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Teaching Simple Present Tense in Third-Person Singular/BO JIN, GULDEN ODABASI, AND JINA KIM

­ Domino Game: word flash cards


I He She


wake up wakes up

get dressed gets dressed

eat eats

arrive arrives

plays reads

drinks sleeps

Teaching Simple Present Tense in Third-Person Singular/BO JIN, GULDEN ODABASI, AND JINA KIM


at 9:00 am. at 8:00 am.

a book. games.

for school. for school.

pancakes for breakfast.

at school at 10:00.

from 11:00 to 9:00.

milk every morning.

sandwich for lunch.

at class at 10:00.

Teaching Simple Present Tense in Third-Person Singular/BO JIN, GULDEN ODABASI, AND JINA KIM

­ Domino Game: picture flash cards






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