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Name: Chelsea Corntassel Grade Level: 4th & 5th Subject Area: Soccer

Lesson Plan: Soccer Dribbling/Passing Game (Bandits)

Students will demonstrate the correct dribbling and passing techniques to effectively keep the ball away
from students that are “it.”

Soccer balls, Pinnies

Alignment with State Standards

 HM2A4 – Apply rules and procedures to activities

 HM1C4 – Demonstrate locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skill combinations during
skill drills
 HM1F4 – Apply fundamental and specialized skills in game situations

Background Information:
Review passing and dribbling skills from previous lessons.

1. Students come in, sit in assigned spots, and wait for instructions
2. Students will spread out around the basketball court and jog 2 laps then come back and sit on the sideline
Explanation of game: Bandits
- Depending on class size, 3-4 “Bandits” will be chosen and they must go put pinnies on
- The rest of the class grabs a soccer ball and spreads out across the gym
- Using the skills they have learned i.e. passing, trapping, and dribbling, they must keep the balls
away from the bandits
- The “bandits” goal is to take away all the soccer balls by stealing it from someone and kicking it
against the wall
- Once it has been kicked “out” (against the wall) by a bandit, that ball is no longer in play
- Bandits will then grab that soccer ball and place it against the bleachers
- Play until all the balls are out of play then switch bandits out

Have students stop where they are
Before students line up, have them put pinnies and soccer balls back in their spots
Students may line up and must be quiet before entering the hall

Walk around and make sure students are using the correct techniques to trap, pass, and dribble the ball
Cues for trapping: foot slightly in the air with toe pointed up and stopping pass with side of foot
Cues for passing: plant foot pointed in direction of kicking, kicking the soccer ball with inside of foot, leg
swinging back and following through in same direction as plant foot
Cues for dribbling: dribbling the ball with the laces of shoe, inside, or outside of feet

Switch out Bandits every few minutes or once all balls are taken away. Those that are skilled with one foot,
make them pass, dribble, and trap with only their other foot.

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