Mehmet Parlar, SPE, and E.H. Albino, SPE, Schlumberger: Ber 1983, Is Available From SPE's Customer Service Dept

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Mehmet Parlar, SPE, and E.H.

Albino, SPE, Schlumberger

Introduction • Complete packing, with a properly sized high-perme-

Techniques used for sand control include restricted hydro- ability gravel, of all void spaces between the screen and
carbon production, in-situ consolidation, gravel packing, casing and perforations or between the screen and the
high-rate water packing, frac packing, fracturing without open hole.
screens, and drilling horizontal wells completed with • Clear interface between the formation sand and gravel,
screens. Frac packing, high-rate water packing, and hori- with no mixing/invasion of formation material with/into the
zontal completions have been the most widely used of these gravel pack during placement and during production
techniques in recent years. Fracturing without screens, frac throughout the life of the well.
packing, and horizontal drilling all aim at reducing draw- • No invasion of the matrix with damaging material
down and/or increasing production rates by decreasing (e.g., unfiltered or incompatible brines, polymers, crushed
velocities in the formation with a larger flow area. The gravel).
increased flow area also makes these methods more tolerant • No reduced-permeability section between the forma-
to formation and completion damage. tion sand and the gravel pack (e.g., drilling-fluid filter cake
Achieving long-term sand control without impairing well in open holes or crushed zone in cased and perforated
productivity has been a challenging task from both a tech- holes).
nical and an economic perspective for many years in almost • No residuals from the carrier fluid and/or fluid-loss
all major oil- and gas-producing regions of the world. pills (e.g., polymers and bridging agents in gravel pack).
Because this article is a review of the challenges, accom- Particular attention also must be given to prevention of
plishments, and recent developments in gravel packing, we screen plugging while running the screens in hole (dis-
limit our discussion to treatments below fracturing pressure cussed later).
by assuming that exceeding the fracturing pressure is unde- Obtaining a technically ideal gravel pack as described
sirable for technical reasons. It is not our intent to suggest has been a major challenge, and all objectives have not
that gravel packing is the preferred sand-control method. been achieved under all circumstances. Furthermore,
All methods for sand control have their own applications achieving this type of completion may not always be nec-
and value in the industry. essary, depending on cost/benefit analysis. For example,
We first discuss recent developments and challenges in openhole horizontal completions sometimes can tolerate
gravel, screen, and carrier-fluid areas and follow this by a high levels of damage with little impact on productivity. In
discussion of gravel packing in cased holes, where major such cases, incremental production resulting from a
accomplishments have been introduction of combined cleanup treatment needs to be weighed vs. cost.
processes that not only reduce completion costs but also Regardless of the type of completion (open or cased), the
improve productivity. Next, we review openhole gravel first potential source of formation damage is the drilling
packing, primarily for highly deviated or horizontal wells fluid. In recent years, with the increased applications of
because this is where most openhole gravel-packing appli- horizontal wells, substantial effort has been devoted to for-
cations have been. Finally, we draw conclusions and high- mulating reservoir drilling fluids (RDF’s) that form a tight
light the accomplishments and remaining challenges. filter cake with minimal particle and polymer invasion into
the matrix and that contain soluble (in acid, water, or oil)
Ideal Gravel-Pack Completion bridging agents. Proper RDF selection typically is consid-
From a technical standpoint, an ideal gravel-pack comple- ered to be less of an issue in cased holes because the dam-
tion accomplishes the following objectives. aged region is believed to be bypassed by the perforations;
however, this may not be true in unconsolidated sand for-
mations because perforation collapse is highly likely.
Copyright 2000 Society of Petroleum Engineers
Gravel and Screen Selection
This is paper SPE 57474. Distinguished Author Series articles are general, descriptive
representations that summarize the state of the art in an area of technology by describing To date, Saucier’s1 criterion has been the most popular
recent developments for readers who are not specialists in the topics discussed. Written by method for sizing gravel. Because his criterion is based on
individuals recognized as experts in the area, these articles provide key references to more
definitive work and present specific details only to illustrate the technology. Purpose: to a single point in the sand-size distribution, it is applica-
inform the general readership of recent advances in various areas of petroleum engi-
neering. A softbound anthology, SPE Distinguished Author Series:December 1981–Decem -
ble primarily to uniform sands. As the sand-size distribu-
ber 1983, is available from SPE’s Customer Service Dept. tion becomes more and more nonuniform, other points


on the distribution need to be considered. Schwartz’s2 because of lower cost, wide range of densities for pressure
uniformity coefficient (CU=d40/d90) and, more recently, control, and more common use of water-based drilling
Tiffin et al.’s3 sorting coefficient (CS=d10/d95) are addi- fluids in the pay zone. In addition to conventional brines
tional criteria that account for such nonuniformities. The (chlorides and bromides), formate brines have been intro-
latter criterion is a measure of the fraction of finer parti- duced in recent years.5 Formate brines are solutions of
cles in the formation sand. When CU>5, CS>20, and the one or more alkali-metal salts of formic acid dissolved in
fraction of sub-44-µm particles is greater than 10%, more water. Three major types commercially available are sodi-
damage-tolerant completion types should be considered. um, potassium, and cesium formate, with up to 11.1-,
These include fracturing, openhole horizontal com- 13.1-, and 19.3-lbm/gal density, respectively. Their main
pletions, and underreaming.3 advantages are that they (1) provide high-density brines
After the gravel has been selected, the next step is screen that have a better health, safety, and environment profile
selection. Traditionally, wire-wrapped screens (and in and are less corrosive, (2) are compatible with formation
some cases, prepacked screens) have been used in gravel waters containing sulfates and carbonates, (3) increase
packing. In recent years, several new screen designs have shale stability, and (4) increase temperature stability of
been introduced, primarily for applications in stand-alone certain biopolymers.5,6 Their application has been limited
screen completions. These include Dutch twill, porous- to drilling and fluid-loss control in environmentally sen-
metal membrane/fiber, sintered metal, and improved wire- sitive, high-temperature/high-pressure (HTHP) wells
wrap-screen technology. owing to higher cost. However, because these brines
In gravel-pack completions, the screen has been con- increase temperature stability of certain biopolymers
ventionally sized to stop the gravel. A recent trend, partic- [succinoglycan (SG), xanthan, scleroglucan], they can
ularly in long, openhole horizontal completions, has been provide viscous-fluid options in HTHP gravel-pack appli-
to size the screen to stop the formation sand. This cations if necessary.
approach offers a contingency in case of a premature Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) has been the most popu-
screenout. The rules for sizing screens to stop formation lar viscous gravel-pack carrier fluid, primarily because of
sand vary from operator to operator. The recommenda- its wide availability and low cost. A major concern with
tions of the leading screen suppliers vary from matching HEC has been the formation of “fish-eyes,” which typical-
the screen opening to d50 of the formation sand up to d10. ly result from ineffective dispersion of powder HEC in
As long as the screen openings are sized larger than d50, brine. The liquid form of HEC introduced in recent years
any fine particles that flow through the gravel pack also largely addressed this concern, although approximately 1-
flow through the screens if the gravel is sized with Sauci- hour of mixing usually is required for viscosity to reach its
er’s1 criterion. Note that Saucier’s rule essentially matches equilibrium value at complete hydration. Retained perme-
formation sand size to gravel-pack pore size. ability for HEC without breakers is typically 35 to 45%7,8;
however, higher values can be obtained with certain inter-
Carrier-Fluid Selection nal breakers without compromising placement, depending
Carrier fluids can be classified into two categories: low on temperature.9
viscosity and high viscosity. The former typically refers to SG biopolymer recently has been introduced and used as
water packing, although it includes nonviscosified oil, gravel-pack carrier fluid.10 Perhaps the most important
and the latter refers to viscous-gel packing, which can be characteristic of SG solutions is their transition tempera-
either water- or oil-based. Each carrier fluid has its own ture; up to this temperature, viscosity is almost indepen-
advantages and disadvantages, and selection of the prop- dent of temperature, and a sharp reduction in viscosity is
er carrier fluid for a particular application involves con- observed above it. Transition temperature can be con-
sideration of many factors. These include type of comple- trolled to some extent by changing salt type and concen-
tion (cased vs. openhole), well inclination, interval tration.11 This allows the use of temperature as a break
length, formation permeability and its variation along the mechanism by formulating a fluid that is stable at circulat-
length, temperature, pressure, reservoir-fluid viscosity, ing bottomhole temperature and unstable at reservoir tem-
hardware (conventional screens vs. shunt screens), cost, perature. SG biopolymer is supplied as concentrated pre-
and other such factors. hydrated solution and mixed simply by a dilution process
Selection of the proper carrier fluid requires an integrat- that can yield the final solution viscosity in 10 to 15 min-
ed approach that involves laboratory testing, gravel-place- utes vs. 45 to 60 minutes with HEC. Under comparable
ment simulators, nodal analysis, and reservoir simulation. conditions, SG without shearing and filtering typically
Laboratory testing aims at ensuring compatibility and yields higher retained permeabilities than sheared and fil-
gathering input data for the simulators (e.g., permeability tered HEC.9 Unless temperature can be used as a break
in injection direction, retained permeabilities for the for- mechanism, SG polymer requires breakers.
mation and completion components, depth of damage). Viscoelastic surfactant (VES) solutions offer a nonpoly-
Gravel-placement simulators are used to predict whether meric approach to viscous carrier fluids. These fluids con-
complete packing of the perforations and/or annulus can tain a surfactant in brine, typically at a concentration of 1.5
be achieved with the candidate carrier fluids.4 Nodal to 6 vol%, depending on temperature, salt type, and con-
analysis is used for quick prediction of expected produc- centration. Since introduction of the first VES fluid,12 sev-
tion rates based on reservoir properties, completion type, eral new formulations have been developed that extend
and laboratory data. Finally, reservoir simulators are used their temperature limits and reduce cost.13,14 The most
for more detailed production predictions. unique characteristics of VES fluids are their continuous-
Most commonly used low-viscosity carrier fluids are mix capability and their instability when exposed to small
brines (water packing), as opposed to oil, primarily amounts of liquid hydrocarbons, eliminating the require-

ment for breakers. Furthermore, the different temperature pack carrier fluids. Current challenges are to increase salt
limits of the three VES formulations allow the use of tem- tolerance and temperature limits for VES formulations, to
perature as an additional break mechanism, much like SG develop alternative polymer-free viscous fluids, and to
biopolymer; this allows viscosity to be maintained during reduce cost for all fluids.
placement at circulating temperatures and to break once
the fluid heats up to reservoir temperature at static condi- Gravel Packing in Cased Holes
tions. The viscosity loss above the critical temperature is In cased holes, another potential source of damage is the
the result of change in the structure of micelles from perforating process itself. Common practice has been to
worm-like to spherical; the diameter of the latter structure perforate underbalanced and flow back a certain volume of
is 0.006 to 0.01 µm (i.e., two to four orders of magnitude fluid to remove crushed (fine) sand particles. However,
smaller than typical pore diameters encountered in sand- recent data from experiments on weakly consolidated
producing formations). Laboratory tests showed that sandstones show that neither the surge flow resulting from
using temperature alone as a break mechanism for VES underbalanced perforating nor the post-perforation pro-
consistently recovers more than 95% of the original per- duction flow removes sufficient debris from the perfora-
meability because these fluids contain no solids or tion tunnel.17 Blok et al.17 further demonstrated that the
residues. These fluids also break through dilution with debris in perforation tunnels has a negligible effect on
brine and by methane dissolution in dry-gas wells. Break injectivity after perforating; i.e., it does not affect gravel
with brine dilution is slower than with other break mech- placement (unless fluid-loss pills are used after perforating
anisms. VES fluids can be made from cationic, anionic, or and not removed efficiently). However, impact on produc-
nonionic surfactants. When the surfactant is cationic, its tivity after gravel packing can be substantial owing to inva-
positively charged hydrophilic head group forms an elec- sion of crushed sand into the gravel pack. This can be part-
trical bond with the negatively charged silica surfaces of ly compensated for by use of large-diameter and high-shot-
sand grains. This exposes the hydrocarbon tail of the density perforators.
adsorbed molecules to the next layer of surfactant adsorp- In some cases, fluid loss may be excessive after perfo-
tion through hydrophobic interaction between the hydro- rating and the use of fluid-loss-control pills may be nec-
carbon chains, leaving the sand grains water-wet. This type essary for well control while tripping out with the perfo-
of bilayer adsorption is known as “cooperative adsorption” rating string and tripping in with the gravel-packing
and is well-documented.15 Experimental results on wetta- string. Conventionally, calcium carbonate (CaCO3)/ poly-
bility of sand grains exposed to VES are in agreement with mer, sized-salt/polymer, crosslinked HEC, oil-soluble
theoretical predictions.12 VES solutions may have a ten- resins, and linear polymers without any particles have
dency to form emulsions with certain types of viscous been used for this purpose.18 These pills can induce sig-
crude oils. Although this is a rare occurrence, it must be nificant damage, which must be removed before gravel
checked to ensure compatibility. A preflush may be packing. Re-establishing injectivity to the same level as
required in case of any crude/VES incompatibilities. that right after perforating can be extremely difficult.
Oil-based fluids have had limited applications as gravel- Diversion techniques often are used for either cleanup
pack carrier fluids, although crude oil or diesel has been before prepacking or as part of prepacking (several acid
used for gravel packing in certain areas. The use of stages followed by slurry stages). It is unlikely that the
ungelled oil as a carrier fluid is limited to either low-pres- polymers used for diversion achieve the desired results in
sure formations or squeeze treatments because oil cannot these cases.
provide pressure control in higher-pressure wells. Current We checked this with the following test. Two 1-in.-diam-
gelled-oil formulations have the same limitations. In areas eter, 11-in.-long Berea cores with permeabilities of 80 and
where synthetic-oil-based RDF’s are used to drill the reser- 400 md were inserted into two parallel Hassler-cells.19 A
voir section, a synthetic-oil-based carrier fluid is desirable 1-in. spacer was placed on the injection side of both cores
for gravel packing. The current practice of gravel packing to simulate “perforation tunnels.” A CaCO3/HEC pill was
these wells involves costly displacement procedures and injected into the 400-md core at 500-psi constant overbal-
introduces logistic difficulties.16 A major challenge for ser- ance for 30 minutes, while the 80-md core was kept in a
vice companies is to develop a synthetic-oil-based carrier 100% brine-saturated state. Next, 80-lbm/1,000-gal HEC
fluid that would provide pressure control in circulating solution was injected simultaneously into both cores at
gravel packs, result in negligible completion damage, and 500-psi overbalance. During this stage, all the HEC went
have favorable economics and minimal to no environmen- into and broke through the 80-md clean core—the desired
tal impact. result. Then, 15% HCl was injected simultaneously into
To summarize, recent developments and accomplish- both cores at 10 cm3/min for 20 minutes. As Fig. 1 shows,
ments in carrier fluids include introduction of SG biopoly- all the acid again went into the 80-md core—the undesired
mer that requires short mixing times and can use temper- result. This has a simple explanation. The permeability of
ature as a break mechanism; VES fluids that can be mixed the CaCO3/HEC filter cake on the face of the 400-md core
continuously and can break either through contact with is approximately 0.001 md or less. This results in a per-
produced oil (by methane dissolution, by dilution with meability contrast of almost five orders of magnitude
brine) or through heating to reservoir temperature; and between the filter cake and the 80-md core. Displacing the
formate brines for use in HTHP applications in environ- viscous polymer solution with acid through the 80-md
mentally sensitive areas. core is much easier than displacing it through the filter
Both SG and VES fluids have been used successfully in cake. Achieving diversion under these conditions is
gravel-pack applications, but we are unaware of any use of extremely difficult, if not impossible. This is supported by
formate brines in either gelled or ungelled form as gravel- experimental evidence and suggests that pill placement


Fig. 2—Comparison of production rates from gravel-
Fig. 1—Volume leakoff into two cores during acid diver- packed openhole and cased-hole completions. Open
sion test; FLC=fluid-loss control. hole: 50-ft vertical interval, 1-darcy formation, 8.5-in.
hole; cased hole: 12 shots/ft, 0.75-in. collapsed perfo-
rations. IPR=inflow performance relationship, TIC=tub-
ing-intake curve, CH=cased hole, and GP=gravel pack.
into the perforations should be avoided until all perfora-
tions are packed. If use of pills is unavoidable, an integrat-
ed approach should be followed for selection and removal In the last several years, one-trip perforating/gravel-
of the pills from the perforations and for determination of packing techniques have improved significantly and have
invasion depths, retained permeabilities, and prediction of been used successfully in many applications.18,24 In this
the impact of various alternative pills on productivity. In method, perforating guns are attached to the bottom of the
addition, contact of breakers with pills is easy to ensure in sand-control assembly and run into the hole in a single
the laboratory with 1- to 2-in.-diameter cores, while in a trip. The system has two packers: one between the screen
real well with long producing intervals, such contact can and the gun assemblies that acts as the perforating packer
be extremely difficult if the reaction between the pill/cake during perforating and the other acts as the sump packer
and the breaker is fast. during gravel packing. The system is run to the desired
Analysis of field results with cased-hole gravel packs depth to position the tubing-conveyed perforating (TCP)
shows that the productivities achieved with this comple- guns, the perforating packer is set, and the guns are fired
tion technique are far less than the efficiencies typical of and automatically dropped to the rathole immediately
openhole gravel packs.20-22 It is easy to show through after perforating. At this stage, any desired testing can be
nodal analysis that openhole gravel packs are much more conducted. The tool string can then be lowered to position
damage-tolerant than cased-hole gravel packs. Backcal- the screens across the desired interval. The only time loss
culations of gravel-pack permeability in perforation tun- is while lowering the tool string after perforating; this
nels from field production results indicate that this per- depends on well configuration and perforated-interval
meability is 0.1 to 7% of the undamaged gravel-pack per- length and can be as little as 30 minutes. On completion of
meability and, on the average, is approximately the same gravel packing, a mechanical fluid-loss-control device
as formation permeability.23 As Fig. 2 shows, for a 1,000- (e.g., a flapper valve) is activated to control losses during
md, 50-ft-thick formation, the expected oil production the trip out with the gravel-pack service tool and the trip
rate in openhole gravel pack is almost independent of the in with the production tubing. One-trip systems typically
gravel permeability down to 1,000 md. Cased-hole grav- save 1 to 2 days of rig time by combining perforating and
el pack, with 12 shots/ft and 0.75-in.-diameter perfora- gravel-packing treatments into one trip. They also increase
tions in a 50-ft perforated interval, yields significantly well productivity and lower cost by eliminating fluid-loss-
lower production, even with undamaged gravel. If the control pills (both after perforating and after gravel pack-
gravel permeability in the perforations is taken to be the ing) and associated cleanup treatments. Because the
same as formation permeability, the gravel permeability method involves leaving the guns in the wellbore, it
must be decreased to approximately 10 md to have the requires a sufficient rathole and thus typically is limited to
same production rate from an openhole gravel pack. This the lowest zone in multizone completions. These systems
corresponds to a retained permeability of 0.01% for the have been used up to 77° deviation. A one-trip perforat-
gravel pack. Both theoretical calculations and field ing/gravel-packing technique recently used to gravel pack
results clearly indicate that, when possible, openhole two zones with a zonal-isolation device between the zones
completions are the preferred technique for gravel pack- bypassed through the shunt tubes saved four round trips
ing because they are much more tolerant to damage. compared with conventional methods.25
Although several major developments significantly Another recent development, a single-trip packing/ pro-
increase well productivity in cased-hole gravel packs and duction technique that is applicable to upper zones,
provide substantial cost savings, improving productivity involves perforating with wireline or TCP guns and run-
in cased-hole gravel packs to levels comparable with that ning in hole with the gravel-pack assembly on production
in openhole gravel packs is still an enormous challenge string.26 A modified production seal assembly is used to
to our industry. allow use of the production string as the work string dur-

vent screen plugging while running in hole is to displace
the well to “clean” fluids before running in hole with the
screen assembly. The selection of fluids depends primari-
ly on density required to balance formation pressure,
compatibility issues, and experience in the particular area.
The two most commonly used practices are (1) displace-
ment of the open hole to a solids-free viscous fluid and
the cased hole to brine and (2) displacement of both the
open and cased holes to brine. The first option offers addi-
tional protection against potential losses at an incremen-
tal cost without plugging the screens. In some cases,
solids may be required for pressure control. In those cases,
the particles must be small enough to pass through the
screens. While several rules have been proposed in the lit-
erature, the most notable is Marken et al.’s29 proposal of
substituting the maximum particle diameter instead of d10
in the Coberly30 criterion to allow passage of the solids
with a certain size distribution through wire-wrapped
screens or slotted liners. Although this rule is clearly more
conservative, it ensures no plugging of screens because
bridging with any other particle combination is automat-
Fig. 3—Packing sequences for (a) water packing and (b)
ically excluded if no bridging is available for the largest
shunt packing. particles. Because Marken et al.29 were investigating run-
ning screens into conditioned RDF in stand-alone
screen/slotted-liner completions to reduce completion
ing gravel packing. Because this tool was originally devel- costs without the risk of screen plugging, they picked the
oped for frac-packing applications, it currently is limited maximum particle size as the characteristic diameter. This
to squeeze position. The technique reduces cost by elimi- can be controlled through selection of the proper shaker-
nating one trip compared with conventional methods but screen openings when the required sand-control-screen
does not eliminate fluid-loss-control pills after perforating. openings are relatively large, as typically encountered in
Thus, the one-trip perforating/packing technique is pre- the North Sea. When particles are required for pressure
ferred over this method for a single zone. These two tech- control, it is recommended that the maximum particle
niques in combination (one-trip perforating/packing for size in the fluid be no larger than one-third, and prefer-
the lower zone and one-trip packing/production for the ably one-quarter, the size of the screen openings when
upper zone) have recently been used for frac packing and wire-wrapped screens are used. For prepacked or equiva-
resulted in net savings of 30% in completion costs com- lent screens, a similar rule based on experimental evi-
pared with high-rate water packing and 50% compared dence currently does not exist; therefore, a more conser-
with conventional frac-packing methods.26 vative criterion should be used.
Gravel-pack plugging during production is controlled
Gravel Packing in Open Holes largely by the composition and properties of the filter
Most horizontal wells that require sand control are open- cake. Filter cakes of most widely used water-based RDF’s
hole completions for both productivity and economic rea- contain a primary viscosifier (scleroglucan or xanthan
sons. Although a large majority of these wells have been biopolymer), a fluid-loss-control additive (some type of a
stand-alone screen completions, openhole gravel packing starch or any other polymer), and bridging agents (sized
is gaining wider acceptance in various parts of the world CaCO3 or salt) as well as drill solids. Laboratory experi-
because of uncertainties in long-term sand-control integri- ments in the absence of drill solids have shown that the
ty (without sacrificing productivity) with this type of com- impact of the filter cake on productivity of gravel-packed
pletion.16 Two techniques currently are available for grav- wells often is negligible when properly designed RDF’s are
el packing openhole horizontal wells: water packing and used. However, filter cakes containing drill solids may
viscous-fluid packing with alternative-path technology. require very high drawdown pressures for flow initiation
These techniques have completely different packing mech- (>200 psi) when the filter cake is trapped between the
anisms (Fig. 3),27,28 and each method has its own advan- gravel pack31 and the formation sand and the resulting
tages and limitations, discussed later. retained permeabilities can be extremely low (far less than
In openhole gravel-pack completions, plugging of com- 1%).32,33 These results suggest that some type of cleanup
pletion components can occur during two critical states: treatment may be necessary in gravel-packed comple-
screen plugging while running in hole with the screen tions. The question becomes when, how, and with what to
assembly and gravel-pack (and potential screen) plugging clean up. In principle, the cake can be removed before,
while producing. Considerable effort has been made to during, or after gravel packing. To our knowledge, after
understand and address the potential of these types of plug- gravel packing has been practiced exclusively to date.
ging to impair productivity in horizontal wells. Conventional cleanup techniques in gravel-packed com-
In openhole completions, the filter cake formed by the pletions include single-step oxidizer, enzyme, or acid
RDF provides fluid-loss control during screen installation treatments or an enzyme or oxidizer soak followed by an
as well as during gravel packing. Typical practice to pre- acid treatment. In all cases, these treatments are done with


(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4—CaCO3/starch/polymer filter cakes at 180°F (a) before cleanup, (b) after HCl soak, and (c) after CAS soak.

coiled tubing after gravel packing and after installation of CAS/enzyme solution with the filter cake can be on the
the production string. Enzymes and oxidizers attack only order of hours,34 placement of these solutions into long
the polymeric components, and acids attack the CaCO3 horizontal wells can be achieved without creating any
component of the cake. thief zones. Experimental results indicate that the cake-
Recent developments in cake-removal chemicals removal time scales (defined as the time at which a sharp
include use of a chelating-agent solution (CAS) combined change in leakoff volume occurs during an overbalanced
with an enzyme34 and a buffered, weak, organic-acid soak with the CAS) are an order of magnitude lower com-
solution combined with an enzyme35 to attack the starch pared with that of HCl and that these rates can be largely
and CaCO3 components of the filter cake simultaneously. controlled by adding enzyme and/or a VES (Fig. 5). Fur-
These new cleanup-fluid systems offer several advantages thermore, solids invasion into the formation during treat-
over conventional methods. Because they attack the two ment [an inherent risk in conventional, two-stage
most critical components of the cake simultaneously and (enzyme or oxidizer soak followed by acid treatment
slowly (compared with conventional fluid systems), cleanup) treatments] can be minimized or potentially
more-uniform cake removal can be achieved. Fig. 4 eliminated through balanced soaks. In addition, these
shows pictures of filter cakes formed by a fluid systems can eliminate sludging problems observed
CaCO3/starch/polymer RDF before any cleanup treatment with some crude oils when strong acids are used. Anoth-
and after a soak with HCl or a CAS at 180°F. Note that er important consideration is corrosion of well screens if
essentially there is a single dominant conductive path these chemical soaks are to be used over long time peri-
after soaking with HCl in contrast to uniform cake ods. Testing with screen coupons exposed to HCl and
removal with the CAS, even in small-scale laboratory CAS’s over long time periods has shown that corrosion
experiments. Because the reaction rate of combined rates with the chelating agent are one to two orders of
magnitude lower than those with HCl (Table 1). More
importantly and consistent with these rate measurements,
the screen openings do not change after prolonged expo-
sure to CAS, while screen-opening size increases from 150
to 250 µm with prolonged exposure to HCl.
A recent development in mechanical solutions is a mod-
ified gravel-packing service tool that allows circulation
through the wash pipe and back through the wash-
pipe/screen-base-pipe annulus up to the drillpipe/casing
annulus above the packer after gravel packing.34 This is a



Corrosion Rate, lbm/ft2

7.5% HCl With 1% CAS With 0.2%
Material Inhibitor-A Inhibitor-B
J55 0.0110 0.0037
13Cr 0.0130 0.0001
316-L Screen 0.0580 0.0007
Screen Openings, µm

Fig. 5—Filter-cake removal at time scales with CAS and Before Exposure 150 150
HCl at 140°F. After Exposure 250 150

significant improvement over current practices because these data into gravel-pack simulators. Work along these
such a tool allows spotting of the breaker solutions across lines and on identification of critical velocities for com-
the horizontal interval and subsequent soaking and/or plete external-cake erosion is currently being conducted
injection or circulation and eliminates a subsequent at several R&D centers.
coiled-tubing trip after gravel packing with water or vis- Alternative-path technique uses viscous fluids with
cous fluids. Another potential application of the tool is dis- high gravel concentrations (4 to 8 lbm/gal). This tech-
placement of acids to brine when acids are used in the car- nique involves use of shunt tubes attached to the screen
rier fluid to remove the filter cake during gravel packing, that allow bypass of annular bridges that may form
discussed later. because of high leakoff. It has been recently shown that
Water packing uses a low concentration of gravel (0.5 gravel packing with shunt tubes does not rely on the
to 2.0 lbm added/gal) in brine, and packing in horizontal existence of a tight filter cake. In fact, large-scale yard
wells is in two stages. First, the lower section of the well tests under extreme leakoff conditions showed that com-
is packed (called the α wave) until either the toe is plete packing of 2,000-ft-long intervals can be achieved
reached or screenout occurs because of high leakoff. Then with a single shunt tube.33 Recent field applications of
the top section is packed (called the β wave). The α wave VES carrier fluids in conjunction with the alternative-
is dominated by gravity forces; gravel settles until an equi- path technique in wells where oil-based RDF’s have been
librium height is reached. As a result of leakoff, equilibri- used proved that complete packing of high-permeability,
um height can vary along the well because it is dictated by long, openhole horizontal wells is possible with no
local brine velocities. As long as the local velocity remains returns. Both yard testing and field evidence show that
above the critical velocity required to transport the parti- the success of gravel packing with this technique is con-
cles, the α wave can reach the toe of the horizontal well. trolled by the resistance to flow in packed shunt ports;
Expressions for critical velocity based on experiments thus, complete packing is independent of both filter-
suggest that critical velocity depends on gravel and carri- cake and formation properties. Packing with this tech-
er-fluid densities, gravel concentration, carrier-fluid vis- nique proceeds from heel to toe, as opposed to an α
cosity, and well deviation.36 Existence of a critical veloci- wave followed by a β wave in water packing (Fig. 3). In
ty implies that an equilibrium-pack thickness always cases where synthetic-oil-based RDF’s are used, low
exists that allows particle transport. Reduced volumetric flow-initiation pressures typically observed with these
flow rates downstream caused by any increase in leakoff fluids can result in cake liftoff with slight underbalances
results in increased equilibrium height downstream. The- that may occur during tool manipulations, causing high
oretically, this process can continue until the spacing leakoff and jeopardizing the completion of gravel-pack-
between the pack and the formation becomes small com- ing operations. 16 Field experience reported by Gilchrist
pared with gravel sizes. This means that, unless a stepwise et al.16 also indicates that, even after spotting fluid-loss-
change is imposed (e.g., stepwise increase of gravel con- control pills, loss of returns can cause premature screen-
centration), the α wave can fail at the downstream end out with synthetic-oil-based RDF’s, possibly as a result
through bridging. A possible exception to this would be of external-cake erosion and absence of (or presence of
increased leakoff from filter-cake erosion in a given region a thin) internal cake. However, three recent applications
some time after the α wave passes that region. of the shunt-packing technique in horizontal wells
Becker and Gardiner37 and Johnson et al.38 reported drilled with a synthetic-oil-based RDF resulted in com-
external-filter-cake erosion during gravel packing, plete packing despite complete loss of returns. Shunt
although the critical velocities required for external-cake tubes also provide a path to bypass either annular isola-
erosion are not well-documented. These results may tion packers that may be used to separate two sections of
explain some of the failures in water packing long hori- the horizontal well or to isolate any collapsed/sloughed
zontal wells, particularly when properly designed RDF’s shale sections. Field experience shows that water pack-
are used to minimize or eliminate the internal cake. Note ing openhole horizontal wells with long shale sections
that water packing can be, and has been, used success- can be problematic.
fully in many openhole horizontal completions. Howev- Because the shunt technique is independent of the state
er, its reliance on the presence of a tight filter cake (and of the filter cake, it allows the use of breakers in the carri-
also on the presence of an internal filter cake should the er fluid to gravel pack and clean up the filter cake simulta-
external cake erode) introduces uncertainties to success- neously. Breakers used in such an operation can target spe-
ful completion of the gravel-packing operation. Further- cific components of the filter cake without affecting carri-
more, because of the need for a tight filter-cake, cake er-fluid rheology. Such a combined process can reduce
cleanup has to be done after gravel packing if cake completion costs by eliminating a separate cake-cleanup
removal is necessary. These uncertainties can be com- treatment with coiled tubing. Simultaneous cake-
pensated for to some extent by sizing the screens to con- cleanup/gravel-packing technique can also be used with
trol formation sand to prevent sand production in case of water as the carrier fluid with slow-reacting breakers, such
premature screenout. The risk of premature screenout as enzymes. However, this increases the risk because of
decreases as formation permeability and oil viscosity uncertainties in cake (external and/or internal) thickness
increase and interval length decreases. Sensitivity analy- and permeability and because complete packing with
sis with gravel-pack simulators4 can help to optimize the water is strongly dependent on cake permeability. Adding
treatment parameters and to quantify risk to some extent. slow-reacting breakers during the predicted β-wave stage
This includes generating representative experimental can mitigate this risk to some extent.
data on internal-cake permeabilities to simulate cases A disadvantage of the shunt technique is the reduced
where external-cake erosion may occur and entering base-pipe internal diameter, which may increase friction


pressures in the base pipe and restrict production rates. This as breakers, is another step toward high-productivity grav-
should be checked through reservoir simulators that couple el-pack completions.
flow in the horizontal section with flow in the formation,
accounting for friction pressures in the base pipe. Produc- Nomenclature
tion rates in excess of 12,000 B/D have been achieved in CS= sorting coefficient
1,000-ft openhole completions; and production in these CU= uniformity coefficient
wells was tubing-limited, as it is in many high-productivity d= diameter; the subscripts 10, 40, 50, 90,
horizontal wells.28 Another disadvantage of the shunt tech- and 95 indicate respective percentiles in
nique is that it requires viscous fluids. Although VES fluids sieve-analysis plots
that do not require breakers can be used, these fluids are not
always applicable owing to temperature limitations and salt- References
sensitivity issues. This necessitates use of polymer solutions 11. Saucier, R.J.: “Considerations in Gravel Pack Design,” JPT
that require batch mixing and breakers (internal or exter- (February 1974) 205; Trans., AIME, 257.
nal), which can introduce additional complexity. 12.Schwartz, D.H.: “Successful Sand Control Design for High-
Rate Oil and Water Wells,” JPT (September 1969) 1193.
Conclusions 13. Tiffin, D.L. et al.: “New Criteria for Gravel and Screen Selec-
Major accomplishments in cased-hole gravel packing have tion for Sand Control,” paper SPE 39437 presented at the
been development of much more reliable combined perfo- 1998 SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage
rating/gravel-packing techniques.23,24 These techniques Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 18–19 February.
not only reduce completion costs but also increase well 14. Karlstad, S. et al.: “An Evaluation and Design Approach to
productivity by eliminating damaging fluid-loss-control Gravel-Pack Treatments in the Gullfaks Field,” paper SPE
pills both before and after gravel packing and by improving 48987 prepared for the 1998 SPE Annual Technical Confer-
gravel placement in perforations by keeping the perfora- ence and Exhibition, New Orleans, 28–30 September.
tions free of fluid-loss-control materials. With fluctuating 15. Downs, J.D.: “Formate Brines: Novel Drilling and Comple-
oil prices, more-innovative combined processes, such as tion Fluids for Demanding Environments,” paper SPE 25177
one-trip gravel packing/production25 and one-trip perforat- presented at the 1993 SPE International Symposium on Oil-
ing/gravel packing with zonal isolation,26 need to be devel- field Chemistry, New Orleans, 2–5 March.
oped to reduce completion costs and increase productivity. 16. Hallman, J.H.: “Formates in Practice: Field Use and Reclama-
A major challenge in cased holes is to bring completion effi- tion,” World Oil (October 1996).
ciency levels closer to those of openhole gravel packs 17. Parlar, M. et al.: “An Experimental Study on Fluid-Loss
through better understanding of perforating processes and Behavior of Fracturing Fluids and Formation Damage in
damage mechanisms in unconsolidated sandstones. High-Permeability Porous Media,” paper SPE 30458 present-
Two techniques are available to the industry for gravel ed at the 1995 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhi-
packing long, openhole horizontal wells. Both water pack- bition, Dallas, 22–25 October.
ing and viscous-fluid packing with shunt screens have been 18. McGowen, J.M. et al.: “Fluid Selection for Fracturing High-
field-proven. Choosing between these techniques requires Permeability Formations,” SPE 26559 presented at the 1993
consideration of logistics, risks, and overall completion SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston,
costs for each well. A recently proposed simultaneous grav- 3–6 October.
el-packing/cake-cleanup technique in conjunction with 19. Cole, R.C. and Ali, S.A.: “A Comparative Study of Succino-
shunt screens and tool developments that allow fluid circu- glycan Gravel Pack Gel Properties to Those of HEC,” paper
lation is a further example of combined processes. Com- SPE 28533 presented at the 1994 SPE Annual Technical Con-
bined gravel packing/cake cleanup can provide more-uni- ference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 25–28 September.
form cake removal during gravel packing and reduce an oth- 10. Sanz, G.P. et al.: “Use of Succinoglycan Biopolymer for Grav-
erwise two- or three-stage process to a single step. Tools that el Packing,” SPEDC (June 1994) 139.
allow fluid circulation immediately after gravel packing can 11. Davies, D.R. et al.: “Development and Field Testing of a Novel
be used to spot breaker solutions immediately after gravel Fracturing Fluid,” paper SPE 23109 presented at the 1991
packing with any of the gravel-packing techniques, elimi- Offshore Europe Conference, Aberdeen, 3–6 September.
nating a coiled-tubing trip. These tools can also be used to 12. Nehmer, W.L.: “Viscoelastic Gravel-Pack Carrier Fluid,”
displace the well to neutral fluids after gravel packing with paper SPE 17168 presented at the 1988 SPE Formation Dam-
gelled-acid carrier fluids, eliminating concerns about corro- age Symposium, Bakersfield, California, 8–9 February.
sion from prolonged exposure of well screens to acids. 13. Brown, J.E. et al.: “Use of a Viscoelastic Carrier Fluid in Frac-
Development of synthetic-oil-based gravel-packing flu- Pack Applications,” paper SPE 31114 presented at the 1996
ids for horizontal wells drilled with synthetic-oil-based SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Con-
RDF’s is a major challenge for the industry because such trol, Lafayette, Louisiana, 14–15 February.
fluids need to provide pressure control for circulating grav- 14. Samuel, M. et al.: “Polymer-Free Fluid for Fracturing,”
el packs with negligible completion damage and favorable SPEDC (December 1999) 240.
economics. Also needed are high-temperature enzymes 15. Rosen, M.J.: Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena, second
that can attack starch (currently limited to 200°F39) and edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York City (1989) 47–49.
enzymes that are effective on xanthan or scleroglucan 16. Gilchrist, J.M., Sutton, L.W. Jr., and Elliott, F.J.: “Advancing
components of the filter cake under downhole conditions. Horizontal Well Sand-Control Technology: An OHGP Using
Finally, introduction of new gravel-pack carrier-fluid for- Synthetic OBM,” paper SPE 48976 prepared for the 1998 SPE
mulations, such as SG biopolymer and polymer-free VES Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans,
solutions that can use temperature and/or produced fluids 27–30 September.

17. Blok, R.H.J. et al.: “Experimental Investigation of the Influ- 33. Price-Smith, C. et al.: “Openhole Horizontal Well Cleanup in
ence of Perforating on Gravel-Pack Impairment,” paper SPE Sand-Control Completions: State of the Art in Field Practice
36481 presented at the 1996 SPE Annual Technical Confer- and Laboratory Development,” paper SPE 50673 presented at
ence and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 6–9 October. the 1998 SPE European Petroleum Conference, The Hague,
18.Parlar, M. et al.: “Guidelines for Selection of Fluid-Loss Con- The Netherlands, 20–22 October.
trol Methods Before and After Sand-Control Treatments To 34. Parlar, M. et al.: “Laboratory Development of a Novel, Simul-
Maximize Well Productivity and Cost-Effectiveness,” paper taneous Cake-Cleanup and Gravel-Packing System for Long,
SPE 39460 presented at the 1998 SPE International Sympo- Highly Deviated or Horizontal Openhole Completions,”
sium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, paper SPE 50651 presented at the 1999 SPE International
18–19 February. Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 16–19 February.
19.Parlar, M. et al.: “An Experimental Study of Foam Flow 35. Stanley, F.O., Rae, P., and Troncoso, J.C.: “Single-Step Enzyme
Through Berea Sandstone With Applications to Foam Diver- Treatment Enhances Production Capacity on Horizontal
sion in Matrix Acidizing,” paper SPE 29678 presented at the Wells,” paper SPE 52818 presented at the 1999 SPE/IADC
1995 SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, California, Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, 9–11 March.
8–10 March. 3 6 .G ruesbeck, W.M.: “Design of Gravel Packs in Deviated Well-
20. Welling, R.W.F.: “Improving Gravel Packing Techniques in bores,” JPT (January 1979) 109.
Brunei Darussalam Field Trial Results,” paper SPE 25363 pre- 37. Becker, T.E. and Gardiner, N.H.: “Drill-In-Fluid Filter-Cake
sented at the 1993 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference, Behavior During Gravel-Packing of Horizontal Intervals—A
Singapore, 8–10 February. Laboratory Simulation,” paper SPE 50715 presented at the
21. Liebach, R.E. and Cirigliano, J.: “Gravel Packing in 1999 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry,
Venezuela,” Proc., Seventh Petroleum Conference, Mexico Houston, 16–19 February.
City (1967) Sec. 3, 407. 38. Johnson, M.H., Ashton, J.P., and Nguyen, H.: “The Effects of
22. Moricca, G. et al.: “Dual Openhole Gravel Pack in Shaly Fine Erosion Velocity on Filter-Cake Stability During Gravel
Sands,” SPEDC (December 1995) 226. Placement of Openhole Horizontal Gravel-Pack Comple-
23. Burton, R.C.: “Use of Perforation Tunnel Permeability as a tions,” paper SPE 23773 presented at the 1992 SPE Interna-
Means of Assessing Cased-Hole Gravel-Pack Performance,” tional Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette,
SPEDC (December 1999) 235. Louisiana, 26–27 February.
24. Jones, R.H. and Bolin, T.D.: “New Single-Trip Perforating and 39. Hanssen, J.E. et al.: “New Enzyme Process for Downhole
Gravel Pack Procedure With Advanced Stimulation Design Cleanup of Reservoir Drilling Fluid Filter Cake,” paper SPE
Reduces Formation Damage in High-Permeability Sandstone 50709 presented at the 1999 SPE International Symposium
Reservoirs: Case Histories,” paper SPE 39434 presented at the on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 16–19 February.
1998 SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage
Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 18–19 February. SI Metric Conversion factors
25. Waters, F. et al.: “A Novel Technique for Single-Selective Sand bbl ×1.589 873 E−01= m3
Control Completions Allows Perforating and Gravel Packing of ft ×3.048* E−01= m
Two Zones with Zonal Isolation in One Trip: A Case History from ft2 ×9.290 304* E−02= m2
Trinidad,” paper SPE 56668 presented at the 1999 SPE Annual oF (oF−32)/1.8 = oC
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 3–6 October. gal ×3.785 412 E−03= m3
26. Palthe, P.W. et al.: “A Novel Technique for Single-Selective in. ×2.54* E+00= cm
Sand Control Completions Cuts Completion Costs in Half: lbm ×4.535 924 E−01= kg
Method Development and a Case History From the Gulf of md ×9.869 233 E−04= µm2
Mexico,” paper SPE 50650 presented at the 1998 SPE Euro- psi ×6.894 757 E−03= MPa
pean Petroleum Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands,
20–22 October. *Conversion factor is exact.
27. Penberthy, W.L. Jr. et al.: “Gravel Placement in Horizontal
Wells,” SPEDC (June 1997) 85. Mehmet Parlar currently is a technical coordinator
28. Jones, L.G. et al.: “Gravel Packing Horizontal Wellbores With between Schlumberger Well Production Services and
Leakoff Using Shunts,” paper SPE 38640 presented at the M-I Drilling Fluids, based in Houston. He has been
1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San with Schlumberger for 10 years, holding assignments
Antonio, Texas, 5–8 October. in R&D and sand-control field support. He has two
29. Marken, C.D., Markestad, P., and Rørvik, O.H.: “Criteria for patent applications. Parlar holds a BS degree from
Backproduction of Drilling Fluids Through Sand-Control Istanbul Technical U. and MS and PhD degrees from
Screens,” SPEDC (December 1998) 250. the U. of Southern California, all in petroleum
30.Coberly, C.J.: “Selection of Screen Openings for Unconsoli- engineering. Eduardo H. Albino is Sand Control and
dated Sands,” Drill. & Prod. Prac.(1937) 189. Development Manager for Schlumberger, based in
31. Hodge, R.M. et al.: “Evaluation and Selection of Drill-In Fluid Rosharon, Texas, in charge of internal and external
Candidates To Minimize Formation Damage,” SPEDC (Sep- schools and personnel development programs. He
tember 1997) 174. joined Schlumberger in 1985 and, since 1989, has
32. Burton, R.C. and Hodge, R.M.: “The Impact of Formation been involved in the sand-control/completion
Damage and Completion Impairment on Horizontal Well business, working in sand-control-project man-
Productivity,” paper SPE 49097 prepared for the 1998 SPE agement in Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, and Italy.
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Albino holds a BS degree in civil engineering from
27–30 September. Gama Filho U., Rio de Janeiro.



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