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To my wife, Jill, and our children, Paul, Julie,
Caroline, Luke and Clare, for their patience,
support and understanding.

John Murtagh AM

Emeritus Professor in General Practice, School of Primary Health Care, Monash University, Melbourne
Professorial Fellow, Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne
Adjunct Clinical Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Western Australia
Guest Professor, Peking University Health Science Centre, Beijing
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First edition 1991
Reprinted 1992 (twice), 1993 (twice), 1994 (twice)
Second edition 1995
Reprinted 1997, 1999, 2001
Third edition 2000
Reprinted 2002, 2004
Fourth edition 2004
Fifth edition 2008
Sixth edition 2013
Text © 2008 John Murtagh
Illustrations and design © 2008 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
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National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data

Murtagh, John
John Murtagh’s practice tips / John Murtagh
6th edition
ISBN 9781743070123 (pbk.)
Includes index.
1. Medicine—Practice—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Medicine, Rural. 3. Surgery, Minor.

Published in Australia by
McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
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Foreword to the sixth edition

It is now 21 years since I had the honour of writing the I have no doubt that this new edition of Practice Tips will
foreword to the first edition of Practice Tips. Since then, the find a place on the bookshelves of many practitioners in
wisdom and practical skills of John Murtagh have spread general practice and in emergency departments.
throughout the medical world through his writings. GEOFF QUAIL
This sixth edition incorporates several new features, Clinical Associate Professor
including the management of emergencies, the Department of Surgery
interpretation of ECGs, more injection techniques and Monash University
the management of burns, scalds and smoke inhalation. Melbourne

Foreword to the first edition

In a recent survey of medical graduates appointed as The column has been one of the most popular in the
interns to a major teaching hospital, the question was journal, and led to an invitation to Professor Murtagh to
posed, ‘What does the medical course least prepare you assemble these tips in one volume.
for?’ Half the respondents selected practical procedures The interest in practical procedures is considerable—
from seven choices. as witnessed by the popularity of practical skills
While we are aware that university courses must have courses, which are frequently fully booked. These
a sound academic basis, it is interesting to note that many have become a regular part of the Monash University
newly graduating doctors are apprehensive about their Postgraduate Programme, and some of the material taught
basic practical skills. Fortunately, these inadequacies are is incorporated in this book.
usually corrected in the first few months of intern training. It is particularly pleasing to see doctors carrying out
Professor John Murtagh, who has been at the forefront their own practical procedures. Not only is this cost-
of medical education in Australia for many years, sensed effective, in many cases obviating the need for referral,
the need for ongoing practical instruction among but it also broadens the expertise of the doctor and makes
doctors. When appointed Associate Medical Editor of practice more enjoyable.
Australian Family Physician in 1980 he was asked to give I congratulate Professor Murtagh on the compilation
the journal a more practical orientation, with a wider of this book, which I feel certain will find a prominent
appeal to general practitioners. He was able to draw on place on the general practitioner’s bookshelf.
a collection of practical procedures from his 10 years
as a country doctor that he had found useful, many of GEOFF QUAIL
which were not described in journals or textbooks. He Past Chairman
began publishing these tips regularly in Australian Family Medical Education Committee
Physician, and this encouraged colleagues to contribute Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
their own practical solutions to common problems. (Victorian Faculty)
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Foreword to the sixth edition v
Foreword to the first edition v
About the author xviii
Preface xix
Acknowledgments xx
Sterilisation guidelines for office practice xxi

1. Emergency procedures 1
Normal values for vital signs 1
Pulse oximetry 1
Acute coronary syndromes 2
The electrocardiogram 2
Urgent intravenous cutdown 4
Intraosseous infusion 6
Acute paraphimosis 6
Diagnosing the hysterical ‘unconscious’ patient 7
Electric shock 7
Head injury 8
Sexual assault in the female victim 9
Migraine tips 10
Hyperventilation 11
Pneumothorax 11
Cricothyroidostomy 12
Choking 13
Carotid sinus massage 13
Bite wounds 13
Stings 15
Coral cuts 15
Use of the adrenaline autoinjector for anaphylaxis 15
Major trauma 16
Blood loss: circulation and haemorrhage control 16
Serious injuries and clues from association 16
Roadside emergencies 17
Ionising radiation illness 18

2. Basic practical medical procedures 20

Venepuncture and intravenous cannulation 20
Nasogastric tube insertion 21
Nasogastric tube insertion in children 22
Urethral catheterisation of males 22
Urethral catheterisation of females 23
Catheterisation in children 24

Lumbar puncture 24
Lumbar puncture in children 25
Tapping ascites 25
Inserting a chest drain 25
Aspiration of pleural effusion 26
Subcutaneous fluid infusions 26
Continuous subcutaneous infusion of morphine 27

3. Injection techniques 28
Basic injections 28
Painless injection technique 28
Intramuscular injections 29
Reducing the sting from an alcohol swab 29
Painless wound suturing 29
Slower anaesthetic injection cuts pain 30
Local anaesthetic infiltration technique for wounds 30
Disposal of needles 30
Rectal ‘injection’ 31
Finger lancing with less pain 31
Digital nerve block 31
Regional nerve wrist blocks to nerves to hand 32
Regional nerve blocks at elbow 33
Femoral nerve block 33
Tibial nerve block 34
Sural nerve block 35
Facial nerve blocks 36
Specific facial blocks for the external ear 37
Penile nerve block 37
Intravenous regional anaesthesia (Bier block) 38
Haematoma block by local infiltration anaesthetic 38
Intercostal nerve block 39
The caudal (trans-sacral) injection 39
Local anaesthetic use 40
Hormone implants 41
Musculoskeletal injections 42
Musculoskeletal injection guidelines 42
Injection of trigger points in back 42
Injection for rotator cuff lesions 43
Injection for supraspinatus tendonopathy 44
Injection for bicipital tendonopathy 44
Injections for epicondylitis 45
Injection for trigger finger 45
Injection for trigger thumb 46
injection for tenosynovitis of the wrist 46
Injection for plantar fasciitis 47
Injection for trochanteric bursalgia 47
Injection of the carpal tunnel 48
Injection near the carpal tunnel 49
Injection of the tarsal tunnel 49
Injection for Achilles paratendonopathy 50
Injection for tibialis posterior tendonopathy 50

Injection or aspiration of joints 50

Acute gout in the great toe 53

4. Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 55

Principles of repair of excisional wounds 55
Standard precautions 55
Knot tying 56
Holding the scalpel 57
Safe insertion and removal of scalpel blades 58
Debridement and dermabrasion for wound debris 59
Continuous sutures 59
The pulley suture 59
The cross-stitch 60
Planning excisions on the face 60
Elliptical excisions 60
Prevention and removal of ‘dog ears’ 61
The three-point suture 61
Inverted mattress suture for perineal skin 62
Triangular flap wounds on the lower leg 62
Excision of skin tumours with sliding flaps 63
Primary suture before excision of a small tumour 64
Multiple ragged lacerations 65
Avoiding skin tears 65
Vessel ligation 65
The transposition flap 65
The rotation flap 65
The rhomboid (Limberg) flap 66
The ‘crown’ excision for facial skin lesions 66
Z-plasty 67
Repair of cut lip 67
Wedge excision and direct suture of lip 67
Wedge resection of ear 68
Repair of lacerated eyelid 69
Repair of tongue wound 69
Avascular field in digit 70
Wedge resection of axillary sweat glands 71
Removal of skin sutures 71
Pitfalls for excision of non-melanoma skin cancer 72
W-plasty for ragged lacerations 72
Debridement of traumatic wounds 73
Debridement of skin in a hairy area 73
Wound management tips 73
When to remove non-absorbable sutures 75

5. Treatment of lumps and bumps 76

Removal of skin tags 76
Removal of epidermoid (sebaceous) cysts 77
The infected sebaceous cyst 78
Sebaceous hyperplasia 78

Dermoid cysts 78
Acne cysts 79
Biopsies 79
Treatment of ganglions 80
Olecranon and pre-patellar bursitis 80
Excision of lipomas 81
Keratoacanthoma 81
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) 82
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) 82
Pyogenic granuloma 83
Seborrhoeic keratoses 83
Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicus 83
Orf 83
Milker’s nodules 83
Haemangioma of the lip 83
Aspiration of Baker cyst 83
Aspiration and injection of hydrocele 84
Epididymal cysts 84
Testicular tumours 84
Torsion of the testicle 84
Steroid injections into skin lesions 85
Steroid injections for plaques of psoriasis 85
Hypertrophic scars: multiple puncture method 86
Keloids 86
Dupuytren contracture 86
Drainage of breast abscess 86
Aspiration of breast lump 87
Marsupialisation technique for Bartholin cyst 88
Cervical polyps 88
Liquid nitrogen therapy 88
Carbon dioxide slush for skin lesions 90
Trichloroacetic acid 91
Simple removal of xanthoma/anthelasmas 91
Warts and papillomas 91
Molluscum contagiosum 92

6. Treatment of ano-rectal problems 93

Perianal haematoma 93
Perianal skin tags 94
Rubber band ligation of haemorrhoids 94
Injection of haemorrhoids 95
Anal fissure 95
Proctalgia fugax 97
Perianal abscess 97
Perianal warts 97
Anal fibro-epithelial polyps 98
Pruritus ani 98
Rectal prolapse 98
Cautionary points regarding ano-rectal disorders 98

7. Foot problems 99
Calluses, corns and warts 99
Treatment of plantar warts 99
Treatment of calluses 101
Treatment of corns 101
‘Cracked’ heels 102
Plantar fasciitis 102

8. Nail problems 105

Splinters under nails 105
Onychogryphosis 106
Myxoid pseudocyst 106
Subungual haematoma 106
Ingrowing toenails (onychocryptosis) 108
Wedge resection 109
The elliptical block dissection open method 110
Tip for post-operative pain relief 111
Paronychia 111
Excision of nail bed 111
Nail avulsion by chemolysis 112
Traumatic avulsed toenail 112

9. Common trauma 113

General 113
Essential tips for dealing with trauma 113
Other cautionary tips 113
Finger trauma 114
Finger tip loss 114
Amputated finger 114
Finger tip dressing 114
Abrasions 115
Management 115
Haematomas 115
Haematoma of the pinna (‘cauliflower ear’) 115
Haematoma of the nasal septum 115
Pretibial haematoma 116
Roller injuries to limbs 116
Fractures 116
Testing for fractures 116
Spatula test for fracture of mandible 117
First aid management of fractured mandible 117
Fractured clavicle 117
Bandage for fractured clavicle 118
Fractured rib 118
Phalangeal fractures 118
Slings for fractures 119
Important principles for fractures 121
Other trauma 122
Primary repair of severed tendon 122
Burns and scalds 122
Rapid testing of the hand for nerve injury 124

10. Removal of foreign bodies 126

General 126
Cautionary note 126
Removal of maggots 126
Removal of leeches 127
Embedded ticks 127
Removal of ring from finger 128
Splinters under the skin 128
Removing spines of prickly pear, cactus and similar
  plants from the skin 129
Detecting fine skin splinters—the soft soap method 129
Detecting skin splinters 129
Removing the Implanon rod 129
Detecting metal fragments 129
Embedded fish hooks 129
Penetrating gun injuries 131
Ear, nose and throat 132
Removal of various foreign bodies 132
General principles about a foreign body in the ear 135
Insects in ears 135
Cotton wool in the ear 136
Fish bones in the throat 136
Gential and anal 136
Extricating the penis from a zipper 136
Removal of impacted vaginal tampon 137
Faecal impaction 138
Removal of vibrator from vagina or rectum 138

11. Musculoskeletal medicine 139

Temporomandibular joint 139
Temporomandibular dysfunction 139
The TMJ ‘rest’ program 140
Dislocated jaw 140
The spine 141
Recording spinal movements 141
Spinal mobilisation and manipulation 141
Cervical spine 141
Clinical problems of cervical origin 143
Locating tenderness in the neck 143
Acute torticollis 144
Traction to the neck 144
A simple traction technique for the cervical spine 145
Neck rolls and stretches 145
Thoracic spine 147
Anterior directed costovertebral gliding 147
Thoracic spinal manipulation 147
Thoracolumbar stretching and manipulation 149
Lumbar spine 150
Drawing and scale marking for back pain 150
Reference points in the lumbar spine 150

Tests for non-organic back pain 152

Movements of the lumbar spine 153
Nerve roots of leg and level of prolapsed disc 154
The slump test 154
Schober test (modified) 154
Manual traction for sciatica 155
Rotation mobilisation for lumbar spine 156
Lumbar stretching and manipulation technique 1 157
Lumbar stretching and manipulation technique 2 157
Exercise for the lower back 158
Shoulder 159
Dislocated shoulder 159
The Mt Beauty analgesia-free method 160
Recurrent dislocation of shoulder 162
Impingement test for supraspinatus lesions 162
Elbow 163
Pulled elbow 163
Dislocated elbow 163
Tennis elbow 164
Wrist and hand 166
De Quervain tenosynovitis and Finkelstein test 166
Simple tests for carpal tunnel syndrome 166
Simple reduction of dislocated finger 167
Strapping a finger 167
Mallet finger 168
Boutonnière deformity 169
Tenpin bowler’s thumb 169
Skier’s thumb (gamekeeper’s thumb) 170
Colles fracture 170
Scaphoid fracture 171
Metacarpal fractures 171
Hip 172
Age relationship of hip disorders 172
The Ortolani and Barlow screening tests 172
Pain referred to the knee 172
Diagnosis of early osteoarthritis of hip joint 173
The ‘hip pocket nerve’ syndrome 173
Ischial bursitis 174
Patrick or Fabere test 174
Snapping or clicking hip 174
Dislocated hip 175
Fractured femur 176
Knee 176
Inspection of the knees 176
Common causes of knee pain 176
Diagnosis of meniscal injuries of the knee 177
Lachman test 178
Overuse syndromes 179
Patellar tendonopathy (‘jumper’s knee’) 179
Anterior knee pain 180
Diagnosis and treatment of patellofemoral joint pain syndrome 180
Dislocated patella 181

Leg 181
Overuse syndromes in athletes 181
Torn ‘monkey muscle’ 181
Complete rupture of Achilles tendon 183
Treatment of sprained ankle 183
Mobilisation of the subtalar joint 184
Wobble board (aeroplane) technique for ankle dysfunction 185
Tibialis posterior tendon rupture 185
Plastering tips 186
Plaster of Paris 186
Preparation of a volar arm plaster splint 187
Leg support for plaster application 187
Waterproofing your plaster cast 187
A long-lasting plaster walking heel 188
Supporting shoe for a walking plaster 188
Use of silicone filler 188
Prescribing crutches 188
Walking stick advice 189

12. Orodental problems 190

Knocked-out tooth 190
Loosening of a tooth 190
Chipped tooth 190
Bleeding tooth socket 191
Dry tooth socket 191
A simple way of numbering teeth 191
Aphthous ulcers (canker sores) 192
Geographic tongue (erythema migrans) 193
Black, green or hairy tongue 193
Calculus in Wharton duct 193
A ‘natural’ method of snaring a calculus 193
Simple removal of calculus from Wharton duct 193
Release of tongue tie (frenulotomy) 193

13. Ear, nose and throat 195

URTIs and sinus problems 195
Diagnosing sinus tenderness 195
Diagnosis of unilateral sinusitis 195
Inhalations for URTIs 196
Nasal polyps 197
The ear and hearing 197
A rapid test for significant hearing loss 197
Water- and soundproofing ears 198
Use of tissue ‘spears’ for otitis externa and media 198
Preventing swimmer’s otitis externa 198
Chronic suppurative otitis media and externa 198
Ear piercing 198
Ear wax and syringing 198
Recognising the ‘unsafe’ ear 201
Air pressure pain when flying 201
Excision of ear lobe cysts 201

Infected ear lobe 201

Embedded earring stud 202
Tropical ear 202
Instilling otic ointment 202
Problems with cotton buds 202
The nose 202
Treatments for epistaxis 202
Instilling nose drops 204
Offensive smell from the nose 204
Stuffy, running nose 204
Senile rhinorrhoea 204
Nasal factures 205
Miscellaneous ENT pearls 205
Hands-free headlight 205
Self-propelled antral and nasal washout 205
Use of FLO sinus care 205
Hiccoughs (hiccups) 205
Snoring 206
Tinnitus 206
Swallowing with a sore throat 206
Glue ears 206
Auriscope as an alternative to nasal specula 206
Chronic anosmia following URTI 206
Ticklish throat 206
Doctor-assisted treatment for benign paroxysmal
  positional vertigo 206

14. The eyes 209

Basic kit for eye examination 209
Eversion of the eyelid 209
Blepharitis 210
Flash burns 210
Wood’s light and fluorescein 210
Simple topical antiseptics for mild conjunctivitis 210
Removing ‘glitter’ from the eye 210
Dry eyes 210
Eyelash disorders 211
Removal of corneal foreign body 211
Corneal abrasion and ulceration 212
Excision of meibomian cyst 212
Local anaesthetic for the eyelid 213
Non-surgical treatment for meibomian cysts 213
Padding the eye 214
Managing styes 214
Application of drops 214
Visual acuity 214
The pinhole test for blurred vision 214
Relief of ocular pain by heat 214
Chemical burns to the eye 216
Protective industrial spectacles 216
Effective topical treatment of eye infections 216
Hyphaema 216

15. Tips on treating children 217

Making friends 217
Distracting children 217
Management of painful procedures 218
‘Bite the bullet’ strategy 218
Using pacifiers (dummies) to ease pain 218
Deep breath with blowing distraction 218
Taking medicine 218
Swallowing a tablet 218
Administration of fluids 218
How to open the mouth 218
Spatula sketches for children 219
Instilling nose drops 219
Instilling eye drops in cooperative children 219
Intravenous cannula insertion 219
Difficult vein access 220
Easier access to a child’s arm 220
Swallowed foreign objects 220
Wound repair 220
Scalp lacerations 220
Lacerated lip or gums 221
Glue for children’s wounds 221
Topical local anaesthesia for children’s lacerations 222
Improvised topical ‘anaesthesia’ 222
Wound infiltration 222
Fractures 222
Splints for minor greenstick-type fractures 223
Removing plaster casts from children 223
The crying infant 223
Cleaning a child’s ‘snotty’ nose 224
Test for lactose intolerance 224
Breath-holding attacks 224
Itching and swollen skin rashes 225
Traumatic forehead lump 225
Suprapubic aspiration of urine 225
The ‘draw a dream’ technique 225
Assessing anxious children and school refusal 226
Surgery 226

16. The skin 228

Rules for prescribing creams and ointments 228
Topical corticosteroids for sunburn 228
Skin exposure to the sun 228
Acne 229
Nappy rash 230
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) 230
Psoriasis 230
Skin scrapings for dermatophyte diagnosis 231
Spider naevi 231
Wood’s light examination 231
Applying topicals with a ‘dish mop’ 232

Glove over hand to enhance topical efficacy 232

Chilblains 232
Herpes simplex: treatment options 232
Herpes zoster (shingles) 233
Unusual causes of contact dermatitis 233

17. Varicose veins 234

Percutaneous ligation for the isolated vein 234
Avulsion of the isolated varicose vein 234
Treatment of superficial thrombophlebitis 235
Management of deep venous thrombosis 236
Ruptured varicose vein 236
Venous ulcers 236
Applying a compression stocking 237

18. Miscellaneous 238

Measurement of temperature 238
Infrared aural (ear drum) use 239
Obtaining reflexes 239
Restless legs syndrome 240
Nightmares 240
Nocturnal cramps 240
Special uses for vasodilators 241
Nocturnal bladder dysfunction 241
Facilitating a view of the cervix 242
Condom on the speculum 242
Optimal timing and precautions for Pap smears 242
Priapism 242
Premature ejaculation 242
Indomethacin for renal/ureteric colic 242
Record keeping for after-hours calls 242
Sticking labels in the patient notes 242
Uses of a fine cataract knife 242
Cool cabbages for hot breasts 243
Makeshift spacing chambers for asthmatics 243
Coping with tablets 243
Patient education techniques in the consulting room 243
Improvised suppository inserter 244
The many uses of petroleum jelly (Vaseline) 245
The many uses of paper clips 245
The uses of fine crystalline sugar 245
Sea sickness 245
Honey as a wound healer 245
Snapping the top off a glass ampoule 245
Medico-legal tips 245
Tips for aged care 246
Bibliography 247
Index 249

About the author

John Murtagh AM
Emeritus Professor in General Practice, School of Primary Health Care, Monash University, Melbourne
Professorial Fellow, Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne
Adjunct Clinical Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Western Australia
Guest Professor, Peking University Health Science Centre, Beijing

John Murtagh was a science master teaching chemistry, Dr Murtagh was appointed Associate Medical
biology and physics in Victorian secondary schools when Editor of Australian Family Physician in 1980 and Medical
he was admitted to the first intake of the newly established Editor in 1986, a position held until 1995. In 1995 he
Medical School at Monash University, graduating in was awarded the Member of the Order of Australia for
1966. Following a comprehensive postgraduate training services to medicine, particularly in the areas of medical
program, which included surgical registrarship, he education, research and publishing.
practised in partnership with his medical wife, Dr Jill Practice Tips, one of Dr Murtagh’s numerous publications,
Rosenblatt, for 10 years in the rural community of Neerim was named as the British Medical Association’s Best
South, Victoria. Primary Care Book Award in 2005. In the same year, he
Dr Murtagh was appointed Senior Lecturer (part- was named as one of the most influential people in general
time) in the Department of Community Medicine practice by the publication Australian Doctor. John Murtagh
at Monash University and eventually returned to was awarded the inaugural David de Kretser medal from
Melbourne as a full-time Senior Lecturer. He was Monash University for his exceptional contribution to the
appointed to a professorial chair in Community Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences over a
Medicine at Box Hill Hospital in 1988 and subsequently significant period of time. Members of the Royal Australian
as chairman of the extended department and Emeritus College of General Practitioners may know that he was
Professor of General Practice in 1993 until retirement bestowed the honour of the namesake of the College library.
from this position in 2000. He now holds teaching Today John Murtagh continues to enjoy active
positions as Professor in General Practice at Monash participation with the diverse spectrum of general
University, Adjunct Clinical Professor, University of practitioners—whether they are students or experienced
Notre Dame and Professorial Fellow, University of practitioners, rural- or urban-based, local or international
Melbourne. He combines these positions with part- medical graduates, clinicians or researchers. His vast
time general practice, including a special interest in experience with all of these groups has provided him
musculoskeletal medicine. He achieved the Doctor of with tremendous insights into their needs, which is
Medicine degree in 1988 for his thesis ‘The management reflected in the culminated experience and wisdom of
of back pain in general practice’. John Murtagh’s General Practice.


Practice Tips is a collection of basic diagnostic and Australian College of General Practitioners, over the past
therapeutic skills that can be used in the offices of general decade or so. The series has proved immensely popular
practitioners throughout the world. The application of with general practitioners, especially with younger
these simple skills makes the art of our profession more graduates commencing practice. The tips are most
interesting and challenging, in addition to providing suitable for doctors working in accident and emergency
rapid relief and cost-effective therapy to our patients. It departments. There is an emphasis on minor surgical
has been written with the relatively isolated practitioner, procedures for skin problems and musculoskeletal
doctor or nurse practitioner in mind. disorders. A key feature of these tips is that they are simple
The art of medicine appears to have been neglected in and safe to perform, requiring minimal equipment and
modern times and, with the advent of super-specialisation, technical knowhow. Regular practice of such skills leads
general practice is gradually being deskilled. I have been to more creativity in learning techniques to cope with
very concerned about this process, and believe that the new and unexpected problems in the surgery.
advice in this book could add an important dimension to Several different methods to manage a particular
the art of medicine and represent a practical strategy to problem, such as the treatment of ingrowing toenails
reverse this trend.The tips have been compiled by drawing
and removal of fish hooks, have been submitted. These
on my own experience, often through improvisation, in
have been revised and some of the more appropriate
coping with a country practice for many years, and by
requesting contributions from my colleagues. Doctors methods have been selected. The reader thus has a
from all over Australia have contributed freely to this choice of methods for some conditions. Some specific
collection, and sharing each other’s expertise has been a procedures are more complex and perhaps more relevant
learning experience for all of us. to practitioners such as those in remote areas who have
I have travelled widely around Australia and overseas acquired a wide variety of skills, often through necessity.
running workshops on practical procedures for the This sixth edition has a greater emphasis on emergency
general practitioner. Many practitioners have proposed procedures, particularly for acute coronary syndromes.
the tips that apparently work very well for them. These It must be emphasised that some of the procedures are
were included in the text if they seemed simple, safe and unorthodox but have been found to work in an empirical
worth trying. The critical evidence base may be lacking sense by the author and other practitioners where other
but the strategy is to promote ‘the art of medicine’ by treatments failed. The book offers ideas, alternatives and
being resourceful and original and thinking laterally. encouragement when faced with the everyday nitty-
Most of the tips have previously been published in gritty problems of family practice, particularly in rural
Australian Family Physician, the official journal of the Royal and remote practice.


I would like to acknowledge the many general practitioners Freeman, John Gambrill, John Garner, Jack Gerschman,
throughout Australia who have contributed to this book, Colin Gleeson, Peter Graham, Neil Grayson, Attila Györy,
mainly in response to the invitation through the pages of John Hanrahan, Geoff Hansen, Warren Hastings, Clive
Australian Family Physician to forward their various practice Heath, Tim Hegarty, Chris Hogan, Ebrahim Hosseini,
tips to share with colleagues. Many of these tips have Damian Ireland, Anton Iseli, Rob James, Fred Jensen, Stuart
appeared over the past decade as a regular series in the Johnson, Dorothy Jones, Roderick Jones, Dennis Joyce,
official publication of the Royal Australian College of Max Kamien, Trevor Kay, Tim Kenealy, Clive Kenna, Peter
General Practitioners.The RACGP has supported my efforts Kennedy, Hilton Koppe, Rod Kruger, Sanaa Labib, Chris
and this project over a long period, and continues to Lampel, Bray Lewis, Ralph Lewis, Greg Malcher, Karen
promote the concept of good-quality care and assurance Martens, Jim Marwood, John Masterton, Jim McDonald,
in general practice. I am indebted to the RACGP for giving Sally McDonald, Peter McKain, A. Breck McKay, Peter
permission to publish the material that has appeared in Mellor, Thomas Middlemiss, Philip Millard, Les Miller,
the journal. Geoff Mitchell, Andrew Montanari, David Moore, Michael
My colleagues in the Department of Community Moynihan, Clare Murtagh, Alister Neil, Rowland Noakes,
Medicine at Monash University have provided invaluable Colin Officer, Helene Owzinsky, Michael Page, Dominic
assistance: Professor Neil Carson encouraged the concept Pak, Geoff Pearce, Simon Pilbrow, Alexander Pollack,
some 30 years ago, and more recently my senior lecturers Vernon Powell, Cameron Profitt, Andrew Protassow, Geoff
provided considerable input into skin repair and plastic Quail, Farooq Qureshi, Anthony Radford, Peter Radford,
surgery (Dr Michael Burke) and expertise with orodental Suresh Rananavare, Jan Reddy, Sandy Reid, Jill Rosenblatt,
problems and facial nerve blocks (Professor Geoff Quail). David Ross, Harvey Rotstein, Jackie Rounsevell, Carl Rubis,
Special thanks go also to Dr John Colvin, Co-Director of Sharnee Rutherford, Avni Sali, Paul Scott, Adrian Sheen,
Medical Education at the Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Jack Shepherd, Clive Stack, Peter Stone, Helen Sutcliffe,
for advice on eye disorders; Dr Ed Brentnall, Director of Royston Taylor, Alex Thomson, Jim Thomson, John Togno,
Accident and Emergency Department, Box Hill Hospital; Bruce Tonge, John Trollor, Ian Tulloch, Talina Vizard, Peter
Dr Alfredo Mori, Emergency Physician,The Alfred Hospital Wallace, Olga Ward, Vilas Wavde, David White, David
(femoral nerve block); Dr Mike Moynihan and the editorial Wilson, Ian Wilson, John Wong, Ian Wood, Freda Wraight,
staff of Australian Family Physician; Mr Chris Sorrell, graphic David Young, Mark Zagorski.
designer with Australian Family Physician; and in particular to In reference to part of the text and figures in spinal
Dr Clive Kenna, co-author of Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation disorders, permission from the copyright owners,
(Butterworths), for his considerable assistance with Butterworths, of Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation (1989),
musculoskeletal medicine, especially on spinal disorders. by C. Kenna and J. Murtagh, is gratefully acknowledged.
Medical practitioners who contributed to this book are: Lisa Amir, Many of the images in this book are based on those
Tony Andrew, Philip Arber, Khin Maung Aye, Neville from other publications. Acknowledgment is given to
Babbage, Peter Barker, Royce Baxter, Andrew Beischer, the World Health Organization, publishers of J. Cook et
Ashley Berry, Peter Bourke, Peter Bowles, Tony Boyd, al., General Surgery at the District Hospital, for figures 1.9, 3.7,
James Breheny, Ed Brentnall, Charles Bridges-Webb, John 3.19, 4.33, 4.37, 9.13 and 14.4b,c and to Dr Leveat Efe
Buckley, Michael Burke, Marg Campbell, Hugh Carpenter, for figures 1.3, 3.39, 3.42, 15.4 and 15.5.
Peter Carroll, Ray Carroll, Neil Carson, Robert Carson, Permission to use many drawings from Australian Family
John Colvin, Peter Crooke, Graham Cumming, Joan Physician is also gratefully acknowledged.
Curtis, Hal Day, Tony Dicker, Clarrie Dietman, Robert Finally, my thanks to Nicki Constable, Kris Berntsen and
J. Douglas, Mary Doyle, Graeme Edwards, Humphrey Caroline Menara for secretarial help in the preparation
Esser, Iain Esslemont, Howard Farrow, Peter Fox, Michael of this material.

Sterilisation guidelines for office practice

The strict control of infection, especially control of •• Sterile gloves and goggles should be worn for any
the lethal HIV virus, is fundamental to the surgical surgical procedure involving penetration of the skin,
procedures outlined in this book. Summarised guidelines mucous membrane and/or other tissue.
include: •• Avoid using multi-dose vials of local anaesthetic. The
•• All doctors and staff need to be taught and demonstrate rule is ‘one vial—one patient’.
competency in hand hygiene, dealing with blood •• Safe disposal of sharp articles and instruments such as
and body fluid spills, standard precautions and the needles and scalpel blades is necessary. Needles must
principles of environmental cleaning and reprocessing not be recapped.
of medical equipment. •• Instruments cannot be sterilised until they have been
•• Use single-use pre-sterilised instruments and injections cleaned. They should be washed as soon after use as
wherever possible. possible.
•• The use of single-use sterile equipment minimises the •• Autoclaving is the most reliable and preferred way
risk of cross-infection. Items such as suturing needles, to sterilise instruments and equipment. Bench-top
injecting needles, syringes, scalpel blades and pins or autoclaves should conform to Australian standard
needles used for neurological sensory testing should AS 2182.
be single-use. •• Chemical disinfection is not a reliable system for routine
•• Assume that any patient may be a carrier of hepatitis processing of instruments, although it may be necessary
B and C, HIV and the human papilloma virus. for heat-sensitive apparatus. It should definitely not be
•• Hand washing is the single most important element used for instruments categorised as high risk.
of any infection control policy: hands must be washed •• Boiling is not reliable as it will not kill bacterial spores
before and after direct contact with the patient. For and, unless timing is strictly monitored, may not be
non-high-risk procedures, disinfect by washing with effective against bacteria and viruses.
soap under a running tap and dry with a paper towel, •• Masks may be used by unimmunised staff and also by
which is discarded. patients to prevent the spread of disease (suspected or
•• Antiseptic handwash (e.g. 2% chlorhexidine) or alcohol known) by droplets.
hand rubs or wipes have also proven to be effective Note: For skin antisepsis for surgical procedures, swab
in reducing the spread of infection. with povidone-iodine 10% solution in preference to
•• Alcohol-based hand rubs, used according to product alcoholic preparations.
directions, are appropriate where hand hygiene facilities Reference: RACGP Infection control standards for office
are not available (e.g. home visits). based procedures (4th Edn).
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Chapter 1

Normal values for vital signs

Two standard tables are shown for comparsion.
Vital signs (average) < 6 months 6 months–3 years 3–12 years Adult
Pulse (beats/min) 120–140 110 80–100 60–100
Respiration rate (breaths/min) 45 30 20 14
BP (mmHg) 90/60 90/60 100/70 ≤ 130/85
Source: From J. Murtagh, General Practice Companion Handbook, 2011, p. xxxv

Table 1.1  Paediatric vital signs: American College of Surgeons

Age (years) Wt (kg) Heart rate Blood pressure Respiratory Urine output
(bpm) (mmHg) (/min) (mL/kg/hr)
0–1 0–10 < 160 > 60 < 60 2.0
1–3 10–14 < 150 > 70 < 40 1.5
3–5 14–18 < 140 > 75 < 35 1.0
6–12 18–36 < 120 > 80 < 30 1.0
>12 36–70 < 100 > 90 < 30 0.5

Pulse oximetry altitude and oxygen therapy. Studies show that white race,
obesity and male sex but not smoking are associated with
The pulse oximeter measures oxygen saturation of arterial lower SpO2 readings (Witting, M.D. and Scharf, S.M.,
blood (SpO2). ‘Diagnostic room-air pulse oximetry: effects of smoking,
race, and sex’, AmJEM 2008, 26(2), pp. 131–6).
Facts and figures The ideal value is 98–100%.
In a healthy young person the O2 saturation should be The median value in neonates is 97%, in young
95–99%. It varies with age, the degree of fitness, current children 98% and adults 98%.
2 Practice Tips

Target oxygen saturation • The limb leads are attached to both arms and legs.
• Asthma—the aim is to maintain it > 94% • The right and left arms are active recording leads.
• Acute coronary syndromes ≥ 94% • The ‘standard leads’ (I, II, III, aVR, aVL and aVF) are
• Opioid effect ≥ 94% recorded from the limb electrodes.
• Type 1 (hypoxemic) respiratory failure (e.g. interstitial • The electrodes can be placed far down the limb or close
lung disease, pneumonia, pulmonary oedema) ≥ 94% to the hips and shoulders (e.g. in case of an amputee
• Severe COPD with hypercapnoeic respiratory failure or heavily clothed patient) but they must be evenly
88–92% placed on corresponding sides.
• Critical illness (e.g. major trauma, shock) 94–98% • The right leg lead is used as an electrical ground or
reference lead and not used for measurement.
Indications for oxygen therapy to be beneficial • The leads work effectively through stockings, including
• Australian guideline to improve quality of life > 88% pantyhose.
• UK: adults < 50 years 90%, asthma 92.3% The label of each of the 10 electrodes and their placement
is as follows (Fig. 1.1):
Availability and cost • RA: on right arm (avoid thick muscles)
Pulse oximeters are readily available from medical and • LA: same location to RA but on left arm
surgical suppliers with a range in cost from about $40 to • RL: on right leg, lateral calf muscle
$3000. A good-quality unit is available for about $400. • LL: same location as RL but on left leg
• V1: in 4th intercostal space—between ribs 4 and 5,
Acute coronary syndromes just to right of sternum
• V2: as above but just to left of the sternum
In the author’s rural practice, over a period of 10 years, • V3: between leads V2 and V4
the most common cause of sudden death was myocardial • V4: in 5th intercostal space in mid-clavicular line
infarction, which was responsible for 67% of deaths in • V5: at the same level with V4 and V5 in anterior-
the emergency situation. The importance of confirming axillary line
early diagnosis with the use of the electrocardiogram and • V6: at the same level with V4 and V5 in mid-axillary line.
serum markers, especially troponin, is obvious. A summary Areas ‘looked at’ by the standard leads are shown in
of acute coronary syndromes is presented in Table 1.2. Figure 1.2.
The electrocardiogram
Recording a 12 lead ECG Interpreting rate and rhythm
Interesting tips Rate
• The 12 lead ECG uses 10 wires (also known as leads) • R to R interval (i.e. from the pointy tip of one QRS
attached to electrodes. to the next): 300 ÷ number of big squares between
• There are four limb leads and a chest lead. the QRS complexes.
• It is important that the leads are placed in correct • For an irregular rhythm use the 6 second method:
positions since incorrect positions will change the 5 big squares = 1 second; 30 big squares = 6 seconds.
proper signal and may lead to an incorrect diagnosis. • Count QRS complexes in 6 seconds and multiply by 10.

Table 1.2 Types of acute coronary syndromes

Serum markers ECG at evaluation
Creatinine kinase MB Troponin
Unstable angina
• low risk normal non-detectable normal
• high risk normal detectable ST depression
Myocardial infarction
• non-ST elevation elevated detectable ST depression
no Q wave
• ST elevation (STEMI) elevated detectable ± Q wave
Chapter 1 | Emergency procedures 3


right left
arm arm

Fig. 1.2  Areas of the heart ‘looked at’ by the standard leads

Based on QRS complexes, use a piece of paper to mark
the spaces between the QRS complexes and assess their
6 chest placements
regularity (e.g. Fig. 1.3). Is it regular or irregular? If it is
alternative limb irregular, is there a regular pattern or are they irregularly
placements irregular?

right left leg The ECG and myocardial infarction

From Figure 1.4 it is apparent that:
• the leads overlying the anterior surface of the left
ventricle will be V2–5 and these will be the leads
giving evidence of anterior infarction
Fig. 1.1 The 12 lead ECG • the leads overlying the lateral surface will be the lateral
chest leads V5–6
• no leads directly overlie the inferior or diaphragmatic
Table 1.3  Which lead looks at which part of the heart? surface. However, the left leg leads, although distant,
Area of the heart Leads are in line with this surface and will show evidence
of infarction in this area
Inferior wall II, III, aVF • there are no leads directly over the posterior surface.
Anterior wall V1 to V5
Typical acute inferior infarction
Lateral wall V5, V6 , I, aVL
The typical ECG changes of acute myocardial infarction
Posterior wall V1 to V3 (maybe) (AMI) with pathological Q waves, S-T segment elevation

tips of QRS

Fig. 1.3  Method of assessing the rate and rhythm from the ECG
4 Practice Tips

left lateral view

infarction posterior

inferior infarction

posterior infarction
section III AVL

lateral Fig. 1.5 Two leads from ECG of AMI (inferior infarction)

infarction Reproduced from J. Murtagh, GP Companion Handbook (5th Edn), McGraw-Hill,
LV Sydney, 2010.

anterior Surface anatomy
Fig. 1.4  Areas of heart wall affected by myocardial infarction Long saphenous vein: The vein lies at the anterior tip
Reproduced from J. Murtagh, GP Companion Handbook (5th Edn), McGraw-Hill, of the medial malleolus. The best site for incision is
Sydney, 2010. centred about 2 cm above and 2 cm anterior to the most
prominent medial bony eminence (Fig. 1.7a).
and  T wave inversion are highlighted in leads III and aVL Cephalic vein: The cephalic vein ‘bisects’ the bony
of acute inferior infarction (Fig. 1.5). Lead aVL facing the eminences of the distal end of the radius as it winds
opposite side of the heart shows reciprocal S-T depression. around the radius from the dorsum of the hand to the
Atypical acute anterior infarction pattern is demonstrated anterior surface of the forearm. The incision site is about
in Figure 1.6. This ECG strip shows sinus rhythm with a 2–3 cm above the tip of the radial styloid (Fig. 1.7b).
rate of 75 (300 ÷ 4).
Urgent intravenous cutdown You will need:
In emergencies, especially those due to acute blood • scalpel and blade (disposable)
loss, intravenous cannulation for the infusion of • small curved artery forceps
fluids or transfusion of blood can be difficult. For • aneurysm needle (optional)
the short-term situation, a surgical cutdown into the • vein scissors
long saphenous vein at the ankle or the cephalic vein • absorbable catgut
at the wrist is life-saving. Ideally, the long saphenous • vein elevator
vein should be used in children. • intravenous catheter.

Table 1.4  Region of heart wall assessed by ECG

Region of heart wall Artery occluded Leads showing ECG changes
Anterior L anterior descending (LAD) V1–V5, I, aVL
Lateral Circumflex, branch of LAD V5–V6, (occ’y I, aVL)
Anteroseptal LAD V1–V4
Inferior R coronary II, III, aVF, aVL (reciprocal)
Posterior RCA or circumflex V1–V2 (unclear)
Chapter 1 | Emergency procedures 5

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Fig. 1.6  Acute anterior myocardial infarction with sinus rhythm

Reproduced from Duncan Guy, Pocket Guide to ECGs (2nd Edn), McGraw-Hill, Sydney, 2010.

(a) (b)
long saphenous vein (b)
site of incision styloid process cephalic site of
of distal radius vein incision

2 cm
2 cm
2–3 cm

prominence of
medial malleolus

(c) vein elevator

distal ligature


Fig. 1.7  Urgent intravenous cutdown: (a) site of incision over

vein long saphenous vein (medial perspective); (b) site of incision over
cephalic vein at wrist (radial or lateral perspective); (c) method of
introduction of catheter into vein
6 Practice Tips

Method of cutdown tibial tubercle

After fitting gloves and using a skin preparation:
 1. Make a 1.5–2 cm transverse skin incision over the
 2. Locate the vein by blunt dissection. (Do not confuse
the vein with the pearly white tendons.)
 3. Loop an aneurysm needle or fine curved artery insert midway between
forceps under and around the vein. level of tibial tubercle and medial
 4. Place a ligature around the distal vein and use this border of tibia, and 2 cm distal
to steady the vein. to the tibial tubercle
 5. Place a loose-knotted ligature over the proximal end
of the vein.
 6. Incise the vein transversely with a small lancet or
scissors or by a carefully controlled stab with a scalpel. Fig. 1.8 Intraosseous infusion
 7. Use a vein elevator (if available) for the best possible
access to the vein.
 8. Insert the catheter (Fig. 1.7c).
 9. Gently tie the proximal vein to the catheter.
10. After connecting to the intravenous set and checking 5. Remove the trocar, aspirate a small amount of marrow
the flow of fluid, close the wound with a suitable (blood and fat) or test with an ‘easy’ injection of 5 mL
suture material. saline to ensure its position.
6. Hold the needle in place with a small POP splint.
Intraosseous infusion 7. Fluid can be infused with a normal IV infusion—
rapidly or slowly. If the initial flow rate is slow, flush
In an emergency situation where intravenous access
out with 5–10 mL of saline.
in a collapsed person (especially children) is difficult,
8. The infusion rate can be markedly increased by using
parenteral fluid can be infused into the bone marrow (an
a pressure bag at 300 mmHg pressure (up to 1000 mL
intravascular space). Intraosseous infusion is preferred
in 5 minutes).
to a cutdown in children under 5 years. It is useful to
practise the technique on a chicken bone.
Site of infusion: Acute paraphimosis
• adults and children over 5: distal end of tibia (2–3 cm In paraphimosis the penile foreskin is retracted, swollen
above medial malleolus) and painful. Manual reduction should be attempted
• infants and children under 5: proximal end of tibia first. This can be done without anaesthesia, but a penile
• the distal femur: 2–3 cm above condyles in midline block with local anaesthetic (never use adrenaline in
is an alternative (angle needle upwards). LA) can easily be injected in a ring around the base
Avoid growth plates, midshafts (which can fracture) of the penis.
and the sternum. Complications include tibial fracture
and compartment syndrome. Method 1
Manual reduction can be performed by trying to advance
Method for proximal tibia (Fig. 1.8) the prepuce over the engorged glans with the index
Note: Strict asepsis is essential (skin preparation and fingers while compressing the glans with the thumb
sterile gloves). (Fig. 1.9a).
1. Inject local anaesthetic (if necessary).
2. Choose a 16-gauge intraosseous needle (Dieckmann Method 2
modification) or a 16- to 18-gauge lumbar puncture 1. Take hold of the oedematous part of the glans in the
needle (less expensive). fist of one hand and squeeze firmly. A gauze swab
3. Hold it at right angles to the anteromedial surface of the or warm towelette will help to achieve a firm grip
proximal tibia about 2 cm below the tibial tuberosity (Fig. 1.9b).
(Fig. 1.8). Point the needle slightly downwards, away 2. Exert continuous pressure until the oedema passes
from the joint space. under the constricting collar to the shaft of the
4. Carefully twist the needle to penetrate the bone cortex; penis.
it enters bone marrow (medulla) with a sensation of 3. The foreskin can then usually be pulled over the
giving way (considerable pressure usually required). glans.
Chapter 1 | Emergency procedures 7

(a) Diagnosing the hysterical

‘unconscious’ patient
One of the most puzzling problems in emergency
medicine is how to diagnose the unconscious patient
caused by a conversion reaction. These patients really
experience their symptoms (as opposed to the pretending
patient) and resist most normal stimuli, including painful
(b) 1. Hold the patient’s eye or eyes open with your fingers
and note the reaction to light.
2. Now hold a mirror over the eye and watch closely
for pupillary reaction (Fig. 1.10). The pupil should
constrict with accommodation from the patient
looking at his or her own image.


Fig. 1.9  Acute paraphimosis: (a) manual reduction;

(b) squeezing with swab; (c) dorsal slit incision in the
constricting collar of skin
Fig. 1.10 Testing for pupillary reaction
Method 3
If manual reduction methods fail, a dorsal slit incision
should be made in the constricting collar of skin proximal Electric shock
to the glans under local or light general anaesthesia Household shocks tend to cause cardiac arrest due to
(Fig. 1.9c).The incision allows the foreskin to be advanced ventricular fibrillation (Fig. 1.11).
and reduces the swelling. Follow-up circumcision should
be performed. Principles of management
• Make the site safe: switch off the electricity. Use dry
Method 4 wool to insulate the rescuers.
Cover the swollen oedematous prepuce with fine • ‘Treat the clinically dead.’
crystalline sugar and wrap a cut rubber glove over it to • Attend to the ABC of resuscitation.
exert continuous pressure. Leave for 1 to 2 hours. The • Give a praecordial thump in a witnessed arrest.
foreskin can then be readily retracted. • Consider a cervical collar (? cervical fracture).
8 Practice Tips

If the GCS score is:

• 8 or less: severe head injury
• 9 to 10: serious
• 11 to 12: moderate
• 13 to 15: minor.
Arrange urgent referral if the score is less than 12.
fibrillation If the score is 12 to 15, keep under observation for at
least 6 hours.
Table 1.5 Glasgow coma scale

Eye opening (E)

• Spontaneous opening 4
• To verbal command 3
• To pain 2
• No response 1
Motor response (M)
• Obeys verbal command 6
? fracture Response to painful stimuli
• Localises pain 5
• Withdraws from pain stimuli 4
• Abnormal flexion 3
• Extensor response 2
exit wound • No response 1
Verbal response (V)
Fig 1.11 Effect of electric shock passing through the body • Orientated and converses 5
• Disorientated and converses 4
• Inappropriate words 3
• Provide basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, including • Incomprehensible sounds 2
defibrillation (as required). • No response 1
• Give a lignocaine infusion (100 mg IV) after cardiac
arrest. Coma score E + M + V
• Investigate and consider: • Minimum 3
–– careful examination of all limbs • Maximum 15
–– X-ray of limbs or spine as appropriate
–– check for myoglobinuria and renal failure
–– give tetanus and clostridial prophylaxis. Emergency exploratory burr hole
• Get expert help—intensive care unit, burns unit. After a head injury, a rapidly developing mass lesion
(classically extradural) is heralded by a deteriorating
Head injury conscious level (e.g. Glasgow coma scale 15 to 3); a
rising blood pressure (e.g. 140/70 to 160/100 mmHg);
Head injury is the main cause of death in major trauma.
slowing respirations (16 to 10); a slowing pulse (70 to
The Glasgow coma scale (below) can be used to assess
55) and a dilating pupil. In such conditions an urgent
a patient’s cerebral status. A useful simplified method of
burr hole is indicated, even in the absence of a plain X-ray
recording the conscious state is the following five-level
and a CT scan of the head. Even elevating a depressed
system rating:
fracture may be sufficient to alleviate the pressure. The
1. awake
relative sites of extradural and subdural haematomas are
2. confused
shown in Figure 1.12 and the classic development of the
3. responds to shake and shout
extradural haematoma in Figure 1.13.
4. responds to pain
5. unresponsive coma. Method (in absence of neurosurgical facilities)
• This is ideally performed in an operating theatre.
Glasgow coma scale (Table 1.5) • The patient is induced, paralysed, intubated and
The Glasgow coma scale (GCS) is frequently used as an ventilated (100% oxygen). Dehydrating dose of 20%
objective guide to the conscious state. mannitol (1 g/kg IV in 1 hour) administered.
Chapter 1 | Emergency procedures 9


skull bone

Fig. 1.14 Three sites suggested for burr holes: (1) low in

the temporal region will disclose a classic middle meningeal
Fig. 1.12 The sites of subdural and extadural haematomas in artery bleed; on division of the muscle, haematoma should be
relation to the dura, skull and brain found between the muscle and the fracture line; (2) frontal
region; (3) parietal region

• After shaving the scalp, a mark is made over the site • Other areas that can be explored in the presence of
of external bruising, especially if a clinical fracture is subdural haematoma include:
obvious. A 5 cm long incision is made over the site –– frontal region: a suspicion of an anterior fossa
of external bruising or swelling. Otherwise the burr haematoma (e.g. a black eye)
hole is made in the low temporal area. A vertical –– parietal region: haematoma from the posterior
incision is made above the zygoma 2.5 cm in front of branch of the middle meningeal artery (Fig. 1.14).
the external auditory meatus and extending down to
the zygoma, and the skull is trephined 2–3 cm above Sexual assault in the female
it (Fig. 1.14). This is the site of the classic middle victim
meningeal haemorrhage.
• The clot is gently aspirated and the skin is loosely What you should do for the patient is to first offer and
sutured around the drain. provide privacy, confidentiality and emotional support.
• If there are difficulties controlling the bleeding, the
Four important things to say initially to any
intracranial area is packed with wet balls of Gelfoam
or similar material.
• ‘You are safe now.’
• ‘I am sorry this happened to you.’
• ‘It was not your fault.’
injury • ‘It’s good that you are seeing me.’
lucid interval
Initial advice to the victim
• If victim reporting to police
diagnosis of
1. Notify the police at once.
confused 2. Take along a witness to the alleged assault (if there
unconscious was a witness).
3. Do not wash or tidy yourself or change your
4. Do not take any alcohol or drugs.
5. Don’t drink or wash out your mouth if there was
oral assault.
6. Take a change of warm clothing.
• If not reporting to police or unsure
Contact any of the following:
Fig. 1.13  Classic conscious states characteristic of extradural 1. a friend or other responsible person
haematoma after injury 2. ‘Lifeline’ or ‘Lifelink’ or similar service
10 Practice Tips

3. a doctor should be done in private and kept totally confidential.

4. a counselling service. A management plan for physical injuries and emotional
problems is discussed.
Obtaining information Consider the possibility of STI and possible referral.
1. Obtain consent to record and release information. Consider also the possibility of pregnancy and the need
2. Take a careful history and copious relevant for postcoital hormone tablets. Organise follow-up
notes. counselling and STI screening.
3. Keep a record, have a protocol.
4. Obtain a kit for examination. Management issues
5. Have someone present during the examination • Take swabs and/or first-void specimen for testing
(especially in the case of male doctors examining gonococcus and chlamydia (PCR).
women). • Take blood for HIV, syphilis.
6. Air-dry swabs (media destroy spermatozoa). • Collect specimens—swab aspirate of any fluid and
7. Hand specimens to the police immediately. keep for DNA analysis.
8. Work with (not for) the police. • Give prophylactic antibiotics—depends on type of
assault and assailant.
Examination • Emergency contraception.
If possible the victim should be dressed when seen. When • Review in 3 weeks—check tests.
the victim is undressing for examination, get them to • Screen for syphilis and HIV in about 3 months.
stand on a white sheet. This helps to identify small foreign • Refer to rape crisis centre.
objects that fall to the floor.
Note any injuries as each item of clothing is removed. Drug-assisted sexual assault
Each part of the body should be examined under good Consider this when patient has no memory of events and
illumination, and all injuries measured and recorded time or other suspicious circumstances. Urine or blood
carefully on a diagram. testing may be appropriate.
Injuries should be photographed professionally.
Examine the body and genital area with a Wood’s light
to identify semen, which fluoresces. Perform a careful Migraine tips
speculum examination. Palpate the scalp for hidden
trauma. Collect appropriate swabs. At first symptoms:
• start drinking 1 litre of water over 20 minutes
Making reports • aspirin or paracetamol + anti-emetic, e.g.
–– soluble aspirin 600–900 mg (o) and
Remember that as a doctor you are impartial. Never make
–– metoclopramide 10 mg (o)
inappropriate judgments to authorities (e.g. ‘This patient
For established migraine:
was raped’ or ‘Incest was committed’).
• IV metoclopramide 10 mg, then 10 to 15 minutes
Rather, say: ‘There is evidence (or no evidence) to
later give 2 to 3 soluble aspirin and/or codeine tablets
support penetration of the vagina/anus’ or ‘There is
evidence of trauma to _________’.
• IM metoclopramide 10 mg, then 20 minutes later IM
Handy tips dihydroergotamine 0.5–1 mg
• Remember that some experienced perpetrators carry
• lignocaine 4% topical solution—as spray 2.5 mL per
lubricants or amylnitrate to dilate the anal sphincter.
• Urine examination in female children may show
sperm. (If the child is uncharacteristically passing
• serotonin receptor agonist:
urine at night, get the mother to collect a specimen.)
–– sumatriptan (o), SC injection or nasal spray
• Vaginal and rectal swabs should be air-dried.
• For suspected abuse of children, you cannot work in
–– zolmitriptan (o), repeat in 2 hours if necessary
isolation: refer to a sexual assault centre or share the
complex problem.
–– naratriptan (o), repeat in 4 hours if necessary. If very
severe (and other preparations are unsuccessful):
Post-examination or
After the medical examination a discussion of medical –– haloperidol 5 mg IM or IV.
problems should take place with the patient. This Note: Avoid pethidine.
Chapter 1 | Emergency procedures 11

The IV fluid load method

Many practitioners claim to obtain rapid relief of migraine
by giving 1 litre of intravenous fluid over 20 to 30
minutes, supplemented by oral paracetamol. second intercostal space
midclavicular line (ideal for
Intravenous lignocaine
Lignocaine (1% solution intravenously) can give rapid
relief to many people with classic or common migraine.
The dose is 1 mg lignocaine per kg (maximum) intercostal
(a 70 kg adult would have a maximum dose of 7 mL of artery/nerve
1% solution). The IV injection is given slowly over about
90 seconds with monitoring of pulse and blood pressure.
fourth or fifth intercostal
Hyperventilation space mid-
Improvised methods to help alleviate the distress of axillary line
(preferred for
anxiety-provoked hyperventilation include: intercostal
• Breathe in and out of a paper bag. catheter)
• Breathe in and out slowly and deeply into cupped
• Suck ice blocks slowly (a good distractor).
Fig. 1.15  Positioning of intercostal catheter
Pneumothoraces can be graded according to the degree
of collapse: Simple aspiration for pneumothorax
• small: up to 15% (of pleural cavity) For patients presenting with pneumothorax, the
• moderate: 15–60% traditional method of insertion of an intercostal
• large: > 60%. catheter connected to underwater seal drainage may be
A small pneumothorax is usually treated conservatively avoided with simpler measures. Patients with a small
and undergoes spontaneous resolution. pneumothorax (less than 15% lung collapse) can be
Simple aspiration can be used for a small to moderate managed conservatively. Larger uncomplicated cases
pneumothorax—usually 15–20%. can be managed by simple aspiration using a 16-gauge
Traumatic and tension pneumothoraces represent polyethylene intravenous catheter.
potential life-threatening disorders.
Tension pneumothorax requires immediate Method
management. 1. The patient lies propped up to 30–40°.
2. Infiltrate LA in the skin over the second intercostal
Intercostal catheter space in the midclavicular line on the affected site.
A life-saving procedure for a tension pneumothorax 3. Insert a 16-gauge polyethylene intravenous catheter
is the insertion of an intercostal catheter (a 14-gauge into the pleural space under strict asepsis.
intravenous cannula is ideal) or even a needle as small as 4. Aspirate air into a 20 mL syringe to confirm entry into
19-gauge (if necessary) into the second intercostal space this space, and then remove the stilette.
in the midclavicular line along the upper edge of the 5. Connect a flexible extension tube to this catheter, and
rib. The site should be at least two finger-breadths from then connect this tube to a three-way tap and a 50 mL
the edge of the sternum, so that damage to the internal syringe.
mammary artery is avoided. The catheter is connected to 6. Aspirate and expel air via the three-way tap until
an underwater seal. resistance indicates lung re-expansion.
An alternative site, which is preferable in females for Obtain a follow-up X-ray. Repeat aspiration may be
cosmetic reasons, is in the mid-axillary line of the fourth necessary, but most patients do not require inpatient
or fifth intercostal space (Fig. 1.15). admission.
12 Practice Tips

Cricothyroidostomy (a) cricothyroid

membrane thyroid cartilage
This procedure may be life-saving when endotracheal
intubation is either contraindicated or impossible. It may cricoid cartilage
have to be improvised or performed with commercially
available kits such as the Surgitech rapitrac kit or the Portex
minitrach II kit. Cricothyroidostomy can be performed
using a standard endotracheal tube, from which the excess
portion may be excised after insertion.

Method for adults

1. The patient should be supine, with the head, neck and
chin fully extended (Fig. 1.16a).
2. Operate from behind the patient’s head. neck extended
3. Palpate the groove between the cricoid and thyroid
4. Make a short (2 cm) transverse incision (or
longitudinal) through the skin and a smaller incision (b) midline vertical incision held
through the cricothyroid membrane (Fig. 1.16b). open by thumb and forefinger
• Ensure the incision is not made above the thyroid
• Local anaesthesia (1–2 mL of 1% lignocaine) will
be necessary in some patients.
An artery clip or tracheal spreader may be inserted
into the opening to enlarge it sufficiently to admit
a cuffed endotracheal or trachestomy tube.
5. Use an introducer to guide the cannula into the
6. Insert an endotracheal or tracheostomy tube if
Since damage to the cricoid cartilage is a concern in
children, surgical cricothyroidostomy is not recommended
for children under 12 years of age.

Method for children

1. Do not perform a stab wound in children because of
poor healing. (c) introducer (withdrawn after tube in situ)
2. Use a 14- to 15-gauge intravenous cannula.
3. Pierce the cricothyroid membrane at an angle of 45°.
Free aspiration of air confirms correct placement.
4. Fit a 3 mm endotracheal tube connector into the end
of the cannula or a 7 mm connector into a 2 mL or
5 mL syringe barrel connected to the cannula.
5. Attach the connector to the oxygen circuit; this
system will allow oxygenation for about 30 minutes
but carbon dioxide retention will occur. The oxygen
enriched air needs to be properly humidified.

Improvisation tips tracheostomy tube

1. Any piece of plastic tubing, or even the ‘shell’ of a
ballpoint pen, will suffice as a makeshift airway.
2. A 2 mL or 5 mL syringe barrel will suffice as a
connector between the cannula and the oxygen source. Fig. 1.16 Cricothyroidostomy
Chapter 1 | Emergency procedures 13

Children: Encourage coughing. If unsuccessful, place the child
over your knees with head down and give hard blows with
the heel of the hand to the upper back (5 to 10 blows).
Also chest compression to depress the chest by one-third
of its diameter can be used. In older children, get them to
lean over you as you deliver blows to the back.
Adults: Encourage coughing. If unsuccessful give 5 firm
blows to the upper back followed by chest thrusts if
neccessary. This is first-line treatment.
The Heimlich manoeuvre
This procedure is most useful for an adult with an
impacted foreign body in the pharynx.
1. Remove any dentures and try hooking out the bolus
with a finger. Ask them to cough.
2. The rescuer stands behind the patient and grasps the carotid pulse in
arms firmly to make a fist over the epigastrium 2 finger front of sternomastoid
breaths below the xiphisternum (keep the elbows out). muscle below angle of jaw
3. Following a ‘gasp’, a firm squeeze is given to the
Fig. 1.17  Carotid sinus massage
upper abdomen. If necessary, this is repeated every
10 seconds for half a minute.
Problems with procedure For failed procedure
• Wrong position Give IV adenosine or verapamil.
• Damage to underlying organs and structures
• May precipitate regurgitation of stomach contents Bite wounds
Snake bites
Carotid sinus massage Most bites do not result in envenomation, which tends
Carotid sinus massage causes vagal stimulation and its to occur in snake handlers or in circumstances where the
effect on supra ventricular tachycardia is all or nothing. It snake has a clear bite of the skin.
has no effect on ventricular tachycardia. It slows the sinus
rate and breaks the SVT by blocking AV nodal conduction. First aid
1. Keep the patient as still as possible.
Method 2. Do not wash, cut or manipulate the wound, or apply
1. Locate the carotid pulse in front of the sternomastoid ice or use a tourniquet.
muscle just below the angle of the jaw (Fig. 1.17). 3. Immediately bandage the bite site firmly (not too
2. Ensure that no bruit is present. tight). A crepe bandage is ideal: it should extend above
3. Rub the carotid with a circular motion for 5 to 10 seconds. the bite site for 15 cm, e.g. if bitten around the ankle,
4. Rub each carotid in turn if the SVT is not ‘broken’. the bandage should cover the leg to the knee.
In general, right carotid pressure tends to slow the 4. Splint the limb to immobilise it: a firm stick or slab
sinus rate, and left carotid pressure tends to impair AV of wood would be ideal.
nodal conduction. 5. Transport to a medical facility for definite treatment.
Do not give alcoholic beverages or stimulants.
Precautions 6. If possible, the dead snake should be brought along.
In the elderly, there is a risk of embolism or bradycardia. Note: A venom detection kit can be used to examine
a swab of the bitten area or a fresh urine specimen (the
Other simple methods for SVT best) or blood.
• Valsalva manoeuvre The bandage can be removed when the patient is safely
• Immersion of face briefly in cold water under medical observation. Observe for symptoms such as
14 Practice Tips

vomiting, abdominal pain, excessive perspiration, severe Principles of treatment

headache and blurred vision. • Clean and debride the wound with aqueous antiseptic,
Treatment of envenomation allowing it to soak for 10 to 20 minutes.
• Aim for open healing—avoid suturing if possible
1. Set up a slow IV infusion of N saline.
(except in ‘privileged’ sites with an excellent blood
2. Give IV antihistamine cover (15 minutes beforehand)
supply, such as the face and scalp).
and 0.3 mL of adrenaline 1:1000 SC (0.1 mL for a child).
• Apply non-adherent, absorbent dressings (paraffin
3. Dilute the specific antivenom (1:10 in N saline) and
gauze and Melolin) to absorb the discharge from
infuse slowly over 30 minutes via the tubing of the
the wound.
saline solution.
• Tetanus prophylaxis: immunoglobulin or tetanus
4. Have adrenaline on standby.
5. Monitor vital signs.
• Give prophylactic penicillin for a severe or deep bite:
1.5 million units of procaine penicillin IM statim,
Spider bites then orally for 5 days. Tetracycline or flucloxacillin
First aid are alternatives.
Sydney funnel-web: as for snake bites. • Inform the patient that slow healing and scarring are
Other spiders: apply ice pack, do not bandage. possible.
Treatment of envenomation Cat bites
• Sydney funnel-web: Cat bites have the most potential for suppurative infection.
–– specific antivenom The same principles apply as for management of human
–– resuscitation and other supportive measures. or dog bites, but use flucloxacillin. It is important to
• Red-back spider: clean a deep and penetrating wound. Another problem
–– give antihistamines is cat-scratch disease, presumably caused by a Gram-
–– antivenom IM (IV if severe) 15 minutes later. negative bacterium.
Human bites and clenched fist injuries Sandfly bites
Human bites, including clenched fist injuries, often For some reason, possibly the nature of body odour, the
become infected by organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, use of oral thiamine may prevent sandfly bites.
streptococcus species and beta-lactamase producing Dose: Thiamine 100 mg orally, daily.
anaerobic bacteria.
Principles of treatment Bedbug bites
• Clean and debride the wound carefully, e.g. aqueous The common bed bug (Cimex lectularis, Fig. 1.18) is now a
antiseptic solution or hydrogen peroxide. major problem related to international travel. It travels in
• Give prophylactic penicillin if a severe or deep bite. baggage and is widely distributed in hotels, motels and
• Avoid suturing if possible. backpacker accommodation. Clinically bites are usually
• Tetanus toxoid. seen in children and teenagers. The presentation is a linear
• Consider rare possibility of HIV, hepatitis B or C, or group of three or more bites (along the line of superficial
infections. blood vessels), which are extremely itchy. They appear
as maculopapular red lesions with possible wheals. The
For wound infection lesions are commonly found on the neck, shoulders, arms,
• Take swab.
• Procaine penicillin 1 g IM, plus Augmentin 500 mg,
8 hourly for 5 days.
For severe penetrating injuries, e.g. joints,
• IV antibiotics for 7 days.

Dog bites (non-rabid)

Animal bites are also prone to infection by the same
organisms as for humans, plus Pasteurella multocida. Fig. 1.18  Bed bug
Chapter 1 | Emergency procedures 15

torso and legs. A bed bug infestation can be diagnosed by Special tip: A cost-effective and antipruritic agent for
identification of specimens collected from the infested insect stings is Mylanta or similar antacid, containing
residence. Look for red- or rust-coloured specks about aluminium sulfate or hydroxide.
5 mm long on mattresses.
Box jellyfish or sea wasp
(Chironex fleckeri)
• Clean the lesions.
• Apply a corticosteroid ointment. Treatment
• A simple anti-pruritic agent may suffice. 1. The victim should be removed from the water to
• Call in a licensed pest controller. prevent drowning.
Control treatment is basically directed towards applying 2. Inactivate the tentacles by pouring vinegar over them
insecticides to the crevices in walls and furniture. for 30 seconds (do not use alcohol)—use up to 2 L of
Tip: If a backpack is thought to harbour the bugs, put it vinegar at a time. Gently remove the tentacles.
in the freezer overnight. 3. Check respiration and the pulse.
4. Start immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (if
Stings 5. Give box jellyfish antivenom by IV injection.
Bee stings 6. Provide pain relief if required (ice, lignocaine and
First aid
1. Scrape the sting off sideways with a fingernail or knife Stinging fish and stingrays
blade. Do not squeeze it with the fingertips.
2. Apply 20% aluminium sulfate solution (Stingose). The sharp spines of stinging fish and stingrays have venom
3. Apply ice to the site. glands that can produce severe pain if they spike or even
4. Rest and elevate the limb that has been stung. graze the skin. The best known of these is the stonefish.
If anaphylaxis occurs, treat as appropriate. The toxin is usually heat sensitive.
Centipede and scorpion bites
1. Bathe or immerse the affected part in very warm
The main symptom is pain, which can be very severe to hot (not scalding) water—this may give instant
and prolonged. relief.
2. If pain persists, give a local injection/infiltration
First aid
of lignocaine 1% or even a regional block. If still
1. Apply local heat, e.g. hot water with ammonia persisting, try pyroxidine 50 mg intralesional injection.
(household bleach). 3. A specific antivenom is available for the sting of the
2. Clean site. stonefish.
3. Local anaesthetic, e.g. 1–2 mL of 1% lignocaine
infiltrated around the site.
4. Check tetanus immunisation status. Coral cuts
Other bites and stings 1. Carefully debride the wound.
This includes bites from ants, wasps and jellyfish. 2. If infected, phenoxymethyl penicillin 500 mg (o),
First aid
1. Wash the site with large quantities of cool water. Use of the adrenaline
2. Apply vinegar (liberal amount) or 20% aluminium
sulfate solution (Stingose) to the wound for about autoinjector for anaphylaxis
30 seconds. Dose
3. Apply ice for several minutes.
4. Use soothing anti-itch cream or 5% lignocaine cream • Adult and child > 30 kg: 300 mcg
or ointment if very painful. • Child 15–30 kg (usually 1–5 years): 125 mcg
Medication is not usually necessary, although for a
jellyfish sting the direct application of Antistine-Privine
drops onto the sting (after washing the site) is effective. • EpiPen or Anapen
16 Practice Tips

• Hold the pen tightly in the palm of the hand with the
needle tip down.
• Place the needle tip gently against the mid-outer thigh
in the ‘fleshiest’ part of the muscle (with or without
clothing). It should be perpendicular to the thigh.
middle of
• Push down hard against the thigh until you hear or feel
outer thigh a ‘CLICK’ (in case of the EpiPen) or for the Anapen
press the red button until it clicks (Fig. 1.19)
• Hold in place for 10 seconds.
• Remove and massage the injection site for 10–20
• Call 000 for an ambulance.
Note: Do not inject into the buttock.

Fig. 1.19  Method of using autoinjector

Major Trauma
or Hartman’s solution can be used on one side and the
Blood loss: Circulation and plasma volume expander on the other line.
haemorrhage control Blood is required after a major injury or where there
A rapid assessment is made of the circulation and has been a limited response to 2 L of colloid. Blood should
possible blood loss. Haemostasis should be achieved be warmed before use. Beware of those suspected of having
with direct pressure rather than the use of tourniquets. fractures of the pelvis and legs. Massive amounts of blood
Multiple packs into wounds should be avoided. Two loss can be associated with these fractures (Table 1.6).
important monitors are a cardiac monitor and a central It must be remembered that young patients can
venous line. compensate well for surprising degrees of blood loss and
To replace blood loss two peripheral lines should be maintain normal vital signs simply by increasing the cardiac
inserted into the cubital fossa, if possible. The larger the stroke volume. Such patients can collapse dramatically.
needle gauge the better; for example, the rate of flow
for a 14-gauge cannula is 175–220 mL/min and for a Serious injuries and clues
16-gauge cannula is 100–150 mL/min. Flow rates are
improved by using pressure bags to 300 mmHg. from association
Cutdown can be used and if problems occur an When certain injuries, especially bony fractures, are found
interosseous infusion is a suitable alternative or addition. it is important to consider associated soft-tissue injuries.
A colloid solution (e.g. Gelofusine or Haemaccel) can Table 1.7 presents possible associated injuries with various
be used initially with 1 L infused rapidly. If there are fractures, while Table 1.8 outlines possible associated
two lines, a crystalloid solution such as normal saline injuries with various physical signs or symptoms.

Table 1.6  General rules for acute blood loss with trauma (after Rogers)
Normal circulating volume 5000 mL
< 10% (500 mL) loss no significant change
10–20% (500–1000 mL) loss tachycardia, postural hypotension, slightly anxious
20–40% (1000–2000 mL) loss progressive hypotension, anxious, confused, pale, weak pulse
> 40% (2000 mL) loss circulatory failure, ashen, confused, lethargic
Potential concealed loss with fractures
Tibia and fibula 750 mL
Neck of femur 1000–1500 mL
Shaft of femur 1500–2000 mL
Pelvis up to 5000 mL
Note: Blood donation is 450 mL
Chapter 1 | Emergency procedures 17

Table 1.7  Associated injuries related to specific fractures a vehicle, warning people not to smoke, moving victims
Fracture Associated injuries to consider
and workers out of danger of other traffic.
Attention should be given to:
Ribs Pneumothorax • the airway and breathing
Haemothorax • the cervical spine: protect the spine
Ruptured spleen (lower left 10–11) • circulation: arrest bleeding
Ruptured diaphragm (lower left 10–11) • fractured limbs (gentle manipulation and splintage)
Sternum Ruptured base of heart with tamponade • open wounds, especially open chest wounds, should
Ruptured aorta be covered by a firm dressing.
Lumbar Ruptured kidney (L1, L2) and other
Major haemorrhage is a common cause of death in the
vertebra viscera (e.g. pancreas–L2) first few hours. Lacerated organs and multiple fractures
can lose 250 mL of blood a minute; pressure should be
Pelvis Heavy blood loss applied to control haemorrhage where possible. Colloids
Ruptured bladder that can be administered intravenously for blood loss
Ruptured urethra include Haemaccel and Gelofusine.
Fractured femur
Intramuscular narcotic injections (morphine,
Temporal bone Cerebral contusion pethidine) and alcohol ‘to settle the victim’s nerves’
of skull Extradural haematoma must be avoided. Consider inhalational analgesia with
Subdural haematoma the Pentrox Inhaler. It can be used with oxygen or air. It
Femur Blood loss, possible > 1 L provides pain relief after 8 to 10 breaths and it continues
for several minutes. When the patient is under control,
he or she should be shifted into the coma position
Table 1.8 Associated serious injuries and typical clinical features (Fig. 1.20).
Physical sign or Associated serious injury
Subconjunctival Fractured base of skull
haematoma with
no posterior limit
Sublingual Fracture of mandible
Fig. 1.20 The coma position
Surgical Pneumothorax with pleural tear
emphysema Ruptured trachea
Unequal pupils Cerebral compression (e.g. extradural
haematoma) Administration of first aid to the
Trauma to cranial nerves II and III injured at the roadside
Eye injuries, including traumatic
A simple guide is as follows:
Brain-stem injuries 1. Check airway and breathing (being mindful of cervical
Shoulder tip pain Intra-abdominal bleeding a. Check oral cavity
without local (e.g. ruptured spleen) • tongue fallen back
injury Intra-abdominal perforation or rupture
• dentures or other foreign matter in mouth
(e.g. perforated bowel)
Clear with finger and place in oral airway if available,
Bluish-coloured Intra-abdominal bleeding or hold chin forward.
umbilicus (e.g. ruptured ectopic pregnancy) b. Check breathing
If absent, commence artificial respiration if feasible.
2. Check circulation
Roadside emergencies If pulse absent, commence external cardiac massage
The first two hours after injury can be vital: proper care if possible.
can be lifesaving, inappropriate care can be damaging. 3. Check for haemorrhage, especially bleeding from
The first step is for someone to notify the police and superficial wounds. Apply a pressure bandage directly
ambulance or appropriate emergency service. The site to the site.
of an accident should be rendered safe by eliminating as 4. Check for fractures, especially those of the cervical
many hazards as possible, e.g. turning off the ignition of spine.
18 Practice Tips

Rules to remember Apart from nuclear accidents, the effects of excessive

• Immobilise all serious fractures and large wounds ionising radiation can follow accidental exposure in
before shifting. hospitals and industry, and in the use of atomic weaponry.
• Always apply traction to the suspected fracture Ionising radiation can be either penetrating (X-rays,
site. gamma rays, neutrons) or non-penetrating (alpha or
• Splint any fractured limbs with an air splint, wooden beta particles).
splint or to body, e.g. arm to chest, leg to leg. The revised Système International (SI) nomenclature uses
• For a suspected or actual fractured neck, apply a the sievert (SV) as the unit of radiation dose to body tissue.
cervical collar, even if made out of newspaper; or It is the absorbed dose weighted for the damaging effect
keep the head held firmly in a neutral position with of the radiation. As a guideline, the annual background
gentle traction (avoid flexion and torsion). radiation is approximately 2.5 millisievert and a typical
• Lay the patient on his or her back with head X-ray is 0.5 millisievert.
supported on either side. The general principles of radiation exposure are:
5. Shifting the patient • The closer to the focus of radiation, the more
• Immobilise all fractures. devastating the injury.
• Lift the casualty without any movement taking place • Radiation illness can vary from mild vomiting to
at the fracture site, using as much help as possible. acute leukaemia.
• Always support the natural curves of the spine. • The most sensitive tissues are the brain, the gastro­
• Protect all numb areas of skin (e.g. remove objects intestinal mucosa and bone marrow.
such as keys from the pockets). • The dividing (mitotic) cells of blood, the gastrointestinal
6. The unconscious patient tract, skin, eye lenses and gonads are especially
• Transport the casualty lying on the back if a clear vulnerable.
airway can be maintained.
• If not, gently move into the coma position. Severe acute radiation sickness
7. Reassure the patient (if possible)
The extent of the radiation damage depends on the dose
• Reassurance of the casualty is most important.
of radiation. The typical clinical effects are presented in
• Conduct yourself with calmness and efficiency.
Table 1.9. The acute effects include the cerebral or CNS
8. Help the medical team
syndrome, haemopoietic syndrome, gastrointestinal
Take notes of your observations at the accident, e.g.
syndrome and the skin and mucous membrane syndrome
record times, colour of casualty, conscious level,
(radiation dermatitis).
respiration, pulse, blood pressure.
Roadside emergency ‘tricks of the trade’ Acute radiation sickness is a medical emergency and
• Emergency split towel: The inner sterile paper envelope arrangements must be made for immediate referral to
of sterile surgical gloves can be used as a split towel hospital. Contaminated clothing should be removed and
to cover the wound and the inner sterile side of the substituted with protective clothing.
outer paper envelope as a sterile sheet for instruments. The response to treatment is obviously dependent
• Emergency sterilisation: The tip of forceps, knives, on the extent, degree and localisation of tissue damage.
needles and other instruments can be sterilised by For distressing nausea and vomiting use:
passing through the flame of a gas lighter. • suppositories or injection
• Emergency flushing fluid: One can use the water jet or
stream from the hole punctuated at the neck of the • metoclopramide 10 mg IM or IV (slowly) injections
purified water bottle. or
• chlorpromazine 25–50 mg IM 4 to 6 hourly
Ionising radiation illness or
• ondansetron 8 mg 12 hourly or 4 mg IV or IM.
The clinical consequences of Treatment might include:
radioactive fallout • fluid and electrolyte replacement
The nuclear disasters in Eastern Europe and Japan have • ultra isolation techniques to prevent infection
highlighted the clinical effects of the radioactive elements • antibiotics are necessary
(mainly iodine and caesium) that are discharged into • bone marrow transplantation
the atmosphere. • platelet or granulocyte transfusion.
Chapter 1 | Emergency procedures 19

Table 1.9  Clinical effects of radioactive fallout from a nuclear accident (using Chernobyl as a reference)
Radiation dose Distance from focus Typical clinical effects Mortality risk
expressed in (approximate) (variable time of onset)
10–50 1 km Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea 100%
Cerebral syndrome Rapidly fatal
Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Acute leukaemia
6–10 2–3 km Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea 80–100%
Acute leukaemia/agranulocytosis
2–6 4–6 km Nausea, vomiting 50%
1–2 7–8 km Nausea, vomiting Not immediate
Agranulocytosis (mild) Long-term cancer risk
0–1 9 km and over Nausea, vomiting Not fatal
* 1 sievert = 10 REM (older unit)
typical X-ray = 0.5 millisievert
Chapter 2
Basic practical
Venepuncture and intravenous Method
cannulation 1. Explain the method to the patient. Ensure the patient
is warm and comfortable.
Basic venepuncture 2. Dilate the vein by means of a tourniquet applied to
Purpose occlude venous return.
Collection of blood, including large volume collection 3. Place a padded block under the arm to keep it straight.
for transfusion. The ideal site is the basilic vein or median 4. After using a sterile swab to prepare the site, place
cubital vein, otherwise the dorsum of the hand or others the needle with attached syringe on the skin. Using
according to availability (Fig. 2.1). Use local anaesthetic downwards oblique pressure, puncture the vein firmly,
for large volume blood collection. ensuring the needle lies well within the vein. Remove
the tourniquet.

Venepuncture in children
The same process for adults applies to adolescents
and older children, but in infants and small children
cephalic vein a 23-gauge butterfly needle provides more stability.
basilic vein and median A palpable vein is more likely to be successful than a
cubital vein (most suitable visible but non-palpable vein. An assistant is necessary
for venepuncture and to support the limb and provide a tourniquet in small
long catheters) children.
For analgesia consider topical anaesthesia, sucrose in
infants < 3 months or sedation with midazolam (oral,
intranasal or buccal).

Tips to aid dilation of veins

There are several ways in which peripheral veins can be
dilated to facilitate venepuncture. The following are some
Fig. 2.1  Main veins of arm for venepuncture of the methods used.
Chapter 2 | Basic practical medical procedures 21

Vasodilation methods Note the advisory grasp if using the dorsum of the
• Apply a warm flannel for 60 seconds, or hand for infants (Fig. 2.2).
• Rub glyceryl trinitrate ointment over the vein, or
• Give the patient half a glyceryl trinitrate tablet (if no
Sphygmomanometer methods
• Dilate the vein by means of the sphygmomanometer to
keep BP at about 80–90 mmHg (veins will stand out).
• Using the sphygmomanometer, inflate it to a pressure
around 30 mmHg above systolic arterial pressure for
1 to 2 minutes while the patient opens and closes their
hand. Thereafter it is deflated to around 80 mmHg and
the resulting reactive hyperaemia is effective in filling
even the shyest of veins. According to Wishaw this is Fig. 2.2 Intravenous cannula insertion in children
the method par excellence. Reproduced from Thomson, K., Tey, D. and Marks, M. (eds), Paediatric Handbook
(8th Edn), 2009, Wiley-Blackwell, Sydney, p. 32.
Venesection tourniquet method
Apply the tourniquet tightly and then release. After a Nasogastric tube insertion
reactive hyperaemia occurs reapply it and the veins should
stand out well. Indications
• Intestinal obstruction—to drain stomach.
Intravenous cannulation • Diagnostic—aspiration of stomach contents.
Use sterile gloves for this procedure. • Administer enteral nutrition.
Best site Equipment
• Choose a suitable prominent vein in the non-dominant • Radio-opaque nasogastric tube e.g. 16 FG for aspiration,
forearm (not over a joint), e.g. dorsum of hand, fine bore for feeding (more comfortable).
cephalic vein just above wrist (dorsolateral position). • Assess correct length of tube—measure from the end
• Use elbow veins as last resort. of the nose to the earlobe and then 5 cm below the
• Choose a relatively fixed vein, e.g. where it penetrates end of the xiphisternum.
the fascia. • Lignocaine spray and lubricating jelly (consider
• Choose a vein running parallel to the long axis of the arm. lignocaine).
• 50–60 mL syringe for aspiration.
1. Apply a small bleb, e.g. 0.2–0.5 mL of local anaesthetic, Method
over or adjacent to the vein (keep very superficial) and wait 1. Explain the procedure to the patient including
5 minutes, or apply EMLA cream at least 60 to 90 minutes anticipated times of discomfort.
beforehand (note that all cannulae hurt). 2. Sit the patient upright. Inspect the nose for any
2. Insert the needle and catheter unit (6-gauge is suitable) deformity and the best possible passage.
through the skin beyond the shoulder of the plastic part. 3. Use a local anaesthetic spray to anaesthetise the nasal
3. Pierce the vein and ensure that the unit lies flat as it is guided passage. Consider also lubrication with lignocaine
along the vein lumen for a short distance. jelly. Wait 5 minutes.
4. When blood enters the chamber, put a finger over 4. Lubricate the tube and pass it backwards along the
the vein to stop backflow. Remove the tourniquet and floor of the nasal passage (Fig 2.3). Resistance will
guide the plastic catheter into the vein. be felt when the tube passes from the nasopharynx
5. Fix the cannulae in position, e.g. use transparent to the oropharynx. Warn the patient that a retching
‘Tegaderm’. sensation may be experienced.
5. The patient is now asked to swallow (with the
Cannulation in children assistance of a ‘feeder’ of water if not contraindicated)
The preferred site is the dorsum of the non-dominant as the tube continues to advance with each swallow.
hand and consider the need for subsequent splinting. The 6. The tube should pass down the oesophagus without
same rules of local anaesthesia apply with an injection of resistance (never force it down. If retching, take
LA considered for older children (see p. 219). it slowly and only advance with each act of swallowing).
22 Practice Tips

• Tube size: 8 FG neonates, 10–12 FG 1–2 years, 14–16

FG adolescents.
• Correct length: Place distal end of tube at end of nose,
run it to the ear and 3.5 cm beyond the xiphisternum.
• If the child coughs and gaps, or gets a hoarse voice
or the tube appears in the mouth, pull the tube back
into the nasopharynx and retry.

Urethral catheterisation of
yes ‘To start catheterising before the anaesthetic works is
barbarous’—C.G. Fowler, British Medical Journal.
The adult male urethra is 18–20 cm long.

Preliminary questions
Fig. 2.3  Nasogatric intubation: note the correct direction for
inserting the tube 1. What is the aim of this procedure and can it be achieved
without urethral catheterisation?
7. Ideally 10–15 cm of tube should be placed in the 2. How long must the catheter remain in situ?
stomach. Confirmation of its presence in the stomach 3. Can I avoid introducing urinary infection?
is confirmed by free aspiration of gastric contents and 4. Do I have the skill to perform the procedure safely?
testing for acidity with litmus paper.
8. Once in place, the tube is fixed to the nose with
adhesive tape.
You will need:
Nasogastric tube insertion in • prepackaged set including swabs
children • aqueous (not alcoholic) skin antiseptic
• one or two pairs of forceps
See Fig. 2.4. • sterile kidney dish to collect urine
Indications • suitable catheter—usually medium size
• sterile lubricant, e.g. lignocaine jelly in syringe
• Decompression of stomach, e.g. intestinal obstruction • sterile syringe
• Administration of medication, e.g. charcoal • suitable catheter drainage bag
• Oral rehydration/enteral nutrition • catheter dressing
Method • sterile gown and mask.
• Same principles as for adults, including topical Technique essentials
anaesthetic spray.
1. Explain the procedure to the patient, who is best placed
in the heel-to-heel position.
2. Sterile preparation/clean suprapubic area and glans
penis. A sterile drape is placed over the scrotum and
thighs and the penis is lowered onto this.
3. A small amount of lignocaine jelly (2%) is put aside
onto a sterile bowl to lubricate the tip of the catheter.
Fit nozzle to the syringe of lignocaine jelly and insert
gently into the penile meatus (warn the patient that
this brief introduction is very uncomfortable)—instil
the 10–20 mL jelly slowly: massage the gel carefully
down the urethra to the sphincter; compress the glans
and leave for a minimum of 5 minutes.
4. Grasp the catheter a few centimetres from its tip with
forceps (the funnel end rests in the kidney dish). Apply
Fig. 2.4  Nasogastric tube insertion in children lignocaine jelly to the tip of the catheter.
Reproduced from Thomson, K., Tey, D. and Marks, M. (eds), Paediatric
5. Hold the penis upwards and straight with one hand
Handbook (8th Edn), 2009, Wiley-Blackwell, Sydney, p. 32. and gently insert and slowly advance the catheter.
Chapter 2 | Basic practical medical procedures 23

penis held forceps





Fig. 2.5 Urethral catheterisation: initial phase of the procedure where the catheter is gently guided with forceps

Ask the patient to slowly take deep breaths in and out.

Do not rush or use force (Fig. 2.5).
6. When the catheter reaches the penoscrotal junction
(it now rests against the external sphincter), pull the
penis downwards between the patient’s thighs.
7. Continue insertion through the sphincter or prostatic
urethra until the entire length is inserted, even if urine clitoral frenulum
emerges before then. labia minora urethral
8. Non-retaining catheter: Ensure urine is flowing, then orifice
labia majora
withdraw a few centimetres. Eventually press on the vagina
abdomen to ensure the bladder is empty.
Retaining catheter: Inflate balloon (usually 5 mL of
water) and gently withdraw until the balloon impinges
on the bladder neck.
Note: Ensure the catheter is in the bladder with urine
coming out (get the patient to cough to confirm this)
before inflating the balloon.
9. Replace the retracted prepuce over the glans (to prevent

Urethral catheterisation of Fig. 2.6 Anatomy of the female perineum

Anatomical considerations Technique
The female urethra is comparatively short and straight— 1. Lie the patient down with the thighs apart and the
being 3–4 cm long and 6 mm in diameter. The urethral knees comfortably flexed.
orifice lies approximately halfway between the clitoris 2. The pubic region, groin, vulva and perineum are
and the vaginal opening and may be partly obscured by initially cleaned with antiseptic solution (after washing
a fringe of soft tissue (Fig. 2.6). your hands).
3. The labia minora are separated with the thumb and
Explanation forefinger of the non-dominant hand to expose the
Despite the size of the urethra the procedure is most vaginal orifice and the urethral opening. T   wo swabs are
uncomfortable and local anaesthesia is important. used with each sweeping from anterior to posterior
Explain the procedure to the patient with appropriate across this area and then discarded.
reassurance. Indicate that the introduction of the nozzle 4. A sterile split sheet is applied to expose the vagina and
and anaesthetic jelly is uncomfortable and advise about urethral opening and the hands rewashed and sterile
slow deep breathing during introduction of the jelly and gloves donned. The urethral orifice is again exposed
subsequently the catheter. and lightly swabbed.
24 Practice Tips

5. A small amount of lignocaine jelly is put aside for Contraindications

lubrication of the tip of the catheter and then the • Absolute: Local skin infection, bleeding diathesis.
nozzle, which is attached to the tube of the jelly, is • Relative: Raised intracranial pressure.
introduced into the urethra and approximately 10 mL Depressed conscious state, focal neurological signs.
slowly introduced. The labia should be kept apart with
the V-shaped arrangement of the fingers. Wait at least Essentials of lumbar puncture 1: Preparation
5 minutes for local anaesthesia to develop.
6. Expose the tip of the catheter (e.g. 16 FG) from its 1. Explain the procedure to the patient.
envelope, dip it in the gel in the sterile bowl and, using 2. The patient should be in the lateral recumbent
a ‘no touch’ technique, insert the catheter into the position, with the back maximally flexed and vertical
urethral opening and guide it in smoothly. It should to the table (Fig. 2.7). The shoulders and hips must be
pass directly without difficulty. perpendicular to the bed.
7. Inflate the balloon and connect the catheter to a sterile 3. The patient should be well immobilised. Avoid
closed drainage system (if required). slumping.
4. Open the spinal pack, if required, and have 3 plain
sterile tubes and 1 fluoride tube (for glucose) ready.
Catheterisation in children 5. Adopt the sterile procedure (wash hands, mask, gloves,
The female child should lie with legs apart in the frog antiseptic prep).
leg position. Catheter size guidelines: 6. Apply 1% lignocaine to skin and subcutaneous tissue
• 5 FG for diagnostic purposes (not necessary in infants). Inject 0.5–1 mL and wait
• for indwelling 0–6 months: 6 FG 2 minutes.
• 2 years: 8 FG
• 5 years: 10 FG Surface anatomy
• 6–12 years: 12 FG. Imaginary line between tops of iliac crests lies at spinous
process of L4 or between L3 and L4. Insert the needle at
Lumbar puncture L4–L5 or L3–L4 (the conus medullaris of the spinal cord
Main indications ends at L1–L2 but finishes near L3 at birth).
• Diagnostic purposes, e.g. meningitis, MS, Guillain–Barre
syndrome, SAH, CNS syphilis. Essentials of lumbar puncture 2: Procedure
• Introducing contrast media. 1. Use a 21- to 22-gauge LP needle (9 cm) for an average
• Introducing chemotherapeutic agents. adult; 22–23 gauge × 4 cm for infants, × 5 cm for
In children: 4 to 10 years, × 6 cm for older children.
• Febrile, sick infant with no focus of infection. 2. Insert the needle at right angles to the skin.
• Fever with meningism. 3. Slowly advance slightly cephalad (about 10°: aim for
• Prolonged seizure with fever. the umbilicus), otherwise perfectly parallel.

neck flexed knees pulled up towards abdomen

Fig. 2.7 Lumbar puncture: the patient is placed in the fetal position with the back perpendicular to the bed. A line along the top of
the iliac crests will intersect the midline at approximately the interspinous space between L3 and L4 (or the L4 spinous process)
Chapter 2 | Basic practical medical procedures 25

4. Keeping the bevel of the needle facing up, advance 4. Infiltrate 5 mL of 1% or 2% Xylocaine into the anterior
1 mm at a time.You will feel a ‘give’ when the dura is abdominal wall down to the parietal peritoneum at
pierced (about 4–7 cm in adults, 2–3 cm in children). the chosen site.
5. Withdraw the stylus, and wait 30 seconds for CSF flow. 5. Insert a 19-gauge intravenous cannula on a 20 mL
Rotating the needle through 90–180° may allow CSF to syringe. Aspirate gently.
flow. Measure CSF opening pressure with manometer. 6. When ascitic fluid is obtained, remove the stilette and
6. If CFS is blood stained, get three samples. syringe and connect the plastic indwelling catheter
7. Remove the needle with one quick motion. via intravenous tubing to a sterile drainage bag, so
that drainage occurs by gravity into a sterile closed
Recordings drainage system.
7. The rate of flow can be regulated by the control on
• CSF pressure with manometer (N < 180 mm).
the IV tubing.
• CSF biochemistry, microbiology, immunology
(oligoclonal bands).
Note: Don’t aspirate CSF. Inserting a chest drain
The main indications for this are:
Post-care • pneumothorax, e.g. large spontaneous, ventilated,
Lie flat for at least 1 hour. tension (p. 11)
Careful observation and bed rest (8 to 12 hours). • malignant pleural effusion
• traumatic haemopneumothorax
Lumbar puncture in children • postoperative e.g. thoracotomy.
The same principles apply: use the L3–L4 or L4–L5 space Location
for insertion. Have an assistant restrain the child, who
The majority of drains and chest aspirations are performed
should have the spine maximally flexed, in the lateral
in the ‘triangle of safety’ (Fig. 2.9), which is a triangle
position on the edge of a flat surface.
situated in the anterior half of axilla above the level of
the 5th intercostal spaces. It contains no important or
Tapping ascites dangerous structures in the chest wall.The boundaries are:
Abdominal paracentesis is often required as a therapeutic • anteriorly: the anterior axillary line
procedure to drain ascitic fluid in patients with terminal • posteriorly: the mid-axilllary line
malignancy. The method is very simple. Select a site where
there is shifting dullness and under which there are no
solid organs (including an enlarged spleen). The ideal site
is in the left iliac fossa (the LHS equivalent of McBurney’s
point) and lateral to the line of the inferior epigastric
artery (Fig. 2.8).
1. After the bladder is emptied, ask the patient to lie
2. Put on a mask and sterile gloves.
3. Swab the skin with antiseptic. anterior

point of
inferior epigastric mid-
anterior superior axillary
iliac spine line


Fig. 2.8 Ideal site to tap ascites Fig. 2.9 The ‘triangle of safety’

26 Practice Tips

• inferiorly: a horizontal line drawn posteriorly from 4. Aspirate the fluid and by turning the tap, direct the
the level of the nipple in a man or the 4th intercostal fluid into the collecting container. To aspirate large
space in a woman. volumes of fluid insert an intravenous catheter and
connect to a three-way tap. This is repeated until all
Methods the fluid is tapped. It is normally recommended that
The method of aspiration of a pneumothorax via no more than 1 to 1.5 litres of fluid be removed at
the ‘triangle of safety’ is outlined on page 11 under any one time.
‘Pneumothorax’, and for a pleural effusion, which is Caution: Ensure that air does not enter the pleural space
performed where it is located in the pleural cavity, follows. at any stage. Reposition or withdraw the cannula or
needle if pain on aspiration or coughing.
5. Upon withdrawing the catheter, immediately apply
Aspiration of pleural effusion a sterile collodion dressing. Order a follow-up chest
Use a recent chest X-ray to aid the clinical examination X-ray.
in order to select the best site for aspiration. A common
site for a malignant effusion is on the posterior chest A simpler technique
wall medial to the angle of the scapula, in the intercostal This technique is useful for tapping recurrent malignant
space below the upper limit of dullness to percussion. effusions and can be performed at home. Insert a size
Avoid going too low. Beware of pneumothorax either 18 intravenous cannula. Withdraw the stilette and
from puncture of the visceral pleura or from air entry connect the plastic cannula to an intravenous tubing
via the chest wall or apparatus. set with the end draining into a drainage bag by
1. Explain the procedure to the patient, who sits on a chair
facing the bed and leaning slightly forwards with the Subcutaneous fluid infusions
arms folded in front resting on a pillow on the bed. Subcutaneous fluids are useful when:
2. Using a sterile procedure with gloves and gown, swab • relatively small amounts of crystalloid are needed
the skin with antiseptic. (15 mL/kg per 12 hours)
3. Infiltrate the overlying skin with 1% lignocaine • intravenous access is not required for systemic
with adrenaline (25-gauge needle) and change to a therapy.
21-gauge needle and two-way or three-way tap with This method of administering fluid has been used
Leur connectors. Slowly infiltrate the chest wall down for more than 30 years. It can be sited and supervised
to pleura. Fluid appears in the syringe on aspiration by the nursing staff.
(apply steady suction as you advance carefully) after Complications are rare and usually relate to local
the pleura is penetrated. oedema, which settles spontaneously once the infusion
has been ceased.

Practical aspects
• Access to the subcutaneous space is via a 21-gauge
butterfly needle, which is replaced daily.
• One ampoule of hyaluronidase (hyalase) is given prior
to infusion and before subsequent bags of crystalloid.
(This is necessary when skin elasticity is high, as in
• Crystalloid solution (normal saline or 4% dextrose and
1/5 normal saline) with infusion set is then connected
to the butterfly needle.
• The infusion is usually run at a maximum of 15 mL
per kg over 4 to 12 hours per 24 hours. (This enables
the patient to move about.)
• Most regions are suitable. The more convenient
are the abdomen, the anterior thigh and the
• The drip rate can be reduced if any discomfort is
Fig. 2.10 Pleural aspiration with three-way Leur-Lok tap produced.
Chapter 2 | Basic practical medical procedures 27

Continuous subcutaneous • Most regions are suitable. The more convenient are the
infusion of morphine abdomen, the anterior thigh and the anterior upper
arm. (Usually the anterior abdominal wall is used.)
When the oral and/or rectal routes are not possible or • The infusion can be managed at home.
are ineffective, a subcutaneous infusion of morphine • About one-half to two-thirds of the 24-hour oral
(for terminal pain) with a syringe pump can be used. morphine requirement is placed in the syringe.
It is also useful for symptom control when there • The syringe is placed into the pump driver, which is
is a need for a combination of drugs, e.g. for pain, set for 24-hour delivery.
nausea and agitation. It may avoid bolus peak effects • Areas of oedema are not suitable.
(sedation, nausea or vomiting) or trough effects
(breakthrough pain) with intermittent parenteral
morphine injections.
Practical aspects
• Access to the deep subcutaneous space is via a 21-gauge
butterfly needle, which is replaced regularly (1, 2, 3
or 4 days).
Chapter 3

Basic injections
Painless injection technique
Method 1
The essence of this technique is to ensure good muscle
relaxation. The patient should be as comfortable as
possible. For injections into the deltoid region, the patient
should be sitting down with hand on the hip and with
the muscle as relaxed as possible. For deep intramuscular
injections the buttock is preferred, but care must be taken
to inject in the upper outer quadrant.These patients should
be lying face down. The buttock should be exposed and
the patient encouraged to relax.
1. Massage for muscular relaxation: The injection site
should be well massaged for 20 to 30 seconds. This
is a traditional preparation of the injection site, but it Fig. 3.1  Sharp tap with side of hand
is probably more important for achieving relaxation
than for ensuring that the skin is cleaned. It is easy Note: These steps follow in very rapid succession.
to ensure that the underlying muscle is fully relaxed Many patients will tell you with surprise that they did
if firm, gentle pressure is applied with the left hand. not feel the needle but were conscious of the sting of the
When the muscle is relaxed, hold the syringe like a injection material going into the tissues.
dart between the thumb and forefinger of the right
or dominant hand. Method 2: Almost painless injections
2. Sharp tap over site: Before giving the injection, use A subcutaneous or intramuscular injection is almost always
the side of the back of the right (or dominant) hand painless if the skin is stretched firmly before inserting the
to give a smart tap over the injection site (Fig. 3.1). needle. If injecting the arm, for example, the third, fourth
A sharp flick with a finger can also be effective, but and fifth fingers should go medial to the arm while the
not as much as a tap. thumb and index finger stretch the skin on the lateral
3. The injection: Follow this immediately by injecting surface (Fig. 3.2). The needle should be inserted quickly
the needle using the dart technique. into the stretched skin.
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 29

iliac crest superiorly, posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)

superomedially, the ischial tuberosity inferomedially,
and the greater trochanter laterally. The sciatic nerve lies
inferior to an imaginary line from PSIS to the greater
trochanter. After emerging from the pelvis, it follows a
quarter circle course to a point halfway along the line
drawn from the ischial tuberosity to the greater trochanter.

posterior superior
iliac spine

iliac crest

safe area
for injection
Fig. 3.2  Stretching the skin with thumb and index finger greater
Method 3: Muscle contraction–relaxation method
Use the muscle energy method by asking the patient
to push their elbow against their hip as an isometric
contraction for 7 seconds. Then quickly give the injection
into the deltoid muscle (now relaxed).
Method 4: Needle gauge
The discomfort from an IM or SC injection can be sciatic ischial
minimised by using a smaller gauge needle, e.g. 30-gauge, nerve tuberosity
especially for vaccinations in children.
Fig. 3.3  Safest site for intramuscular injection into the left
Method 5: Alcohol swab massage buttock
Rub the injection site firmly with an alcohol swab for
about 20 seconds while distracting the patient with
appropriate conversation. After about 4 to 5 seconds
Reducing the sting from
give the injection into the (by now) erythematous site. an alcohol swab
The sting from alcohol on the skin can be reduced by
Intramuscular injections drying the skin with a piece of sterile gauze or cotton
wool after swabbing. Alternatively, one can blow onto
Deltoid injection the preparation site or rapidly wave your hand over it
A good site to inject but avoid striking the humerus as to achieve drying.
injury can occur to the anterior branch of the axillary
(circumflex) nerve. This nerve winds posteriorly around
the surgical neck of the humerus, below the capsule of the
Painless wound suturing
joint, approximately 6–8 cm below the bony prominence The objective is to administer local anaesthetic (LA) as
of the acromion. painlessly as possible when treating a wound that requires
suturing. The method applies to non-contaminated
Thigh injection wounds only.
The safest area for injection is into the anterolateral aspect
of the thigh, into the vastus lateralis or rectus femoris Method
(two of the four components of quadriceps femoris). 1. Irrigate the wound with a small volume of LA.
2. Rather than inserting the needle into the skin, insert
Buttock injection it into the subcutaneous tissue through the open
The sciatic nerve may be readily injured in a poorly placed wound (Fig. 3.4).
deep intramuscular injection. The only safe area is the true 3. Infiltrate for the length of the wound on both sides.
upper outer quadrant (Fig. 3.3). The landmarks are the This method is relatively painless.
30 Practice Tips

Disposal of needles
Recapping of used needles should be avoided, to
eliminate as far as possible the risk of accidental
puncture of the medical practitioner or practice nurse.
The risk of contracting such infections as hepatitis
B, C and HIV from a sharps injury is ever-present.
Needles should be disposed of directly into a sharps
container, which should be above child height and
attached to the wall. There are many types of sharps
containers available for use in the surgery and even in
the doctor’s bag.
The ‘take it with you’ needle disposal unit consists
Fig. 3.4 A relatively painless method of administering local of a plastic bottle 2.5 cm in diameter and 8 cm in
anaesthetic at a wound site requiring suturing depth. The lid has an opening with a plastic flap on
the underside. This opening is designed to allow
Slower anaesthetic injection introduction of the needle attached to its syringe and
then withdrawal of the syringe to ‘trap’ the needle in
cuts pain the container. After the needle is introduced into the
A study has shown that subcutaneous infiltration of local centre of the opening, it is tilted to the side. The syringe
anaesthetic causes only half the pain if injected slowly is then pulled sharply upwards to disconnect the needle
over 30 seconds rather than rapidly over 5 seconds. (Fig. 3.6). (In Australia the unit is available from Go
Medical Industries Pty Ltd.)
Local anaesthetic infiltration
technique for wounds
This technique is applicable to larger wounds,
contaminated wounds and planned excision of lumps.
The anaesthetic should allow for adequate debridement
and skin excision and suturing. Marking the boundaries
and injection entry points will facilitate the procedure.
Infiltrate both the dermis and underlying subcutaneous
tissue. Figure 3.5 indicates the four entry points and eight
needle positions required to cover the operative area. Fig. 3.6 The doctor’s bag needle disposal bottle


area of infiltration

Four sites of infiltration cover the outlined region
limb completely. The lines represent the eight
needle positions required to achieve this.

Fig. 3.5  Wide multiple infiltration to completely cover the outlined region
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 31

Recapping of needles Finger lancing with less pain

Although the recapping of needles should be avoided, A method of minimising the pain of lancing fingers for
probably the safest way, if it really must be done, is to blood samples, especially for diabetics, is outlined.
scoop up the needle guard with the used needle and
syringe unit, using the dominant hand only.This reinforces Theory
the principle of always staying ‘behind the needle’, and
keeps the thumb and forefinger of the non-dominant The sides of the fingers are less painful than the pad or
hand out of danger. the base of the nailbed of the thumb or index finger (as
traditionally used for bleeding). The thumb and index
finger have heightened sensitivity, as presented in Penfield
‘Hole in one’ method and Boldrey’s homunculus.
This is a common method in developing countries where
more sophisticated disposal methods are unavailable. Method
Holes that are slightly larger than the size of the needle • Clean the finger with a non-alcohol swab.
guard but smaller than the collar of it are drilled at • Insert the lancet into the medial or lateral aspect of
an angle of 15° through the edge of the injection the third or fourth finger of either hand.
preparation table. The needle guard is placed into the • Provide firm pressure on the pad of the lanced
hole while you give the injection. After the injection, finger with the opposing thumb on the pad of the
the needle with used syringe is simply inserted into finger. This ensures an adequate blood flow for the
the guard. The whole unit is then placed in an old used test strips.
drinking bottle.
Other viewpoints
Rectal ‘injection’ Side of thumb
When no veins can readily be found for intravenous According to a randomised controlled trial published in
injections, in some emergency situations the use of the The Lancet (1999, 354, pp. 921–2), the least painful area to
rectal route is effective. lance for blood sugar testing was the side of the thumb.
It would be worth conducting our own trial—the side
Diabetic hypoglycaemia of the thumb or the third or fourth finger!
In some unconscious patients it may not be possible to
administer the ‘difficult’ intravenous injection of 50% Earlobe
glucose, due to such factors as vasoconstriction and A UK study of diabetic patients in 2003 found that the
obesity in the patient. average pain score for finger pricking was 4 to 5 times
However, the glucose can be given simply by pressing higher than pricking the earlobe.
the nozzle of the syringe (usually a 20 mL syringe)
gently but firmly into the rectum and slowly injecting Digital nerve block
the solution. The digital nerve block is indicated for simple procedures
on the fingers and toes. (A more proximal block, such as
Convulsions the brachial plexus block, is indicated for extensive injury.)
In children with a persistent febrile convulsion or in Each digit is supplied by four nerve branches, two
patients with status epilepticus, the rectal route can dorsal and two palmar (or plantar). These nerves run
be used for administering a diazepam or paraldehyde forward adjacent to the respective metacarpal or metatarsal
solution with amazing success. bone. The nerves to the fingers and toes are blocked at
the base of the digit.
Consider a 2-year-old child (weight 12 kg) with a Method
persistent febrile convulsion. The dose of diazepam 1. Perform the block at the level of the respective
injectable is 0.4 mg/kg, so 5 mg (1 mL) of diazepam metacarpal or metatarsal from the dorsal aspect.
is diluted with isotonic saline (up to 5–10 mL of 2. Introduce the 25- or 23-gauge needle distal or adjacent
solution) and introduced into the rectum, preferably to the metacarpal head (for the hand) immediately
with a plastic fluid-drawing-up nozzle attached to the alongside the bone (at the level where a ring would
syringe. be worn).
32 Practice Tips

3. Insert at right angles to the skin and proceed as far as Alternatively, a wheal can be raised on the dorsal surface
the palmar or plantar skin. and the needle advanced as the injection is given.
4. Inject 1–1.5 mL of LA without adrenaline (plain LA)
on each side of the digit as the needle is slowly being Dosage
withdrawn, so that the solution is spread evenly This is 2–3 mL of lignocaine or prilocaine 1% without
superficially and deeply (Fig. 3.7). adrenaline.
Note: Never use a vasoconstrictor in the injection.
Allow sufficient time for anaesthesia (5 to 20 minutes).
Adrenaline antidote
If adrenaline is injected into a digit and causes
vasoconstriction, inject 1 mL phentolamine (Regitine)
directly into the same area.

The thumb
The thumb requires only one injection in the midline of
the palmar surface at the base of the thumb.

Regional nerve wrist blocks

to nerves to hand
Partial or complete wrist block is very valuable for minor
surgery or wound repair of the hand. The distribution
Fig. 3.7 The digital nerve block blocks both palmar (or of the cutaneous nerves to both surfaces of the hand is
plantar) and dorsal nerve branches shown in Fig. 3.8.



injection site
radial —ulnar nerve
ulnar artery
injection site FCU
—median nerve

Fig. 3.8  Illustration of median and ulnar nerve blocks

Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 33

Median nerve block Regional nerve blocks at elbow

Area supplied Median nerve block
• Palmar surface on radial (lateral) side involving fingers Extend the elbow and draw a line between the medial
1, 2, 3 and the radial half of 4. and lateral epicondyles, which is about 3 cm proximal to
• Dorsal distal aspect of same fingers. the flexion crease. Palpate the brachial artery and insert a
Technique of block 25-gauge 38 mm needle on the epicondylar line, about
0.5 cm medial to the artery, and elicit paraesthesia deep
• Identify palmaris longus (PL) tendon (flex wrist to the artery. Inject 5 mL of plain LA.
against resistance).
• Insert 25-gauge needle between tendons flexor carpi
radialis (FCR) and just lateral to PL. Ulnar nerve block
• The point is almost exactly in the middle of the anterior Flex the elbow to 30° and identify the ulnar nerve in the
surface of the wrist or a few millimetres to the radial sulcus (groove) behind the medial epicondyle (‘funny
site of the midline. bone’). Inject 2 mL of lignocaine 1% with adrenaline
• Insert at level of proximal skin crease. 1–2 cm proximal to this position and elicit paraesthesia.
• Inject 1 mL 1% lignocaine superficially and 1–2 mL The nerve can also be blocked with the needle outside
deep, angling the needle at about 60°. the nerve using 5–10 mL plain LA.
• Cease the injection if median nerve symptoms such
as tingling or pain develop. Radial nerve block
Note: If PL is absent, inject midway between the flexor
tendons and FCR. Extend the elbow and draw a line between the two
condyles (as above). Insert a 25-gauge 38 mm needle
Ulnar nerve block just lateral to the biceps tendon in the groove between it
and the brachioradialis muscle on the epicondylar line.
Area supplied Direct the needle slightly cephalad and medial to contact
• Ulnar (medial) aspect of hand (fingers 5 and half 4). the lateral epicondyle. Inject 2–4 mL of plain LA while
the needle is withdrawn.
Technique of block
• Identify flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) tendon and styloid Femoral nerve block
process of ulna.
• Insert 25-gauge needle between FCU and the ulnar In a general practice setting, and especially in rural
artery on radial side FCU just medial to the artery at and remote areas, a femoral nerve block may prove
the level of the styloid process of ulna (similar level useful in providing emergency analgesia for the
as for median nerve block). Beware of entering the transported patient with a fractured neck of femur or
ulnar artery. shaft of femur and in reducing the need for systemic
• Inject 4 mL 1% lignocaine, preferably when paraesthesia opioids.
has been induced by the needle. It is indicated in the analgesia of a fractured femur,
especially the femoral shaft. Occasionally it may be used
Radial nerve block for anaesthesia of the anterior thigh for exploration
of soft tissue injuries. Patients with effective blocks
Area supplied cannot mobilise since the quadriceps is weakened,
• Radial half of dorsal aspect of hand. so all patients must be appropriately splinted for
• Base of thenar eminence. transfer. Femoral nerve block is a safe, easy to learn
and minimally invasive procedure that can be repeated.
Technique Specific training with nerve stimulator guidance
Because of the anatomical variations in the divisions or ultrasound will reduce the incidence of arterial
of the radial nerve near the wrist joint, it is preferable puncture.
to raise a subcutaneous ring of 10 mL 1% lignocaine
radially (from level with the FCR tendons), then around Anatomy of the femoral nerve
the radial border of the wrist dorsally (about 4 cm The femoral nerve (L2, L3, L4) enters the anterior thigh
proximal to the wrist) to just lateral to the styloid about one finger’s breadth lateral to the femoral artery
process of the ulna. immediately below the inguinal ligament. The femoral
34 Practice Tips

artery lies at the midpoint of the symphysis pubis and anterior superior
anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). The femoral nerve iliac spine
lies at the midpoint of the pubic tubercle and the ASIS. inguinal ligament
The nerve is covered by two layers of fascia, the fascia lata
and iliopectineal fascia (Fig. 3.9). Two ‘pops’ are therefore pubic tubercle
felt when piercing each of these layers. site of injection x

femoral nerve
femoral artery
injection inguinal crease
femoral vein
onto nerve

fascia lata

fascia femoral vein


iliopsoas femoral artery


Fig. 3.9 Anatomical position of the femoral nerve in the

femoral triangle with illustration of the position of the needle
during nerve blockade

Fig. 3.10  Femoral nerve block (right side)

Alcohol swab, an appropriate needle is a 2.5 to 4 or
5 cm 22- or 21-gauge. A St Vincent’s needle is ideal as If attempting to provide anaesthesia for a fractured
it ends in a point. When introduced up to the hilt, a neck of femur, massage the anaesthetic upwards towards
2.5 cm should be sufficient to reach the appropriate the groin.
area. Otherwise, especially in obese subjects, a 4–5 cm Precautions
needle can be used.
An appropriate local anaesthetic is 20 mL of 1% The only real complication is striking the femoral
lignocaine, or 10 mL ropivacaine or 0.5% bupivacaine artery or some small vessel, causing either systemic
(preferred if available because it lasts up to 8 hours). absorption or false aneurysm formation and local
bleeding. Note time of procedure and doses of
Method anaesthetic. The block is contraindicated in patients
Identify and mark the site for injection, which should be with severe scarring, infection or necrosis over the
adjacent to (one finger breadth away) the femoral artery femoral triangle.
and over the femoral nerve at the level of the inguinal In children
crease (Fig. 3.10). This crease is a skin fold 2 to 3 cm
below, and parallel to, the inguinal ligament. Raise a bleb of LA just lateral to the femoral artery, below
Insert the needle and aim it slightly rostral or the inguinal ligament. Introduce a 23-gauge or lumbar
headwards at about 35° to the skin. As you slowly inject, puncture needle and advance it perpendicular to the skin.
aspirate for blood and check for pain and paraesthesia. If Fascia insertion ‘pops’ will then be heard.
paraesthesia is elicited, withdraw the needle by 1–2 mm
and try again. If no blood is aspirated, fan out all the Tibial nerve block
local anaesthetic as you move in and out eg. ¼ of dose The tibial (posterior tibial) nerve can be blocked as
medial, ¼ lateral, ¼ over nerve and ¼ during withdrawal. it passes behind the medial malleolus, in front of
It should take about 5 minutes for the anaesthesia to the Achilles tendon, usually midway between these
start developing. You should be about 3–4 cm deep to structures. It innervates most of the sole of the foot
the skin surface. (Fig. 3.11).
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 35

3. At about a depth of 1 cm, paraesthesia may be elicited,

saphenous indicating the ideal location for injection. The depth
nerve of injection varies from 0.5 to 2 cm.
sural nerve 4. Inject 6–10 mL of 1% plain lignocaine, taking care
not to puncture a blood vessel.
The block should induce an area of anaesthesia around
the sole of the foot, making it ideal for the procedures
medial listed. It usually does not anaesthetise the most proximal
plantar and lateral parts.The anaesthesia develops over 10 minutes
nerve tibial and lasts for up to 2 hours.
lateral nerve Note: Avoid bilateral nerve blocks at the same visit.
plantar Bilateral anaesthesia may cause falls due to loss of balance.
nerve To obtain almost full anaesthesia of the plantar aspect of
the foot a sural nerve block is necessary, as well as the
tibial block.
Caution: Ensure that the injection is not given into
the nerve.

Sural nerve block

Fig. 3.11  Innervation of the heel and sole of the foot The sural nerve, which runs behind the lateral malleolus,
innervates most of the back of the heel and the lateral
Indications border of the sole, is blocked by a subcutaneous
• Operations on the foot infiltration of up to 5–8 mL of 1% plain lignocaine in
• Removal of plantar warts a fanwise fashion from the Achilles tendon to the outer
• Injecting the plantar fascia and upper border of the lateral malleolus (Fig. 3.13).
• Foreign bodies in sole Another landmark is the groove midway between the
posterior border of the lateral malleolus and the calcaneus
Method bone. You can inject LA between the skin and malleolar
1. Palpate the posterior tibial artery behind the medial surface 1 cm behind and proximal to the tip of the lateral
malleolus. The tibial nerve lies immediately behind malleolus. This procedure anaesthetises the most proximal
the artery. and lateral aspects of the sole of the foot. If combined
2. Insert a fine-gauge needle just posterior to the with a tibial nerve block, most of the heel and sole of
artery, either at the level of the medial malleolus or the foot will be covered.
just below it, pointing in an anterolateral direction
(Fig. 3.12). Alternatively, insert the needle anterior
to the artery.

tibial nerve
tibial artery lateral Achilles
malleolus tendon

possible blocking medial

sites malleolus

Fig. 3.13  Sural nerve block (infiltrate between the Achilles

Fig. 3.12 Tibial nerve block tendon and lateral malleolus)
36 Practice Tips

Facial nerve blocks Infraorbital nerve block

Regional nerve blocks have advantages over infiltration Indications
for facial and oral anaesthesia because there is less tissue Surgery to:
swelling at the operative site, a wider area is anaesthetised, • lower eyelid
and they are less painful. • cheek
• side of nose and upper lip
General points
• gingival tissues from midline to first molar.
• Use 2% lignocaine with adrenaline. 1:2 000 000
for facial injections and 1:80 000 for intra-oral Method 1: Intraoral approach (preferred to the
injections. extraoral route)
• Allow 5 to 10 minutes before commencing the The infraorbital foramen lies above and in line with the
procedure. second premolar, 1 cm below the infraorbital margin.
• Always aspirate to check for blood before injecting. 1. Elevate the upper lip and align the syringe along the
long axis of the tooth.
Supraorbital nerve block 2. Enter the mucosa at its reflection from the gum and
advance a 23- or 25-gauge needle to just short of the
Indications foramen (until the bone is just contacted).
Surgery to forehead, upper eyelids and scalp to vertex. 3. Inject 2–3 mL of LA.
Method Method 2: Extraoral approach
1. Insert a 23- or 25-gauge 3.5 cm needle in a horizontal 1. Instruct the patient to look straight ahead.
plane over the supraorbital foramen, at the upper 2. Insert the needle 1 cm below the infraorbital margin
border of the orbit, under the eyebrow, 2.5 cm from in line with the pupil, directing the needle towards
the midline (Fig. 3.14). the infraorbital foramen. Do not attempt to enter it.
2. Inject 3–4 mL of LA. 3. Inject 2 mL of LA.

nerve block

nerve block
areas of anaesthesia

nerve block

Fig. 3.14  Facial nerve blocks

Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 37

Mental nerve block • Greater auricular nerve—innervates remainder of

lateral surface, including anti-helix and earlobe and
most of medial (cranial) surface.
• Excision of oral and skin lesions Blockage: Insert needle just behind and inferior to the
• Suturing lacerations: from midline to lower border earlobe at the anterior border of the sternomastoid
of mandible (Fig. 3.14) to include lower lip and chin muscle.
Method (intraoral approach) • Lesser occipital nerve—innervates upper part of
medial (cranial) surface.
1. Palpate the mental foramen, which lies at the apex of Blockage: Insert needle about 1 cm posterior to the ear
the lower second premolar tooth. at its midpoint.
2. Lift the lip forward and align the syringe with the
long axis of this tooth. Penile nerve block
3. Penetrate the mucosa and advance the needle to just
short of the foramen. This is about half-way between The penis can be anaesthetised for procedures such as
the gum margin and the lower border of the mandible. circumcision, wound repair and paraphimosis reduction
4. Aspirate and inject 2 mL of LA. by injecting local anaesthetic (without adrenaline) into
If the patient is edentulous, use as a reference a vertical the dorsal and ventral surfaces.
line from the midpoint of the pupil.
Specific facial blocks for the 1. Inject a ring of 5 mL of plain LA subcutaneously around
the base of the penis, with the needle resting against
external ear the corpus cavernosum (Fig. 3.16a).
For minor surgery and repair of lesions of the external ear, 2. Inject 2 mL of LA into each of the grooves on the
widespread infiltration can be used (Fig. 3.15). However, ventral surface (between the corpus cavernosum and
more specific blocks using 3 mL of 1% plain lignocaine spongiosum) (Fig. 3.16b).
for each nerve can be used. Care should be taken because
of the proximity of branches of the carotid artery.The skin of (a)
the external ear is mainly supplied by three branches of the
trigeminal nerve, namely:
• Auriculotemporal nerve—innervates upper anterior
quadrant of lateral surface including tragus, crux of
helix and adjacent helix.
Blockage: Insert needle immediately posterior-inferior
to temporomandibular joint.

nerve supply greater auricular
nerve supply

Infiltration of base of penis

to block dorsal nerves

auriculo- occipital
temporal nerve
nerve block block

Injections of block
para-urethral branches

greater auricular
nerve block

Fig. 3.15 Nerve supply to the ear and sites for the three Fig. 3.16  Penile nerve block: (a) infiltration of base of penis;
nerve blocks (b) three injection approaches
38 Practice Tips

Intravenous regional 7. Watch carefully for side effects, e.g. restlessness,

anaesthesia (Bier block) dizziness, tinnitus, seizures, bradycardia or
This technique uses an intravenous injection of local 8. Use a second doctor (if available) to perform the
anaesthetic into an arm or leg that is isolated from the procedure.
circulation by an arterial tourniquet. It produces excellent 9. On completion, ensure very slow release of the
anaesthesia, muscle relaxation and (if desired) a bloodless tourniquet. As soon as it is deflated, pump it up
operating field. Ideally, two doctors are required. It is also again rapidly then slowly deflate. (Repeat this three
used in children over 5 years of age. times at the rate of once per minute if inflated for
only 20 to 25 minutes. Serial deflation/inflation is
considered to reinforce safety. Some do not use it.)
• Minor surgery, especially to upper arm (e.g. release of Ideally, the tourniquet should not be released before
trigger finger, removal of foreign bodies) 20 minutes after the infusion and left on no longer
• Reduction of limb fractures (e.g. Colles fracture) than 40 minutes.
10. Observe the patient carefully for at least 15 minutes.
Note: More sophisticated double cuff tourniquets
• The patient should be fasted as for a GA. are available.
• Exclude patients with unstable epilepsy, second- or
third-degree heart block, liver disease, severe vascular
disease, allergy to LA agents or a condition precluding Haematoma block by
the use of a tourniquet. local infiltration
• Obtain informed consent. anaesthetic
• Ensure patient fasting—at least 4 hours.
• Avoid sudden release of LA (e.g. escaping beneath In this procedure, local anaesthetic is injected directly
tourniquet). into the haematoma surrounding the fracture. It usually
• Maintain IV access with a needle in the vein of the employs the barbotage method of alternately injecting small
opposite arm. amounts of anaesthetic and withdrawing small amounts
• Check the pressure of the tourniquet throughout. of haematoma. A full aseptic technique is essential and
• Have resuscitation equipment available, including a caution is required for possible complications including
positive pressure oxygen system. infection. Ideally, ECG monitoring is recommended. Its
• Ideally, monitor with an ECG and SaO 2 (pulse use is not favoured because of the potential for adverse
oximetry). effects but it remains an option when no other anaesthetic
• Maintain inflation for at least 20 minutes. methods, including the preferred Bier’s block, are available
• Maximum inflation 45 minutes. or practical.

Method (for arm) Indications

1. Cannulate vein (e.g. plastic 22 G IV cannula of IV This method has a place in the emergency reduction of
set) and tape on. fractures of the distal radius (notably Colles fracture),
2. Drain blood by simple elevation for 3 minutes or sometimes for distal ankle fractures and fractures of the
(for bloodless field) by an Esmarch bandage. This upper extremity in children.
exsanguination is very important.
3. Apply a sphygmomanometer cuff or (better still) Method
arterial pneumatic tourniquet. • Use sterile gloves and prepare the overlying skin with
4. Inflate to 100 mmHg above the patient’s systolic a bactericidal agent.
blood pressure (50 mmHg in children). Check for • Use a 21-gauge needle and 1% plain lignocaine with
absence of the brachial or radial pulse. Remove the a volume less than 10 mL.
Esmarch and lower the arm. • Localise the haematoma by aspirating blood into the
5. Slowly inject 2.5 mg/kg of 0.5% plain lignocaine syringe.
or prilocaine (preferred) (without adrenaline) into • Slowly inject the anaesthetic (up to no more than half
the indwelling needle (Fig. 3.17). the quantity) into the haematoma (Fig. 3.18).
Note: Usual adult dose is 30 mL of 0.5% prilocaine • Withdraw an equivalent amount of the bloody fluid.
(maximum 40 mL). • Repeat injection and aspiration until the anaesthetic
6. The onset of anaesthesia is reasonably rapid (5 to is dispersed.
10 minutes). Confirm its adequacy. Remove the • Wait 10–15 minutes and gently manipulate the
cannula in the arm being treated. displaced fracture to achieve satisfactory reduction.
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 39

arterial tourniquet needle and syringe

(keep 80–100 mmHg above in situ
systolic BP at all times)

Fig. 3.17  Intravenous regional anaesthesia

1. The patient sits up, bending slightly forwards, hugging
a pillow.
2. Apply antiseptic over the paravertebral area,
corresponding to the posterior end of the fractured
rib and the two adjacent ribs.
3. Insert a smaller-gauge needle (25 or 23) into the
lower border of the neck of the fractured rib about
four finger-breadths from the spinous process—that
is, at about the angle of the rib or 8 to 10 cm from
the midline (Fig. 3.19a).
4. Advance the needle forward until it reaches the rib
and inject a small amount of plain LA (1% lignocaine).
5. Now ‘walk’ the needle slowly downward to allow it to
Fig. 3.18 Haematoma block: Illustration of injecting slip below the inferior border of the rib (Fig. 3.19b).
anaesthetic into the site of a Colles fracture 6. Advance the needle anteriorly a further 2–3 mm
only (take care not to puncture the pleura) and inject
Complications 3–5 mL of LA (Fig. 3.19c).
Note: Perform this block with great care. Pleural
• Infection, since a closed wound is converted to an puncture is indicated by coughing, pleuritic pain or
open wound. aspiration of air into the syringe.
• For the distal radius—compartment syndrome,
temporary paralysis of the interosseous nerve and
carpal tunnel syndrome. The caudal (trans-sacral)
• Introduction of anaesthetic agent into the circulation injection
with potential arrhythmias and seizures. An epidural injection is the appropriate way to treat persistent
painful sciatica without neurological signs in a patient who
Intercostal nerve block is not a candidate for surgery but is making slow progress.
The lumbar epidural is technically more difficult than
Indications the caudal epidural and requires hospital day care. The
• Relief from severe pain of fractured rib caudal epidural is safer and within the skill of any medical
• Malignant pain practitioner. It can be performed in a general practice
• Other painful chest conditions, e.g. post-thoracotomy procedure treatment room with resuscitation facilities. The
pain key to success is to identify the sacral hiatus and insert a needle
40 Practice Tips

(usually a 21- or 22-gauge, 36 mm needle is sufficient for

most patients) at the appropriate angle in a cranial direction.

Identifying the sacral hiatus

The sacral hiatus can be identified in the following ways:
• Palpate the two sacral cornua and mark the hiatus
at the top end of the hollow formed by the cornua.
• It lies directly beneath the upper limit of the intergluteal
• It tends to correspond to the proximal interphalangeal
(PIP) joint with the tip of the index finger resting on
the tip of the coccyx.
X = site(s) of infiltration • It lies at the caudal apex of an equilateral triangle
drawn with the horizontal base between the posterior
superior iliac spines (PSIS) (opposite S2). This apex
(b) is usually situated over the sacral hiatus (Fig. 3.20).

Local anaesthetic use

vein Use 15–20 mL of half-strength solution (without adrenaline)
of any of the local anaesthetics, such as plain lignocaine,
procaine or bupivacaine. Corticosteroid is not necessary.
Injection procedure
1. Inform the patient that the procedure is surprisingly
comfortable but that some heaviness will be felt in the
back of the legs and that pain may be initially exacerbated.
2. Mark the sacral hiatus after its identification.

equilateral triangle

sacral hiatus (injection site)

PIP joint
sacral cornua
index finger
(c) intergluteal fold


Fig. 3.20  Identify the sacral hiatus by four methods:

1. Palpating the sacral cornua.
2. Noting the upper limit of the intergluteal fold.
3. Measuring the tip of the coccyx to the PIP of the index finger.
4. D
 rawing an equilateral triangle with the base being the
line between the postero-superior iliac spines.
Fig. 3.19  (a) Shows sites of infiltration (X); (b) ‘walking’ the Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
needle; (c) final position Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 41

Hormone implants
Suitable sites for the subcutaneous insertion of crystalline
pellets of the hormones oestradiol and testosterone
into the abdominal wall are shown in Figure 3.22a.
The preferred sites are in the anterior abdominal wall
above and parallel to the inguinal ligament. A site just
superolateral to the pubic hair is ideal.
The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia
using a wide-bore trocar and cannula. It is simple and
effective, and takes a few minutes only.

You will need:
• 2–5 mL of 1% lignocaine with syringe
• povidone-iodine 10% antiseptic
• wide-bore trocar and cannula (use an expellor if
Fig. 3.21 The caudal epidural: the appearance of the procedure available)
• scalpel with no. 11 (or similar) blade
3. Lie the patient prone with a pillow under the • crystalline pellets (that will fit into the cannula)
symphysis pubis to slightly flex the hips (or with • sterile gauze or suitable container, for ‘catching’ a
the operating table ‘broken’). dropped pellet
4. Relax the glutei by inversion of the ankles (feet in • sterile adhesive strips.
pigeon-toe position).
5. Clean and drape the area, avoiding spirit running
onto the anus. Using a 23- or 25-gauge needle, Method
anaesthetise the skin and subcutaneous tissue. To insert the hormone implants:
6. Select a spinal tap cannula: 21-, 22- or 23-gauge 1. Choose the implantation site.
50 mm or a 21-gauge 38 mm standard single-use 2. Infiltrate the sterilised skin with LA so that a small
needle (preferred). bleb is raised.
7. Insert the needle upwards (cranially) keeping strictly 3. Make a small incision 5–10 mm long with the scalpel
to the midline. The angle to the skin should be about blade.
25–30° (Fig. 3.21); if too superficial, the needle will 4. Insert the trocar and cannula through the incised skin at
pass above the hiatus. When the ligament is pierced a shallow angle (Fig. 3.22b) for at least 2 cm.The end of
there is a sensation of ‘giving’. the cannula now rests in a pocket in the subcutaneous
8. Angle the needle slightly downwards as you insert it tissue (care should be taken to avoid the rectus sheath).
for about 2 cm. Avoid proceeding any further because 5. Remove the trocar.
of the risk of piercing the dura. 6. Grasp a pellet with sterile forceps and place it in the
9. The needle is rotated through 90° twice—check for cannula.
a back flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or blood. If Note: This part of the procedure is the most delicate
blood is obtained, partly withdraw the needle and because the pellet is likely to be accidentally dropped.
reinsert it, keeping as far posterior as possible to avoid Have an assistant standing by with a sterile receptacle
the greater concentration of veins anteriorly. If CSF or gauze to catch it.
is withdrawn, abandon the procedure. 7. Reinsert the trocar or expellor (ideally the expellor
10. Inject the fluid carefully and slowly over a 5-minute should extend 5 mm beyond the end of the cannula)
period (at least) with at least three aspiration checks and push the pellet into the subcutaneous ‘pocket’
for blood. The plunger of the syringe should move (Fig. 3.22c).
with relative ease. 8. The cannula and trocar (or expellor) are removed
11. Ask the patient to report any unusual symptoms while maintaining pressure over the site for 1 minute
such as giddiness or light-headedness, which is to minimise bruising.
reasonably common but indicates a need for caution. 9. Apply sterile adhesive strips (or a suture) over the
Monitor the pulse and blood pressure during the wound and then a light dressing.
procedure and stop the injection if an adverse Precaution: Ensure that you have the correct hormone
reaction develops. for the correct patient and record the batch number.
The injection can be repeated if the patient experiences
a good, albeit temporary, result.
42 Practice Tips

(a) trocar

skin cannula

subcutaneous fat


Fig. 3.22  (a) Suitable sites for insertion of pellets; (b) trocar and cannula are angulated into subcutaneous tissue after initial,
more upright entry; (c) shows pellet in cannula pushed gently into place with expellor

Musculoskeletal Injections
Musculoskeletal injection • All injections of local anaesthetic use plain preparations
guidelines (without adrenaline) unless otherwise specified.
• Corticosteroids are not very effective for trigger spots
Conditions that are considerably relieved by injections of the back.
include: • A subacromial space injection (posterior approach)
• rotator cuff tendonopathy, especially supraspinatus will be effective for most rotator cuff problems.
tendonopathy • Use corticosteroid alone for carpal tunnel injections
• subacromial bursitis and small joints.
• bicipital tendonopathy • Intra-articular injections for arthritic joints have limited
• lateral and medial epicondylitis use: perhaps 2 to 3 times for osteoarthritis—best for
• trigger finger and thumb monarticular rheumatoid arthritis.
• trochanteric bursalgia and gluteus medius tendonopathy • For soft tissue injections, avoid repeating under 6 weeks
• tendonopathy around the wrist, e.g. de Quervain’s and use a maximum of four in 12 months.
tenosynovitis • Tendons should never be injected; inject tendon sheaths
• plantar fasciitis but with caution because of the danger of rupture.
• knee conditions—anserinus tendonopathy/bursitis, • Always aspirate before injecting into soft tissue to
biceps femoris tendonopathy. avoid injecting into a blood vessel.
• Contraindications include local and systemic infection,
Rules and guidelines
bleeding disorders and lack of informed consent.
• Use any one of the depot (long acting) corticosteroid • Warn the patient about potential adverse effects of
formulations: betamethasone (Celestone Chronodose), corticosteroids, including tendon rupture and skin
triamcinolone (Kenocort–A10 or A40) or methyl- atrophy.
prednisolone (Depo-Medrol, Depo-Nisolone). • Maintain a strict aseptic technique.
• Use the more soluble formulation (Celestone
Chrondose) for tendon sheath injection. Injection of trigger points
• Use a mixture of 1 mL of LA corticosteroid (CS) with
1% Xylocaine (0.5–8 mL) for most injections. in back
• Conditions not very responsive and best avoided include The injecton of painful myofascial trigger points of the
patellar tendonopathy and Achilles tendonopathy. back and neck (Fig. 3.23) is relatively easy and may give
• Conditions responsive for about 3 weeks only include excellent results. A trigger point is one characterised by:
epicondylitis and plantar fasciitis. • circumscribed local tenderness
• Trochanteric bursalgia or gluteus medius tendonopathy • localised twitching with stimulation of juxtaposed
is common, misdiagnosed often and responds muscle
exceptionally well to 1 mL CS + 8 mL Xylocaine 1%. • pain referred elsewhere when subjected to pressure.
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 43

Injection for rotator

cuff lesions
Injections of local anaesthetic and corticosteroid produce
excellent results for inflammatory disorders around the
shoulder joint, especially for supraspinatus tendonopathy.
The best results are obtained with precise localisation
of the area of inflammation, although injections into
the subacromial space are all that is necessary to reach
inflammatory lesions of the tendons comprising the
rotator cuff and the subacromial bursa. Preliminary
ultrasound diagnosis for shoulder lesions is recommended.

The subacromial space injection for

rotator cuff lesions (especially with
The recommended approach is from the posterolateral
aspect of the shoulder, with the patient sitting upright.
1. Draw up 1 mL of corticosteroid and 5–6 mL of 1% LA.
2. Sit the patient upright and explain the procedure in
general terms.
3. Identify the soft gap between the acromion and the
humeral head with the palpating finger or thumb.
4. Mark this spot, about 2 cm below and 1 cm medial
to the edge of the acromion.
5. Swab the area with antiseptic.
6. Place the needle (23-gauge, 32 or 38 mm long) into
this gap, 2 cm inferior to the acromion (Fig. 3.24).

Fig. 3.23 Typical trigger points of the back

Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.

Don’t: use large volumes of LA; use corticosteroids; cause

Do: use a moderate amount of LA (only). direction
Method needle

1. Identify and mark the trigger point, which must be

the maximal point of pain.
2. Select a 21-, 22- or 23-gauge needle of a length
compatible with the injection site. (A 38 mm needle
will cover most areas of the back and neck.)
3. Insert the needle into the point until the patient
complains of reproduction of pain, which may be
referred distally.
4. At this point, introduce 5–8 mL of plain LA of your
choice. (Lignocaine/lidocaine, procaine or bupivacaine
1% or 0.5% can be used.) Fig. 3.24  Posterior view of the subacromial bursa injection
5. Recommend post-injection exercises and local massage site (2 cm inferior and 1 cm medial to lower extent of
for the affected segment. acromion)
44 Practice Tips

7. Aim the needle slightly medially and anteriorly so that

it is felt passing beneath the acromion.
8. Insert for a distance of about 30 mm. The solution
should flow into the subacromial space without acromion
resistance. coracoid
Tip: Place a weight (0.5–1 kg) in the hand nearest to the
affected side to facilitate opening the subacromial space.
It also distracts the patient!

The subacromial space injection for bicipital XX palpate for

groove (1) tenderness
subacromial bursitis (2) site of injections
The lateral approach is used for localised bursitis when
there is localised tenderness over the subacromial space.
It is important to angle the needle into the appropriate
anatomical plane.
Fig. 3.25  Injection placement for supraspinatus
1. Identify the lateral edge of the acromion and select
the midpoint. Injection for bicipital
2. Insert the needle 10 mm below the edge of the tendonopathy
acromion and angle it upwards at about 10° between
Bicipital tendonopathy is diagnosed by finding an
the head of the humerus and the acromion.
abnormal tenderness over the tendon when the arm is
3. Inject 1 mL of corticosteriod and 5–6 mL of
externally rotated. The usual site is the bicipital groove
1% LA.
of the humeral head.

Injection for supraspinatus Method

tendonopathy 1. The patient sits with the arm hanging by the side and
the palm facing forwards.
An injection directed onto the inflamed tendon of
2. Find and mark the site of maximal tenderness. This
supraspinatus is so effective that it is preferable to
is usually in the bicipital groove and more proximal
administer a specific injection rather than a general
than expected.
infiltration into the subacromial space.
3. Insert a 23-gauge needle at the proximal end of the
The tendon can be readily palpated as a tender cord
bicipital groove above the tender area.
anterolaterally as it emerges from beneath the acromion
4. Slide the needle down the groove to reach the tender
to attach to the greater tuberosity of the humerus. This
area (Fig. 3.26).
identification is assisted by depressing the shoulder via
5. Inject 1 mL of long-acting corticosteroid and 2 mL of
a downward pull on the arm and then externally and
LA around this site.
internally rotating the humerus. This manoeuvre allows
the examiner to locate the tendon readily.
1. Identify and mark the tendon.
2. Place the patient’s arm behind the back, with the back
of the hand touching the far waistline. This locates the
arm in the desired internal rotation and forces the
humeral head anteriorly.
3. Insert a 23-gauge 32 mm needle under the acromion
along the line of the tendon, and inject around the
tendon just under the acromion (Fig. 3.25). If the
gritty resistance of the tendon is encountered, slightly
withdraw the needle to ensure that it lies in the tendon
sheath and not the tendon.
4. The recommended injection is 1 mL of long-acting
corticosteroid with 2 mL of LA. Fig. 3.26  Injection placement for bicipital tendonopathy
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 45

Injections for epicondylitis 2. Warn the patient that the area will be very painful
for the next 24 hours and recommend moderately
Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) strong analgesics.
The key to successful injections is to have the tender lesion 3. Repeat the injection in 2 to 4 weeks unless all the
pinpointed precisely. The point of maximal tenderness is symptoms have been abolished.
usually on or just distal to the lateral epicondyle, which 4. A maximum of two injections only is recommended.
coincides with 1–2 square cm of degenerate tendon. Warn
the patient about the risk of skin thinning. Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
Equipment A similar method is used to that for lateral epicondylitis.
You will need: The elbow is flexed to about 45° and supinated with full
• an antiseptic swab external rotation of the shoulder of the affected arm. The
• a 25- or 23-gauge needle anterior approach is used, and the tender area of the
• 1 mL of long-acting corticosteroid and 2 mL of LA medial epicondyle injected as for lateral epicondylitis. Take
(e.g. 1% lignocaine). Use a mixed solution (LA drawn care not to inject the ulnar nerve, which lies posterior and
last) in a 5 mL syringe. close to the medial epicondyle. It can be felt to move with
flexion and extension of the elbow. Keep your finger over
Method the nerve as you inject the usual 3 mL of mixed solution.
1. The patient sits with the elbow resting on a table,
flexed to a right angle and fully supinated. Injection for trigger finger
2. Using an anterior approach, palpate the tender area
and mark it with a pen. Treatment of trigger finger or thumb by injection is
3. With the thumb (of the non-dominant hand) over often very successful, and usually relieves symptoms
the patient’s lateral epicondyle and the fingers spread for a considerable period of time. The injection is made
out around the elbow to steady it, insert the needle under the tendon sheath and not into the tendon or its
vertically downward to touch the periosteum of the nodular swelling. The fourth (ring) and middle fingers
tender point (Fig. 3.27). are most commonly affected.
4. After introducing about 0.5 mL of the mixed solution, There are three possible injection approaches:
partly withdraw the needle and reinsert it to ensure proximal, distal and mid-lateral. Distal is preferred.
that the tender area is covered both deeply and Method (distal palmar approach)
superficially. Inject over at least two sites. A deeper
injection minimises the risk of skin atrophy. 1. The patient sits facing the doctor with the palm of the
affected hand facing upward.
Post-injection 2. Draw 1 mL of long-acting corticosteroid solution
1. Ask the patient to ‘work it in’ during the next few and 0.5–1 mL LA into a syringe and attach a 23- or
hours with repeated extensions of the elbow joint 25-gauge needle for the injection.
and pronation of the wrist. 3. Insert the needle at an angle distal to the nodule and
direct it proximally within the tendon sheath (Fig. 3.28).
This requires tension on the skin with free fingers. To
avoid injecting into the tendon, flex and extend the
finger and ensure that the needle does not move.
vertical approach 4. By palpating the tendon sheath, you can (usually) feel
for injection when the fluid has entered the tendon sheath.
5. Inject 0.5–1 mL of the solution, withdraw the needle
and ask the patient to exercise the fingers for 1 minute.
Method (proximal palmar approach)
supinated forearm Insert the needle about 1 cm proximal to the nodule
and angle it to lie in the tendon sheath over the nodule.
tender lateral Flex the finger to confirm that it is the correct position. If
epicondyle the needle is in the tendon, withdraw it a fraction before
injecting the solution.
thumb stretches skin
around epicondyle Method (mid-lateral approach)
This approach uses a lateral approach at the level of the
Fig. 3.27  Injection technique for tennis elbow proximal phalanx and about 1 cm lateral to the anterior
46 Practice Tips

injection distal
to nodule

nodular swelling
of tendon
(site of triggering)

Fig. 3.28  Injection site for trigger finger

surface of the finger. Direct the needle towards the nodule

Fig. 3.29 Trigger thumb showing site of injection
and inject over the tendon. The fourth and fifth fingers
are approached from the ulnar side and the second and
third fingers from the radial side. Method for de Quervains tenosynovitis
Post-injection 1. Identify and mark the most tender site of the tendon
and the line of the tendon. Draw up 1 mL each of LA
Improvement usually occurs after 48 hours and may and cortiocosteroid.
be permanent. The injection can be repeated after 6 to 2. Thoroughly cleanse the skin with an antiseptic, such
8 weeks if the triggering is not completely relieved. as povidone-iodine 10% solution.
If triggering recurs, surgery is indicated. This involves 3. Insert the tip of the needle (21-gauge) about 1 cm
division of the thickened tendon sheath only. distal to the point of maximal tenderness and about
1 cm proximal to the radial styloid (Fig. 3.30).
Injection for trigger thumb 4. Advance the needle almost parallel to the skin along
The injection for the trigger thumb follows a similar the line of the tendon.
principle to the trigger finger but it is more difficult.With the 5. Inject about 0.5 mL of the corticosteroid suspension
hand rotated radially and the thumb extended, approach the into the tendon sheath. If the needle is in the sheath,
nodule from the palmar (volar) aspect and inject into very little resistance to the plunger should be felt and
the tendon sheath just proximal to the nodule (Fig. 3.29). the injection will cause the tendon sheath to billow
out. Complete the injection of 2 mL.
injection for tenosynovitis of Alternative method
the wrist 1. Advance the needle into the tendon, where there will
Tenosynovitis of the wrist, especially that of the thumb be resistance to the attempted injection in addition to
abductors (de Quervains stenosing tenosynovitis), is a firm, gritty feel to the needle.
a common problem that can readily be identified by 2. Slowly withdraw the needle until the resistance to
tenderness, swelling and palpable crepitus over the depressing the plunger disappears.
tendon. It may respond to an injection of a long-acting 3. Inject the corticosteroid.
corticosteroid, but care should be taken to inject the The ideal site for this injection is into the sheath of
suspension into the tendon sheath rather than into the the abductor tendons to the thumb just above the radial
tendon. Warn the patient about the risk of skin atrophy. styloid. It is important, therefore, to avoid injecting
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 47

into the radial artery, which should always be identified Method

beforehand. 1. Perform a tibial nerve block. (The area of maximal
Note: It should be emphasised that the common tenderness should be marked prior to the nerve block.)
problem of de Quervains disease (also known as Refer to Figure 3.12 (p. 35).
‘washerwoman’s sprain’) is best treated by resting and 2. When anaesthesia of the heel is present (about 10
avoiding the causative stresses and strains on the thumb minutes after the tibial nerve block), insert a 23-gauge
abductors. needle with 1 mL of long-acting corticosteroid
perpendicular to the sole of the foot at the premarked
Injection for plantar fasciitis site (Fig. 3.31). Insert the needle until a ‘give’ is felt
Plantar fasciitis can be treated by injecting local anaesthetic as the plantar fascia is pierced.
and long-acting corticosteroid into the site of maximal 3. Inject half the steroid against the periosteum in the
tenderness in the heel. An alternative is to inject the space between the fascia and the calcaneus.
corticosteroid into the anaesthetised heel. On the other 4. Reposition the needle to infiltrate into the fascial
hand, to minimise the pain of injecting through the heel, attachments over a wider area.
apply liquid nitrogen beforehand and immediately inject Alternative approach
through that spot.
For the non-anaesthetised heel, introduce the needle
containing 3 to 4 mL of LA with steroid into the softer part
of the heel medially and guide it to the most tender site.
Tip for plantar fasciitis: Massage the sole of the foot over a
wooden foot massager or glass bottle filled with water
maximal tenderness
for 5 minutes daily to help prevent recurrence (refer to
over abductor pollicus Chapter 7).
longus tendon
injection site Injection for trochanteric
1 cm distal
Pain around the greater trochanter
wrist crease
Pain around the lateral aspect of the hip is a common
disorder, and is usually seen as lateral hip pain radiating
down the lateral aspect of the thigh in older people
engaged in walking exercises, tennis and similar activities.
Fig. 3.30 Tendon sheath injection It is analogous in a way to the shoulder girdle, where


plantar fascia
site of plantar fasciitis

injection into this area

Fig. 3.31  Injection approach in plantar fascitis

48 Practice Tips

supraspinatus tendonopathy and subacromial bursitis are injections over 6 or 12 months may be required. Surgical
common wear-and-tear injuries. intervention may be necessary for a severe persistent
The two presumed common causes are tendonopathy problem.
of the gluteus medius tendon, where it inserts into the
lateral surface of the greater trochanter of the femur, Extra tips to alleviate
and bursitis of one or both of the trochanteric bursae. • Local application of cold pack if acute.
Distinction between these two conditions is difficult, • Perform straight-leg stretching in dependent adduction
and it is possible that, as with the shoulder, both are (see Fig. 11.63, p. 175).
related. The pain of bursitis tends to occur at night; that • Develop a ‘Charlie Chaplin’ gait—legs in external
of tendonopathy occurs with such activity as long walks rotation for walking.
and gardening. • Massage lateral thigh for 2 to 5 minutes daily using
a glass or plastic (preferably grooved) bottle, full of
Treatment method water, as a rolling pin.
Treatment for both is similar.
1. Determine the points of maximal tenderness over the Injection of the carpal tunnel
trochanteric region and mark them. (For tendonopathy,
An injection of long-acting corticosteroid into the carpal
this point is immediately above the superior aspect of
tunnel may relieve symptoms permanently or, more
the greater trochanter; see Fig. 3.32.)
commonly, temporarily. It may therefore be useful as a
2. Inject aliquots of a mixture of 1 mL of long-acting
diagnostic test and also to provide symptomatic relief
corticosteroid with 8–9 mL of LA into the tender
while awaiting surgery.
area, which usually occupies an area similar to that
Note: The injections may be repeated. Do not use local
of a standard marble.
anaesthetic in the injection.
The injection is invariably very effective. Follow-up
management includes sleeping with a small pillow Method
under the involved buttock, and stretching the gluteal
1. The patient sits by the side of the doctor with the hand
muscles with knee–chest exercises. One or two repeat
palm upward, the wrist slightly extended (a crepe
bandage under the wrist helps this extension).
2. Identify the palmaris longus tendon, which lies above
the median nerve (best done by flexing the wrist
against resistance or opposing the thumb with the
little finger) and the ulnar artery.
gluteus medius
3. Insert the needle (23-gauge) at a point about 2 cm
proximal to the main transverse crease of the wrist and
midway between the palmaris longus tendon and the
tendonopathy flexor carpi ulnaris or the ulnar artery (Fig. 3.33). Take
care to avoid the superficial veins.
4. Advance the needle distally, parallel to the tendons and
nerve at about 25° to the horizontal. It should pass under
the transverse carpal ligament (flexor retinaculum) and
come to lie in the carpal tunnel.
Note: The needle can be slightly bent to facilitate entry.
5. Inject 1 mL of corticosteroid.This is usually painless and
trochanteric bursitis runs freely. Place the free thumb proximal to the needle
and apply pressure to facilitate flow of fluid distally.
Ensure that the patient feels no severe pain or paraesthesia
during the injection. If so, immediately withdraw the
needle. The medial nerve lies below and between the
palmaris longus and the flexor carpi radialis tendons.
6. Withdraw the needle and ask the patient to flex and
extend the fingers for 2 minutes. Remind the patient
Fig. 3.32  Injection technique for gluteus medius that there may be pain for up to 48 hours and to rest
tendonopathy (into area of maximal tenderness) the arm for 24 hours.
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 49

posterior tibial nerve


flexor hallicus longus

flexor digitorum longus

Achilles tendon

flexor retinaculum

transverse crease of wrist

2.5 cm median nerve
ulnar artery
palmaris longus
Fig. 3.34  Sites of injection for tarsal tunnel syndrome (above
needle introduced or below the flexor retinaculum that roofs the ‘tunnel’). This
into carpal tunnel medial view of the right foot shows the relationship of the
posterior tibial nerve to the tendons.

needle position
(b) which is uncommon, is due to dislocation or fracture
ulnar artery
and nerve PL transverse around the ankle or tenosynovitis of tendons in the
carpal ligament
tunnel from injury, rheumatoid arthritis and other
nerve inflammations.
tendons Symptoms and signs
• A burning or tingling pain in the toes and sole of the
foot, occasionally the heel.
Medial FCU FCR Lateral • Retrograde radiation to the calf.
• Discomfort often in bed at night and worse after
• Removal of the shoe may give relief.
• Sensory nerve loss is variable (may be no loss).
Fig. 3.33 Needle introduced into carpal tunnel: (a) anterior • The Tinel test (finger or reflex hammer tap over the
view; (b) section nerve below and behind the medial malleolus) may
be positive.
• A tourniquet applied above the ankle may reproduce
Injection near the carpal tunnel symptoms.
A study reported in the BMJ (1999, 319, pp. 884–6) The diagnosis is confirmed by electrodiagnosis.
recommended giving a single injection of corticosteroid, Treatment
e.g. 40 mg methylprednisolone with lignocaine 1%, close
to but not into the tunnel (to avoid potential damage to • Relief of abnormal foot posture with orthotics.
the median nerve). The results were considered to be as • Corticosteroid injection.
good as giving it into the tunnel. • Decompression surgery if other measures fail.
Injection method
Injection of the tarsal tunnel Using a 23-gauge 32 mm needle, inject a mixture of
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is caused by an entrapment corticosteroid in 1% xylocaine or procaine into the tunnel
neuropathy of the posterior tibial nerve in the either from above or below the flexor retinaculum. The
tarsal tunnel beneath the flexor retinaculum on the sites of injection are shown in Figure 3.34. Be careful
medial side of the ankle (Fig. 3.34). The condition, not to inject the nerve.
50 Practice Tips

Injection for Achilles Preferred treatment

paratendonopathy • Conservative with inversion/eversion exercises
• Orthotics
Inflammation of and around the tendon can be a resistant Method of injection
problem, and conservative measures such as rest, a heel Reserved for painful recalcitrant cases.
raise and NSAIDs should be adopted. As a rule, injections 1. Mark the tender area of the tendon.
around the Achilles tendon should be avoided but for 2. Use a lower-gauge needle with a syringe containing
resistant painful problems an injection of corticosteroid 0.5–1 mL LA corticosteroid with 0.5–1 mL local
can be helpful. The inflammation must be localised, such anaesthetic.
as a tender 2 cm area. 3. Approach the tendon at a very shallow angle, either
Avoid giving the corticosteroid injection in the acute proximally or distally, and inject into the sheath, taking
stages and never lodge it in the tendon. care to avoid injecting the tendon (Fig. 3.36).
Method Note: The tibialis posterior tendon is prone to rupture.
1. Mark the area of paratendonopathy, which usually
lies immediately anterior and deep to the tendon just
above the calcaneus. tibialis posterior tendon
2. Infiltrate this tender area adjacent to the tendon with tibialis anterior tendon
1 mL of plain local anaesthetic (e.g. 1% lignocaine)
and 1 mL of long-acting corticosteroid (Fig. 3.35).
The solution should run freely, and care should be
taken to avoid the tendon.

Fig. 3.36  Method of injecting the tendon sheath of tibialis

Injection or aspiration of joints
Intra-articular injections of corticosteroids can be very
therapeutic for some acute inflammatory conditions,
particularly severe synovitis caused by rheumatoid
site of maximal arthritis (especially monarticular rheumatoid arthritis).
tenderness The common indication for the glenohumeral joint of the
shoulder is adhesive capsulitis, although hydrodilatation
under imaging is the preferred method. This use is
Fig. 3.35 Usual approach for the injection of Achilles limited in osteoarthritis but can be very effective for a
paratendonopathy particularly severe flare-up of osteoarthritis such as in
the knee or the acromioclavicular joint. (Corticosteroids
Injection for tibialis posterior can cause degeneration of articular cartilage and hence
tendonopathy restricted usage is important.) Strict asepsis is essential,
using disposable equipment.
This is a common and under-diagnosed condition in
people presenting with foot and ankle pain, especially Acromioclavicular joint
on the medial side.
It is usually found in middle-aged females, in ballet Method
dancers, and in those with flat feet with a valgus deformity. 1. The patient sits with the arm hanging loosely by the
Pain is reproduced on: side and externally rotated. The joint space is palpable
• palpation anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus just distal (lateral) to the bony enlargement of the
• stretching by passive inversion of the foot clavicle. It is about 2 cm medial to the lateral edge of
• resisted inversion of the foot. the acromion.
Tibialis posterior tendonopathy can cause the tarsal 2. Palpate the ‘gap’ for maximal tenderness.
tunnel syndrome. The diagnosis can be confirmed by 3. Insert a 25-gauge needle, which should be angled
ultrasound imaging. according to the different surfaces encountered
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 51

acromioclavicular joint



injection approach for Fig. 3.38  Illustration of injection into the centre of triangular
the glenohumeral joint space of the elbow joint

middle of the isosceles triangle formed by the lateral

Fig. 3.37 Approaches for injections into the epicondyle, the radial head and the tip of the olecranon
acromioclavicular joint and the glenohumeral joint of the (Fig. 3.38).
(Fig. 3.37). It may be helpful to ‘walk’ the needle along 1. The patient sits with the elbow flexed to 70–90° and
the acromion to get the feel of the joint. It should the wrist pronated.
reach a depth of about 0.5–1 cm when it is certainly 2. Mark the three key points of the triangle and palpate
intra-articular. the soft entry point.
4. Inject a mixture of 0.25–0.5 mL of corticosteroid with 3. Using a posterolateral approach, insert a 23-gauge
0.25–0.5 mL of 1% lignocaine. needle with 1 mL of steroid and 2 mL of local
anaesthetic into the space.
Shoulder (glenohumeral) joint 4. The needle should easily enter the joint. Aim for the
middle of the joint and to a depth of about 2 cm.
Method 1: Anterior approach A slight readjustment of the needle may be necessary.
1. The patient sits in the same position as for the
acromioclavicular joint injection. Wrist joint
2. Use an anterior approach and insert a 21- to 23-gauge Method
needle just medial to the head of the humerus. Feel for the
space between the head of the humerus and the glenoid Inject on the dorsal surface in the space just distal to the
cap. (If in doubt, feel for it by rotating the humerus ulnar head at its midpoint.
externally or alternating external and internal rotation.) 1. Palpate the space between the ulnar head and the lunate.
3. This insertion should also be 1 cm below and just 2. Insert the needle at right angles to the skin between
lateral to the coracoid process (Fig. 3.37). Then aim the extensor tendons of the fourth and fifth fingers.
the needle posteriorly towards the glenoid fossa. 3. Insert to a depth of about 1 cm.
4. Inject a mixture of 1 mL of corticosteroid and 1 mL 4. Inject 0.5 mL of corticosteroid and 0.5 mL of 1%
of 1% lignocaine. lignocaine.

Method 2: Posterior approach First carpometacarpal joint of thumb

This uses the same approach as for the posterior injection Method
into the subacromial space, that is, into the ‘soft spot’ 2 cm 1. Palpate the proximal margin of the first metacarpal in
inferior to and 1 cm medial to the edge of the acromion. the anatomical snuffbox.
Aim the needle to the tip of the coronoid process and 2. Insert the needle to a depth of about 1 cm between
inject when the joint space is reached. the long extensor and long abductor tendons into
the joint space.
Elbow joint 3. Inject 0.5 mL of corticosteroid.
Intra-articular injections may alleviate synovitis, either
arthritic or post-traumatic. Finger joint
The objective is to inject the solution into the middle The technique for injections of the metacarpophalangeal
of the joint by identifying the soft entry point near the and interphalangeal joints is similar.
52 Practice Tips

It is important to have an assistant for this injection.
1. The joint is flexed to an angle of 30°, and this position
is maintained by the assistant who simultaneously
applies longitudinal traction to ‘gap’ the dorsal aspect
of the joint.
2. Insert the needle, which is kept at right angles to the
base of the more distal phalanx, from the dorsal aspect
in the midline.
3. Direct the needle through the tendon of extensor
digitorum just distal to the head of the more proximal
bone (phalanx or metacarpal) to a depth of 3–5 mm
(Fig. 3.39).

joint capsule


Fig. 3.40  Injection approach for the hip joint

2. A 21-gauge needle can be inserted either medially

(preferably) or laterally.
Fig. 3.39  Injection of the proximal interphalangeal joint 3. Insert the needle in the triangular space bounded by
the femoral condyle, the tibial condyle and the patellar
Hip joint ligament (Fig. 3.41).
4. Direct the needle inwards and slightly posteriorly in
a plane pointing slightly upwards to the horizontal
1. The patient lies supine with the hip in extension and (to avoid the infrapatellar fat pad).
internal rotation.
2. Use an anterior approach, with the insertion point
being 2.5 cm below the inguinal ligament and 2 cm
lateral to the femoral artery.
3. Use a 20-gauge 6–7 cm needle and insert it at about femoral
60° to the skin. ligamentum condyle
4. Introduce the needle downwards and medially until
bone is reached (Fig. 3.40). tibial
5. Withdraw it slightly and inject the mixture of 1 mL of plateau
corticosteroid and 2 mL of 1% lignocaine.

Knee joint
Injections can be given into one of four ‘safe’ zones at
the four corners of the patella.
Method for infrapatellar route (inferior safe zone)
1. The patient flexes the knee to a right angle. (The
patient can sit on the couch with the leg over the
side.) Alternatively, the knee can be extended with Fig. 3.41  Injection of the knee joint (note the needle angled
the quadriceps relaxed. into the triangular space)
Chapter 3 | Injection techniques 53

2. Palpate the joint line anterior to the tragus of

the ear. This is confirmed by opening and closing
the jaw.
3. Insert a 25-gauge needle into the depression above 
the condyle of the mandible, below the zygomatic
arch and one finger breadth (2 cm) anterior to the
4. Direct the needle inwards and slightly upwards so that
it is free within the joint cavity (Fig. 3.42).
5. Inject the 1 mL solution containing 0.5 mL of local
anaesthetic and 0.5 mL of corticosteroid, which should
Fig. 3.42  Injection of the temporomandibular joint
flow freely.

5. Inject 1 mL of LA corticosteroid (an anaesthetic agent

Acute gout in the great toe
isn’t necessary). Injection technique
Acute gouty arthritis invariably presents with exquisite
Temporomandibular joint pain in the great toe and the diagnosis and relief of pain
This injection is useful in the treatment of painful is a special challenge to the general practitioner.
rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or temporomandibular An effective and caring, albeit invasive, treatment is
joint dysfunction that is not responding to conservative as follows:
measures. • Perform a modified digital block using 1% plain local
anaesthetic to the affected toe.
Method • When anaesthesia has been obtained, use a 19-gauge
1. The patient sits on a chair, facing away from the doctor. needle to aspirate fluid from the joint or the periarticular
The mouth is opened to at least 4 cm. region.

1. aspiration for microscopic diagnosis

2. infiltration of cortiscosteroid
gouty arthritis of
metatarsophalangeal joint

nerve blocks to toe

Fig. 3.43  Management of acute gout of the great toe, illustrating nerve blocks and joint injection
54 Practice Tips

• Examine the fluid under polarised light microscopy. plus

The presence of long, needle-shaped urate crystalis Metoclopramide (Maxolon) 10 mg (o) 8 hourly (or
is diagnostic. other anti-emetic).
• If sepsis is eliminated, inject corticosteroids, e.g.
0.5–1.0 mL of triamcinolone, into the joint (Fig. 3.43). Other corticosteroids
• Prednisolone 40 mg/day for 3 to 5 days then taper
Drug treatment by 5 mg over 10 days
Two NSAIDs options are usually employed, one a heavier or
dosage than the other. Indomethacin is the preferred one Corticotrophin (ACTH) IM
but others can be used. • Colchicine
Consider if NSAIDs are not tolerated.
Conventional method 0.5–1.0 mg statim, then 0.5 mg every 2 hours until pain
Indomethacin 50 mg (o) 8 hourly for 24 hours, then disappears or GIT side effects develop.
25 mg (o) 6 hourly until resolution.
‘Shock’ method
Indomethacin 100 mg (o) statim, 75 mg 2 hours
later, then 50 mg (o) 8 hourly (relief is usual within
48 hours)
Chapter 4
Skin repair and
minor plastic
WOUNDS • aspirin—10 days
• NSAIDs—2 to 5 days (check half life).
It is important to keep the following in mind:
1. Plan all excisions carefully. Suture material (Table 4.1)
2. Check previous scars for healing properties.
• Monofilament nylon sutures are generally preferred
3. Aim to keep incision lines parallel to natural skin lines.
for skin repair.
4. Take care in poor healing areas, such as backs, calves
• Use the smallest calibre compatible with required strains.
and knees; and in areas prone to hypertrophic scarring,
• The synthetic, absorbable polyglycolic acid or
such as over the sternum of the chest, and the shoulder.
polyglactin sutures (Dexon, Vicryl) are stronger than
5. Use atraumatic tissue-handling techniques.
catgut of the same gauge, but do not use these (use
6. Practise minimal handling of wound edges.
catgut instead) on the face or subcuticularly.
7. Use Steri-strips after the sutures are removed.

Standard precautions
Mandatory safety measures
• Goggles Table 4.1  Selection of suture material (guidelines)
• Gloves Skin nylon 6/0 face, eyelids
• Protective gown
nylon 5/0 elsewhere
Common mistakes for excisional surgery nylon 4/0 hands, forearms
• Skimping (inadequate margins) nylon 3/0 back, scalp
• Tension on skin edges
• Knots too strongly tied nylon 2/0 knees
• Stitches too thick Deeper tissue catgut 4/0 face
• Too large a bite
• Stitches in too long (dead space) Dexon/Vicryl 3/0 elsewhere
or 4/0
• Inadequate early compression
Subcuticular catgut 4/0
Minimising bleeding in the elderly
Small-vessel ties plain catgut 4/0
Stop anticoagulants (if possible) before a significant
procedure. Examples: Large-vessel ties chromic catgut 4/0
56 Practice Tips

Instruments Everted wounds

Examples of good-quality instruments: Eversion is achieved by making the ‘bite’ in the dermis
• locking needle holder (e.g. Crile-Wood 12 cm) wider than the bite in the epidermis (skin surface) and
• skin hooks making the suture deeper than it is wide. Shown is:
• iris scissors. • a simple suture (Fig. 4.3a)
Holding the needle • a vertical mattress suture (Fig. 4.3b).
The mattress suture is the ideal way to evert a wound.
The needle should be held in its middle because this
will help to avoid breakage and distortion, which tends Number of sutures
to occur if the needle is held near its end (Fig. 4.1a). Aim to use a minimum number of sutures to achieve
Incisions closure without gaps, but sufficient sutures to avoid tension.
Incisions should be made perpendicular to the skin (not Place the sutures as close to the wound edge as possible.
angled) (Fig. 4.1b). (a)
Dead space
Dead space should be eliminated, to reduce tension on
skin sutures. Use buried absorbable sutures to approximate
underlying tissue. This is done by starting suture insertion
from the fat to pick up the fat/dermis interface so as to
bury the knot (Fig. 4.2).



(b) epidermis

Fig. 4.3 Everted wounds: (a) correct and incorrect methods
of making a simple suture; (b) making a vertical mattress
fat Knot tying
Special techniques of knot tying are necessary to achieve
a secure knot. Insecure knots leading to slippage of a tie
Fig. 4.1 Correct and incorrect methods of (a) holding the may result in catastrophic blood loss or at least revisiting
needle; (b) making incisions the surgery. The ability to tie a secure knot should be a
reflex action based on practice for the proceduralist. The
friction between threads of the suture material is also a
factor in avoiding slippage of the knot. The monofilament
braided synthetics, particularly nylon and polyesters, are
more supple and easier to handle so that knots are easier
to tie securely.
Reef knot
buried knot The traditional secure knot is the reef knot, which is a
introduce needle here firm interlocking knot. It is also referred to as the ‘square
knot’. In this knot, one thread is looped around the
Fig. 4.2 Eliminating dead space other and the knot is completed by a mirror image of
Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 57

the first throw. The two free ends of one suture emerge (a)
from either above or below the loop created by the other
suture (Fig. 4.4).

both both
below above

(b) (b)

Fig. 4.4 Two views of typing a reef knot (a) and (b)

Fig. 4.6 Two views of tying a surgeon's knot (a) and (b)

Granny knot wound twice around the needle holder (say in a clockwise
A granny knot is formed when the reverse of this mirror direction) to create the double loop of a surgeon’s knot
image throw is formed. The free ends emerge one above and then firmly tied (Fig. 4.7a). On the reverse side, the
and one below each loop (Fig. 4.5). It is best to avoid thread is wound around the needle holder in the opposite
this knot in surgical practice. direction (an anti-clockwise spiral), thus creating the
double loop of a surgeon’s knot.The knot is finally secured
by pulling the ends at 180º to each other (Fig. 4.7b).
below above
Ligatures on vessels
Every precaution must be undertaken to avoid the ligature
slipping. The first tie should be very tight, and the second
slacker than the first. For deep ties on vessels it is best to
tie with the hands and keep the ties parallel to the wound.
above below Do not pull upwards on the tie. Leave an adequate cuff
Fig. 4.5 The granny knot of tissue past the tie (see Fig. 4.27).

Holding the scalpel

The surgeon’s knot The two common methods of holding a scalpel are:
This involves the same pattern as the reef knot, except that • the pen grip, and
there are two throws on each side of the knot instead of • the underhand grip.
one (Fig. 4.6). The ends of the thread should be pulled The pen grip, which is the one most commonly used
at 180º to each other. in minor surgery, is used for fine incisions or excisions
and for dissection with the scalpel. Most of the movement
imparted to the blade comes from the hand and fingers
The instrument knot (Fig. 4.8). The underhand or table-knife grip (Fig. 4.9) is
The instrument knot, which is the most common knot, traditionally used for long incisions, such as in abdominal
uses the principle of the reef knot. Initially, the thread is surgery. A larger handle and blade are used.
58 Practice Tips

(a) Safe insertion and removal

of scalpel blades
While many part-time surgeons prefer the use of
disposable scalpels, it is appropriate to use firm two-
piece metal scalpel holders and blades. For safe handling
it is important to become deft at using forceps to insert
scalpel blades onto the scalpel handle (Fig. 4.10), and
also to remove the blade. In the latter the thumb can be
used to facilitate unloading by steadily pressing against
the forceps (haemostat clamp) in an extension movement
(Fig. 4.11). Another blade unloading method is to grasp
the blade with the forceps and rotate the forceps to lift
the end of the blade, which is then pushed off the handle.


Fig. 4.7 Two steps in tying an instrument knot (a) and (b)

Fig. 4.10  Loading the blade onto the scalpel holder

Fig. 4.8 The pen grip

Fig. 4.9 The underhand grip Fig. 4.11 Unloading the scalpel blade

Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 59

Debridement and dermabrasion The suturing should not be too tight nor too widely
for wound debris spaced (Fig. 4.12b).
If grit and other foreign material such as oil is left in Blanket stitch
the wound, an unacceptable tattoo effect will occur in
The blanket or ‘running lock’ stitch does not tend to bunch
the healed wound. This can be avoided by meticulous
the wound up. A double turn at each stitch converts it
exploration of the wound to remove debris and
into a locked suture (Fig. 4.12c).
dermabrasion for superficial grit (see p. 73).

Continuous sutures The pulley suture

The pulley suture, also called the ‘near–far, far–near’
Continuous subcuticular suture, is a very useful technique for the closure of difficult
(intradermal) suture wounds, especially those on the lower leg. It permits
This is ideal for the repair of episiotomy wounds with approximation of the wound when an extra 2–3 mm of
catgut after the dead space has been closed. It does have space needs closing and the normal method falls short
a limited place in skin repair where monofilament nylon of adequate closure.
material is best, especially for removal of the suture.
Supplementary interrupted skin sutures may be necessary Method
for accurate skin-edge apposition. 1. Introduce the needle 3–4 mm from the edge of the
Method wound.
This suture picks up dermis only (picking up the 2. Let the needle emerge about 8–10 mm from the wound
epidermis and fat is not acceptable), and should be edge on the opposite side.
inserted uniformly at the same level without gaps in the 3. Reintroduce the needle at 8–10 mm on the original side.
linear direction (Fig. 4.12a). 4. Finally, let the needle emerge at 3–4 mm on the
opposite side (Fig. 4.12d).
‘Over-and-over’ suture After the suture is in place, normal interrupted sutures
This is a useful time saver, especially where can close the wound. However, the pulley suture may
a meticulous cosmetic result is not required. One create too much tension and, if it does, it should be
disadvantage is the tendency to bunch the wound up. removed and replaced with a simple suture.

(a) (b)

continuous subcuticular suture


} pulley
2 1 3

the final view of

wound from
the pulley suture above

Fig. 4.12  (a) Subcuticular suture; (b) ‘over-and-over’ suture; (c) blanket stitch; (d) pulley suture.
(A), (B) and (C) Reproduced from I. Mcgregor, Fundamental Techniques of Plastic Surgery, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1989, with permission
60 Practice Tips

The cross-stitch
The cross-stitch, which is a type of pulley suture, is an
excellent method for closing difficult wounds where there
is likely to be some tension across the wound.
The cross-stitch is ideal for small circular wounds
left after a 3–5 mm punch biopsy. It will shorten the
scar and avoid the placement of two sutures. It gives a
neater result than the vertical mattress or the horizontal
mattress. Circular wounds up to 10 mm in diameter
in areas of thicker skin can be closed with one such
figure-of-eight suture.
Consider a punch biopsy wound of 5 mm in diameter.
Using a 5/0 or 6/0 nylon atraumatic suture insert the
needle from right of centre across the wound to left of
centre, then from left of centre to right of centre on the
next pass (or the other way, i.e. from left to right and
back). Thus four strands cross the wound and when tied
create a pulley effect (Fig. 4.13).
Fig. 4.14 Recommended lines for excisions on the face
Adapted from J.S. Brown, Minor Surgery, a Text and Atlas, Chapman and Hall,
London, 1986

Elliptical excisions
Small lesions are best excised as an ellipse. Generally, the
final long axis of the ellipse should be along the skin tension
view lines identified by natural wrinkles.
The intended ellipse should be drawn on the skin
(Fig. 4.15). The placement will depend on such factors
as the size and shape of the lesion, the margin required
(usually 2–3 mm) and the skin tension lines.
Fig. 4.13 The cross-stitch: a type of pulley suture
Excision margin rules
Planning excisions on the face • 1–2 mm: moles and benign lesions
It is important to select optimal sites for elliptical • 3–4 mm: BCCs
excisions of tumours of the face. As a rule, it is best for • 4–10 mm: SCCs
incisions to follow wrinkle lines and the direction of
hair follicles in the beard area. Therefore, follow the
natural wrinkles in the glabella area, the ‘crows feet’
around the eye, and the nasolabial folds (Fig. 4.14). 3x
To determine non-obvious wrinkles, gently compress
the relaxed skin in different directions to demonstrate
the lines.
lesion x
For tumours of the forehead, make horizontal
incisions, although vertical incisions may be used for
large tumours of the forehead. Ensure that you keep your excision line
incisions in the temporal area quite superficial, as the
frontal branch of the facial nerve is easily cut. Fig. 4.15 Elliptical excision
Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 61

General points (a)

• The length of the ellipse should be 3 times the width
(usually for head and neck).
• This length should be increased (say, to 4 times) in
areas with little subcutaneous tissue (dorsum of hand)
and high skin tension (upper back).
• Incisions should meet, rather than overlap, at the
ends of the ellipse.
• A good rule is to obtain an angle at the end of 30°
fish-tail cuts
or less.
• These rules should achieve closure without
‘dog ears’. final appearance
of wound
Prevention and removal of (b)
‘dog ears’
‘Dog ears’ are best avoided by using a long axis (at least
3 to 1) for an elliptical excision.
The fish-tail cut
However, if this axis turns out too short after excision,
performing a fish-tail cut (Fig. 4.16a) will avoid the
necessity of later correction. (1) (2) (3)

Correction of ‘dog ear’ Fig. 4.16  Prevention of  ‘dog ears’: (a) the fish-tail cut;
If a ‘dog ear’ results in the suture line after elliptical defect (b) correction of defect
closure, it can be dealt with by limited further excision 4.16b Reproduced from I. Mcgregor, Fundamental Techniques of Plastic Surgery,
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1989, with permission.
and closure.
1. Place a hook in the end of the wound, which
is elevated; this defines the extent of the ‘dog ear’
(Fig. 4.16b).
2. Incise the skin around the base (1).
3. Stretch the resultant flap across the wound so that
excess skin is defined and removed (2).
4. Complete the suturing of the wound, which will have
a slight curve (3).

The three-point suture

In wounds with a triangular flap component, it is often
difficult to place the apex of the flap accurately. The
three-point suture is the best way to achieve this while
minimising the chance of strangulation necrosis at the
tip of the flap.
1. Pass the needle through the skin of the non-flap side
of the wound.
2. Pass it then through the subcuticular layer of the flap
tip at exactly the same level as the reception side.
3. Finally, pass the needle back through the reception side
so that it emerges well back from the V flap (Fig. 4.17). Fig. 4.17 The three-point suture
62 Practice Tips

Inverted mattress suture for

perineal skin
This method of repair of the perineum is suitable either
for an episiotomy or a simple tear, and uses a technique
of inverted vertical mattress sutures.
It is a simple method that provides a sound and
comfortable repair. Because it is an interrupted suture
wound, drainage is not sacrificed for the sake of comfort.
1. Suture the vaginal tissue with a normal, continuous
absorbable suture tied subcutaneously.
2. If the wound is very deep, a second internal layer of
sutures should be inserted initially.
3. Close the perineal skin with the inverted mattress
sutures (Fig. 4.18) using an absorbable suture. It is
preferable to commence anteriorly, as this provides
accurate opposition of the skin edges.

Triangular flap wounds on the

lower leg
Triangular flap wounds below the knee are a common
injury and are often treated incorrectly. Similar wounds Fig. 4.18 Inverted mattress suture
in the upper limb heal rapidly when sutured properly, but
lower limb injury usually will not heal by first intention Treatment method
unless the apex of the flap is excised and a small donor 1. Infiltrate a wide area around the wound with LA.
graft implanted. Also think twice about suturing a pretibial 2. Excise the apex of the skin flap back to healthy tissue.
laceration in an elderly person. 3. Loosely suture the angles at the base of the flap.
4. With a no. 24 scalpel, shave a small, split-thickness graft
Proximally based flap from the anaesthetised area proximal to the wound;
A fall through a gap in flooring boards will produce place it on the raw area (Fig. 4.19).
a proximally based flap; a heavy object (such as the 5. Cover both the wound and donor site with petroleum
tailboard of a trailer) striking the shin will result in a jelly gauze, a non-stick dressing and a combine pad;
distally based flap. strap firmly with a crêpe bandage.
Usually the apex of the flap is crushed and poorly The patient should rest with the leg elevated for 3 days.
vascularised; it will not survive to heal after suture. Re-dress the wound on the fourth day.
donor site (within
anaesthetised area)

excised apex of skin flap and graft site

Fig. 4.19 Triangular flap wound suture

Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 63

Alternative (preferred) method elliptical wound creates tension at the centre. A split
It may be possible to save the distal avascular flap, especially skin graft or Wolfe graft will solve the problem but all
in younger patients, by scraping away the subcutaneous too often leaves a depressed, unsightly scar. A rotation
tissue on the flap and using it as a full-thickness graft. flap will cover the deficiency nicely but requires the
undermining of a large area of skin and time-consuming
Distally based flap suturing.
This flap, which is quite avascular, has a poorer prognosis. Double Y on V advancement flap method
The same methods as for the proximally based flap can
be used (Fig. 4.20). Tumours up to 2.5 cm in diameter can be excised and
the deficiency repaired without tension by means of a
double advancement flap fashioned from the ‘wings’
of the ellipse after the lesion has been excised. As the
viability of the flaps relies on a blood supply from the
vulnerable subcutaneous tissue, do not undermine the flaps. Incise
distal flap
the skin and subcutaneous tissue vertically to the fascia.
The elasticity of the subcutaneous tissues will permit
the flaps to be advanced to the midline to be united by
sutures (Fig. 4.21).

Alternative flap technique

Fig. 4.20 Triangular flap wound repair: distally based flap More flexibility of the flaps can be obtained by
undermining the flaps above and below the incision
lines (Fig. 4.22). Viability of the flaps is not a problem.
Excision of skin tumours with
sliding flaps The Y on V (or Island) advancement flap
General practitioners, in both city and country, not This flap, which maintains a good blood supply, is ideal to
uncommonly excise small skin tumours under local close the end of an amputated finger tip in a child, or to
anaesthesia using an elliptical incision. Where the use as an excision procedure on the face in the area of the
skin is tight, as on the trunk or thigh, suture of an nasolabial fold and lip where it conforms to skin creases.

skin lesion


planned flaps (marked with fine marking pen)

Fig. 4.21 Methods of excising skin tumour: (a) planned flaps marked; (b) triangular flaps advanced to midline; (c) flaps
sutured to repair defect

Fig. 4.22 Undermining of subcutaneous tissue (alternative variation)

64 Practice Tips

Method Method
1. Mark the excision lines carefully before excising 1. Excise the tumour with a square excision.
(Fig. 4.23a). 2. Extend the excision lines to about 1½ times the length
2. Excise the lesion as a square or rectangle. of the defect (Fig. 4.24a).
3. Fashion the flap as a triangle about 2 to 2½ times the 3. Excise the skin and subcutaneous tissue with care
length of the defect. Carefully free the flap so that the vertically to the fascia.
skin remains on its subcutaneous tissue pedicle. This 4. Dissect the skin flaps from the subcutaneous tissue
flap is referred to as an ‘island’. and advance them towards each other (preferably
4. Using skin hooks, advance the base of the flap to the with skin hooks) to meet in the middle (Fig. 4.24b).
far edge of the defect with the help of blunt dissection 5. Use three-point sutures to anchor the corners of
and avoiding excessive tension (Fig. 4.23b). the flaps and then suture the wound as shown in
5. Use three-point sutures at the two edges and at the Figure 4.24c.
6. Suture the sides of the wound (Fig. 4.23c).
Thus the V ‘island’ is converted to a Y-shaped scar. Primary suture before excision
of a small tumour
Before excising a small tumour, such as a dermatofibroma,
H double advancement flap skin tag or similar benign tumour, a primary suture can
Like the double Y on V flap this is suitable for areas with be inserted.
a good pad of subcutaneous tissue (e.g. re-excision of a The advantages include better initial haemostasis and
melanoma on the arm). It is useful in places such as the ability to operate singlehandedly.
forehead where the scars conform to skin creases. It is
used where skin closure is impossible for a large ellipse. Method
It can be tested, aborted or grafted. 1. Infiltrate around the lesion with local anaesthetic.
2. Insert an appropriate suture (you may choose to insert
more than one) to straddle the tumour (Fig. 4.25).
3. Excise the tumour. (Take care not to cut the suture.)
4. Secure the suture.
5. Add more sutures if necessary.





Fig. 4.23 The single Y on V method: (a) planned flaps Fig. 4.24 The H double advancement flap: (a) excision of
marked; (b) ‘Island’ flap advanced to midline; (c) flaps sutured tumour with planned flaps; (b) pulling the flaps together;
to repair defect (c) flaps sutured to repair defect
Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 65

excision line a properly placed ligature. A ligature applied too close to

tumour the cut end may subsequently slip and cause unexpected
bleeding (Fig. 4.27).



Fig. 4.25 Insertion of primary suture before excision of small
tumour Fig. 4.27 Method of ligating a vessel to avoid slippage of the tie

Multiple ragged lacerations The transposition flap

In the transposition flap, the flap moves sideways into
Lacerations in a cosmetically important place, such as the primary defect. The flap has a donor site that usually
the face, that have ragged edges or multiple components runs radial to the defect. The flap crosses over intervening
should be trimmed and/or excised (Fig. 4.26). This will normal skin to slot into the defect. The point at the base
provide vertical edges and an organised wound, which of the flap opposite the defect does not move, and this is
can then be sutured meticulously. For the face, use 6/0 the pivot point that is marked with an asterisk in Figure
nylon. Sacrifice of small amounts of facial skin is justified 4.28. The distance from the pivot point to the top of
in the interest of a linear and less obvious scar. Sometimes the flap should be the same as the distance from the
Z-plasty is required. pivot point to the far side of the defect. The donor site
is closed directly. The transposition flap has widespread
ragged lacerations
use, especially on the face and scalp.


planned elliptical excision

Fig. 4.26 Example of managing a group of multiple pivot

lacerations point

Fig. 4.28 The transposition flap

Avoiding skin tears Adapted from A. Pennington, Local Flap Reconstruction, McGraw-Hill, with permission.

Avoid using adhesive tapes on friable skin or dehydrated skin.

Instead, use a cohesive bandage such as Easifix or Tubigrip.
When a flap moves laterally into the primary defect The rotation flap
it is called a transposition flap, and when rotated into The local rotation flap is a most useful procedure in general
the defect it is called a rotation flap. With these flaps, be practice for the excision of skin lesions such as basal cell
careful to avoid a vascular disaster. carcinomas (BCCs). The excision is semicircular and the
pivot point is at the end of the releasing incision.The larger
Vessel ligation the flap, the more skin becomes available. This method is
It is imperative to pay close attention to safe ligation of favoured for the excision of BCCs greater than 12 to 20
any bleeding vessels in the wound by clamping and using mm and other tumours, especially on shoulders and backs.
66 Practice Tips

Method 3. Now undercut the skin flap to the line AD (Fig. 4.29b).
1. Excise the tumour using a triangular excision, which, 4. Rotate this flap so that AC corresponds to AB without
ideally, should be equilateral. Extend the excision excessive tension.
beyond subcutaneous fat to the deep fascia-covering 5. Use simple sutures to close the wound (Fig. 4.29c).
muscle (Fig. 4.29a). Note: Blood is supplied to the skin on the back by the
2. Extend the excision in a curve to a length about 3 times lateral cutaneous branch of each posterior intercostal
that of the length of a side of the original triangular artery and hence follows the line of the ribs. Make sure
excision. that the extended incision allows a blood supply to the
flap—that is, that AD faces medially and not laterally.
(a) pivot point
The rhomboid (Limberg) flap
The rhomboid flap is very useful for repairing defects
that are difficult to suture directly or where the tension
is in the wrong direction. It is most useful for removing
extended lesions on the forehead, temple and scalp.
skin 1. Draw out the rhomboid and the relief extensions,
B tumour
making sure that the angles, lengths and directions
are correct. The short diagonal of the rhomboid equals
the length of the sides, giving the appearance of two
C equilateral triangles placed side by side. The direction
of the relief extensions (theoretically four options)
(b) D depends on the availability of skin.
2. Extend the diagonal for an equal distance in the desired
direction and then draw a back line parallel to one of
A the sides of the rhomboid (Fig. 4.30a).
flap 3. Remove the lesion and free the flaps by back-cutting.
undercut 4. Ensure that the ‘x’ lengths are equal.
to this line 5. Rotate the flap so that A moves to A1, B to B1 and C
defect to B. This should fill the defect perfectly (Fig. 4.30b).
B 6. Care is required in suturing the corners—especially
A and B, where subcutaneous three-point sutures are
appropriate (Fig. 4.30c).
7. The resultant tension from the example illustrated is
transverse (¨). This contrasts with longitudinal
tension if sutured directly.

(c) D The ‘crown’ excision for facial

skin lesions
When the standard elliptical skin excision is unworkable
A or inappropriate, a crown-shaped excision provides an
excellent alternative. This applies particularly to skin
lesions adjacent to key facial structures such as the nose,
B lips, ears and eyes. The shape of the crown excision can
vary—it does not always have to be curved.
(Using a basal cell carcinoma adjacent to the nose as an
1. Mark out the lines of excision around the lesion in
a circle.
Fig. 4.29 Rotation flap: (a) triangular area of excision with 2. Extend the axis of the excision in the free skin (Fig. 4.31a).
extended excision; (b) resultant skin defect; (c) appearance 3. On the ‘obstacle’ side, excise two small curved flaps
after suturing as illustrated.
Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 67

(a) 60° Indications

A1 • Treatment of contractures (to lengthen).
X 120° • Facial scars (to change direction).
B1 Repair of cut lip
While small lacerations of the buccal mucosa of the lip can
be left safely, more extensive cuts require careful repair.
Local anaesthetic infiltration may be adequate, although
C a mental nerve block is ideal for larger lacerations of the
lower lip.
(b) For wounds that cross the vermilion border, meticulous
alignment is essential. It may be advisable to premark the
vermilion border with gentian violet or a marker pen. It
A is desirable to have an assistant.
1. Close the deeper muscular layer of the wound using
4/0 CCG. The first suture should carefully appose the
C mucosal area of the lip, followed by one or two sutures
in the remaining layer (Fig. 4.33).
2. Next, insert a 6/0 monofilament nylon suture to
(c) bring both ends of the vermilion border together. The
slightest step is unacceptable.
3. Close the inner buccal mucosa with interrupted 4/0
plain catgut sutures.
4. Close the outer skin of the lip (above and below the
vermilion border) with interrupted nylon sutures.
1. Apply a moisturising lotion along the lines of the
2. Remove nylon sutures in 3 to 4 days (in a young
person) and 5 to 6 days (in an older person).
Fig. 4.30 The rhomboid flap
Wedge excision and direct
Reproduced from I. Mcgregor, Fundamental Techniques of Plastic Surgery,
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1989, with permission. suture of lip
4. Suture the defect so that a Y-shaped wound is eventually Small, invasive squamous cell carcinomas leading to a defect
produced (Fig. 4.31b). on less than one-third of the lip. Alternative procedures
are required for larger defects and for tumours close to
the angles of the mouth.
Z-plasty An assistant is necessary to help achieve haemostasis,
The Z-plasty is a procedure that redistributes wound due to the copious bleeding from the inferior labial artery
tension by transposing two interdigitating triangular in the posterior third of the lip.
flaps. It brings in tissue from the sides to lengthen the
wound and break up the tension across it. All arms of Method
the Z are equal in length. 1. Provide anaesthesia with a mental nerve block.
2. Carefully mark the excision outline, with special
Method (scheme for a longitudinal contracture) attention to the vermilion border (allow a 2–3 mm
1. Mark out the Z so that the angles are 60° and the arms margin from the lesion). A small marker ‘nick’ or a
are of equal length. stay suture at the border can be used as a guide.
2. Incise along the lines to produce two flaps and free 3. Have the assistant hold the lip firmly on either side
the flaps by dissection. of the excision lines with gauze for a good grip, and
3. Transpose the flaps and suture (Fig. 4.32). slightly evert the lip.
68 Practice Tips

(a) (b)


initial circular
excision line
extended excision

Fig. 4.31  (a) The ‘crown’ excision; (b) final appearance

a a
b a

Fig. 4.32 Z-plasty

4. Excise a clean, full-thickness wedge, with the apex Method

extending almost to the mental fold (Fig. 4.34a). 1. Provide LA by infiltrating subcutaneously around the
5. Identify the labial arteries and either use diathermy or appropriate margin of the ear. The area for infiltration
clamp and tie these bleeders. (to cover all the ear) is shown in Figure 4.34a. This
6. Close the dead space of the muscular layer with V infiltration method is the simplest way to block the
interrupted 4/0 CCG sutures, starting with accurate ear completely. Specific nerve blocks are outlined on
apposition of the main lip area (Fig. 4.34b). page 37.
7. Insert a 6/0 nylon suture precisely at the vermilion 2. Cleanse with antiseptic.
border (the slightest step is unacceptable) and one at 3. Mark an outline of the area of excision with the back
the apex of the wound. of the scalpel and, with a marker, the margins for the
8. Close the buccal mucosa with interrupted plain catgut first suture (e.g. the rim of the helix).
sutures. 4. With tension applied by the assistant, excise a
9. Finally, insert nylon sutures to the vermilion border wedge, cutting cleanly through the skin and cartilage
and skin. (Fig. 4.35b). The anterior skin is incised with a
scalpel and then surgical scissors or the scalpel cuts
Wedge resection of ear through the cartilage and posterior ear skin so that the
This procedure is ideal for small tumours on the superior posterior and anterior aspects of the wedge are an exact
surface of the helix. The requirements are the same as for match.
wedge excision of the lip. 5. Brisk bleeding should soon cease with direct pressure.
Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 69

6. Place the first suture to achieve meticulous alignment.

Place a nonabsorbable mattress suture to ensure
7. Suture the skin on the anterior surface with 6/0 nylon.
8. When the assistant folds the ear over, place and
bury a few interrupted CCG sutures in the cartilage
(Fig. 4.35c). This step is optional, as granuloma
formation may complicate buried sutures.
9. Suture the skin of the posterior surface with nylon.
The dressing
A single layer of paraffin gauze is used, then a double layer
of gauze folded around the ear, so that it sits back in its
normal position. The dressing is firmly fastened with tape.
The dressing is changed in 3 days and the sutures
removed in 6 days.

Repair of lacerated eyelid

General points
Fig. 4.33 Repair of cut lip • Ensure that the tear duct is not involved.
• Preserve as much tissue as possible.
(a) • Do not shave the eyebrow.
• Do not invert hair-bearing skin into the wound.
• Ensure precise alignment of the wound margins.
• Tie suture knots away from the eyeball.
1. Place an intermarginal suture behind the eye lashes if
the margin is involved (Fig. 4.36a).
2. Repair conjunctiva and tarsus with 6/0 catgut
(Fig. 4.36b).
3. Then repair the skin and muscle (orbicularis oculi)
with 6/0 nylon (Fig. 4.36c).

Repair of tongue wound
Wherever possible, it is best to avoid repair to wounds
of the tongue because these heal rapidly. However, large
flap wounds to the tongue on the dorsum or the lateral
border may require suturing. The best method is to use
buried catgut sutures.

1. Infiltrate with 1% lignocaine LA and leave for 5 to 10
minutes. (Sucking ice may provide adequate analgesia.)
2. Use 4/0 or 3/0 catgut sutures to suture the flap to its
bed, and bury the sutures (Fig. 4.37).
It should not be necessary to use surface sutures. If it
is, 4/0 silk sutures will suffice.
The patient should be instructed to rinse
Fig. 4.34  Wedge excision of lip: (a) wedge of lip removed; the mouth regularly with salt water until healing is
(b) precise initial suture satisfactory.
70 Practice Tips

(a) (a)





Fig. 4.36 Repair of lacerated eyelid: (a) initial suture;

(b) repair of deeper layer; (c) outer skin sutured last

Avascular field in digit

Fig. 4.35  Wedge resection of ear: (a) method of ear block A bloodless field in the anaesthetised digit (after a digital
with local anaesthesia Infiltrated subcutaneously; (b) wedge block) can be achieved by using a rubber band as a
of ear removed; (c) suturing in layers simple tourniquet.
Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 71

(a) 3. Mark the area requiring wedge resection, which is

usually elliptical.
4. Swab with antiseptic and infiltrate with local anaesthetic.
5. Perform a wedge resection to remove the sweat glands,
which lie in the layer immediately below the dermis.
Clearing the undersurface of the flap of subcutaneous
fat will remove these sweat glands.
6. Close the wound, which may be sutured directly or by
employing a flap if extensive.

Removal of skin sutures

Suture marks are related to the time of retention of
the suture, its tension and position. The objective is to
remove the sutures as early as possible, as soon as their
purpose is achieved. The timing of removal is based on
commonsense and individual cases. Nylon sutures are
less reactive and can be left for longer periods. After
suture removal it is advisable to support the wound with
micropore skin tape (e.g. Steri-strips) for 1 to 2 weeks,
(b) especially in areas of skin tension.
1. Use good light and have the patient lying comfortably.
2. Use fine, sharp scissors that cut to the point or the
tip of a scalpel blade, and a pair of fine, non-toothed
dissecting forceps that grip firmly.
3. Cut the suture close to the skin below the knot with
scissors or a scalpel tip (Fig. 4.38a).
Fig. 4.37 Repair of tongue wound
4. Gently pull the suture out towards the side on which
it was divided—that is, always towards the wound
Method (Fig. 4.38b).
1. Elevate the hand vertically (or the leg) for 2 Note: In children, cut all sutures before removal.
minutes and wrap tape from the tip of the digit to
its base. (a)
2. Wrap a rubber band around the base of the digit to
block circulation, and unwrap the tape.
3. Now place the limb on the table and complete the
procedure (e.g. removing a foreign body or repairing
a wound).
4. When completed, apply a dressing and snip the rubber
band with a scalpel or scissors.
Wedge resection of axillary
sweat glands
Profuse sweating of axillary hyperhydrosis, especially with
body odour, unresponsive to antiperspirants.
1. Shave the axilla.
2. Apply iodine starch powder to the axilla. This produces
a dark blue/purple response in the area of highest Fig. 4.38 Removal of skin sutures: (a) cutting suture;
sweat production. (b) removal by pulling towards wound
72 Practice Tips

Pitfalls for excision of • anticipation of difficulty with technique or anatomy

non-melanoma skin cancer where an appropriate specialist should be consulted
• squamous cell carcinomas on the lips and ears
There are several anatomical pitfalls awaiting surgical • infiltrating or scar-like morphoeic BCCs—particularly
excision. The following summarises potential or real those on the nose or around the nasal labial fold, as
problem areas. there may be a problem in determining the tumour’s
• The face—for cosmetic reasons. extent and depth
• The face—for potential nerve damage, e.g. temporal • cosmetic concerns such as lesions of the upper chest
branch of facial nerve (Fig. 4.39). and upper arms where keloid scarring is a potential
• The lips and helix of the ear—because of malignant problem
potential. • areas where palpable regional lymph nodes suggestive
• The eyelids. of metastatic spread of squamous cell carcinoma exist,
• The inner-canthus of the eye with close proximity to namely head and neck, axilla and groin.
the nasolacrimal duct.
• Mid-sternomastoid muscle areas where the accessory
nerve is superficial.
W-plasty for ragged
• Fingers where functional impairment may be a lacerations
concern. Jagged lacerations are usually best debrided with a small
• Lower limb below the knee where healing, especially elliptical excision following wrinkle lines, when possible.
in the elderly, will be a problem. As a rule it is better to close a ragged wound without
tension than to trim it and close it with considerable
There is no rule that dictates that a laceration has to
be closed as a straight line.
One procedure that debrides the sides of a ragged
wound (too large for simple elliptical debridement) in a
saw-toothed fashion is W-plasty. The sides of the wound
have to match each other (Fig. 4.40a). With W-plasty, care
should be taken to ensure that adequate blood supply is
maintained. Select the pattern of debridement and, using
a scalpel with a no. 15 blade, make the initial incisions
through the dermis, avoiding full-length incisions, which
tend to result in rolled skin edges.
Apply simple sutures using three-point sutures at the
apices of the triangular components (Fig. 4.40b).

(a) laceration

Fig. 4.39 The course of the temporal branch of the facial nerve

Referral to a specialist trimmed

Referral should be considered when one or more of the excised
following is involved: wound
• uncertainty of diagnosis
• any doubts about appropriate treatment (b)
• tumours larger than 1 cm
• multiple tumours
• recurrent tumours, despite treatment
• incompletely excised tumours, especially when
complete excision may be difficult final ‘saw-tooth’ appearance
• recommended treatment beyond the skills of the
practitioner Fig. 4.40 Technique of W-plasty
Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 73

Debridement of traumatic Table 4.2  Principles of traumatic wound debridement

wounds  1. Remove foreign bodies and gross contamination.
The fundamental principle of debridement is to prevent
 2. Irrigate and scrub to remove surface debris.
infection and facilitate healing of open wounds by the
manual removal of foreign, dead and contaminated  3. Wide prep and drape.
material. It may vary from simple irrigation with saline
 4. Avoid tourniquets unless vital.
to a major clean up under general anaesthetic.
Basic equipment will include (sterlised) scrubbing  5. Excise all dead tissue.
brush, saline solution, scalpel and tissue forceps, artery  6. Excise crushed or dubiously viable tissue if primary
forceps and a 20 mL syringe for irrigation. closure is planned or leave it to declare itself and
The principles and process are summarised in Table 4.2. plan a second-look debridement.
 7. Cut skin edges and deep surfaces back to bleeding
Debridement of skin in tissue. Debride in the line of any longitudinal
a hairy area structures (e.g. limb arteries, veins or nerves) to avoid
When debriding skin in a hairy area, it is important to transection or damage.
realise that hair shafts grow obliquely to the skin. In  8. Further irrigate the wound to wash out bacteria,
order to avoid creating a hairless path along the length residual foreign bodies and small non-viable tissue
of the scar, try to debride the skin edges at the same fragments. Use normal saline, not povidone-iodine
angle as the hair shafts (Fig. 4.41). This avoids damage solution, antibiotics or other antiseptics as they may
to the hair follicles. be tissue-toxic.
Natural lacerations (such as from a blunt blow) to  9. Obtain haemostasis prior to completing the
hairy areas such as the eyebrow do not leave a hairless debridement.
patch of scar when sutured correctly.
10. Decide whether a second-look debridement or
formal closure is required.
Keeping hairs out of wounds
for suturing Reproduced from Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Fundamental Skills for
Surgery, McGraw-Hill, Sydney, 2008, with permission.
While suturing in a hair-bearing area such as the scalp,
it is important to keep hair out of the wound. This can
be done by smoothing the hair down with K-Y gel, hair Clearing shaved areas
gel such as Brylcream, or adhesive tape. An effective way to clean up a shaved area such as a scalp
prior to surgical repair is to use strips of adhesive tape
such a Micropore to pick up loose hairs.

Wound management tips

Traumatic wounds
Primary wound closure rules
• Traditional rule—within 4 to 6 hours
• Facial wounds (uncontaminated)—within 12 to 24
• Other wounds (uncontaminated)—8 to 12 hours
Delayed primary closure
• Wounds too old
• Heavy contamination
Rule: observe 72 hours then repair if not infected.

Table 4.3 indicates examples of the most appropriate
Fig. 4.41  Direction of trimmed incision lines in a dressing materials for the exudate level of the wound
hair-bearing area being treated.
74 Practice Tips

Table 4.3 Appropriate dressing materials for various Healing cavities of incised cysts
exudate levels and abscesses
Dressing type Exudate level This practice tip outlines a simple method of promoting
the healing of cavities resulting from drained abscesses
Film dressings e.g. Tegaderm Nil/minimal or removed sebaceous cysts, especially infected cysts. The
Hydrocolloid e.g. Duoderm Low/moderate concept originally came from veterinary management of
cysts in animals.
Alginate e.g. Algisite Moderate/high
Foam e.g. Allevyn Moderate/high
1. For deep cavities resulting from surgical incision it
Hydrogel e.g. Solosite Dry/sloughy is best to pack them first with sterile non-adherent
gauze while the patient is anaesthetised. This controls
haemostasis and maintains drainage.
Post-operative wound care 2. The following day infiltrate the cavity with intrasite gel.
Useful guidelines are: 3. Cover the wound with opsite or appropriate waterproof
• Use non-adherent dressings over excision wounds. dressing.
Leave for 24 to 48 hours. Place an occlusive dressing 4. Change this every day or every second day until the
over this for protection and when showering. wound heals.
• After removal of dressing clean daily with saline to
remove crusting and to minimise infection. Advantages
• If concerned about infection use thin application of • The gel infuses to all recesses of the cavity that packing
chloramphenicol (or similar ointment). cannot reach.
For healing by secondary intention (such as after curette • Patients can continue management themselves.
or diathermy): • More convenient for patients who have a considerable
• Use hydrocolloidal dressings (e.g. Intrasite, Duoderm, distance to travel.
Rapid Healing Band Aids). • Less pain and discomfort compared with other dressings.
• Leave in situ for up to 7 days. • Rapid healing.

Table 4.4 Time after insertion for removal of sutures

Area Days later
Scalp 6
Face 3 (or alternate at 2, rest 3–4)
Ear 5
Neck 4 (or alternate at 3, rest 4)
Chest 8
Arm (including hand and fingers) 8–10
Abdomen 8–10 (tension 12–14)
Back 12–14
Inguinal and scrotal 7
Perineum 2
Legs 10
Knees and calf 12
Foot (including toes) 10–12
Chapter 4 | Skin repair and minor plastic surgery 75

When to remove non-absorbable Additional aspects

sutures In children, usually remove 1 to 2 days earlier. Allow
For removal of sutures after non-complicated wound additional time for backs and legs, especially the calf.
closure in adults, see Table 4.4. Nylon sutures can be left longer because they are less
Note: Decisions need to be individualised according to reactive. Alternate sutures may be removed earlier
the nature of the wound and health of the patient and (e.g. from the face in women).
healing. In general, remove sutures as soon as possible.
One way of achieving this is to remove alternate sutures
a day or two earlier and remove the rest at the usual
time. Steri-strips can then be used to maintain closure
and healing.
Chapter 5
Treatment of
lumps and bumps

Removal of skin tags

Skin tags (fibroepithelial polyps) are very benign tumours,
and can safely be left. However, patients often request their
removal for cosmetic reasons. There are several ways to
remove skin tags. These include:
• simple excision (see also Perianal skin tags for elliptical
• cutting with scissors
• electrocautery (to base); a very effective method
• tying a fine thread around the base
• crushing with bone forceps
• liquid nitrogen therapy.

Liquid nitrogen therapy

1. Use a pair of forceps (dissecting or artery) to grasp Fig. 5.1  Removal of skin tag by liquid nitrogen
the skin tag, preferably on the base or stalk.
2. Holding the skin tag upright and taut, apply a liquid-
nitrogen-soaked cotton bud to the forceps close to
the tumour (Fig. 5.1). Bone forceps method
3. Apply for several seconds to freeze the tumour. It can A simple procedure is to crush the base of the skin tag
be left or cut off with scissors. flush with the skin using bone forceps (Fig. 5.2a). The
advantages are that:
A variation • no local anaesthetic is required
The tips of the forceps can be dipped directly into the • the procedure is relatively painless
liquid nitrogen and then clamped onto the base of the • the procedure is very quick
skin tag. Multiple tags can be frozen rapidly in this way. • immediate haemostasis is achieved (Fig. 5.2b).
Chapter 5 | Treatment of lumps and bumps 77

(a) (a)
skin tag
cyst outline

base is crushed bone forceps

flush with the skin until
the tag ‘gives way’
excised ellipse of skin
‘bandaid’ is applied to wound


defect (usually bloodless)

ellipse of skin
Fig. 5.2  Removal of skin tag using bone forceps method scissors

Removal of epidermoid
(sebaceous) cysts
There are several methods for removal of sebaceous cysts cyst
after infiltration of local anaesthetic over and around the
cyst. These include the following methods.

Incision into cyst

Make an incision into the cyst to bisect it, squeeze the Fig. 5.3 Standard dissection of sebaceous cyst
contents out with a gauze swab and then avulse the lining a problem. When the cyst is removed, obliterate the space
of the cyst with a pair of artery forceps or remove with with subcutaneous catgut. The skin is sutured with a
a small curette. vertical mattress suture to avoid a tendency to inversion
of the skin edges into the slack wound. Send the cyst for
Punch biopsy method histopathology.
Use a 5 mm punch biopsy to punch a hole into the apex
of the cyst. Squeeze vigorously to express the contents. Electrocautery method
Look for the cyst wall, grasp it with forceps and carefully On the first visit, inject LA into the overlying skin. Insert
enucleate it. A suture is not necessary. a heated electrocautery needle in the cyst and cauterise
the contents for several seconds (Fig. 5.4).
Incision over cyst and blunt dissection On the second visit, 7 to 10 days later, inject LA, then
Make a careful skin incision over the cyst, taking care not
to puncture its wall. Free the skin carefully from the cyst by
blunt dissection.When it is free from adherent subcutaneous hot wire of
tissue, digital pressure will cause the cyst to ‘pop out’. electrocautery unit
sebaceous cyst
Standard dissection
Incise a small ellipse of skin to include the central
punctum over the cyst (Fig. 5.3a). Apply forceps to this
skin to provide traction for dissection of the cyst from
the adherent dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Ideally,
forceps should be applied at either end. The objective is
to avoid rupture of the cyst. Insert curved scissors (e.g.
McIndoe’s scissors) and free the cyst by gently opening
and closing the blades (Fig. 5.3b). Bleeding is not usually Fig. 5.4 Electrocautery to sebaceous cyst
78 Practice Tips

make a small incision in the cyst and express the contents. Sebaceous hyperplasia
Treatment of infected cysts Sebaceous hyperplasia presents as a single or multiple
Incise the cyst to drain purulent material. When the nodules on the face, especially in older persons. The
inflammation has resolved completely, the cyst should nodules are small, yellow-pink, slightly umbilicated
be excised as outlined above. and are found in a similar distribution to basal cell
carcinoma, for which they may be mistaken. There is no
Simple deroofing method need for surgical excision.
This method simply unroofs the cyst and allows healing Dermoid cysts
by dressings over an open area. It should be avoided on the
face or other areas where a puckered scar is unacceptable. Subcutaneous dermoid cysts arise from a nest of epidermal
It is very useful for an infected cyst. cells in the subcutaneous tissues. There are two forms.

Method Developmental (inclusion) dermoid cyst

1. Infiltrate the skin over the cyst with local anaesthetic. The most common is the external angular dermoid,
2. Unroof the cyst by removing a disc of skin with scalpel which lies at the junction of the outer and upper
or scissors. This disc should be slightly smaller than margins of the orbit, in the line of fusion of the maxilla
the diameter of the cyst (Fig. 5.5). and frontal bones (Fig. 5.6). It is usually fluctuant and
3. Evacuate the contents of the cyst and pack with transilluminable. It should not be treated in the office
paraffin gauze. as an excision of a simple cyst, but referred for expert
4. Apply pressure if bleeding is a problem. dissection under general anaesthetic, as it can extend
5. Apply non-adherent dressings daily. into the cranium.
The infected sebaceous cyst
When an infected cyst is encountered, it is appropriate
to open it and drain the pus through a cruciate incision
or a 4–6 mm punch biopsy (under local anaesthetic). external
Evacute the contents with sterile gauze and determine angular
if it is possible to avulse the cyst wall. Usually it heals, dermoid
often definitively, through open healing.

(a) cut about here

sebaceous cyst

(b) Fig. 5.6 External angular dermoid

cyst outline
Traumatic (implantation) dermoid cyst
This is a common lesion of the fingers and palms in
line of excision adults. It is lined by squamous epithelium and contains
sebum, degenerate cells, mucus and occasionally hair. It
is caused by implantation of epithelial cells from repeated
occupational trauma (puncture wounds) and may be seen
Fig. 5.5 A simple deroofing method: (a) cross-sectional view; in seamstresses, wire workers and hairdressers. It initially
(b) surface view presents as a small (< 1 cm) cystic nodular swelling
Chapter 5 | Treatment of lumps and bumps 79

beneath the skin surface, and attached to it, commonly (a)

on the finger pulp (Fig. 5.7). There may be an overlying
puncture wound or scar. It is often painful and tender
and should be removed by a simple incision removal
under local anaesthetic (deroof the cyst and enucleate
its contents by curette or scraping). If asymptomatic, it
can be left.

Fig. 5.7 Implantation cyst of finger

Acne cysts
Acne cysts can be treated by an injection of a long-acting
corticosteroid preparation in such a way as to flush out the
follicular contents and subdue the sterile inflammation.
The treatment is suitable for small numbers of cysts.
You will need:
• 25-gauge needles
• small syringe
• 1 mL long-acting corticosteroid (e.g. triamcinalone
acetonide, methylprednisolone acetate)
1. Introduce a 25-gauge needle into one side of the cyst Fig. 5.8  Treatment of acne cyst
and inject a small quantity of steroid. Remove the
needle (Fig. 5.8a).
2. Introduce a needle into the opposite side of the cyst. Method
Inject steroid so that material is flushed out through 1. Infiltrate with LA.
the initial entry point (Fig. 5.8b). This removes the 2. Holding a no. 10 or 15 scalpel blade horizontally,
follicular material and leaves residual amounts of shave off the tumour just into the dermis (Fig. 5.9).
steroids in a depot form. 3. Diathermy may be required for haemostasis.
The biopsy site usually heals with minimal scarring.
There are various methods for taking biopsies from Punch biopsy
skin lesions. These include scraping, shaving and punch
This biopsy has considerable use in general practice,
biopsies, which are useful but not as effective or safe as
where full-thickness skin specimens are required for
excisional biopsies.
histological diagnosis. (Good-quality disposable punch
biopsies are available from Dermatech.)
Shave biopsies
This simple technique is generally used for the tissue Method
diagnosis of premalignant lesions and some malignant 1. Clean the skin.
tumours, but not melanoma. 2. Infiltrate with LA.
80 Practice Tips

Treatment of ganglions
Ganglions have a high recurrence rate after treatment,
with a relapse of 30% after surgery. Most ganglions are
excision around the dorsal area of the wrist and associated with the
scapulolunate joint, while about 25% are volar (palmar).
scalpel held
A simple, relatively painless and more effective
method is to use intralesional injections of long-acting
corticosteroid, such as methylprednisolone acetate.
Method 1
1. Insert a 19- or 21-gauge needle attached to a 2 mL or
5 mL syringe into the cavity of the ganglion.
2. Aspirate some (not all) of its jelly-like contents, mainly
Fig. 5.9 Shave biopsy to ensure that the needle is in situ.
3. Keeping the needle exactly in place, swap the syringe for
an insulin syringe containing up to 0.5 mL of steroid.
3. Gently stretch the skin between the finger and thumb 4. Inject 0.25–0.5 mL (Fig. 5.11).
to limit rotational movement. 5. Rapidly withdraw the needle, pinch the overlying skin
4. Select the punch (4 mm is the most useful size) and for 1 to 2 minutes and then apply a firm dressing.
hold it vertically to the skin. 6. Review in 7 days and, if still present, repeat the
5. Rotate (in a clockwise, screwing motion) with injection using 0.25 mL of steroid.
firm pressure to cut a plug about 3 mm in depth Up to six injections can be given over a period of time,
(Fig. 5.10). Remove the punch. but 70% of ganglions will disperse with only one or
6. Use fine-toothed forceps or a tissue hook to grip the two injections.
outer rim of the plug.
7. Exert gentle traction and undercut the base of the Method 2
plug parallel to the skin surface using fine-pointed Insert a larger gauge catgut suture through the middle
scissors or a scalpel. of the ganglion and firmly tie it over the ganglion. Side
8. Place the specimen in fixative. pressure may express the contents through the needle
9. Secure haemostasis by firm pressure or by diathermy. holes. Remove the knot 12 days later.
10. Apply a dry dressing or a single suture to the defect.
Olecranon and pre-patellar
Simple aspiration–injection technique
punch held Chronic recurrent traumatic olecranon or pre-patellar
perpendicularly bursitis with a synovial effusion may require surgery,
and rotated


lesion tendon

Fig. 5.10 Punch biopsy Fig. 5.11 Injection treatment of ganglion

Chapter 5 | Treatment of lumps and bumps 81

but most cases can resolve with partial aspiration of the (a)
fluid and then injection of LA corticosteroid through
the same needle.

Excision of lipomas
Lipomas are benign fatty tumours situated in subcutaneous
tissue. They are common on the back, but can occur
anywhere. Ultrasound imaging is useful for gauging the (b)
depth of a lipoma.
Lipomas rarely require removal, but removal may be
desired for cosmetic reasons or to relieve discomfort from
pressure. Many lipomas can be simply enucleated using a
gloved finger, but there are a few traps: some are deeper than
anticipated, and some are adjacent to important structures
such as large nerves and blood vessels. Others are tethered
by fibrous bands, and recurrence can occur if excision is
incomplete. Beware of lipomas on the back that can be
difficult to remove and in the axilla and supraclavicular
areas where they can be misleadingly extensive. (c)
Larger lipomas (> 5 cm) may require referral.
The principle is CUT, SQUEEZE, POP.
1. Outline the extent of the lipoma and mark it with
a ballpoint pen. Note its anatomical relationships.
2. Infiltrate the area with 1% lignocaine with adrenaline.
(Include the deepest part of the lipoma.)
3. Make a linear incision (Fig. 5.12a) in the overlying
skin, preferably in a natural crease line, for about
three-quarters of its length. The lipoma should bulge
through the wound. For large lipomas, incise an
ellipse of skin (Fig. 5.12b). (d)
4. Deepen the incision until the lipoma can be seen.
5. Insert a gloved finger between the skin and fatty
tumour to find a plane of dissection and to determine
whether it will shell out.
6. It is important to seek the outer edge of each
lobule, dissect it and bring it to the wound surface
(Fig. 5.12c). If necessary, insert curved scissors and
use a blunt opening action to free any fibrous bands
tethering the lipoma (Fig. 5.12d).
Note: The best way to prevent bleeding is not to
dissect around the fatty tissue but to incise it, invert
the tumour through the wound and then remove it.
7. Ensure that all the fatty tissue is removed. Send it Fig. 5.12  (a) Linear incision for small lipomas; (b) elliptical
for histological examination. Clipping and ligation incision for large lipomas; (c) gloved finger dissection to
of persistent bleeding vessels may be required. bring lipoma to the surface; (d) blunt scissors dissection to
Haemostasis should be meticulous. free lipoma from tethering fibrous bands
8. Use a gauze swab to control bleeding and remove
debris from the dead space. Keratoacanthoma
9. Close the dead space with interrupted catgut sutures.
Consider a small suction drain tube if oozing persists Most keratoacanthomas (KAs) occur singly on light-
in an extensive dissection area. exposed areas. They are regarded as a variant of squamous
10. Close the skin with interrupted or subcuticular sutures. cell carcinoma and should be treated as such.
82 Practice Tips

Although KAs can be treated by curettage and cautery, • fair complexion

the recommended treatment is surgical excision and • lack of sun protection.
histological examination. Ensure a 2–3 mm margin for
excision. Most patients will not tolerate a tumour on Treatment guidelines
an exposed area such as the face for 6 months while • Surgery is the primary treatment: use a simple ellipse
waiting for a spontaneous remission to confirm the (where possible) under local anaesthetic with a 3 mm
clinical diagnosis. margin (in most cases).
Note: SCCs on the ear metastasise 15 times more rapidly • Cryotherapy is suitable for primary, well-defined,
than elsewhere. The relative growth rates of SCC, KAs and histologically confirmed superficial tumours, at
basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are shown in Figure 5.13. sites away from the head and neck. Contraindicated
for morphoeic or ill-defined tumours. Good results
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) are obtained for small BCCs (< 1 cm) with sharply
BCCs are the most common type of skin cancer. They can demarcated borders.
occur on any part of the body, but the most common • Superficial X-ray therapy is an option in larger tumours
site is on the face, especially next to the eyes or nose. in older people. Use with discretion and infrequently.
It is useful to think of it as the area covered by an eye • Imiquimod: Suitable for biopsy-proven superficial BCC,
mask (Fig. 5.14). Another common area is the neck, but not on nose or around eyes. Treatment Monday to
and the upper back and chest are becoming more Friday, 5 times weekly for 6 weeks.
common sites. • Curettage and electrodissection: A curette is first used
Increased risk occurs with: to remove friable tumour tissue, leaving firm normal
• age over 50 years tissue. Electrodesiccation of the margins of the defect
• exposure to excessive sunlight is then performed. Careful follow-up is essential.

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

SCC SCCs usually develop in skin exposed to the sun, in
particular the face (especially the lower lip), ears, neck,
Size of tumour

KA forearm, back of the hands and lower legs (Fig. 5.15).

A special trap is on the scalps of men who are bald or
have thin scalp hair.
Increased risk occurs with:
clinically apparent • age over 60 years
BCC • fair complexion
10 weeks • outdoor occupations
time • development of sunspots (solar keratoses).
Fig. 5.13  Relative growth rates of three types of skin

scalp, especially
in bald men

helix of ear

lower lip

Fig. 5.14  Typical sites of basal cell carcinoma: the ‘mask’ area Fig. 5.15 Important common sites of squamous cell
of the face carcinoma on the head and face
Chapter 5 | Treatment of lumps and bumps 83

Treatment guidelines helix

• Surgery is the treatment of choice—use a simple
ellipse under LA with a 4 mm margin (in most cases).
• Superficial X-ray therapy is an option in a primary
untreated tumour when surgery is not feasible. antehelix
Cryotherapy and curettage are not treatments of choice.

Pyogenic granuloma
These solitary, raised, bright red tumours (granuloma
telangiectaticum) tend to bleed profusely. The most
effective treatment is curettage and electrocautery under
local anaesthesia.
However, it must be stressed that histological
confirmation of the diagnosis is essential to exclude Fig. 5.16  Typical sites of chondrodermatitis nodularis helicus
anaplastic squamous cell carcinoma or amelanotic
melanoma. Thus, after the tumour has been shaved off
or curetted it should be sent for examination.
Rapid healing of the skin lesion orf can be achieved by
Seborrhoeic keratoses injecting corticosteroids into the pustular nodule.
Regular applications of liquid nitrogen may remove these
benign skin tumours, or at least decolourise them. Precautions
Immediately after freezing you can use a scalpel (e.g. • Ensure that the diagnosis of orf is correct.
size 15 blade) to scrape off the lesion at skin level. • Warn the patient of likely increased discomfort for
Another method is to apply carefully concentrated 24 hours.
phenol solution. Repeat in 3 weeks if necessary.
Yet another method is to apply trichloroacetic acid to Method
the surface and instil it in gently by multiple pricks with • Mix 0.5 mL of 1% plain lignocaine with 0.5 mL of
a fine gauge needle. Perform twice weekly for 2 weeks. long-acting corticosteroid, e.g. triamcinolone. Use
more solution for a larger lesion.
Stucco keratoses • Infiltrate the solution into the lesion, around its
margins and into its base.
This subtype of seborrhoeic keratoses are multiple non- • The lesion is left to heal without dressings.
pigmented small friable keratoses over the lower legs. Rapid healing occurs within 5 to 10 days. Otherwise
They can be treated with a topical keratolytic such as it takes 3 to 4 weeks.
3–5% salicyclic acid in sorbolene.
Milker’s nodules
Chondrodermatitis nodularis These nodules can heal more rapidly if the same
helicus intralesional corticosteroid injection is given as for orf.
This lump, which is not an SCC or other neoplasm,
presents as a painful nodule on the most prominent Haemangioma of the lip
part of the helix or antehelix of the ear (Fig. 5.16). It is
seen more often on the helix in men, while it is found Attempted excision of these common lesions should be
more often on the antehelix in women. It is caused by avoided because of bleeding. Perform a mental nerve block
sun damage and pressure degeneration from excessive (preferable to local infiltration) and insert the needle of
sleeping on the affected side. It causes pain at night. the electrocautery or hyfrecator into the centre of the
Histologically, a thickened epidermis overlies inflamed haemangioma. More than one treatment may be necessary.
cartilage. It looks like a small corn, is tender, and affects
sleep if that side of the head lies on the pillow. The first Aspiration of Baker cyst
line treatment is cryotherapy. If that fails, wedge resection A distended tender popliteal cyst (Baker cyst) of the
(p. 68) with a minimal border under local anaesthesia is knee is really a bursa that communicates with the knee
an effective treatment. Send the specimen for histological joint. It may be associated with rheumatoid arthritis,
examination. osteoarthritis, traumatic knee disruption or a normal joint.
84 Practice Tips

Aspiration and injection may alleviate the symptoms this site into the sac and remove the stilette, leaving
of swelling and tenderness. the soft cannula in the sac (Fig. 5.18).
3. Remove the serous fluid initially by free drainage,
Method possibly aided by manual compression on the sac and
1. The patient should be prone, with a small pillow under then by aspiration with a 20 mL syringe.
the knee to produce slight hyperextension of the joint 4. Record the volume.
and obvious distension of the bursa. 5. Inject 2.5–3% sterile aqueous phenol into the empty sac
2. Using a sterile, no-touch technique, insert a 21-gauge (10 mL for 200 mL of fluid removed, 15 mL for 200–
38 mm needle attached to a 20 mL syringe into the 400 mL and 20 mL for over 400 mL). An alternative
bursa. and simpler solution is to use 3% STD. Use 2–5 mL.
3. Completely aspirate the fluid, which is usually a clear Phenol: Ivn Australia phenol can be ordered from
yellow. Briggate Medical Company (
4. Leave the needle in situ and exchange the 20 mL The procedure can be repeated after 6 weeks.
syringe for a 2 mL syringe containing 1 mL of long-
acting corticosteroid, which is then injected (Fig. 5.17).
5. Recurrence is common. An alternative treatment is
to inject 5 mL of 2.5–3% aqueous phenol or 3%
STD (sodium tetradecyl sulfate) solution instead of

Aspiration and injection of

hydrocele testis
Aspiration, followed by an injection of dilute aqueous
phenol or STD, can be a very useful treatment technique
for primary hydroceles—especially where definitive hydrocele
surgery is inappropriate. Aspiration alone rarely corrects
a hydrocele, but the aspiration/injection combination
performed 2 or 3 times can often cure the problem. Fig. 5.18 Aspiration of hydrocele
1. Inject LA into the scrotal skin down to the sac.
2. Insert an 18- or 19-gauge intravenous cannula through Epididymal cysts
The same method as for hydroceles can be used. Aspirate
and then inject sclerosant.

Testicular tumours
It has been shown that scrotal needling such as for needle
popliteal (Baker) cyst
biopsy of testicular tumours has the potential risk of
implanting malignant cells in the scrotal wall. The same
applies to a scrotal incision to remove testicular cancer. For
this reason, incisions to remove testicular cancer are made in
the inguinal area.Testicular cancer is spread by the lymphatics
to the para-aortic nodes, and not to the inguinal nodes.

Torsion of the testicle

• Follow the 4 to 6 hour intervention rule.
• Don’t waste time with investigations, such as
• Consider manipulation from the horizontal position,
Fig. 5.17 Aspiration of Baker’s cyst
although it is painful.
Chapter 5 | Treatment of lumps and bumps 85

Steroid injections into skin Triamcinolone is the appropriate long-acting

lesions corticosteroid (10 mg/mL). It may be diluted in equal
quantities of saline.
Suitable lesions for steroid injections are: Method
• granuloma annulare 1. The steroid should be injected into the lesion (not
• hypertrophic scars (early development) below it).
• keloid scars (early development) 2. Insert a 25- or (preferably) 27-gauge needle, firmly
• alopecia areata locked to a small insulin-type 1 mL syringe, into
• lichen simplex chronicus the lesion at the level of the middle of the dermis
• necrobiosis lipoidica (Fig. 5.19).
• hypertrophic lichen planus 3. High pressure is required with some lesions
• plaque psoriasis. (e.g. keloid).
4. Inject sufficient steroid to make the lesion blanch.
5. Several sites will be needed for larger lesions, so preceding
LA may be required in some instances. Avoid infiltration
of steroid in larger lesions: use multiple injections.

Steroid injections for plaques

of psoriasis
An excellent method of effective treatment of small to
moderately sized plaques of psoriasis is by intralesional
infiltration using a long-acting corticosteroid.
hypertrophic scar
• Triamcinolone 10 mg/mL solution (or other
• 1% (plain) lignocaine (or similar local anaesthetic)
• 25-gauge needle (or 23-gauge if larger plaque)
1. Mix equal parts of corticosteroid and local anaesthetic.
2. Swab the lesion.
3. Insert the needle at the margin of the plaque and
infiltrate the lesion at an intradermal level, avoiding
going deep into the subcutaneous tissue.
4. Infiltrate the whole plaque.
Fig. 5.19 Injection of corticosteroid into mid-dermis
5. A larger plaque may require needle insertion at two
sites (Fig. 5.20).

all areas of plaque

long-acting corticosteroid

Fig. 5.20 Intralesional corticosteroid injection technique for psoriatic plaque (requiring double injection; small plaques cope
with one infiltration)
86 Practice Tips

This treatment, which is ideal for a persistent elbow or Elastoplast Scar Reduction Patch
knee plaque, is rapidly effective and tends to induce a
These patches can be used to treat or prevent hypertrophic
long remission.
scars.The patch is applied over the scar and changed every
24 hours. It should not be applied to open wounds or burns.
Hypertrophic scars: Multiple
puncture method Keloids
Hypertrophic scars are usually treated by multiple Methods
intradermal injections of long-acting corticosteroids. The • Multiple puncture method.
injections are not normally painful, but the procedure • Inject long-acting corticosteroid, e.g. triamcinolone
can be distressing, particularly to children. 10 mg/mL (usually three treatments, 6 weeks apart).
It is possible to achieve the same results without ‘an • Apply liquid nitrogen, then inject with corticosteroid
injection’, delivering the steroid by the multiple-pressure about 5 to 15 minutes later—the softer oedematous
technique used for smallpox vaccinations. tissue is easier to inject.
• Radiotherapy.
1. The patient is positioned so that the scar to be treated
is in the horizontal plane. Prevention of keloids (in susceptible
2. Cleanse the skin thoroughly with an alcohol swab patients)
and allow it to dry. • Apply high-potency topical corticosteroid with
3. Draw injectable corticosteroid up into a syringe, prefer- occlusive dressing for 2 to 3 days.
ably before the patient enters the treatment room. • Inject long-acting corticosteroid into the recess of the
4. Spread a film or layer of the steroid aseptically over wound immediately following suture of the wound
the scar. (Fig. 5.21).
5. Make multiple pressures through the solution into • Inject long-acting corticosteroid immediately following
the scar, using a 21-gauge needle held tangentially to suture removal.
the skin.The point of the needle should just penetrate the
epidermis and not be deep enough to cause bleeding.
6. There should be approximately 20 pressures per cm2. Dupuytren contracture
7. Allow the steroid to dry and cover the area with a If the palmar nodule is growing rapidly, an injection of
dressing if desired. long-acting corticosteroid or collagenase (e.g. Xiaflex)
Treatment can be repeated every 6 weeks if necessary; into the cord or nodule may be very effective. It can be
most simple hypertrophic scars, however, settle after one repeated in 6 weeks, but surgical intervention is indicated
treatment. for a significant flexion deformity.

Silicon adhesive gel/dressings Drainage of breast abscess

Silicon sheet dressings (e.g. Cica-Care) worn continuously
over a wound may prevent hypertrophy of the wound. Acute bacterial mastitis
An adhesive gel sheet can be purchased and a piece cut Resolution without progression to an abscess will
out to fit the wound. The gel sheet should be re-applied usually be prevented by antibiotics (e.g. flucloxacillin
daily for 12 weeks. 500 mg 4 times a day orally or cephalexin 500 mg
Alternatively, silicon gels massaged firmly into the 4 times a day orally). In addition, therapeutic ultrasound
wound each day after the wound has re-epithelialised (2 W/cm2 for 6 minutes) daily for 2 to 3 days will
may help. assist resolution.

Fig. 5.21 Injecting corticosteroid into wound

Chapter 5 | Treatment of lumps and bumps 87

The breast abscess (a)

If an abscess develops, repeated aspiration or occasionally
incision and drainage will be required.
Aspiration drainage
This is the preferred treatment and best performed under
ultrasound guidance. However, if US is unavailable it can
be drained with an 18- to 21-gauge needle under local
anaesthetic every second day until resolution.
Surgical drainage under general anaesthesia
The surgical incision should be placed as far away from
the areola and nipple as possible and the dressings kept (b)
clear of the areola to allow breastfeeding to continue.
The incision is best placed in a radial orientation (like
the spoke of a wheel) to minimise the risk of severing
breast ducts or sensory nerves to the nipple.
1. Make an incision over the point of maximal tenderness,
preferably in a dependent area of the breast (Fig. 5.22a).
2. Use artery forceps to separate breast tissue to reach
the pus.
3. Take a swab for culture. (c)
4. Introduce a gloved finger to break down the septa that
separate the cavity into loculations (Fig. 5.22b). Flush
the cavity with sterile saline solution.
5. Insert a corrugated drainage tube into the cavity. Fix
it to the skin edge with a single suture (Fig. 5.22c).
Remove the tube 2 days after the operation. Change
the dressings daily until the wound has healed. Continue
antibiotics until resolution of the inflammation. Continue
breastfeeding from both breasts, but if breastfeeding is
not possible because of the location of the incisions and
drains, milk should be expressed from that breast.
Fig. 5.22 Drainage of breast abscess: (a) linear incision;
Aspiration of breast lump (b) exploring abscess cavity; (c) drainage tube in situ
This simple technique is very helpful, especially if the 4. Introduce the needle directly into the area of the
lump is a cyst, and will have no adverse effects if the lump swelling, and once in subcutaneous tissue apply gentle
is malignant. If so, the needle biopsy will help with the suction as the needle is being advanced (Fig. 5.23b).
pre-operative cytological diagnosis. 5. If fluid is obtained (usually yellowish green), aspirate
as much as possible.
Clues to diagnosis of breast cysts 6. If no fluid is obtained, try and get a core of cells from
• Sudden onset; past history at surgery several areas of the lump in the bore of the needle.
• Discrete breast mass, firm, rarely fluctuant, relatively 7. Make several passes through the lump at different angles,
mobile without exit from the skin and maintaining suction.
8. Release suction before exit from the skin so as to keep
Method of aspiration and needle biopsy the cells in the needle (not in the syringe).
1. Avoid LA; use an aqueous skin preparation. 9. After withdrawal, remove the syringe from the needle,
2. Use a 21-gauge needle and a 5 mL sterile syringe. fill with 2 mL of air, reattach the needle and produce
3. Identify the mass accurately and fix it by placing a fine spray on two prepared slides.
three fingers of the dominant hand firmly on three 10. Fix one slide (in Cytofix) and allow one to air dry,
sides of the mass (Fig. 5.23a). and forward to a reputable pathology laboratory.
88 Practice Tips

(a) third finger 3. Make a narrow elliptical incision over the medial
fourth finger part of the cyst, at least 3 cm in length (Fig. 5.24a).
(As this ostium later contracts, it is a fault to make
it too small.)
4. Excise the ellipse of skin, then open the wall of the
cyst in the same line, and carefully grasp its edges
with mosquito forceps.
direction of syringe 5. After the contents of the cyst escape, wash out the cavity
second finger with saline, and inspect it then dry it carefully. Any
deep loculi must be opened widely. On the postero-
inferior cyst wall it is usual to find a punctum leading
into the proximal remnant of the duct.
6. Suture the cyst wall to the skin edge at four points
using fine catgut, thus creating a pouch (Fig. 5.24b).
third finger No dressing is applied and the patient is instructed
to take a sitting bath twice a day for a week. Healing
is rapid, without pain, and the result is a permanent
second finger ostium close to the hymen which delivers free-draining
secretion close to the normal site (Fig. 5.24c). If this
thumb ostium is too lateral, the woman may complain of
discharge and wetness of the skin.
With this technique, even the inexperienced operator
will have no difficulty achieving good results with
Fig. 5.23 Fixation of the cyst: (a) lateral view; (b) position Bartholin’s cysts. Abscesses can be more difficult
of other hand: second (index) finger and thumb steady the if the lining is friable or necrotic. For this reason,
syringe while the third (middle) finger slides out the plunger early operation should be advised in the presence of
to create suction inflammation.

Indications for biopsy of lump Cervical polyps

• The cyst fluid is bloodstained Women presenting with small cervical polyps can be
• The lump does not disappear completely with aspiration readily and simply treated in the office with sponge-
• The swelling recurs within 1 month holding forceps and a silver nitrate stick. Patients with
large polyps require a different approach and referral
Recurrent cysts may be appropriate.
After aspiration, leave the needle in situ and inject 2–5 mL
of air. This method reduces the recurrence rate. Method
1. Grasp the polyp with sponge-holding forceps and
Marsupialisation technique for gently twist the polyp until it separates (Fig. 5.25a).
Bartholin cyst 2. Place the polyp in a specimen bottle and send it for
histological examination.
Bartholin cyst presents as a swelling at the posterior end 3. Cauterise the base of the polyp at the cervical os
of the labium majus, close to the fourchette. The correct (Fig. 5.25b) with silver nitrate or by electrocautery.
treatment of both cyst and abscess is marsupialisation,
not excision (which is difficult, bloody and leads to scarring)
or incision (which is usually followed by recurrence). Liquid nitrogen therapy
The procedure can be carried out on an outpatient,
preferably using local anaesthesia. Ideally, liquid nitrogen is stored in a special, large
container and decanted when required into a small
Method thermos flask or a spray device.The temperature is –193°C.
1. With the patient in the lithotomy position, swab and The easiest method of application to superficial skin
drape the vulva. tumours (see Table 5.1) is via a ball of cotton wool rolled
2. Infiltrate the skin over the medial part of the cyst with rather loosely on the tip of a wooden applicator stick.
1% lignocaine with adrenaline, using a fine needle This should be slightly smaller than the lesion, to prevent
and a slow injection. freezing of the surrounding skin.
Chapter 5 | Treatment of lumps and bumps 89

(a) (c)

lining of cyst


vaginal epithelium

Fig. 5.24 Marsupialisation technique: (a) start of operation; (b) final suture; (c) post-operative appearance

• eyelids
cervix • nails (do not freeze over nail matrix).
Cotton wool application method (basic steps)
twisted polyp
1. Inform the patient what to expect.
cervical os 2. Pare excess keratin with a scalpel.
3. Use a cotton wool applicator slightly smaller (not
larger—see Fig. 5.26a) than the lesion.
4. Immerse it in nitrogen until bubbling ceases.
5. Gently tap it on the side of the container to remove
removal of polyp by twisting excess liquid.
6. Hold the lesion firmly between thumb and forefinger.
7. Place the applicator vertically (Fig. 5.26b, c) on the
tumour surface.
(b)(b) 8. Apply with firm pressure: do not dab.
9. Redip the applicator every 5 to 10 seconds.
10. Freeze until a 2–5 mm white halo appears around
the lesion.
The appropriate length of application varies (see
Table 5.2).
Explain likely reactions to the patient, such as the
appearance of blisters (possibly blood blisters). The
optimal time for retreatment of warts is at or soon after
3 weeks.

Table 5.1 Superficial skin tumours suitable for cryotherapy

Fig. 5.25  Cervical polyp excision: (a) removal by twisting; Warts (plane, periungual, plantar, anogenital)
(b) cauterising base with silver nitrate
Skin tags

Beware of application to the following: Seborrhoeic keratoses

• dark skin Molluscum contagiosum
• upper lips
Solar keratoses
• nerves
90 Practice Tips

(a) (b)


Fig. 5.26 Shows (a) applicator too large; (b) correct size and approach of applicator; (c) correct size but wrong position of

Table 5.2  Recommended treatment times for cryotherapy

Solar keratoses, solar lentigos < 3 seconds
Seborrhoeic keratoses single cycle 5–10 seconds
Skin tags 5–10 seconds
Warts—hands single cycle 30 seconds
Warts—feet two cycles 30 seconds with complete thaw in between
Molluscum contagiosum 5 seconds

Spray ‘gun’ method Carbon dioxide slush for skin

Spraying liquid nitrogen under high pressure is by far lesions
quicker and more effective than the topical method. It
Carbon dioxide (CO2), also known as dry ice, is an
produces sufficient intense cold to treat deeper lesions.
effective cryotherapy (freezing) agent for the treatment
Spray until the white halo forms. If the spray is too diffuse
of warts and keratoses. The CO2 snow is obtained by the
for the lesion, you can place the opening of an otoscope
rapid release of CO2 gas from a cylinder.
earpiece over the lesion—then spray into the opening of
the earpiece, but wear thick gloves for this manoeuvre.
Another strategy is to apply a thick film of petroleum Equipment
jelly or spray ‘plastic skin’ such as Op Site to protect the You will need:
surrounding skin. • one sparklet cylinder of CO2
• a chamois bag with a purse string around the edge
• a bottle of acetone
• a cotton wool bud (preferably on a long stick).
Chapter 5 | Treatment of lumps and bumps 91

Method (a) tip of needle

1. Invert the cylinder and connect the chamois bag skin deroofed
around the nozzle to collect a small amount of dry ice from xanthoma
(snow). The CO2 snow can be made into a slush by
adding a few drops of acetone immediately before use.
Alternatively, the cotton bud can be dipped in acetone
and then introduced into the snow.
2. Roll the cotton wool bud firmly in this slush to collect
an ‘ice ball’, which must be used immediately as it
melts very rapidly. The ‘ice ball’ should be marginally
smaller than the lesion to be treated. (b) tweezers
3. Apply this ‘ice ball’ to the skin lesion for 10 to 15 seconds.
Trichloroacetic acid squeeze
by tweezers
Trichloroacetic acid, which should be readily available from expels
pharmacies, has good use as a chemical ablative agent, but xanthoma
it requires careful application on skin lesions. It is usually
applied twice weekly, and can be introduced into the
lesions, e.g. seborrhoeic keratoses, with fine needle pricks.
Fig. 5.27  Removal of nodular xanthoma
Suggested uses
• Seborrhoeic keratoses
• Xanthelasma Warts and papillomas
• Other flat hyperpigmented lesions Warts are skin tumours caused by the human papilloma
virus that are transmitted by direct or fomite contact
Simple removal of xanthoma/ and may be autoinnoculated from one area to another.
xanthelasmas The various types include common warts, plantar warts,
filiform warts (fine elongated growths usually on the face
General practitioners receive many requests to remove and neck), digitate warts (finger-like projections, usually
cosmetically unacceptable xanthomas (xanthelasmas) of on scalp), genital and plantar warts.We should keep in mind
the eyelid. A simple method of removal is described. It is the fact that about 25% of warts resolve spontaneously in
suitable for most sizes, but works best for smaller nodular 6 months and 70% in 2 years.
xanthomas that are bulging and ‘ripe’ for removal.
Treatment options
Topical applications
• A 21-gauge sterile disposable needle
• Manicure tweezers (flat or slanted, not pointed) • Salicylic acid, e.g. salicylic acid 5–20% in flexible
collodion (apply daily or bd), salicylic acid 16–17%
Method + 16–17% lactic acid (apply once daily)
1. Explain the method to the patient, indicating that there • Formaldehyde 2–4% alone or in combination
is slight discomfort only. • Podophyllotoxin 0–5%, for warts on mucosal surfaces,
2. Although it is not necessary for all patients, apply some e.g. anogenital warts
ice or other surface ‘anaesthetic’ to the xanthoma to • Cytotoxic agents, e.g. 5-fluorouracil, very good for
lessen the discomfort. resistant warts such as plantar warts and periungual
3. Stretch the overlying skin and make a small incision in warts
the skin with the tip of the needle (or a fine scalpel) • The immunomodulator, imiquimod
(Fig. 5.27a). Cryotherapy
4. Compress the xanthoma along its axis with the
tweezers. It is invariably easily expelled (Fig. 5.27b). • Carbon dioxide (–56.5°C) or liquid nitrogen
• Excessive keratin must be pared before freezing
Infiltrative xanthelasmas
The flat yellowish xanthelasma around the eyes is Curettage
difficult to treat surgically. The simplest method is to A most common treatment, some plantar warts can
use ablative therapy, such as laser or careful application be removed under LA with a sharp spoon curette. The
of trichloracetic acid. problem is a tendency to scar.
92 Practice Tips

Electrodissection Molluscum contagiosum

A high-frequency spark under LA is useful for small Individual lesions usually involute spontaneously over
or digitate warts. A combination of curettage and several months. There are several simple treatments
electrodissection is suitable for large and persistent available for this viral tumour of the skin, the choice
warts. being influenced by the person’s age. The great range of
possible treatments reflects the difficulty of achieving
Vitamin A and the retinoids
rapid resolution.
• Topical retinoic acid (e.g. tretinoin 0.1% cream- Treatment choices are:
Retin-A) for plane warts • liquid nitrogen (a few seconds)
• Systemic oral retinoid, acitretin (Neotogason) for • pricking the lesion with a pointed stick soaked in 1%
recalictrant warts (with care) or 3% phenol
• application of 15% podophyllin in Friar’s Balsam
Medication (compound benzoin tincture)
Consider cimetidine for a large crop of warts. • application of 30% trichloroacetic acid
• application of 5% benzoyl peroxide
Specialised treatments • application of 17% salicylic acid + 17% lactic acid in
Bleomycin, cantharidin, immunotherapy (e.g. topical collodion (Dermatech or Duofilm)
diphencyprone-DPCP). • application of wheatgrass topical cream or spray (a
wheatgrain extract—see
Specific wart treatment • destruction by electrocautery or diathermy
• ether soap and friction method
The method chosen depends on the type of wart, its site • lifting open the tip with a sterile needle inserted
and the patient’s age. from the side (parallel to the skin) and applying 10%
• Plane warts: liquid nitrogen (after paring) to each povidone-iodine (Betadine) solution or 2.5% benzoyl
wart every 2–4 weeks; consider tretinoin 0.05% cream peroxide (parents can be shown this method and
(once daily for face) or 5-fluorouracil cream continue it at home for multiple tumours)
• Filiform or digitate warts: liquid nitrogen or • paint with clear nail polish
electrodissection • cover with a piece of duct tape or Micropore (or
• Plantar warts: refer to pages 99–101 similar paper-based tape) and change every day (may
• Periungual warts (fingernails): consider 5-fluorouracil take a few months)
or liquid nitrogen with care. Always use a paint rather • inject a larger single lesion with corticosteroid, e.g.
than ointment or paste on fingers triamcinolone 10 mg/mL solution.
• Common warts (see below)
Most effective method
Topical options for common warts: helpful hints
Extract the core with a curette or large needle, then apply
1. Soak the wart/s in warm soapy water.
10% povidone-iodine solution.
2. Rub back the wart surface with a pumice stone.
3. Apply the anti-wart agent—options:
Ether soap method
• Adults: 17% salicylic acid, 17% lactic acid
in collodion paint (Dermatec, Duofilm), apply Soak the tumour or tumours for 1 to 2 nights in ether
daily. soap (now difficult to obtain), with a plastic covering over
• Children: 8% salicylic acid, 8% lactic acid in the soap-soaked swab. The tumours are then obliterated
collodion. by rubbing with another damp swab.
• Formulated paint: formalin 5%, salicylic acid 12%,
acetone 25%, collodion to 100%; apply daily or For large areas of multiple molluscum
every second day. contagiosum
• Salicylic 70% paste in linseed oil: leave 1 week then Apply aluminum acetate (Burrow’s solution 1:30) twice
freeze with liquid nitrogen. a day.
4. Consider protecting the surrounding skin with nail
polish or Vaseline. New alternative treatments
5. Remove dead skin between applications. • Extract of the Cantharis beetle (prepared as Canthrone)
Maverick tip (from personal communications): Apply is reportedly very effective (if available).
Superglue weekly to stubborn common warts. • Imiquimod (Aldara) cream, thrice weekly for 3 weeks.
Chapter 6
of ano-rectal
Perianal haematoma Stage 2 treatment: Within 24 hours to
This painful condition usually develops with straining 5 days of onset
to pass stool. Surgical intervention is recommended, By now the blood has clotted, and a simple incision over
especially in the presence of severe discomfort. The the haematoma to remove the thrombosis followed by
treatment depends on the time of presentation after deroofing is the most appropriate treatment.
appearance of the haematoma.
Stage 1 treatment: Within 24 hours You will need:
of onset • 1% lignocaine with adrenaline (1–2 mL)
While the haematoma is still fluid, the treatment is • a 25-gauge needle and 2 mL syringe
by simple aspiration of the blood (Fig. 6.1). No local • a no. 15 scalpel blade
anaesthetic is necessary. If this is unsuccessful, surgical • 1 plain-toothed dissecting forceps (not essential).
drainage is recommended.
1. Swab the perianal area with povidone iodine, then
You will need a: inject 1–2 mL of LA into the pedicle of the skin around
• 2 mL or 5 mL syringe the base of the haematoma (Fig. 6.2a). An alternative is
• 19-gauge needle to apply a liberal amount of local anaesthetic ointment
and wait 20 to 30 minutes.
2. Make a stab incision with the scalpel blade into the
skin over the haematoma.
3. Extend the incision along the main axis of the
haematoma (Fig. 6.2b).
4. Evacuate the thrombus with gentle, lateral pressure
(Fig. 6.2c) or lift out with forceps.
5. An alternative and perhaps better method is to deroof
the haematoma with scissors (like taking the top off
a boiled egg). Squeeze out the clot.
6. Apply pressure to the incised area with a plain gauze
Fig. 6.1  Aspiration of blood for perianal haematoma swab to achieve haemostasis.
94 Practice Tips

(a) (b) (c)

25-gauge needle thrombus

no. 15 scalpel blade

Fig. 6.2 Treatment of perianal haematoma: (a) local anaesthetic; (b) incision over haematoma; (c) thrombus expressed by
digital pressure

7. When bleeding has stopped, apply a small dressing of

elliptical incision
gauze, then a combine (5 cm × 5 cm) folded in half. flush with base
8. Retain the dressing with well-fitting underpants (not
adhesive), apply an ice pack and rest in bed. Remove skin tag
the next day.
9. No stitch is required unless haemostasis is a problem.
Fig. 6.3 Excision of perianal skin tag
Stage 3 treatment: Day 6 onwards
The haematoma is best left alone unless it is very painful
or (rarely) infected. Resolution is evidenced by the Rubber band ligation of
appearance of wrinkles in the previously stretched skin. haemorrhoids
The haematoma will ultimately become a skin tag. Before the procedure
Note: A gangrenous haematoma or a very large
thrombosed pile should be surgically excised. The patient • Two glycerine suppositories (to empty rectum)
should have analgesics and Sitz baths. • Paracetamol and codeine oral analgesics
Rubber band ligation of haemorrhoids (best for stages
Follow-up 2 and 3) is a simple technique performed through a
lubricated proctoscope which can be held by the patient
The patient should be reviewed in 4 weeks for rectal after insertion (Fig. 6.4a). One or two rubber bands are
examination and proctoscopy, to examine for any stretched over the loading cone onto the metal drum of
underlying internal haemorrhoid that may predispose the banding instrument.
to further recurrence. Prevention includes an increased
intake of dietary fibre and avoidance of straining at stool. Method
1. Thread the long grasping forceps through the drum
Perianal skin tags of the banding instrument and grasp the haemorrhoid
The skin tag is usually the legacy of an untreated perianal about 1 cm above the dentate line (Fig. 6.4b). (It is
haematoma. It may require excision for aesthetic reasons, for important to keep above the dentate line.)
hygiene, or because it is a source of pruritus ani or irritation. 2. Apply gentle traction to the haemorrhoid to indent
its base.
Method 3. Snap the band or bands onto the haemorrhoid by
1. Make a simple elliptical excision at the base of the skin pushing the trigger mechanism (Fig. 6.4c).
under LA (Fig. 6.3). Suturing of the defect is usually
not necessary. Post-procedure
2. Apply a light gauze dressing for about 24 hours. The • If possible, avoid a bowel action on day 1.
patient is advised to have twice-daily salt baths until • Take simple analgesics as necessary.
healing is complete. • Don’t drive home (prone to get vasovagal attacks).
Chapter 6 | Treatment of ano-rectal problems 95

(a) (b)

dentate haemorrhoid rubber band

(pectinate) line suitable for drum
rubber band

proctoscope grasped by


outer cylinder which

pushes rubber band
on to haemorrhoid
when desired

inner cylinder on
to which rubber
band is stretched

Fig. 6.4 Rubber band ligation of haemorrhoids: (a) proctoscope; (b) haemorrhoid grasped by forceps; (c) operational end of

Injection of haemorrhoids 3. Draw up 5 mL of oily phenol.

4. Aim the injection at the upper end (base) of the
Aims haemorrhoid, which should be above the anorectal ring
• To exclude associated tumours (? colonoscopy) (injections given below this are very painful). Pierce
• To produce fibrosis in the submucous layer the mucosa with a quick stab.
• To avoid injection into haemorrhoidal vessels 5. Inject up to 3 mL into the submucous plane. The
The procedure is best for small haemorrhoids that bevel of the needle should be directed towards the
bleed frequently. mucosa rather than towards the lumen of the rectum.
The injection should be painless (Fig. 6.5). Inject the
Equipment phenol slowly until an opalescent swelling (blanching)
You will need: is seen, displaying the vessels in the mucosa more
• a proctoscope with illumination and lubricant superficially (the ‘striate’ sign).
• a haemorrhoid (Gabriel) injection syringe and needle, 6. The amount of phenol injected varies from 1 mL to
or a 10 mL disposable syringe with a 21-gauge needle 5 mL (usually 3 mL).
• a 5 mL ampoule of 5% phenol in almond oil
• a 19-gauge drawing-up needle
• forceps and cotton wool to wipe away faeces. Anal fissure
Method The acute fissure
1. The patient lies in the left lateral position. Treatment is with warm saline Sitz baths, analgesics
2. Insert the lubricated proctoscope to visualise the and 15 g bran or psyllium fibre orally each day for
haemorrhoids. 3 months.
96 Practice Tips

Method 3: Lateral sphincterotomy

The anal sphincter mechanism comprises internal and
external sphincters. The spasm of the internal sphincter
that occurs because of an anal fissure is relieved by the
procedure of lateral sphincterotomy, allowing the fissure
to heal in about 2 weeks. The procedure gives dramatic
relief; however, the rare complication of permanent faecal
incontinence has to be considered.
Procedure under local anaesthetic
1. The patient lies on the side.
2. Palpate the ridge between the internal and external
sphincter, and infiltrate local anaesthetic (1% lignocaine
with adrenaline) (Fig. 6.6a).
3. Introduce a no. 11 scalpel blade (or fine cataract knife)
on a handle through the skin at a tangent to the internal
sphincter fibres.
4. Rotate the blade through 90° to face the fibres, with
the examining finger in the anal canal.
Fig. 6.5  Position of needle for the injection of haemorrhoids

Milder cases (a)

In a milder case of anal fissure the discomfort is slight,
anal spasm is a minor feature and the onset is acute.
internal sphincter
Conservative management
• Xyloproct suppositories or ointment external
• High-residue diet (consider the addition of unprocessed sphincter
• Avoidance of constipation with hard stools (aim for
soft bulky stools)
• Glyceryl trinitrate ointment (Nitro-bid 2%) diluted
1 part with 9 parts white soft paraffin applied to the fissure
lower anal canal 2 to 3 times daily. A commercial ridge between sphincters infiltrated
preparation is Rectogesic ointment—apply 3 times sentinel pile with 1% lignocaine with adrenaline
daily for 6 weeks or until healed
More severe chronic fissures
The feature here is a hyperactive anal sphincter, and a practical
procedure is necessary to solve this painful problem.
Method 1: Digital anal dilatation
Under general anaesthesia (or even adequate local
anaesthesia), undertake four-finger (maximum) anal
dilatation for 4 minutes. This is effective, but is usually
followed by a brief period of incontinence.
Anal dilatation under general anaesthesia is a most
appropriate treatment for children with anal fissures.
gloved finger
in anal canal no. 11 scalpel blade
Method 2: Inject botulinum toxin into the sphincter
Several studies indicate excellent results when botulinum Fig. 6.6  Anal fissure: (a) basic anatomy of the anal canal;
toxin is injected into the surrounding internal sphincter. (b) direction of cutting through the internal sphincter with a
Its availability and cost are limiting factors. scalpel blade
Chapter 6 | Treatment of ano-rectal problems 97

5. Careful, slow advancement and withdrawal of the blade (a)

will cut through the sphincter muscles, the sensation
akin to cutting through many rubber bands around
a finger (Fig. 6.6b).
6. When the spasm is felt to subside, cease cutting.
7. Rotate the blade 90° again and withdraw. Firm pressure
on the wound will stop any bleeding.

Procedure under general anaesthetic

A qualified surgeon performs an open lateral

Post-procedure (b)
The patient is instructed to take 20 mL of Agarol at night
or 12 hourly to achieve loose bowel motions for the
next 5 days.

Proctalgia fugax
Main features
• Fleeting rectal pain in adults
• Varies from mild discomfort to severe spasm
• Lasts 3 to 30 minutes
• Often wakes patient at night Fig. 6.7  Perianal abscess: (a) cruciate incision over abscess;
• Can occur at any time of day (b) extension of cruciate incision
• A functional bowel disorder

• Explanation and reassurance 2. Make a cruciate incision.
• Salbutamol inhaler (2 puffs statim) worth a trial 3. Insert artery forceps to open the abscess cavity and
Alternatives include glyceryl trinitrate spray evacuate the pus.
for the symptom or prophylactic quinine bisulphate 4. Excise the corners of the cruciate incision to produce
at night. a circular skin defect (about 2 cm in diameter)
(Fig. 6.7b).
5. Dress the wound with gauze soaked in a mild antiseptic.
Perianal abscess
Clinical features Post-procedure
• Severe, constant throbbing pain • Change gauze dressings twice daily.
• Fever and toxicity • Have warm saline Sitz baths prior to new dressing.
• Hot, red, tender swelling adjacent to anal margin • If undue bleeding occurs, pack the cavity for 24 hours
• Non-fluctuant swelling and add covering dressings.
Careful examination is necessary to make the diagnosis. Antibiotics
Look for evidence of a fistula-in-ano and an ischio-rectal
abscess. If a perianal or perirectal abscess is recalcitrant or
spreading with cellulitis, use metronidazole 400 mg
Treatment (o) 12 hourly for 5–7 days plus cephalexin 500 mg
(o) 6 hourly for 5–7 days.
Drainage via a cruciate incision over the point of maximal
induration (Fig. 6.7a).
Perianal warts
Method It is important to distinguish the common viral warts from
1. Infiltrate 10 mL of 1% lignocaine with adrenaline in the condylomata lata of secondary syphilis. Counselling
and around the skin overlying the abscess (in some and support are necessary. Not all warts are sexually
people a general anaesthetic may be preferable). transmitted.
98 Practice Tips

Treatment • Use bland aqueous cream, Cetaphil lotion or

The warts may be removed by chemical or physical Neutrogena soap.
means. The simplest and most effective treatment for • Keep the area dry and cool.
readily accessible warts is: • Keep bowels regular and wipe with cotton wool
• podophyllotoxin 5% paint (a more stable preparation) soaked in water.
–– Apply bd with plastic applicator for 3 days. • Wear loose-fitting clothing and underwear.
–– Repeat in 4 days if necessary (may need four • Avoid local anaesthetics and antiseptics.
treatments). If still problematic and a dermatosis is probably
or involved, use:
• podophyllin 25% solution in tinct benz co • hydrocortisone 1% cream, or
–– Apply with a cotton wool swab to each wart. • hydrocortisone 1% cream with clioquinol 5% to 3%
–– Wash off in 4 hours, then dust with talcum powder. (most effective).
–– Repeat once weekly until warts disappear. If an isolated area and resistant, infiltrate 0.5 mL of
or triamcinolone intradermally.
• imiquimod (Aldara) cream If desperate, use fractionated X-ray therapy.
–– Apply 3 times weekly until resolved.
Rectal prolapse
Anal fibro-epithelial polyps
In the emergency situation it may be possible to reduce
These polyps are usually overgrown anal papillae which the swelling and thence the prolapse by covering the
present as an irritating prolapse. They are removed by prolapse with a liberal sprinkling of fine crystalline sugar
infiltrating the base with local anaesthetic, crushing it with (common table sugar).
artery forceps and applying a ligature. They are benign
but the removed lesion should undergo histological
examination if there is any doubt. Cautionary points regarding
ano-rectal disorders
Pruritus ani • Every patient who presents with ano-rectal problems
In addition to the usual measures, consider cleaning the should undergo a digital rectal examination for ano-
anus (after defaecation) with cotton wool dampened in rectal cancers.
warm water. Cotton wool is less abrasive than paper, and • Practitioners need to be properly trained in techniques
soap also irritates the problem. such as sclerosant injections and rubber band ligation
in order to reduce the likelihood of complications.
General measures
• Stop scratching.
• Bathe carefully: avoid hot water, excessive scrubbing
and soaps.
Chapter 7
Foot problems

Calluses, corns and warts

The diagnosis of localised, tender lumps on the sole
of the foot can be difficult. The differential diagnosis
of callus, corn and wart is aided by an understanding of
their morphology and the effect of paring these lumps
(Table 7.1).
A callus (Fig. 7.1) is simply a localised area of
hyperkeratosis related to some form of pressure and
A corn (Fig. 7.2) is a small, localised, conical
thickening, which may resemble a plantar wart but which
Fig. 7.3 Wart
gives a different appearance on paring.
A wart (Fig. 7.3) is more invasive, and paring reveals
multiple small, pinpoint bleeding spots.
Treatment of plantar warts
There are many treatments for this common and at
times frustrating problem. A good rule is to avoid scalpel
excision, diathermy or electrocautery because of the
problem of scarring. One of the problems with the removal
of plantar warts is the ‘iceberg’ configuration (Fig. 7.4) and
not all may be removed. Pare the wart with a scalpel or file
with a pumice stone or emery board prior to treatment.
Fig. 7.1 Callus

Fig. 7.2 Corn Fig. 7.4  ‘Iceberg’ configuration of plantar wart

100 Practice Tips

Table 7.1  Comparison of the main causes of a lump on the sole of the foot
Typical site Nature Effect of paring

Callus where skin is normally thick: beneath hard, thickened skin

heads of metatarsals, heels, inframedial
side of great toe
normal skin
Corn where skin is normally thin: on white, conical mass of keratin, flattened
soles, fifth toe, dorsal projections of by pressure
hammer toes
exposes white, avascular
corn with concave surface
Wart anywhere, mainly over metatarsal heads, viral infection, with abrupt change from
base of toes and heels; has bleeding skin at edge
exposes bleeding points

Liquid nitrogen Occlusion with topical chemotherapy

1. Pare wart. A method of using salicylic acid in a paste for the treatment
2. Apply liquid nitrogen (use double freeze–thaw cycle). of plantar warts is described here.
3. Repeat every 2 weeks until resolved.
Can be painful and results are often disappointing. Equipment
You will need:
Topical chemotherapy • 2.5 cm (width) elastic adhesive tape
• 30% salicylic acid in Lassar’s paste. (Ask the chemist
1. Pare wart (particularly in children).
to prepare a thick paste, like plasticine.)
2. Apply Upton’s paste to wart each night and cover.
(Lassar’s paste comprises zinc oxide, starch and salicylic
3. Review as necessary.
acid, dispersed in white petrolatum.)
(Upton’s paste comprises trichloroacetic acid 1 part,
salicylic acid 6 parts, glycerine to a stiff paste.) Method
1. Cut two lengths of adhesive tape, one about 5 cm and
Topical chemotherapy and liquid the other shorter.
nitrogen 2. Fold the shorter length in half, sticky side out
(Fig. 7.5a).
1. Pare wart (a 21-gauge blade is recommended). 3. Cut a half circle at the folded edge to accommodate
2. Apply paste of 70% salicylic acid in raw linseed oil. the wart.
This can be done by placing a corn pad over the wart 4. Press this tape down so that the hole is over the wart.
and filling the central hole with the paste. Protect 5. Roll a small ball of the paste in the palm of the hand
the surrounding skin with nail polish (acetone) or and then press it into the wart.
Sleek tape. 6. Cover the tape, paste and wart with the longer strip
3. Occlude for 1 week. of tape (Fig. 7.5b).
4. Pare on review, then curette or apply liquid nitrogen 7. This paste should be reapplied twice daily for 2 to
and review. 3 weeks.
8. The reapplication is achieved by peeling back the
Curettage under local anaesthetic longer strip to expose the wart, adding a fresh ball
1. Pare the wart vigorously to reveal the extent of the wart. of paste to the wart weekly and then recovering with
2. Thoroughly curette the entire wart with a dermal the upper tape.
curette. The plantar wart invariably crumbles and vanishes.
3. Hold the foot dependent over a kidney dish until the If the wart is particularly stubborn, 50% salicylic acid
bleeding stops (this always stops spontaneously and can be used. For finger warts use 20% salicylic acid.
avoids a bleed later on the way home). This method should not be used for vaginal, penile or
4. Apply 50% trichloroacetic acid to the base. eyelid warts.
Chapter 7 | Foot problems 101

(a) (b)
wart and salicylic acid paste long strip
sticky side

short strip

Fig. 7.5  (a) ‘Window’ to fit the wart is cut out of shoulder strip of elastic adhesive tape; (b) larger strip covers the wart
and shoulder strip

Alternative chemicals • Proper footwear is essential—wide shoes and cushioned

pads over the ball of the foot.
• Formalin: Wearing gloves, syringe a small amount out
• Provide paring with a scalpel blade (the most effective)
of a specimen jar and place in a test tube. Upturn the
or file with callus files.
test tube on the wart and leave in place for 5 minutes.
• If severe, daily applications of 10% salicylic acid in
Repeat daily and pare the wart weekly. Formalin is
soft paraffin or Eulactol Heel Balm with regular paring.
toxic: use with caution and keep in a locked cabinet.
• Salicylic acid 17%, lactic acid 17% in collodion Paring method
(Dermatech Wart Treatment).
Hold a no. 10 scalpel blade with the bevel almost parallel
• Paste of trichloroacetic acid 1 part, salicylic acid 6
to the skin and shave the lines of any cracks with small,
parts, glycerine 20 gm (Upton’s paste).
swift strokes (Fig. 7.6). Scrape along the lines of any cracks,
• Salicylic acid, lactic acid in collodion (Duofilm). not into them. Be careful not to draw blood.
Poultice of aspirin and tea tree oil
Method Treatment of corns
1. Place a non-effervescent 125–300 mg soluble aspirin Hard corns, e.g. outside of toes
tablet on the centre of the wart and dampen it with • Remove the cause of friction and use wide shoes.
15% tea tree oil in alcohol. • Soften the corn with daily applications of 15% salicylic
2. Cover with a cotton pad and tape firmly with acid in collodion and then pare when soft.
Micropore. Allow it to get wet to encourage dissolution. An alternative is to apply commercial medicated disks
3. After one week remove the dressing and debride or on a daily basis for about 4 days, then pare.
curette the friable slough.
4. Repeat if necessary.

Simple (and unusual) treatments

The banana skin method
1. Cut a small disk of banana skin to cover the wart.
2. Apply the inner soft surface of the banana skin to the
wart and cover with tape.
3. Perform this daily for a few weeks or as long as
Fig. 7.6 Method of using a scalpel or similar knife to
The citric and acetic acid method shave off a callus
Soak pieces of lemon rind in vinegar for 3 to 4 days and
then apply a small piece to the wart each day and cover
with tape. The crumbling slough can usually be curetted Soft corns in webbing of toes
out after 2 to 3 weeks. For soft corns between the toes (usually the last toe-web),
treat in the same way, but keep the toe-webs separated
Treatment of calluses with lamb’s wool at all times, or use cigarette filter tips
• No treatment is required if asymptomatic. (these can be purchased at tobacco stores) separately and
• Remove the cause. dust with a foot powder.
102 Practice Tips

‘Cracked’ heels • a pad made from sponge or sorbo rubber placed

inside the shoe to raise the heel about 1 cm. A hole
Method 1 corresponding to the tender area can be cut out
• Soak the feet for 30 minutes in warm water containing of the pad to avoid direct contact with the sole
an oil such as Alpha-Keri or Derma Oil. (Fig. 7.7).
• Pat dry, then apply a cream such as Nutraplus (10%
urea) or Eulactol Heel Balm.
• Apply twice daily and keep covered at night e.g. with
cotton socks.
Method 2
Consider applying medical skin glue, e.g. Histoacryl or
even Superglue, to neatly fill a dry crack and leave, with
review in 4 days.This provides instant pain relief and often
good healing.
Fig. 7.7 Types of insole heel pads made from sponge or
Plantar fasciitis sorbo rubber
Plantar fasciitis is a very common and surprisingly
debilitating condition that may take 12 to 36 months Hydrotherapy
(typically 2 years) to resolve spontaneously. The following tips have proved very useful for patients.

Features Hot and cold water treatment

• Pain: The patient places the affected foot in a small bath of very
–– under the heel (about 5 cm from end of heel) hot water and then a small bath of cold water for 20 to
–– can be diffuse over heel 30 seconds each time. This is continued on an alternating
–– when first step out of bed basis for 15 minutes—preferably twice a day and best
–– relieved by walking around after shower before retiring at night.
–– increasing towards the end of the day Therapeutic foot massage
–– worse after sitting
–– felt as a severe throbbing while sitting Commercial electrical foot hydro-massagers are available
• Minimal signs at low cost and are recommended for patients with
• X-ray may reveal a calcaneal spur plantar fasciitis.

Patient advice Exercises

• Avoid standing for long periods if possible. Most foot surgeons now recommend regular stretching
• Rest from long walks and running. exercises as the basis of effective treatment. The aim is
• Try to cope without injections. to allow the plantar fascia to heal at its ‘natural length’.
• Keep the heel ‘cushioned’ by wearing comfortable Stretching should be performed at least 3 times a day. It
shoes and/or inserts in shoes. is recommended to perform at least 2 of the following
• Surgery is rarely required and is not usually exercises.
recommended. Excision of the calcaneal spur is
Exercise 1: sitting position stretch
advised against.
1. Sit on a bed with both legs straight out in front of you
and your hands on your knees.
Footwear and insoles 2. Using a rope towel or cord looped around the foot,
Obtain good, comfortable shoes with a cushioned sole pull the foot back and point your toes towards
(e.g. Florsheim ‘comfortech’; sporting ‘runners’). your head, bending the foot upwards at the ankle
Examples of orthotic pads: (Fig. 7.8a). The more effort you put into the motion,
• Viscospot orthotic (sold by Melbourne Orthotics) the better the stretch will be.
• Rose insole 3. Hold the position for as long as possible (at least 30
• an insole tailored by your podiatrist seconds). Repeat several times.
Chapter 7 | Foot problems 103

Exercise 2 Exercise 3
1. Stand on a stair, with the ball of your foot (or feet) 1. Stand against a solid wall with your painful foot
on the edge of the stair, and keep your knees straight. behind you and the other foot closer to the wall
2. Holding the rails for balance, let your heels gently drop (Fig. 7.8c).
as you count to 20. Do not bounce (Fig. 7.8b). You 2. Point the toes of the affected foot towards the heel
should be relaxed, and no active muscle contraction of the front foot. Keep the knee of the painful foot
should be necessary in your leg. straight and the painful heel on the floor.
3. Lift your heels and count to 10.
4. Repeat the cycle twice. You will feel tightness both in (b)
the sole or heel of the foot, and at the back of the leg
(as the Achilles tendon is also stretched).


(c) (d)

Fig. 7.8 Exercises for plantar fasciitis: (a) exercise 1; (b) exercise 2; (c) exercise 3 (right foot affected);
(d) exercise 4 (left foot affected)
104 Practice Tips

3. Bend the front knee forward—you will feel the Achilles Injection
tendon in the painful foot grow tight. An injection of corticosteroid mixed with local anaesthetic
4. Count to 20, then relax for a count of 10. can be very effective during the period of severe
5. Repeat the cycle twice. discomfort. (See Fig. 3.26, p. 44.) The relief usually lasts
6. Change over the position of each foot and repeat the for 2 to 4 weeks during this difficult period. However,
program to stretch the opposite Achilles tendon. injections are generally avoided.
Exercise 4
You must be wearing flexible sole shoes for this exercise. (a)
1. Stand against the wall with your good foot behind you
and the painful foot jammed into the juncture of the
wall and floor (Fig. 7.8d).
2. Bend the knee of the front leg, which will bring it
towards the wall. You will feel that both the Achilles
tendon and the tissue on the sole of the foot (plantar
fascia) are being stretched by this exercise.
3. Count to 20, then relax for a count of 10.
4. Repeat the cycle twice.
5. Change over the position of each foot and repeat the
program to stretch the opposite side.

Strapping for plantar fasciitis strapping

Strapping of the affected foot can bring symptomatic relief configuration
for the pain of plantar fasciitis. A few strapping techniques
can be used but the principle is to prevent excessive
pronation, create a degree of inversion and reduce tension squeeze
on the origin of the plantar fascia by compressing the heel. heel
Use non-stretch sticking tape about 3–4 cm wide.
• Start with the tape on the lateral side of the dorsum (b)
of the foot (Fig. 7.9a).
• Run the tape in a figure-of-eight configuration to
include the sides of the heel but squeeze the heel from
the sides to make a ‘pad’ immediately before applying
and fixing the tape.
• Repeat twice (Fig. 7.9b).
If reinforcement is desired, a U-shaped strip of tape
can be applied to the sides of the foot—from the neck
of the metatarsals on one side to the other. Also, a strip
of holding tape can encircle the foot.

Other tips
Manual massage
Massage the sole of the foot over a wooden foot massager,
a glass bottle filled with water, or even a golf ball for 5
minutes, preferably 3 times daily.

Course of NSAIDS
It is worthwhile to conduct a trial of a 3-week course of
NSAIDS during the time when there is most pain (about
4 to 7 weeks after the problem commences). It can be Fig 7.9  Strapping for plantar fasciitis: (a) first application;
continued if there is a good response. (b) final appearance
Chapter 8
Nail problemS

Splinters under nails that a good grip can be obtained. (A poor grip can
result in fragmentation of the splinter.)
Foreign bodies, mostly wooden splinters, often become 3. Obtain a good grip on the end of the splinter with
deeply wedged under fingernails and toenails (Fig. 8. 1a). the splinter or small-artery forceps, and remove with
Efforts by patients to remove the splinters often aggravate a sharp tug in the axis of the finger (Fig. 8.1c).
the problem. Methods of effective removal are outlined
here. (a) (b)

The needle lever method

Take a sterile hypodermic needle, or any household needle
that can be sterilised in a gas jet flame, and insert it just
underneath the splinter, parallel to the nail through the
entry tract. Then push the protruding end of the needle
downwards. Since the needle spears the splinter, the lever
effect drags out the splinter. (c)

The V-cut out method

You will need:
• needle, syringe and 1% lignocaine
• small scissors
• splinter forceps or small-artery forceps.
Fig. 8.1 Shows: (a) splinter under nail; (b) V-shaped incision;
Method (c) tug with forceps
1. Perform a digital nerve block to anaesthetise the
involved digit (may not be necessary in rugged The ‘paring’ method
individuals). Use a no. 15 scalpel blade to gradually pare the nail
2. Using small but strong scissors, cut a V-shaped piece overlying the splinter to create a window so that the
of nail from over the end of the splinter (Fig. 8.1b). splinter can be lifted out (Fig. 8.2). This is painless since
It is important to leave sufficient splinter exposed so the nail itself has no innervation.
106 Practice Tips

3. Paint the nail bed and germinal layer with pure phenol
on a cotton bud, with special attention to the groove
containing the nail matrix. Leave the phenol on for
2 to 3 minutes, flush it with alcohol to neutralise it,
mop dry and apply a dressing. Pack a small piece of
chlorhexidine (Bactigras) tulle into the wound and
then cover with sterile gauze and a bandage.
• Avoid spilling pure phenol onto normal skin.
• Remember to remove the tourniquet.
Fig. 8.2  Method of paring over a nail splinter using light
shaving strokes Myxoid pseudocyst
Onychogryphosis There are two types of digital myxoid pseudocysts(also
known as mucous cysts) appearing in relation to the
Onychogryphosis, or irregular thickening and overgrowth distal phalanx and nail in either fingers or toes (more
of the nail, is commonly seen in the big toenails of the common) (Fig. 8.4). One type occurs in relation to, and
elderly (Fig. 8.3). It is really a permanent condition. Simple often connecting with, the distal interphalangeal joint
removal of the nail by avulsion is followed by recurrence and the other occurs at the site of the proximal nail fold.
some months later. Softening and burring of the nail The latter (more common) is translucent and fluctuant,
gives only temporary relief, although burring sometimes and contains thick clear gelatinous fluid, which is easily
provides a good result. The powder from burring can be expressed after puncture of the cyst with a sterile needle.
used as culture for fungal organisms. Osteoarthritis of the DIP is associated with leakage of
Permanent cure requires ablation of the nail bed after myxoid fluid into the surrounding tissue to form the cyst.
removal of the nail. Two methods of nail bed ablation are:
• total surgical excision
• cauterisation with pure phenol.

Fig. 8.4  Myxoid pseudocyst: typical position of the cyst

Some pseudocysts resolve spontaneously. If persistent

and symptomatic attempt:
• repeated aspiration (aseptically) at 4–6 weekly intervals
• cryosurgery
• puncture, compression, then infiltration intralesionally
with triamcinolone acetonide (or similar steroid).
Pseudocysts tend to persist and recur and, if so, refer
Fig. 8.3 Onychogryphosis to surgery for total excision of the proximal nail fold
Adapted from A. Forrest et al., Principles and Practice of Surgery, Churchill and/or ligation of the communicating stalk to the DIP.
Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1985, with permission.

Subungual haematoma
Cauterisation method
1. Apply a tourniquet to the toe after administering The small, localised haematoma
ring block. There are several methods of decompressing a small,
2. Remove the nail by lifting it away from the nail localised haematoma under the fingernail or toenail that
bed and then grasping the total nail or two halves causes considerable pain. The objective is to release the
(after it is cut down the middle) with strong artery blood by drilling a hole in the overlying nail with a hot
forceps and using a combination of rotation and traction. wire or a drill/needle.
Chapter 8 | Nail problemS 107

Method 1: The sterile needle Method 3: Electrocautery

Simply drill a hole by twisting a standard disposable This is the best method. Simply apply the hot wire of
hypodermic needle (21- or 23-gauge) into the selected the electrocautery unit to the selected site (Fig. 8.6). It
site. Some practitioners prefer drilling two holes to is very important to keep the wire hot at all times and to
facilitate the release of blood. be prepared to withdraw it quickly, as soon as the nail is
pierced. It should be painless.
Method 2: The hot paper clip
Take a standard, large paper clip (Fig. 8.5a) and straighten hot wire of
it. Heat one end (until it is red hot) in the flame of a spirit electrocautery unit
lamp (Fig. 8.5b). Immediately transfer the hot wire to the
nail, and press the point lightly on the nail at the centre
of the haematoma. After a small puff of smoke, an acrid
odour and a spurt of blood, the patient will experience localised haematoma
immediate relief (Fig. 8.5c).
Fig. 8.6 Electrocautery to subungual haematoma
(a) (b)

Method 4: Algerbrush II
A gentler method suitable for children is the Algerbrush
II, used by ophthalmologists to remove rust rings from
the cornea. It resembles a small dental burr, is battery
operated and gently drills through the fingernail.

Important precautions
• Reassure patients that the process will not cause pain;
they may be alarmed by the preparations.
• The hot point must quickly penetrate, and go no
deeper than the nail. The blood under the nail insulates
the underlying tissues from the heat and, therefore,
from pain.
• The procedure is effective for a recent traumatic
(c) haematoma under tension. Do not attempt this
procedure on an old, dried haematoma, as it will be
painful and ineffective.
• Advise the patient to clean the nail with spirit or an
antiseptic and cover with an adhesive strip to prevent
contamination and infection.
• Advise the patient that the nail will eventually separate
and a normal nail will appear in 4 to 6 months.

The large haematoma

Where blood occupies the total nail area, a relatively
large laceration is present in the nail bed. To permit a
good, long-term functional and cosmetic result it is
imperative to remove the nail and repair the laceration
(Fig. 8.7).

1. Apply digital nerve block to the digit.
Fig. 8.5  (a) A standard paper clip; (b) the end of the paper 2. Remove the nail.
clip is heated in the flame of a spirit lamp; (c) the point of 3. Repair the laceration with 4/0 plain catgut.
the clip is pressed lightly on the nail at the centre of the 4. Replace the fingernail, which acts as a splint, and hold
haematoa this in place with a suture for 10 days.
108 Practice Tips

(a) The spiral tape method

This simple technique involves the application of
adhesive tape such as Micropore to retract the skin off
the ingrowing nail. The tape is then passed around the
plantar surface to anchor the tape in loops around the
diffuse haematoma proximal aspect of the toe (Fig. 8.9). The application of
Friar’s Balsam to the distal ‘achor’ gives a better grip. This
process is repeated twice weekly until the problem settles.

Fig. 8.7 Shows (a) diffuse haematomas; (b) sutures to

laceration; (c) fingernail as splint

Ingrowing toenails
There are a myriad methods to treat ingrowing toenails.
Some very helpful ones are presented here.
Cautionary note
Treatment of ingrowing toenails is a potential legal
‘minefield’, especially with wedge resection.
Keep in mind the following:
• Full and detailed discussion with the patient about the
procedure used and its risks is recommended.
• Avoid adrenaline with the local anaesthetic—use plain Fig. 8.9 The spiral tape method for the ingrowing toenail
lignocaine or bupivacaine.
• Avoid prolonged use of a tourniquet and do not forget
to remove a rubber band if used. Central thinning method
• Avoid tight circumferential dressings. An interesting method for the prevention and treatment
• Be careful with diabetics and those with peripheral of ingrowing toenails is to thin out a central strip of the
vascular diseases. nail plate. This is usually performed with the blade of a
• Avoid excessive use of phenol for nail bed cautery. stitch remover or a no. 15 scalpel blade.
• Give clear post-operative instructions. The central strip is about 5 mm wide and is thinned
• It is best to treat when the infection settles. out on a regular basis (Fig. 8.10).
It is important to fashion the toenails so that the corners
project beyond the skin (Fig. 8.8). Then each day, after a
shower or bath, use the pads of both thumbs to pull the
nail folds as indicated.

cut nail towards

corners of nail project
beyond skin

Fig. 8.8  Stretch nail folds with thumb daily Fig. 8.10 Illustrating strip of nail plate to thin out
Chapter 8 | Nail problemS 109

Excision of ellipse of skin Electrocautery

Figure 8.11 shows the toe in extremis. The procedure If the nail is severely ingrown, causing granulation tissue
transposes the skinfold away from the nail.The skin heals, the or infection of the skin or both, a most effective method
nail grows normally and the toe retains its normal anatomy. is to use electrocautery to remove a large wedge of skin
and granulation tissue so that the ingrown nail stands
free of skin (Fig. 8.13).
ingrowing toenail
This is performed under digital block. The toe heals
surprisingly quickly and well (with minimal pain). The
long-term result is excellent, because the nail that is not cut
in this procedure can grow (and be trimmed) free of flesh.

Fig. 8.11 Ingrowing toenail

1. An elliptical excision is made after a digital block
(Fig. 8.12a). The width of the excision depends on
the amount of movement of the skinfold required to
fully expose the nail edge.
2. The skinfold is forced off the nail (Fig. 8.12b). Any
blunt instrument can be used for this purpose. The
wound closure holds the fold in its new position. Fig. 8.14  Phenolisation method: lift the nail fold and apply
3. Any granulation tissue and debris should be removed the phenol on a stick
with a curette. The toe heals well, and there are usually
no recurrences of ingrowing.
Wedge resection
(a) (b) The aim is to remove about one-quarter of the nail. Excise
en bloc the wedge of nail, nail fold, nail wall and nail
bed. Then back cut and curette out the lateral recess to
ensure that the spicule of germinal matrix is removed.

Fig. 8.12 Excision of ellipse of skin This method uses 80% phenol (pure solution) to treat
the nail bed after simply removing the wedge of nail. It
electrocautery is not necessary to perform a standard wedge resection
of the ingrown nail and nail bed. The success rate is
ingrowing nail
almost 100%.
lies free
1. Perform a ring block with plain local anaesthetic.
2. Apply a tourniquet so that a bloodless field is obtained.
3. Using scissors, mobilise the nail on the affected side and
excise the nail sliver for about one quarter of its width.
4. Curette the nail sulcus to remove any debris from
cauterised the area.
wedge of
5. Lift the nail fold and insert a cotton bud soaked (not
saturated) in 80% phenol onto the corresponding nail
Fig. 8.13 Electrocautery to wedge of tissue bed (Fig. 8.14).
110 Practice Tips

6. Leave the bud in place for 1½ to 2 minutes. 4. After this time, perform a linear elliptical excision of
7. Remove and wash out the nail fold area with an the nail fold skin for the length of the nail extending
alcohol swab. to almost the tip of the toe. This should be about 3–4
8. Apply a dressing and review as necessary. mm from the nail margin to ensure skin necrosis
does not occur. Suture and allow to heal (Fig. 8.15b).
Cautionary tale
Pure phenol is a cytotoxic agent that causes a chemical The elliptical block dissection
burn and can be destructive to skin, causing a nasty open method
slough. Several doctors using this excellent method claim
that its value has been spoilt by causing severe burns This method, described by Chapeski, is claimed to cure
to the surrounding skin. This has occurred because the all cases of ingrown toenails and the wound, if performed
swab had excess phenol that spilt onto the surrounding aseptically and dressed properly, will not get infected. The
skin. This must be avoided with carefully controlled wound heals in about 4 weeks.
application, and if spillage occurs it must be washed off
immediately with alcohol. Method
1. Perform a digital block.
Wedge resection of nail with delayed 2. Place an elastic band around the toe and wait
nail fold excision 5 minutes.
3. An incision is made at the base of the nail, about
This method works very well where there is infection 3–4 mm from the edge, and then continued towards
with swollen tissue. the side of the nail in an elliptical sweep to end up under
Method the tip of the nail about 3–4 mm from the edge.
1. Perform a digital block. 4. The ingrown skin (about 10 × 20 mm) is thus removed
2. Cut a standard wedge of ingrown nail (as for previous along with subcutaneous tissue (it is important that
method). No further tissue is removed (Fig. 8.15a). none of the skin remains around the edge of the nail)
3. Dress and leave for 2 to 3 months. (Fig. 8.16).
5. Cauterise any bleeding points, e.g. with a silver nitrate
6. A 3 mm thick Sofra-tulle square is then placed directly
(a) (a) wedge of nail over the wound, followed by a single gauze square
removed (to wrap the toe), then a simple 25 mm Elastoplast
pressure dressing.

Step 1 ellipse of
skin and
(b) (b) subcutaneous

thin strip
of nail
fold skin

Step 2: treatment
when healed

Fig. 8.15  Wedge resection of nail with delayed nail fold

excision Fig. 8.16 Elliptical block dissection open method
Chapter 8 | Nail problemS 111

Note: Bleeding can be a problem when the patient Paronychia

walks, so place a small plastic bag over the foot before
pulling on the shoe. The patient should elevate the foot The extent of the procedure depends on the extent of
at home for an hour or so. the infection (Fig. 8.18). For all methods anaesthetise the
finger or toe with a digital block.
• Next day, the patient should soak the foot in lukewarm pus
water for 15 to 20 minutes, gradually peel off the old
dressing and then apply several layers of fine mesh
gauze and tape them into place.
• Repeat the soaking procedure religiously 3 times daily
for 20 minutes.
• Follow up the patient weekly for 4 weeks—cauterise
any granulation tissue (a sign of poor compliance)
with silver nitrate and dress.
Fig. 8.18 Paronychia
The ‘plastic gutter’ method
This simple method separates the ingrowing nail from
Method 1: Lateral focus of pus
the skin to allow healing.
1. With a size 11 or 15 scalpel blade incise over the focus
Method of pus (Fig. 8.19a).
1. Cut a length (to match the nail) of tubing from a 2. Probe deeply until all pus is released.
scalp vein plastic cannula and cut it down the middle 3. Insert a small wick into the wound and allow to heal.
to form a hemi-cylinder.
Method 2: Central focus of pus
2. Under suitable local anaesthetic lift the skin around the
ingrowing toenail with forceps and insert the tubing Elevate the eponychial fold with a pair of fine artery
(Fig. 8.17). Leave it in place for 1 week covered with forceps (Fig. 8.19b). This will release the pus.
a dressing. It can be stitched to the skin.
Method 3: Infection adjacent to nail
3. Repeat if necessary.
Gently pack a fine wisp of cotton wool or gauze into the
space between the paronychia and the nail and apply
skin povidone-iodine. Dry and repeat as necessary. It should
plastic insert
be relatively painless.
ingrowing nail
Method 4: Extensive infection under nail
1. If the infection extends under the nail, this fold should
be pushed back proximally with a small retractor to
expose the nail base.
2. Elevate the nail base bluntly and excise the proximal
end of the nail with sharp scissors (Fig. 8.19c).
(Alternatively, the nail can be removed.)
3. Apply petroleum jelly gauze dressing and use a light
splint for 3 days.
4. The patient should be encouraged to wear gloves to
Fig. 8.17 Illustration of the ‘plastic gutter’ method keep the area dry.

Excision of nail bed

Tip for post-operative pain relief Method
Procedures on the toe, especially for ingrown toenails, 1. Apply a tourniquet after digital or ring block.
can be very painful, especially during the night after the 2. Make skin incisions (Fig. 8.20a).
surgery. 3. Avulse the nail using strong artery forceps.
Plan these procedures as the final appointment for the 4. Elevate the skin flaps (Fig. 8.20b).
day and use the long-acting local anaesthetic bupivacaine 5. Excise the nail bed carefully, including the undersurface
0.5% (Marcaine). of the overhanging skin (Fig. 8.20c).
112 Practice Tips

(a) Equipment
You will need:
line • 40% salicylic acid ointment
• plastic ‘skin’.
1. Apply plastic ‘skin’ spray to the skin around the nail
to prevent possible skin maceration.
(b) (b) (c) 2. Apply 40% salicylic acid ointment to the nail. Use a
liberal application, but confine it to the nail.
3. Cover with plastic wrap.
• Reapply the ointment every 2 days.
• Maintain for about 4 weeks.
This treatment will soften and destroy the nail.
Fig. 8.19 Treatment of paronychia: (a) incision for
lateralfocus of pus; (b) elevation of eponychial fold; (c) Traumatic avulsed toenail
excision ofproximal end of nail If a toenail, particularly of the great toe, is torn away, it
Reproduced from A. Forrest et al., Principles and Practice of Surgery, Churchill is appropriate to reapply it as a splint, secure it with stay
Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1985, with permission.
sutures (e.g. chromic catgut) and apply continuing dressings
(Fig. 8.21). This provides protection and promotes healing.
6. Scrape the bone with a Volkman’s spoon to ensure that
no parts of the nail root remain.
7. Apply the phenolisation method also at this stage
(with caution).
8. Suture the skin flaps (Fig. 8.20d).
Nail avulsion by chemolysis cuticle
Dystrophic toenails (e.g. from chronic fungal infection) stay sutures
in patients with peripheral vascular disease or other
conditions where surgery is inadvisable. Fig. 8.21 Traumatic avulsed toenail

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 8.20 Excision of nail bed: (a) skin incisions; (b) elevation of skin flap; (c) excision of nail bed; (d) suturing of skin flaps
Reproduced from A. Forrest et al., Principles and Practice of Surgery, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1985, with permission.
Chapter 9
Common trauma

Essential tips for dealing with Jumping or falling from a substantial
trauma height onto feet
Common traps Always consider a fractured calcaneum, talus, spine
(especially lumbar) or pelvis and central dislocation of
• Failure to diagnose a foreign body hip. Concussion can follow.
• Failure to diagnose a ruptured tendon
• Exposed joint capsule in the fist Cut finger or toe
• Beware of bites, high pressure guns and puncture
wounds Always look for a peripheral nerve injury.

Stab wounds Finger tourniquet

Always assume (and look for) the presence of nerve, If using a small tourniquet such as a rubber band for
tendon or artery injury. haemostasis, clip on a small artery forcep so it is not
forgotten when you finish.

Foreign bodies Other cautionary tips

Buried wooden splinters, gravel and slivers of glass • You can get concussion from a heavy fall onto the
are old traps—if suspected and not found on simple coccyx/sacrum.
exploration, order high-resolution ultrasound, which is • Think of a sewing needle in the knees of women and
good at detecting wood and glass. CT is best. in the feet of children for unexplained pain.
• Treat (evacuate) haematomas of the nasal septum and
ear because they can collapse cartilage.
Falling on the outstretched hand • Beware of pressure gun injuries into soft tissue,
Consider the following fractures: Colles (distal especially those involving oil and paint.
radius); scaphoid; radius and ulna shafts; head of • Beware of a painful immobile elbow in a child—look
radius; supracondylar (children); neck and shaft of for a fracture that can cause trouble later.
humerus, clavicle and the dislocations—lunate and • Beware of the scaphoid fracture after a fall onto an
shoulder. outstretched hand.
114 Practice Tips

Finger trauma
Finger injuries can be treated by simple means, providing Cut a suitable length of a dressing strip. Cut
there is neither tendon nor nerve injuries complicating through the adhesive to the dressing strip—
the lacerations or compound fractures involved. 1–1.5 cm from the top.
adhesive margins
Finger tip loss 1.5 cm
Not all finger tip loss demands an immediate graft or tidy-
(cut here)
up amputation. If there is no exposed phalanx tip and the
area of exposed subdermal tissue is small, conservative
management is best. Remember that a grafted finger
tip is insensate. If the amputated skin tip is available it
should be replaced (use Steri-strips or a couple of small
sutures), as it may take as a graft or merely act as a good
biological dressing.

Large skin loss central dressing strip

Apply a split skin graft, preferably using a Goulian knife Remove the backing from the lower segment
with three spacing devices. and apply to the injured side of the finger.
injured finger tip
Amputated finger
In this emergency situation, instruct the patient to
place the severed finger directly into a fluid-tight sterile
container, such as a plastic bag or sterile specimen jar.
Then place this ‘unit’ in a bag containing iced water side strips
with crushed ice. around
Note: Never place the amputated finger directly in ice finger
or in fluid such as saline. Fluid makes the tissue soggy,
rendering microsurgical repair difficult.
Care of the finger stump
Apply a simple, sterile, loose, non-sticky dressing and
keep the hand elevated.
Remove the backing from the upper
segment and fold it backward over the tip.
Finger tip dressing
A method of applying a dressing (using an adhesive
dressing strip) for an injured finger tip is described. upper flap folded
over finger tip and
Method secured
1. Cut a suitable length of the dressing strip almost as
long as the finger.
2. Cut through the adhesive margins to the central
non-adhesive dressing about 1–1.5 cm from the top
(Fig. 9.1).
3. Remove the backing from the lower larger segment
and apply to the injured side of the finger. Wrap the
adhesive part around the circumference of the finger.
4. Now remove the backing from the upper segment
and fold it backwards over the tip, with the adhesive Fig. 9.1 Applying a finger tip dressing
margins wrapped around the finger to provide the
most effective dressing.
Chapter 9 | Common trauma 115

Abrasions or ‘gravel rash’ vary considerably in degree and for deep wounds). Adequate local anaesthesia may
potential contamination. They are common with bicycle also be achieved by coating the wound liberally with
or motorcycle accidents and skateboard accidents. Special Xylocaine jelly 2% and leaving for 10 minutes.
care is needed over joints such as the knee or elbow. • Treat the injury as a burn.
• When clean apply a protective dressing (some wounds
may be left open).
Management (see p. 73) • Use paraffin gauze and non-adhesive absorbent pads
• Clean meticulously, remove all ground-in dirt, metal, such as Melolin.
clothing and other material. • Ensure adequate follow-up.
• Scrub out dirt with sterile normal saline under • Immobilise a joint that may be affected by a deep
anaesthesia (local infiltration or general anaesthesia wound.


Haematoma of the pinna (a)

(‘cauliflower ear’)
When trauma to the pinna causes a haematoma between
the epidermis and the cartilage, a permanent deformity
known as ‘cauliflower ear’ may result. The haematoma,
if left, becomes organised and the normal contour of
the ear is lost.
The aim is to evacuate the haematoma as soon as
practicable and then to prevent it re-forming. One can
achieve a fair degree of success even on haematomas that
have been present for several days.
1. After cleansing the pinna with a suitable solution
(e.g. cetrimide), insert a 25-gauge needle into the
haematoma and aspirate the extravasated blood.
2. Position the needle at the lowest point while pressing (b)
the upper border of the haematoma gently between
finger and thumb (Fig. 9.2a).
3. Apply a padded test tube clamp to the haematoma
site and leave on for 30–40 minutes. The test tube
clamp has large jaws that allow it to be placed over
the haematoma site (Fig. 9.2b).
Generally, daily aspirations and clamping are sufficient
to eradicate the haematoma completely.

Haematoma of the nasal septum

Septal haematoma following injury to the nose can cause
total nasal obstruction. It is easily diagnosed as a marked Fig. 9.2 Treatment of cauliflower ear
swelling on both sides of the septum when inspected
through the nose (Fig. 9.3). It results from haemorrhage Note: This is a most serious problem as it can develop
between the two sheets of mucoperiosteum covering into a septal abscess. The infection can pass readily to the
the septum. It may be associated with a fracture of the orbit or the cavernous sinus through thrombosing veins
nasal septum. and may prove fatal, especially in children. Otherwise it
116 Practice Tips

• Prescribe systemic (oral) antibiotics, e.g. penicillin

or erythromycin.
• Treat as a compound fracture if an X-ray reveals a

Pretibial haematoma
A haematoma over the tibia (shin bone) can be persistently
painful and slow to resolve. An efficient method is, under
very strict asepsis, to inject 1 mL of 1% of lignocaine
and 1 mL of hyaluronidase and follow with immediate
ultrasound. This may disperse or require drainage.

Roller injuries to limbs

A patient who has been injured by a wheel or by rollers
passing over a limb can present a difficult problem. An
arm caught in the wringers of an old-fashioned washing
machine used to be a common example, but a more likely
problem now is the wheel of a vehicle passing over a
Fig. 9.3 Inferior view of nasal cavity showing bilateral limb, especially a leg.
swelling of septal haematoma A freely spinning wheel is not so dangerous, but serious
injuries occur when a non-spinning (braked) wheel passes
over a limb, and then perhaps reverses over it. This leads
may lead to necrosis of the nasal septal cartilage followed to a ‘degloving’ injury due to shearing stress. The limb
by collapse and nasal deformity. may look satisfactory initially, but skin necrosis will follow.
To manage a ‘wheel over the limb’ injury, treat it
Treatment as a serious problem and admit the patient to hospital
• Remove the blood clot on both sides through an for observation. Surgical intervention with removal of
incision, under local anaesthetic. This must be done necrotic fat may be essential. Fasciotomy with open
within 2 hours of injury. drainage may also be an option.

Testing for fractures Walking is another method of applying axial
compression, and this is very difficult (because of
This method describes the simple principle of applying pain) in the presence of a fracture in the weight-
axial compression for the clinical diagnosis of fractures bearingaxis  or  pelvis. Hence, every patient with a
of bones. It applies especially to suspected fractures of suspected fracture of the lower limb should be tested
bones of the forearm and hand, but also applies to all by walking.
bones of the limbs.
Many fractures are obvious when applying the classic
methods of diagnosis: pain, tenderness, loss of function, Method
deformity, swelling and sometimes crepitus. It is sometimes 1. Grasp the affected area both distally and proximally
more difficult if there is associated soft-tissue  injury with your hands.
from a blow or if there is only a minor fracture such as 2. Compress along the long axis of the bones by pushing
a greenstick fracture of the distal radius. in both directions, so that the forces focus on the
If the bone is compressed gently from end to end, a affected area (fracture site; Fig. 9.4a). Alternatively,
fracture will reveal itself and the patient will feel pain. compression can be applied from the distal end
A soft-tissue injury of the forearm will show pain, with stabilising counterpressure applied proximally
tenderness, swelling and possibly loss of function. It (Fig. 9.4b).
will, however, not be painful if the bone is compressed 3. The patient will accurately localise the pain at the
axially—that is, in its long axis. fracture site.
Chapter 9 | Common trauma 117


patient bites
on spatula


doctor holds spatula

firmly, then rotates it

Fig. 9.5 Spatula test for fracture of the mandible

Fig. 9.4 Testing for fractures: (a) axial compression to detect

a fracture of the radius or ulnar bones; (b) axial compression
to detect a fracture of the metacarpal

Spatula test for fracture of

A simple office test for a suspected fractured mandible is
to get the patient to bite on a wooden tongue depressor
(or similar firm object).
Ask them to maintain this bite as you twist the spatula Fig. 9.6 Immobilisation of a fractured mandible in a
(Fig. 9.5). If they have a fracture, they cannot hang on to four-tailed bandage
the spatula because of pain.
Refer for possible internal fixation.
First aid management of A fracture of the body of the mandible will usually heal
fractured mandible in 6–12 weeks (depending on the nature of the fracture
• Check the patient’s bite and airway. and the fitness of the patient).
• Remove any free-floating tooth fragments and retain
them. Fractured clavicle
• Replace any avulsed or subluxed teeth in their sockets. There is a history of a fall onto the outstretched hand
Note: Never discard teeth. or elbow. The patient has pain aggravated by shoulder
• First aid immobilisation with a four-tailed bandage movement and usually supports the arm at the elbow
(Fig. 9.6). and clasped to the chest. The most common fracture site
118 Practice Tips

is at the junction of the outer and middle thirds, or in

the middle third.
• St John elevated sling to support the arm—for 3 weeks.
• Figure-of-eight bandage (used mainly for severe
• Early active exercises to elbow, wrist and fingers.
• Active shoulder movements as early as possible.
Special problem
Fracture at the lateral end of the bone. Consider referral
for open reduction.
Healing time
4–8 weeks.
The healing times for uncomplicated fractures are
presented in Table 9.1, page 121.

Bandage for fractured clavicle

A figure-of-eight bandage can be made simply by inserting
pads of cotton wool into pantyhose or stockings.

Fractured rib
A simple rib fracture can be extremely painful. The first
treatment strategy is to prescribe analgesics such as
paracetamol, and encourage breathing within the limits Fig. 9.7 Method of application of rib belt
of pain.
If pain persists in cases of single or double rib fracture Angulation is usually obvious, but it is most important
with no complication, application of a rib support is to check for rotational malalignment, especially with
most helpful. torsional fracture. A simple method is to get the patient
to make a fist of the hand and check the direction in
The universal rib belt which the nails are facing. Furthermore, each finger can
A special elastic rib belt can provide thoracic support and be flexed in turn and checked to see if the fingertips point
mild compression for fractured ribs (Fig. 9.7). Despite its towards the tubercule of the scaphoid (palpable halfway
flexibility it gives excellent support and symptom relief along the base of the thenar eminence and 1.5 cm distal
while permitting adequate lung expansion. to the distal wrist crease).
The elastic belt is 15 cm wide and has Velcro grip
fastening, so it can be applied to a variety of chest sizes. The phalanges
Healing time • Distal phalanges: usually crush fractures; generally
3–6 weeks. heal simply unless intra-articular.
• Middle phalanges: tend to be displaced and
Towel method unstable—beware of rotation.
The patient can wrap a standard-sized towel (folded • Proximal phalanges: are the greatest concern,
lengthwise to a third of its width) around the chest and especially of the little finger;
secure it with a large safety pin. When the patient is about intra-articular fractures usually
to cough, the towel can be pulled tight by the patient. need internal fixation.

Phalangeal fractures Treatment of uncomplicated fractures

For non-displaced phalanges with no rotational
These fractures require as near perfect reduction as
malalignment, strap the injured finger to the adjacent
possible, careful splintage and, above all, early mobilisation
normal finger with an elastic garter or adhesive tape
once the fracture is stable—usually in 2 or 3 weeks.
for 2–3 weeks, i.e. ‘buddy strapping’ (Fig. 9.8). Start the
Early operative intervention should be considered if
patient on active exercises.
the fracture is unstable.
Chapter 9 | Common trauma 119

Collar and cuff sling

This is useful for the patient with a fractured humerus,
because it allows gravity to realign the distal and proximal
parts of the fractured bones.

1. Using a narrow bandage, make a clove hitch (Fig. 9.10a).
The clove hitch is made by fashioning two loops—one
towards your body and the other away, leaving one end
of the bandage longer than the other. Now place your
fingers under the loops and bring them together.
2. Slide the loops over the wrist of the injured arm with the
knot of the clove hitch on the thumb side of the wrist.
3. Gently flex the elbow and elevate the injured arm so
that the fingers point towards the opposite shoulder
(Fig. 9.10b).
4. Place the long end of the bandage around the neck
Fig. 9.8 Treatment of non-displaced phalanges by ‘buddy and tie the bandage, using a reef knot (Fig. 9.10c).
strapping’: the fractured finger is strapped to an adjacent
healthy ftinger
The broad arm sling
If pain and swelling is a problem, splint the finger This has multiple uses but is used mainly for injuries to
with a narrow dorsal or anterior slab (a felt-lined strip the forearm and wrist.
of malleable aluminium can be used) (Fig. 9.9). An
alternative is to bandage the hand while the patient holds Method
a tennis ball or appropriate roll of bandage in order to 1. Place an open triangular bandage over the patient’s
maintain appropriate flexion of all interphalangeal joints. chest, with the point of the triangle stretching beyond
the elbow of the injured side. Place the flexed forearm
over the bandage as shown (see Fig. 9.11a).
2. Carry the upper end of the bandage over the shoulder
on the uninjured side, around the back of the neck.
Ensure that the injured arm lies slightly above the
horizontal position.
3. Tie the long ends of the bandage in the hollow above the
collar bone of the injured side (see Fig. 9.11b).
4. Fold the corner adjacent to the injured elbow and
secure it with a safety pin.
Fig. 9.9 Method of splinting a phalangeal fracture of the
index finger by a posterior plaster slab The St John sling
This sling, used for a fractured clavicle, dislocated
Slings for fractures acromioclavicular joint, or fractured or infected hand,
supports the elbow and keeps the hand in elevation
There are three slings in common use in first aid:
resting comfortably on the shoulder of the uninjured side.
Sling Main indications
Collar and Fractured humerus Method
cuff 1. Place an open triangular bandage over the
Broad arm Fractured forearm patient’s  forearm and hand with the point of the
triangle to the elbow and the upper end over the far
St John Fractured clavicle shoulder.
Dislocated acromioclavicular joint 2. Tuck the long edge of the bandage under the whole
forearm to make a supporting trough (Fig. 9.12a).
Subluxed acromioclavicular joint
3. Convey the lower dependent end around the patient’s
Infected or fractured hand back to the front of the far shoulder.
120 Practice Tips





Fig. 9.11  (a) The broad arm sling: first step; (b) the broad
Fig. 9.10  (a) Preparing a clove hitch; (b) flex the elbow and arm sling
elevate the injured arm; (c) applying a collar and cuff sling
Chapter 9 | Common trauma 121

4. Tie the ends as close to the fingers as possible (Fig. 9.12b). Table 9.1  Healing of uncomplicated fractures (adults)
5. Tuck the triangular point firmly in between the forearm Fracture (Approximate) average
and the bandage. immobilisation time
6. Secure the fold with a safety pin when the sling is firm, (weeks)
comfortable and at the correct elevation. Rib 3–6 (healing time)
The makeshift sling Clavicle 4–8 (2 weeks in sling)
An effective sling can be made with a large jumper or Scapula weeks to months
windcheater. Humerus
Method • neck 3–6
• shaft 8
1. Place the sleeves of the jumper around the neck and • condyles 3–4
knot the ends.
2. Guide the affected arm into the sleeve until a suitable • head of radius 3
recess is found. • shaft 6
• Colles’ fracture 4–6
Important principles for Radius and ulna (shafts) 6–12
Ulna—shaft 8
• Children under 8 years usually take half the time to heal.
Scaphoid 8–12
• Have a check X-ray in 1 week (for most fractures).
• Radiological union lags behind clinical union. Metacarpals
• Bennett’s # 6–8
• other 3–4
Phalanges (hand)
• proximal 3
• middle 2–3
• distal 2–3
Pelvis Rest in bed 2–6
• femoral neck according to surgery
• shaft 12–16
• distal 8–12
Patella 3–4
Tibia 12–16
Fibula 6
Both tibia and fibula 12–16
Potts fracture 6–8

(b) Lateral malleolus avulsion 3

• minor 4–6
• compression 14–16
Talus 12
Tarsal bones (stress #) 8
Metatarsals 4
Phalanges (toes) 0–3
• spinous process 3
• transverse process 3
• stable vertebra 3
• unstable vertebra 9–14
Fig. 9.12  (a) The St John sling: first step; (b) the St John sling • sacrum/coccyx 3
122 Practice Tips

Other trauma

Primary repair of severed tendon 4. Repeat this with the other end of the tendon (Fig. 9.13e).
5. Tie the corresponding suture ends together in order
Immediate repair of cut tendons by primary suture is to closely approximate the cut ends of the tendon
important, preferably by an experienced surgeon. Partial (Fig. 9.13f ).
ruptures usually require no active surgery, although 6. Bury the knots deep between the tendon and cut the
primary repair is recommended if greater than 40% of sutures short (Fig. 9.13g).
the tendon is severed.
Method for totally cut tendon
Hold the repaired tendons in a relaxed position with
1. Debride the wound. suitable splintage for 3–4 weeks.
2. Pass a loop suture of 3/0 monofilament nylon on
a straight needle into the tendon through the cut
surface close to the edge to emerge 5 mm beyond Burns and scalds
and then construct a figure-of-eight suture as shown Burns can be caused by flame/fire, hot liquids, hot objects
in Fig. 9.13a–c. such as irons and heaters, ultraviolet radiation, electricity
3. Pull the two ends of the suture to take up the slack and certain chemicals. Scalds are burns from hot liquids,
without bunching the tendon (Fig. 9.13d). hot food or steam.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

(f) (g)

Fig. 9.13  Primary suture of a cut tendon: (a–c) inserting figure-of-eight suture; (d) pulling the two ends of the suture;
(e) inserting a similar suture in the other end of the tendon; (f) tying the sutures and burying the knots; (g) suture is completed
Chapter 9 | Common trauma 123

First aid, including safety rules • Superficial—affects only the top layer of skin. The skin
will look red and is painful.
The immediate treatment of burns, especially for smaller
• Partial thickness—causes deeper damage. The burn
areas, is immersion in cold running water such as tap
site will look red, blistered, peeling and swollen with
water, for a minimum of 20 minutes. Do not disturb
yellow fluid oozing and is very painful.
charred adherent clothing but remove wet clothing.
• Full thickness—damages all layers of the skin. The
• Ensure you and the burnt person are safe from further
burn site will look white or charred black. There may
injury or danger.
be little or no pain.
• Cool a burnt or scalded area immediately for at least
20 minutes with cool to cold (around 15˚C; preferably Remember
running) water. Consider your own safety as you stop the burning process:
Safety first rules • if on fire—stop–drop–roll
• if chemical— remove the stuff and flush with copious
• Stop the burning process and remove any source of water
heat, if possible. • if electrical—turn off power.
• Flames: Smother with a blanket (preferably a ‘fire Refer the following burns to hospital:
blanket’ if available). • > 9% surface area, especially in a child
–– Direct flames away from the head or douse with • > 5% in an infant
water. • all deep burns
–– Roll person on ground if clothing still burning. • burns of difficult or vital areas (e.g. face, hands,
–– Remove clothes over the burnt area IF not stuck perineum/genitalia, feet)
to skin. • burns with potential problems (e.g. electrical, chemical,
• Scalds: Remove clothing that has been soaked in boiling circumferential)
water or hot fat. • suspicion of inhalational injury
–– Remove clothing carefully only if the skin is not • suspicion of non-accidental injury in children or
blistered or stuck to it. vulnerable people
–– Cool with cool or tepid water for at least 20 minutes. • burns in the elderly, children < 12 months and pregnant
• Chemical burns: Remove affected clothing. women.
–– Wash or irrigate the burn for at least 30 minutes. Always give adequate pain relief. During transport,
–– Do not try to neutralise the chemical. continue cooling by using a fine mist water spray.
• Electrical: Disconnect the person from the electrical
source. Major burns
–– Use a wooden stick or chair to remove person if you
cannot switch off the electricity. (Don’t approach A major burn is an injury to more than 20% of the
if connected to high-voltage circuit.) total body surface for an adult and more than 10% for
children. As a guiding rule, one arm is about 9%, one leg
Some useful rules 18%, face 7% in adults and 16% in toddlers. The surface
• It is best to cut clothing with sharp scissors especially area of burns for a child is shown in Figure 9.14, which
from limbs. includes the useful Lund–Browder chart for estimating
• Remove possible constricting items, e.g. bracelets, the extent of the burn.
watches, rings. Major burns are a medical emergency and require
• Cover the burn with plastic cling wrap (not the urgent treatment: call triple zero (000) or your local
first 6 cm). Apply this in strips and not wrapped emergency number.
circumferentially. Guidelines for going straight to hospital
• A burnt hand can be placed in a plastic bag. (burns unit)
• Give basic analgesics for small burns e.g. paracetamol.
• Cool running water is useful for 3 hours after a burn. • Full thickness burns—adults over 10% and children
• Cool the burn; warm the patient. over 5% of body surface
• Burns including partial thickness burns to difficult
Some don’ts and vital areas—hands, feet, face, joints, perineum
• Prick blisters (leave this to medical attendants). and genitalia
• Apply creams, ointments, grease, lotions. • Circumferential burns—those that go right around a
• Apply adhesive, sticky or fluffy cotton dressings. limb or the body
• Put butter, oils, ice or ice water on burns to children. • Respiratory/inhalation burns (effects may be delayed
for a few hours)
Types of burns • Electrical burns
There are three levels of burns. • Chemical burns
124 Practice Tips

3. Deep burns. If considerable ooze, apply the following

in order.
–– Solosite gel, Solugel or similar
–– non-adherent neutral dressing (e.g. Melolin)
–– layer of absorbent gauze or cotton wool (larger
2 13 2 2 2
13 burns).
112 112
Change every 2–4 days with analgesic cover. Surgical
112 112
treatment, including skin grafting, may be necessary.
112 112 112 212 212 112
Exposure (open method)
• Keep open without dressings (good for face, perineum
or single surface burns).
• Renew coating of antiseptic cream every 24 hours.

134 134
Dressings (closed method)
134 134
• Suitable for circumferential wounds.
• Cover creamed area with non-adherent tulle (e.g.
Area Age 0 1 5 10 15 Adult paraffin gauze).
A = ½ of head 9½ 8½ 6½ 5½ 4½ 3½ • Dress with an absorbent bulky layer of gauze and wool.
B = ½ of one thigh 2¾ 3¼ 4 4¼ 4½ 4¾
C = ½ of one leg 2½ 2½ 2¾ 3¼ 3¼ 3½
• Use a plaster splint if necessary.

Fig. 9.14  Lund and Browder chart: estimation of extent of Burns to the hand
burns in children For superficial blistered burns to the hand or similar
‘complex’ shaped parts of the body apply strips of the
Treatment retention stretch adhesive dressings as described above.
1. Very superficial—intact skin: Can be left with an They conform well to digits. Apply an outer bandage.
application of a mild antiseptic only. Review if At 7 days soak the dressings in oil for 2 hours prior to
blistering. coming into the clinic.
2. Superficial—blistered skin: Apply a dressing to promote
epithelialisation (e.g. hydrocolloid sheets, hydrogel Rapid testing of the hand for
sheets) covered by an absorbent dressing (e.g. paraffin nerve injury
gauze or MelolinTM)
Following an injury to the arm or hand that has the
potential for a nerve injury, it is important when one
a retention stretch adhesive material (e.g. Fixomull,
examines a hand to have a knowledge of simple tests that
Mefix, Opsite) with daily or twice daily cleaning of
detect injuries to the three main nerves—the median, the
the serous ooze and reapplication of outer bandage.
ulnar and the radial.
Leave 7 days.
Guidelines to patient for retention dressings The ‘quick’ hand test for nerve injury
• First 24 hours: keep dry. If there is any ooze coming Get the patient to make the following configurations:
through the dressing, pat dry with a clean tissue. • ‘4-fingered cone’ (Fig. 9.15a)—if the patient can do
• From day 2: wash over dressing twice daily. Use gentle this, the ulnar nerve is intact
soap and water, rinse then pat dry. Do not soak. Rinse • ‘5-fingered cone’ and ability to approximate the thumb
only. Do not remove the dressing as it may cause pain (Fig. 9.15b)—success means the median nerve is intact
and damage to the wound. If the wound becomes red, • ‘trigger test’ for the thumb—that is, extension—if
hot or swollen or if pain increases, return to the clinic. normal, the radial nerve is intact (Fig. 9.15c).
• From day 7: return to the clinic for removal of the
dressing.Two hours prior to coming into the clinic, soak Summary of arm nerve injuries
the dressing with olive oil then cover with Glad Wrap.
• Ulnar nerve—inability to abduct little finger
Note: Dressing must be soaked off with oil (e.g. olive,
• Median nerve—inability to abduct thumb
baby, citrus or peanut). Debride ‘popped blisters’. Only
pop blisters that interfere with dermal circulation. • Radial nerve—inability to extend thumb
Chapter 9 | Common trauma 125

ulnar nerve median nerve radial nerve

Fig. 9.15 Rapid testing of the hand for nerve injury

Froment’s sign pinch with marked flexion of the interphalangeal joint

of the thumb. This occurs because of loss of action of
Ask the patient to grip a sheet of paper forcefully between
adductor pollicis caused by injury to the deep branch of
the thumbs and index fingers while the examiner tries to
the ulnar nerve. Flexor pollicis longus overcompensates.
pull the paper away. A positive Froment’s sign is a weak
Chapter 10
Removal of
foreign bodies

Cautionary note maggots in the superior conjunctival fornix

Failure to diagnose the presence of a foreign body has

emerged as a common cause of malpractice actions
against general practitioners. It is particularly important oedema of the
to locate and remove foreign bodies, especially splinters upper lid
in children, glass slivers after motor vehicle accidents
and pub brawls and metal objects such as needles in the
feet of children.
Removal of maggots
The larvae of the common blowfly can find their way Fig. 10.1  Maggots in the eye
into the most unexpected corners of the body, and can
be extremely difficult to remove.
This unusual problem is more likely to occur in
unkempt people, such as alcoholics and itinerants, and 3. Remove the maggots with fine forceps.
in those with exposed wounds. Examples of sites that can
become infested are the eye, the ear, traumatic wounds Wounds
in comatose victims, and rodent ulcers.
A writhing mass of maggots can be a difficult problem,
and has to be rendered inactive. The old ‘trick’ was to use
The eye chloroform, but ether is just as effective.
The presence of maggots should be suspected when an
unkempt person presents with a red eye and with marked Method
swelling (Fig. 10.1). When disturbed, the maggots crawl 1. Irrigate the infested wound with the anaesthetic until
for cover and are difficult to see and remove. the activity ceases.
2. Carefully remove all the intruders.
1. Instil LA (e.g. amethocaine). Using dextrose
2. Instil two drops of eserine or pilocarpine to ‘paralyse’ Apply 10% dextrose to the maggots. If unsuccessful apply
the maggots. 50% dextrose.
Chapter 10 | Removal of foreign bodies 127

Removal of leeches dislodging the tick, and more toxin is thereby injected
into the host.
There are several varieties of leeches in this country, but As an office procedure, many practitioners grasp the
the most troublesome are the small, black leeches that tick’s head as close to the skin as possible with fine forceps
inhabit the damp forests of New South Wales,Victoria and or tweezers, and pull the tick out sideways with a sharp
Tasmania. The major problem is the difficulty of removing rotatory action. This is acceptable, but not as effective as
a parasite adhering firmly to such awkward anatomical the methods described here.
sites as the eye, or the urethral meatus in men.
No attempt should be made to extract the leech First aid bush removal method
manually. There are several methods of inducing leeches 1. Saturate the tick with petrol, kerosene or insect
to ‘jump off’ rapidly: repellant such as Rid, and leave for 3 minutes.
• application of hot objects 2. Loop a strong thread around the tick’s head as close
• application of salt to the skin as possible, and pull sharply.
• application of a detergent
• application of toothpaste Alternative methods
• slicing the leech in half with a knife. • Apply tea-tree oil 12 hourly—leave 24 hours and
Method remove.
• Apply 5% acetic acid firmly onto the tick with a cotton
1. Carefully apply a hot object near the end of the leech. bud. Wait 30 seconds, then slowly turn the end of the
The object could be the hot tip of a snuffed out match bud anticlockwise until the tick is dislodged.
(Fig. 10.2) or the heated end of a paper clip.
2. The leech soon lets go! Shock freezing
Freeze the tick with liquid nitrogen Kryospray and
remove it in toto.
Lignocaine anaesthetic method
Infiltrate 1% lignocaine under and around the head of
the tick. It should then be easily extracted because of
immobilisation and eversion of the mouth parts. If not,
move on to the office procedure.
Loop of suture material method
1. Select a long length of 3/0 nylon or silk or dental floss.
2. Loop it over the tick and tie a single knot.
3. Holding the nylon flush with the skin, slowly tighten
match the knot over the neck of the tick.
4. Pull off the tick with a sharp rotatory action.
Office procedure
1. Infiltrate a small amount of LA in the skin around the
Fig. 10.2  Removal of leech from the eye site of embedment.
2. With a no. 11 or 15 scalpel blade make the necessary
very small excision, including the mouth parts of the
tick to ensure total removal (Fig. 10.3).
Embedded ticks 3. The small defect can usually be closed with a Bandaid
Some species of ticks can be very dangerous to human (or Steri-strips).
beings, especially to children. If they attach themselves
to the head and neck, a serious problem is posed. As Punch biopsy method
it is impossible to distinguish between dangerous and A very practical method is to inject local anaesthetic and
non-dangerous ticks, early removal is mandatory. The tick then use a punch biopsy to remove the entire tick. If the
should be totally removed, and the mouthparts of the punch will not fit over the tick cut it behind its head and
tick must not be left behind. Do not attempt to grab then punch out the head parts. Use a cross pulley stitch
the tick by the body and tug. This is rarely successful in (Fig. 4.13, p. 60) to close the wound.
128 Practice Tips

1. Using a needle, bent paper clip or bobby pin, pass
a length of dental tape (the best), cord or string (or
Mersilk) under the ring (Fig. 10.4a). The ring should
be over the narrowest part of the phalanx for this.
2. Liberally apply petroleum jelly or moistened soap paste
to the finger, distal to the ring. Wind about six turns of
the string around the finger close to and immediately
distal to the ring (Fig. 10.4b).
of the tick
3. While holding the end (B) of the cord firmly, pull the
proximal end (A) over the ring, roughly parallel to the
long axis of the finger, unwinding it steadily in the
engorged tick
same direction in which the distal coils were wound
originally (Fig. 10.4c). The pressure of the cord is
skin thus applied successively around the periphery of the
line of excision ring, forcing it distally. The distal cords, by applying
pressure, also help to reduce the oedema of the finger.
Fig. 10.3  Removing the embedded tick
In many cases the ring slides off with little or no
discomfort and without damage to ring or finger.
Removal of ring from finger Sometimes a digital block may be necessary.
From time to time one is faced with the need to remove
a ring from a swollen finger. Destruction of a possibly Splinters under the skin
valuable piece of jewellery can often be avoided by the The splinter under the skin is a common and difficult
following. procedural problem. Instead of using forceps or making
a wider excision, one method is to use a disposable
hypodermic needle to ‘spear’ the splinter (Fig. 10.5) and
then use it as a lever to ease the splinter out through the skin.
Reactive objects such as thorns, spines and wood
should be removed as soon as possible.


needle skin

(c) B

A Fig. 10.5  Removal of splinters

Fig. 10.4  Removal of ring from finger: (a) thread string

through bobby pin or needle passed under ring; (b) wind
Superficial horizontal splinters
string firmly round finger after liberally applying Vaseline; These are usually readily palpated under the skin. Apply
(c) hold firm at B and pull and unwind at A antiseptic and infiltrate with local anaesthetic. Incise the
Chapter 10 | Removal of foreign bodies 129

skin over the length of the splinter using a no. 15 scalpel Detecting skin splinters
blade, to completely expose the splinter. Lift it out with
the scalpel blade or with forceps. High-resolution ultrasound imaging by experienced
Alternatively, the overlying skin can be deroofed with operators can assist in both the diagnosis and removal of
a sterile 19-gauge needle in a feathering motion and then these foreign bodies. Table 10.1 shows the comparative
speared out with the aid of fine forceps. efficacy of X-rays and ultrasound.
CT scans are also very effective.
The vertical splinter
This is more difficult but can be removed by making a
superficial circular excision over the splinter followed by Table 10.1 Efficacy of X-ray and ultrasound
a deeper encircling incision to undermine the sides of
the wound. The free central block of tissue containing the Material Plain X-ray Ultrasound
object can be picked out with fine forceps (Fig. 10.6). Wood Poor Good
Glass Good Good
Metal Good Good
Plastic Moderate Good
Plant (e.g. thorns) Poor Good

Removing the Implanon rod

Identify the 4 cm long rod in the subcutaneous tissue
by palpation and the insertion scar. (If not palpable,
arrange ultrasound examination.) Infiltrate around the
rod with LA. Palpate to identify one end of the rod with
your finger. Then manipulate and depress it so that the
Fig. 10.6  Method of removal of the vertical splinter opposite end ‘tents’ the skin. Make an incision over this
pointing end and then blunt dissect around the rod until
it is sufficiently exposed to remove with forceps.
Removing spines of prickly pear,
cactus and similar plants from Detecting metal fragments
the skin A simple tip for detecting subcutaneous metal pieces is
Gently apply an adhesive dressing such as Fixomull or to use a magnet and run it over the skin (the larger the
Mefix.Then remove the prickles by pulling in the direction magnet the better). If the metal ‘tents’ the skin, this is
that they are pointing out of the skin with the grain, the site to make the incision.
otherwise they will break at skin level.
Embedded fish hooks
Detecting fine skin splinters— Six methods of removing fish hooks are presented here,
the soft soap method some relying on removal in a direction continuous with
Problem their direction of entry to conform with the nature of the
barb, others requiring removal in the reverse direction,
Finding fine foreign bodies in the skin that are difficult
against the barb. Method 4 or 5 is recommended as first-
to see, such as cactus spurs and glass slivers.
line management.
1. Spread soft soap very lightly over the skin. The soap Method 1
permits easier identification of the foreign bodies. 1. Inject 1–2 mL of LA in front of and then below the
2. Remove the foreign bodies with splinter (or other hook.
types) forceps. 2. Cut the shank with wire cutters or pliers below the
Alternatively they can be removed with hair removal eye (Fig. 10.7a). Alternatively, repeated bending at this
wax applied to the skin. point will cause the shank to snap.
130 Practice Tips

3. With a needle holder grasp the shank, press the point 1. Take a piece of string about 10–12 cm long and make a
of the barb through the skin and remove. loop. One end slips around the hook as a double loop,
the other hooking around one finger of the operator.
Method 2 2. Depress the shank with the other hand in the direction
that tends to disengage the barb.
1. A sharp pull in the direction shown (Fig. 10.7b) will
3. At this point give a very swift, sharp tug along the
in most cases make the barb continue on its natural
cord. (Some find that using a ruler in the loop to flick
path and come out through the skin.
out the hook is ideal.)
2. It can then be cut off easily and the rest of the hook
4. The hook flies out painlessly in the direction of the
tug (Fig. 10.7d).
No surgical instruments are required, simply a pair of
Note: You must be bold, decisive, confident and quick,
pliers or wire cutters, but all personnel present should
as half-hearted attempts do not work.
close their eyes when the barb is cut off.
For difficult cases, some local anaesthetic infiltration
may be appropriate. Instead of a short loop of cord, a
Method 3
1. Inject 1–2 mL of LA around the fish hook. (c)
2. Grasp the shank of the hook with strong artery forceps.
3. Slide a D11 scalpel blade in along the hook, sharp
edge away from the hook, to cut the tissue and free
the barb (Fig. 10.7c).
4. Withdraw the hook with the forceps.

Method 4
This method, used by some fishermen, relies on a
loop of cord or fishing line to forcibly disengage and
extract the hook intact. It requires no anaesthesia and
no instruments—only nerves of steel, especially for the
first attempt.

(a) cut

exit local

(b) (e)

sharp pull

hold loop of loop of string

fishing tackle taut or tackle

Fig. 10.7 Five methods of removing fish hooks: (a) cutting the shank; (b) cutting the barb; (c) cutting a skin path; (d) intact
removal; (e) using double-string method
Chapter 10 | Removal of foreign bodies 131

long piece of fishing line double-looped around the hook Penetrating gun injuries
and tugged by the hand will work.
Injuries to the body from various types of guns present
decision dilemmas for the treating doctor. The tips
Method 5 below represent guidelines including special sources
This method, regarded by some as the best, involves of danger to tissues from various foreign materials
‘flicking’ the hook out by traversing its path of entry discharged by guns.
into the skin.
1. Loop a length of fishing tackle around the eye of the hook. Gunshot wounds
2. Loop a length of string around the front curve of the hook.
3. Keep the fishing tackle taut by holding it firmly in a Airgun
straight line with the non-dominant hand. The rule is to remove subcutaneous slugs but to leave
4. Now pull sharply outwards with the dominant hand deeper slugs unless they lie within and around vital
so that it flicks the hook out (Fig. 10.7e). structures (e.g. the wrist). A special, common problem
Caution: Take care not to let the hook fly off uncontrollably. is that of slugs in the orbit. These often do little damage
and can be left alone, but referral to an ophthalmologist
would be appropriate.
Method 6: The Irish (Castletownbere)
method 0.22 rifle (pea rifle)
Principle The same principles of management apply but the bullet
Cover the barb of the hook with the bevel of the must be localised precisely by X-ray. Of particular interest
needle, which must be large enough (e.g. 17G, 19G) are abdominal wounds, which should be observed
to accommodate the tip of the barb. There is then no carefully, as visceral perforations can occur with minimal
resistance to its removal. initial symptoms and signs.

Method 0.410 shotgun

1. Inject 0.5 to 1 mL of local anaesthetic using an insulin- The pellets from this shotgun are usually dangerous only
type syringe into the actual puncture wound, wait when penetrating from a close range. Again, the rule is
10 minutes. not to remove deep-lying pellets—perhaps only those
2. Insert a 19G needle into the entrance wound and superficial pellets that can be palpated.
feed it along the hook until it is stopped by the barb
12 gauge shotgun
(ensure that the bevel of the needle is directed towards
the hook). The sharp tip of the hook is now inside the This powerful gun can produce extensive damage at a
lumen of the needle (Fig. 10.8a). range of several metres and are difficult to deal with.
3. Reverse out the hook and needle. Withdrawal is easy Stray pellets are a common finding in rural patients and
as the barb is covered by the stylus of the needle and can be left.
there is no resistance to bringing it out (Fig. 10.8b).
Pressure gun injuries
Helpful tips Injection of grease, oil, paint and similar substances
• Some barbs are deflected slightly to one side (left or from pressure guns (Fig. 10.9) cause very serious
right) on the way back. It is helpful if the patient can injuries, requiring decompression and removal of the
bring a sample of the fish hook substances.
• It can help to practise on a cooked sausage first to
convince you how easy it is.

(a) (b)

Fig. 10.8  (a) Needle bevel engages barb; (b) fish hook removed with needle
132 Practice Tips

high-pressure grease or
Grease gun and paint gun
oil injections into paint gun injections High-pressure injection of paint or grease into the hand
digital pulp requires urgent surgery if amputation is to be avoided.
There is a deceptively minor wound to show for this
injury, and after a while the hand feels comfortable.
However, ischaemia, chemical irritation and infection can
follow, with gangrene of the digits, resulting in, at best,
a claw hand due to sclerosis. Treatment is by immediate
decompression and meticulous removal of all foreign
material and necrotic tissue.
Oil injection
Accidental injection of an inoculum in an oily vehicle
into the hand also creates a serious problem with local
tissue necrosis. If injected into the digital pulp, this may
Fig. 10.9 Dangerous accidental injections into the hand necessitate amputation. Such injections are common
on poultry farms, where many fowl-pest injections are

Ear, nose and throat

Removal of various foreign Soft foreign bodies
bodies The snaring technique is most suitable for soft objects
Removal of foreign bodies (FBs) from the nose in children such as paper, foam rubber and cotton wool.
is a relatively urgent procedure because of the risks of
aspiration. The same mechanical principles of removal Method
apply to the ear. Under good light and being careful not to push the
The nose should be examined using a nasal speculum object further back into the nose, snare the material with
under good illumination. The tip of the nose should be either crocodile forceps or a foreign-body remover and
raised and pressed with the tip of a thumb. Do not attempt gently remove.
to remove foreign bodies from the nose by grasping with
‘ordinary’ forceps. Probe technique
The method shown in Figure 10.11 simply requires good
Summary of methods of removal vision, using a head mirror or head light and a thin probe.
1. It is best to pass an instrument behind the FB and pull
it forward. Examples of instruments are: Method
• a eustachian catheter (Fig. 10.10a) 1. Insert the probe under and just beyond the FB
• a probe to roll out FB, e.g. bent wax curette (Fig. 10.11a).
• a bent hair pin 2. Lever it in such a way that the tip of the probe ‘rolls’
• a bent paper clip. the FB out of the obstructed passage (Fig. 10.11b, c).
2. Snaring the FB is the method most suitable for soft This technique seems to be successful with both hard
foreign bodies (e.g. paper, foam rubber, cotton and soft foreign bodies.
wool). It is more applicable to the nose. Examples of
instruments are: Bent hairpin technique
• a foreign-body remover (Fig. 10.10b)
• crocodile forceps (Fig. 10.10c). This method requires an old-fashioned hairpin (the type
3. Application of suction that uses instruments such as: with crinkly edges) bent to an angle of about 30°.
• a rubber catheter
• a fine sucker. Method
4. Irritation of FBs in nose (e.g. white pepper sprinkled 1. Push the pin back beyond the FB.
in nose to induce sneezing). 2. Depress the pin to ensnare the object.
5. Blowing techniques. 3. Gently withdraw the FB (Fig. 10.12).
Chapter 10 | Removal of foreign bodies 133

(a) (a)

foreign body
ear canal
ear drum






Fig. 10.11  Removal of foreign body from ear: (a) probe

inserted under foreign body; (b) tip of probe is lifted by
depressing outer end of probe; (c) continuing levering ‘rolls’
the foreign body out

Fig. 10.10 Instruments for removal of foreign bodies: (a)

eustachian catheter; (b) foreign-body remover; (c) crocodile
134 Practice Tips

nose foreign body Rubber catheter suction technique

The following is a relatively simple and painless way
old-fashioned hair pin of removing foreign bodies from the ears and noses of
The only equipment required is a straight rubber
bent pin catheter (large type) and perhaps a suction pump. The
procedure causes minimal distress to a frightened child,
avoids the need for a general anaesthetic, and is less
traumatic than mechanical extraction for objects such
Extracting the foreign body as a round bead.
Fig. 10.12 Extracting the foreign body using a hairpin Method
1. Cut the end of the catheter at right angles (Fig. 10.14a).
This method is relatively painless and highly effective; 2. Smear the rim of the cut end with petroleum jelly.
other methods of removing FBs may push them deeper 3. Apply this end to the FB and then apply suction.
into the nares. Oral suction may be used for a recently placed or
‘clean’ object, but gentle pump suction, if available, is
Bent paper clip technique preferred (Fig. 10.14b).
It is advisable to pinch close the suction catheter
A simple, effective and disposable instrument can be until close to the foreign body, as the hissing noise may
made with a paper clip. frighten the child.
1. As demonstrated in Figure 10.13, open the paper clip
Pneumatic otoscopic attachment
with the hairpin bends at both ends intact. vacuum technique
2. Angulate the smaller end of the clip. The sharp ends of The following method is ideal for the removal of a foreign
the hairpin bends should be bent towards the straight body from the nose or ear of a child where it can be very
stems of the clip so that they do not cause trauma. The difficult to extract without the use of a general anaesthetic.
degree of angulation can be increased by the use of The method is similar to using a rubber catheter with
small-artery forceps if desired. The larger loop acts as the end cut off, and applying it to the foreign body using
a handle to get an effective grip. oral suction.
3. The angulated end, passed gently over the foreign body
in the nose or ear canal, acts as a scoop to remove the Method
foreign body. • Use the pneumatic otoscope attachment by removing
Note: It is important to remember that only foreign the end fitting.
bodies that can easily be seen in the ear or nose could • Squeeze the bulb to create a vacuum effect.
be removed by this method. The paper clip instrument
is not suitable for the removal of deeper foreign bodies.
Patient cooperation is also very important. (a)


paper clip

Sharp ends are bent near the stem of the clip

to avoid trauma. Angulation is increased at
the small hairpin bend.

Paper clip opened with hairpin bends at both ends intact

Fig. 10.14 Extracting the foreign body using a rubber
Fig. 10.13 Extracting the foreign body using a bent catheter: (a) catheter cut straight across near its extremity;
paper clip (b) application of suction (orally or by pump)
Chapter 10 | Removal of foreign bodies 135

• Place the end of the rubber tubing against the foreign into the mouth until a slight resistance is felt. (This
body (Fig. 10.15). indicates that the glottis is closed.)
• Release the hand-squeeze on the bulb in order to 2. Then give a sharp high velocity blow to cause the
create suction. foreign body to ‘pop out’.
• Extract the object. To encourage cooperation with the technique the child
This method works very well for smooth, round foreign can be asked to give the doctor a ‘kiss’ (or any ruse to
bodies such as beads. allow placement of the lips over the child’s open mouth).
Better still, explain the technique to the child’s parent
pneumatic and encourage the parent to perform it. (Mother is best!)
otoscope On all occasions that this technique has been used
attachment (adapted from an article in The New England Medical Journal),
the foreign bodies ‘popped out’ after two attempts, thus
avoiding general anaesthetic with intubation.
If stubborn:
• instill nasal decongestants in the nose, leave 20 minutes
foreign body and try again.

Fig. 10.15 The rubber tubing is placed against the General principles about
foreign body
a foreign body in the ear
The main danger of a foreign body in the ear lies in its
Tissue glue and plastic swab technique careless removal.
Syringing is very effective and safe for small foreign
Method bodies.
This technique employs the simple method of applying a Vegetable foreign bodies, e.g. peas, swell with water
rapidly setting adhesive to bond the FB to the extracting and are better not syringed.
probe. It works best in dry conditions and for a smooth Insects commonly become wedged in the meatus,
non-impacted foreign body. especially in the tropics. They can be syringed or removed
1. Apply a thin coat of cyanoacrylate or tissue glue with forceps under vision.
to the end of a hollow plastic swab stick or orange Maggots cause a painful ear and their removal is difficult—
stick. insufflation of pulv. calomel is usually effective treatment.
2. Insert the stick into the ear canal (or nostril) to allow
the glue to bond with the FB (if clearly accessible and Insects in ears
suitable) for about 1 minute.
Live insects should be enticed out or killed by first instilling
3. Remove the FB using gentle traction, perhaps assisted
warm water (first option), saline or olive oil, then syringing
by external pressure from the fingers.
the ear with warm water if necessary. The neatest method
Caution: Avoid touching the skin or mucous membrane.
is to gently drip 4–5 mL of warm water or saline into the
If glue is accidentally applied to the skin, dissolve the
ear canal with a syringe, and then snare the insect with
glue with acetone.
forceps as it crawls to the opening. Dead flies that have
originally been attracted to pus are best removed by suction.
First line blow technique Maggots are best killed by eserine drops, although other
Press the ‘normal’ nostril and encourage a seated­ fluids should work. Syringing the ear is then appropriate.
co-operative child to blow out (snort) from the nose. Note: 2mL of 1% lignocaine introduced by the blunt
end of a syringe or via a cut-off ‘butterfly’ needle (or
The ‘kiss and blow’ technique other piece of plastic tubing) is also effective.
Note: The ingredients in Waxsol drops can be a problem.
This method, also known as the ‘mother’s kiss’ technique,
Olive oil can be difficult to syringe so water or saline
is used for a cooperative child with a firm, round foreign
is preferable.
body such as a bead or hard pea impacted in the anterior
A moth in the ear
Method This is a very distressing sensation for the patient,
1. Gently occlude the normal (not affected) nostril with a who invariably telephones urgently at night with the
finger. Place the mouth over the child’s mouth, blowing problem.
136 Practice Tips

warm water or olive oil upward direction

(a) of water

tympanic membrane

ear syringe
Fig. 10.16 Insect in ear: (a) first aid; (b) office procedure

First aid method at home

Instruct the patient to insert drops of lukewarm water,
olive oil or a similar preparation into the ear to immobilise
the moth (Fig. 10.16a). hook picks up
Note: Ideally, olive oil should be gently warmed, e.g. cotton threads
by placing the bottle under running hot water from a
tap for a short while. dental broach
cotton wool ‘bud’
Office procedure
Simply syringe the moth out of the ear with tepid water
(Fig. 10.16b).
Fig. 10.17  Removal of cotton wool bud from ear
Cotton wool in the ear
A common problem is the finding of the cotton wool
tip of a ‘cotton bud’ which has become dislodged from dry bread) without severe pain. After spraying the throat
injudicious self ear toilet. It can be seen deep in the ear canal. with local anaesthetic, use a frontal mirror and dental
mirror to find the bone.
Method A fish bone usually lodges in the tonsil or at the
Obtain a dental broach and fashion a very small hook on base of the tongue, in which case it can be seen on
the end. When inserted in the ear canal under vision, this oral examination. If it cannot be seen, more thorough
hook can easily engage some threads of cotton and then examination by nasopharyngoscopy is required.
extraction of the foreign body is simple (Fig. 10.17). To overcome the difficulty of not having a spare
hand to remove the bone, use a laryngoscope, having
localised the bone, and remove with packing forceps or
Fish bones in the throat intubation forceps.
Take a history to include the type of fish (cod bones are If there is severe pain and muscle spasm, or a positive
dangerous!), whether the meal was finished, if the pain X-ray, give an intramuscular antibiotic and refer to an
is localised and can the patient swallow (water and/or ENT service.

Gential and anal

Extricating the penis from
a zipper will not only be painful but will continue to impact
The patient has accidentally entrapped the foreskin the skin. It is worthwhile initially to lubricate the
of his penis in his ‘fly’ zipper. He will already have zipper with mineral oil and make one attempt to
tried to extricate himself, and further manoeuvring unzip it.
Chapter 10 | Removal of foreign bodies 137

The following are simple and effective techniques, 3. Grasp the zip fastener with pliers or any similar
which free the skin but ruin the zipper. ‘crushing clamp’. Apply pressure until the zip breaks
and the skin is freed (Fig. 10.18a).
Simple ‘first pass’ method
Method B
Grasp the upper free zip lines with each hand, then rapidly
Alternatively, cut across the closed section of the zipper,
and forcefully separate them outwards and downwards.
keeping as close as possible to the fastener (Fig. 10.18b),
The zipper usually falls down and releases the entrapped
with a suitable instrument such as a sharp scalpel, and
foreskin. It is usually quite painless.
the zipper will fall apart.
Instrumental methods
Method C
Method A
After infiltrating the area with LA, obtain a diagonal type
1. Cut the zipper from the trousers for access. wire cutter and cut the median bar on the top of the
2. Infiltrate LA beneath the entrapped foreskin, or infiltrate zipper slider (Fig. 10.19). The slider then falls apart into
the skin at the base of the penis (ring block). two pieces and the zipper teeth can be readily separated.


Fig. 10.19  Removing a zipper from penile skin by cutting

the median bar

Removal of impacted vaginal

The problem associated with this procedure is the
unpleasant odour that envelops the surgery, causing
considerable embarrassment to both patient and doctor.
Under good vision, the tampon is seized with a pair of
sponge-holding forceps and quickly immersed under
water. A bowl of water (an old ice cream container is
suitable) is kept as close to the introitus as possible. This
results in minimal malodour.
1. Inspection: usually in the Sims position with a Sims
speculum (other positions can be used).
2. Removal: the tampon is grasped with a sponge-holding
forceps (dorsal position; Fig. 10.20a).
3. Disposal: the tampon is quickly plunged under water
without releasing the forceps (Fig. 10.20b). The
tampon and water can be immediately flushed down
the toilet (except in septic tank systems or where
drainage problems exist).
It may be preferable to use another disposal method,
such as taking the forceps and tampon outside and
Fig. 10.18 Extracting penis from zipper
inserting the tampon into a self-sealing plastic bag.
138 Practice Tips

(a) (b)

Fig. 10.20  Removal of tampon

Note: The Master Plumbers Association warns against Manual disimpaction

flushing tampons down toilets because of their tendency
Rarely, one has to resort to manual disimpaction, which
to block systems.
is a most offensive procedure for all concerned. However,
the procedure can be rendered virtually odourless if the
Gloved and extraction method products are milked or scooped directly into a pan or
The tampon can be grasped with the gloved hand and preferably a container of water with a fragrant disinfectant
then invaginated into the glove, which acts as a receptacle such as Pine O Clean. A large plastic cover helps to restrict
for disposal. permeation of the smell.
Discomfort and embarrassment are reduced by this
Faecal impaction and adequate premedication (e.g. intravenous diazepam,
or even IV morphine if hard faecoliths are present).
Faecal impaction, manifested as an aggregation of hard
faeces in the rectum on rectal examination and associated
with constipation or spurious diarrhoea, can be a difficult
Removal of vibrator from vagina
problem. It often presents in children and the elderly. A or rectum
good method of doing a rectal examination on a home Manual removal of a vibrator or similar object from the
visit (in the absence of gloves in the doctor’s bag) is to vagina usually presents no problem, but removal from
apply moist soap around the finger and caked under the the rectum (if high) can be difficult without general
nail (in case of breakage), then plastic wrap and finally anaesthesia.
petroleum jelly (e.g. Vaseline).
Before resorting to a good, old-fashioned ‘3H’ enema
(hot water, high, and a hell of a lot) use a Microlax 5 mL
enema. This can be carried in the doctor’s bag, is very
easy to insert and most effective.
Chapter 11

Temporomandibular Joint
A tender and perhaps clicking temporomandibular
joint (TMJ) is a relatively common problem presenting
to the general practitioner. In the absence of obvious
malocclusion and organic disease, such as rheumatoid
arthritis, simple exercises can alleviate the annoying
problem in about 2 weeks. Three methods are described
as alternatives to splint therapy.
Method 1
1. Obtain a cylindrical (or similar-shaped) rod of soft
wooden or plastic material, approximately 15 cm long
and 1.5 cm wide. An ideal object is a large carpenter’s
pencil or piece of soft wood.
2. Instruct the patient to position this at the back of the
mouth so that the molars grasp the object with the
mandible thrust forward. Fig. 11.1  Chewing the ‘pencil’ exercise
3. The patient then rhythmically bites on the object with
a grinding movement (Fig. 11.1) for 2 to 3 minutes Method 3: The ‘six-by-six’ program
at least 3 times a day. This is a specific program (separate from the exercises
above) recommended by some dental surgeons. The six
Method 2 exercises should be done 6 times each time, 6 times a
1. Instruct the patient to rhythmically thrust the lower day. It takes 1 minute to do them. Instruct the patient
jaw forward and backward in an anterior–posterior as follows:
direction with the mouth slightly open, rather like a 1. Hold the front one-third of your tongue to the roof
cheeky schoolchild exposing the bottom lip (Fig. 11.2). of your mouth and take six deep breaths.
2. This exercise hurts initially but should soon lead to 2. Hold the tongue to the roof of your mouth and open
relief of the uncomplicated TMJ syndrome. your mouth 6 times. Your jaw should not click.
140 Practice Tips

• Avoid chewing gum.

• Always try to open your jaw in a hinge or arc motion.
Do not protrude your jaw.
• Avoid protruding your jaw, e.g. talking, applying
• Avoid clenching your teeth together—keep your lips
together and your teeth apart.
• Try to breathe through your nose at all times.
• Do not sleep on your jaw: try to sleep on your back.
• Practise a relaxed lifestyle so that your jaws and face
muscles feel relaxed.

Dislocated jaw
The patient may present with a unilateral or bilateral
dislocation. The jaw will be ‘locked’ and the patient
unable to articulate.
Fig. 11.2 The lower jaw-thrust exercise Method
1. Get the patient to sit upright with the head against
the wall.
3. Hold your chin with both hands, keeping the chin 2. Wrap a handkerchief around both thumbs and
still. Without letting your chin move, push up, place the thumbs over the last lower molar teeth,
down and to each side. Remember not to let your with the fingers firmly grasping the mandible on
chin move. the outside.
4. Hold both hands behind your neck and pull the 3. Firmly thrusting with the thumbs, push downward
chin in. towards the floor and at the same time press upwards
5. Push on the upper lip so as to push the head straight on the chin with the fingers (Fig. 11.3).
back. This action invariably reduces the dislocation,
6. Pull your shoulders back as if to touch the shoulder with the reduction being reinforced by the fingers
blades together. rotating the mandible upward as the thumbs thrust
Repeat each exercise 6 times, 6 times a day. downward.
Note: Patients should use a visual cue to remind them
to do the exercises.
These exercises should be pain-free. If they hurt, do
not push patients to the limit until the pain eases.
Method 4: Resisted ‘jaw’ opening
For this isometric contraction method the patient grasps
the jaw mainly on the jaw angle and strongly resists
opening of the jaw. This simple exercise is repeated many
times a day.

The TMJ ‘rest’ program

This program is reserved for an acutely painful TMJ
• When eating, avoid opening your mouth wider than
the thickness of your thumb and cut all food into
small pieces.
• Do not bite any food with your front teeth—use small
bite-size pieces.
• Avoid eating food requiring prolonged chewing, e.g.
hard crusts of bread, tough meat, raw vegetables. Fig. 11.3  Method of reduction of dislocated jaw
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 141

The spine
Recording spinal movements (a)
Method 1
Simple diagrams obviate the need for copious notes when
recording the range of movement of the cervical spine.
They are of particular value to the ‘whiplash’ accident flexion
patient, who requires repeated assessment and accurate
recording. Done serially, the diagrams are an excellent
guide to progress, and assist in the compilation of lateral flexion lateral flexion
medicolegal reports.
The neck movement grid (Fig. 11.4a) provides a left extension right
two-dimensional field on which to record movements
of the neck as viewed when standing behind and above (b)
the patient (looking down on the patient’s head). Not
only is the range of movement written on the grid, but
pain can be recorded also.
Table 11.1 shows the movements recorded for the
patient in Fig. 11.4b.

Table 11.1  ‘Whiplash’ accident patient: Neck movement

Flexion full and pain free
Extension 50% (of normal), painful through (c) F
Left rotation 40%, painful at end of range
Right rotation 60%
Left lateral flexion 40%
Right lateral flexion 70%

Method 2 left right
One can use a special direction of movement (DOM)
diagram to record movements for all spinal levels. Figure
11.4c illustrates restricted and painful movements E
(blocked, indicated by II) in flexion, left lateral flexion Fig. 11.4 The neck movement grid (viewed from above
and left rotation but pain-free extension, right lateral the patient)
flexion and right rotation (free movements). Part 11.4(c) Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal
Manipulation, Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.

Spinal mobilisation and

manipulation of the spine is a safe procedure but manipulation can
Spinal mobilisation and manipulation are examples of have serious sequelae, especially if given inappropriately
physical therapy that can be very beneficial in many to the cervical spine. For the cervical spine, mobilisation
spinal conditions where hypomobility that causes pain is a relatively simple and most effective technique, with
and stiffness is present. a similar outcome to manipulation (evidence-based).
These therapies improve the range of joint move- Manipulation should be left to the experts and is best
ment, decrease stiffness and reduce pain. Mobilisation avoided if possible.
142 Practice Tips

Key concepts to the spinous process centrally (Fig. 11.6) or over

• Mobilisation is a gentle, coaxing, repetitive, rhythmic tender points unilaterally. It is a very simple technique,
movement within the range of movement of the joint directed either with the thumbs (placed side by side)
(Fig. 11.5). or the pisiform process of the leading hand (for central
• Manipulation is a high-velocity thrust at the end range mobilisation only). This method is suitable for anywhere
(Fig. 11.5). along the spine, but particularly for the cervical spine and
• If in doubt, use mobilisation in preference to more so at lateral tender points.
manipulation. Method (using thumbs)
• Always mobilise or manipulate in the direction of no pain.
• Manipulation is generally more effective and produces 1. The patient lies prone, with head turned to one side
a faster response, but requires accurate diagnosis and and arms by the side.
greater skill, and can aggravate some spinal problems. 2. For the thoracic and lumbar spines, stand at the
patient’s side and place your thumbs over the
tender area. For the cervical spine, stand behind the
B = normal active limit patient’s head.
C = elastic limit 3. Lean over the patient with your arms perfectly straight
D = anatomical limit
MO and head and shoulders over the treatment area.
A 4. Obtain an oscillatory movement by gently rocking
the upper trunk up and down, with pressure being
transmitted to your thumbs by the shoulders and
B 5. Go as deeply as possible without causing pain.
C 6. Provide a small-amplitude, controlled oscillation at
the rate of two per minute. Maintain this for about
30 to 60 seconds, with two or three repeats in one
treatment session.

Fig. 11.5 Schematic representation of movement (by

rotation) of a joint: mobilisation (MO), A–C; manipulation anterior directed movement
(MA), C–D

Important contraindications to spinal

• Disease of the spine (e.g. osteoporosis, neoplasm,
rheumatoid arthritis).
• Neurological changes.
• Evidence of nerve root compression (e.g. pain in
the leg). fixed position
• Instability of spine following trauma.
• Cerebrovascular disease (for neck).
• Anticoagulation therapy.
• The elderly patient (my rule: avoid > 65 years).
A golden rule: Opposite movement, no pain.This generally
means that manipulation achieves a gapping or opening Stage 1
up of the painful side. Stage 2
Stage 3
Anterior directed gliding—an example
of spinal mobilisation Fig. 11.6 Anterior directed central gliding mobilisation,
illustrating the three stages of mobilisation
The technique of anterior directed gliding, also termed Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
posterior-anterior mobilisation, can be applied directly Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 143

Cervical spine
Clinical problems of • Torticollis
cervical origin • Dizziness/vertigo
• Visual dysfunction
Pain originating in the cervical spine is commonly,
although not always, experienced in the neck. The patient Figure 11.7 indicates the typical directions of referred
may complain of headache, or pain around the ear, face, pain. Surprisingly, headache, which is commonly
shoulder, arm, scapulae or upper anterior chest. caused by cervical problems, is often not considered
If the cervical spine is overlooked as a source of by clinicians.
pain, the cause of symptoms will remain masked and Pain in the arm (brachialgia) is common, and tends
mismanagement will follow. to cover the shoulder and upper arm area indicated in
Possible symptoms Figure 11.7. This is the zone of referred pain that is not
caused by nerve root compression. It can be a difficult
• Neck pain diagnostic dilemma, because pain reference from the fifth
• Neck stiffness cervical nerve segment (C5) involves musculoskeletal,
• Headache neurological and visceral structures. Virtually all shoulder
• Migraine-like headache structures are innervated by C5. See dermatome chart
• Arm pain (referred or radicular) (Fig. 11.25, p. 155).
• Facial pain The practitioner must first determine whether the
• Ear pain (periauricular) pain originates in the cervical spine or the shoulder
• Scapular pain joints, or in both simultaneously, or some other
• Anterior chest pain structure. The often missed diagnosis of polymyalgia
rheumatica should be considered in the elderly patient
presenting with pain in the zone indicated, especially
if bilateral.

Locating tenderness in the neck

Palpation of the neck to determine the precise level of
upper cervical
pain or tenderness can be difficult; however, if the surface
lower cervical
anatomy of the neck is clearly defined, the affected level
can easily be determined.
1. The patient lies prone on the examination couch
with hands (palms up) resting on the forehead. The
shoulders should be relaxed.
2. Systematically palpate the spinous processes of the
cervical vertebrae:
• C2 (axis) is the first spinous process palpable beneath
the occiput
• C7 is the largest ‘fixed’ and most prominent process
at the base of the neck
• C6 is also prominent and easily palpable, but
usually ‘disappears’ under the palpating finger with
extension of the neck
• the spinous process of C1 (atlas) is not palpable,
but the tip of the transverse process is: it lies
between the angle of the jaw and the mastoid
Fig. 11.7  Possible common directions of referred pain from process
the cervical spine • the spinous processes of C3, C4 and C5 are difficult
Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation, to palpate because of cervical lordosis, but their
Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.
level can be estimated (see Fig. 11.8).
144 Practice Tips

towards the patient’s painful side. During this phase the

patient is asked to exhale slowly and to look downward
to that side (Fig. 11.9b).
6. The patient will now be able to turn the head a little
further towards the painful side.
7. This sequence is repeated at the new and improved
motion barrier. Repeat 3 to 5 times until the full range
C2 of movement returns.
8. Ask the patient to return the following day for another
treatment, although the neck may now be almost
C6 The patient can be taught self-treatment at home
C7 using this method.

(a) motion barrier

Fig. 11.8 Relative sizes of spinous processes of cervical spine

Acute torticollis contraction
An amazingly effective treatment for an acute wry neck
is muscle energy therapy, which relies on the basic
physiological principle that the contracting and stretching
of muscles leads to the automatic relaxation of agonist
and antagonist muscles.
Note: Lateral flexion or rotation or a combination of inhalation limit of movement
movements can be used, but treatment in rotation is
preferred. The direction of contraction can be away from (b) reduced motion barrier
the painful side (preferred) or towards the painful side,
whichever is most comfortable for the patient.
1. Explain the method to the patient, with reassurance
that it is not painful.
2. Rotate the patient’s head passively and gently towards
the painful side to the limit of pain (the motion barrier).
3. Place your hand against the head on the side opposite
the painful one. The other (free) hand can be used to
steady the painful level—usually C3–C4. expiration
4. Ask the patient to push the head (in rotation) as
firmly as possible against the resistance of your hand. Fig. 11.9 Acute torticollis: (a) isometric contraction phase
The patient should therefore be producing a strong for problem on left side; (b) relaxation phase towards the
isometric contraction of the neck in rotation away affected (left) side
from the painful side. Your counterforce (towards Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
the painful side) should be firm and moderate (never Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.

forceful), and should not ‘break’ through the patient’s

resistance. To reinforce the effect of this contraction
(although not essential), you can ask the patient to Traction to the neck
inhale and hold the breath and also to look upward in Traction to the neck can be given by machine but can
the direction of the contracting muscles (Fig. 11.9a). also be applied manually, with or without the use of a
5. After 5 to 10 seconds (average 7 seconds) ask the belt. It is ideal for treating nerve root irritation with arm
patient to relax; then passively stretch the neck gently pain, and acute neck pain with headache.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 145

Method of breathing is considered to be a most effective

1. The patient lies supine, relaxed, with arms by the side facilitator of this method. It is very safe and gentle,
and head at the end of the couch. and particularly helpful in the elderly with painful
2. Stand at the head of the couch, with one hand clasping the dysfunctional necks.
occipital area and the other holding the chin (Fig. 11.10).
3. Traction is achieved by using body weight, not the arms Method
alone. Hence, you should lean back during traction. 1. The patient sits on the chair (sitting is preferable to
lying supine), with the head in a ‘neutral’ position.
2. Stand behind the patient and place the palms of your
hands on the sides of the patient’s face (to spread the
pressure evenly around the face and not in one or
two sites).
3. Ask the patient to simultaneously breathe in and look
upwards (without extending the neck).
4. Hold the patient’s neck in a fixed position with
very slight traction during this inspiration phase
(Fig. 11.11a). The neck muscles will contract during
this phase.
5. Ask the patient to then exhale while looking down.
Apply a gentle but firm upward stretch (Fig. 11.11b).
Maintain this traction for about 7 seconds.
6. Repeat this procedure about 4 times, applying traction
during each expiration phase.

Neck rolls and stretches

Fig. 11.10 Longitudinal traction to the neck for a Dysfunction of neck, including tenderness and stiffness,
mid-cervical problem usually following injury.
Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission. Method
The objective is to produce a smooth, circular motion to
Special notes the end range in all directions so that stretching occurs
• Avoid traction on an extended neck: use a neutral at the end range.
position for upper cervical problems and flexion 1. Patients are instructed to ‘draw circles in the air’
(20–40°) for middle to lower problems. (Fig. 11.12a) or ‘roll their head around their halo’.
• Always take up traction slowly and release gently. A wide arc of movement is not necessary, provided
that stretch is obtained.
The belt method 2. The roll is performed at a slow to medium pace,
It is best to use a belt (a modified car seat belt or camping so that tender or painful areas can be avoided by
gear belt) for neck traction. The belt is applied around moving just short of this level. As stretch is obtained,
the waist and is then looped over the wrist and hands, these areas become less painful, allowing further
which fit comfortably under the occiput. Traction is stretching.
applied by leaning back and allowing the body weight 3. Patients can be taught to stretch the neck themselves
to exert the force. (Fig. 11.12b), including the use of a muscle
energy technique. No matter how stiff the neck
A simple traction technique for initially, it is surprising how much immediate
improvement can be obtained from simple, gentle,
the cervical spine lateral stretching.
This technique demonstrates the use of longitudinal Patients should be instructed to train themselves into
traction of the neck, especially for the upper cervical a permanent daily habit of rolling the neck to assess
spine, as a muscular energy therapy. Coordination flexibility.
146 Practice Tips




Fig. 11.12 Exercises for the dysfunctional neck: (a) the slow

neck roll; (b) stretching neck into lateral flexion
Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.

Fig. 11.11 Simple traction technique: (a) the therapist

applies slight traction during inspiration and upward gaze;
(b) the therapist applies firm traction during expiration and
downward gaze
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 147

Thoracic spine
Anterior directed over the therapist’s thigh. A low couch is necessary, or
costovertebral gliding the therapist can stand on a stool or chair at the head of
a high couch.
This unilateral mobilisation method is directed at the
tender costotransverse joint of the thoracic spine. The Method
joint, which is about 4–5 cm from the midline, is arguably 1. Stand at the head of the couch and flex your thigh
the most common source of musculoskeletal pain in the and knee on the couch.
thoracic spine. The tender area determined by palpation 2. The patient lies supine on the couch and positions the
is the target for mobilisation. spine on your thigh so that the tender area lies just
Method above your knee.
3. The patient clasps hands firmly behind the neck.
1. With the pad of the thumbs applied over the rib 4. Insert your arms through the patient’s arms (as far
(Fig. 11.13), apply a rhythmic oscillating movement as possible) to grasp the patient around the sides of
(about two per second) at right angles. the thorax.
2. Maintain this for 30 to 60 seconds with as much 5. Take up the slack by gently stretching the patient over
pressure as possible without causing discomfort. your thigh.
6. Extend the patient’s thoracic spine firmly and suddenly
over your thigh by simultaneously lifting and rotating
the patient’s trunk towards you, dropping your body
back and down towards the floor and thrusting with
your forearms down across the patient’s outer clavicular
region (Fig. 11.14). It is a carefully controlled, decisive,
but relatively gentle movement.

Fig. 11.13  Costovertebral gliding mobilisation

Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.

Thoracic spinal manipulation

A note of caution: Take care in patients with ‘red flags’
such as previous malignancy and cerebrovascular disease.
Avoid manipulation in these patients using the following
two techniques and ensure that the neck is not extended.
Direct thrust techniques can be dangerous in women
over 55, especially in the presence of risk factors for

Thigh extension thrust technique Fig. 11.14 Upper thoracic spinal manipulation: the thigh
extension technique, illustrating the direction of the
This is very effective in the treatment of painful spinal applied forces
dysfunction of the upper thoracic spine (T1–T7). The Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
technique involves extension of the upper thoracic spine Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.
148 Practice Tips

The sternal thrust (‘Nelson hold’) method  3. Roll the relaxed patient towards you.
 4. Place your cupped hand (Fig. 11.16a) on the spine
This is a time-honoured method for patients with upper
at the painful level, with this level in the palm.
to mid-thoracic dysfunction. It is similar to the thigh
 5. Roll the patient back onto the hand, which should
extension method (and is used as an alternative), but
feel comfortable (if not, readjust).
involves a sternal (chest) thrust from the therapist.
 6. Lean well over the patient, placing your forearm
Method directly on theirs, and grasp the patient’s far elbow
1. Although the patient can be standing for this method, with your hand.
it is best to have them sitting across the couch with  7. Rest your chest on your uppermost arm.
their back to you (buttocks to the edge of the couch),  8. Ask the patient to inhale and exhale fully.
ideally with the head at the same level as yours.  9. As the patient commences to exhale, lean down to
2. Stand behind the patient and place a soft object such take up the slack on your bottom hand.
as a rolled-up towel on the back, with the upper edge 10. Towards the end of exhalation, apply a sharp downward
just below the painful level. thrust with your chest and upper arm directly through
3. Slide the hands in front of the patient’s axillae and the patient’s chest onto your hand (Fig. 11.16b).
grasp the wrists.
4. Gently but firmly extend the patient’s back against your (a)
chest in a lifting movement as you also extend your back.
5. Ask the patient to breathe in and breathe out, and to relax.
6. When the patient is relaxed, take up the slack, increase
the stretching lift and backward extension, and apply
a sharp forward thrust with your chest (Fig. 11.15).


Fig. 11.15 The sternal thrust method

Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.

Manipulation for the mid-thoracic spine

Of the dozens of manipulative thrusts for dysfunction
of the thoracic spine (T3–T8), the most effective is the
postero-anterior indirect thrust, using the underlying
hand as a block over the affected area. Fig. 11.16  Mid-thoracic manipulation: (a) cupped hand
position, showing position of the vertebrae on the hand—
note how the spinous processes run along the long axis and
 1. The patient lies supine on a low couch, with a pillow occupy the hollow of the hand; (b) manipulation to mid-
supporting the head. thoracic spine—note the direction of the applied force
 2. The patient folds the arms across the body with (X indicates blockage with the hand)
hands resting on opposite shoulders, the uppermost Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
forearm being the one furthest from you. Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 149

Thoracolumbar stretching Figure 11.17a demonstrates the technique for a right-

and manipulation sided problem at the thoracolumbar junction, while
Figure 11.17b demonstrates the technique for low lumbar
Rotation in the sitting position pain. Both rotations are to the left, since rotation to the
In this very effective technique, the patient fixes the pelvis right reproduces pain.
by straddling a low couch or a chair; the couch provides
the better position, because it allows greater flexibility
of the trunk. (a)
The main indications are unilateral pain at the
thoracolumbar junction. The method can be used also for
pain (unilateral and bilateral) of the lumbar spine and the
lower thoracic spine. The usual rules and contraindications
apply. The technique must be coordinated with deep

1. The patient straddles the end of the couch and sits
firm and erect. Alternatively the patient can straddle a
chair, facing the back of the chair with a pillow used
against the chair to protect the thighs. It must be a
standard, open chair, with a carpeted floor.
2. The patient crosses the arms over the chest so that
the hands rest on the opposite shoulders. The patient
should be comfortable throughout the procedure, and
proper padding should rest against the inner thighs.
3. Stand directly behind the patient. Adopt a firm,
wide-based stance.
4. Grasp the patient’s shoulders with your hands.
5. Ask the patient to take a deep breath in, exhale fully (b)
and relax.
6. When you feel the patient relax, grasp the shoulders
and rotate the patient’s trunk steadily and firmly,
away from the painful side, to the limit of rotation.
Before rotation is attempted the patient must be at the
absolute limit of stretch. Gently oscillate the trunk at
this position of full stretch.
7. If any sharp pain is reproduced at this end range
abandon the treatment.
Mobilisation: Consists of performing a gentle, repetitive,
oscillatory rotation of the trunk at this end range for up
to 30 seconds.
Manipulation: Consists of a sharp, well-controlled rotation.

Variations of this technique

An alternative and better strategy is to ‘hug’ the patient’s
trunk, using the arm that embraces the trunk to grasp
the arm near the elbow on the side to be rotated. The
thrusting hand can be applied to a specific area of the
back corresponding to the level of pain. Thus, a type Fig. 11.17 Thoracolumbar manipulation: (a) rotation in
of ‘push–pull’ manoeuvre can be achieved, with the sitting technique for thoracolumbar region (right-sided
embracing arm pulling into rotation and the other hand problem); (b) rotation in sitting technique for lumbar spine
pushing to achieve a complementary smooth rotation of (right-sided problem)
the trunk. Coordinate this with breathing so the rotation Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
only occurs during the relaxed exhaled stage. Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.
150 Practice Tips

Lumbar spine
Drawing and scale marking Method
for back pain 1. For the examination the adequately exposed patient
should be relaxed, lying prone, with the arms by the sides.
A very useful procedure to assess the nature of patients’
2. Standing behind and below the patient, place your
back pain is to ask them to draw the location of their
fingers on the top of the iliac crests and your thumbs
pain on a sheet with blank outlines of the body. They can
at the same level on the midline of the back. This level
indicate also their perception of the intensity of the pain
will correspond with the fourth and fifth lumbar
on a scale on the same page. The basic sheet is illustrated
interspace (Fig. 11.19), or slightly higher at the fourth
in Figure 11.18a, while examples of this application are
lumbar spinous process.
provided in Figures 11.18b and c.
3. Consequently, the thumbs will either feel the L4–L5
gap or the L4 spinous process.
Reference points in the (When inspecting X-rays of the lumbar spine, it
lumbar spine becomes apparent that the upper limits of the iliac crest
A working knowledge of the bony landmarks of the usually lie opposite the L4–L5 interspace.)
lumbar spine is vitally important for determining the level The reference points should be marked and the level
of the spinal pain and for procedures such as epidural of each lumbar spinous process can then be identified.
injections and lumbar punctures.
This anatomical knowledge is readily determined by
using the iliac crests as the main reference point.
(a) mark the areas on your body where you feel the various sensations
pain numbness pins and needles
intolerable pain
Back Front

5 moderate pain

left right right left

no pain

mark your level of

pain on this scale

Fig. 11.18 Drawing and scale marking for back pain: (a) basic sheet
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 151

(b) pain numbness pins and needles


(c) pain numbness pins and needles


Fig. 11.18 Drawing and scale marking for back pain: (b) drawing by a patient with L5–S1 disc prolapse causing S1 nerve root
compression (left side); (c) drawing by a patient with psychologically based problem (conversion reaction)
152 Practice Tips



Fig. 11.19  Illustration showing the placement of hands to

determine the bony landmarks of the lumbosacral spine
Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.

Tests for non-organic back pain

Several tests are useful in differentiating between organic
and non-organic back pain (e.g. that caused by depression
or complained of by a known malingerer).

Magnuson method (the ‘migratory Fig. 11.20  Back pain tests: (a) abnormal attempt to kneel on
pointing’ test) a stool; (b) normal attempt to kneel on a stool
1. Request the patient to point to the painful sites.
2. Palpate these areas of tenderness on two occasions
separated by an interval of several minutes, and compare
the sites.
Between the two tests divert the patient’s attention The ‘axial loading’ test
from his or her back by another examination. 1. Place your hands over the patient’s head and press
firmly downward (Fig. 11.21).
Burn ‘kneeling on a stool’ test 2. This will cause no discomfort to (most) patients with
organic back pain.
1. Ask the patient to kneel on a low stool, lean over and
try to touch the floor.
2. The person with non-organic back pain will usually The ‘hip and shoulder rotation’ test
refuse on the grounds that it would cause great 1. Examine for pain by rotating the patient’s hips and
pain or that he or she might overbalance in the shoulders while the feet are kept in place on the floor
attempt. (Fig. 11.22).
Patients with even a severely herniated disc usually 2. The manoeuvre is usually painless in those with an
manage the task to some degree (Fig. 11.20a, b). organically based back disorder.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 153


spinous process C7

o o o
20 –30 80 flexion


Fig. 11.21 The ‘axial loading’ test


shoulder girdle

o o
30 30

Fig. 11.23  (a) illustration of degrees of movement of the

lumbar spine in flexion and extension; (b) illustration of the
degree of lateral flexion of the lumbar spine
Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
Fig. 11.22 The ‘hip and shoulder rotation’ test Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.

• extension (20–30°) (Fig. 11.23a)

Movements of the lumbar spine • lateral flexion, left and right (30°) (Fig. 11.23b)
There are three main movements of the lumbar spine. • flexion (75–90°: average 80°) (Fig. 11.23a).
As there is minimal rotation, which mainly occurs at the Measurement of the angle of movement can be made
thoracic spine, rotation is not so important.The movements by using a line drawn between the sacrum and the large
that should be tested, and their normal ranges, are as follows: prominence of the C7 spinous process.
154 Practice Tips

Nerve roots of leg and level spinal cord

of prolapsed disc dural sac
Pain in the leg from discogenic lesions in the lumbosacral L1
spine is commonly due to pressure on the L5 or S1 nerve
roots. Unlike discogenic lesions in the cervical spine, more spinal cord ends
than one nerve root can be involved with prolapses of L2 L1–L2 disc level
the L4–L5 or L5–S1 discs, but this is uncommon.
Working guidelines are given in Table 11.2 and
Figure 11.24. It is worthwhile to know and refer to the L3
dermatome chart, especially for the lower limb (Figure 11.25).
L3–L4 disc prolapse
Table 11.2 Typical lumbosacral disc causes of various may compress L4
clinical problems
L5 nerve root may be
Problem Usual causative
compressed by two
disc prolapse L5 prolapsed discs:
L3 nerve root lesion L2–L3 L4–L5 and L5–S1
L4 nerve root lesion L3–L4
L5 nerve root lesion L4–L5
S1 nerve root lesion L5–S1 S1 dural sac ends opposite
lower border S2
Severe low back pain, no leg pain L4–L5 S1 nerve root
Severe sciatica, minimal low back pain L5–S1 emerges from
sacral foramen
Low back pain with lateral deviation of spine L4–L5
Fig. 11.24  Posterior ‘window’ view of lumbosacral spine,
illustrating the relationships of the nerve root to the
The slump test intervertebral discs
The slump test is an excellent provocation test for Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.
lumbosacral pain and more sensitive than the straight
leg raising test. It is a screening test for a disc lesion and
dural tethering. It should be performed on patients who • If negative, it may indicate lack of serious disc
have low back pain with pain extending into the leg, and pathology.
especially for posterior thigh pain. • If positive, one should approach manual therapy with
A positive result is reproduction of the patient’s pain; caution
this may appear at an early stage of the test (at which point
the test is ceased). Schober test (modified)
The Schober test is a useful objective means of measuring
Method the mobility of the lumbar spine. The test described here
1. The patient sits on the couch in a relaxed manner. is a modified version.
2. The patient then slumps forward (without excessive A measurement of less than 5 cm of movement is
trunk flexion), then places the chin on the chest. indicative of hypomobility, and was used initially to
3. The unaffected leg is straightened. detect the seronegative spondyloarthropathy—ankylosing
4. The affected leg only is then straightened (Fig. 11.26). spondylitis. Related spondyloarthropathies include Reiters
5. Both legs are straightened together. disease, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disorders.
6. The foot of the affected straightened leg is dorsiflexed. Other hypomobile spines are found with lumbar
Note: Take care to distinguish from hamstring pain. spondylosis (degenerative disease) and intervertebral
Deflexing the neck relieves the pain of spinal origin, not disc disorders.
hamstring pain.
Significance of the slump test 1. Stand the patient erect and mark the spine in line with
• It is positive if the back or leg pain is reproduced. the ‘dimples of Venus’ (the posterior superior iliac
• If positive, it suggests disc disruption. spines). This corresponds to the spinous process of S2.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 155

C2 2. Place another mark 10 cm above the first and a third

4 mark 5 cm below the first mark.
5 3. Ask the patient to bend forward (flexion), as if to touch
C2 6
C3 7
the toes, to the point of maximal flexion.
C4 Th1
8 4. Now measure the distance between the upper and
5 2
Th1 3
lower marks.
2 5
3 6
C5 4
8 C6
7 11
10 C7 • Normal is greater than 5 cm increase in length.
Th1 8 12 C8 • Less than 5 cm represents hypomobility.
9 2
10 L3
C7 11
S1 Manual traction for sciatica
C8 S3
3 Although traction is usually administered by machines, it
5 can also be performed manually, often with great benefit.
L1 L1
L5 Indication
S2 • Low back pain (central or unilateral), with or
without sciatica, where the pain is acute and spinal
L5 L3
manipulation is contraindicated. Particularly useful
for sciatica radiating to the foot.
L4 Rules
S1 • Traction can be used on both legs simultaneously or
just one leg (usually opposite the side of pain).
• Commence traction to both legs simultaneously; if this
double method proves ineffective, traction can be applied
Fig. 11.25 Dermatome chart to a single leg (Fig. 11.27), preferably the leg opposite
Reproduced from J. Murtagh, GP Companion Handbook (5th Edn), McGraw-Hill, to the painful side at first and then to the painful leg.
Sydney, 2010.
1. The patient lies prone or supine (the author prefers
the prone position), and can grasp the end of the table
for support. This provides suitable counterpressure.
2. Stand at the feet of the patient and grasp the foot or feet
firmly around the ankle. (It is advisable to use a belt
around your waist, as this allows the body weight to
supply the force, making possible a smooth, gentle
and well-controlled traction. Although your hands
can be used, the arms tire quickly and cannot sustain
the traction.)
3. Apply the belt (such as a car seat belt or packing
belt from a camping store) to the legs by looping it
over your hands and apply body weight by leaning
backwards on the belt. This action provides the traction
4. Apply the traction gently until the symptoms begin
to ease, and then maintain at this level for about
2 minutes. A gentle oscillatory force can be applied if
this proves to be effective.
5. A key point is to keep talking to the patient, to
determine what is happening as the traction is applied.
• If the pain increases, stop (ease off gently).
• If the pain decreases, maintain or increase traction.
Fig. 11.26 The slump test: illustrating one of the stages • If the pain is unchanged, apply stronger traction.
156 Practice Tips

Fig. 11.27 Longitudinal traction applied to one leg with patient lying supine

Rotation mobilisation for

lumbar spine
This technique is very useful for acute low back pain of the
spine, especially where manipulation is contraindicated
or of doubtful value. Patients tend to prefer gentler
mobilisation to spinal manipulation. There are several
grades of this technique.
1. The patient lies on the pain-free side, with the head
supported by a pillow.
2. The lower shoulder is pulled forwards by grasping
the arm at the elbow and gently rotating the spine.
The uppermost arm rests on the lateral wall of the
3. The uppermost leg is flexed at the hip (30–90°) and
the knee flexed to a right angle. The patient places the
palm of the lowermost hand under the head.
4. You stand behind the patient, opposite the pelvis.
5. Place both hands over the pelvis and apply a gentle,
small-amplitude oscillatory movement (Fig. 11.28).
6. This is a gentle ‘push and pull’ method, with emphasis Fig. 11.28 Lumbar mobilisation in rotation (for left-sided
on the push. pain)
7. The rocking movement occupies 30 to 60 seconds. It Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation,
can be repeated 2 or 3 times on any one treatment visit. Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 157

Lumbar stretching and 6. Maintain sustained pressure for about 7 seconds at

manipulation technique 1 the end range.
7. Repeat this stretch twice.
This is a traditional method used for a thrusting Manipulation: If desired, this position can be used to
manipulative movement but steady stretching is simpler apply a sharp rotational thrust to the hip with the force
and safer. along the axis of the femur.
Lumbar stretching and
1. The patient lies on the pain-free side, reasonably
squarely on the lower shoulder. The body should be
manipulation technique 2
in a straight line with the lower leg extended. The This is the ideal stretching or manipulative technique for
upper leg (on the painful side) can be either falling the lumbar spine and is the procedure of first choice for
freely over the side of the couch or flexed with the lumbar problems. It is designed to mobilise the lower
foot tucked into the popliteal fossa of the lower leg. lumbosacral segments, which are responsible for most of
The lower arm should lie comfortably in front of the the problems in the lower back.
trunk. Alternatively, the hand of the lower arm can be
placed under the head. The stretch
2. Stand behind the patient at the level of the patient’s waist. Method
3. Ask the patient to take a deep breath and breathe out.
4. When the patient has exhaled and relaxed, use one 1. The patient lies on the pain-free side in a relaxed
hand to push the trochanteric area of the hip forwards, position with the head on a pillow facing the therapist.
and the other to gently force the front of the shoulder The uppermost leg is flexed at the hip and the knee,
downwards (Fig. 11.29). It is best to keep hands in both to about 45°, with the foot tucked into the
contact with the skin (avoid grasping clothing). popliteal fossa of the lower leg.
5. Apply steady rotational movement until a full stretch 2. Position yourself at the level of the patient’s waist.
is applied to both shoulder and hip. Do not force the 3. Ask the patient to turn his or her head and look up
shoulder down too hard—take care to keep it firm at the ceiling.
and steady during the stretch. 4. Carefully rotate the trunk by grasping the patient’s
lowermost arm just above or around the elbow and
gently pulling the arm outwards.
5. Maintain smooth slow rotation of the trunk until you
sense it is taut down to the upper lumbar spine.
6. Fix the trunk by asking the patient to place the hand
of this arm under the head.
7. Rest the fleshy part of your upper forearm against the
patient’s shoulder and upper chest via the axilla, and your
other forearm over the ischium, just below the iliac crest.
8. Ensure that you are properly balanced.
9. Apply a distracting force for several seconds, gently
rocking back and forth with the forearms as you move
towards maximal rotating stretch. This stretching is
usually sufficient to achieve the desired therapeutic
effect (Fig. 11.30a, b).

The manipulation
If desired, especially for a ‘locked’ lumbosacral level, this
position can be used to perform a sharp manipulative
thrust—but only from the position of full stretch.
1. When all the slack is taken up by your forearms, ask
Fig. 11.29 Lumbar stretching technique 1: illustrating the the patient to take a deep breath and exhale.
direction of the applied stretching forces 2. At the end of the exhalation execute a sharp increase
Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation, of rotatory pressure through both forearms, especially
Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission. through the short lever to the pelvis.
158 Practice Tips

Note: It is important not to dig the elbow of the Guidelines

proximal arm into the patient’s body, since this can be It is preferable to perform the exercise on a couch or
painful. Likewise it is important to find a position for the very firm bed, but it can be done on the floor. It can be
distal forearm that is comfortable for the patient, and to performed repeatedly throughout the day but should be
avoid using the point of the elbow for thrusting, as the repeated at least twice a day for about 3 to 5 minutes
buttock area is very sensitive to sharp pressure. at a time.

Exercise for the lower back Method

The following yoga-like exercise is highly recommended 1. Lie on your back.
for patients with pain in the lumbosacral spine, usually 2. Bend the leg on the painful side and stretch it
after any muscle spasm has resolved. across the body while turning the head to the
opposite side.
3. If possible, hang onto the side of the bed or couch
with your free hand (the hand that is on the same side
as the leg which is crossed over).
4. Use the other hand to grasp the bent leg at the level
of the knee and increase the stretch as far as possible
(Fig. 11.31).
5. Relax and return to the resting position.
6. Repeat on the opposite side, especially if that side
also hurts.
7. Repeat several times, concentrating on stretching the
painful joints.
Note: If someone pins your shoulders to the floor or
bed while you are performing this exercise, the stretch
is better.

Fig. 11.30a Lumbar stretching technique 2: the method

Fig. 11.30b Lumbar stretching technique 2: illustrating the direction of the applied stretching forces for left-sided problem
Reproduced from C. Kenna & J. Murtagh, Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation, Butterworths, Sydney, 1989, with permission.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 159

Fig. 11.31 An ideal exercise for the lower back (left-side problem illustrated)

Dislocated shoulder Kocher method (Figure 11.32)
Types of dislocation 1. The patient’s elbow should be flexed to 90° and held
close to the body.
• Anterior (forward and downward)—95% of 2. Slowly rotate the arm laterally (externally) as you
dislocations apply traction.
• Posterior (backward)—difficult to diagnose 3. Adduct the humerus across the body by carrying the
• Recurrent anterior dislocation point of the elbow.
4. Rotate the arm medially (internally).
Anterior dislocation of the shoulder
Management Hippocratic method
An X-ray should be undertaken to check the position and Apply traction to the outstretched arm by a hold on the
exclude an associated fracture. Reduction can be achieved hand with countertraction from a stockinged foot in
under general anaesthesia (easier and more comfortable) the medial wall of the axilla. This levers the head of the
or with intravenous pethidine ± diazepam. The following humerus back. It is a good method if there is an associated
methods can be used for anterior dislocation. avulsion fracture of the greater tuberosity.

traction with adduction internal

external rotation rotation
Fig. 11.32 Kocher method for a dislocated shoulder
160 Practice Tips

Milch method (does not require anaesthesia Scapula pressure method

or sedation) 1. The patient lies prone with the dislocated arm hanging
1. The patient reclines at 30° and with guidance slowly freely over the table.
bends the elbow to 90° (Fig. 11.33a). 2. Steady traction is applied to the arm by an assistant.
2. The patient is asked to lift the arm up slowly with the 3. Firm pressure is then applied by the ‘butt’ of the hand
elbow bent so that they can pat the back of their head to the inferolateral border of the scapula. The pressure
(requires considerable reassurance and encouragement). is directed towards the glenohumeral joint.
3. At this position, traction along the line of the humerus
(with countertraction) achieves reduction (Fig. 11.33b). Free-hanging method
Variation of Milch method The free-hanging method is relatively painless, yet simple.
It is gentler than traditional methods, without rotational
This relies more on intervention by the therapist, who forces or direct pressure to the glenohumeral joint. It
supports the shoulder with the thumb held firmly can be used with or without an intravenous analgesic
against the dislocated humeral head while the other hand or relaxant, which is not usually required for recurrent
facilitates adduction of the arm to the overhead position. dislocation or in the elderly patient.
At this position, the humeral head is pushed by the thumb
into its normal socket. Preparation
1. Insert a ‘butterfly’ needle into a vein on the dorsum
of the non-involved hand.
2. Prepare two solutions: (a) 10 mg of diazepam diluted
(a) to 5 mL with isotonic saline; (b) 50 mg of pethidine
diluted to 5 mL with isotonic saline.
3. The patient sits at right angles to the chair with only half
the buttock on the seat.The affected arm hangs freely over
a pillow placed on the back of the chair and tucked into
the axilla.The hand with the intravenous needle rests on
the opposite knee (for easy access to the practitioner).
4. You sit on a very low stool, facing the back of the chair.
1. With both hands working simultaneously on the
dislocated limb, grasp the patient’s wrist with one
hand and exert a steady, downward pressure.
2. Place the other hand in the axilla, with the palm
exerting a direct outward pressure against the upper
part of the shaft of the humerus (Fig. 11.34).
(b) 3. When appropriate muscle relaxation is achieved, the
head of the humerus slips up and over the glenoid rim.
Analgesia and relaxation (if necessary)
Steady traction should be maintained during administration
of analgesic; 2.5 mL pethidine (25 mg) is given intravenously
over 60 seconds (and may be repeated), then 1 mL diazepam
(2 mg) a minute, until reduction is achieved.
Note: Carefully monitor the patient’s vital signs.

The Mt Beauty analgesia-free

This technique, described by Zagorski, aims to reduce
anterior shoulder dislocation without the need for any
Fig. 11.33  Milch method for reduction of dislocated sedating or narcotic analgesics. It is very helpful in more
shoulder: (a) starting position with elbow bent to 90°; remote situations and is ideal for recurrent dislocation.
(b) patient bringing hand up to touch back of head Fractures must be excluded.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 161

Method (e.g. left-sided dislocation)

1. Explain the procedure to the patient, emphasising its
2. The patient sits upright in a straight-backed chair
(no arm rests).
3. An assistant stands behind the patient with a hand on
each shoulder to prevent tilting of the shoulder girdle.
Alternatively, the assistant can prevent the patient
tipping sideways to the affected side by supporting
them with a towel passing under the injured axilla
across to the opposite (normal) shoulder.
4. The doctor kneels facing the patient with the left knee
beside the patient’s knees.
5. The patient rests his or her left hand on the doctor’s
left shoulder.
6. The doctor places his or her left hand on the patient’s
forearm just distal to the elbow (Fig. 11.35).
7. Very gentle downward traction is applied and gradually
increased as the patient, distracted somewhat by
conversation, is encouraged to relax (there should be
minimal pain).
8. The doctor’s right hand feels for relaxation of the
Fig. 11.34 Reduction of the dislocated shoulder: shoulder and the position of the humeral head as
free-hanging method

Fig. 11.35 Reduction of dislocated shoulder by gentle steady traction (as shown) in seated position
162 Practice Tips

downward traction is maintained (it usually reduces patient has to concentrate on relaxing the muscles of
after 1 to 2 minutes). the shoulder girdle.
9. If not reduced by now, very gentle external rotation is Recurrent dislocation requires definitive surgery.
applied by leaning around the outside of the patient
away from the affected side. Reduction is heralded Impingement test for
by a gentle click. Sometimes it feels that nothing has supraspinatus lesions
happened so traction should be relaxed, the shoulder
reassessed and, if still dislocated, traction applied. This is probably the most effective test for the rotator
Often the release of traction leads to relocation of cuff, as it forces impingement of the greater tuberosity
the joint. under the acromion. Supraspinatus tendinous lesions are
the most common cause of pain in the shoulder.
Method 1
• Patient must be relaxed and distracted.
• Patient must not tilt to one side. 1. The patient places the arms in the position of
• Gentle steady traction to avoid spasm and pain. semiflexion (90° of forward flexion) and internal
rotation with the forearms in full pronation.
Recurrent dislocation of 2. You then test resisted flexion by pushing down as
the patient pushes up against this movement (Fig. 11.37).
shoulder 3. If pain is reproduced, this is called a positive ‘impingement
For this condition, there is a way of effecting reduction sign’, and is a very sensitive test for the upper components
without the use of force. of the rotator cuff, especially supraspinatus.
Method Method 2
1. The patient sits comfortably on a chair with legs The ‘emptying the can’ method is an even better test
crossed. for supraspinatus tendonopathy. It is almost identical
2. The patient then interlocks hands and elevates the to Method 1 except that the affected arm is moved 30°
upper knee so that the hands grip the knee (Fig. 11.36). laterally (i.e. horizontal flexion) in the horizontal plane
3. The knee is allowed to lower gradually so that its full as though to empty a can of drink. Resisted elevation is
weight is taken by the hands. At the same time the tested in this position.

of shoulder

hands grip
elevated leg

leg gradually

Fig. 11.36 Simple method for recurrent dislocation of shoulder

Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 163

Fig. 11.37 The impingement test: resisted flexion in semiflexion, internal rotation and pronation

Pulled elbow If you cannot get the child’s cooperation apply a ‘high’
sling and send them home. It may reduce spontaneously
This typically occurs in children under 8 years of age,
within a few days.
usually at 2 to 3 years, when an adult applies sudden
traction to the child’s extended and pronated arm: the
head of the radius can be pulled distally through the Dislocated elbow
annular radioulnar ligament (Fig. 11.38a). A dislocated elbow is caused by a fall on the outstretched
hand, forcing the forearm backwards to result in posterior
Symptoms and signs and lateral displacement (Fig. 11.39).The peripheral pulses
• The crying child refuses to use the arm. and sensation in the hand must be assessed carefully. Check
• The arm is limp by the side or supported in the the function of the ulnar nerve before and after reduction.
child’s lap.
• The elbow is flexed slightly. Usual treatment
• The forearm is pronated or held in mid-position
Attempt reduction with the patient fully relaxed under
(Fig. 11.38b).
anaesthesia. It is important to apply traction to the flexed
Treatment method elbow but allow it to extend approximately 20–30° to
enable correction of the lateral displacement with the hand
1. Gain the child’s confidence. Ask the parent to hold the pushing from the side, and then the posterior displacement
unaffected arm as the child stands facing you. by pushing the olecranon forward with the thumbs.
2. Hold the child’s wrist or hand (on the affected side)
as if to shake it.
3. Place one hand around the child’s elbow to give A simple method of reduction
support, pressing the thumb over the head of the This method reduces an uncomplicated posterior
radius. dislocation of the elbow without the need for anaesthesia
4. Using gentle traction, firmly and smoothly twist the or an assistant. The manipulation must be gentle and
forearm into full supination (Fig. 11.38c) as you fully without sudden movement.
flex the forearm. A popping sound indicates relocation
of the radial head. Method
An alternative and preferred method to the 1. The patient lies prone on a stretcher or couch, with
traditional method is to very gently alternate pronation the forearm dangling towards the floor.
and supination through a small arc as you flex the 2. Grasp the wrist and slowly apply traction in the
elbow. direction of the long axis of the forearm (Fig. 11.40).
164 Practice Tips

(a) (b)


Fig. 11.38  Pulled elbow: (a) mechanism of injury; (b) annular ligament displaced over head of radius; (c) reduction technique

olecranon 3. When the muscles feel relaxed (this might take

several minutes), use the thumb and index finger
of the other hand to grasp the olecranon and
guide it to a reduced position, correcting for any
lateral shift.
4. After reduction the arm is held in a collar-and-cuff
sling, with the elbow flexed above 90°, for 1 to 3 weeks.

Tennis elbow
A simple cure—the wringing exercise
humerus Chronic tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) can be
alleviated by a simple wringing exercise using a small
hand towel.
1. Roll up the hand towel.
2. With the arms extended, grasp the towel with the wrist
of the affected side placed in slight flexion.
Fig. 11.39 Dislocated elbow: uncomplicated posterior 3. Then exert maximum wring pressure (Fig. 11.41):
dislocation • first fully flexing the wrist for 10 seconds
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 165

• then fully extending the wrist for 10 seconds

• alternate flexion and extension between hands.
This is an isometric ‘hold’ contraction.
This exercise should be performed only twice a day,
initially for 10 seconds in each direction. After each
week, increase the time by 5 seconds in each twisting
direction until 60 seconds is reached (week 11). This level
is maintained indefinitely. Apply ice for 10 minutes after
completion, especially last thing at night.
Note: Despite severe initial pain, the patient must persist,
using as much force as possible.
Review at 6 weeks (there is usually some relief by 4 to
6 weeks), to ensure that the patient is doing the exercise
exactly as instructed.

Stretching and strengthening exercises for the forearm
muscles represent the best management for tennis elbow.
The muscles are strengthened by the use of hand-held
weights or dumbbells. A suitable starting weight is 0.5 kg,
building up gradually (increasing by 0.5 kg) to 5 kg,
depending on the patient.
1. To perform this exercise the patient sits in a chair
Fig. 11.40 Dislocated elbow: method of reduction by beside a table.
traction on the dependent arm 2. The arm is rested on the table so that the wrist extends
over the edge.
3. The weight is grasped with the palm facing downwards
(Fig. 11.42a).
4. The weight is slowly raised and lowered by flexing
and extending the wrist.
5. The flexion/extension wrist movement is repeated
10 times, with a rest for 1 minute and the program
repeated twice.
This exercise should be performed every day until the
patient can play tennis, work or use the arm without
For medial epicondylitis (forearm tennis elbow, golfer’s
elbow), perform the same exercises but with the palm
of the hand facing upward (Fig. 11.42b).
Fig. 11.41  Grip for ‘wringing exercise’ at the end point of Tip: In colder conditions, keep the elbow warm
the isometric hold (right wrist in full flexion and the left in with a woollen sleeve around it such as two or three
extension) modified old socks.
166 Practice Tips

Fig. 11.42 Tennis elbow: (a) dumbbell exercise for classical case (palm facing down); (b) dumbbell exercise for medial
epicondylitis—forearm tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow (palm facing up)

Wrist and hand

De Quervain tenosynovitis and 3. A positive test is indicated by reproduction of or
Finkelstein test increased pain.
De Quervain disease is a stenosing tenosynovitis of the
abductor pollicus longus or extensor pollicus brevis
tendons over the radial styloid of the wrist, or both.
It results from repetitive activity, such as that engaged abduction of wrist in ulnar direction
in by staple gun operators on assembly lines, or from
direct trauma.
The major symptoms are:
• pain during pinch grasping
• pain on thumb and wrist movement.
Tetrad of diagnostic signs
Four key diagnostic signs are: thumb folded into palm
• tenderness to palpation over and just proximal to the
radial styloid Fig. 11.43  Finkelstein test
• localised swelling in the area of the radial styloid
• positive Finkelstein’s sign
• pain on active extension of thumb against resistance.
Simple tests for carpal tunnel
Finkelstein test syndrome
Method The carpal tunnel syndrome, caused by compression of
1. The patient folds the thumb into the palm with the the median nerve, is a common disorder that is usually
fingers of the involved hand folded over the thumb. easily diagnosed from the history. The most common and
2. Deviate the wrist in an ulnar direction (medially) to easily recognised symptoms are early-morning numbness
stretch the involved tendons (Fig. 11.43). and tingling or burning in the distribution of the median
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 167

nerve in the hand. In the physical examination for the

suspected carpal tunnel syndrome, a couple of simple
tests can assist with confirming the diagnosis. These are
Tinel test and Phalen test.
The Tinel test
1. Hold the wrist in a neutral or flexed position, and
tap over the median nerve at the flexor surface of
the wrist. This should be over the retinaculum just
lateral to the palmaris longus tendon (if present)
and the tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis
(Fig. 11.44a). retinaculum
2. A positive Tinel sign produces a tingling sensation
(usually without pain) in the distribution of the median nerve
median nerve.
The Phalen test
1. The patient approximates the dorsum of both hands,
one to the other, with wrists maximally flexed and
fingers pointed downward (Fig. 11.44b).
2. This position is held for 60 seconds.
3. A positive test reproduces tingling and numbness along
the distribution of the median nerve.

Simple reduction of
dislocated finger
This method employs the principle of using the patient’s
body weight as the distracting force to achieve reduction (b)
of the dislocation. It is relatively painless and very
effective. Getting a good grip is very important, so wrap
a small strip of zinc oxide adhesive plaster around the median nerve
1. Face the patient, both in standing positions.
2. Firmly grasp the distal part of the dislocated finger.
3. Request the patient to lean backwards, while
maintaining the finger in a fixed position (Fig. 11.45).
4. As the patient leans back, sudden, painless reduction
should spontaneously occur.

Strapping a finger
1. Instead of strapping an injured finger circumferentially,
it is more comfortable and more effective to place a
single strip of adhesive tape 2.5 cm or less in width
on the dorsum of the finger from the tip of the nail
to the carpometacarpal line (Fig. 11.46a).
2. The direction of the tape should follow the line of the
extensor tendon (Fig. 11.46b). The effect is the use of
the skin traction as a suspensory sling for the finger.
The flexor and extensor tendons are allowed to relax Fig. 11.44  Carpal tunnel syndrome: (a) Tinel test for
with a decrease in position maintenance strain and diagnosis; (b) Phalen test to reproduce symptoms
168 Practice Tips

pain. At the same time the finger is free to flex with

recovery, and frozen finger is unlikely.
3. The degree of mobility of the finger is adjusted by
altering the tension along the line of the tape.

Mallet finger
patient leans A forced hyperflexion injury to the distal phalanx can
back rupture or avulse the extensor insertion into its dorsal
base. The characteristic swan neck deformity is due to
retraction of the lateral bands and hyperextension of the
proximal interphalangeal joint.

The 45° guideline

Without treatment, the eventual disability will be minimal
if the extensor lag at the distal joint is less than 45°; a
greater lag will result in functional difficulty and cosmetic

Maintain hyperextension of the distal interphalangeal
patient doctor
joint for 6 weeks, leaving the proximal interphalangeal
joint free to flex. Even with treatment the failure rate is
Fig. 11.45 Reduction of dislocated finger
high—only about 50–60% recover.

• Friar’s Balsam (will permit greater adhesion of
• Non-stretch adhesive tape, 1 cm wide: two strips
(a) level of carpometacarpal line approximately 10 cm in length.

1. Paint the finger with Friar’s Balsam (compound
benzoin tincture).
2. Apply the first strip of tape in a figure-of-eight
conformation. The centre of the tape must engage
and support the pulp of the finger. The tapes must
cross dorsally at the level of the distal interphalangeal
joint and extend to the volar aspect of the proximal
interphalangeal joint without inhibiting its movement
(Fig. 11.47a).
3. Apply the second piece of tape as a ‘stay’ around the
(b) direction of extensor
midshaft of the middle phalanx (Fig. 11.47b).
Reapply the tape whenever extension of the distal
interphalangeal joint drops below the neutral position
(usually daily, depending on the patient’s occupation).
Maintain extension for 6 weeks.

Other splints
There are a variety of splints. A popular one is a simple
plastic mallet finger splint. One can improvise by cutting
the handle of a large plastic milk carton or other similar
Fig. 11.46 Strapping a finger household container.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 169

(a) hyperflexed PIP joint

split extensor tendon

Fig. 11.48 Illustration of the mechanism of a boutonnière


padded metal splint interphalangeal joint

Fig. 11.49  Method of splinting for a boutonnière deformity

Fig. 11.47  ‘Mallet finger’: (a) application of first tape;

(b) application of ‘stay’ tape

Open reduction and internal fixation are reserved for
those cases where the avulsed bony fragment is large
enough to cause instability leading to volar subluxation
of the distal interphalangeal joint.

Boutonnière deformity
The ‘button hole’ deformity is a closed rupture of the
extensor tendon apparatus over the PIP joint, which is
permanently flexed towards the palm (Fig. 11.48).

Treatment of uncomplicated deformity

1. Splint the PIP joint in full extension for 8 to
10 weeks. Fig. 11.50 Site of tender ‘mass’ at base of thumb web
2. Leave the DIP joint free for movement (Fig. 11.49).
The patient will need:
Tenpin bowler’s thumb • rest
Tenpin bowler’s thumb is a common stress syndrome • massage
in players. It usually presents as a soft-tissue swelling • to bevel the bowling ball holes to reduce friction
at the base of the thumb web (Fig. 11.50), with • an intralesional injection of 0.25 mL of long-
associated pain and stiffness of the digits used for acting corticosteroid mixed with local anaesthetic
bowling. (resistant cases).
170 Practice Tips

Skier’s thumb (gamekeeper’s

A special injury is skier’s thumb (also known as gamekeeper’s
thumb) in which there is ligamentous disruption of the
metacarpophalangeal joint with or without an avulsion
fracture of the base of the proximal phalanx at the point of abduction
ligamentous attachment (Fig. 11.51).This injury is caused by
the thumb being forced into abduction and hyperextension
by the ski pole as the skier pitches into the snow. torn ligament
Diagnosis is made by X-ray with stress views of the ? avulsion fracture
thumb. Incomplete tears are immobilised in a scaphoid
type of plaster for 3 weeks, while complete tears and
avulsion fractures should be referred for surgical repair. metacarpophalangeal joint

Colles fracture
• A supination fracture of distal 3 cm of radius.
• Commonly caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand.
• The fracture features (Fig. 11.52):
–– impaction
–– posterior displacement and angulation Fig. 11.51 Skier’s thumb

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 11.52  Colles fracture: (a) dinner-fork deformity; (b) lateral X-ray view; (c) anteroposterior X-ray view; (d) radial (lateral) tilt
of distal segment
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 171

–– lateral (radial) displacement and angulation

–– supination.
Method of reduction
Under appropriate anaesthesia:
• traction on hand (to disimpact)
• an assistant maintains countertraction
• pronate
• ulnar deviation for 10° (to correct radial displacement) fracture
• flexion (10–15°).
Immobilise the wrist and forearm in a well-padded,
below-elbow plaster for 4 to 6 weeks—forearm in full
pronation, wrist in corrected position (ulnar deviation,
slight flexion) described above (Fig. 11.53).

Fig. 11.54 Typical appearance of a fractured scaphoid

Fig. 11.53 Ideal position of the forearm in a Colles plaster.

Note: ulnar deviation, slight flexion and pronation

Scaphoid fracture
A scaphoid fracture (Fig. 11.54) is caused typically by a fall
on the outstretched hand with the wrist bent backwards
(dorsiflexed). The pain may settle after the injury, so Fig. 11.55 Appearance of the scaphoid plaster
presentation may be later. One has to be careful not to
treat it as a simple sprain. The signs are:
• tenderness in anatomical snuffbox (the key sign)
• loss of grip strength with pain
• swelling in and around the ‘snuffbox’ Metacarpal fractures
• pain on axial compression of thumb towards radius. Metacarpal fractures can be stable or unstable, intra-
If a fracture is suspected clinically but the plain X-ray articular or extra-articular, and closed or open. They
is normal, a fracture cannot be ruled out. An MRI scan include the ‘knuckle’ injuries resulting from a punch,
or isotope bone scan can be helpful after 24 hours post which is prone to cause a fracture of the neck of the fifth
injury. If scans are not available, immobilise the wrist in a metacarpal. As a general rule, most metacarpal (shaft
scaphoid plaster for 10 days, remove it and then re-X ray. and neck) fractures are treated by correcting marked
For an undisplaced stable fracture, immobilise for displacements with manipulation (under anaesthesia)
6 weeks in a below-elbow plaster cast (Fig. 11.55). and splinting with a below-elbow, padded posterior
Displaced fractures require reduction (either open or plaster slab that extends up to the dorsum of the proximal
closed) and, if unstable, internal fixation. All fractures phalanx, and holds the metacarpophalangeal joints in a
require a later X-ray to check for non-union. position of function (Fig. 11.56).
172 Practice Tips

There is often a tendency for metacarpal fractures to

rotate and this must be prevented. This is best achieved
by splinting the MCP joints at 90°, which corrects any
tendency to malrotation. If there is gross displacement,
shortening or rotation then surgical intervention is
indicated. A felt pad acts as a suitable grip. The patient
Fig. 11.56  Fracture of the metacarpal: showing position of should exercise 3 fingers vigorously. Remove the splint
function with posterior plaster slab and the hand gripping a after 3 weeks and start active mobilisation.
roll of felt padding

Age relationship of hip disorders Ortolani test (IN test)
Hip disorders have a significant age relationship (Fig. 11.57). Flex hip to about 90°, gently abduct to 45°, and then
• Children can suffer from a variety of serious disorders note any click or jerk as the hip reduces, allowing the
of the hip, e.g. developmental dysplasia (DDH), Perthes hip to abduct fully (Fig. 11.58b).
disorder, tuberculosis, septic arthritis and slipped upper
capital epiphysis (SCFE), all of which demand early
recognition and management. Barlow (OUT test)
• SCFE typically presents in the obese adolescent (10 to Flex the hip to 90°, abduct to 10–20°, and then adduct
15 years) with knee pain and a slight limp. and note any click or jerk as the hip ‘goes out’ of the
• Every newborn infant should be tested for DDH, which acetabulum (Fig. 11.58c).
is diagnosed early by the Ortolani and Barlow tests
(abnormal third or clunk on abduction or adduction).
However, ultrasound examination is the investigation Pain referred to the knee
of choice and is more sensitive than the clinical
examination, especially after 8 weeks. Referred pain from the hip to the knee is one of the
time-honoured traps in medicine. The hip joint is mainly
The Ortolani and Barlow innervated by L3, hence pain is referred from the groin
down the front and medial aspects of the thigh to the
screening tests knee (Fig. 11.59). Sometimes the pain can be experienced
Hold the leg in the hand with the knee flexed—thumb over on the anteromedial aspect of the knee only. It is not
groin (lesser trochanter) and middle finger over greater uncommon that children with a SCFE present with a
trochanter (Fig. 11.58). Steady the pelvis with the other hand. limp and knee pain.

septic arthritis

neurogenic claudication
Perthes vascular claudication
DDH SCFE osteoarthritis

fractured neck
of femur

0 4 8 10 15 40
Age in years

Fig. 11.57 Typical ages of presentation of hip disorders

Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 173

5. Compress the joint through pressure down the axis

of the femur.
Dysfunction of the joint may be evident when internal
rotation is attempted. Any internal rotation may be
virtually impossible because of stiffness or pain.

(a) (b)

Fig. 11.58 Screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip

(left side): (a) Ortolani sign; (b) Barlow sign

disorder of hip joint

typical site of
referred pain

Fig. 11.59  Possible area of referred pain from disorders of

the hip joint

Diagnosis of early
osteoarthritis of hip joint
The four-step stress test
Degeneration of the hip joint is a common problem
in general practice, and may present with pain around
the hip or at the knee. Early diagnosis is very useful, Fig. 11.60 Stress test for osteoarthritis of the hip
and certain tests may detect the problem. It is worth
remembering that, of the six main movements of
the hip joint, the earliest to be affected are internal
rotation, abduction and extension. A special stress The ‘hip pocket nerve’ syndrome
test is described here that is sensitive to diagnosing If a man presents with ‘sciatica’, especially confined to
disease in the hip. the buttock and upper posterior thigh (without local
back pain), consider the possibility of pressure on
Method the sciatic nerve from a wallet in the hip pocket. This
1. Lay the patient in the supine position. problem is occasionally encountered in people sitting
2. Flex the hip to about 120°. for long periods in cars (e.g. taxi drivers). It appears
3. Adduct to about 20–30° (Fig. 11.60). to be related to the increased presence of plastic credit
4. Internally rotate. cards in wallets.
174 Practice Tips

Surface anatomy 2. The hip joint is now flexed, externally rotated and
The sciatic nerve leaves the pelvis through the greater adducted. (This position stresses the hip joint, so that
sciatic foramen and emerges from beneath the piriformis inguinal pain on that side is a pointer to a defect in
muscle at a position just medial to the midpoint of a line the hip joint or surrounding soft tissue.)
between the medial surface of the ischial tuberosity and 3. The range of motion for the hip joint in this position
the tip of the greater trochanter (Fig. 11.61). The lateral can be taken to the endpoint (thus fixing the femur in
border of the nerve usually lies at this midpoint. It lies relation to the pelvis), by pressing the knee downward
deep to the gluteus medius in the buttock. and simultaneously pressing on the region of the
anterior superior iliac spine of the opposite side
(Fig. 11.62). This stresses the hip joint as well as the
sacroiliac joint on that side.
Thus, if low back pain is reproduced, the cause is likely to be
sciatic nerve
a disorder of the sacroiliac joint. Such a lesion is uncommon,
but is seen in nursing mothers and in those with inflammatory
of femur disorders of the joint (e.g. ankylosing spondylitis and
wallet reactive arthritis) and with infection (e.g. tuberculosis).
tuberosity Snapping or clicking hip
Some patients complain of a clunking, clicking or snapping
hip. This represents a painless, annoying problem.
sciatic nerve
One or more of the following:
• a taut iliotibial band (tendon of tensor fascia femoris)
Fig. 11.61  ‘Hip pocket nerve’ syndrome: location and
slipping backwards and forwards over the prominence
relations of sciatic nerve in the buttock
of the greater trochanter

Ischial bursitis
‘Tailor’s bottom’ or ‘weaver’s bottom’, which is occasionally
seen, is a bursa overlying the ischial tuberosity. Irritation
of the sciatic nerve may coexist and the patient may
appear to have sciatica.
• Severe pain when sitting, especially on a hard chair.
• Tenderness at or just above the ischial tuberosity.
• Infiltration into the tender spot of a mixture of 4 mL
of 1% lignocaine and 1 mL of LA corticosteroid (avoid
the sciatic nerve).
• Foam rubber cushion with two holes cut out for
ischial prominences.

Patrick or Fabere test

To test hip and sacroiliac joint disorders.
Fabere is an acronym for Flexion, Abduction, External
Rotation and Extension of the hip.
1. The patient lies supine on the table and the foot of Fig. 11.62 The Patrick (Fabere) test for right-sided hip or
the involved side and extremity are placed on the sacroiliac joint regions, illustrating directions of pressure from
opposite knee. the examiner
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 175

• the iliopsoas tendon snapping across the iliopectineal Principles of management

• Adequate analgesia, e.g. IM morphine for pain.
• the gluteus maximus sliding across the greater
• X-rays to confirm diagnosis and exclude associated
• joint laxity.
• Reduction of the dislocated hip under relaxant
Treatment method anaesthesia.
• Follow-up X-ray to confirm reduction and exclude
There are two major components of the treatment:
any fractures not visible on the first X-ray.
a. explanation and reassurance
b. exercises to stretch the iliotibial band.
1. The patient lies on the ‘normal’ side, and flexes the Method of reduction A
affected hip (with the leg straight and a weight around Standard method for posterior dislocation
the ankle; Fig. 11.63) to a degree that produces a With the patient under relaxant anaesthesia and lying
stretching sensation along the lateral aspect of the thigh. on the floor and with an assistant steadying or fixing the
2. This iliotibial stretch should be performed for 1 to 2 pelvis by downward pressure:
minutes, twice daily. • Apply traction as the hip is flexed to 90°.
• Then apply gentle external rotation and abduction
Dislocated hip (maintaining traction) with hand pressure over the
femoral head (Figure 11.64 a, b).
Posterior dislocation of the hip is usually caused by a direct For anterior dislocation, the leg is internally rotated and
blow to the knee of the flexed leg (knee and hip flexed). adducted under traction.
The painful shortened leg is held in:
• internal rotation Method of reduction B
• adduction
• slight flexion (11.64a). Dependent reduction method
With anterior dislocation, the shortened leg is held This is especially useful if there is an associated fracture
in abduction, external rotation and flexion. of the femur on the same side (Fig. 11.65).

weight around ankle

Fig. 11.63  Clicking hip treatment

176 Practice Tips

(a) (b)

Fig. 11.64  (a) Posterior dislocation of hip with internal rotation; (b) method of reduction of the dislocated hip 

The anaesthetised patient lies prone on the table: traction

• drop the leg and flex the dislocated hip over the edge
of the table anterior
• apply steady downward traction on the flexed hip dislocation
• gently rotate externally with hand pressure on femoral internally rotate posterior
head (from gluteal region). and adduct dislocation
externally rotate
Fractured femur and abduct

Emergency pain relief can be provided by a femoral nerve stabilise hip

block with local anaesthesia (see pp. 33–34). patient on floor under relaxation anesthesia

Fig. 11.65 Dislocated hip: dependent reduction method

Inspection of the knees The common types of knee deformity are:
• genu valgum, ‘knock knees’ (Fig. 11.66a)
Remembering the terminology • genu recurvatum, ‘back knee’ (Fig. 11.66b)
Sometimes it is difficult to recall whether ‘knock knees’ is • genu varum, ‘bowed legs’ (Fig. 11.66c).
known as genu valgum or genu varus. A useful method is
to remember that the ‘l’ in valgum stands for ‘l’ in lateral.
Valgum refers to deviation of the bone distal to the joint, Common causes of knee pain
namely the tibia in relation to the knee. A UK study has highlighted the fact that the most common
In the normal knee, the tibia has a slight valgus cause of knee pain is simple ligamentous strains and
angulation in reference to the femur, the angulation being bruises due to overstress of the knee or other minor
more pronounced in women. trauma. Traumatic synovitis may accompany some of
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 177

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 11.66 Knee deformities: (a) genu valgum (‘knock knees’): tibia deviates laterally from knee; (b) genu recurvatum
(‘back knee’); (c) genu varum (‘bowed legs’)

these injuries. Some of these so-called strains may include patellofemoral joint pain
a variety of recently described syndromes such as the syndrome
synovial plica syndrome, patellar tendonopathy and
infrapatellar fat-pad inflammation (Fig. 11.67). synovial plica
Low-grade trauma of repeated overuse such as frequent
kneeling may cause prepatellar bursitis, known variously prepatellar bursitis
as ‘housemaid’s knee’ or ‘carpet layer’s knee’. Infrapatellar cyst
bursitis is referred to as ‘clergyman’s knee’.
Osteoarthritis of the knee, especially in the elderly, is
a very common problem. It may arise spontaneously or
be secondary to previous trauma with associated internal patellar tendonitis
derangement and instability.
The most common overuse problem of the knee is infrapatellar fat-pad
the patellofemoral joint pain syndrome (often previously
referred to as chondromalacia patellae).

infrapatellar bursitis
Diagnosis of meniscal injuries bicepts femoris
of the knee tendonitis/bursitis
Injuries to the medial and lateral menisci of the knee are Osgood–Schlatter disorder
common in contact sports, and are often associated with
ligamentous injuries.
Table 11.3 is a useful aid in the diagnosis of these Fig. 11.67 Lateral view of knee showing typical sites of
injuries. There is a similarity in the clinical signs between various causes of knee pain
178 Practice Tips

Table 11.3 Typical symptoms and signs of meniscal injuries

Medial meniscus tear Lateral meniscus tear
Mechanism • Abduction (valgus) force • Adduction (varus) force
• External rotation of lower leg on • Internal rotation of leg on femur

1. Knee pain during and after activity Medial side of knee Lateral side of knee
2. Locking Yes Yes
3. Effusion + or – + or −

1. Localised tenderness over joint line Medial joint line Lateral joint line (may be cyst)
(with bucket handle tear) Medial joint line Lateral joint line
2. Pain on hyperextension of knee Medial joint line Lateral joint line
3. Pain on hyperflexion of knee joint On external rotation On internal rotation
4. Pain on rotation of lower leg May be present May be present
(knee at 90°)
5. Weakened or atrophied quadriceps

the opposite menisci, but the localisation of pain in the

medial or lateral joint lines helps to differentiate between
the medial and lateral menisci (Fig. 11.68).
Note: The diagnosis of a meniscal injury is made if
three or more of the five examination findings (‘signs’
in Table 11.3) are present.

Lachman test
The Lachman test is a sensitive and reliable test for the
integrity of the anterior cruciate ligament. It is an anterior
draw test with the knee at 20° of flexion. At 90° of flexion,
the draw may be negative but the anterior cruciate torn.

Test method
1. Position yourself on the same side of the examination
couch as the knee to be tested.
2. The knee is held at 20° of flexion by placing a hand
under the distal thigh and lifting the knee into 20° of
flexion. The patient’s heel rests on the couch.
3. The patient is asked to relax, allowing the knee to ‘fall Fig. 11.68 Localised tenderness over the outer joint line
back’ into the steadying hand and roll slightly into with injury to the lateral meniscus
external rotation.
4. The anterior draw is performed with the second
hand grasping the proximal tibia from the medial excess movement and no firm endpoint. The amount of
side (Fig. 11.69) while the thigh is held steady by draw is compared with the opposite knee. Movement
the other hand. greater than 5 mm is usually considered abnormal.
5. The feel of the endpoint of the draw is carefully noted. Note: Functional instability due to anterior cruciate
Normally there is an obvious jar felt as the anterior cruciate deficiency is best elicited with the pivot shift test. This is
tightens. In an anterior cruciate deficient knee there is more difficult to perform than the Lachman test.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 179

Overuse injuries include:

• patellofemoral joint pain syndrome (‘jogger’s knee’,
‘runner’s knee’)
• patellar tendonopathy (‘jumper’s knee’)
• synovial plica syndrome
• infrapatellar fat-pad inflammation
• anserinus bursitis/tendonopathy
• biceps femoris tendonopathy
• semimembranous bursitis/tendonopathy
sharp draw
• quadriceps tendonopathy/rupture
• popliteus tendonopathy
• iliotibial band friction syndrome (‘runner’s knee’)
• the hamstrung knee.
It is amazing how often palpation identifies localised
areas of inflammation (tendonopathy or bursitis) around
the knee, especially from overuse in athletes and in the
supporting knee to obese elderly (Fig. 11.70a, b).
thigh (optional)

Fig. 11.69 Lachman test Patellar tendonopathy

(‘jumper’s knee’)
Overuse syndromes ‘Jumper’s knee’ or patellar tendonopathy (Fig. 11.71a)
The knee is very prone to overuse disorders. The pain is a common disorder of athletes involved in repetitive
develops gradually without swelling, is aggravated by jumping sports, such as high jumping, basketball, netball,
activity and relieved with rest. It can usually be traced volleyball and soccer. The diagnosis is often missed
back to a change in the sportsperson’s training schedule, because of the difficulty of localising signs.
footwear, technique or related factors. It may be related The condition is best diagnosed by eliciting localised
also to biomechanical abnormalities ranging from hip tenderness at the inferior pole of the patella with the
disorders to feet disorders. patella tilted.

(a) (b)

quadriceps quadriceps tendonopathy

tendonopathy or or rupture
band patellofemoral
friction joint pain
anserinus bursitis/ syndrome syndrome
medial collateral
tendonopathy patellar
patellar ligament
Osgood–Schlatter semimembranous
disorder tendonopathy/
anserinus tendonopathy/
biceps femoris

Fig. 11.70 Typical painful areas around the knee for overuse syndromes: (a) anterior aspect; (b) medial aspect
180 Practice Tips

Method Diagnosis and treatment

1. Lay the patient supine in a relaxed manner with head of patellofemoral joint
on a pillow, arms by the side and quadriceps relaxed pain syndrome
(a must).
2. The knee should be fully extended. This syndrome, also known as chondromalacia patellae,
3. Tilt the patella by exerting pressure over its superior is characterised by pain and crepitus around the patella
pole. This lifts the inferior pole. during activities that require flexion of the knee under
4. Now palpate the surface under the inferior pole. This loading (e.g. climbing stairs).
allows palpation of the deeper fibres of the patellar
tendon (Fig. 11.71b). Signs
5. Compare with the normal side. Patellofemoral crepitation during knee flexion and
Very sharp pain is usually produced in the patient with extension is often palpable, and pain may be reproduced
patellar tendonopathy. by compression of the patella onto the femur as it is
pushed from side to side with the knee straight or flexed
Treatment (Perkins test).
Explanation and conservative management including
activity modification, stretching exercises and a One method for the patella apprehension test
strengthening program are the first-line treatment. (Fig. 11.72)
However, the problem can be stubborn, and surgery has
an important place in the management. 1. Have the patient supine with the knee extended.
2. Grasp the superior pole of the patella and displace it
Anterior knee pain 3. Maintain this position and apply patellofemoral
Pain felt in the anterior part of the knee is very common compression.
and is most commonly caused by the patellofemoral joint 4. Ask the patient to contract the quadriceps (a good idea
pain syndrome. It needs to be distinguished from arthritis is to get the patient to practise quadriceps contraction
of the knee joint. It is common in sports medicine and is before applying the test).
referred to sometimes as ‘jogger’s knee’, ‘runner’s knee’ 5. A positive sign is reproduction of pain under the patella
or ‘cyclist’s knee’. and hesitancy in contracting the muscle.

(a) (b)

vastus patella

quadriceps tendon
commonest site
of tendonopathy

tibial tubercle


Fig. 11.71  Patellar tendonopathy: (a) diagram of knee; (b) method of palpation
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 181

Figure 11.73 illustrates a simple quadriceps exercise.
A series of isometric contractions are each held for about
4 seconds and alternated with relaxation of the leg. This
exercise can be repeated many times in one period and
throughout the day.

Dislocated patella
contact quadriceps compress patella Typical features
displace patella into femur • An injury of children and young adults (especially
inferiorly females). Also common in sport.
Fig. 11.72  Patellar apprehension test for patellofemoral joint
• Caused by contraction of quadriceps with a flexed knee.
pain syndrome
• There is always lateral displacement.
• Knee may be stuck in flexion.

Method of immediate reduction

The following can be attempted without anaesthesia
(preferably immediately after the injury) or by using
pethidine and IV diazepam as a relaxant.
1. Place your thumb under the lateral edge of the patella.
(a) (b)
2. Push it medially as you extend the knee.

Important points
• Exclude an osteochondral fracture with X-rays.
• Post-reduction rest with knee splinted in extension
and crutches for 4 to 6 weeks.
• Arthroscopic inspection and repair may be advisable.
Fig. 11.73  Quadriceps exercise: tighten muscle by straightening • Recurrent dislocation in young females (14 to 18 years)
the knee to position (a) from the relaxed position (b) requires surgery.

Overuse syndromes in athletes
Athletes, especially runners and joggers, are prone
to painful problems in the lower legs (Fig. 11.74). iliotibial
Diagnosis of the various syndromes can be difficult, but band
Table 11.4 will be a useful guide. The precise anatomical tendonopathy
site of the painful problem is the best pointer to a splints
diagnosis. anterior
compartment tibial stress
syndrome fracture
Torn ‘monkey muscle’
The so-called torn ‘monkey muscle’, or ‘tennis leg’, is Achilles
actually a rupture of the medial head of gastrocnemius at tendonopathy
the musculoskeletal junction where the Achilles tendon
merges with the muscle (Fig. 11.75). This painful injury
is common in middle-aged tennis and squash players plantar
who play infrequently and are unfit. fasciitis

Fig. 11.74  Common sites of lower leg problems

182 Practice Tips

Table 11.4  Clinical comparisons of overuse syndromes

Syndrome Symptoms Common cause Treatment
Anterior compartment Pain in the anterolateral Persistent fast running (e.g. Modify activities. Surgical
syndrome muscular compartment squash, football, middle- fasciotomy is the only
of the leg, increasing with distance running). effective treatment.
activity. Difficult dorsiflexion
of foot, which may feel
Iliotibial band tendonopathy Deep aching along lateral Running up hills by long- Rest from running for
aspect of knee or lateral distance runners and 6 weeks.
thigh. Worse running increasing distance too Special stretching exercises.
downhill, eased by rest. quickly. Correct training faults and
Pain appears after 3–4 km footwear.
running. Consider injection of LA and
corticosteroids deep into
tender areas.
Tibial stress syndrome Pain and localised tenderness Running or jumping on hard Relative rest for 6 weeks.
or shin splints over the distal posteromedial surfaces. Ice massage.
border of the tibia. Bone scan Calf (soleus stretching).
for diagnosis. NSAIDs.
Correct training faults and
Tibial stress fracture Pain, in a similar site to shin Overtraining on hard (often Rest for 6–10 weeks.
splints, noted after running. bitumen) surfaces. Casting not recommended.
Usually relieved by rest. Bone Faulty footwear. Graduated training after
scan for diagnosis. healing.
Tibialis anterior tenosynovitis Pain, over anterior distal Overuse—excessive downhill Rest, even from walking.
third of leg and ankle. Pain at running. Injection of LA and
beginning and after exercise corticosteroid within tendon
± swelling, crepitus. Pain sheath.
on active or resisted ankle
Achilles tendonopathy Pain in the Achilles tendon Repeated toe running in Relative rest.
aggravated by walking on sprinters or running uphill in Ice at first and then heat.
the toes. Stiff and sore in distance runners. 10 mm heel wedge.
the morning after rising but Correct training faults and
improving after activity. footwear.
Consider steroid injection.
Plantar fasciitis Pain in medial or control Running on uneven surfaces Relative rest. Orthotics in
aspect of base of the heel, with feet pronated. shoes. Injection of LA and
worse with weight bearing. corticosteroid.
Sharp pain upon getting up
to walk after sitting.

Clinical features • Dorsiflexion of ankle painful.

• A sudden sharp pain in the calf (the person thinks he • Bruising over site of rupture.
or she has been struck from behind, e.g. by a thrown
stone). Management
• Unable to put heel to ground. • RICE treatment for 48 hours.
• Walks on tip toes. • Ice packs immediately for 20 minutes and then every
• Localised tenderness and hardness. 2 hours when awake (can be placed over the bandage).
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 183

Treatment of sprained ankle

Most of the ankle ‘sprains’ or tears involve the lateral
ligaments (up to 90%), while the stronger tauter (deltoid)
ligament is less prone to injury.
The treatment of ankle ligament sprains depends on
the severity of the sprain. Most grade I (mild) and II
(moderate) sprains respond well to standard conservative
site of measures and regain full, pain-free movement in 1 to 6
rupture weeks, but controversy surrounds the most appropriate
management of grade III (complete tear) sprains.


Fig. 11.75  ‘Tennis leg’ or ‘monkey muscle’—illustrating

typical site of rupture of the medial head of gastocnemius at
the junction of muscle and tendon (left leg)


• A firm elastic bandage from toes to below the knee.

• Crutches can be used if severe.
• A raised heel on the shoe (preferably both sides) aids
• Commence mobilisation after 48 hours rest, with
active exercises.
• Physiotherapist supervision for gentle stretching
massage and then restricted exercise.

Complete rupture
of Achilles tendon
A complete rupture of the Achilles tendon can be Fig. 11.76  Calf squeeze test for ruptured Achilles tendon:
misdiagnosed because the patient remains able to plantar (a) intact tendon, normal plantar flexion; (b) ruptured
flex the foot by virtue of the deep long flexors. Two tests tendon, foot remains stationary
should be performed to confirm the diagnosis.
Palpation of tendon Grades I & II sprains
Palpate for a defect in the Achilles tendon. This defect R rest the injured part for 48 hours, depending on
could be masked by haematoma if the examination disability
is performed more than a couple of hours after the I ice pack for 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours when awake
injury. for the first 48 hours
C compression bandage, e.g. crepe bandage
The ‘calf’ squeeze test E elevate to hip level to minimise swelling
With the patient prone and both feet over the edge of A analgesics, e.g. paracetamol
the couch, squeeze the gastrocnemius soleus complex of R review in 48 hours, then 7 days
both legs. Plantar flexion of the foot indicates an intact S special strapping
Achilles tendon (Fig. 11.76a); failure of plantar flexion Use partial weight bearing with crutches for the first
indicates total rupture (Fig. 11.76b). 48 hours or until standing is no longer painful, then
184 Practice Tips

encourage early full weight bearing and a full range of (a)

movement with isometric exercises. Use warm soaks,
dispense with ice packs after 48 hours. Walking in sand,
e.g. along the beach, is excellent rehabilitation. Aim
towards full activity by 2 weeks.

Strapping of the ankle

1. Maintain the foot in a neutral position (right angles
to leg) by getting the patient to hold the foot in that
position by a long strap or sling.
2. Apply small protective pads over pressure points.
3. Apply one or two stirrups of adhesive low-stretch
6–8 cm strapping from halfway up the medial side,
around the heel and then halfway up the lateral side
to hold the foot in slight eversion (Figs. 11.77a, b).
4. Apply an adhesive bandage, e.g. Acrylastic (6–8 cm), (b)
which can be rerolled and reused.
5. Reapply in 3 to 4 days. stirrups
6. After 7 days, remove and use a non-adhesive tubular of adhesive
elasticised support until full pain-free movement is tape

Mobilisation of the
subtalar joint
The medial-lateral gliding mobilisation of the subtalar
joint is indicated by a loss of function of the subtalar
ankle joint, commonly with chronic post-traumatic ankle
stiffness, with or without pain. The most common cause
is the classic ‘sprained’ ankle.
The objective of therapy is to increase the range of
inversion and eversion.
1. The patient lies on the side (preferably the problematic
side), with the affected leg resting on the table. The
foot hangs over the end of the table with the lower leg
supported by a flexible support, such as a rolled-up
towel, small pillow, sandbag or lumbar roll. The foot
is maintained in dorsiflexion by support against the
therapist’s thigh.
2. Stand at the foot of the table facing the patient’s leg.
3. Grasp the patient’s leg with the stabilising hand just
above the level of the malleolus.
4. The mobilising hand firmly grasps the calcaneum.
5. Apply a firm force to the foot at right angles to the
long axis of the foot, so that an even up and down Fig. 11.77 Supportive strapping for a sprained ankle:
(medial-lateral) rocking movement is achieved. The (a) Step 1 apply protective pads and stay tape; (b) Step 2
movement should be smooth (not too forceful or apply stirrups to hold foot in slight eversion; (c) Step 3 apply
jerky) and of consistent amplitude (Fig. 11.78). an ankle lock tape
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 185

Fig. 11.78  Position of foot for mobilisation of the

subtalar joint

Wobble board (aeroplane)

technique for ankle
Proprioception exercises
Strengthening of the leg muscles and the ligaments of the Fig. 11.79  Wobble board technique for ankle dysfunction
ankle can be improved by the use of a wobble board. The
patient stands on the board and shifts his or her weight
from side to side in neutral, forward or extended body
positions to improve proprioception and balance. Tibialis posterior tendon
An improvised wobble board Rupture of the tibialis posterior tendon after
Patients can construct a simple wobble board by attaching inflammation, degeneration or trauma is a relatively
a small piece of wood (10 cm × 10 cm × 5 cm (deep)) common and misdiagnosed disorder. It causes collapse
to the centre of a 30 cm square piece of plywood or of the longitudinal arch of the foot, leading to a flat
similar wood about 2 cm thick. (Suitable for patients foot. It is uncommon for patients to feel obvious
with good balance.) discomfort at the moment of rupture. Most cases
in middle age can be treated conservatively. Severe
Alternative problems respond well to surgical repair, which is
Patients can simply place their slab of wood on a dome- usually indicated in athletes.
shaped mound of earth.
The ‘aeroplane’ exercise • Middle-aged females and athletes.
1. Instruct the patient to stand in a neutral position and • Usually presents with ‘abnormal’ flat foot.
shift his or her weight from side to side to improve • Pain in the region of the navicular to the medial
balance and proprioception. malleolus.
2. After 2 or 3 days, perform the balancing exercises • Gross eversion of the foot.
by leaning forwards in addition to using the neutral • ‘Too many toes’ test (Fig. 11.80).
position (Fig. 11.79). • Single heel raise test (unable to raise heel).
3. After a further 2 or 3 days, practise the exercise by leaning • On palpation, thickening or absence of tibialis posterior
backwards—thus adding to the difficulty of the exercise. tendon.
186 Practice Tips

‘Too many toes’ test

More toes are seen on the affected side when the feet are
viewed from about 3 metres behind the patient (Fig. 11.80).
Useful investigations
• Ultrasound (the most economical).
• MRI and CT scan—gives the clearest image.

Fig. 11.80 Tibialis posterior rupture (right foot): the

‘too many toes’ posterior view

Plastering tips
Plaster of Paris
The bucket of water
• Line the bucket with a plastic bag for easy cleaning.
• The water should be deep enough to allow complete
vertical immersion.
• Use cold water for slow setting.
• Use tepid water for faster setting.
• Do not use hot water: it produces rapid setting and
a brittle plaster.

The plaster rolls

• Do not use plaster rolls if water has been splashed on them.
• Hold the roll loosely but with the free end firm and
secure (Fig. 11.81).
• Immerse in water until bubbles have ceased coming
from the plaster surface. Ensure that the centre of the
plaster is fully wet.
• Drain surface water after removal from the bucket.
• Gently squeeze the roll in the middle: do not indent. Fig. 11.81  Holding the plaster roll
• Use about 2 cm × 10 cm and 1 cm × 8 cm rolls for
below elbow and upper limb plasters.
• Use 4 cm × 15 cm rolls for below knee leg plaster.
Padding 1. Use an assistant to support the limb where possible
• Use Velband or stockinet under the plaster. (e.g. hold the arm up with fingers of stockinet).
• With Velband, moisten the end of the roll in water to 2. Lay the bandage on firmly but do not pull tight.
allow it to adhere to the limb. 3. Lay it on quickly. Avoid dents.
• For legs, make extra padding around pressure areas 4. Overlap the bandage by about 25% of its width.
such as the ankle and heel. 5. Use only the flat of the hand so as to achieve a
• Use two layers of padding but avoid multiple layers. smooth cast.
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 187

Preparation of a volar arm velband plaster strips

plaster splint
A volar arm plaster splint can be prepared with minimal
mess and maximal effectiveness by following this
Procedure central ridge
1. Measure the length of the required plaster splint.
2. Select Velband of the same width as the plaster and
measure a length slightly more than twice the length
of the splint.
3. On a flat bench top, lay out the length of the Velband
on a piece of newspaper or undercloth.
4. Fold the plaster (10 cm roll for adults) according to
the number of strips required (usually eight) and after
immersing it in cool or lukewarm water and draining volar slab
off excess water, place it on the Velband as shown in
Figure 11.82.
5. Fold the Velband over the plaster to produce a
‘sandwich’ effect. crepe bandage
6. Using the fingers through the upper layer of Velband,
mould two to three ridges along the length of the Fig. 11.82  Preparation of volar arm plaster splint
plaster on the outer surface of the slab. This provides
reinforced strength for the splint.
7. Take a crepe bandage and apply the splint to the arm
with appropriate moulding to hold the wrist in about The support, which should be at least 30 cm high,
30° of extension. can be made by pinning a broad leather strap across a
8. This method can be adapted for plaster slabs for other U-shaped frame.
Waterproofing your
Leg support for plaster plaster cast
application A suitable plastic protective cover for a plaster cast,
The awkward task of applying a leg plaster including especially for one on the arm, is a veterinary plastic
a plaster cylinder can be aided by the use of a simple glove, which is ideally long and fits on the arm like a
supportive device (Fig. 11.83). mega ‘glove’. These are the gloves used in rural practice!

Fig. 11.83 Supportive device for application of leg plaster

188 Practice Tips

A long-lasting plaster On review (day 2), the plaster cast is filled into the sneaker
walking heel and tied over with the laces.
To avoid the plaster underlying the walking heel Method B
(incorporated into a leg plaster) becoming soft and A better alternative to the walking heel is the ‘open-toe
therefore uncomfortable for walking (thus requiring cast shoe’, with its open heel and toe areas that can
repair), the following method can be used (Fig. 11.84). accommodate a wide variety of foot and cast types. The
It involves incorporating a small piece of masonite rocker sole, which is manufactured from EVA (a synthetic
(or similar wooden material) into the plaster cast at the rubber), has three layers and minimises microtrauma to
time of affixing the heel. This is performed 24 hours after joints. The upper is made from reinforced canvas with
application of the original base plaster cast. Presto-flex adhesive straps.
The shoes come in at least three sizes and fit neatly onto
the plaster. They can be washed and will last throughout
1. Apply a thin layer of plaster of Paris to the underside the life of a normal walking plaster. The shoes are available
of the base of the cast. from various surgical suppliers.
2. Place the piece of masonite (or wood) against the
3. Place the heel over the wood. Use of silicone filler
4. Wrap adhesive plaster (such as Elastoplast) around An economical walking plaster can be improvised by
the wood and heel to ‘fix’ the unit. obtaining silicone filler (preferably resin type) from your
5. Apply the final coating of plaster of Paris to fix the heel. hardware store and layering it over the base of the plaster
6. Weight bearing can commence 24 hours later. with extra thickness over pressure areas.

Supporting shoe for a Prescribing crutches

walking plaster Patients with leg injuries are often given crutches without
Method A ensuring they are the correct height for the patient. The
An economical method is to get the patient to bring following guidelines are useful:
an old pair of rubber sneakers and cut out the front • Wear the shoes that are usually worn.
half (including the tongue) but leave the laces intact. • Stand erect and look straight ahead, shoulders relaxed.

base plaster

adhesive plaster

thin layer of
plaster of paris

piece of masonite walking heel outer layers of

plaster of paris

Fig. 11.84  Plaster walking heel Fig. 11.85  Correct fitting for crutches
Chapter 11 | Musculoskeletal medicine 189

• For fitting, the end of each crutch should be placed

about 5 cm from the side of the shoe and about 15 cm
in front of the toe.
• The top of the crutch should be about 2–3 finger
breadths (about 5 cm) below the apex of the axilla.
• The hand grip should be adjusted with the elbow bent
20–30° (Fig. 11.85).
• The patient should have a trial walking practice under
supervision before discharge.

Walking stick advice

When prescribing a walking stick (cane), advise the
correct height so that the patient’s elbow will be bent at
slightly less than 45° when maximum force is applied
(Fig. 11.86).

Fig. 11.86  Correct cane height

Chapter 12

Knocked-out tooth Note: If a blood clot is present, remove it after a nerve

block. Teeth replaced within 20 to 30 minutes have a
If a permanent (second) tooth is knocked out (i.e. in 90% chance of successful reimplantation.
an accident or fight) but is intact, it can be saved by the
following, immediate procedure. The tooth should not
be out of the mouth for longer than 20 to 30 minutes
Loosening of a tooth
from the time of injury. Loosening is excessive movement of a permanent tooth
with no displacement.
Splint the mobile tooth to a neighbouring tooth with
Method the splinting material from the kit (see above). Alternatively,
1. Using a sterile glove hold the tooth by its crown use chewing gum or Blu-Tack. Refer the patient to a dentist.
and replace it in its original position, preferably
immediately (Fig. 12.1); if dirty, put it in milk Chipped tooth
before replacement or, better still, place it under the
Cover the exposed area, which is usually painful, with
tongue and ‘wash’ it in saliva. Alternatively, it can be
dental tape. Recover and store the tooth fragment for use
placed in contact lens saline or the solution in the
by the dentist. If possible, secure the broken fragment with
‘Dentist in a Box’ kit (
splinting material from the kit. Refer the patient to a dentist.
Note: Do not use water, and do not rub (it removes
dentine) or wipe it or touch the root.
2. Fix the tooth by moulding strong silver foil (e.g. a milk
bottle top or cooking foil) over it and the adjacent
teeth. Moulding foil can be difficult: an alternative is to
suture with a figure-of-eight silk suture to encompass
the tooth. It can also be secured to the two adjoining
teeth with a strip of tape cut from a disc in the ‘Dentist
in a Box’ kit.
3. Refer the patient to his or her dentist or dental hospital
as soon as possible. Tell the patient to avoid exerting
any direct biting force on the tooth. Fig. 12.1  Replacement of a knocked-out tooth
Chapter 12 | Orodental problems 191

Bleeding tooth socket Examination shows a socket with few or no blood clots,
and sensitive bone surfaces covered by a greyish-yellow
First aid treatment method layer of necrotic tissue.
Instruct the patient to bite very firmly on a rolled-up
handkerchief over the bleeding socket. This simple Treatment method
measure is sufficient to achieve haemostasis in most 1. Self-limiting healing 10 to 14 days.
instances. Biting on a recently used tea bag is another 2. Refer for special toilet and dressing (palliative).
suggestion. If you have to treat:
• irrigate with warm saline in a syringe
• pack socket with 1 cm ribbon gauze in iodiform paste
Surgical treatment for persistent or pack a mixture of a paste of zinc oxide and oil of
bleeding cloves or (usual dental formulation) zinc oxide and
1. Remove excess blood clot, using a piece of sterile gauze. eugenol dressing. Leave 10 days.
2. Bite on a firm gauze pack. • analgesics
3. If still bleeding, insert a suture. (Chromic or plain • mouth wash.
catgut is suitable.) Note: Antibiotics are of no proven value.
4. Using a reverse suture, approximate the anterior and The differential diagnosis for the dry tooth socket is
posterior mucosal remnants (Fig. 12.2). The idea is not descending infection.
to close the socket but to tense the mucoperiosteum
against the bone. A simple way of numbering teeth
Avoid aspirin, rinsing and alcohol. Dentists utilise codes in which the teeth are numbered
from 1 to 8 from the midline.
Dry tooth socket International notation
Clinical features Each of the four quadrants are numbered:
• Tooth extraction 1 to 3 days earlier. Permanent teeth (n = 32; Fig. 12.3)
• Very severe pain, unrelieved by analgesics.
• Continuous pain on the side of the face. 187654321 123456782
R.      L.
• Foetid odour. 487654321 123456783
• Mainly in the lower molars, especially the third
(wisdom teeth). Deciduous teeth (n = 20)
There are five teeth in each quadrant, and the four
quadrants are notated 5 to 8.
554321 123456
R.        L.
needle 854321 123457
• 1.6 = upper right first molar
• 3.2 = lower left lateral incisor
• 6.3 = upper left deciduous canine.
Palmer notation
In this notation a cross is drawn to represent quadrants,
but the numerals are used as above for permanent teeth.
Deciduous teeth are represented by the letters A–E.
The quadrants are noted by four right angles:
mucosa of mucosa
R   L
gingival approximated
margin over the Examples:
• 5 = upper left second premolar
Fig. 12.2 Treatment for persistent bleeding of tooth socket • C = lower right deciduous cuspid.
192 Practice Tips

upper (maxillary) right upper (maxillary) left

first incisor

second incisor


first premolar

second premolar

first molar

second molar

third molar
lower (mandibular) right lower (mandibular) left

Fig. 12.3 Permanent teeth

Wisdom teeth Symptomatic relief

These are the third molars. They are usually normal teeth, Apply topical lignocaine gel or paint, e.g. SM-33 adult
but are prone to troublesome eruption and difficult paint formula or SM-33 gel (children) every 3 hours. If
extraction when impacted. applied before meals, eating is facilitated.
Alternatively, use a mixture of:
• diphenhydramine (Benadryl mixture) 5 mL plus
Aphthous ulcers (canker sores) • Mylanta 15–20 mL.
These acutely painful ulcers on the mobile oral mucosa Gargle well and swallow 4 times a day.
are a common problem in general practice and puzzling
in their cause and response to treatment. Their cause is Healing
unknown, but several factors indicate a localised abnormal
immune reaction. One of the following methods can be chosen.
Minor ulcers: < 5 mm in diameter—last 5 to 10 days.
Major ulcers: > 8 mm in diameter—last weeks and heal The teabag method
with scarring. Consider applying a wet, squeezed out, black teabag
directly to the ulcer regularly, such as 3 to 4 times daily.The
Associations to consider tannic acid promotes healing and alleviates pain. Another
Blood dyscrasias, denture pressure, Crohn disease, method is to prepare a strong cup of tea (concentrated),
pernicious anaemia, iron deficiency. cool and dip in a cotton bud or ball and hold it against
the ulcer for 3 minutes.
Precipitating factors
Stress and local trauma. Topical corticosteroid paste
Triamcinolone 0.1% (Kenalog in orobase) paste. Apply
Treatment methods 8 hourly and at night.
These treatments should be used early when the ulcer
is most painful. Several optional healing methods are Topical corticosteroid spray
presented. Spray beclomethasone on to the ulcer 3 times daily.
Chapter 12 | Orodental problems 193

Topical chloramphenicol Method

Use 10% chloramphenicol in propylene glycol. Apply 1. Localise the calculus in the duct by finger palpation.
with a cotton bud for 1 minute (after drying the ulcer) 2. Anaesthetise the area with a small bleb of LA or surface
6 hourly for 3 to 4 days. anaesthetic (preferable if available), e.g. 5% cocaine
placed under the tongue.
Tetracycline suspension rinse for multiple ulcers 3. Insert a stay suture around the duct immediately
1. Empty the contents of a 250 mg tetracycline capsule behind the calculus (Fig. 12.4), and use this to steady
into 20–30 mL of warm water and shake it. the stone by elevation.
2. Swirl this solution in the mouth for 5 minutes every 4. Make an incision over the long axis of the duct (the
3 hours. calculus easily slips out).
An alternative method is to apply the solution soaked 5. Remove the stay suture and leave the wound unsutured.
in cotton wool wads to the ulcers for 5 to 10 minutes.
Note: This has a terrible taste but reportedly shortens the A ‘natural’ method of snaring
life of the ulcers considerably. We recommend spitting out
the rinse, although some authorities suggest swallowing a calculus
the suspension. 1. Fast for about 6 hours.
2. Squeeze an unripe lemon and drink the juice.
Topical sucralfate 3. Place a slice of lemon on the tongue. The calculus
Dissolve 1 g sucralfate in 20–30 mL of warm water. Use usually appears at the opening—it may then be possible
this as a mouth wash. to extract it using the preceding or following methods.

Geographic tongue Simple removal of calculus

(erythema migrans) from Wharton duct
If the calculus is visible at the opening of the duct it can
Treatment be removed using the round end of a Jacob–Horne probe.
Explanation and reassurance. The round end of the probe is placed over the meatus
• No treatment if asymptomatic. and firmly pressed inwards.
• Cepacaine gargles, 10 mL tds, if tender. Digital pressure is then applied from the opposite side
• If persistent and troublesome, low dose spray of of the frenulum. The calculus may ‘pop out’ quite readily.
glucocorticoid (e.g. beclomethasone 50 mcg tds). Do
not rinse after use. Release of tongue tie
Black, green or hairy tongue The ideal time to release a tongue tie (ankyloglossia) is
Brush tongue with a toothbrush to remove stained in infancy, when it may cause breastfeeding problems
papillae. Use pineapple as a keratolytic agent. and maternal nipple pain.
1. Cut a thin slice of pineapple into eight segments.
2. Suck a segment on the back of the tongue for 40
seconds and then slowly chew it. stay suture
3. Repeat until all segments are completed.
4. Do this twice a day for 7 to 10 days. Repeat if symptoms

Calculus in Wharton duct

The most common site for a salivary calculus is in the duct Wharton duct
of the submandibular gland (Wharton duct). Obstruction
to the gland by the calculus causes the classic presentation duct opening at
base of tongue
of intermittent swelling of the gland whenever the patient incision over near midline
attempts to eat. The following method applies if the calculus
clinician can easily palpate the calculus with the finger
under the tongue. Fig. 12.4 Excision of calculus in Wharton duct
194 Practice Tips

Early signs
• Tongue may appear as heart-shaped.
• Infants should be able to lift the tongue halfway to
the roof when the mouth is open.
• Infants should be able to protrude the tongue over
the lower lip.
However, the condition is often not noticed until later
in life, when it causes such symptoms as speech defects
(e.g. a lisp), dental problems with the lower teeth, inability frenulum stretched
to protrude the tongue, and accumulation of food in the
scissors snip
floor of the mouth. frenulum
Treatment in infants (usually under 4 months, best
at 3 to 4 months)
Note: The frenulum is thin and avascular and there is
minimal or no bleeding.
1. Ideally, a frenulum spatula should be used.
2. When the spatula is in place the tongue is stretched Fig. 12.5 Tongue tie release
3. Use a scalpel blade or sterile iris scissors to slit the
frenulum just above the floor of the mouth.
Treatment in adults or older children
Alternative to frenulum spatula 1. Perform the procedure under local or general
The infant is held by an assistant on the examination anaesthesia.
table with arms positioned either side of the head. The 2. When the tongue is elevated, use a no. 15 scalpel
operator holds the frenulum between the index finger blade to incise the frenulum horizontally, taking care
and thumb of the non-dominant hand and stretches it to avoid the Wharton ducts.
firmly (Fig. 12.5). The frenulum is then snipped with 3. Tongue traction will then convert the horizontal
sterile scissors, taking care not to damage structures in incision into a vertical one, which can be closed in a
the floor of the mouth and under the tongue. vertical plane with interrupted plain catgut sutures.
Chapter 13
Ear, nose
and throat

URTIs and sinus problems

Diagnosing sinus tenderness
Eliciting sinus tenderness is important in the diagnosis
and follow-up of sinusitis.
Firm pressure over any facial bone, particularly in the
patient with an upper respiratory infection, may cause T T
pain. It is important to differentiate sinus tenderness from F F
non-sinus bone tenderness.
Method Z E E Z
1. This is best done by palpating a non-sinus area first M M
and last (Fig. 13.1), systematically exerting pressure
over the temporal bones (T), then the frontal (F),
ethmoid (E) and maxillary (M) sinuses, and finally
zygomas (Z), or vice versa.
2. Differential tenderness both identifies and localises
the main sites of infection.
Fig. 13.1  T (temporal) and Z (zygoma) represent no sinus
Diagnosis of unilateral sinusitis bony tenderness, for purposes of comparison (F = frontal
A simple way to assess the presence or absence of fluid sinuses; E = ethmoid sinuses; M = maxillary sinuses)
in the frontal sinus, and in the maxillary sinus (in
particular), is the use of transillumination. It works best
when one symptomatic side can be compared with an Frontal sinuses
asymptomatic side. Shine the torch above the eye in the roof of the orbit
It is necessary to have the patient in a darkened room and also directly over the frontal sinuses, and compare
and to use a small, narrow-beam torch. the illuminations.
196 Practice Tips

Maxillary sinuses (b)

Remove dentures (if any). Shine the light inside the
mouth, on either side of the hard palate, pointed at
the base of the orbit. A dull glow seen below the orbit
indicates that the antrum is air-filled. Diminished cardboard
illumination on the symptomatic side indicates carton

Inhalations for URTIs

Simple inhalations for upper respiratory tract infections
(including upper airways obstruction from the oedema
and secretions of rhinitis and sinusitis) can promote
symptomatic relief and early resolution of the problem.
The positive effect of making the patient responsible Fig. 13.2 Inhalations using: (a) cone of paper; (b) cardboard
for active participation in management often helps to carton
counterbalance the occasional disappointment when no
antibiotic is prescribed. Method
The old method of towel over the head and inhalation 1. Add 5 mL or one teaspoon of the inhalant to 0.5 L
bowl can be used, but it is better to direct the vapour (or 1 pint) of boiled water (allow to cool for 5 to 10
at the nose. minutes) in the container.
2. Place the paper or carton over the container.
3. Get the patient to apply nose and mouth to the opening
• Container. This can be an old disposable bowl, a to breathe the vapour in deeply and slowly through
wide-mouthed bottle or tin, or a plastic container. the nose, and then out slowly through the mouth.
• The inhalant. Several household over-the-counter 4. This should be performed for 5 to 10 minutes, 3 times
preparations are suitable: e.g. Friar’s Balsam (5 mL), a day, especially before retiring.
Vicks VapoRub (one teaspoon), Euky Bear, eucalyptus After inhalation, upper airway congestion can be relieved
oil or menthol (5 mL). by autoinsufflation.
• Cover. A paper bag (with its base cut out), a cone of
paper (Fig. 13.2a) or a small cardboard carton (with Hot water bottle method
the corner cut away; Fig. 13.2b).
A relatively safe and convenient way is to use a hot water
bottle for inhalations. The top fits neatly over the mouth
(a) and nose.

Vacuum flask method

An old vacuum flask (thermos) is an ideal container to
fill with very hot/boiling water and the inhalant. It is
also portable.
cone of paper
Warning: Avoid using these hot water methods in

A practical inhalation method for

vapour busy workers
Dr Tony Dicker claims great success using a coffee cup
for inhalations. By placing the inhalant, e.g. Vicks, on a
teaspoon then adding boiling water, an inhalation bowl
is made by placing the hands over the cup to suit the
inhalant nose and mouth. People find this easy to use during
meal/coffee breaks.
Chapter 13 | Ear, nose and throat 197

Nasal polyps sinuses

Nasal polyps are small ‘bags’ of fluid and mucus

following engorgement of the mucosa of the sinuses
usually due to allergic rhinitis. They pop out through
the sinus openings into the nasal cavity (Fig. 13.3).
They are best treated by medical polypectomy using
topical nasal hydrocortisone solution or corticosteroid
sprays for small polyps and oral corticosteroids for
extensive polyps, e.g. prednisolone 50 mg per day for
5 to 7 days (avoid aspirin). Antibiotics may be needed nasal cavity
for infection.
Surgery is usually reserved for failed medical treatment. polyp from nasal septum
maxillary sinus
Polyps can be simply removed under local anaesthetic by
snaring the base or stalk with a loop of cutting wire. More Fig. 13.3 Cross-section of nose demonstrating origin of
severe cases may require sophisticated surgery. nasal polyps

The ear and hearing

If this sound cannot be heard, a moderate hearing loss
A rapid test for significant is likely (usually about 40 dB or greater). If a hearing
hearing loss loss is detected, tuning fork assessment and other
The age of the digital watch has meant a decline in the use investigations will then be required.
of the ‘ticking watch’ test as a rough screening procedure
for hearing loss. The whispered voice test
In children and in adults with a reasonable amount of The whispered voice test has been proved as an accurate
hair, an alternative method can be used. screening test for hearing impairment. It is less accurate
in children than in adults.
It is important to exhale quietly before whispering.
1. Grasp several scalp hairs close to the external auditory
canal lightly between the thumb and index finger. Method
2. Rub lightly together (Fig. 13.4) to produce a relatively 1. Stand 60 cm behind the patient.
high-pitched ‘crackling’ sound. 2. Mask the non-test ear by gently occluding the auditory
canal and rubbing the tragus in a circular motion.
3. Exhale quietly before whispering a combination of
numbers and letters (e.g. ‘5, M, 2, A’).
4. If the patient responds correctly (i.e. repeats at least
3 out of 6 numbers and letters correctly), hearing is
considered normal.
5. If the patient responds incorrectly, repeat the test using
a different number-and-letter combination.
6. Test each ear individually, beginning with the better
ear. Use a different number–letter combination each

Crumpled paper test

Another simple rapid test is to use the sound of paper.
Gently rub two pieces of paper together about 1–2 cm
from the ear and request the patient to indicate if they
hear the sound. For infants, crush a piece of paper behind
Fig. 13.4  Test for hearing loss in a child the ear and note their response.
198 Practice Tips

Water- and soundproofing ears Treatment and prevention

Waterproofing ears with Blu-Tack of swimmer’s ear
An excellent earplug can be made with Blu-Tack, which Use a drying topical medication, e.g. Aquaear or Ear
can be gently moulded to the external auditory canal. Clear (acetic acid and isopropyl alcohol). An alternative
It is ideal for children if they need to keep an ear dry less expensive preparation is a ‘homebrew’ mixture of
when swimming or showering, for example those with acetic acid (vinegar) and methyl alcohol (methylated
perforations, ventilating grommets and recurrent otitis spirits), 3 parts to 7. Instil 2 to 3 drops daily during the
externa (‘swimmer’s ear’). Ideally, a swimming cap should swimming season.
also cover the ear and diving should be advised against.
The Blu-Tack provides excellent waterproofing, stays Chronic suppurative otitis media
in place and is reusable. Do not use in hot saunas, where and externa
it softens easily. Wash the canal with dilute povidone-iodine (Betadine)
Children should be instructed not to keep poking the 5% solution using a 20 mL syringe with plastic tubing
‘tack’ into their ears with their fingers. 1, 2 or 3 times daily. Dry mop with rolled toilet paper
Be prepared to remove retained bits of Blu-Tack ‘spears’.Teach this method to family members. If available,
sometimes. suction kits are useful.
New type of ear plug
Ear piercing
A new form of ear protection is the expanding ear plug.
The plugs can be used during exposure to excessive noise This simple method of ear piercing (for the insertion of
and for middle ear protection while swimming, especially ‘sleepers’) requires only an 18- or 19-gauge sterile needle.
for children with ventilating tubes inserted in their ears. Local anaesthesia is optional. A freezing spray can be used.
Made of compressible foam, when cut in half the plug
can be rolled into a cylindrical shape that fits neatly in Method
a child’s ear. Keeping a finger on the outer part of the 1. Carefully place marks on the ear lobe (this is better
ear canal allows the plug to expand and fill the canal. done by the patient or patient’s parents).
A small coating of petroleum jelly and a standard rubber 2. Introduce the needle through the selected site (Fig.
bathing cap make them waterproof, but the child should 13.5a). One can use a cork or piece of potato on the
not dive under water. exit side.
Parents who have tried to use a full-sized ear plug for a 3. Insert the pointed end of the sleeper into the bore of
child have sometimes found that the bathing cap rubbed the needle, ensuring that it fits tightly, and withdraw
on the end of it, pulling it out of the ear—hence the the needle (Fig. 13.5b).
reason for cutting them in half. (E.A.R. Plugs are available
from most acoustic services for approximately $1.00 a Ear wax and syringing
pair. They are washed easily in warm, soapy water, and a Ear syringing is a simple and common procedure, but it
pair will last between 6 and 12 months.) should be performed with caution.

Use of tissue ‘spears’ for otitis Contraindications

externa and media Syringing should not be performed in the acute stages
The debris from otitis externa and the discharge from of otitis media or when perforation of the tympanic
otitis externa or media can be mopped out with ‘spears’ membrane cannot be excluded. In these instances, wax
fashioned from toilet paper or other tissue. They are should be cleared with a hook or curette under direct
widely used in Indigenous children. In otitis externa this vision (Fig. 13.6a).
toileting can be followed by acetic acid 0.25% washout— In otitis externa, syringing may be performed to
then topical steroid and antibiotic ointment if necessary. remove debris from the canal. Meticulous drying after
the procedure is mandatory.
Preventing swimmer’s otitis Wax softeners
externa Proprietary preparations may be used as an alternative
Get patients to rinse ears out with fresh water (possibly to syringing or to assist removal, but dioctyl sodium
using a 5 mL syringe) and then dry with a hair dryer sulphosuccinate should not be used if perforation
on moderate heat. is suspected. Sodium bicarbonate (available on
Chapter 13 | Ear, nose and throat 199

(a) reduced by coating the inner plunger with petroleum

jelly; it can also be primed with liquid soap. Water at body
temperature (37°C) is a satisfactory solution (vertigo,
nausea and vomiting may be precipitated by excessively
hot or cold fluid coming in contact with the tympanic
The nozzle of the syringe should rest just inside the
auditory meatus and the syringe should be angled slightly
upwards (Fig. 13.6b). Water directed along the roof of
the external auditory canal cascades around and behind
the plug of wax. Pulling the pinna upward and slightly
backward straightens the canal, and may assist partial
separation of the wax plug.
While a kidney dish is the traditional collecting vessel
for the syringed fluid, an empty plastic ice cream ‘bucket’
is a practical alternative: the pliable sides mould easily
into the shape of the neck. Another improvised ear ‘cup’
(b) can be cut out from a used hospital 1 L plastic bottle. A
small recess can be made for the ear (Fig. 13.6c).
Method 2
This is a very effective system that provides a constant
flow of water, maximum safety, and a free hand when
syringing the ear.


Fig. 13.5  Ear piercing method

prescription) or olive oil drops may also be used. (b)

Culinary vegetable oil can be used by the patient prior
to visiting the office.
A study by Kamien led to the conclusion ‘that the most
effective, cheapest and least messy cerumenolytic is a
15% solution of sodium bicarbonate’. It can be readily
made by dissolving ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate
in 10 mL of water. Apply it with a dropper.
Another simple method is to fill the ear with liquid (c)
soap. Request the patient to ‘pump’ their tragus for a
couple of minutes then attempt syringing.
Ear syringing for ear
Method 1
The syringe should have a properly fitting nozzle and
an airtight plunger. Friction in a metal syringe can be part of 1 L
plastic bottle
200 Practice Tips

metal weight Higginson syringe

eustachian catheter
extra tubing

Fig. 13.6 Removal of wax: (a) a hook is rotated behind the wax to remove it; (b) syringing technique, in which water is directed
around (not at) wax; (c) ear ‘cup’ to collect water; (d) the Higginson syringe with special attachments

The apparatus consists of: Use

• a Higginson syringe This ‘ear syringe’ is flexible, safe and easy to use, especially
• a heavy metal washer (acts as a weight) for children. The curve at the end of the tubing permits
• a metal eustachian catheter good positioning in the ear canal.
• additional tubing. Note: Some doctors testify to the value of adding
The washer maintains the rubber syringe in the basin a small quantity of povidone-iodine solution to the
of water during the ear syringing. The metal eustachian water, especially if otitis externa is present. Others prefer
catheter provides an ‘accurate’ jet of water, which is aimed hydrogen peroxide (100 mL bottles of 30 mg/mL are
superiorly above the wax in the usual, recommended available in supermarkets) for ear toilet, especially with
manner (Fig. 13.6b). low-grade otitis externa.
Hair spray and hard wax
If the patient complains of deafness due to water retention,
instil acetic acid-alcohol drops (Aquaear or Ear Clear). People who use hair sprays are prone to developing hard
This gives instant hearing. Some doctors routinely use wax if it finds its way into the ear canal. Advise these
these drops after syringing out the wax. people to cover their ears when they use the spray.
‘butterfly’ cannula
A ‘gentle’ ear syringe with needle
cut off plastic
A simple ear syringe can be improvised from a 20 mL tubing
20 mL syringe
or 50 mL syringe and a plastic ‘butterfly’ intravenous
cannula.The apparatus is also useful for instilling ointment
20 15 10
to treat otitis externa.

Firmly attach the ‘butterfly’ cannula to the syringe and cut
off the tubing, leaving it about 3–4 cm long (Fig. 13.7). Fig. 13.7 A ‘gentle’ ear syringe
Chapter 13 | Ear, nose and throat 201

Recognising the ‘unsafe’ ear this discharge is being cleaned from the external auditory
canal. The types of discharge are compared in Table 13.1.
Examination of an infected ear should include inspection
of the attic region, the small area of drum between the
lateral process of the malleus, and the roof of the external Table 13.1 Comparison of types of discharge
auditory canal immediately above it. A perforation here Unsafe Safe
renders the ear ‘unsafe’ (Fig. 13.8a); other perforations,
not involving the drum margin (Fig. 13.8b), are regarded Source Cholesteatoma Mucosa
as ‘safe’. Odour Foul Inoffensive
The status of a perforation depends on the presence
of accumulated squamous epithelium (termed Amount Usually scant, Can be profuse
cholesteatoma) in the middle ear, because this erodes never profuse
bone. An attic perforation contains such material; safe Nature Purulent Mucopurulent
perforations do not.
Cholesteatoma is visible through the hole as white flakes, Management
unless it is obscured by discharge or a persistent overlying If an attic perforation is recognised or suspected, specialist
scab. Either type of perforation can lead to a chronic infective referral is essential. Cholesteatoma cannot be eradicated by
discharge, the nature of which varies with its origin. Mucus medical means: surgical removal is necessary to prevent
admixture is recognised by its stretch and recoil when a serious intratemporal or intracranial complication.
superior margin of Air pressure pain when flying
attic tympanic membrane
Ear pain during descent can be helped by instilling a
nasal decongestant such as Drixine 1 hour beforehand,
and also by chewing gum during descent.

Excision of ear lobe cysts

Small ear lobe cysts can be removed by simple excision
with the aid of ring forceps (meibomian clamps). Such
forceps are especially useful when they can be applied over
accessible areas, such as eyelids, lips, webbing, scrotum
and ear lobes. They enable a firm hold over a small cyst
and help to control haemostasis.
lateral process 1. For a small ear lobe cyst, apply the forceps over the
of malleus ear and clamp so that the surface chosen for excision
occupies the open ring.
(b) 2. Make an incision over the cyst with a small scalpel
blade and dissect the cyst gently away from adherent
tissue (Fig. 13.9).
3. Once it is relatively free, it may be possible to squeeze
out the entire cyst by digital pressure on either side.

Infected ear lobe

The cause is most likely a contact allergy to nickel in the
jewellery, complicated by a Staphylococcus infection.
Management method
1. Discard the earrings.
2. Clean the site to eliminate residual traces of nickel.
Fig. 13.8 Infected ear: (a) unsafe perforation; (b) safe 3. Swab the site, then commence antibiotics (broad-
perforation spectrum antistaphylococcus).
202 Practice Tips



over cyst butterfly

ear lobe Fig. 13.10 Removal of embedded earring stud

ring forceps
(meibomian clamp) Tropical ear
For severe painful otitis externa, which is common in
Fig. 13.9  Excision of ear lobe cysts tropical areas:
• prednisolone (orally) 15 mg statim, then 10 mg
4. Get the patient to clean the site daily, then apply the 8 hourly for six doses, followed by
appropriate ointment. • Merocel ear wick or ichthammol and glycerine wick
5. Use a ‘noble metal’ stud to keep the tract patent. • topical Locacorten Vioform or Sofradex drops for
6. Advise the use of only gold, silver or platinum studs 10 days.
in future.
Instilling otic ointment
Embedded earring stud
Otic ointment can be instilled into the ear canal, starting
The embedded earring stud can be difficult to remove, from deep near the tympanic membrane, by using
but a simple technique using curved mosquito artery the ‘gentle’ ear syringe described on page 200 for ear
forceps can disimpact the stud easily. The typical stud syringing. A more economical way is to use a small 1
consists of a post that slots into a butterfly clip. or 2 mL syringe to squirt in 0.5–1 mL of cream, e.g. a
Method mixture of hydrocortisone and clotrimazole.
1. Insert the tips of the mosquito artery forceps into the
two openings of the butterfly clip. Problems with cotton buds
2. Open the forceps, thus gently springing apart the Avoid cotton buds to instil ointment and other material
butterfly clip (Fig. 13.10).This manoeuvre removes the in the ear. Don’t use cotton buds to clean the ear. They
pressure on the post, and the stud can then be separated. tend to impact wax and other debris.

The nose
Treatments for epistaxis Other simple office methods
Remember to use protective eyewear if there is significant • Remove any clots—blow nose and then apply 5–6
bleeding. sprays of a decongestant nasal spray (e.g. Drixine).
• A cotton wool ball soaked in Xylocaine with adrenaline
Simple tamponade or a decongestant is also a useful method.
In most instances, haemostasis can be obtained by pinching
the ‘soft’ part of the nose between a finger and thumb Matchstick tamponade
for 5 minutes and applying ice packs to the bridge of the Several practitioners claim excellent results using a
nose (Fig. 13.11). matchstick (¾ of its length) jammed up in a horizontal
Chapter 13 | Ear, nose and throat 203

ice pack 1. A small loop can be made in the broach by bending
the wire around the tip of fine forceps.
2. The loop is placed in the TCA so that a small amount
fits neatly in the loop.
3. The loop is then applied to the appropriate site on
Little’s area in the nasal septum (Fig. 13.12). The small
amount of acid is delivered accurately and cauterises a
specific area, without spillage to the healthy adjacent

broach with a
fine loop

Fig. 13.11 Simple tamponade method for epistaxis

position under the upper lip to the roof of the gum

reflection on the teeth. Leave it in place for several minutes. little’s area
It compresses the superior labial arteries that also supply vessel
the nasal septum.
Note: Dental packing (hard cotton wool roll) would
be ideal and preferable to a matchstick.

Simple cautery of Little’s area

Local anaesthetic
Cophenylcaine forte nasal spray—leave 5 minutes;
or Fig. 13.12 Shows loop of broach applied to the site
an equal mixture of 10% cocaine HCl and adrenaline of bleeding
1:1000 (0.5 mL of each) soaked in a small piece of cotton
wool about the size of a 5 cent piece. This pledget is
gently compressed against the area and left for 2 minutes. Intermittent minor nose bleeds
Cautery methods If not actively bleeding:
• avoid nose blowing
The three methods of cautery are: • avoid digital trauma
• electrocautery • apply petroleum jelly (e.g. Vaseline) or an antibiotic
• trichloroacetic acid (pure) ointment twice daily for 2–3 weeks.
• silver nitrate stick (preferred).
Fashion cotton wool onto the end of the silver nitrate Recurrent anterior epistaxis
stick to dry the treated site. Put the silver nitrate directly
onto the small vessels. Beware of silver nitrate stains. Apply For patients with recurrent epistaxis from Little’s area,
Vaseline twice daily to the cauterised area. especially in the presence of localised rhinitis, several
topical options are available:
• Nasalate cream tds for 7 to 10 days, or
Use of dental broach for treatment • Aureomycin or Nemdyn otic ointment bd or tds for
of epistaxis 10 days, or
A dental broach can be modified to pick up a small but • Rectinol ointment.
adequate amount of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) for nasal Rectal ointment containing local anaesthetic and a
cautery. vasoconstrictor, e.g. Rectinol, is a very useful topical agent.
204 Practice Tips

Persistent anterior bleed The Epistat catheter: A special catheter called the Epistat
has been developed specifically for this method. It is ideal
Use Merocel (surgical sponge) nasal tampon or a Kaltostat
but relatively costly. It has two inflatable balloons, one to
pack or a vaginal tampon.
act as a stay posteriorly and a wider ‘anterior’ balloon.
There is a central airway in the device. This catheter can
Severe posterior epistaxis be autoclaved for further use.
Occasionally, severe posterior nasal bleeding cannot
be controlled by an anterior pack. Insertion of a Instilling nose drops
nasopharyngeal pack via the oropharynx is technically
difficult and distressing for the patient. A simple and To achieve the best results from nasal drops instil as
effective method of applying postnasal pressure uses a follows:
Foley catheter. • to insert into the left side, incline the head to the left
The traditional ribbon nasal pack with bismuth • for the right side, incline the head to the right.
iodoform paraffin paste (BIPP) can still be used, or
glycerine or Vaseline can be used instead of BIPP. Offensive smell from the nose
Method Ensure no foreign body present.
1. Anaesthetise the nasal passage. Treatment
2. Select a small Foley catheter (no. 10, 12, 14 or 16) • mupirocin 2% nasal ointment
with a 30 mL balloon and self-sealing rubber stopper. instil 2 to 3 times a day or
3. Lubricate the deflated catheter and pass it directly into • Kenacomb ointment
the nasal passage along the floor of the nose until instil 2 to 3 times a day
resistance is felt in the nasopharynx (the tip might
be visible behind the soft palate).
4. Using a 20 mL syringe, partially inflate the balloon Stuffy, running nose
with 5–8 mL of saline or, preferably, air. Treatment
5. Gradually withdraw the catheter until resistance is felt;
• Blow nose hard into disposable paper tissue or
inject another 5 mL of saline or air.
handkerchief until clear.
6. Draw the catheter taut so that the balloon fits snugly
• Nasal decongestant for 2 to 3 days only.
in the nasopharynx against the choana (Fig. 13.13).
• Steam inhalations with Friar’s Balsam or menthol.
7. Pack the anterior chamber with ribbon gauze in the
• Simply take promethazine (Phenergan) 25 mg nocte.
usual manner.
Note: The patient should be admitted to hospital.
Administration of oxygen might be necessary for the Senile rhinorrhoea
elderly patient whose respiration is compromised. This is a common, distressing problem in the elderly,
caused by failure of the vasomotor control of the
mucosa. It may be associated with a deviated septum
and dryness of the mucosa. The treatment is to keep the
nasal passages lubricated with an oil-based preparation
e.g. insufflation with an oily mixture (a commercial
preparation is Nozoil, which is sesame oil based) or
petroleum jelly. Topical decongestants can cause serious
side effects in the elderly.

Use of Nozoil (sesame oil preparation)

This can be used when temporary relief of dry and
crusting nasal tissue is required. This can be caused by:
• dry air
• CPAP and oxygen
• drugs such as isotretinoin
• age-related dryness ± rhinorrhoea
• post-surgery including cautery for epistaxis
Fig. 13.13 Semi-inflated Foley catheter in nasopharynx and • nasal steroid use
posterior nasal cavity • nasal crusting from colds and influenza.
Chapter 13 | Ear, nose and throat 205

Nasal factures • Skin lacerations (i.e. a compound fracture) usually

require early repair.
Fractures of the nose can occur in isolation or combined • The optimal time to reduce a fractured nose is about
with fractures of the maxilla or zygomatic arch. They may 10 days after injury. There is a window period of 2–3
result in nasal bridge bruising, swelling, non-alignment weeks before the fracture unites.
and epistaxis. Always check for a compound fracture or • Closed reduction under local or general anaesthetic is
head injury and, if present, leave alone and refer. If the the preferred treatment.
patient is seen immediately (such as on a sport’s field) • Open reduction is more suitable for bilateral fractures
with a straightforward lateral displacement, reduction with significant septal deviation, bilateral fractures with
may be attempted ‘on the spot’ with digital manipulation major dislocations or fractures of the cartilaginous
before distortion from soft tissue swelling. This involves pyramid.
simply using the fingers to push laterally on the outside
of the nose towards the injured side to realign the nose. Refer
Tips • Uncontrolled epistaxis
• Recurrent epistaxis
• X-rays are generally unhelpful unless excluding other • Concern about cosmetic alignment
facial skeletal injuries.
• If a deformity is present, refer the patient within 7
days, ideally from days 3–5.

Miscellaneous ENT pearls

Hands-free headlight pump, which limits the distribution to the nose only,
or as a 200 mL douche bottle to thoroughly wash nasal
Ideal hands-free lights to examine the ears, nose and throat and sinus cavities.
include the Vorath headlight kit or the Welch Allyn portable
binocular microscope, the LumiView—a headband flat
surface magnifier.
A less expensive alternative is a caving headlamp, which Hiccoughs (hiccups)
can be obtained at a camping shop at a reasonable cost. For simple brief episodes, try any of the following.
• Rebreathe air in a paper bag (as for hyperventilation).
Self-propelled antral and nasal • Hold the breath.
washout • Suck ice/swallow iced water.
• Swallow a teaspoon of table sugar (some practitioners
This method works well for patients with persistent
add vinegar to the sugar; others, whisky or gin).
catarrh and sinus problems.
• Swallow 20 mL of spirits (37% or more alcohol).
Equipment • Insert a catheter quickly in and out of the nose.
You will need: • Apply pressure on the eyeballs.
• a drinking straw When persistent (assuming exclusion of the organic
• a tea cup diseases):
• warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon • chlorpromazine orally or IV, or
of sodium bicarbonate. • valproic acid.
Consider acupuncture, hypnosis or phrenic nerve block.
1. Place the straw in the water and the other end in the
nostril. Nasal catheter for hiccoughs
2. Holding the other nostril closed with a finger, the Persistent hiccoughs can be arrested quickly by irritation
patient inhales the fluid rapidly into the nostril and of the nose with a soft rubber or plastic nasal catheter.
then expectorates. The method is particularly useful for the post-operative
Use of FLO sinus care A catheter is introduced into one of the nasal
This preparation is a sinus douche of physiological passages and withdrawn as soon as the patient shows
‘extracellular fluid’. It can be delivered as a nasal metered irritation.
206 Practice Tips

Worth a try? Glue ears

Ask the patient what they ate for breakfast 2 days ago. The Autoinflation of ears via the eustachian tube can be
thoughtful pause that ‘freezes’ the diaphragm may work! achieved by a device called Otovent, which consists of a
balloon attached to a nose piece. The child with a glue ear
Snoring holds the nose piece to the nostril and inflates the balloon
to the size of a grapefruit while keeping the other nostril
Important strategies to prevent snoring include: compressed with a finger and the mouth firmly closed.The
• avoid sleeping on the back balloon is then allowed to deflate while the child swallows.
• weight reduction to ideal weight It is performed 2 to 3 times a day for 2 to 3 weeks.
• no alcohol in the evening.
Otherwise refer to a medical consultant in sleep Auriscope as an alternative to
disorders. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
delivered through a special face mask may be prescribed. nasal specula
An auriscope with the widest possible attachment will
Nasal device allow an excellent view of the nasal cavity. The patient
should mouth breathe during the inspection.
A device suitable to prevent ‘collapsing’ of the front of
the nose is ‘Nozovent’, which is a simple medical-grade
plastic device that fits into the nose. The device, invented
Chronic anosmia following URTI
by a Swedish ENT surgeon, increases the diameter of the For patients complaining of loss of the sense of smell
nostrils and prevents them from collapsing on inhalation. following an upper respiratory infection, prescribe a
An Australian version is the Breathing Wonder, which is nasal decongestant such as Spray-Tish Menthol for 5 to
inexpensive and freely available. 7 days (maximum).

Ticklish throat
For an irritated persistent ticklish throat instruct the
Precautions patient to make a trilling musical sound like an opera
• Exclude drugs (including marijuana), vascular disease, singer for 2 to 3 minutes.
depression, aneurysm and vascular tumours.
• Be mindful of lonely elderly people living alone Doctor-assisted treatment for
(suicide risk).
benign paroxysmal positional
Management vertigo
• Educate and reassure the patient. Theory
• Encourage the patient to use relaxation techniques.
• Encourage background ‘noise’, e.g. music playing This condition is considered to be caused by displacement
during night. of floating crystalline calcium carbonate deposits
• Tinnitus maskers. (otoconia) in the posterior semicircular canal. This creates
• Hearing aids. the illusion of motion. The Brandt–Daroff exercises
can be performed by the patient at home. The particle
Drug trials to consider (limited efficacy) repositioning manoeuvres of Semont and Epley can be
• Betahistine (Serc) 8–16 mg daily (max 32 mg) performed as office procedures by the therapist.
• Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
• Antidepressants The Epley manoeuvre
• Sodium valproate (Epilim, Valpro, Valprease) This exercise should be tried first. The basic manoeuvres
are (Fig. 13.14):
Acute severe tinnitus • move the patient’s head into four different positions
Slow IV injection of 1% lignocaine (as for migraine—see • hold the head in each postural position for 1 minute
p. 11). Up to about 5 mL is very effective. • after doing this sit still for 10 minutes to allow the
crystals to settle.
Swallowing with a sore throat Method
Rather than painful sipping of fluids, advise the patient 1. The patient sits on the bed with the head slightly
to fill the mouth with as much fluid as possible and extended and turned 45° in the direction that
then swallow. precipitated the vertigo (Fig. 13.14a).
Chapter 13 | Ear, nose and throat 207

(a) (d)







Fig. 13.14  (a) to (e) The Epley manoeuvre for treatment of right-sided disease (reverse head position for left-sided disease)
Reproduced from Therapeutic Guidelines: Neurology, 2011, with permission.

2. Lie the patient on their back with the head hanging opposite to that which precipitated the vertigo (the
over a pillow placed at the shoulder level. Wait 1 minute unaffected ear).
(Fig. 13.14b). 2. While maintaining the head position, tip the patient to
3. From this position turn the head through 90° to the the affected side so that they are lying on the affected
opposite side and wait 1 minute (Fig. 13.14c). side (with nose up) and wait 1 minute.
4. Turn the head through a further 90° and roll onto that 3. Move the patient quickly 180° through the upright
side so that the ear is parallel to the floor. Wait another position (maintaining the original head position) and
minute (Fig. 13.14d). lower to the other side (nose now pointing down).
5. Slowly sit the patient upright and still for 10 minutes Wait 1 minute.
(Fig. 13.14e). 4. Slowly return the patient to the upright position and
Follow up: Get the patient to sleep in a semi-upright then rotate the head to the normal position. Sit still
position. Repeat until the attacks abate. in this position for 10 minutes.

The Semont manoeuvre (Fig. 13.15)

1. Sit the patient upright in the middle and on the edge
of the bed or couch. Turn the head 45° to the side
208 Practice Tips



Fig. 13.15  (A) to (C) The Semont manoeuvre. For right-sided problems, the labelled boxes show the orientation of the
vestibular labyrinth in each head position with the corresponding positions of the free-floating deposits that eventually fall into
the utricular cavity on completion of a successful particle repositioning manoeuvre
Reproduced from Therapeutic Guidelines: Neurology, 2003, with permission.
Chapter 14
The eyes

Basic kit for eye examination which is easy to withdraw and has a handle that keeps
fingers out of the field of inspection (Fig. 14.1).
Recommended by the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear 2. Care must be taken not to slide the end of the clip
Hospital, the kit comprises: over the lid but to place it gently and precisely along
• eye-testing charts at 18 inches (46 cm) and 10 feet the appropriate line (about 15 mm from the edge of
(305 cm) the lid and parallel to it).
• multiple pin holes 3. You must also make sure not to slide the end of the
• fluorescein sterile paper strips, e.g. Flourets clip across the lid and scratch it on removal.
• torch Care must also be taken with uncooperative children.
• magnification (necessary to examine cornea)
• isotonic saline solution to irrigate eyes
• local anaesthetic (e.g. MINIMS unidose)
• sterile cotton buds
• glass rod to double-evert eyelids in chemical burns
• non-allergenic tape (e.g. Micropore).
Eye tip: The eye holds only one drop of liquid, which
usually remains in the eye for only a few seconds.
The action can be prolonged by pinching on either side
of the nose to occlude the lacrimal duct for 60 seconds.

Eversion of the eyelid

Paperclip method
No eye examination is complete without eversion of the
upper eyelid to exclude hidden pathology, particularly
a foreign body.
The method generally taught is to evert the lid over a
matchstick, but this can be difficult. The use of a paperclip
can simplify this examination.
1. By bending the long arm of the paperclip to make a right
angle, you can create an instrument with a fine diameter, Fig. 14.1  Paperclip method for eyelid eversion
210 Practice Tips

Cotton bud method burns’ to both corneas some 5 to 10 hours previously.

The use of a cotton bud is recommended for eyelid Sources of UV light such as sunlamps and snow reflection
eversion. Its effectiveness depends on correct placement. can cause a reaction.
1. Ask the patient to put the chin up and to look down. Management
2. Gently grasp the eyelashes of the upper lid between
the index finger and thumb of the non-dominant hand • Local anaesthetic (long-acting) drops, e.g. amethocaine
and pull gently downwards. 1% eye drops: once only application (do not allow the
3. Apply the cotton bud 15 mm above the upper eyelid patient to take home more drops).
margin. • Instil homatropine 2% drops statim.
4. With gentle pressure, push the bud back while lifting • Analgesics, e.g. paracetamol, for 24 hours.
the lashes upward. • Broad spectrum antibiotic eye ointment in lower fornix
5. Eversion of the lid can be maintained even after removal (to prevent infection).
of the cotton bud. • Firm eye padding for 24 hours, when eyes reviewed
(avoid light).
Blepharitis • A cold compress applied to the lid can be soothing.
The eye usually heals completely in 48 hours. If not, check
Blepharitis is inflammation of the lid margins and is for a foreign body. Use fluorescein if in doubt.
commonly associated with secondary ocular effects such Note: Contact lens ‘overwear syndrome’ gives the same
as styes, chalazia and conjunctival or corneal ulceration. symptoms.
There are three main causes or types:
• seborrhoeic—associated with seborrhoeic dermatitis
• rosacea—associated with facial seborrhoea Wood’s light and fluorescein
• staphylococcal—due to S. aureus. After fluorescein is instilled into the eye, look for a
dendritic ulcer with a Wood’s light.
Corneal ulceration, recurrent staphylococcal infections.
Simple topical antiseptics for
Management mild conjunctivitis
• Eyelid hygiene is the mainstay of therapy. The crusts • Saline: prepare a saline solution by dissolving a
and other debris should be gently cleaned with a dessertspoon of salt in 500 mL of boiled water then
cotton wool bud dipped in clean, warm water or a bathe the eye regularly (1 to 2 hourly) with cotton
1:10 dilution of baby shampoo or a solution of sodium wool or gauze.
bicarbonate, once or twice daily. • Dilute povidone-iodine solution: dilute Betadine
An alternative is to apply a warm water or saline soak with solution 1 in 10 parts water and use this to clean
gauze for 20 minutes followed by a rest for 60 minutes. the eye.
• Treat infection with an antibiotic ointment smeared
on the lid margin (this may be necessary for several
months), e.g. tetracycline 1% or bacitracin ointment Removing ‘glitter’ from the eye
to lid margins 3 to 6 hourly. Make-up glitter can adhere to the conjunctiva and
• For chronic blepharitis, short-term use of a cornea. Its removal can be aided by ointment such as
corticosteroid ointment, e.g. hydrocortisone 0.5%, chloromycetin or hydrocortisone, which binds it and
can be very effective. ‘flushes’ it to the inner canthus where it can be removed
• Ocular lubricants such as artificial tear preparations by wiping with a tissue or gauze.
may greatly relieve symptoms of keratoconjunctivitis
sicca (dry eyes), e.g. hypromellose 1%.
• Control scalp seborrhoea with regular medicated Dry eyes
shampoos, e.g. ketoconazole. Dry eyes can cause burning or stinging, itching, a
• Systemic antibiotics may be required for lid abscess. gritty sensation, redness and a feeling of ‘something
• Discontinue wearing contact lenses until the problem in the eye’.
has cleared.
Simple test
Flash burns Hold the eyelids wide apart for about 20 seconds—it
A common problem usually presenting at night is bilateral will reproduce symptoms such as burning, stinging
painful eyes from keratitis caused by ultraviolet ‘flash or dryness.
Chapter 14 | The eyes 211

Treatment (a)
For uncomplicated dry eyes it is usual to use artificial
tear preparations, which relieve the symptoms. In some
people these may be needed for life.
There are three main types of artificial tears:
• Lubricating drops: these are instilled during the day,
usually 1 to 2 drops about 4 times a day or as often
as required.
Examples: Liquifilm, Teardrops, Murine Tears, Isopto (b)
Tears, Tears Naturale, Methopt.
• Lubricating gels or ointments: these are instilled at
bed time.
Examples: Poly Vise, Duratears, Lacri-Lube OSP.
• Stimulant drops: these are given in the same ways as
lubricating drops and are very effective.
Examples: Thera Tears, Cellufresh.
Remember that bathing the eyes with clean water
will help relieve dry eyes. Room humidifiers also help
in rooms where there is dry heating. adhesive tape 3 cm

Eyelash disorders
Irritation of the eye by lashes rubbing on it is usually
1 cm
caused by either entropion or ingrowing lashes.
Fig. 14.2 Treatment of entropion: (a) before; (b) after
With entropion, the eyelashes of the lower lid are
pushed to the side by the regular inturning. The Removal of corneal foreign body
condition can be demonstrated by asking the patient Use adequate magnification with a magnifying loupe,
to close the eyes tightly and then open the eyes. The ideally those with an inbuilt light source. Use local
danger is ulcerative scarring of the cornea by the anaesthetic (e.g. benoxinate HCl).
eyelashes, so it should be examined by staining with
fluorescein. Recent and superficial
Entropion in the frail elderly can be corrected by the Attempt removal of the foreign body (FB) by using a
use of a strip of hypoallergenic, non-woven surgical tape sterile cotton bud, lightly moistened with a drop of local
(1 cm × 3 cm). Attach one end to the lower lid just below anaesthetic, to gently lift it off.
the lashes, with tension sufficient to hold the lid everted,
and the remainder to the face (Fig. 14.2). It should be Embedded
changed as often as necessary and may be done by a Use a sterile, disposable needle (25- or 23-gauge) with
relative, the doctor or a district nurse. a small syringe attached to steady the needle. It is best
to bend the end of the needle so that it forms a scoop.
Hold the unit with a pen grip and keep the bevel
Ingrowing eyelashes (trichiasis) upwards. Introduce the needle horizontally so that the
In this condition the lid is in a normal position but tip lifts the edge of the FB (Fig. 14.3a).
the eyelashes may grow inward. Magnification may be
necessary. The rust ring
For only a few ingrowing lashes, epilation is the best The needle can lift loosely bound rust.
method. Use fine-artery forceps, jeweller’s forceps or, A sterile dental burr can be used. The burr, which
better still, eyebrow tweezers (available from chemists) is applied vertically, should be rotated gently once
to pluck out the offending eyelashes. The lashes tend to and then the cornea inspected after each rotation
regrow, and regular epilation may be necessary. (Fig. 14.3b). This should not be attempted on deep
If there are many ingrowing eyelashes, the best options rust or central FBs.
are electrolysis of the hair roots or cryotherapy. An ‘automatic’ safety burr can be used.
212 Practice Tips

(a) The abrasion may be associated with an ulcer, which

is a defect in the epithelial cell layer of the cornea.
• Ocular pain
• Watering of the eye
• Foreign body sensation
• Blurred vision
Think corneal abrasion if the eye is ‘watering’ and painful.
This is best performed with a slit lamp using a cobalt blue
filter and fluorescein staining. Place a drop of LA on the end
(b) of a fluorescein strip (or two drops into the conjunctival
sac). If a slit lamp is unavailable, the direct ophthalmoscope
can be used to provide illumination as well as blue light
for corneal examination. Magnifying loupes can then be
used for viewing the illuminated cornea. You usually see
an epithelial flap of tissue on the cornea.
• Stain with fluorescein and look for a foreign body.
• Treat with chloramphenicol 1% ointment ±
homatropine 2% (if pain due to ciliary spasm).
• Consider double eye pad for 24 hours (max.).
• Give analgesics.
• Consider an ice pack on the eyelid (best avoided).
Fig. 14.3 Removal of foreign body: (a) disposable needle • Review in 24 hours.
steadied with syringe using a horizontal approach; (b) dental • Consider specialist referral.
burr rotated once, using a direct vertical approach

Assessing the depth of injury—Seidal test The recurrent erosive syndrome

This test can evaluate suspected global rupture but a slit Be aware of this syndrome especially with fingernail
lamp with a cobalt blue filter is ideal. Apply 2% fluorescein injuries. Pain is triggered upon opening the eye first
eye drops and observe to see if the dye is diluted by leaking thing in the morning because the lid pulls off epithelium.
aqueous fluid. The ruptured area stains weakly while Treatment is Lacri-Lube applied at night.
bright green concentrated dye surrounds the leak site.
Excision of Meibomian cyst
Follow-up The meibomian cyst (tarsal cyst, chalazion) is simple
Instil antibiotic drops and pad the eye for 30 minutes only. to treat by incision of the cyst and curettage of its wall.
Review at 24 hours. Inspect and stain the cornea with
fluorescein. Continue to instil antibiotic drops 3 times a Equipment
day for 3 days. (Drops are preferable to ointment.) You will need:
• a small syringe and needle
Precautions • a chalazion clamp (blepharostat)
• Do not give LA for pain relief. • a chalazion curette
• Refer deep rust stains to experts. • a scalpel handle and no. 11 blade.
• Never forcibly rub the cornea. Note: A disposable kit is now available.
• Do not use corticosteroids on the eye initially.
• Get patients to wait until LA wears off (about 20 Method
minutes). They should drive home without an eye pad. 1. Instil LA drops (e.g. MINIMS oxybuprocaine,
benoxinate HCl).
Corneal abrasion and ulceration 2. Inject about 1 mL of 2% lignocaine around the cyst
The many causes of abrasions include trauma from a through the skin (see Fig. 14.4a).
foreign body, fingernails including ‘French nails’, contact 3. Apply the chalazion clamp, with the solid plate on
lenses, UV burns and insects. the skin side.
Chapter 14 | The eyes 213

(a) 8. Apply a small quantity of chloramphenicol eye

9. Remove the clamp and then double-pad the eye,
folding one pad over to ensure firm pressure.
Advise the patient to change the eye pad 24 hours
later and to clean away the debris with warm water or
meibomian cyst saline. Apply the ointment daily until the conjunctiva has
healed (3 to 5 days).

Local anaesthetic for the eyelid

(b) For minor surgical procedures of the eyelid, such as a
meibomian cyst, it is advisable to infiltrate local anaesthetic
just under the skin of the eyelid around the lump.
Start from the outer aspect of the lid with the needle
entry being about 10 mm below the eyelid margin for
cysts of the lower lid.
Keep the needle tangential to the globe (Fig. 14.4a) and
use about 1.5–2 mL of 1 or 2% lignocaine with adrenaline.

Non-surgical treatment for

Meibomian cysts
Before proceeding to excision of a meibomian cyst
(chalazion), another method is worth attempting.
• Twice daily ‘hot spoon’ the eye. (Pad a spoon with
cotton wool and a bandage, dip in hot water and
gradually bring it up to the eye—similar to steaming
(c) the painful eye) (Fig. 14.5).
• After ‘hot spooning’ for 5 minutes, instil ‘golden
eye ointment’ (or soframycin eye ointment if use of
mercury compounds is undesirable).
• Massage the ointment into the chalazion for 5 minutes.
• Using this method twice a day, it usually takes 2 to
4 weeks for the meibomian cysts to resolve.

meibomian cyst

Fig. 14.4 Removal of meibomian cyst: (a) the cyst;

(b) incising with clamp in place; (c) curetting contents

4. Tighten the clamp just enough to stop the bleeding.

5. Evert the eyelid to expose the bulging cyst in the ring.
6. Make a vertical incision in the cyst (Fig. 14.4b) to
avoid damage to other glands. padded spoon
7. Vigorously scrape out cyst contents with the curette
(Fig. 14.4c). Fig. 14.5 Simple treatment for meibomian cyst
214 Practice Tips

Padding the eye 2. Lie down or sit with head over the back of a lounge chair.
3. Look up, spread the lower eyelid and instil the drop
The materials used are single packs of sterile gauze into the lateral conjunctival sac.
eye pads and 25 mm non-allergenic (Micropore) tape. 4. Close the eyes and press a finger against the lacrimal
A single, flat eye pad is satisfactory for protection, but for sac to stop quick drainage.
healing, especially for the cornea, more care is required.
Method Visual acuity
1. Two pads are required for healing. A representation of a Snellen eye chart, comparing
2. Fold the first eye pad so that the folded edge rests just the metric and British ‘feet’ distances is shown in
below the eyebrow (Fig. 14.6). Figure 14.8.
3. The pad is then reinforced by a single, flat pad over Choose the appropriate distance and ask the patient
the top. to cover one eye and note the eye being tested. If the
4. Secure the pads firmly and apply 25 mm non-allergenic patient has a pair of distance glasses, ask them to
tape carefully to the skin. read the lowest possible line left to right. Then test
Precaution: Never pad a discharging infected eye. the other eye, reading the lines from right to left. If
the acuity is reduced out of either eye, then a pinhole
must be used to help compensate for an uncorrected
refracture error. Finally assess acuity with both eyes
open and glasses on.

The pinhole test for blurred

The pinhole test (Fig. 14.7a) is a useful and under-utilised
test in clinical practice.
It is important to use the test for any patient presenting
with indistinct or blurred vision, whether it is sudden or
gradual, painful or painless.
The pinhole reduces the size of the blur circle on the
retina in the uncorrected eye.
Fig. 14.6  Method of eye padding A pinhole acts as a universal correcting lens and a
1 mm pinhole will improve acuity in refractive errors. If
not, further investigation is mandatory as the defective
Managing styes vision is not due to a refractive error.
A stye is an acute abscess of a lash follicle or associated
glands, caused usually by Staphylococcus aureus. Using a multiple pinhole occluder
Treat as for any acute abscess, by drainage when the Multiple pinhole occluders are freely available (Fig. 14.7b).
abscess has pointed. The patient is given the occluder and tests vision in one
eye by covering the other eye and then examining an
Method eye chart through any pinhole. The other eye is tested
1. Direct steam from a thermos onto the closed eye (see by reversing the procedure for the eyes.
Fig. 14.9), or use a hot compress. This helps the stye If the blurred vision is normalised and no other
to discharge. abnormality is discovered on ophthalmic examination,
2. Perform lash epilation to allow drainage of pus. (Incise the patient should be referred for a sight test. If the vision
with a D11 blade if epilation does not work.) is unchanged, an organic cause should be suspected and
3. Use chloramphenicol ointment if the infection is appropriate referral arranged.
spreading locally.
Relief of ocular pain by heat
Application of drops Heat, in the form of steam, applied to the closed eye is
The following instructions are advisable for patients: practical and very effective for the symptomatic relief of
1. Avoid contamination of the tip of the dropper bottle any ocular pain. Indications for the use of steam include
(fingers, eyelashes, etc.). styes, meibomian cysts and iritis.
Chapter 14 | The eyes 215

(a) (b)


Fig. 14.7  (a) Pinhole test for blurred vision; (b) multiple pinhole occluder


1. Using a thermos of boiled water, allow steam to rise
Metric Feet onto the painful eye.
2. The eye must be closed for this treatment (Fig. 14.9).
3. The steaming, which should be comfortable to the
sore eye, is used for about 15 minutes.
6/60 20/200 Hot spoon bathing

Another method is to place a padded wooden spoon in
very hot water and hold it close to the eye.
6/36 20/120

H Z P 6/24 20/80

TXUD 6/18 20/60

Z A D N H 6/12 20/40
P N T U H X 6/9 20/30
U A Z N F D T 6/6 20/20
N P H T A F X U 6/5 20/16
Fig. 14.8 Snellen eye chart comparing the metric and ‘feet’
classification Fig. 14.9 Steaming the painful eye
216 Practice Tips

Chemical burns to the eye • Available in clear, amber, green and infrared for harmful
infrared and ultraviolet radiation.
Acid or alkali injury to the eye may occur from domestic
and industrial products, especially household cleaning Effective topical treatment of
products and cosmetics.
Alkali injury (e.g. oven and drain cleaners, lime, eye infections
cement, plaster and fertilisers) is more common and The application of eye ointment or drops for such
more severe. infections as conjunctivitis can be rendered ineffective
Alkali causes liquefactive necrosis of the surface by the presence of debris, such as mucopurulent exudate.
epithelium of the eye. Acid (e.g. from toilet cleaner, pool
cleaners, bleaches and battery fluid) causes coagulative Method
necrosis of the cornea. One simple method is to use a warm solution of
saline to bathe away any discharge from conjunctivae,
Equipment for treatment eyelashes and lids. The solution of saline is obtained
1 L bag of Hartmann or normal saline solution, IV tubing, by dissolving a teaspoonful of kitchen salt in 500 mL
litmus paper, cotton buds, benoxinate eye drops. of boiled water.
• Apply immediate copious irrigation of the eye for Hyphaema
30 minutes. Commence with tap water irrigation This is usually caused by injury from a fist/finger or ball,
followed by Hartmann or N saline solution via IV e.g. squash ball.
tubing until the pH is normalised.
• Ask the patient to look in all directions during Management
irrigation. • First, exclude a penetrating injury.
• Give a topical anaesthetic (benoxinate drops). • Avoid unnecessary movement: vibration will aggravate
• Sweep the upper and lower fornices with a moistened bleeding. (For this reason, do not use a helicopter if
cotton-tipped applicator as you lift the eyelids away evacuation is necessary.)
from the eye and remove any debris, including loose • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
conjunctival tissue. • Do not give aspirin (can induce bleeding).
• Stain with fluorsecein. Test and record vision and refer • Prescribe complete bed rest for 5 days and review the
for specialised assessment. patient daily.
• Apply padding over the injured eye for 4 days.
Protective industrial spectacles • Administer sedatives as required.
All workers at risk of eye injury should wear protective • Beware of ‘floaters’, ‘flashes’ and field defects.
spectacles. One recommended set of economical spectacles Arrange follow-up ophthalmic consultation to exclude
with polycarbonate lenses is Alsafe 20-20 (made by New glaucoma and retinal detachment (within 1 month).
Zealand Safety Ltd).
• One-piece wrap-around safety spectacles manufactured
from high-impact-resistant polycarbonate material
with scratch-resistant, coated lens.
Chapter 15
Tips on treating

Making friends Alternatively, use the diaphragm of your stethoscope

(preferably one with a small soft toy attached) to apply
• A good aphorism is: never examine the child until
pressure, starting lightly and then pressing harder while
you have made the mother laugh.
watching the child’s reaction. Rebound tenderness can
• Establish rapport in the waiting area with children—
also be tested.
show interest, use considerable eye contact and make
Perhaps the best abdominal palpation method is to
favourable comments.
use the child’s hand under yours to palpate.
• Ask them what they like to be called.
When performing painful procedures, a recommended
• Have special stickers to put on the backs of their
technique for infants (especially under 3 months) is ‘the
hands, T-shirts, etc.
three Ss’ method:
• Take time to converse and/or play with them.
• swaddling for firm containment
• Have interesting toys for them to handle while listening
• swaying (where appropriate)
to their parents.
• sucking using a pacifier (dummy) with 15–50%
• Compliment the child on, for example, a clothing
item or a toy or book they are carrying.
Another way of diverting a child’s attention, especially
• Ask them about their teacher or friends.
if giving an injection, is to blow up a balloon in front of
• Try to examine them on their parent’s lap.
them and let the air out slowly through a narrow opening
to make a high-pitched ‘squealing’ sound—or let it go
Distracting children and ‘shoot’ around the room.
Children are sometimes difficult to examine but can be When examining the ears of young children sitting
readily distracted, a characteristic the general practitioner can on their mother’s lap, difficulty is encountered when the
use effectively in carrying out the all-important examinations. child follows the auroscope light and moves his or her
In the consulting room, a small duck with a rattle head. A small rabbit or other animal on the desk, which,
inside it can be used for palpating the abdomen of at the press of a button under the desk, will play a drum,
young children. This seems more acceptable to them, as distracts the child sitting to the right and enables you to
it becomes a game and you obtain the same information get a good look into the left ear.
as if you had palpated with your hand. Similarly, over the examination couch, a clockwork
Another method of examining the abdomen in an revolving musical toy will distract the child for
upset child is to use a soft toy to play a game on the examination of the ear. It is also a distraction for the
abdomen and then slip your other hand under the toy examination of children on the couch, and can become
for closer assessment. a most useful instrument.
218 Practice Tips

An excellent method to distract upset or uncooperative undergoing minor procedures (e.g. veneuncture, IV
children is to blow bubbles for them. Have a bubble injections, lumbar puncture) should be given a dummy
blowing kit on hand for this. to ease the pain. This is reinforced using 15–50% sucrose
Another technique when giving an injection is to on the pacifier (dummy).
get the child to take a deep breath followed by a series Refer to the ‘cough trick’ under ‘Distracting Children’
of rapid blowing, during which the injection is given. on page 217.
Then there is the ‘cough trick’ whereby the child is
asked to perform a ‘warm up’ cough of moderate intensity, Deep breath with blowing
followed by a second cough to coincide with the vaccine distraction
needle puncture.
A distraction technique for giving children injections,
e.g. routine immunisations, is to get them to take a deep
Management of painful breath followed by a series of rapid blowing (similar to
procedures childbirth exercises).
The treatment of painful procedures in children requires
special consideration and planning because pain preventive Taking medicine
measures reduce both short-term and long-term morbidity. There are many tricks used by parents to get their children
Current evidence indicates that pain and distress in to swallow medicine. One method is to apply the mixture
children is poorly managed and children continue to to a chocolate ripple biscuit (or other suitable item).
suffer unnecessarily. This can lead to anticipatory anxiety, Another is to mix it into a small glass of a cola drink.
needle phobia and the avoidance of health care. Obviously,
it is impossible to make many basic procedures such as
immunisation and other injections painless, but there are Swallowing a tablet
strategies to minimise the pain. Before inflicting pain on Ask the child to put the tablet on the tip of the tongue
a child always consider if the procedure is justified. and then take a big suck on a straw from soft drink or
other fluid.
‘BitE the bullet’ strategy
Administration of fluids
A novel method of achieving the cooperation of some
children for an uncomfortable procedure such as giving Oral Sabin vaccine
injections or injecting local anaesthetic for suturing is Some older children refuse to take the vaccine from a
to distract them by asking them to ‘bite the bullet’ at the spoon.
appropriate time. Boys of primary school age in particular
seem very attracted to this novelty, as they equate it with Method
being brave and tough. 1. Introduce the vaccine with a syringe. The vaccine will
Rather than use a dead (gunpowder removed) .38 or .45 draw up readily into a 1 mL syringe (three drops equals
calibre bullet, which is too hard, a ‘toy’ bullet made out 0.2 mL: the usual dose is two drops).
of a plastic or rubber compound would be ideal. 2. Squirt the solution well back into the oropharynx
and to one side.
Method This avoids choking and prevents the child spitting
1. Explain the method to the child and parents. out the vaccine, a common problem with taking it from a
2. Place the ‘bullet’ between the child’s teeth and spoon. Many children enjoy the ‘waterpistol’ connotation.
ask a parent or assistant to hold the end of the bullet
firmly. Improving fluid intake in a small child
3. Ask the child to bite the bullet as you perform the Place a child who is refusing oral fluids in a bath with a
painful part of the procedure. face washer in such a way that the child is encouraged
Biting on a chocolate with a hard coating and a soft to suck the wet washer. Some children will do this even
centre is another novel tip. when they refuse to take fluids in the conventional manner.
This method will help to reduce fever, if present.
Using pacifiers (dummies) to
ease pain How to open the mouth
A study reported in the British Medical Journal (1999, 319, Some children refuse to open their mouths to have an
pp. 1393–7) recommended that all newborn babies examination of their throat. Getting the spatula between
Chapter 15 | Tips on treating children 219

clenched teeth is not easy. Hold their nose closed by gently Instilling eye drops in
pinching the nostrils together and they will reflexively cooperative children
open their mouth.
One tip is to ask the child to take a deep breath while Method
you inspect the pharynx with your torch. Another tip is 1. Gently hold the lower lid down.
to ask them to look up at a 45° degree angle and yawn, 2. Get the child to look up and instil the necessary drops.
or ask them to make a loud noise like a tiger. This may 3. Ensure that the tip of the bottle does not touch the
need to be repeated. eye (Fig. 15.2a).
If the child is unable to keep the eyes open:
Spatula sketches for children 1. Lay the child on his or her back.
2. When the eyes are ‘screwed up’, instil the drops into the
Many young patients have quickly forgotten any inspection depression formed above the inner canthus (Fig. 15.2b).
of their throats while observing the preparation of a 3. When the child opens the eyes (preferably slowly),
‘present’ in the form of a drawing on the wooden spatula the drops soon gravitate into the eye.
used in one practitioner’s examination. Note: This is suitable for antibiotic drops, but unsuitable
After the examination they are informed of their for drops acting through the autonomic nervous
special present, and you can then proceed to draw on system.
the unused end of the spatula. The drawings take about
15 seconds. (a)
Figure 15.1 illustrates three sketches from one
repertoire: a penguin (with optional bow tie), a caterpillar
and a racing car.
Tip: Use an ink pad with special stamps, e.g. Disney
characters, Bananas in Pyjamas, to stamp onto the spatulas.
Another idea is to make a human face on the spatula then
make a split of about 1–2 cm at the top of the spatula. Insert
wisps of cotton wool or tissue to create the impression of hair.

Ste cing
ra r


Fig. 15.2 Instilling eye drops in cooperative children

with GT
Intravenous cannula insertion
The preferred site is the dorsum of the non-dominant
penguin hand. Other sites are the radial aspect of the forearm, the
dorsum of the foot, great saphenous vein or cubital fossa.
Give topical local anaesthetic and consider an injection
Fig. 15.1 Spatula sketches of local anaesthetic (preferable).
Keep the child as still as possible by wrapping in a
sheet. Grasp the wrist and hand to facilitate insertion
Instilling nose drops into the dorsum of the hand. Keep the cannula as still as
A trick to get a toddler to inhale nose drops is to instill a possible at an angle of 10–15° and advance it gently into
drop or two at the nasal openings and cover the child’s the vein (Fig. 2.2). Splint the arm and wrap the whole
mouth. The reverse of the previous tip. arm in a firm crepe bandage.
220 Practice Tips

Use of subcutaneous local anaesthetic Button and disc battery ingestion

An intravenous cannulation can be very painful so insertion If not in the stomach, these (and especially lithium
of subcutaneous local anaesthetic is recommended. batteries) create an emergency if in the oesophagus,
because the electric current they generate destroys mucous
Method membranes and causes perforation within 6 hours. They
Draw up 1% lignocaine into an insulin syringe. After skin must be removed.
preparation, the skin overlying the target vessel is pulled This also applies to the ear canal and nares.
laterally and a small volume (about 0.2 mL) is injected into
the subcutaneous tissue.When the skin returns to its former Impacted foreign bodies
position, wait for 1 to 2 minutes and then insert the cannula.
Obstruction of the oropharynx and tracheal opening by
a larger foreign body (especially a large food bolus) can
Difficult vein access be rapidly fatal. As a rule, the obstruction can usually be
To raise a vein for cannulation in chubby children, removed by asking patients to cough (first line) or by
consider the methods on page 20 but remember that a giving them a sharp blow to the back. On the other hand,
neat vein can be raised over the fourth metacarpal on the sweeping a finger around the pharynx to hook out the
dorsum of the hand. bolus is a good method.
In children, a sternal thrust over the lower end of the
Easier access to a child’s arm sternum can be used to depress the chest for about one-
To achieve relaxation in an arm, for example to insert third of its diameter. Yet another method is to place the
an intravenous line, distract the child by getting them to child over your knees with head down, and apply blows
squeeze a special toy (as used in children’s hospitals) with to the back with a firmness applicable to the child’s age.
the hand of the opposite arm. This muscular activity of
one arm leads to relaxation of the opposite arm. Wound repair
Wherever possible it is worth using a simple painless
Swallowed foreign objects technique without compromising good healing.
Hard objects swallowed by children are common
emergencies in general practice. Scalp lacerations
A golden rule If lacerations are small but gaping, use the child’s hair
The natural passage of most objects entering the stomach as the suture. This, of course, only pertains to children
can be expected. Once the pylorus has been traversed, the with long hair. Do not use this method for large wounds.
foreign body usually continues.Typical foreign bodies are:
• coins Method
• buttons 1. Make a twisted bunch of the child’s own hair of
• sharp objects appropriate size on each side of the wound. (The
• open safety pins longer the hair, the better the result.)
• glass (e.g. ends of thermometers) 2. Tie a reef knot and then an extra holding knot to
• drawing pins. minimise slipping (Fig. 15.3).
Special cases are: 3. As you tie, ask an assistant to drip compound benzoin
• very large coins (e.g. 50 cent pieces): watch carefully tincture solution (Friar’s Balsam) or spray plastic skin
• hair clips (usually cannot pass duodenum if under or similar compound on the hair knot.
7 years). 4. As this congeals, the knot is further consolidated
against slipping.
Leave the hair suture long. The parents can cut the knot
• Manage conservatively. about 5 days later when the wound is healed.
• Investigate unusual gagging, coughing and retching The whole procedure is painless until tetanus toxoid
with X-rays of the head, neck, thorax and abdomen is given (if indicated).
(check nasopharynx and respiratory tract).
• Watch for passage of the foreign body in stool (usually
3 days). Avoid giving aperients. Forehead lacerations
• If not passed, order an X-ray in 1 week. Despite the temptation, avoid using reinforced paper
• If a blunt foreign body has been stationary for 1 month adhesive strips (Steri-strips) in children for open wounds.
without symptoms, remove at laparotomy. They will merely close the dermis and cause a thin,
Chapter 15 | Tips on treating children 221

the cornea or conjunctiva must be avoided, as this can cause

adhesions.The glue must not be used on mucosal surfaces.

in scalp • Ensure the wound is clean and dry and the wound
edges are precisely opposed. No gaps are permissible
with the glue method (Fig. 15.4).
• Clean the wound with normal saline or aqueous
chlorhexidine and let dry.
• Apply a thin layer of glue directly to the tissue edges
twisted to be joined with the fine end of the tapered plastic
bunch ampoule (Fig. 15.5)—squeeze out gently.
of hair


reef knot

Fig. 15.3  Method of using hair to repair scalp lacerations

stretched scar. They can be used only for very superficial
epidermal wounds and in conjunction with sutures.

Lacerated lip or gums

A practical method to soothe and distract an upset child with
a mouth wound is to ask the child to suck on a teaspoon
of sugar. This strategy seems to alleviate oozing of blood.

Glue for children’s wounds Fig. 15.4 Application of glue to a wound

A tissue adhesive glue can be used successfully to close
superficial, smooth and clean skin wounds, particularly
in children. It is useful for wounds less than 3 cm.

Skin glues—an alternative to sutures

coloured glue
Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesions are available for wound
closure. These glues act by polymerising with the thin
water layer on the skin’s surface to form a bond. Those
available include Histoacryl, Derma-bond and Epi-Glu.
Some practitioners find that a similar type, such as
Superglue, also serves the purpose but sterility and toxicity
have to be considered and so this is not recommended.
cut about here
The glue should be used only for superficial, dry, clean
and fresh skin wounds. It must not be applied for deep
wounds or wounds under excessive tension. Contact with Fig. 15.5 The ampoule of Histoacryl
222 Practice Tips

• Press the tissue surfaces together for 30 seconds. • Apply this solution on a piece of gauze or cotton wool
• Remove any excess glue immediately with a dry swab. placed inside the wound and hold in place with an
• Apply Steri-strips to prevent access to the wound, e.g. adhesive clear plastic dressing.
‘picking’ by the child. • Leave for 20 to 30 minutes (an area of blanching about
• Do not wash the wound for 3 to 4 days. 1 cm wide will appear around the wound).
Follow instructions in the product data sheet. Anaesthesia is obtained about 20 to 30 minutes after
Caution: The glue bonds skin and eye tissue in instillation. Test the adequacy of anaesthesia by washing
seconds. If spilt on skin, remove with acetone as soon as and squeezing the wound or prodding it with forceps—if
possible. this is pain free, suturing will usually be painless.
Note: Use these solutions with caution. Death and
convulsions with doses greater than 3 mL of TAC in
Topical local anaesthesia for infants have been reported.
children’s lacerations
Topical anaesthetic drugs that can be used for instilling Improvised topical ‘anaesthesia’
in minor wounds in children are listed in Table 15.1. Some practitioners use an ice block or a wet ice-cold piece
The preparations include a variety of drugs, so toxicity of gauze to chill the lacerated site in children.The child or
and safety factors have to be considered. Cocaine is very parent is asked to hold the ice then lift it while a suture is
effective, but it is relatively toxic and as a rule should rapidly inserted or while local anaesthetic is introduced.
be avoided in open wounds. Adrenaline-containing
preparations should be avoided in wounds in end-artery Liquid nitrogen topical ‘anaesthesia’
areas, such as digits, pinnae, tip of the nose, penis, or A useful technique for a variety of topical anaesthesia,
on mucous membranes such as inside the mouth where especially useful in older children, is to spray liquid
rapid absorption may occur. The recommended topical nitrogen or other vapocoolant over the skin where a
combinations are Lacerine and LAT (see Table 15.1), procedure such as incising an abscess is necessary.
but these may have to be prepared by a hospital or
compounding pharmacy. A variation of LAT and Lacerine Wound infiltration
is the readily available preparation EMLA cream. It requires
at least 60 minutes of skin contact to be effective and is For a larger wound requiring suturing, infiltrate lignocaine
not recommended for open wounds. 1% into the wound edges using a small 27-gauge (or
smaller) needle with a 3 mL syringe (Fig 3.4). The pain
Method of injection can be reduced by:
• Thoroughly clean the wound (should be less than • using topical anaesthesia first
5 cm). • injecting slowly
• Use LAT or Laceraine in a dose 0.1 mL/kg bodyweight. • placing the needle into the wound through the
lacerated surface, not through intact skin
• passing the needle through an anaesthetised area into
an unanaesthetised area
Table 15.1 Topical preparations for local analgesia • buffering the acidic solution with 8.4% sodium
Topical preparation Contents bicarbonate in a 9:1 ratio, that is 9 mL lignocaine 1%
with 1 mL sodium bicarbonate.
Lacerine (previously ALA) adrenaline 1:1000, lidocaine
4%*, tetracaine 4%
LAT lignocaine 4%, adrenaline
1:2000, tetracaine† 2% Skeletal injuries in children differ from adults in many
respects and fractures should be considered in children
TAC tetracaine† 0.5%, adrenaline presenting with unusual loss of function such as walking
1:2000, cocaine 11.8% or use of an arm.
AC gel adrenaline, cocaine
Significant differences
AnGel amethocaine 4%
• Children’s fractures differ in nature and management
EMLA lignocaine, prilocaine due to bone plasticity and other factors.
*lidocaine = lignocaine • Epiphyseal or growth plate fractures provide

 tetracaine = amethocaine challenging management problems.
Chapter 15 | Tips on treating children 223

• As a rule, sprains do not occur in childhood. Removing plaster casts from

• Greenstick fractures which involve one cortical surface children
• Buckle fractures due to compressed metaphyseal bone. To facilitate removal of plaster, especially a plaster cylinder
• Child abuse must be considered as a cause of fractures from a child, request that the patient soaks the plaster in
in infants under 6 months. warm water prior to seeing you. The patient should soak
• Meticulous X-rays are required for fractures around it in the water for about 15 minutes or longer on the
the elbow joint. evening or morning prior to his or her visit. Alternatively,
the plaster can be soaked in water at the surgery, but it
Specific fractures is preferable for it to be performed at home in a large
• The ‘toddler’s fracture’, spiral fracture of tibia—often no bucket or container (the bath is suitable) (Fig. 15.6a). The
history of injury; requires immobilisation in an above POP bandage can then be easily teased out and unrolled
knee plaster. (Fig. 15.6b), or cut with a knife or scalpel. This method
• Clavicle—requires a simple sling for 2 weeks. saves time and the unpleasant experience of a plaster
• Shaft fracture of humerus—treat conservatively with collar cutter or saws.
and cuff sling ± supportive plaster slab holding arm Note: Making the initial plaster: a fun thing is to add
against chest. a food dye to children’s plaster when smoothing it out,
• Supracondylar fracture of humerus—a potentially complex or the dye can be put in the bucket of water.
and serious injury usually requiring referral for
specialised treatment. Circulation and major nerve
injuries are a concern.
Cutting plaster with an electric saw
• Condylar fractures of humerus—also ‘tiger country’ if Children will be more reassured if a wooden tongue
epiphyseal plates and metaphyses involved. Requires depressor or similar object is inserted under the plaster
orthopaedic referral. in the sawing line.
• Forearm fractures—often are areas for greenstick fractures
but beware of the Monteggia fracture with associated The crying infant
dislocation of the radius. Include the elbow and wrist Checklist of common causes
joints in X-rays.
• Hunger (underfeeding is the main feeding problem
causing crying)
Splints for minor greenstick- • Wet or soiled nappy
• Loneliness
type fractures • Infant colic: typically 2–16 weeks
Non-displaced fractures of the arm can be splinted using • Teething (more likely after 12 months)
one or two plastic tongue depressors under the bandage • Reflux oesophagitis
as an alternative to a plaster backslab.

(a) (b)

Fig. 15.6 Removal of plaster cast: (a) soak in warm water to soften; (b) unroll bandage
224 Practice Tips

The role of 5 Ss to comfort the infant 2. Pour some of the stool into a test tube and add two
1. Swaddling—firm clothing, not too loose parts of water.
2. Lie baby on side or stomach 3. Place 15 drops into another test tube.
3. Shush (i.e. ‘sshusshhing’ as loudly as the child 4. Add a Clinitest tablet and note the reaction.
4. Swing—sway away from side to side Alternatively, put 5 drops of the faecal fluid directly
5. Suckling—nipple, teat or dummy into a test tube and add 10 drops of water.
Infant colic A reading of 0.75 to 2 indicates lactose intolerance.
If cow’s milk intolerance, lactose intolerance and A reading of 0 or 0.25 is probably negative (Fig. 15.7b).
oesophagitis from reflux are excluded, recommend the
pacifying methods above.
Avoid medications if possible. Some parents are
Breath-holding attacks
desperate and buy OTC preparations from pharmacists Diagnosis
(e.g. Hartley Gripe Water, Infants’ Friend, Brauer Colic • Precipitating event (minor emotional or physical).
Relief ). These may contain naturopathic oils, baking soda • Children emit a long loud cry, then hold their breath.
or ethanol and tend to cause loose bowels and napkin rash. • They become pale and then blue.
The safest preparation to consider is Infacol Wind • If severe, may result in unconsciousness or a fit.
Drops (simethicone). • Lasts between 10 to 60 seconds.
• Age group usually 6 months to 6 years (peak 2 to
Reflux with oesophagitis 3 years).
This tends to affect the older child and cause great distress.
If basic methods such as thickening of feeds and
antacids are ineffective, a recommended effective • Reassure the parents that attacks are self-limiting
preparation is omeprazole (Losec) 5 mg bd. (Some and are not associated with epilepsy or mental
hospital pharmacies prepare this in mixture format.) retardation.
• Advise parents to maintain discipline and to resist
spoiling the child.
Cleaning a child’s ‘snotty’ nose • Try to avoid incidents known to frustrate the child or
A child’s blocked nose can be cleaned with sodium to precipitate a tantrum.
chloride (normal saline) including Narium mist spray
or FLO Saline Plus. A simpler way to remove lumps of
mucus is to use the firmer tissue ‘spears’ described on
page 198. Insert the ‘spear’ adjacent to and then behind (a)
the snot to dislodge it. pipette
Another method is to use an all-rubber 30 mL ear
syringe (usually stocked by pharmacies). Insert the
lubricated tip in the infant’s nostril and use the suction
effect to clear the nares. fluid stool

Test for lactose intolerance clinitest

2 parts lablet
Theory water
15 drops
If lactose intolerance is suspected in a child with diarrhoea, 1 part
especially if fluid diarrhoea follows milk feeds, a simple (b) negative
test can be performed with a Clinitest tablet. This test
detects reducing sugars such as lactose and glucose but
not sucrose. Specific glucose oxidase reagents such as 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25
Testape and Glucostix detect glucose only and will not
detect lactose or sucrose. ??
1. Line a napkin with plastic and collect faecal fluid Fig. 15.7 Test for lactose intolerance: (a) test method; (b)
(Fig. 15.7a). interpreting reading
Chapter 15 | Tips on treating children 225

Itching and swollen skin rashes Note: If unsuccessful, the bladder is probably empty
so try at another time.
An ice pack is an excellent method of giving relief to an Tip: Hold the tip of the penis in males to prevent
acute itchy or swollen skin lesion such as an insect bite in voiding but have a sterile bottle on standby for a clean
children (and adults). A simple method is to place a few catch should voiding occur.
ice cubes in a handkerchief or small cloth and complete
the pack with a string tie or rubber band. It soothes and
prevents excessive scratching.

Traumatic forehead lump

If a child develops a forehead lump, such as after a fall
onto the edge of the table, apply a cold flannel, then a
thick smear of honey. Repeat twice a day for 3 days.

Suprapubic aspiration of urine

This is the most accurate way of collecting urine in
children less than 2 years old. It is very suitable in the
toxic and ill child. Fig. 15.8 Suprapubic aspiration of urine in a child

• Age greater than 12 months (unless the bladder is The ‘draw a dream’ technique
palpable or percussable). A useful interview technique for children with behavioural
• Coagulopathy. disorders is to ask them to ‘draw a dream’, especially if
bad dreams are a feature of their problem. It is an excellent
avenue to help children effectively communicate their
• Best performed when the child has not voided for at understanding of the stressful events in their lives.
least 1 hour. Give the child a drink, e.g. bottle over Professor Tonge believes that ‘it is the royal road to the
the preceding hour or so. child’s mental processes and the family doctor is ideally
• Select a 23-gauge needle attached to a 5 mL syringe. placed to use the technique’.
• Local anaesthetic is not necessary but a topical
anaesthetic is recommended. Method
1. Make a simple drawing of someone in bed and add a
Position of patient large cartoon balloon (Fig. 15.9).
• The patient’s legs should be straight (preferable) or 2. If the child’s name is John, for example, say as you
bent in the frog-leg position. draw the dream balloon, ‘Here is a boy named John
having a bad dream; perhaps it is even you. I wonder
Method if you could draw that dream for me’.
1. Check the bladder position by gentle percussion. 3. Then ask the child to help you interpret the significance
2. Prepare the skin in the suprapubic area with povidone- of the drawing.
iodine solution.
3. Ask an assistant to hold the child supine with the
legs extended.
4. Insert the needle attached to the syringe directly
through the abdomen wall in the midline 1–2 cm
above the symphysis pubis (this usually corresponds
to the skin crease above the pubis) (Fig. 15.8).
5. Insert it to a depth of about 2–3 cm in infants or deeper
according to the child’s age. Have a bottle on stand-by
for a midstream clean catch in case the child voids.
6. Apply steady suction until urine is obtained.
7. Aspirate the urine while slowly withdrawing the needle.
8. Take the needle from the syringe and express the
sample into a sterile microurine container.
9. Forward the urine for microscopy and culture. Fig. 15.9 The ‘draw a dream’ technique
226 Practice Tips

Assessing anxious children and asked to nominate their level of fear, from 0 ‘not scared’
school refusal to 100 ‘very scared’, on the pictorial thermometer. This
global rating may reflect fear related to (a) separation
Assessment of the degree and nature of the child’s anxiety from significant others; or (b) a dreadful aspect of the
and possible contributing factors to school refusal is an school setting.
essential first step in management and provides a baseline
against which to monitor progress. The following three
useful measures of school refusal assist in the assessment Self-statement questionnaire
of such children. The self-statement questionnaire (Fig. 15.11) allows
for a more detailed understanding of the sorts of
Fear thermometer things that may be contributing to school refusal.
It taps the child’s thoughts about seven aspects of
The fear thermometer (Fig. 15.10) is an easily administered school attendance (including such things as the other
measure that provides a global rating of the child’s fear children at school, and the process of actually going
about school attendance. In relation to their worst day to school in the morning). In addition, it allows the
in the past few weeks of school, the child is asked: ‘How child to nominate any other issues that may lead to a
afraid were you of going to school on that day?’  They are reluctance to attend.


Name Date
Very scared 100
Scared 50
Fig. 15.11 Self-statements: child form
Not scared 0
Think about your worst day over the past 2 school weeks.
The clinician can use the information elicited during
How afraid were you of going to school on that day? administration of the questionnaire to help in the
development of a treatment program that addresses the
Fig. 15.10 The fear thermometer specific anxiety-provoking thoughts of the child.

Table 15.2 Optimal times for surgery/intervention in children’s disorders
Disorder Surgery/intervention
Squint (fixed or alternating) 12–24 months
absolutely before 7 years
Deafness (children are born with hearing) Screen at or before 8 months
hearing aids required by 12 months
Ear deformity After 6 years
Tongue tie 3–4 months or 2–6 years
Cleft lip Less than 3 months
Chapter 15 | Tips on treating children 227

Cleft palate 6–12 months

Inguinoscrotal lumps
• Undescended testes best assessed before 6 months
surgery best at 6–18 months
• Umbilical hernia leave to age 4
surgery at 4 if persistent (tend to strangulate after 4)
never tape down!
• Inguinal hernia general rule is ASAP, especially infants and irreducible hernias
reducible herniae: the ‘6–2’ rule
birth–6 weeks: surgery within 2 days
6 weeks–6 months: surgery within 2 weeks
over 6 months: surgery within 2 months
• Femoral hernia ASAP
• Torsion of testicle surgery within 4 hours (absolutely within 6 hours)
• Hydrocele leave to 12 months then review (often resolve)
• Varicocele leave and review
Leg and foot development problems
• Developmental dysplasia of hip most treated successfully by abductor bracing with a Pavlic harness
• Bowed legs (genu varum) normal up to 3 years
usually improve with age: refer if ICS > 6 cm
• Knock knees normal 3–8 years then refer if IMS > 8 cm
• Flat feet no treatment unless stiff and painful
• Internal tibial torsion refer 6 months after presentation if not resolved
• Medial tibial torsion leave for 8 years then refer if not resolved
• Metatarsus varus refer 3 months after presentation if not resolved
Chapter 16
The Skin

Rules for prescribing creams 5. On average, 200 g will cover a quite severe rash twice
and ointments daily for 2 weeks.

How much cream?

On average, 30 g of cream will cover the body surface Topical corticosteroids
area of an adult. Ointments, despite being of a thicker for sunburn
consistency, do not penetrate into the deeper skin layers When a patient with severe sunburn presents early, the
so readily, and the requirements are slightly less. Pastes application of 1% hydrocortisone ointment or cream can
are applied thickly, and the requirements are at least 3 to reduce significantly the eventual severity of the burn. This
4 times as great as for creams. has been proved experimentally by covering one-half of
The ‘rule of nines’, used routinely to determine the burnt area with hydrocortisone and comparing the
the percentage of body surface area affected by burns outcome with the untreated area.
(Fig. 16.1), may be used also to calculate the amount of The application can be repeated 2 to 3 hours after
a topical preparation that needs to be prescribed. the initial application and then the next morning. The
For example: earlier the treatment is applied the better, as it may not
• If 9% of the body surface area is affected by eczema, be useful after 24 hours.
approximately 3 g of cream is required to cover it. Hydrocortisone should be used for unblistered
• Nine grams of cream is used per day if prescribed erythematous skin, and not used on broken skin.
3 times daily.
• A 50 g tube will last 5 or 6 days.
One gram of cream will cover an area approximately 10 cm Skin exposure to the sun
× 10 cm, and this formula may be used for smaller lesions.
There is evidence that our skin needs exposure to
Some general rules sunlight to provide a substantial dose of vitamin D.
1. Use creams or lotions for acute rashes. This is a preventive for osteoporosis. Hats and
2. Use ointments for chronic scaling rashes. sunscreens prevent the natural synthesis of vitamin D in
3. A thin smear only is necessary. the body.
4. On average, 30 g: There should be a balance between receiving enough
• will cover an adult body once sunlight exposure to prevent vitamin D deficiency on
• will cover hands twice daily for 2 weeks one hand and receiving too much, causing skin cancer,
• will cover a patchy rash twice daily for 1 week. on the other (see Table 16.1).
Chapter 16 | The Skin 229



4.5% 4.5%
4.5% 4.5%


9% 9%
9% 9%

anterior posterior

Fig. 16.1  ‘Rule of nines’ for body surface areas

Table 16.1  Recommended sunlight exposure to the head 2. If inadequate control after 6 weeks, add benzoyl
and hands per day (minutes) peroxide 2.5% or 5% gel or cream once daily (in
Australian city Summer Winter the morning). That is, after 6 weeks, maintenance
treatment is:
Darwin 5 5 • isotretinoin 0.05% gel at night
Brisbane 5 5 • benzoyl peroxide 2.5% or 5% mane.
In more severe cases, add clindamycin 1% topically.
Perth 5 12 3. Maintain for 3 months and review.
Sydney 5 15
Clindamycin use
Adelaide 6 20
Use clindamycin HCl in alcohol. Apply to each comedone
Melbourne 8 25 with fingertips twice daily.
Hobart 10 65 • A ready clindamycin preparation is Clindatech.
• Clindamycin is particularly useful for pregnant
Ocular protection from UV light women and those who cannot tolerate antibiotics or
The best protection from the harmful effects of strong Other topical alternatives are:
UV light is from wraparound UV-absorbing sunglasses • erythromycin 2% gel
(Australian Standard 100%). • azelaic acid lotion, apply bd
Acne • adapalene 0.1% cream or gel, apply nocte.

Some topical treatment regimens Oral antibiotics

Mild to moderate acne Use if acne is resistant to topical agents. Tetracycline 1 g
1. Apply isotretinoin 0.05% gel or tretinoin 0.05% cream per day or doxycycline 100 mg per day or minocycline
each night (especially if comedones). 50–100 mg bd for 4 weeks (or up to 10 weeks if slow
230 Practice Tips

response), then reduce according to response (e.g. Moderate atopic dermatitis

doxycycline 50 mg for 6 weeks). • As for mild eczema.
If tetracyclines not tolerated or contraindicated • Topical corticosteroids (twice daily):
(e.g. in pregnancy) use erythromycin 250–500 mg –– vital for active areas
(o) bd. –– moderate strength, e.g. fluorinated, to trunk, scalp
and limbs
Facial scars –– weaker strength, e.g. 1% hydrocortisone, to face
Injections of collagen can be used for the depressed facial and flexures
scars from cystic acne. –– use in cyclic fashion for chronic cases (e.g. 10 days
on, 4 days off).
• Non-steroidal alternative: pimecrolimus (Elidel) cream
Nappy rash bd; best used when eczema flares, then cease.
• Keep the area dry. • Oral antihistamines at night for itch.
• Change wet or soiled napkins often—disposable ones
are good. Severe dermatitis
• Wash area gently with warm water and pat dry (do • As for mild and moderate eczema.
not rub). • Potent topical corticosteroids to worst areas (consider
• Avoid excessive bathing and soap. occlusive dressings).
• Avoid powders and plastic pants. • Consider hospitalisation.
• Use emollients to keep skin lubricated, e.g. zinc oxide • Systemic corticosteroids (may be necessary but rarely
and castor oil cream. used).
• Standard treatment for persistent or widespread rash • Allergy assessment if unresponsive.
is 1% hydrocortisone with nystatin or clotrimazole
cream (qid after changes)—you can get separate Weeping dermatitis (an acute phase)
steroid and antifungal creams and mix before This often has crusts due to exudate. Burrow’s solution
application. Avoid stronger steroid preparations. diluted to 1:20 or 1:10 can be used to soak the affected areas.
Consider continuing the antifungal cream for another
7 days. Tip for children
If seborrhoeic dermatitis: 1% hydrocortisone and If severe eczema is not responding to topical treatment,
ketoconazole ointment. try evening primrose oil and/or oral zinc.
Tip: If rash is resistant and ulcerated, add Orabase
ointment bd or tds. Another tip is to add petroleum jelly General tips
to the above medication in equal parts—this can be used • Rehydration is the single most important treatment
for a ‘normal’ nappy rash since it promotes longer action. strategy. Avoid soaps.
Another strategy is to give oral zinc. • Avoid creams (tend to sting and less potent).
• Topical steroids:
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) –– potent steroids safe for short periods
–– intermittent rather than continuous use
Note importance of good education. –– replace with emollients when clear.
• Lotions rather than creams are best for moisturising.
Medication • For dry scaly lesions, use ointments with or without
Mild atopic dermatitis occlusion.
• Soap substitutes, such as aqueous cream or emulsifying
ointment. Psoriasis
• Emollients (choose from):
–– aqueous cream
General adjunctive therapy
–– emulsifying ointment with 1% glycerol • Tarbaths, e.g. Pinetarsol or Polytar.
–– sorbolene • Tar shampoo (e.g. Polytar, Ionil-T).
–– sorbolene with 10% glycerol, e.g. Hydraderm, • Sunlight (in moderation).
–– paraffin creams (e.g. Dermeze) (good in infants)
–– bath oils, e.g. Alpha-Keri, QV, Dermareen For chronic stable plaques on
–– moisturising lotions (e.g. QV) in summer. limbs or trunks
• 1% hydrocortisone (if not responding to above). Topical steroids—potent ones preferred, or
Chapter 16 | The Skin 231

Method A • 20% potassium hydroxide (preferably in dimethyl

• Apply dithranol 0.1% cream to affected area at night. sulfoxide)
Leave 20–30 minutes and then wash off under shower. • a microscope.
Increase strength every 5 d to 1% (up to max. 2 hrs). Method
• Then apply topical fluorinated corticosteroid in the
morning. 1. Scrape skin from the active edge.
2. Scoop the scrapings onto the glass microscope slide.
Combined method

3. Cover the sample with a drop of potassium hydroxide.
• dithranol 0.1% 4. Cover this with a cover slip and press down gently.
salicylic acid 3% in white soft paraffin 5. Warm the slide and wait at least 5 minutes for ‘clearing’.
LPC tar 10%
Leave overnight (warn about dithranol stains—use Microscopic examination
old pyjamas and sheets). Review in 3 weeks, then 1. Examine at first under low power with reduced light.
gradually increase strength of dithranol to 0.25%, 2. When fungal hyphae are located, change to high power.
then 0.5%, then 1%. 3. Use the fine focus to highlight the hyphae (Fig. 16.2).
Can cut down frequency to 2 to 3 times per week. Note: Some practice is necessary to recognise hyphae.
Shower in morning, and then apply topical fluorinated
Note: Dithranol tends to ‘burn’ skin.
epidermal cells
• Don’t use dithranol on face, genitalia or flexures.
• A higher strength (0.25% to start) can be used for
short contact therapy (30 minutes before shower).
New method (adults only)
• Calcipotriol ointment—apply bd. Tends to irritate
face and flexures; wash hands after use. Limit to 100
grams per week.

For milder stabilised plaques

• Egopsoryl TA—apply bd or tds, or
fungal hyphae
• topical fluorinated corticosteroids.

For resistant plaques Fig. 16.2  Diagrammatic representation of microscopic

appearance of fungal hyphae
• Topical fluorinated corticosteroids (II–III class) with
• Intralesional injection of triamcinolone mixed Spider naevi
(50:50) with LA or normal saline (see Fig. 5.20 on The most effective treatment of spider naevi for cosmetic
p. 85). reasons is to insert the fine tip of the electrocautery or
the hyfrecator (diathermy) needle into the central papule
For failed topical therapy (options)— and cauterise the vascular lesion.
specialist case No local anaesthetic is required.
• Refer for PUVA or other effective therapy.
• Acitretin—often used with UVB. Wood’s light examination
• Methotrexate—can have dramatic results.
Wood’s light examination is an important diagnostic
• Biologicals, e.g. infliximab, etanercept.
aid for skin problems in general practice. It has other uses,
such as examination of the eye after fluorescein staining.
Skin scrapings for dermatophyte (New, low-cost, small ultraviolet light units called ‘the
diagnosis black light’ are available, e.g. the Radio Shack UV scanner
or fluorescent lantern.)
You will need: Method
• a scalpel blade Simply hold the ultraviolet light unit above the area for
• glass slide and cover slip investigation in a dark room.
232 Practice Tips

Limitations of Wood’s light in diagnosis Drug Rx

Not all cases of tinea capitis fluoresce, because some • Apply glyceryl trinitrate vasodilator spray or ointment
species that cause the condition do not produce or patch, e.g. Nitro-Bid ointment (use plastic gloves
porphyrins as a byproduct. See Table 16.2 for a list of and wash hands for ointment).
the skin conditions that do fluoresce.
Porphyrins wash off with soap and water, and a negative Other Rx
result may occur in a patient who has shampooed the hair • Rum at night (worth a try).
within 20 hours of presentation. Consequently, a negative • Nifedipine 20 mg bd or CR 30 mg once daily.
Wood’s light reading may be misleading. The appropriate
way of confirming the clinical diagnosis is to send
specimens of hair and skin for microscopy and culture.
Herpes simplex: treatment
Note: Wood’s light examination can also be used for options
eye diagnosis after instilling fluorescein. Herpes labialis (classical cold sores)
The objective is to limit the size and intensity of the
Table 16.2  Skin conditions that produce fluorescence in lesions.
Wood’s light
Topical treatment
Tinea capitis green
At the first sensation of the development of a cold sore:
Erythrasma coral pink • apply an ice cube to the site for up to 5 minutes every
Tinea versicolor pink 60 minutes (for first 12 hours)
• topical applications include:
Pseudomonas pyocyanea yellowish green –– idoxuridine 0.5% preparations (Herplex D liquifilm,
Porphyria red (urine) Stoxil topical, Virasolve) applied hourly,
Squamous cell carcinoma bright red
–– povidone-iodine 10% cold sore paint: apply on swab
sticks 4 times a day until disappearance,
Applying topicals with a –– 10% silver nitrate solution: apply the solution
‘dish mop’ carefully with a cotton bud to the base of the lesions
The self-application of creams or ointments to relatively (deroof vesicles with a sterile needle if necessary).
inaccessible areas such as the back, especially in the May be repeated,
elderly, can be difficult. One method is to acquire an or
old-fashioned dish mop, give it a ‘crew cut’ and use this –– acyclovir 5% cream (Zovirax), 5 times daily for
to apply the preparations. 4 days.
Oral treatment
Glove over hand to enhance Acyclovir or famciclovir or valaciclovir for 7 to 10 days
topical efficacy or until resolution (reserve for immunocompromised
Patients with florid hand dermatitis handicapped by a patients and severe cases).
slow response to topical corticosteroids can be boosted by
Zinc treatment
the application of a surgical glove to wear for 60 minutes
after applying the cream or ointment or even overnight This empirically based treatment is favoured by some
if tolerated. This leads to less frequent application. therapists. Zinc sulfate 220 mg tds, half an hour before
meals, and large amounts of coffee during the day.
Topical zinc treatment
Precautions Zinc sulfate solution 0.025–0.05%, apply 5 times a day
• Think Raynaud. for cutaneous lesions and 0.01–0.025% for mucosal
• Protect from trauma and secondary infection. lesions.
• Do not rub or massage injured tissues.
• Do not apply heat or ice. Prevention
If exposure to the sun precipitates the cold sore, use a
Physical treatment 15+ sun protection lip balm, ointment or solarstick.
• Elevate affected part. Zinc sulfate solution can be applied once a week for
• Warm gradually to room temperature. recurrences. Oral acyclovir 200–400 mg bd or similar
Chapter 16 | The Skin 233

agent (6 months) can be used for severe and frequent Drugs and dosage
recurrences (> six per year). • Acyclovir 800 mg 5 times daily for 7 days
Genital herpes: Antimicrobial therapy • famciclovir 250 mg 8 hourly for 7 days
Topical treatment
• valaciclovir 1000 mg 8 hourly for 7 days.
The proven most effective topical therapy is topical
acyclovir (not the ophthalmic preparation). Post-herpetic neuralgia
• 10% silver nitrate solution applied with a cotton bud Some treatment options are:
to the raw base of the lesions, rotating the bud over 1. Topical capsaicin (Capsig) cream. Apply the cream to
them to provide gentle debridement. Repeat once the affected area 3 to 4 times a day.
or twice. This promotes healing and helps prevent 2. Oral: paracetamol is first line. Second line is a tricyclic
spreading, antidepressant, gabapentin or pregabalin.
or 3. TENS as often as necessary, e.g. 16 hours/day for
• 3% chromic acid, 2 weeks, plus antidepressants.
or 4. Excision of painful skin scar. If the neuralgia of
• 10% povidone-iodine (Betadine) cold sore paint on 4 months or more is localised to a favourable area of
swab sticks for several days. skin, a most effective treatment is to excise the affected
Pain relief can be provided in some patients with area, bearing in mind that the scar tends to follow a
topical lignocaine. linear strip of skin. This method is clearly unsuitable
Saline baths and analgesics are advisable. for a large area.
Oral treatment
1. Mark out the painful area of the skin.
Acyclovir for the first episode of primary genital herpes
2. Incise it with its subcutaneous fat, using an elongated
(preferably within 24 hours of onset).
elliptical excision (Fig. 16.3).
Dosage: 200 mg 5 times a day for 7 to 10 days or until
3. Close the wound with a subcuticular suture or
resolution of infection.
interrupted sutures.
Famciclovir or valaciclovir can be given bd for 5 to
10 days.
This appears to reduce the duration of the lesions from
14 days to 5 to 7 days. These drugs are not usually used
for recurrent episodes, which last only 5 to 7 days. Very
frequent recurrences (six or more attacks in 6 months) elliptical painful scar from
benefit from low doses of these agents for 6 months (200 excision herpes zoster
mg 2 to 3 times per day).

Herpes zoster (shingles)

Topical treatment
For the rash, use a drying lotion such as menthol in
flexible collodion. Acyclovir ointment can be used but
it tends to sting.

Oral medication Fig. 16.3 Example of type of excision for severe post-

1. Analgesics, e.g. paracetamol, codeine or aspirin. herpetic neuralgia
2. Guanine analogue antiviral therapy for:
• all immunocompromised patients
• any patient, provided rash present < 72 hours
Unusual causes of contact
(especially those over 60 years) dermatitis
• ophthalmic zoster (evidence to reduce—reduces Reactions to the following have been reported:
scarring and pain but not neuralgia) • spirit preparation
• severe acute pain. • paper-based ‘hypoallergenic’ tape.
Chapter 17
Varicose veins

Percutaneous ligation for the (a)

isolated vein
This method can be used for the cosmetically unacceptable,
isolated varicose vein in the leg, as an alternative to
sclerotherapy. A 3/0 polyglycolic acid (Dexon) suture is
simply inserted through the skin to encircle and ligate
the vein.

You will need:
• 3/0 polyglycolic acid suture (b)
• cutting-edge needle
• needle holder and scissors
• local anaesthetic agent.

1. Infiltrate LA around the site or sites of the vein to be
• small veins (up to 5–10 cm), a single suture
• larger veins, multiple sutures, 5–10 cm apart.
2. Using a cutting-edge needle, pass the suture under
the vein (Fig. 17.1a).
3. Bring the suture through the skin and then simply Fig. 17.1  Percutaneous ligation for isolated varicose vein
tie it tightly to occlude the vein by constriction
(Fig. 17.1b).The treated vein thromboses and atrophies
after a short period. Avulsion of the isolated
4. Review the patient in 4 weeks and remove the suture. varicose vein
This method can be used to treat the cosmetically
Precautions unacceptable isolated varicose vein in the leg. It is possible
Avoid areas near the dorsalis pedis artery and the common to avulse the vein using local anaesthesia along the length
peroneal nerve, or other significant arteries, veins or nerves. of the varicose vein.
Chapter 17 | Varicose veins 235

Equipment 5. Apply non-stick gauze dressing to the wound, followed

You will need: by a wool and crepe bandage. The dressing can be left
• local anaesthetic for 3 days and then removed.
• no. 15 scalpel blade with scalpel handle If multiple avulsions have been carried out, it may
• 6 small Halsted artery forceps (‘mosquitoes’) be necessary to reapply a crepe bandage for another
• self-adhesive closure strips 1.2 cm (Steri-strips), or 2 to 3 days.
nylon suture with cutting edge needle 6. The patient should be free to do limited walking after
• non-stick gauze dressing with wool and crepe bandage. the operation, and usually unrestricted walking after
24 hours.
1. Infiltrate LA along the length of varicose vein to be Special precautions
avulsed (up to 20 mL of 1% lignocaine can be used): Beware of nerves and arteries, avoiding areas involving the
• small vein (up to 5–10 cm): a single incision (5–10 foot and the region of the lateral popliteal nerve where
mm) along or across the midpoint of the vein it curves around the neck of the fibula.
• larger veins: multiple incisions 5–10 cm apart,
depending on the length of the varicose vein avulsed Treatment of superficial
at first incision (Fig. 17.2a).
2. Locate and identify the vein using an artery forceps, thrombophlebitis
ensuring that it is not a nerve. The vein is then divided When a large varicose vein becomes thrombosed, a
between two forceps (Fig. 17.2b). tender, raised nodular cord is formed along the line of
3. Avulse the vein on either side by applying further the vein. There is thrombosis in the superficial vein with
forceps while pulling on the vein (Fig. 17.2c). Provided no connection to deeper veins.
the length of the varicose vein has been infiltrated
with LA, there should be no pain. Apply pressure for Clinical features
2 to 3 minutes to stop bleeding once the vein has 1. The skin is reddened and the tender nodular cord is
been avulsed. palpable (Fig. 17.3a).
4. Achieve skin closure by using either self-adhesive 2. There is pain.
closure strips or suture. The suture can be removed 3. Localised oedema is present.
in approximately 10 to 14 days. 4. There is no generalised swelling of the limb or the ankle.

(a) (b) (c)

over veins

Fig. 17.2 Avulsion of the isolated varicose vein

236 Practice Tips

• Pneumatic compression
• Electrical calf muscle stimulation during surgery
• Surgery: unfractionated heparin 5000 U (SC) bd or tds
(LMW heparin for orthopaedic surgery)
crepe • Long flights/sitting: LMWH prior to flying and on
foam pad Treatment
• Admit to hospital (usually 5–7 days) if any corrections,
but can treat as an outpatient, which is current practice
• Collect blood for APTT, INR and platelet count (check
kidney function)
• One-way-stretch elastic bandages (both legs to above
knees) or class II graded compression stocking to
affected leg, especially if swelling
(a) (b)
• IV heparin—5000 U statim SC then continuous
monitored infusion (at least 10 days); aim for APTT
Fig. 17.3 Superficial thrombophlebitis 1.5–2 times normal or daily SC injection of LMW
heparin (enoxaparin)
Management method • Oral anticoagulant (warfarin) for 6 months (monitor
Propagation of thrombus can usually be prevented by with INR)
uniform pressure over the cord. • Mobilisation upon resolution of pain, tenderness and
1. The whole of the tender cord should be covered by swelling
an adhesive pad or a thin strip of foam (Fig. 17.3b) Surgery is necessary in extensive and embolising cases.
and then a firm crepe bandage applied.
2. The bandage and the pad are left on for 7 to 10 days. Ruptured varicose vein
3. Bed rest with leg elevated, if severe, otherwise keep Advice for this potentially dangerous (because of heavy
active. blood loss) problem is often sought over the telephone.
4. Prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for Advise local pressure (not proximal) and elevation. Both a
about 7 days. No anticoagulants are required. proximal and a distal percutaneous suture (see Fig. 17.1a, b
A specialist opinion should be sought for superficial on p. 234 may be necessary.
thrombophlebitis above the knee, as this disorder may
require ligation at the saphenofemoral junction. Venous ulcers
Finally, one must always bear in mind the association
between thrombophlebitis and deep-seated carcinoma The area typically affected by varicose eczema and
elsewhere in the body. ulceration is shown in Figure 17.4. The secret of treating

Management of deep venous

• Duplex US: accurate for above-knee thrombosis;
improving for distal calf (repeat in 1 week if initial
test normal).
• Contrast venography, esp. if ultrasound –ve.
• MRI is very accurate.
• D dimer test (consider in certain cases): where
probability of DVT is low, a normal D dimer usually
excludes diagnosis.
• Early and frequent mobilisation
• Elastic or graded compression stockings Fig. 17.4 Area typically affected by varicose eczema and
• Physiotherapy ulceration (the ‘gaiter’ area)
Chapter 17 | Varicose veins 237

ulcers due to chronic venous insufficiency is the proper

treatment of the physical factors, especially compression.
Removal of fluid from a swollen leg is also mandatory.
Debridement of leg ulcers using topical anaesthesia
(e.g. EMLA cream applied 30 minutes beforehand) is
considered to hasten ulcer healing.

Treatment method
1. Clean the ulcer with N saline. If slough, apply Intra
Site Gel. paraffin gauze
2. Apply paraffin gauze, then pack the defect with sponge
rubber (Fig. 17.5).
3. Apply a compression bandage below the knee (e.g. sponge rubber
graduated compression stockings, Eloflex bandage,
Unna’s type boot).
Alternatively, an occlusive medicated paste bandage
(e.g. Viscopaste or Icthaband) can be applied for 7 days compression bandage
from the base of the toe to just below the knee.
4. Consider using a Tubigrip stockinette cover.
5. Prescribe diuretics if oedema is present.
6. Insist on as much elevation of the leg as is possible.
Note: Dressings should be changed when they become
loose or fall off, or when discharge seeps through. Patients
may get ulcers wet and have baths.

Leg ulcers—unorthodox methods

For uncomplicated ulcers, such as non-infected post-
Fig. 17.5  Dressing for venous ulcer
traumatic and venous ulcers, various simple preparations
have been claimed by many practitioners to promote
healing. These include: Applying a compression stocking
• honey To facilitate the sliding of a compression stocking over
• sugar an ulcer on the leg place a plastic shopping bag firmly
• sugar and povidone-iodine (Betadine) paste over the foot and then slide the stocking over this. Once
• Intal powder. on, the plastic bag is pulled down and out.
Chapter 18

Measurement of temperature –– wipe rectal thermometers with alcohol and store

Temperature can be measured by several methods, 3. Recording time is 3 minutes orally, 1 to 2 minutes
including the mercury thermometer, the liquid crystal rectally.
thermometer and the electronic probe thermometer.
The mercury thermometer, however, is probably still the
most widely used and effective temperature-measuring Oral use
instrument. Table 18.1 gives a basic guide to interpreting 1. Place under the tongue at the junction of the base of
the temperature values obtained. the tongue and the floor of the mouth to one side of
the frenulum—the ‘heat pocket’.
Table 18.1  Interpretation of temperature measurement 2. Ensure that the mouth is kept shut.
3. Remove dentures.
Normal values Note: Unsuitable for children 4 years and under,
Mouth 36.8°C especially if irritable.
Axilla 36.4°C
Rectal use
Rectum 37.3°C
An excellent route for babies and young children under
Ear 37.3°C the age of 4.
Mouth >37.2 early morning 1. Lubricate the stub with petroleum jelly.
>37.8°C at other times of day 2. Insert for 2–3 cm (1 inch).
3. Keep the thermometer between the flexed fingers with
the hand resting on the buttocks (Fig. 18.1).
Basic rules of usage
1. Before use, shake down to 35–36°C. Don’t
2. After use: • Dig thermometer in too hard.
–– shake down and store in antiseptic • Hold it too rigidly.
–– do not run under hot water • Allow the child to move around.
Chapter 18 | Miscellaneous 239

Obtaining reflexes
Ankle-jerk technique
The method, illustrated in Figure 18.2a, provides a
good opportunity to see and feel for a doubtful reflex.
It is readily performed on a patient lying prone to allow
examination of the back.

1. Lift the foot slightly off the examination couch and
hold it so that the Achilles tendon is under slight
2. With the plessor held in the other hand, tap the tendon.
Alternatively, have the patient kneel on a chair with
the feet freely suspended over the edge (Fig. 18.2b).
Ask him or her to grasp the back of the chair firmly;
this adds an element of reinforcement, which tends
Fig. 18.1  Rectal temperature measurement to increase the reflex. Tap the Achilles tendon in the
usual way.

Axillary use
Very unreliable, and generally should be avoided but it is (a)
practical for young chidren and gives a helpful guide. If
used it should be placed high in the axilla for 3 minutes.

Groin use
This route is not ideal but is more reliable than the axilla.
It closely approximates oral temperature.
In infants, the thigh should be flexed against the

Vaginal use (b)

Mainly used as an adjunct to the assessment of ovulation
during the menstrual cycle. Should be placed deeply in
the vagina for 5 minutes before leaving the bed in the

Infrared aural (ear drum) use

The temperature can be measured in 3 seconds with
an infrared device placed in the ear canal (e-2 therm).
There is much debate about its efficacy but it appears to
be worthwhile as it is a simple method and in general
practice the benefits of convenience outweigh possible
lack of accuracy. The normal range is the same as for
rectal temperature.

Accidental breakage in mouth

If children bite off the end of a mercury thermometer
there is no need for alarm, as the small amount of
mercury is non-toxic and the piece of glass will usually Fig. 18.2  Testing a doubtful reflex: (a) while the patient lies
pass in the stool. prone; (b) while the patient kneels on a chair
240 Practice Tips

Uncooperative children (a)

Children under 10 years of age have a disturbing tendency
to tense their arms and legs at the wrong moment. Give
them a squash ball or similar rubber object and instruct
them to squeeze the ball as hard as possible on the
count of 3.
Test the required reflex during this distraction.

Restless legs syndrome

Also known as Ekbom syndrome, this consists of poorly
localised aching in the legs (a crawling sensation) and
spontaneous, continuous leg movements. Organic causes
that need to be excluded include the neuropathies caused
by diabetes, uraemia, hypothyroidism and anaemia.
However, it is generally a functional disorder affecting
the elderly, and results in marked insomnia.
Management (b)

• Diet: Eliminate caffeine and follow a healthy diet.

• Medications (last resort): Taken before bed time,
these include paracetamol, hypnotics, tricyclic
antidepressants, clonazepam, levodopa and propranolol.
First choice is paracetamol 1000 mg (0) or clonazepam
1 mg, 1 hour before retiring.
• Exercises: These involve stretching of the hamstrings
and posterior leg muscles for at least 5 minutes
before retiring (Fig. 18.3). Exercise (a) demonstrates
hamstring stretching; (b) illustrates calf muscle
stretching; (c) stretches all posterior muscles of the
lower limb, especially the hamstrings. The patient lies
on his or her back and uses a 1.2 m (4 foot) length
of rope or flat tape to lift the leg. This exercise should
be repeated to produce effective stretching.

For severe persistent nightmares, give a trial of phenytoin
(in recommended dosage) for 4 weeks and review.
Nocturnal cramps
Consider underlying causes such as drugs and electrolyte
Physiological muscle-stretching and relaxation
techniques may be effective in the prevention of nocturnal
cramps. Other strategies include keeping well hydrated,
avoiding caffeine before retiring and taking magnesium
supplements, e.g. magnesium orotate, Crampeze.

Exercise 1
1. Get the patient to stand bare-footed approximately Fig. 18.3  Exercises for restless legs: (a) hamstring stretching;
1 m (3 ft) from a wall, leaning forwards with the (b) calf muscle stretching; and (c) stretching of all posterior
back straight and outstretched hands against the wall. muscles of the lower limb
Chapter 18 | Miscellaneous 241

2. Then get them to lift the heels off the floor and then Special uses for vasodilators
force the heels to the floor to produce tension in the
calf muscles. Venepuncture
3. They should then hold for 30 seconds and repeat Venepuncture, whether for blood collection, the
5 to 6 times. introduction of intravenous drugs or cannulation, can be
An alternative is to keep the heels on the floor and very difficult in some patients whose veins are not dilated.
climb the hands up the wall.
Patients should do these exercises 2 to 3 times a day Methods
for 1 week, then each night before retiring (Fig. 18.4). • Rub glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) ointment (e.g. Nitro-Bid
Nitrolate) over the vein that you wish to puncture.
• Give the patient one-half of an Anginine tablet
sublingually, provided there are no contraindications
to glyceryl trinitrate use. The veins will soon appear.

Painful heels
Some patients, particularly elderly diabetics with small-
vessel disease, develop painful heels. Glyceryl trinitrate
ointment or transdermal pads applied to the painful area
can provide considerable relief.
The transdermal pads (e.g. Nitro-dur, Minitran,
Transderm-Nitro) are applied once daily and the ointment
applied twice daily in a small amount under tape.

Apply GTN ointment over the painful chilblains as
necessary. Advise use of plastic gloves or immediate
washing of hands (to avoid headache).
Other tips for chilblains include taking rum at night
or nifedipine for prevention.

The use of transdermal GTN patches to treat tendonopathies
Fig. 18.4  Exercise for leg cramps
such as Achilles and lateral epicondyle tendonopathies
has been advocated by many therapists. The usual dose is
Exercise 2 1.25 mg per day (a quarter of a 5 mg/24 hr patch) over
the affected area. One Australian study by G. Hunte and
This can follow Exercise 1 before retiring. R. Lloyd-Smith (‘Topical glyceryl trinitrate for Achilles
The patient should rest in a chair with the feet out tendinopathy’, Clin J Sport Med, 2005, 15(2), p. 116–7)
horizontally to the floor, with support from a cushion concluded that the method was better than a placebo, but
under the Achilles tendon, for 10 minutes. the overall evidence is unclear and the routine treatment
Drug treatment cannot be recommended at this point.
• Quinine sulfate 300 mg nocte
• Biperiden 2–4 mg nocte Nocturnal bladder dysfunction
• Magnesium compound, two capsules bd
The woman with the urethral syndrome or bladder
The effectiveness of quinine has to be considered against
dysfunction who constantly wakes during the night with
the risk of thrombocytopenia or other complications. Its
an urge to micturate, yet only produces a small dribble
use is not recommended.
of urine, can be helped by the following.
Quinine drinks
Consider quinine-containing drinks, e.g. tonic water or
bitter lemon, last thing at night. Instruct the patient to perform the following pelvic lift
exercise when she awakes.
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) 1. The patient balances on her upper back.
Consider a half-teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass 2. The patient then lifts her pelvis, supported by her flexed
of water at the onset of the cramp. knees, and holds this position for about 30 seconds.
242 Practice Tips

3. As she holds the position, the patient can also squeeze Premature ejaculation
the pelvic floor inward.
4. Repeat the exercise 2 or 3 times. It is worth a trial of an SSRI antidepressant agent, e.g.
fluoxetine (Prozac) 20 mg daily.
Facilitating a view of the cervix
Indomethacin for
Fists under the buttocks renal/ureteric colic
If having difficulty viewing a cervix for smear taking, ask After a patient has received an intramuscular injection
the patient to rest her hands, preferably as fists, under her of pethidine or morphine for the severe pain of renal
buttocks. If necessary she can lift her buttocks slightly colic, further pain can be alleviated by indomethacin.
higher with her fists. Suppositories are satisfactory, but limit them to two a day.
A small, firm cushion could be placed under the Some practitioners have submitted an anecdotal tip
buttocks as an alternative. of getting the sufferer of ureteric colic to jump up and
If you are still having trouble have the patient cough. down vigorously on the leg of the affected side.
Note: Remember to warm the metal speculum in warm An effective alternative treatment is an IM injection of
water and test the comfort of the temperature on the 75 mg diclofenac (if available), then diclofenac 50 mg
patient’s thigh. (o) tds for 1 week.
Condom on the speculum Record keeping for
If you are troubled by the vaginal walls collapsing into the after-hours calls
gap between the two blades of the bivalved speculum you
can slip a condom over the blades and then cut the tip off When called out to make a home visit, general
the condom. The condom then supports the vaginal walls. practitioners will need to either go to the surgery for
the records or write the new notes in a notebook or on
Optimal timing and precautions scraps of paper.
If the patient record is not required for immediate
for Pap smears management, a practical suggestion is to carry sheets
• Avoid during menstruation. of self-adhesive, plain paper on which to take notes to
• The best time is any time after cessation of the period. include in the practice record later. This paper is available
• Avoid in presence of obvious vaginal infections. in gloss or matt finish.
• Avoid within 24 hours after intercourse. Write the patient’s name in the top left-hand corner
• Avoid within 48 hours of use of vaginal creams, of the space and record notes in your usual style within
pessaries or douching. a confined space. If you have to see two or three patients,
• Avoid lubrication or cleaning of cervix before pelvic leave a clear space between the notes for each.
examination. On return to the surgery, cut the notes of each patient
into individual blocks, strip off the backing and apply
Priapism to the appropriate section of the patient’s practice file.
Various methods can be attempted to alleviate the acute Alternatively add the notes to the computer file.
or subacute onset of priapism, especially that which is Self-adhesive paper may be bought in widths of
drug induced: approximately 170 mm and in various lengths from most
• ice cubes, inserted rectally stationery stores (Millfix or Quick-Stick, for example, are
• pseudoephedrine, especially for alprostadil (Caverjet two suitable brands.)
injection or Muse) induced priapism.
If drug-induced priapism lasts longer than 2 hours, give the patient Sticking labels in the
two pseudoephedrine tablets—repeat at 3 12 hours if necessary. patient notes
If all fails and specialist help is remote, aspiration and After administering vaccine that has a sticky label on
irrigation should be attempted and is best performed in it, such as Infanrix, remove the label and place it in the
the first 6 to 8 hours (exclude polycythemia and leukaemia patient’s notes, or make a note in the computer file.
via an urgent blood film).
Under local anaesthetic and using a 16-gauge needle,
aspirate thick blood from the ipsilateral corpora cavernosa Uses of a fine cataract knife
through the glans penis. 20 mL of blood is drawn out at The fine size 52 L eye knife known as a Beaver eye
a time and the penis is then flushed with saline. knife (Fig. 18.5) or Eent-Super Sharps can be used for
If resolution is incomplete, use a very slow injection of 10 several minor procedures involving minimal surgical
mL of saline containing 1 mg aramine, followed by massage. invasiveness.
Chapter 18 | Miscellaneous 243

Examples 3. Make a cruciate incision in the base of a plastic bottle to

• Neurofasciotomy for painful trigger spots in back pain accommodate the end of the puffer and then advise the
• Lateral and medial epicondylitis (tennis elbow) patient to breathe through the normal bottle opening.
• Lateral sphincterotomy (see Fig. 6.6 on p. 96)
Coping with tablets
Cool cabbages for hot breasts Breaking tablets in half
Cabbage leaves have been used in some cultures for When a tablet is manufactured with a line down the
hundreds of years in the treatment of sprains, infections middle it may be easily broken, especially if it is a big
and some breast problems. Recently, they have become tablet with a deep scored line.
popular in many maternity hospitals for managing breast
engorgement. There appears to be an unknown substance Method
that is absorbed from the cabbage leaf through the mother’s 1. Place the tablet on a flat surface with the line
skin, resulting in decreased oedema and improved milk flow. uppermost.
2. Place one finger on each side of the tablet and press
Uses down firmly (Fig. 18.5).
Local breast engorgement: 3. The tablet will split easily.
• blocked ducts or mastitis.
Generalised breast engorgement:
• when milk supply is greater than demand
–– early postpartum
–– sudden weaning
• when lactation suppression is required
–– after a baby dies
–– after mid-trimester abortion.
1. Wash the cabbage leaves well (beware risk of
contamination with dirt or pesticides) and dry. Store
the cabbage in a refrigerator. thumbs (or fingers)
2. Cut stalks from leaves (to prevent pressure on breast) press down
and apply the crisp leaves to the breast, avoiding the
nipple area. (Cut out openings for the nipples.) Fig. 18.5  Coping with tablets
3. Remove after 2 hours (or earlier if the leaves are limp)
and assess the need for further leaves. Swallowing tablets
4. Cease using leaves when engorgement settles, as
prolonged use can reduce the milk supply. This method is recommended for those who may have
5. Do not use if the patient has a history of allergy to trouble swallowing tablets.
cabbage. Method 1
Many women using this home remedy have found
cool cabbage leaves soothing when their breasts are Try swallowing the tablet with the head bent forward.
engorged. Cabbage leaves have a role as an adjunct to Method 2
the management of breastfeeding problems. It is still
essential to correctly position the baby on the breast and Simply place the tablet on the tongue and drink water
not restrict the baby’s access to the breast. through a straw with the head slightly flexed forwards.
The stream of water ‘hoses’ the tablet down the throat.
Makeshift spacing chambers Patient education techniques
for asthmatics in the consulting room
An improvised temporary ‘aerochamber’ can be made
by one of three methods: Organ removal torso model
1. Plunge the end of the puffer through the bottom of A colourful model of the human body (head to groin)
a paper or polystyrene (preferable) cup. can be obtained to install in the surgery. The organs can
2. Cut the end (base) off a plastic soft drink bottle and be systematically removed and explained to the patient
insert the end of the puffer into the mouth of the bottle. (Fig. 18.6).
244 Practice Tips

This visual education can be enhanced by the use of

graphics, which some practitioners who have developed
skills in computing are now using with amazing
Advise patients to check the accuracy of information
on the internet.

Improvised suppository inserter

Some people find it difficult or unaesthetic to insert a
suppository digitally. An interesting method is to rearrange
a disposable plastic syringe so that it is converted into a
plunger for ease of insertion of the suppository.

Rearranging the syringe

• Remove the plunger.
• Cut the end off the barrel (at the narrow end).
• Place the plunger through the opposite end at this
new opening.

Inserting the suppository

• Place the suppository in the syringe barrel (Fig. 18.7).
• Firmly place the flange up against the anus.
• Press the plunger rapidly.


cut off
Fig. 18.6  Patient education model barrel

A small whiteboard can be installed, either portable or
fixed to the wall, in the consulting room. A Sandford
Expo kit can be installed alongside the board. It consists
of a set of coloured whiteboard markers which clip onto
slots in the kit, and an eraser. This is ideal for explanatory suppository

Computer education
Your patient can be briefly taken through a patient
education information program (e.g. J. Murtagh’s Patient
Education, 6th Edn, McGraw-Hill Australia, Sydney, 2013)
on the computer screen and then take home a printout. placed at anus
This can be individualised by including the patient’s name
on the top of the general sheet. Fig. 18.7  Position of suppository
Chapter 18 | Miscellaneous 245

The many uses of petroleum jelly Honey as a wound healer

(Vaseline) The use of honey is controversial, with controlled
• To kill lice, e.g. pubic lice or those on the eyelashes, studies showing mixed outcomes. At the 2002 Australian
apply petroleum jelly twice daily for 8 days, then pluck Wound Management Conference in Adelaide, researchers
off any remaining nits. emphasised the healing powers of honey, especially
• Apply to dry and cracked skin (also useful to prevent Manuka honey, for conditions such as infected wounds,
cracking), e.g. on heels. burns, ulcers and possibly acne. Honey has antibacterial
• Apply for the protection of normal skin surrounding activity but its healing power is adversely affected by
lesions such as warts and seborrhoeic keratoses before arterial insufficiency. Professor Geoff Sussman, a leading
the application of corrosive substances, e.g. chromic Australian authority on wound healing, concludes that it
acid or liquid nitrogen. is most useful on contaminated wounds.
• Use as a lubricant for rectal examination. The usual method is to apply 20 mL of honey (25–30 g)
• Use as a lubricant and sealant for the plunger on the on a 10 cm × 10 cm absorbent dressing pad daily, reducing
metal ear syringe. to twice weekly.
• For nappy rash use it in equal parts with a mixture
of hydrocortisone and antifungal creams to promote
length of action of the medication. Snapping the top off
• For senile rhinorrhoea (see p. 204). a glass ampoule
• Dr Clarrie Dietman (personal communication) Breaking off the top of those stubborn ampoules can cause
claims great success using petroleum jelly as a first- injury. To reduce the risk of this, it is best to use a small
line treatment for allergic rhinitis. He recommends file; however, even these may not be effective. If you are
insertion of a liberal amount high into each nostril using your hands to complete the snap, try using a gauze
twice daily for as long as necessary. It has to be swab, the alcohol swab package or an appropriate-sized
considered as a trial. It is important to advise patients plaster auriscope earpiece.
to blow each nostril separately, before and after, to
avoid middle-ear and parasinus complications.
Medico-legal tips
The many uses of paper clips Tips from medical defence
• Heated clips for subungual haematoma (see p. 107) The big six presenting problems requiring extra care
• Removal of foreign body from nose and ears and follow up:
(see pp. 132–136) • breast lumps
• Removal of wax hearing aids • acute abdominal pain
• Removal of ‘stuck’ punch biopsy specimens • acute chest pain
• Eyelid eversion (with care) • sick, febrile children < 2 years
• Pin back scalp hair during minor repairs • headache
• chronic dyspnoea/cough.
The uses of fine crystalline 10 deadly sins—resulting in negligence claims
sugar • Poor record keeping.
Fine crystalline sugar (common table sugar) can be used • No documentation of consent process.
to help reduce oedematous swelling, for example: • The altering of records with a problem.
• paraphimosis • Failure to follow up referrals.
• rectal prolapse • Failure to follow up test results.
• prolapsed haemorrhoids. • Failure to check history with scripts.
• Giving phone diagnosis and treatment.
• Rushing consultations.
Sea sickness • Insufficient time/care to establish sound doctor–patient
There are several ‘mariner’s tips’ to prevent sea sickness, rapport.
especially involving the use of ginger. • Not saying anything if something’s gone wrong.
• Take a ginger preparation, e.g. drink ginger ale or
ginger beer. Handball tip (for undiagnosed multiple visits
• Place a plug in one ear. problem)
• Look to the horizon. • Three strikes and you’re out.
246 Practice Tips

Tips for aged care police, with accusations of theft or property trespass.
Auditory hallucinations may also be present.
(Dr Jill Rosenblatt) Risperidone or olanzapine are very effective medications
Scalp subeorrhoea for this problem. Keep in mind that risperidone can
An effective treatment is ketoconazole shampoo, e.g. aggravate Lewy body dementia.
sebizole or Nizoral. A second lather must be used and this
kept on the scalp for 3–5 minutes (with care to protect Faecal impaction
the eyes). This presents a challenge with the elderly
A useful approach is to use macrogol 3350 (Movicol),
showering themselves or a carer assisting.
up to eight sachets in 6 hours on successive days with
Wax in the ears subsequent daily Movicol maintenance.
The most effective drops are carbonide peroxide, e.g.
‘Ear Clear’. These may be used twice daily or even Trochanteric bursalgia
hourly during waking hours and with the resultant wax This presents as pain in the affected thigh, laterally,
dissolution, syringing can be avoided. and may radiate to the lateral knee and even into
Patients with dementia often do not tolerate ear the foot. Localised tenderness over the trochanteric
syringing, but sometimes they don’t tolerate ear drops bursa site is confirmatory and an ultrasound may add
every hour either. further evidence. An injection of local anaesthetic with
corticosteroid is very effective in the short term. During
Impaired hearing this procedure, a gritty end-point may be detected with
Up to 80% of hearing aids become expensive chest-of- the needle tip.
drawers ornaments!
Some considerations: If you can converse easily one to Benign senescent forgetfulness
one, a hearing aid should not be necessary. If a hearing
aid is to be used, it should be worn in the ear with the This popular term is also referred to as ‘aged related
better hearing. When in a crowded room, attempt to stand memory loss’ or ‘delayed recall of ageing’ or ‘mild
or sit next to a wall for greater sound concentration. If cognitive impairment of ageing’.
an audiogram demonstrates R and L hearing disparity, a This is a common sign of ageing and may be an early
CT scan should be performed. symptom of dementia, which certainly develops in at
least 10% of cases.
Clear rhinorrhoea in the elderly may be related to lactose Dementia prevention strategies
intolerance since a dairy-free diet is known to relieve This program is based on the research work of Dr
symptoms in four weeks. Lactose-free milk, now readily Michael Valenzuela, as found in his book MaintainYour Brain
available, and yoghurt may be used as alternatives. (HarperCollins, Sydney, 2001)
Long-term, intermittent oxymetazoline nasal drops 1. Healthy blood pressure—‘a healthy heart means a
or spray, e.g. Drixine can be effective but the preferred healthy brain’—the strongest evidence for dementia
treatment is lubrication of the nasal passages with Vaseline prevention.
or an oil-based preparation such as natural sesame seed 2. The three keys:
oil spray, e.g. Nozoil. a. physical: walking 30–60 minutes 3–4 times a week,
Insomnia plus strength exercises, balance and stretching
exercises—reportedly known to enhance brain
Exclude underlying causes of sleep disturbance. Avoid cell growth, brain cell interconnections and
hypnotics if possible and in particular avoid combining angiogenesis
them with alcohol. Ideally, the use of benzodiazepines b. mentally stimulating activities
as hypnotics should be short-term only. c. social activities in company that are both fun and
Sleep hygiene issues need to be discussed, consider rewarding.
caffeine cessation from lunch time onwards and the 3. Alcohol control: avoid binge drinking and always
avoidance of electronic stimulation right up to bed time. promote a safe intake, i.e. 1–2 standard drinks with a
meal for 3 days a week.
Paraphrenia 4. Diet—Mediterranean in style, oily fish 2–3 times a
This is isolated paranoia in the elderly and a sign of early week (consider Chia seed), 2 fruits and 5 vegetables
dementia. It can cause havoc with family, neighbours and daily.


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A aphthous ulcers, 192–3 bladder dysfunction, nocturnal,
arm pain, 143 241–2
abrasions, 115 arm sling, 119–21 blanket stitch suture, 59
abscess ascites, tapping, 25 blepharitis, 210
drainage of breast, 87 aspiration blood loss, 16
healing cavity of, 74 of breast lump, 87–9 blurred vision, 214
perianal, 97 of pleural effusion, 26 botulinum toxin, 96
Achilles tendon asthma, makeshift spacing boutonnèire deformity, 169
complete rupture, 183–4 ­chamber, 243 box jellyfish stings, 15
injection for paratendonopathy, atopic dermatitis, 230 brachialgia, 143
20–1 attic perforation, 201 breast
tendonopathy, 182, 241 auriscope, to view nasal abscess drainage, 86–7
acne, 229–30 cavity, 206 cabbage leaves for engorgement,
acne cysts, 79 autoinjector for anaphylaxis, 243
acromioclavicular joint 15–16 lump aspiration, 87–8
injection, 50–1 avulsion of toenail, 112 breath-holding attacks, 224
sling, 119 axial loading test, 152, 153 Breathing Wonder, 206
acute bacterial mastitis, 86 axillary sweat glands, wedge broad arm sling, 119, 120
acute coronary syndromes, 2 ­resection, 71 burns, 122–4
acute paraphimosis, 6 axillary temperature measurement, dressings, 124
acute torticollis, 144 239 first aid, 123
adhesive gel dressings, 86 hand, 124
adrenaline autoinjector, 15–16 B Lund-Browder chart, 124
aeroplane exercise, 185 major burns, 123
aged care, 246 ‘back knee’, 176, 177 safety first rules, 123
airgun wounds, 131 back pain Burn ‘kneeling on a stool’
alcohol swabs, 29 disc prolapse, 154 test, 152
Algerbrush II, 107 drawing/scale-marking for, burr holes, 8–9
ampoules, topping, 245 150, 151 bursitis
amputated finger, 114 lower back exercise, 159 ischial, 174
anal dilatation, 96 sciatica, 155 olecranon, 80–1
anal fibro-epithelial polyps, 98 slump test, 154, 155 pre-patellar, 80–1
anal fissures, 95–7 tests for non-organic, 152–3 subacromial, 44
anaesthetic infiltration for trigger point injections, 42–3 trochanteric, 47–8, 246
wounds, 30 Baker cyst, 83–4 button hole deformity, 169
anaphylaxis, 15–16 Bartholin cyst, 88
ankle Barlow test, 172, 173 C
sprained, 183–4 basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 82
strapping, 184 Beaver eye knife, 242–3 cabbage leaves, for breast
wobble board technique, 185 bed bug bites, 14 engorgement, 243
ankle-jerk reflex technique, 239 bee stings, 15 calculus, in Wharton duct, 193
ankyloglossia, 193–4, 224 benign paroxysmal positional calf squeeze test, 183
anosmia, 206 ­vertigo, 206–7 calluses, 99, 100, 101
ant bites, 15 benign senescent forgetfulness, canker sores, 192–3
anterior compartment syndrome, 246 cannulation, 20–1
182 bicipital tendonitis injection, 44 intravenous, in child, 219–20
anterior directed gliding, Bier block, 38 carbon dioxide slush, 90–1
142, 147 biopsies, 79–80 carotid sinus massage, 13
antral/nasal washout, 205 bite wounds, 13–15 carpal tunnel injection, 48–9
anxious children, 226–7 ‘bite the bullet’ strategy, 218 carpal tunnel syndrome, 166–7

cat bites, 14 nose cleaning, 224 coronary syndromes, 2

cataract knife, uses of, 242–3 nose drops, instilling, 219 costovertebral gliding, 147
catheterisation, 22–4 oesophagitis, 224 cotton wool, in ear, 136
caudal epidural, 39–41 oral Sabin vaccine, 218 cramps, nocturnal, 240–1
cauliflower ear, 115 painful procedures, 218 creams, prescribing rules, 228
centipede bites, 15 plaster cast removal, 223 cricothyroidostomy, 12
cephalic vein, 4–5 pulled elbow, 163, 164 crocodile forceps, 133
cervical polyps, 88, 89 rectal temperature measurement, cross-stitch, 60
cervical spine 238–9 crown excisions, 66–7
mobilisation, 141–2 reflex, obtaining, 240 crutches, 188–9
referred pain, 143 reflux, 224 cryotherapy, 88–91
spinous processes, 143–4 scalp lacerations, 220–1 cysts
traction, 145 school refusal, 226 acne, 79
cervix, viewing, 242 self-statement questionnaire, Baker, 83–4
chalazion, 212, 213 226–7 Bartholin 88
chemical burns to eye, 216 skin rashes, 225 breast, 87–8
chest drain, 25–6 spatula sketches, 219 dermoid, 78–9
chilblains, 232, 241 splints, 223 deroofing, 78
children surgery, optimal times, ear lobe, 201
ankyloglossia, 193–4, 224 226–7 epididymal, 84
anxious, 226–7 suturing wounds, 222 healing cavity of, 74
arm relaxation, 220 swallowing tablets, 218 Meibomian, 212–13
‘biting the bullet’, 218 taking medicine, 218 mucous, 106
breath-holding attacks, 224 tongue tie, 193–4, 224 recurrent, 88
cannulation, 21 topical local analgesia, 222 sebaceous, 77–8
choking, 220 urine aspiration, suprapubic,
colic, 224 225 D
cricothyroidostomy, 12 vein cannulation, 220
crying infant, 223–4 wound infiltration, 222 de Quervain tenosynovitis
distracting, 217–18 wound repair, 220–2 Finkelstein test, 166
‘draw a dream’ technique, 225 choking, 13, 220 injection for, 46
dummy (pacifier) use, cholesteatoma, 201 symptoms, 166
217, 218 chondrodermatitis nodularis deafness, 197, 224
eczema, 230 ­helicus, 83 debridement
eye drops, instilling, 219 clavicle, fracture, 117–18 for wound debris, 59
fear thermometer, 226–7 bandage for, 118 in hairy area, 73
fluid administration, 218 clenched fist injuries, 14 deep venous thrombosis, 236
forehead lacerations, 220 clindamycin, 229 dementia prevention strategies,
forehead lump, 225 cold sores, 232 246
foreign bodies, removal from colic, 224, 242 dental problems see teeth
nose/ear, 132–6 collar and cuff sling, 119, 120 dermabrasion, 59
foreign bodies, swallowed, Colles fracture, 170–1 dermatitis, 230, 232, 233
220 coma scale, Glasgow, 8 dermatome chart, 154, 155
fractures, 222–3 compression stocking, applying, dermatophyte diagnosis, 231
glue for wounds, 221–2 237 dermoid cysts, 78–9
hip disorders, 172, 173 conjunctivitis, mild, 210 diabetic hypoglycaemia
intravenous cannulation, 21, contact dermatitis, 233 injection, 31
219–20 convulsions, injection for, 31 digits
lactose intolerance test, 224 coral cuts, 15 avascular field, 70–1
making friends with, 217 corneal abrasion and ulceration, cut, 113
mouth opening, 218–19 212 see also finger
nappy rash, 230 corneal foreign bodies, 211–12 dish mop, for applying topicals,
nasogastric tube insertion, 22 corns, 99, 100, 101 232

dislocations elbow fluorescein, 210, 212

elbow, 163–4, 165 dislocated, 163–4, 165 ‘glitter’ removal, 210
finger, 167, 168 injection, 51 hyphaema, 216
hip, 175–6 pulled, 163, 164 infections, 216
jaw, 140 see also golfer’s elbow; tennis maggot removal, 126
patella, 181 elbow Meibomian cysts, 212–13
shoulder, 159–62 electric shock, 7–8 ocular pain relief, 214–15
dog bites, 14 electrocardiogram, 2–3 padding, 214
‘dog ears’, 61 electrocautery recurrent erosive syndrome,
drain, inserting in chest, 25–6 ingrowing toenail, 109 212
‘draw a dream’ technique, 225 sebaceous cyst, 77–8 Seidal test, 212
dry eyes, 210–11 subungual haematoma, 107 Snellen eye chart, 215
dupuytren contracture, 86 electrodissection of warts, 92 styes, 214
emergency procedures, 1–19 eyelashes
E entropion, 211 entropion, 211
epicondylitis, injection for, 45 ingrowing, 211
ear epidermoid cysts, 77–8 eyelid
cotton bud problems, 136, 202 epididymal cysts, 84 blepharitis, 210
discharge, 168 Epistat catheter, 204 everting, 209–10
external, nerve block for, 37 epistaxis, 202–4 local anaesthetic for, 213
facial blocks for, 37 Epley manoeuvre, 206–7 repair of laceration, 69, 70
foreign body removal, 132–6 eustachian catheter, 133 styes, 214
glue ear, 206 everted wounds, 56 xanthomas, 91
hearing tests, 197 excisions
insect in, 135–6 common mistakes, 55 F
instilling otic ointment, 202 crown, 66–7
pain when flying, 201 dead space, 56 Fabere test, 174
piercing, 198–9 ‘dog ears’, 61 face
swimmer’s ear, 198 elliptical, 60–1 acne scars, 230
syringing, 198–200 facial, 60 nerve block, 36–7
tropical ear, 202 for ingrowing toenail, 109 skin lesion excision, 66–7
‘unsafe’, 201 knot tying, 56–7 facial nerve blocks, 36–7
waterproofing, 198 lipomas, 81 faecal impaction, 138, 246
wax, 200, 246 Meibomian cyst, 212–13 fall, from height, 113
wax softeners, 198–9 minimising bleeding, 55 fear thermometer, 226–7
wedge resection, 68–9, 70 nail bed, 111–12 femoral nerve, anatomy, 33–4
see also otitis externa; otitis non-melanoma skin cancer, 72 femur fracture, 176
media repair principles, 55–6 finger
ear drum temperature safety measures, 55 amputated, 114
measurement, 239 scalpel holding, 57–8 boutonnière deformity, 169
ear lobe skin tumours, 63–4 dislocated, 167, 168
cysts, 201 suture material, 55 dressing for tip, 114
embedded earring stud, 202 eye fractures, 118–19
infected, 201–2 chemical burns, 216 injecting, 45–6, 51–2
pricking, 31 conjunctivitis, 210 lancing, 31
ear plugs, 198 corneal abrasion and ulceration, loss of tip, 114
ECG see also electrocardiogram 212 mallet finger, 168–9
ECG recording, 2–3 corneal foreign body, nerve block, 31–2
eczema, 230 211–12 removal of ring, 128
ejaculation, premature, 242 drop application in eyes, 214 skin loss, 114
Ekbom syndrome, 240 dry eyes, 210–11 strapping, 167–8
Elastoplast Scar Reduction Patch, examination kit, 209 tourniquet, 113
86 flash burns, 210 trauma, 114

finger joint, injection, 51–2 maggots, 126, 135 geographic tongue, 193
fingernails see nails metal fragments, 129 Glasgow coma scale, 8
Finkelstein test, 166 in nose, 132 glenohumeral joint injection, 51
fish bone, in throat, 136 pneumatic otoscopic vacuum, glue ear, 206
fish hook, embedded, 129–31 134–5 gluteus medius tendonopathy
fish-tail cut, 61 probe technique, 132, 133 injection, 48
flap repairs, 62–7 ring on finger, 128 golfer’s elbow, 45
flap wounds rubber catheter suction, 134 gout, in great toe, 53–4
double Y on V advancement, 63 splinters, 128–9 granny knot, 57
H double advancement, 64 swallowed by children, 220 gravel rash, 115
on lower leg, 62 ticks, 127–8 grease gun wounds, 132
rhomboid, 66 tissue glue and plastic swab greenstick fractures, 223
rotation, 65 technique, 135 groin temperature measurement,
sliding, 63 ultrasound or X-ray for, 113, 239
transposition, 65 129 gunshot wounds, 131–2
triangular, 62 foreign-body remover, 133
Y on V advancement, 63 fractures H
flash burns, 210 associated injuries, 16–17
FLO sinus care, 205 calcaneus, 121 haemangioma, of lip, 83
fluid infusions, subcutaneous, in children, 222–3 haematoma
26–7 clavicle, 117–18, 121 block by local infiltration
fluorescein, 210, 211, 212 Colles’, 121, 170–1 anaesthetic, 38–9
foot femur, 121, 176 nasal septum, 115–16
calluses, 99, 100, 101 greenstick, 223 perianal, 93–4
corns, 99, 100, 101 healing time, 121 pinna, 115
cracked heels, 102 humerus, 119, 121 pretibial, 116
fractures, 113 mandible, 117 septal, 115–16
heel pain, 241 metacarpal, 172–3 subungual, 106–8
injecting, 34–5 nasal, 205 haemorrhage, 16
nerve blocks, 35 phalangeal, 118–19, 121 haemorrhoids
plantar warts, 99–101 Potts, 121 injecting, 95
rupture of tibialis posterior radius, 121 rubber band ligation, 94–5
tendon, 185–6 rib, 118, 121 hairpin for removal of foreign
tibialis posterior tendonopathy scaphoid, 121, 171 bodies, 132
injection, 50 scapula, 121 hand
see also ankle; plantar fasciitis; slings for, 119–21, 121 burns, 124
toenail testing for, 116–17 carpal tunnel syndrome,
foreign bodies wrist, 170–2 166–7
bent hairpin technique, 132, free-hanging method, 160 Colles fracture, 170–1
134 frenulotomy, 193–4 dermatitis, 232
bent paper clip technique, Froment’s sign, 125 fracture healing time, 121
134 frontal sinuses, 195 fractures caused by falling on,
buried as result of trauma, fungal hyphae, 231 113
113 funnel-web spider bites, 14 nerve blocks, 32–3
corneal, 211–12 nerve injury test, 124–5
in ear, 132–6 G oil injection, 132
fish hook, 129–31 scaphoid fracture, 171
fish bone in throat, 136 gamekeeper’s thumb, 170 sling, 119–20
gunshot wounds, 131–2 ganglions, 80 see also finger; thumb
insect in ear, 135–6 genital herpes, 233 head injuries
‘kiss and blow’ technique, genu recurvatum, 176, 177 children, 220–1
135 genu valgum, 176, 177 and conscious state, 8–9
leeches, 127 genu varum, 176, 177 headlight, hands-free, 205

hearing loss infrared aural temperature inverted mattress suture, 62

in the elderly, 246 measurement, 239 ionising radiation illness, 18–19
tests, 197 ingrowing eyelashes, 211 ischial bursitis, 174
heat, to relieve eye pain, 214–15 ingrowing toenail
heels central thinning, 108 J
cracked, 102 elliptical block dissection,
painful, 241 110–11 jaw
Heimlich manoeuvre, 13 excision of ellipse of skin, 109 dislocated, 140
herpes labialis, 232 phenolisation, 109–10 mandible fracture, 117
herpes simplex, 232 post-operative pain relief, 111 jellyfish stings, 15
herpes zoster, 233 spiral tape, 108 jogger’s knee, 180
hiccoughs, 205–6 inguinoscrotal lumps, 224 joint injections, 50–3
hip inhalations for URTIs, 196 jumper’s knee, 179–80
developmental dysplasia, injections
172, 173 Achilles paratendonopathy, 50
dislocated, 175–6 basic, 28–41 K
injecting, 47–8, 52 bicipital tendonitis, 44 keloids
ischial bursitis, 174 carpal tunnel, 48–9 methods of treatment, 86
and knee pain, 172 caudal (trans-sacral), 39–41 prevention, 86
osteoarthritis in, 173 diabetic hypoglycaemia, 31
keratoacanthomas, 81–2
Ortolani and Barlow screening elbow, 45, 51
keratoses, 83
tests, 172, 173 epicondylitis, 45
Patrick test, 174 ‘kiss and blow’ technique, 135
gluteus medius tendonopathy,
snapping/clicking, 174–5 knee
tendonitis, 48 anterior pain, 180
great toe gout, 53–4
trochanteric bursitis, 47–8, 246 back knee, 176, 177
into joints, 50–3
hip disorders, age relationship common causes of pain,
intramuscular, 29
of, 172 musculoskeletal, 42–54 176–7
‘hip pocket nerve’ syndrome, needle gauge, 29 dislocated patella, 181
173 painless, 28–9 injecting, 52
hip and shoulder rotation test, plantar fasciitis, 47 jogger’s, 180
152–3 rectal, 31 jumper’s, 179–80
Hippocratic method, 159 rotator cuff lesions, 43–4 knock knees, 176, 177
honey, as wound healer, 245 slow, 30 Lachman test, 178–9
hormone implants, 41–2 supraspinatus tendonitis, 44 meniscal injuries, 177–8
hot spoon bathing, 213, 215 tarsal tunnel, 49 overuse syndromes, 179
human bites, 14 tibialis posterior tendonopathy, pain referred from hip, 172
humerus fracture, 119, 121 50 ‘kneeling on a stool’ test, 152
hydroceles, 84 trigger finger, 45–6 knock knees, 176, 177
hypertrophic scars, 85 trigger points in back, 42–3 knot tying, 56–7
hyperventilation, 11 trochanteric bursitis, 47–8, 246 Kocher method, 159
hyphaema, 216 see also nerve blocks
hysterical ‘unconscious’ patient, 7 insect, in ear, 135–6 L
insomnia, 246
I instrument knot, 57 lacerations
intercostal catheter, 11 eyelid, 69, 70
iliotibial band tendonopathy, 182 intercostal nerve block, 39 gums, 221
Implanon rod removal, 129 international notation of lip, 67, 221
implantation cysts, 78–9 teeth, 191 ragged, 65, 72
incisions, 56 intraosseous infusion, 6 scalp, 220–1
indomethacin, 242 intravenous cutdown, 4–6 topical local anaesthesia,
infant colic, 224 intravenous regional 222
infraorbital nerve block, 36 anaesthesia, 38 Lachman test, 178–9

lactose intolerance test, 224 posterior view, 154 nails

lancing finger, 31 slump test, 154, 155 avulsion by chemolysis, 112
lateral epicondylitis, 45 Lund-Browder chart for burns, onychogryphosis, 106
lateral sphincterotomy, 96 124 paronychia, 111
leech removal, 127 splinter under, 105–6
leg M subungual haematoma,
bowed, 176, 177 106–8
crutches, prescription of, maggots, removing, 126 see also toenail
188–9 Magnuson method, 151 nappy rash, 230
lower leg problems, 181–3 mallet finger, 168–9 nasal fractures, 205
nerve roots, pressure on, 154 mandible nasal polyps, 197
nocturnal cramps, 240–1 fracture of, 117 nasal septum haematoma,
overuse syndromes, 181, 182 spatula test, 117 115–16
pain from disc prolapse, 154 marsupialisation, 88, 89 nasogastric intubation, 21–2
restless legs syndrome, 240 mastitis, acute bacterial, 86 neck
tennis leg, 181, 183 matchstick tamponade, 202–3 muscle energy therapy, 144
torn monkey muscle, 181, 183 maxillary sinuses, 196 palpating, 143
triangular flap wounds, 62 medial epicondylitis, 45 rolls and stretches, 145–6
ulcers, 236–7 median nerve block, 33 torticollis, 144
walking stick, 189 medical defence, 245 traction, 144–5, 146
see also ankle; knee; varicose veins Meibomian cysts, 212–13 neck movement grid, 141
ligatures, on vessels, 57, 65 meniscal injuries, 177–8 needle disposal, 30–1
Limberg flap, 66 mental nerve block, 37 negligence claims, avoiding, 245
lip Nelson hold, 148
metacarpal fractures, 171–2
haemangioma, 83 nerve blocks
metal fragments, 129
repair of cut, 67–9, 221 digital, 31–2
mid-thoracic spine manipulation,
wedge excision, 67–8 elbow, 33
lipomas, 81 external ear, 37
migraine, 10–11
liquid nitrogen facial, 36–7
migratory pointing test, 152
plantar wart treatment, 100 femoral, 33–4
skin lesion therapy, 88–90 Milch method, 160 foot, 47, 50
to remove skin tags, 76 milker’s nodules, 83 hand, 32–3
topical anaesthesia for children, molluscum contagiosum, 92 intercostal, 39
222 ‘monkey muscle’, torn, 181, 183 median, 33
Little’s area, cautery of, 203 morphine, subcutaneous penile, 37
local anaesthetic infiltration for infusion of, 27 radial, 33
wounds, 30 moth, in ear, 135–6 sural, 35
lumbar epidural, 39–40 mouth tibial, 34–5
lumbar puncture, 24–5 aphthous ulcers, 192–3 ulnar, 33
lumbar spine calculus in Wharton duct, 193 nerve injury, quick hand test,
dermatome chart, 154, 155 opening a child’s, 218–19 124–5
drawing/scale-marking back see also teeth; tongue nightmares, 240
pain, 150, 151 Mt Beauty method, 160–2 nose
movements of, 153 mucous cysts, 106 auriscope, use of, 206
reference points, 150 musculoskeletal injections, 42–54 cleaning child’s, 224
rotation mobilisation, 156 myocardial infarction, 2–4 epistaxis, 202–4
Schober test, 154–5 myxoid pseudocyst, 106 foreign bodies in, 132, 134
stretching/manipulation, 157–8 fractured, 205
lumbosacral spine N instilling drops, 204
bony landmarks, 152 nasal washout, 205
disc prolapse, 154 nail bed offensive smell from, 204
leg nerve roots, 154 ablation, 106 polyps, 197
lower back exercise, 158 excision, 111–12 senile rhinorrhoea, 204, 246

septal haematoma, 115–16 patellofemoral joint pain, 180–1 prolapse, rectal, 98

severe posterior epistaxis,204 patient education in consulting prolapsed disc, 154
‘snotty’, 225 room, 243–4 proprioception exercises, 185
stuffy/running, 204 Patrick test, 174 pruritis ani, 98
Nozoil, 204 penile nerve block, 37 psoriasis, 230
Nozovent, 206 penis steroid injections, 85, 231
acute paraphimosis, 6 pulley suture, 59
O extricating from zipper, 136–7 pulse oximetry, 1–2
perianal punch biopsy, 79–80
ocular pain relief, 214–15 abscess, 97 pupillary reaction test, 7
oesophagitis, 224 haematoma, 93–4 pyogenic granuloma, 83
oil injections into hand, 132 skin tags, 94
ointment, prescribing rules, 228 warts, 97–8 Q
olecranon bursitis, 80–1 perineal skin repair, 62
onychocryptosis, 108–11 petroleum jelly, uses, 245 quadriceps exercise, 181
onychogryphosis, 106 phalangeal fractures, 118–19
Phalen test, 167
oral temperature measurement,
phenolisation, for ingrowing R
orf, 83 toenail, 109–10 radial nerve block, 33
Ortolani test, 172, 173 pinhole test, for blurred vision,
radiation sickness, 18–19
osteoarthritis in hip joint, 173 214
rape victims, 10
otic ointment, instilling, 202 pinna, haematoma, 115
rashes, 225
otitis externa plantar fasciitis, 102, 182
recapping needles, 31
exercises, 102–3
preventing swimmer’s record keeping, after hours, 242
hydrotherapy, 102
ear, 198 rectal ‘injection’, 31
injecting, 47, 104
suppurative, 198 rectal prolapse, 98
strapping, 104
tissue ‘spears’ for cleaning, 198 recurrent erosive syndrome, 212
plantar warts, 99–101
tropical ear, 202 red-back spider bite, 14
otitis media reef knot, 56
leg support while applying
suppurative, 198 plaster, 187­ reflexes, 239–40
tissue ‘spears’ for cleaning,198 plaster of Paris, 186 reflux with oesophagitis, 224
Otovent, 206 plaster walking heel, 188 renal colic, 242
oxygen therapy, 2 removal of cast from child, 223 restless legs syndrome, 240
silicone filler, 188 rhomboid flap, 66
P supporting shoe, 188 rib belt, universal, 118
volar arm plaster splint, 187 rib fracture, 118
paint gun wounds, 132 waterproofing, 187–8 ring, removing from finger, 128
palmar nodule, 86 pleural effusion, 26 roadside emergency, 17–18
Palmer notation of teeth, 191 pneumothorax, 11 roller injuries to limbs, 116
Pap smears, 242 polymyalgia rheumatica, 143 rotation flaps, 65–6
paper clip polyps rotator cuff lesions, injecting,
bent, for removal of foreign anal fibro-epithelial, 98 43–4
bodies, 133 cervical, 88, 89 ‘rule of nines’, 229
hot, for subungual haematoma, nasal, 197
107 post-herpetic neuralgia, 233 S
uses, 245 pre-patellar bursitis, 80–1
papillomas, 91 premature ejaculation, 242 Sabin vaccine, 218
paraphimosis, 6 pressure gun injuries, 131 sacral hiatus, identifying, 40
paraphrenia, 246 pretibial haematoma,116 salivary calculus, 193
paronychia, 111 priapism, 242 sandfly bites, 14
patella, dislocated, 181 prickles, removal of, 129 saphenous vein, long, 4–5
patellar tendonopathy, 179–80 proctalgia fugax, 97 scalp lacerations, 220–1

scalp seborrhoea, 246 skin tears, avoiding, 65 sunburn, 228

scalpel skin tumours, excising, 63–4 sunglasses, 229
holding, 57–8 slings, 119–21 sunlight exposure, 228–9
insertion and removal of makeshift, 121 suppository inserter, 244
blade, 58 slump test, 154, 155 supra ventricular tachycardia, 13
scaphoid fracture, 171 snake bite, 13 supraorbital nerve block, 36
scapula pressure method, 160 Snellen eye chart, 215 suprapubic aspiration of urine,
Schober test, 154–5 snoring, 206 225–6
sciatica ‘snotty’ nose, 225 supraspinatus tendonitis
in buttock, 173 sore throat, swallowing with, 206 impingement test, 162–3
‘hip pocket nerve’ syndrome, spacing chamber, makeshift, 243 injection for, 44
173 spatula sketches, 219 sural nerve block, 35
manual traction, 155 spectacles, protective, 216 surgeon’s knot, 57
scorpion bites, 15 spider bites, 13 surgery, optimal times for
scrotum, hydroceles, 84 spider naevi, 231 children’s ­disorders, 226–7
sea sickness, 245 spine sutures
sea wasp stings, 15 anterior directed gliding, blanket stitch, 59
sebaceous cysts, 77–8 142, 147 continuous, 59
sebaceous hyperplasia, 78 manipulation, 141–2 cross-stitch, 60
seborrhoea, scalp, 246 mid-thoracic, 148 inverted mattress, 62
seborrhoeic keratoses, 83, 91 mobilisation, 141–2 materials, 55
Seidal test, 212 recording movements of, 141 non-absorbable, 75
Semont manoeuvre, 207–8 see also cervical spine; lumbar number of, 56
senile rhinorrhoea, 204, 246 spine; ­lumbosacral spine over-and-over, 59
septal haematoma, 115–16 splinters primary, 64
serious injuries, clues from detecting, 129 pulley, 59
association, 16–17 under nails, 105–6 removal of, 71, 75
sexual assault (female), 9–10 under skin, 128–9 subcuticular, 59
shave biopsy, 79, 80 splints three-point, 61
shaved area, cleaning, 73 finger, 168, 169 vertical mattress, 56
shin splints, 182 minor fractures, 223 suturing
shingles, 233 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), cut tendon, 122
shoulder 82–3 ‘dog ears’, 61
dislocated, 159–62 squint, 224 holding the needle, 56
injecting, 51 St John sling, 119, 121 knot tying, 56–7
recurrent dislocation, 162 stab wounds, 113 lip repair, 67–8
referred pain, 143 sternal thrust method, 148 painless, 29
silicone filler in plaster cast, 188 steroid injections tongue wound, 69, 71
sinus tenderness, 195 ganglions, 80 swallowing, with sore throat, 206
sinusitis, unilateral, 195–6 hypertrophic scars, 86 sweat glands, wedge resection
skier’s thumb, 170 psoriasis plaques, 85 of, 71
skin cancer, 81–3 skin lesions, 85 swimmer’s ear, 198
skin creams and ointments, 228 stingrays, 15 syringing, ear, 198, 200
skin glues, 221–2 stings, 15
skin lesions stucco keratoses, 83 T
biopsies, 79–80 styes, 214
carbon dioxide slush, 90–1 subacromial space injections tablets
liquid nitrogen therapy, 88–90 for rotator cuff lesions, 43 halving, 243
steroid injections, 85 for subacromial bursitis, 44 swallowing, 243
skin scrapings, 231 subcutaneous fluid infusions, 26–7 tailor’s bottom, 174
skin tags, 76–7 subtaler joint mobilisation, 184–5 tampons, removal of impacted,
perianal, 94 subungual haematoma, 106–8 137–8
primary suture, 64 sugar, uses, 245 tarsal tunnel injection, 49

teeth thumb ulnar nerve block, 33

bleeding socket, 191 injecting, 32, 46, 51 ultrasound
chipped, 190 joint, 51 efficacy in detecting splinters,
dry socket, 191 lancing, 31 129
knocked out, 190 skier’s/gamekeeper’s, 170 for detecting foreign bodies,
loosened, 190 tenpin bowler’s, 169 113, 129
notation, 191–2 trigger, 46 ‘unconscious’ hysterical
wisdom teeth, 192 tibial nerve block, 34 patient, 7
temperature measurement, tibial stress fracture, 182 upper respiratory tract infections
238–9 tibial stress syndrome, 182 see URTIs
temporomandibular joint tibialis anterior tenosynovitis, 182 Upton’s paste, 100
dysfunction, 139–40 tibialis posterior tendon rupture, ureteric colic, 242
injection, 53 185–6 urethral catheterisation
TMJ rest program, 140 tibialis posterior tendonopathy, 50 children, 24
tendon, severed, 122 tick removal, 127–8 female, 23
tendon sheath injection, 50 Tinel test, 167 male, 22
tendonopathy tinnitus, 206 urine aspiration, suprapubic,
Achilles, 50, 182 tissue glue and plastic swab 225
bicipital, 44 technique, 135 URTIs
gluteus medius, 48 toenail anosmia following, 206
iliotibial band, 182 dystrophic, 112 inhalations for, 196
supraspinatus, 44 ingrowing, 108–11 UV light protection, 229
vasodilator use, 241 onychogryphosis, 106
tennis elbow paronychia, 111
exercises, 165 subungual haematoma, 106–8 V
injection for, 45 traumatic avulsed, 112
tongue vaccination, needle gauge, 29
wringing exercise, 164–5
black, 193 vaginal temperature measurement,
tennis leg, 181, 182
geographic, 193 239
tenosynovitis of the wrist
hairy, 193 varicose veins
injection for, 46
see also de Quervain repairing, 69, 71 avulsion, 234
tenosynovitis tongue tie, 193–4 percutaneous ligation, 234
tenpin bowler’s thumb, 169 ‘too many toes’ test, 186 ruptured, 236
testicle torticollis, 144 Vaseline, uses, 245
torsion of, 84 traction vasodilators, special uses, 241
tumours, 84 for cervical spine, 145 veins, dilating, 20
thermometer, breakage in to neck, 144–5, 146 venepuncture, 20, 241
mouth, 239 transposition flaps, 65 venous ulcers, 236–7
thigh extension thrust technique, trauma, 113 vertical mattress suture, 56
147 ‘triangle of safety’, 25–6 vertigo, positional, 206–7
thoracic spine trichiasis, 211 vessel ligation, 57, 65
anterior directed costovertebral trichloroacetic acid, 91 vibrator, removal from vagina/
gliding, 147 trigger finger injection, 45–6 rectum, 138
manipulation, 147–8 trochanteric bursalgia injection, vision, blurred, 214
mobilisation, 147 47–8, 246 vital signs, normal values, 1
thoracolumbar stretching/­ tropical ear, 202 vitamin D, 228
manipulation, 149 volar arm plaster splint,
three-point suture, 61 U 187
fish bone in, 136 ulcers W
swallowing when sore, 206 aphthous, 192–3
ticklish, 206 corneal, 212 W-plasty, 72
thrombophlebitis, 235–6 venous, 236–7 walking stick, 189

warts Wood’s light examination, 210, wrist

electrodissection, 92 231–2 injection, 46, 51
perianal, 97–8 wounds nerve block, 32–3
plantar, 99–101 dressings, 73–4 tenosynovitis, 46
treatment options, 91–2 everted, 56
washout, antral/nasal, 205 healing cyst/abscess cavities, 74
wasp stings, 15 honey as healer, 245 X
wax removal, 198–200 injecting analgesia, 222
X-ray, detecting splinters, 129
weaver’s bottom, 174 keeping hair out of, 73
xanthelasmas, 91
wedge excision of lip, 67–8 local anaesthetic infiltration, 30
xanthomas, 91
wedge resection maggot removal, 126
axilliary sweat glands, 71 painless suturing, 29
ear, 68–9, 70 post-operative care, 74 Z
ingrown toenail, 109–10 skin glue, use of, 221–2
wisdom teeth, 192 traumatic, 73 Z-plasty, 67
wobble board technique, Z-plasty, 67 zipper, extricating penis from,
185 see also sutures; suturing 136–7

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