Tls 317 Benchmark: by Emily Winslow

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by Emily Winslow

NOVEMBER 30, 2017



For this assignment I decided to work with children ages three to five years old and the

story box that I was assigned to work with was West Africa. Although initially I was not to

familiar with West African’s culture I learned quickly and have been able to design a two-week

lesson plan that is able to engage the students in my classroom while teaching them about the

West African culture.

One of the assignments in this project is to have the children learn about where West

Africa is on a globe. This is very important for children because at this young age they are still

learning and becoming familiar with the concept of how big the world is. The students will also

count the countries that make up West Africa. This will give them the opportunity to practice

counting as well as realizing that West Africa is made up of different countries. The children will

also learn how to make clay and then build with the clay. In West Africa they use clay to build

bowls and cups as well as their homes. One of the books that I will read to the class is Deron

Goes to School. This book is about a young boy who is attending school for the first time and it

goes though his entire day. This will give children an outlook on what the culture is like in West

Africa and they will be able to think how their day is similar and what is different than Deron’s.

During the second week the children are focusing more on the different types of animals

that are located in West Africa. The children will count the numbers as if they are different

animals. This will teach the children the different noises that animals make as well as improving

their counting skills. The students will also draw the different animals each day to work on the

fine motor skills. The students will also learn about the different places that these animals live

and what it is like in those climates as well as what the animals eat. I will read the book We are

Going on a Lion Hunt to the class and then we will go on a lion hunt around the playground

finding different animals like in the book.

These different activities are going to help the children understand that people around the

world have different cultures then their families and friends do. This unit of studying west Africa

will also help them make improvements in reaching the goals of meeting the Arizona Early

Learning Standards.

Lesson Plan Outline

Week one Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Math Count the Count the

different different
countries that countries that
make up Africa make up Africa
Science Make clay Build
with clay
Social Studies Learn where Learn where
Africa is on a west Africa is
Writing Skills Write the word Write the word Write the word “ Write the word “
“Africa” for “Africa” for West Africa” for West Africa” for
morning word morning word morning word morning word
Reading Read Deron goes Read Deron goes
to school to school

Art/Drama/Music African Dancing African Dancing


Week Two Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Count the Count the

Math numbers like an numbers like an
animal would animal would
Science Learn what Learn what
African animals African animals
east eat
Social Studies Learn where Learn where
African animals African animals
live live
Writing Skills Draw an elephant Draw a giraffe Draw a zebra Draw a lion

Reading Read we are Go on a lion hunt

going on a lion around the
hunt playground
Art/Drama/Music African Dance African Dance

AZ Early Learning Standards:

Approaches to Learning
Strand 2: Attentiveness and Persistence
Concept 1: Attentiveness
- Children are able to participate in large group activities while performing a task. They are
able to engage with the activity.
Strand 2: Operation and Algebraic Thinking
Concept 2: Patterning
- The students are learning a sequence of steps to preform and will contiguously repeating
the steps over and over again creating a pattern.

Strand 1: Inquiry and Application
Concept 4: Communication
- They will be learning new styles of dance and will be communicating to their peers or a
teacher with what they are having difficultly with.

Social Studies
Strand 2: Community
Concept 1: Understanding Community
- After the children learn about African Dance they will understand how dance is use in
other communities in our world.

Strand 1: Counting and Cardinality
Children will be learning how to count the numbers in numerical order and be able to connect
each number with symbol.

Social emotional Standard:

Strand 2: Relationships
- While the children learn African dance they will form relationships with each other by
working together.
Approaches to Learning Standard:
Strand 1: Initiative and Curiosity
- Children are able to engage in the activity and are willing to ask questions. Their
participation shows that they are learning and are willing to try new things.
Social Studies:
Strand 1: Family
- Children will be able to learn how families are in West Africa and be able to connect with
other ways of living.

Social Studies
Strand 2: Community
- Children will be able to learn about cultures in Africa and what traditions that they have
such as food and religion.

Create Principles

Principle 1: Valuing the funds of knowledge within diverse cultural communities.

Principle 2: Encouraging story as a meaning-making process to understand self and world.

Principle 3: Celebrating the significance of family literacies in literacy learning.



Axtell, David. We're Going on a Lion Hunt. Henry Holt and Company, 2012.

This book is about a child who is going on an adventure on and the different animals that they find along the

way. The children run into different obstacles along the way and have to find a way to get past them.

Daly, Niki. Pretty Salma. Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2008

This book is similar to the classic story “little red riding hood” how ever it is based in Africa. The little girl lives

on the quiet side of town and one day she decides to travel to her Grandmother’s where she runs into a wolf

who pretends to be her.

DiakiteÌ, Baba WagueÌ. The Hatseller and the Monkeys: a West African Folktale. Scholastic, 2000.

This book is about a man who is selling hats in a town in West Africa. As he is selling hats he has monkeys

that are at his stand with him who steal the hats.

Kashahorow. My First Akan Dictionary: Colour and Learn. Kasahorow Foundation, 2012.

This book is an African dictionary. There are many basic words for children to learn as well as a picture so

they can see the word as well.

Onyefulu, Ifeoma, et al. “Deron Goes to Nursery School.” Deron Goes to Nursery School by Ifeoma


Deron goes to Nursery School is about a young boy who is going to school for the first time. This book

discusses his morning routine and his daily rituals including what he eats and wears.

Onyefulu, Ifeoma. Welcome Dede! An African Naming Ceremony. Paw Prints, 2011.

Onyefulu, Ifeoma. Grandma Comes to Stay. Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2015

This book is about a young child in Africa whose Grandmother is coming to visit them. In this book

we learn about the traditions that this family has and about the culture of Africa.

Tchana, Katrin, et al. Oh, No, Toto! Scholastic, 1997.

Oh, No, Toto! Is about a two-year-old boy who is going to the market with his grandmother. He is trying to

get all of the different food to eat and the Grandmother keeps saying “oh, no, Toto!”.

World Map-

I will use a world to show the children how big the world is and where Africa is located in the world.

Map of Africa-

I will show the children a map of just Africa to show there are different countries that make up the country as

a whole.

Map of West Africa-

This map will show the area that we are focusing on in class and how it is only part of the county.

Song- Waka Waka-

This is an upbeat song about Africa that can get the students excited about dancing.

Music- African Drum beats-

This will teach the students the traditional African beats and what live music sounds like in Africa.

Music- Traditional African Songs-

This will help them understand the types of songs that are listened to in Africa.

How to make clay-

Making the clay will help the children with their fine motor skills and be able to see what people in Africa use

to build.

Elephant picture-





This image will help children see what elephants look like and help them draw.

Giraffe picture-





This image will help children see what giraffes look like and help them draw.

Lion picture-







This image will help children see what lions look like and help them draw.

Zebra picture-





This image will help children see what zebra’s look like and help them draw.

Song- We’re Going on a lion hunt

- This song helps children understand all the different types of climates of Africa and the different

types of areas such as mud or tall grass.


Emily Winslow
Title of Unit: West Africa

Title of Lesson: African Dance

Grade/age Level: Kindergarten

For the children to learn how this dance style is used in Africa as part of their daily
routine. It will give children the opportunity to see what a stage is and what is like to
perform. The children will have to learn to be confident to go out on the stage.

The reason behind doing this lesson is to have the children see how different dance
and clothing can be in another part of the world. They will also become braver by
learning what it is like to be on stage.

Approaches to Learning
Strand 2: Attentiveness and Persistence
Concept 1: Attentiveness
- Children are able to participate in large group activities while performing a task. They
are able to engage with the activity.
Strand 2: Operation and Algebraic Thinking
Concept 2: Patterning
- The students are learning a sequence of steps to preform and will contiguously
repeating the steps over and over again creating a pattern.

Strand 1: Inquiry and Application
Concept 4: Communication
- They will be learning new styles of dance and will be communicating to their peers or
a teacher with what they are having difficultly with.

Social Studies
Strand 2: Community
Concept 1: Understanding Community
- After the children learn about African Dance they will understand how dance is use in
other communities in our world.

Materials needed: Procedures:

- An open area where children can  set-up
move around I will clear an area in the room and have
- An iPod (or device to play music) the children spread out. I will then play the
- Speaker music for the children and have them
- African hats follow what I do at first. I will create four
steps for the kids to do and they will then
do them in a sequence for a song. They
will also be able to pick an African hat to
wear for their performance.

 introduction (talking about it)

I will start this lesson plan off by showing
children where West Africa is on a map. I
will then read then read the class a book
about the West African culture.

 motivation (build excitement)

I will build up the student’s excitement by
playing them different African songs and
letting them dance around the room.

 practice (model) and feedback (if

The children will learn the dance
movement and practice them until they
think they are ready to do them all

 Do it
The Children will go to the school’s stage
and do the dance for another class.

 Closure – how/when are you Assessment/evaluation = Goal

The lesson will end after the students do Did children achieve the goal?
their African dance on the stage, Did they make a new discovery?

 Closure – review of learning, What is the next step? Repeat, revise,

anticipate next time build?
I will have the children share what their
favorite part of the lesson was. I will be able to evaluate the children on
how well they can remember the dance. I
will also evaluate the children on what they
share at the end the lesson on what their
favorite part was. This will show that they

can recall events from their past. The

students should have made new
discoveries of what West Africa is like.

Title of Unit: West Africa

Title of Lesson: Count the numbers like Animals

Grade/age Level: Ages 3-5

The goal is for the students to learn how to count to 10 as well as learning different animal
noise. This is important for students because they need to learn to count

Arizona Early Learning Standards:

Count Out loud, Know numbers name and symbols

Strand 1: Counting and Cardinality
Children will be learning how to count the numbers in numerical order and be able to connect
each number with symbol.

Materials needed: Procedures:

The materials needed will be the  set-up
numbers 1-10 written out The teacher will have the children standing
in front of where the numbers are

 introduction (talking about it)

The teacher will talk about different African
animals and the class will decide a what
animal they want to try to talk like and
count the numbers in that voice.

 motivation (build excitement)

I will build the child’s excitement by
making different animal noises for them

 Do it
We will then go through the numbers three
times each with a new animal.

 Closure – how/when are you Assessment/evaluation = Goal

We will be done once we go though the Did children achieve the goal?
numbers three times Did they make a new discovery?
I will know if children are improving if they
 Closure – review of learning, say the numbers and experience new
anticipate next time animal noises.
I will end this by telling the children we What is the next step? Repeat, revise,
are going to start the next activity build?
We will repeat this activity for two days.

Title of Unit: West Africa

Title of Lesson: Learn Where Africa is on a Map

Grade/age Level: Ages 3-5

For the students to learn where west Africa is on a map. The students will learn what a map is
and how they can locate different places in the world on a map.

Investigation, analysis and conclusion

Materials needed: Procedures:

A large map of the world  set-up
I will set up the map on a wall and have
the children sit in front of it

 introduction (talking about it)

I will ask the students if any of them have
ever seen Africa on a map and if any one
knows where it is

 motivation (build excitement)

I will build excitement by telling the
children they can see everywhere in the
world on a map

 Do it

 Closure – how/when are you Assessment/evaluation = Goal

I will end this by asking the class if they Did children achieve the goal?
wanted to find another place in the world Did they make a new discovery?
I will see if the children are able to find
 Closure – review of learning, Africa on their own
anticipate next time What is the next step? Repeat, revise,

I will tell the class next time we will find I will repeat this the next day to help the
all the countries in West Africa kids remember.

Title of Unit: West Africa

Title of Lesson: Learn where West Africa is on a Map

Grade/age Level: Ages 3-5

For the students to recognize that West Africa is only part of Africa.

Investigation, Analysis and conclusion

Materials needed: Procedures:

A large map of the world that also has  set-up
the countries I will set up the map on a wall and have
the children sit in front of it

 introduction (talking about it)

I will ask the students if any of them have
ever seen Africa on a map and if any one
knows where it is. I will then tell them that
Africa is made up of different Countries
and only some are in West Africa

 motivation (build excitement)

I will build excitement by asking the
children if they can remember where West
Africa is.

Do it

 Closure – how/when are you Assessment/evaluation = Goal

I will end this by asking the children if Did children achieve the goal?
they can show me where West Africa is. Did they make a new discovery?
I will evaluate the children by seeing if they
 Closure – review of learning, can show me West Africa
anticipate next time What is the next step? Repeat, revise,

I will tell the children I will leave the map I will leave the map up in case the children
up if they wanted to look at it later. want to look at it more.


For the community event I felt as though I was able to connect well with the audience

and was able to share my knowledge on West Africa. During this time, I realized that the

children were very open and interested about learning new cultures and to see how they live their

life. The clay was a very big success with all ages. Younger children were able to use the play-

doh to create simple things such as balls and used the African animal figurines in their play.

Older children were able to attempt to make clay bowls and mini houses like the examples we

had. I also found that the game Mancala works better with children who are seven or older. They

are able to grasp the concept and can work towards the goal of getting the most buttons in their

side of the game board. Younger children attempted to play the game but I quickly learned that I

needed to adapt the game so that they were able to play with out getting frustrated and feeling

defeated. I made a new rule for them that you only go once and try to get the beads into your


There was a family there that was from Africa that when they came up to our area the

children got very excited. The children new all about Mancala and were very excited to play the

game with me and each other. They also were very familiar with the hat that we had on display

because their Mom had the same one at home. Having this family appreciate our culture box and

see that we were learning about their culture made this experience even more worth while.

Overall, having the culture event opened up my mind to new experiences and new ideas

on ways I can teach my classroom in the future. I enjoyed walking around and seeing my

classmates work and how they thought to use their culture and find ways to relate to children and

engage them.


If I was to do this two-week lesson plans for Kindergarten to third grade I would keep the

general idea behind each lesson but increase the difficultly. For example, I would have the

children write out and compare similarities between a child who lives in Africa versus in

Arizona’s day after reading the book Deron Goes to Nursery School. This would help the

children reach the goal of the Arizona State Social Studies Standard of Strand 4 Geography and

concept four Human Systems. This standard is about being able to connect to a cultures way of

living such as the food that they eat, their house, and the clothes that they wear.

Another activity that I would make more advanced is learning about where African

animals are and what these animals eat. I would be able to make this activity more advanced by

having the children learn how the different fruits grow and teach them about the food chain and

how it works in Africa. This would connect to the Arizona State Social Studies Standard of

Strand 4 Geography and concept three Physical Systems. This concept is about being able to

connect to learning about the different plants and what they do for the environment as well as

being able to know animals in different habitats.

I would change the activity of children having to write “Africa” for their morning work

by changing the word to a different country in West Africa every day. This connects to Stand 4

Geography and concept six Geographic Applications of the Arizona Social Studies Strand. This

concept is about connecting different places around the world together. I would show the

children where that country was located in Africa each day as they write the word.

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