teacher feedback to improve teaching practices
Uses self-reflection and assessment information to inform next steps for the candidate’s
Meets Expectations
teaching practice
Demonstrates progress towards achieving teaching and learning goals Exceeds Expectations

Comments, next steps: Vivian is extremely organized, and she always has learning materials prepared ahead of time. She has
assumed control over all aspects of the classroom, and all subject areas assigned to the associate teacher. She manages classroom
routines with ease, and the transition from the associate teacher to herself was seamless and effective. Each day, she designs
extremely engaging and effective lessons, often making use of stations, the SMARTboard, document camera, worksheets, and
centres to further boost student engagement and maximize learning opportuunities. She receives daily feedback from the associate
teacher through emails, and integrates many of the suggestions in the next day's lessons. Vivian keeps a journal, in which she details
things she needs to prepare, thoughts and reflection on her lessons, suggestions from the associate teacher, and issues regarding
planning, sequencing, and delivery of lessons. She does this of her own accord, and it has helped Vivian remain poised and confident
in front of the class. She has strong classroom management, prevents misbehaviour through engaging and motivating lessons, and is
fair and equitable during incidences of misbehaviour.

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II – Supporting a Community of Learners

1. Promoting a safe and trusting learning community
Demonstrates skill and consistency in using routines and monitoring classroom Exceeds Expectations
behaviours in order to maintain a safe and supportive classroom environment for all
2. Promoting student independence
Structures activities so that students learn to identify their strengths and weaknesses, Exceeds Expectations
make decisions about next steps, and monitor their progress towards expectations
Comments, next steps : Ms. Lakatos continues to develop on what is already strong classroom management strategies and
techniques. She circulates around regularly to help students remain focused, but she is also able to monitor the classroom effectively
when working with individual students at the teacher's desk or a student work area. She is approachable, and constantly encourages
students to seek extra help and to approach her about anything they have on their mind. She used the teacher's point reward system
very well to encourage students to work respectfully with each other, and to work productively when working individually. She took
over from the associate teacher, but maintained the calm, focused independence that was fostered in the students before her
arrival. She met with students regularly as part of the essay unit she designed, and used verbal and written feedback on assessments
and student work to help students learn from past errors and incorrect assumptions. She was shown how to track student
performance for the purposes of gather data for report cards.

III – Planning and Preparing

1. Use of curriculum documents
Creates learning activities using the appropriate curriculum expectations in ways that Exceeds Expectations
provide engaging learning for all students
Demonstrates sound knowledge of appropriate subject matter Exceeds Expectations

2. Sequencing of steps in a lesson or unit

Creates developmentally appropriate lessons in ways that connect students’ prior Exceeds Expectations
knowledge to appropriate next steps and new learning
Plans for appropriate student involvement and follow-up activities Exceeds Expectations

3. Differentiation
Designs learning and assessment activities that are deliberately differentiated based on Meets Expectations
students’ needs
Demonstrates understanding of use of appropriate accommodations and modifications for
Meets Expectations
individual students
4. Resources
Gathers from others or creates appropriate resources to support the intended teaching, Exceeds Expectations
learning and assessment
Uses a range of resources to support the development of information literacy skills Exceeds Expectations

Comments, next steps : Vivian is to be commended for fully engaging in the learning process of this practicum block and teacher
every subject area assigned to the associate teacher. This includes literacy, mathematics, science, health, physical education, visual
arts, and the learning skills of course. She has planned out entire units for literacy, mathematics, and science, and created lessons
designed directly on the curriculum expectations. She sequences these lessons in a meaningful way, and makes use of a variety of
learning opportunities, such as self-direction centre-based learning, group work, presentations, direct instruction, individual work,
and partner activities. Her unit on persuasive writing as it pertains to funding space exploration was nothing short of incredible!
Frequent check-ins and scaffolding of concepts have allowed all students, including those with unique learning challenges and English
language barriers, to succeed. She adapts materials from the associate teacher, profesisonal resources, and the Internet to create
worksheets that are very student and age appropriate.

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IV- Lesson Presentation

1. Instructional strategies
Uses a wide variety of appropriate teaching strategies based on students’ interests and Exceeds Expectations
needs, as well as current research on effective teaching practices
2. Lesson management
Uses a variety of effective strategies for managing materials, time and learning activities Exceeds Expectations
to meet needs of all learners
3. Awareness of classroom dynamics
Meets Expectations
Adapts and modifies teaching and learning activities based on student responses

Works to engage students both in the learning and with each other Exceeds Expectations

4. Appropriate and effective use of language

Meets Expectations
Expresses ideas, directions and options clearly

Models a standard for oral and written work Meets Expectations

5. Engaging all learners

Meets Expectations
Uses effective questioning
Effectively uses strategies such as wait time and checking for understanding to engage all
Meets Expectations
students in learning
Comments, next steps : Ms. Lakatos' lessons are very well designed, and aligned not only with the long range plans of the
associate teacher, but also with the unit plans that she designed. She uses the whole group instructional model very well, but also
makes use of centres and self-directed learning opportunities. She is encouraged to use this approach as much as possible in the
future, since it allows her to facilitate the learning and empowers the students to seek out and learn according to their own needs.
She fosters rich discussions, and generates lessons that trigger engagement and participation. She has made more frequent use of
wait time when students are a little bit energetic, as well as a variety of other signals. She is encouraged to make further use of deep
questions and the Q chart.

V- Assessment
1. Assessment for learning
Effectively uses appropriate assessment strategies and recording devices to collect and Meets Expectations
record information on how student learning is progressing
Helps students to use this information for next steps Meets Expectations

2. Assessment as learning
Creates opportunities for student self-assessment to help students to identify their Exceeds Expectations
learning needs
Helps students to create appropriate, short-term curricular, personal or learning skill
Meets Expectations
Makes judgements about achievement in fair, transparent and equitable ways Exceeds Expectations

3. Assessment of learning
Constructs and uses a variety of assessment strategies and recording devices that are Meets Expectations
aligned with instruction and yield an accurate and adequate picture of achievement
Makes judgements about achievement in fair, transparent and equitable ways Exceeds Expectations

Comments, next steps: Vivian designed entire units of study during her block, and planned out the units with some guidance
from the associate teacher. She then designed a series of checkpoints, feedback sessions, assessments, evaluations, and projects that
enabled her to determine the level of student understanding and determine which students need further support. Students wrote
about their own strenghts and next steps on self-assessment forms. She was seen conferencing with students one-to-one on a very
frequent basis. Students felt very comfortable approaching her for assistance, and it paid off with increased confidence and
competence. She is encouaged to make further use of conversations and observations and other forms of differentiated assessment
techniques when she gets her own classroom assignments.

Associate Teacher Signature: Teacher Candidate Signature:
(indicates receipt of the assessment only)
Please indicate an Overall Rating at the top of page 1
Additional Comments can be made on page 4.

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Comments: Overall, Vivian Lakatos is ready for this career! She is organized, caring, intelligent, and composed. She adapts to the
changing environment of classrooms with no difficulty, and she takes the initiative to do the countless things that
occur behind the scenes in order to create an effective and equitable learning environment for students. She will be
an asset to any school that makes the wise choice to add her to their staff. I personally have loved the daily growth
seen in Vivian, and the corresponding growth that manifests itself in the students who are in the care of such a
natural educator. Best of luck Vivian as you embark on the next step in your career! (A. Sanna)

Distribution: Original: Teacher Candidate Copies Practicum Office, Associate Teacher, Faculty Liaison

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