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Lesson Plan Template – “Backward Design”

Class ________Math 6th________________

Lesson Plan Type(s) - Check all that apply

__X____ Direct Instruction
______ Inquiry
__X____ Concept Attainment
______ Cooperative Learning

A. Pre-planning: Objectives and Purpose “TARGET”

Objectives and Link to Nebraska Standards/National Standards


M.A. 6.3.3 Measurement: Students will perform and compare measurement and apply


M.A. 6.3.3 a. Determine the area of quadrilaterals, including parallelograms, trapezoids,

and triangles by composition and decomposition of polygons as well as the application

of formulas.

M.A. 6.3.3 C Apply Volume Formulas for rectangular Prism.


I​nstructional Objectives:

The student will calculate the Area by applying application, formulas for rectangles and


Students will solve for Volume by using formulas for a rectangular prism.
“Teacher Cues” –

Write Instructional objectives on the board.

Make sure projector is working.

Check if the computer is working.

Check for marker and eraser for the board/projector.

Students will need their math workbook and pencil/pen.

Students will need their Chromebooks.

Explanation of the Lesson:

This Lesson provides an opportunity to address how to determine Area by Applying an

application Formulas for rectangles and parallelograms. It also discusses how students

can perform Volume by using formulas for the rectangular prism. It calls for students to

display, explain and justify mathematical ideas and argument using precise

mathematical language in written or oral communication. In this lesson, students use

symbols, geometric labels, definitions, and consistent and accurate language to

determine and describe the Areas of Rectangles and Parallelograms. Students will also

use tools such as diagrams and formulas to solve problems that rise in our everyday life

and society. I will first start my students with a warm-up to test their readiness for the

lesson; this warm-up will also let me know if I have students that need extra help or are

above this lesson and provide resources to my different levels. Then I will introduce the

lesson Area of quadrilaterals and Volume of Rectangular Prisms. I will work a few

problems on the projector and have my students do the reflect example with me. After
that, I will jump up to the Guided Practice and work few exercises and check for

understanding by having them answer the essential question check-in. The students will

be guided to independent practice they will do a couple of problems. Students can use

their notes and formulas sheet that will be provided. S​tudents will receive extra practice

through our Tech Tool website (www. Students will search for Math

grade level and they will choose the grade level that is 6th Geometry​. ​This is a

website(eduplace by math grade level) that I will use in my classroom throughout the

year, students have access to different type of material on separate units that are cover

throughout the entire year.​ It very simple to use, I give the name of the assignment/quiz

that I want the students to work on. Students will get more practice, and they will gain

more confidence with the concept. They can also write the website down on their

notebooks and practice at home, no code is necessary. ​I will also do a quick formative

assessment by walking around to check if students need help or have questions and I

will collect my data on my a Journal that I will have designated for this type of formative

assessment, I will write the name of the students that are ahead of the lesson, right on

the lesson or below the lesson. By approaching with these method of data collecting I

will be able to make adjustments to my instruction and make plans for my students that

will fit their needs​ . When Finish with the lesson I will go over the objectives, the

purpose, and rationale for this lesson and assign Homework/assignment. I will do my

best to have good relationships and communication with my student to accomplish the


​ Rationale for the Lesson:

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to the importance of quadrilaterals.

The purpose focus on showing students that quadrilateral come in form of numerous

shapes, including squares, rectangles, trapezoids, etc. Each of this shapes has their

own characteristics. Invites students to to take a look around their environment in this

particular moment. Students are able that there are many things that are composed of

some type of quadrilateral shape. Whether it is a computer screen they look at, a

building, a simple sheet of paper. Quadrilateral are everywhere. That is why it is

essential to learn how to take areas and volumes of these marvelous shapes. The

instructional objective is well developed by using Bloom’s Taxonomy. I am confident

that by the time this lesson and the assignments are done, students will be able to meet

the instructional objectives and will be able to calculate and solve Volume by using

Formulas. My formative assessment will allow me to know if I have students that need

extra help or are ahead of the lesson. Students will be able to meet the objectives by

following the ME-WE-You Method in our lesson plan. I am very confident that every

student will be successful in this lesson, my differentiation strategy, tech tool, and big

nine learning strategies will help us to achieve the ultimate goal to master how to find

Area of Quadrilaterals and Volume. It is vital for me as a teacher to let my students

know that this goal can only be accomplished with everyone will to master the lesson.

In M.A. 6.3.3a Students will need to recognize and determine Area of a quadrilateral.

Being able to identify and Apply Area to different shapes will help the student to

approach real-world problems like painting a room, for example, they will need to know

the total of the surface Area to buy the exact amount of point and make their money
worth. In M.A.6.3.3.C Students will solve/apply Volume Formulas. Again this will help

the student to think outside of the box by applying it to real-world problem example how

much water does a river hold or a cup. These two standards connect directly to solving

problems in our everyday life such as how much paint I need for this remodeling, or how

much water will this bottle hold.

​B. Assessment Plan – “Method”

Formative Assessment – Bell-work-Warm-ups, Guided Practice, Independent Practice,

Hand signal, exit tickets, monitoring, Kahoot Quiz.

Bell-work-Warm-ups: I will start by placing a warm-up sheet on each students’ desk

before class. The student arrives, I will give the instruction in regards the activity, and

they begin working. I will inform my students that this is a formative assessment that

everyone should work individually. The students will have three problems to solve; I will

give them 6 minutes to answer them. At the end of the 6 minutes, the student will be

expected to put their sheet at the end of their desk because they need to turn in to me.

Guided Practice: During the guided practice I will work on the problem on the board,

and I will ask student questions to see if they are following alone in the lesson. And I will

also get an idea which students are having a hard time.

Hand Signals: During the lecture, I will frequently ask questions to the students, I will

instruct students to give me thumbs up if they understand the concept, thumbs down if

they don't understand. By doing this quick formative assessment, I will get an idea who

is understanding and who is not. If the students are having a hard time understanding
the concept, I will go over the information again, so the students get a better


Monitoring:​ I will monitor my students for understanding while they work on their

independent practice and more practice website. I will walk around while students are

working. Students will be allowed to ask questions during these times for better

clarification. ​By walking around the classroom answering questions to students, I will get

an idea of the students that will need extra help or my advanced students that need to

be more challenge. I will collect my data on my a Journal that I will have designated for

this type of formative assessment, I will write the name of the students that are ahead of

the lesson, right on the lesson or below the lesson. By approaching with these method

of data collecting I will be able to make adjustments to my instruction and make plans

for my students that will fit their needs​ .

Techtool:​ this site will be used as exit ticket as well as extra practice.

Students will be assigned​ some problems to solve from Students will

search eduplace Math by grade level and they will choose the grade level that is 6th

Geometry​.​Students will record the number of right answers and I will written them on my

formative assessment journal recorder​. I will also Use Kahoot as a formative

assessment that will be made up with different exercise that the student encounter on

their summative assessment.

Summative Assessment​: Homework at the end of the lesson I will assign homework to

the students. The homework will contain how students calculate the Area by applying

application, formulas for rectangles and parallelogram. Students will also solve for
Volume by using formulas for a rectangular prism. The homework will be assigned as

independent practice. The homework will need to be completed and turn in; this will help

me determine who needs extra help and who is ahead of the lesson. The homework will

contain different problems on solving Area of Quadrilaterals and Volume.

C. Material/equipment/Resources Needed:





White Board.



Students Chromebooks.

D. Lesson – “Match”


Students are interacting with new knowledge.


Anticipatory set: I will start off with a warm-up on each student’s desk before class.

When students arrive, I give instructions on the task/activity and immediately start

working. I will inform the students that this is work independently, that will let me know

how ready they are for the lesson. The students will have 6 minutes for this activity. And
at the end of the time, students should place their paper on the table and be ready for

the lecture.

Differentiation​: Anchoring: Students will find as soon they entered the classroom the

warm-up activity on their desk. They will need to complete this activity; it will help

students to focus on our objectives for this lesson.

Techtool​: I will play a Kahoot game introducing shapes that will be using to find Area

and Volume. This activity can be performed after the lecture or before the lecture, use

teacher judgment when is appropriate.

Big Nine:​ Identify the similarities and difference students will start to identify what shape

Are similar and what are different.

​Multiple Intelligence​: Visual/Spatial the Kahoot quiz will give students the opportunity to

dissect images of different shapes.

B. Objective and Purpose:

“Today we are going to focus on applying formulas to find Area and Volume on

quadrilaterals shapes.Your objective for this lesson will be to apply a formula to find

Area and Volume. You will need the identify different shapes of quadrilateral and apply

the correct formula to find Area and Volume; you will also be exposed to real-world

problems like; painting a room, for example, you will need to know the total of the

surface Area to buy the exact amount of point and make your money worth. Working on
some real-world problems. I will write the objectives before class and will be on the

board as a reminder for students and me as a teacher to keep on track of what is our

target. By the end of the lesson, you”students” will be able to accomplish these

objectives/targets on your own. We will be exposed to pictures of different shapes of

quadrilaterals on our warm-up, Kahoot quiz, guided practice, our online website that will

serve as practice and exit ticket.

We are learning how to find Area and Volume on quadrilateral because you will

have the opportunity to use math that real people need and use by Example painting a

room, for example, they will need to know the total of the surface Area to buy the exact

amount of point and make their money worth, when you measure a piece of land etc.

You will probably hear or know people that have a career in architecture, aeronautical,

graphics design, engineering, the coast guard and many others include the use of Area

and Volume on a regular basis. With some of this career that I mention is crucial to

know and understand these topics. Maybe you consider one day any of these careers

and even if you do not consider any of this careers it is still important to know this topic

because maybe one day you need to remodel, buy, or build a home and you want to get

the maximum of your money worth. Finding Area and Volume are essential for your


C. Me Instructional Input.

After the Warm-up, I will bring up a Kahoot quiz on the Projector so students can

identify different shapes and formulas that go with each shape. We will take some notes

on our math notebook about Area of a Parallelogram Pg 371 on Middle School Grade 6.
I will lecture students on how to find Area and Volume. I will also apply the formulas to

see Area and Volume to real-world problems. On Pg 376 problem 15 on Middle School

Grade 6.

Multiple Intelligence​: Visual/Spatial: Students will be looking at the projector on the

board to identify different shapes and formulas.

“Skill Cues”

The student will need to use their math skill.

The student will need their listening skill.

Students will need their great attention skills.

Students will need their writing/labeling skill.

Students will need to use their vocabulary skills.

Students will need their understanding properties of quadrilaterals.

Students will need to understand how to solve problems involving Area and Volume

using concrete or pictorial Model.

Students Practicing and Deepening Understanding.

D. We-Modeling.

After I am done introducing the process of identifying quadrilaterals shapes and the

formulas that go with each shape to find Area and Volume I will need to Model, so I will

do a work problem and talk about the process on selecting the right formula that

belongs to the right shape. I will also talk about that the units are critical to the problem.
I will also apply Area and Volume to real World Problem situation. By given to students

different examples that include real-world problems. Students will need to follow along

by taking notes on their notebooks.

Tech Tool: Our website will be used as exit ticket as well as extra practice. this site will be used as exit ticket as well as extra practice. Students will

be assigned some problems to solve from Students will search eduplace

Math by grade level and they will choose the grade level that is 6th Geometry​.​Students

will record the number of right answers and I will written them on my formative

assessment journal recorder​. Eduplace will help students to get practice and get more

confident with the material being thought, and it provides visual and lecture problems. It

will be used during Independent practice for those students that finish early for extra


Multiple Intelligence: ​Visual/Hearing and logical students will identify differences

between quadrilateral shapes by performing the warm-up, Kahoot, and the use of the

website called

E. Monitoring:

After I am done teaching, I will also check for understanding by doing the thumbs

assessment to make sure that every student in the class is comfortable to move on. The

signal is if comfortable and confident thumbs up, not confident thumbs down. This will

give me a great view of assessing who is ready and who is not. If the majority 85%
thumbs up them we will move on, if I have 30% thumbs down we will reteach it, if only a

few thumbs down I will write their names down of the students that are having a hard

time with the lesson and the students that are ahead of the lesson to either work one on

one or give challenging assignments. Be able to provide the right resources to the right


F. Guided Practice.

I will work problems with the students together on the board. I will have students

working on problems in groups or two. I will assign two problems to each group them

have them come up to the board and explain it the rest of the class. Each student needs

to present one problem this will allow me to check for understanding on each student. I

will ask questions to students while they are presenting.

Multiple Intelligence: Kinesthetic, logic, linguistic intelligence. The students will be

standing up and writing on the board; they will use logic while solving the problem and

semantic while presenting it.

Diff Strategy:​ Flexible Grouping: Students will be pair up with the students that are

seating next to due to my seating chart. They will work in pairs for guided practice.

White Board: Students will use the board to present their problems.

Going Back to the Guide practice. I will work one problem from their independent

practice; this will give the students an extra opportunity to ask questions in need it. I

believe students will gain a lot from the guided practice and will be able to connect back
to our objective. It will also be great for me as a teacher as well because I will be able to

see how well I targeter the lesson to the instructional objective.

Student Generates and Testing Hypotheses:

G. You Independent Practice.

For independent practice, students will need to complete some math problems on a

worksheet on their math workbook. Students that finish the worksheet early will have

the opportunity to work problems on our Techtool. Students will be allowed to ask

questions to the teacher while working for better understanding.

Big Nine:​ Homework/Practice. the Students will complete a worksheet that will be

assigned for independent practice and bring it back the next day if is not able to finish in

class. This will demonstrate how well the student knows the content. I will be used as

Formative Assessment for the whole lesson.

H. Closure:​ I will restate the objective and briefly reiterate the purpose of the lesson to

the student. I will remain students about the assignment to avoid confusion. I will have

an exit ticket that will show me what they took away from the lesson by assigning a

problem that summarizes the main point of the lesson this exit ticket will take them 5-7

minutes. On that exit ticket, I will ask why Area and volume are important to know about.

Linda Romero
EDU 300


Mastery Lesson Plan Reflection

The Mastery Lesson Plan Project was hard. If one person asks me from your EDU 300

class what was the most challenging assignment, I will say Mastery Lesson Plan. Been

this Project the most difficult of all the project I have done for this class, I can say that I

feel proud and I value the process to get a teacher for Mastery. I will use this example to

build my lesson plans when I start student teaching. I feel very confident with the

content as well the process.

I do believe that knowing how to build a mastery lesson plan help you to manage your

classroom better because you have an idea on setting up a plan to follow and honestly

know what I am doing and when I am doing. I witness from experience that student love

to know what is expected of them and it makes sense. I believe anybody can relate to

this concept that we like instruction.

This project got me well prepared to build lesson plans. I feel more confident as a

teacher, and it is much easier to create a basic lesson plan when you have the

experience of developing a lesson plan for mastery.

Creating Mastery lesson plans for my classroom will help me as educator to growth as

well as the student to have a fair and safe learning environment. Mastery lesson plan

includes everyone in the classroom to be successful on the lesson, and it gives students

many opportunities to reach Mastery on the concept.

In regards to professional development what can, I said this lesson take the top price. I

was a lot of work but, the learning and growth that I acquire from building this lesson

plan is price less and seem the final product, I can seat and said I did it!.

Thank you Dr. Ruskamp.

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