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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2575 – 2578

WCES 2012

Factors affecting the academic failure of male students

SeyedYuosf Seyednezad Jeludar* a, Zenab Ahy Jeludar a, Nasram Shayan b , Teymor
AhmadiGatab c
staff of educational,babol, babol, Iran
Alzahra University,Tehran,Tehran,Iran
Young Researchers Club,Qhaemshahr Branch , Islamic Azad University , Qhaemshahr,Iran


In the present study, we investigated the impact of socio - economic factors on academic inhibition of high school male students
in Babol.What we mean by academic inhibition is that the student's educational performance, despite a normal IQ, being
continuously declined in most courses or in basic courses due to unknown physical or mental illness.The study population
included all teachers and high school male students in the academic year of 2011-2012 in Babol. Among these, 180 people
randomly selected and evaluated.The tools used for data collection are teachers and students' attitude questionnaires, and the
average of t and t-test for comparing two independent means.From this study it is concluded that from the perspective of teachers
and students, the socio - economic factors affect moderately on their academic performance. Moreover, there is no significant
difference between the mean scores of successful and unsuccessful students in relation to the impact of such factors on
educational inhibition. These findings are in line with studies conducted in Iran and other countries including America, Africa,
India, Pakistan and etc.
© 2012Published
Publishedbyby Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.
Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Keywords: academic failure, students, educational agents

1. Introduction

Each society encounters to some inevitable problems during his development. Of these problems is the education
issue (Legall, translated by Razavi, 1996). Problems of education in any society can be considered as the basic
problems of that society. If the education is proper and suitable, the society can overcome many of his problems
(Hallt, translated by Foroghan, 1999).

This is a fact that science and technology, both are the main lever of socio - economic development in the world
today, which in the context of education will grow. By studying the history of Europe we found this fact that Europe
could not achieve to his goal without an organized system of education that leads to socio – scientific. In general,
industrial revolution occurred in countries with the deep-rooted education system had (UNESCO, translated by
Amiri, 1990) .

1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.05.526
2576 SeyedYuosf Seyednezad Jeludar et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2575 – 2578

Education system of each society reflects the level of culture and material and intellectual ability of that society. If it
keeps pace with global developments, it could lead to meet the material and intellectual needs. Furthermore, the
basic tasks of education in a society is the transfer of cultural heritage, the better recognition of students' aptitude
and interests and guiding them to a proper ground for the growth and continued to study at universities and institutes
of higher education and to obtain the proper job education (Ministry of Education, 2000).

Therefore, education not only is a factor of development but also is a basic necessity to promote the culture and
meet individuals' material needs of that society (Mirzaei, 1995).

But unfortunately, in many modern societies, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries, many children
and eligible people excluded from school or forced to repeat the academic year and leave it even during school.
They do not hit much success and so to speak, suffer from academic inhibition. Therefore, understanding the causes
of the problems in society and taking steps to resolve them is important and this is one of the tasks of education
planners in that society (Bazargan, 1993).

Methods:This study is a descriptive - comparative one and the study population included all teachers and high
school male students in different branches of humanities, experimental sciences and mathematics and physics and
Islamic education in the academic year of 2001-2002in Babol. Among these, 180 people randomly selected and
evaluated. The sample group included 180 teachers and students who randomly selected. The tools used for data
collection is teachers and students' attitude questionnaires.

For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics were used by SPSS software.


Mean, standard deviation, standard error of the mean and range of scores of successful teachers and students and
unsuccessful students in relation to the impact of socio - economic factors on academic inhibition of students

Teachers 60 19/96 5/42 ./70 12 23
Successful students 60 17/90 5/37 ./74 9 28
Unsuccessful students 60 18/37 5/53 ./71 10 30

As can be seen in the table, the mean of the teachers' scores is 1/69 more than the scores of successful students in
relation to the impact on the socio - economic factors on students' academic inhibition and the mean of the
successful students' scores 0/37 more than the mean of the unsuccessful students' scores

the results of high school teachers' attitudes related to the socio - economic factors

Options F X FX FX/N

Very low 2 1 2 ./03

low 3 2 6 ./10
Average 12 3 36 ./60
High 18 4 72 1/20
Very high 25 5 125 2/08
total 60 15 241 4/01
SeyedYuosf Seyednezad Jeludar et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2575 – 2578 2577

Because the observed (t) (t b 1/ 45) is lower than the standard (t) (t cr 2) with degrees of freedom 59
(d.f 60 1) in significant level 0 / 05 , so the null hypothesis is confirmed and the alternative
hypothesis is rejected and we concluded by 95% confidence that in teachers' point of view, the socio - economic
factors affect moderately on students' academic inhibition

the results of the successful students' attitudes related to the socio - economic factors

Very low 15 1 15 ./25
low 17 2 34 ./57
Average 14 3 42 ./72
High 12 4 48 ./8
Very high 12 5 60 1
total 60 15 199 3/31

According to calculations, because the observed (t) (t

0 / 42) is lower than the standard (t) (t cr 2) with
degrees of freedom 59 (d.f 60 1) in significant level 0 / 05 , so the null hypothesis is confirmed. On
the other hand, we concluded by 95% confidence that in successful students' point of view, the socio - economic
factors affect moderately on academic inhibition

the results of the unsuccessful students' attitudes related to the socio - economic factors

Very low 12 1 12 ./20
low 9 2 18 ./30
Average 15 3 45 ./72
High 11 4 44 ./73
Very high 13 5 65 1/08
total 60 15 184 3/07

According to calculations, because the observed (t) (t b 0 / 01) is lower than the standard (t) (t cr 2) with
degrees of freedom 59 (d.f=60-1) in significant level 0 / 05 , so the null hypothesis is confirmed. On the
other hand, we concluded by 95% confidence that in unsuccessful students' point of view, the socio - economic
factors affect moderately on academic inhibition

the comparison of the mean scores of socio - economic factors of successful and unsuccessful students

X S n t b t cr d.f
Successful 17/90 5/73 60
./35 1/98 ./05 118
Unsuccessful 18/27 5/53 60

According to the results of the table, the observed (t) (t b 0 / 35) is lower than the standard (t) (t cr 1/ 98)
with degrees of freedom 118 (d.f 60 60 2) in significant level 0 / 05 , so the null hypothesis is
2578 SeyedYuosf Seyednezad Jeludar et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 (2012) 2575 – 2578

confirmed and the alternative hypothesis is rejected and we concluded by 95% confidence that there is no significant
difference between these mean scores.


The results of the study indicated that from the successful teachers' and students' and unsuccessful students' point of
view, the socio - economic factors affect moderately on high school students' academic inhibition and there is no
significant difference between successful and unsuccessful students' views about the effectiveness of the socio -
economic factors on academic inhibition

However, the results indicate that the socio - economic factors including poverty, lack of enough healthful
recreation, the existence of addiction in society, etc. affect moderately on academic inhibition. This indicated that
the academic inhibition is a multi-factorial phenomenon, which not only affected the socio - economic factors, but
also other causes including family problems, personal status and educational issues affect its existence. This finding
is not only align with the findings of the domestic researches, but also in other developed countries or developing
countries, the investigations about the academic inhibition indicated that the socio - economic factors have a great
impact on their academic inhibition they (Russell 1987).


-Bazargan, Z. (1993). A different study of the problem of academic inhibition and in some effective methods to encounter it in some advanced
industrial countries. Education Quarterly, 59, 41-9.
-Legall, Andre (1996). Academic inhibitions, recognition and compensation (translated by Mohammad Reza Shoja Razavi). Tehran: Astaneh
Ghods Razavi
-Mirzaei, H. (1995). The understanding of the causes of middle school students' academic inhibition in Gorgan. MS Thesis, Sari, the Educational
Service Center for Higher Education
-Ministry of Education (2000). Educational law, Education Deputy, Tehran: the school Publications.
-Hallt, John (1999). Survey of academic inhibition in children (translated by F. Maher). Tehran: Qhatre Publications
-UNESCO (1990). Thinking about future developments of the education system (translated by Mohammad Ali Amiri). Tehran: Peyke Farhang

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