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Lesson Preparation Information

First Name Last Name Email Date and Time

Jamee Humberstone February 8, 2018

Semester and Year Grade Level Subject/Content Area Lesson Duration

Semester 4, 2018 First Grade Science: Animal Structures 53 minutes

Fish Structures and Functions

A brief description of the lesson’s content and how it relates to a larger unit of instruction. Explain why the skills and knowledge are important for
students to develop. Include prerequisite student knowledge required to meet lesson outcomes and relationship to future learning.
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)

All living things have structures that allow them to survive in their environment. More specifically, animals have structures
with certain functions that help them to adapt to their surroundings. It’s important to develop the understanding that we as
humans are living things and have specific structures or parts that allow us to function in our environments.
In this lesson the students will learn about structures of fish and how those structures help them to survive. The students
will be exposed to a variety of activities that allow them to understand that fish have different body parts that allow them
to survive in their environment. This lesson will help the students develop an understanding of how all living things have
structures that allow them to function. Prior to this lesson students were introduced to turtle and shark structures. They
are aware of animal structures and with this knowledge they will be able to successfully carry out the tasks of this lesson.

Enduring Understanding(s) Essential Question(s)

Important ideas or processes for the students to explore and uncover Promote inquiry to discover the enduring understanding(s)
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy) (1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
How do specific structures help a living thing to survive?
All living things have certain structures that play a part in its
Why are structures important for all living things?

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Content Standard(s)
Standardized statements about what the students should know or be able to do (i.e., The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii
Content & Performance Standards III) that align with the enduring understandings, essential questions, and student learning objectives.
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)

HCPS IV- Standard 4: Life and Environmental Sciences: Structure and function in organisms: Understand the structures
and functions of living organisms and how organisms can be compared scientifically
Benchmark SC.1.4.1: Describe how living things have structures that help them to survive
CCSS: 1.SL.5: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and
CCSS: 1.SL.6: Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation.

Knowledge of Students
A description of 1) studentsʻ current level of understanding and experiences with the content in the lesson and 2)the students’ interests, unique
characteristics, and needs. (1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)

Content knowledge and skills: The students were introduced to animal structures and the idea that these structures play a role in an
animal’s survival. The students are also able to write sentences using punctuation such as capital letters and periods. Lastly, the
students are able to recognize that living things have specific needs to survive such as water, shelter, and food. In this lesson the
students will be using their prior knowledge of animal structures and learning about how fish have certain structures that help them
Prior academic performance: The skills that the students have been exposed to include their ability to be in control of their bodies at
the carpet, develop sentences of their own, and ask and answer questions relating the topic at hand. As the students participate in
this lesson they will be able to use these prior academic performances to successfully gain knowledge about fish and their

Student Learning Objectives/Instructional Goals

What the students are expected to be able to do and/or to know by the end of the lesson or by the end of multiple lessons.
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
● Students will identify key details of fish structures from BrainPop video
● Students will collaborate with their peers in discussion
● Students will identify structures of a fish
● Students will explain one of the functions of fish structures
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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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● Students will create a visual representation of a fish and its structures

● Students will present their creations with the class
● Students will develop a sentence to describe their picture

Application of skills and strategies

(Briefly describe what skill and strategies will be used by students to learn the benchmark)
Skill Strategy
(a learning behavior that is intended (Techniques that will help students learn the skill)
for students to do automatically)
Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions relating to fish structures
Comprehension Recalling details from class discussion and BrainPop video

Student Assessments
Checks for student understanding throughout the lesson (formative assessment tasks) and evaluation of how the students have met the student
learning outcomes including the evaluation criteria (summative assessments) and all assessment tools. (1f: Designing Student Assessments)
Formative Assessments:
● Class discussion- I will be using teacher observation to listen to student responses about fish structures and

Summative Assessments:
● Fishbowl visuals- I will be using a rubric to assess the students ability to label the parts of a fish and write one
sentence explaining how one part of the fish helps it to survive.
○ Fishbowl Rubric
● Presentation-The students will be able to orally share what they learned and their understanding of fish
structures and their functions, and how it helps them to survive.

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Teacher Assessment Tool

Students’ First Name Labeling Sentences Time


Academic Language Demands and Supports

The ways that students will be required to use content area language during the lesson and the instructional strategies to be used to help the
students to meet the language demands. (1a: Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1b: Knowledge of Students)

During this lesson, students will recall vocabulary including words such as structures and functions. I will be asking the
students to think back to a previous lesson where they learned about structures and functions of two other animals. I will
also be using vocabulary such as gills, mouth, eyes, scales, fins throughout the lesson. These words will be the main
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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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focus of the lesson and will be used often during discussion and independent work time.

Lesson Procedures:Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

A description of what the teacher will do and say and what the students will do during the lesson that 1) uses clear steps that
convey the use of multiple strategies, supports, and resources and 2) list opportunities offered for multiple modes of participation
Keep in mind that each lesson may not have all of the GRR Instructional components and add/delete rows if adapting). Be specific,
write what you plan to say and include examples of what you will do. Start with an action verb.
CORRECTLY NUMBER BULLET EACH STEP in one numeral sequence (e.g., 1, 2, 3). Use letters if there are substeps (1a,
1b, 1c)

Instructional component Sequence of Activities

Classroom management Turn back in 3,2,1

attention getter Cross your arms when you have a thought
Positive reinforcement

1. Introduction
(7 minutes)
Teacher will say:
●Boys and girls today we are going to learn about fish! Remember when I taught the lesson
about sharks and turtles? Well today we are going to learn about fish and their structures.
●Does anyone remember what structures are?
○ Body parts
●So today we are going to learn about the structures of fish and how those structures help
them to survive.
●First we are going to watch a video and while you watch the video I want you to listen for the
different body parts of a fish okay?
Watch BrainPop Video
●Teacher will display the BrainPop video
●Students will watch BrainPop video about fish
●Students will listen for the different structures of fish and how it helps them survive
●Turn on the BrainPop video
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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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○ Fish video
●Monitor students as they watch the video

2. Building Background (5 Label the parts of a fish (whole class)

minutes) ● Display picture of a fish to label
○ Fish Picture
● Tell students, boys and girls we are going to label the parts of the fish that we learned
about from the video
● Ask students,
○ What is one of the structures you heard from the video?
● Tell students to share their thoughts with their partner
● Allow students to share with the rest of the class
● Label the parts of the fish as the students share them
○ Eyes
○ Mouth
○ Scales
○ Fins
○ Gills

3. Focus/mini lesson Label the functions of each structure (whole class)

Teacher will-
(5 minutes)
● Display and read one of the function labels that state a specific function of one of the
fishes structures
○ Fish function labels
1. Boys and girls which structure “helps the fish breath underwater”
2. Which structure “helps the fish to see”?
3. Which structure “helps the fish eat”?
4. Which structure “protects the fish’s skin”?
5. Which structure “helps the fish to swim”?
● For each question I will ask the students to share with their partners before they share
with the whole class
4. Guided practice and Introduce the fishbowl activity (whole class)
Independent work ● Ask students to take a quick stretch break and come back to the carpet
(30 Minutes) ● Inform students that they will be creating fish bowls
○ Tell students, boys and girls now that we have labeled the structures of a fish
and how each structure helps it to survive, we are going to make our own
○ To create your fish bowl you are going to need one paper plate, one worksheet
like this (show them), scissors, crayons and glue.

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Part one: Fishbowl activity (10 minutes)

● Model how to cut the paper plate, cut out the fish and glue everything together
● Break up the activity in two parts
○ First part
■ Cut the top of the plate
■ Cut out their fish
■ Glue the paper cut out to the bottom of the remaining of the plate
■ Glue the fish into the middle of the plate
● Before letting the students go to their desks I will model how to do each step
● Inform students that they will have 7 minutes to do this and to use their time wisely

Part two: Fishbowl activity (15 minutes)

● Tell students,
○ For this part of the activity you are going to label your fish’s structures, write a
sentence, and lastly color your fishbowls.
○ Second part
■ Label fish structures
■ Write two sentences about one structure and how it helps the fish to
● Sentence stem: A fish has __________. It uses it to
■ Color your fishbowl
● I will model each step then ask the students to go back to their desks
● Inform students that they have 15 minutes to finish this before we present it to the class
5. Monitoring Plan
Teacher observation
Assisting when necessary
6. Closure
(6 minutes)
●Ask the students to stop what they’re doing, come to the carpet with their fish bowls and sit
in a circle.
●Allow students to share

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Differentiation According to Students’ Needs

Adaptations/modifications to instructional strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or assessment tasks to ensure that all students (e.g.,
students who have IEPs/504 plans, students who are speakers of other languages, students who have advanced or emergent proficiency with the
content and concepts) have access to and are able to engage actively in the lesson.
(1b: Knowledge of Students;1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

Student with a 504 Plan:

● Student will sit in the front of the class
● Offer break time if needed
● minimal writing, more visual arts
Student’s who are ELL:
● Providing video as a visual representation of information
● Providing visual of fish for students to easily identify where structures are located
● Allowing student to create visual instead of written explanations
Student with behavior challenges
● Providing multiple opportunities to move around (between the carpet and desks)
● Allowing time to discuss and listen (watching video and discussion of fish structures and functions)
● Positive reinforcement
Accelerated students
● Visual and written explanation
● Open-ended question
○ Why is it important for us to learn about the structures of animals?

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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UDL Proactive Differentiated Instruction

Intentional instructional activities in place to minimize the need for future RTI.

Category Type of Proactive Differentiated

Representing Content ● Providing video as a visual representation of information
● Providing visual of fish for students to easily identify where structures are located

Engaging Student ● Providing multiple opportunities to move around (between the carpet and desks)
Interest ● Providing video as a visual representation of information
● Allowing student to create visual instead of written explanations
Demonstrating Learning ● Allowing time to discuss and listen (watching video and discussion of fish structures
and functions)
● Allowing student to create visual instead of written explanations
Cultural Considerations ● Using a animal they are familiar with such as a fish

Instructional Materials/Resources
All materials, handouts, resources, and technology tools that are needed to execute the lesson. (1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)

● Computer
● Projector
● Fish cut out worksheet
● Fish function labels
●Fish video
● Fish cut out worksheet

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Lesson Plan Reflection (if lesson is carried out)

An analysis of the effectiveness of the lesson (what worked well? what did not work as well?) in terms of student learning and the extent to which
the instructional outcomes were achieved based on specific evidence from the lesson and references to evidence-based practices and theories of
student learning. A description of how you will use what you learned from reflecting on this lesson in your future teaching.
(4a: Reflecting on Teaching)
1. What do you think went well in the lesson?
Some things that I thought went well in my lesson was the way I organized the activity and my classroom management. In the
past, I taught a science lesson that didn’t go as planned. The students were not understanding the concepts and had a hard
time reading some of the flashcards that was a part of their activity. In this lesson I made sure that there was minimal reading
and more doing. I also learned from my last lesson that the students have a short attention span and cannot be sitting at the
carpet for more than fifteen minutes. In this lesson I made sure to break up the activity into two parts, so the students did not
become overwhelmed with too many tasks. I think that breaking up the activity gave them a chance successfully finish their

2. If you were to do the lesson again, what would you change? Or if you would not change anything, that is fine.
I think that only thing that I would change about my lesson is when it came to explain how to write their sentences. As I
graded the students work I noticed that a few of them wrote two separate sentences, instead of two sentences that go with
each other. Instead of writing, “A fish has gills. Its gills help the fish breath.”, they wrote, “A fish has gills. Its fins help the fish
to swim.” If I could do the lesson again I was spending more time on practicing the sentences before I sent the kids back to
their desks.

3. What was one big thing you learned from teaching this lesson?
One of the biggest things I have learning from teaching this lesson is that the students do better when they are able to
complete a task in parts. I noticed that when I gave them a certain amount of time to do one part, they made it a goal to finish
that part in that time, as opposed to giving them the whole task and half of them only finishing a quarter of what needed to be
done. I think that breaking the activity apart work well for this group of students because majority of them finished both parts

4. Overall, what do you think your strengths are now and what are two things you feel you still need to work on?
I think that two of my biggest strengths is my classroom management and my ability to hold my composure. I think that this
has to do with who I am as a person. I think that I can take control of the class and make sure that I am giving both praise and
discipline when it's needed.
Two of my biggest weaknesses is the way I explain things to the class and also my classroom management. I think that in
both cases I am still learning and its just something that comes with time. I think that I could improve on my explanations to
the students because I want to be able to give them directions without having to tell them five different times. I want to do
better with my classroom management because I feel that some of the students get discouraged when I redirect their
behavior and I want to make sure that they don’t feel like I am picking on them. I am learning that it’s just a matter of building
that relationship with them.

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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Teacher Assessment Tool

Students’ First Name Labeling Sentences Time

1. Zaide N/A N/A N/A
2. Cruz ME ME MP
3. Tyler ME ME ME
4. Louis ME ME DP
5. Lia ME MP MP
6. Ronan ME DP ME
7. Ka’ihekoa ME DP MP
8. Rey’Han ME ME MP
9. Julia ME ME ME
10. Noa ME ME ME
11. Selyna ME ME ME
12. Landon ME DP DP
13. Nohea ME ME ME

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
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14. Tala ME DP MP
15. keiden ME MP DP
16. Scot ME DP MP
17. Journey ME ME ME
18. Izaac ME ME DP
19. Sakura ME ME ME
20. Salote MP ME ME
21. Eduardo ME MP ME
22. Zoie ME ME ME
23. Blaze ME MP MP
24. Kainoah MP DP ME

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) – College of Education – University of Hawai‘i at Manoa

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