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First Day of School Plan- Middle School.

First Day of School-Full Day.

1. Greeting Plan-Greet each student individually with a “good morning” and be very
enthusiastic about having a great and productive day, I will introduce myself as Mrs. Romero
and tell them my room number and the subject that I teach.. I will also have the room number
outside of my door and my name by it. Once the student know that they are in the correct
place I will give them a note give each student a note card that will contain their seat number.

2. Bell Work-Objectives will be writing on the board and homework. I will post a simple math
problem that the students can work on. I will explain to the students that the math problem on
the board will be a daily thing when they first walking into my classroom.

3. Introductions: I will Introduce myself as their math teacher for the year/semester. Talk little
bit about myself. I will show a picture on the projector that I have draw “self portrait and add
things that talks about who I am what I like to do on my free time and share my passion for
teaching. Then I will release to the students It will be an activity called “Do a Self-Portrait”
Students will have a choice to draw it with words or pictures, collage, or drawn by hand, I will
have the students describing themselves. This activity will be fun and informative and it can
be surprising overall. Then I will bring back there example in May at the end of the school
year so students can recognize how much they have grown in a year.

4. Procedures/Rules-Go over the four classroom rules and make the five rule together as a
class. Create the poster for Rules as I am going over them. Go over morning procedure when
they first walking into the classroom, Attention getters, transition procedures, homework
procedure, entering and leaving the room procedure, material procedures, end of the day

5. Administrative Activities-Roll call, lesson prepared, assignments/notes print out, Have the
daily schedule ready, have chromebooks ready charged for students on the first day only. I
will have my students practice the procedures that we when over. First I will talk about it and
model them, then we will practice as a class. Practice Morning procedure, attention getters,
transition procedures, end of the day procedures.

6. Personal Preference- Do a Fitness activities that will be use during lecture regularly to get
my student moving in class.

7. Assignment: students will have a questionnaire at their table for them to take home to fill
out that is about a getting to know me. And a reading assignment on the chapter/unit that we
will be starting the following day.

8:00-Greeting Plan(Greet each student individually with a “good morning” and be very
enthusiastic about having a great and productive day. Give each student a note card that will
contain their seat number).
8:05-Bell Work(Objectives will be writing on the board and homework. I will post a simple
math problem that the students can work on. I will explain to the students that the math
First Day of School Plan- Middle School.

problem on the board will be a daily thing when they first walking into my classroom).
8:10- Introductions: I will introduce myself who I am, where did I graduate from and what I do
in my free time. Then I will go to each student and they need to introduce themselves and tell
us what they like to do on their free time, this will allowed me to get to know each student
8:20- Rules and Procedure: we will go over five main procedures that will be use on daily
basis, my six procedures are:Attention getters from student to teacher and teacher to
student, transition procedures, homework procedure, entering and leaving the room
procedure, material procedures, end of the day procedure.And go over the five Rules the
classroom has.we will practice our procedure. See the attachment for this.
8:35-Administrative Activities: Go over the syllabus with the students, highlight assignment
and important day. Have the daily schedule ready and posted with the class in the classroom.
Post the the five basic Rules in the classroom. Have chromebook charge and ready for
student just for the first day.

8:45- Personal preference: I will introduce a fitness activity that will be use during lecture
regularly to get my students moving and engaged if they get disengaged.

8:50- Assignment: Student will have a questionnaire to take home and filled out with a parent,
the questionnaire will be about the student, so I can get to know them better. I will also have
them read the the lesson that will be cover the following day and answer few question
regarding the reading that I assign.

8:55-Bell ring student Line up and teacher dismissed for the next class.
First Day of School Plan- Middle School.

EDUC 300 Classroom Management and Effective Teaching

Chapter 3 – First Day of School Plan
Seating Arrangement: Plan and Rationale

A. Explain your plan for your approach to managing a ​seating arrangement​ on

the first day of school.

On the first day of school, I want to ensure all students feel comfortable
and know that I am incharge, so I decided to have seating arrangement seat on the first
day of school to send a message to students that my classroom is to work hard and
efficiently, and we will get thing done. I will name each row by number and each column
will be a shape. I will be at the door greeting students as they walk into my classroom
and I will hand them a card that will have their number and letter.


C. Rationale/Reflection on ​Seating Arrangement Plan (only​):

I believe it’s really important to have a plan on how to arrange students

on the first day because your first day determine your success for the rest of the year.
First impression is always worth the effort you put in to it. By having seating
arrangement ensures that the day is organized and there are no arguments on where
the students can and cannot sit. It also set the tone of who is really in charge in your
classroom. You immediately delete disrupted student to seat in the back and students
who do not want to work in your classroom. It is easy to supervise when you have a well
organized plan when it comes on seating arrangement.
First Day of School Plan- Middle School.

First Day of School-Half Day

1. Greeting Plan-Greet each student individually with a “good morning” and be very
enthusiastic about having a great and productive day. Give each student a note card that will
contain their seat number.

2. Bell Work-Objectives will be writing on the board and homework. I will post a simple math
problem that the students can work on. I will explain to the students that the math problem on
the board will be a daily thing when they first walking into my classroom.

3. Introductions: I will Introduce myself as their math teacher for the year/semester. Talk little
bit about myself. Then I will have students introducing themselves to the class and talk little bit
about themselves(hobby, food, etc.)

4. Procedures/Rules-Go over the four classroom rules and make the five rule together as a
class. Create the poster for Rules as I am going over them. Go over morning procedure when
they first walking into the classroom, Attention getters, transition procedures, homework
procedure, entering and leaving the room procedure, material procedures, end of the day

5. Administrative Activities-Roll call, lesson prepared, assignments/notes print out, Have the
daily schedule ready, have chromebooks ready charged for students on the first day only.

6. Personal Preference- Do a Fitness activities that will be use during lecture regularly to get
my student moving in class.

7. Assignment: students will have a questionnaire at their table for them to take home to fill
out that is about a getting to know me. And a reading assignment on the chapter/unit that we
will be starting the following day.

8:00-Greeting Plan (Greet each student individually with a “good morning” and be very
enthusiastic about having a great and productive day. Give each student a note card that will
contain their seat number).
8:05-Bell Work(Objectives will be writing on the board and homework. I will post a simple
math problem that the students can work on. I will explain to the students that the math
problem on the board will be a daily thing when they first walking into my classroom).
8:08- Introductions: I will introduce myself who I am, where did I graduate from and what I do
in my free time. Then I will go to each student and they need to introduce themselves and tell
us what they like to do on their free time, this will allowed me to get to know each student
8:15- Rules and Procedure: we will go over five main procedures that will be use on daily
basis, my six procedures are:Attention getters from student to teacher and teacher to
student, transition procedures, homework procedure, entering and leaving the room
First Day of School Plan- Middle School.

procedure, material procedures, end of the day procedure.And go over the five Rules the
classroom has. See the attachment for this.
8:23-Administrative Activities: Go over the syllabus with the students, highlight assignment
and important day. Have the daily schedule ready and posted with the class in the classroom.
Post the the five basic Rules in the classroom. Have chromebook charge and ready for
student just for the first day.

8:28- Personal preference: I will introduce a fitness activity that will be use during lecture
regularly to get my students moving and engaged if they get disengaged.

8:31- Assignment: Student will have a questionnaire to take home and filled out with a parent,
the questionnaire will be about the student, so I can get to know them better. I will also have
them read the the lesson that will be cover the following day and answer few question
regarding the reading that I assign.

8:35-Bell ring student Line up and teacher dismissed for the next class.

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