2014 Does Cyberbullying Overlap With School Bullying

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Computers in Human Behavior 43 (2015) 49–57

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Does cyberbullying overlap with school bullying when taking modality

of involvement into account?
Violaine Kubiszewski a,⇑, Roger Fontaine b, Catherine Potard c, Laurent Auzoult a
EA 3188, Psychology Laboratory and FR ‘‘EDUC’’, University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
EA 2114, ‘‘Psychology of the Various Stages of Life (PAV)’’ Laboratory, François Rabelais University, Tours, France
EA 6291, ‘‘Cognition, Health & Socialization’’ Laboratory, University of Reims, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Education professionals and researchers are concerned by school bullying and cyberbullying because of
its repercussions on students’ health and the school climate. However, only a few studies investigating
the impact of school versus cyberbullying have systematically explored whether student victims and per-
Keywords: petrators are involved in school bullying only, cyberbullying only, or both. The aim of the present study
Cyberbullying was thus to examine the possible overlap, as well as the similarities and/or differences, between these
School bullying two forms of bullying when taking modality of involvement into account. Individual interviews were
conducted with 1422 junior high- and high-school students (girls = 43%, boys = 57%, mean age =
Externalizing behaviors
Internalizing problems
14.3 ± 2.7 years). Results showed that cyberbullying and school bullying overlapped very little. The
majority of students involved in cyberbullying were not simultaneously involved in school bullying.
Moreover, results indicated that psychosocial problems (psychological distress, social disintegration, gen-
eral aggression) varied according to the form of bullying. Victims of school bullying had greater internal-
izing problems than cybervictims, while school bullies were more aggressive than cyberbullies. Given the
sizable proportion of adolescents involved in bullying (school and cyber) and its significant relationship
with mental health, the issue warrants serious attention from school and public health authorities.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Four profiles can be identified in this kind of relationship: neutral,

victim, bully, and bully-victim, this last profile referring to students
1.1. School bullying and cyberbullying who are the victims of bullying and who bully classmates other
than their own aggressors. In schools, bullying can manifest itself
Bullying is a pervasive form of aggressive behavior that has been either in direct behaviors, be they physical (slapping, pushing,
studied in many countries (Craig et al., 2009; Menesini et al., 2012) etc.) or verbal (insults; etc.), or in indirect attacks (spreading
and many different research areas, including psychology, medicine rumors about a student and/or organizing his/her social exclusion)
and biology, etc. It is devastating for the school climate and more (Stassen-Berger, 2007).
especially for students’ wellbeing, leading it to be classified as a Over the past few years, a new form of bullying has emerged
major public-health problem in schools (Steffgen, Recchia, & and caught the attention of researchers and education profession-
Viechtbauer, 2013; Turner, Exum, Brame, & Holt, 2013). Bullying als. The huge advances in digital technology have given young peo-
is an intentional strategy engaged in by one or more student(s), ple new means of communicating, but also brought some
who set up an asymmetrical relationship with a classmate based deleterious social interactions such as cyberbullying (Kowalski &
on physical or psychological power. Olweus (1993) identified three Limber, 2007). Most definitions of cyberbullying come from defini-
criteria to define bullying: 1) it is an aggressive behavior that is tions of school bullying. Thus, this conduct is often described as an
intentional; 2) it is repetitive; and 3) it is an interpersonal relation intentional aggressive behavior that takes place via new technolo-
characterized by a systematic imbalance of power and domination. gies, during which groups or individuals hurt classmates who can-
not easily defend themselves (Kowalski & Limber, 2007; Law,
Shapka, & Olson, 2010; Slonje, Smith, & Frisén, 2013). Cyberbully-
⇑ Corresponding author at: EA 3188, Laboratoire de Psychologie, Université de ing events can occur via cellphones or computers, by means of text
Franche-Comté, 30, rue Mégevand, 25 230 Besançon CEDEX, France. Tel.: +33 2 47
messages, e-mails, online social networks (e.g., FacebookÒ,
36 66 61.
TwitterÒ), chatrooms or blogs (Kowalski & Limber, 2007). Like
E-mail address: violaine.kubiszewski@univ-fcomte.fr (V. Kubiszewski).

0747-5632/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
50 V. Kubiszewski et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 43 (2015) 49–57

the bullying that occurs in school, the following four profiles have observed prevalence, as well as the psychosocial characteristics
been identified: cyberneutral, cyberbully, cybervictim and cyber- associated with the various profiles in these two forms of bullying.
bully-victim. Studies suggesting that school bullying and cyberbullying con-
Although there are many cyberbullying strategies around, siderably overlap (Juvonen & Gross, 2008; Raskauskas & Stoltz,
Cowie (2013) has identified some of the most frequently occurring 2007; Smith et al., 2008; Wang, Iannotti, & Nansel, 2009) have
ones. Denigration, for instance, consists in posting false informa- shown that victims in schools tend also to be victims in cyberspace,
tion, gossip or rumors about a classmate on a blog or an online and cyberbullies are often students who perpetrate bullying at
social network in order to damage his/her reputation or friend- school. For example, in the study by Raskauskas and Stoltz
ships. Entering the mailbox or the personal online space of a class- (2007), 94% of cyberbullies were also school bullies, and 85% of
mate and then usurping his/her identity to send or post material to cybervictims had a victim profile at school. One year later,
get that person into trouble or damage his/her reputation or Juvonen and Gross (2008) published results revealing similar ten-
friendships is another strategy that is used. Repeatedly sending dencies: among the 1454 adolescents they sampled, 85% of those
mean, insulting or threatening messages is also an example of involved in cyberbullying were also involved in school bullying.
cyberbullying. These data led the authors of these articles to hypothesize that
Contrary to the consensus on the three criteria for defining cyberbullying is the cyberspace extension of school bullying. In
school bullying, there is no single clear and consistent definition line with this hypothesis, other surveys have revealed that stu-
of cyberbullying (Patchin & Hinduja, 2013). Moreover, many differ- dents who are victims of school bullying also engage in cyberbul-
ent words are used in the literature to depict these online practices lying as bully, often attacking their school aggressors in
besides the term cyberbullying, including online harassment (Wolak, cyberspace (König, Gollwitzer, & Steffgen, 2010). The fact that
Mitchell, & Finkelhor, 2007), electronic bullying (Kowalski & Limber, more than half of all cyberbullies or cyberbullies/victims are the
2007; Raskauskas & Stoltz, 2007), Internet harassment (Ybarra, target of bullying in schools further supports the idea of extension
Espelage, & Mitchell, 2007; Ybarra, Mitchell, Wolak, & Finkelhor, (Ybarra & Mitchell, 2004).
2006) and e-bullying (Lam & Li, 2013). However, it should be noted Other arguments help to sustain the overlap hypotheses. Thus,
that some of the researchers who initially used these other notions, some studies have shown that students matching the different
now employ the word cyberbullying (e.g., Kowalski, Giumetti, school and cyberbullying profiles share similar psychosocial diffi-
Schroeder, & Lattanner, 2014; Ybarra, Boyd, Korchmaros, & culties. As an illustration, it appear that being a cybervictim and
Oppenheim, 2012). being a victim of school bullying are both significant predictors
The heterogeneity of the devices considered in studies of cyber- of social anxiety (Juvonen & Gross, 2008). Moreover, both forms
bullying is another example of the divergence in definitions. Some of bullying lead to the same distress for victims (Smith et al.,
researchers have investigated behaviors via cellphones and/or 2008) and share interrelated predictors (Casas, Del Rey, &
computers (Kowalski & Limber, 2007; Ortega, Elipe, Mora- Ortega-Ruiz, 2013).
Merchán, Calmaestra, & Vega, 2009; Raskauskas & Stoltz, 2007), However, all too few studies have carefully considered the
others have only taken one of these devices into account (Aricak modalities of bullying involvement, that is, whether students
et al., 2008; Wolak et al., 2007). engage in school bullying only, cyberbullying only, or both
These observations probably go some way to explaining the dis- (Kowalski et al., 2014; Olweus, 2012). Research in this area of
parity in the figures for cyberbullying prevalence. Estimated rates investigation needs to control for the fact that a student involved
of cyberbullying vary from 11% to more than 50% in studies consid- in cyberbullying could also be engaged in school bullying, but this
ering cybervictimization, cyberperpetration, and both (Kowalski precaution is rarely taken. As a consequence, in many studies that
et al., 2014). fail to control for involvement in both forms of bullying, the psy-
Despite the disparities in estimated cyberbullying prevalence chosocial problems found to be associated with cyberbullying
around the world, one finding that appears to be common and con- could, in fact, be mainly linked to school bullying (or vice versa).
vergent is that involvement in bullying in cyberspace is associated As stated by Olweus (2012), there is a need to find out the effects
with psychosocial problems, problematic Internet use and poor of cyberbullying independently of the possible effects of school
school performances (Gámez-Guadix, Orue, Smith, & Calvete, bullying. However, this issue has not received ‘‘much systematic
2013; Kowalski & Limber, 2013). and useful research attention so far’’ (Olweus, 2012).
In France, very few data are available concerning the number of Whereas some studies have shown a close relationship between
students involved in cyberbullying and the attendant psychosocial school bullying and cyberbullying, others led to differentiate these
difficulties. Even so, this form of aggressive behavior may well affect two forms of aggressive behavior. Contradicting the prevalence
many French adolescents, as in France, 95% of 9- to 16-year-olds use estimates mentioned above, Ybarra, Diener-West, and Leaf (2007)
the Internet at home (Livingstone, Haddon, Görzig, & Ólafsson, demonstrated that most victims of cyberbullying are not victims
2011), thus increasing the risk of being involved in cyberattacks at school. Similarly, Kowalski and Limber (2013) found that most
(Kwan & Skoric, 2013). students involved in school bullying (77% of school victims, 74%
of school bullies and 52% of school bully-victims) are not con-
cerned by cyberbullying at all. Moreover, if cyberbullying were
1.2. Divergent considerations indeed an extension of school bullying, then homeschooled young
people would be protected from cyberbullying. However, cybervic-
Currently, one of the main questions being explored in the sci- timization rates do not differ significantly between homeschooling
entific literature concerns the degree of overlap between cyberbul- and public/private schooling (Ybarra, Diener-West, et al., 2007;
lying and school bullying: do they constitute the same kind of Ybarra, Espelage, et al., 2007).
aggressive behavior, with cyberbullying being a modern and elec- This second consideration is also supported by research on the
tronic form of school bullying? Or are they two forms of aggressive difficulties associated with school bullying and cyberbullying.
behavior that need to be differentiated? Studies have yielded very Thus, Wang, Nansel, and Iannotti (2011) found a differential asso-
divergent results. Some of them suggest that cyberbullying is clo- ciation of depression with each of these aggressive behaviors: in
sely linked to school bullying, possibly constituting an extension school bullying, both victims and bully-victims had higher levels
of it, whereas other studies indicate that cyberbullying does not of depression than bullies, whereas in cyberbullying, only cyber-
mirror school bullying. The arguments evoked in these studies cite victims exhibited higher levels of depression, and to a far greater
V. Kubiszewski et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 43 (2015) 49–57 51

degree. Moreover, in a study by Ortega et al. (2009), victims were regarding prevalence, and identify the psychosocial problems asso-
revealed to be less emotionally affected in cases of cyberbullying ciated with each of these aggressive behaviors. To this end, we took
than in cases of school bullying. By contrast, Hay, Meldrum, and the precaution of controlling for simultaneous involvement in
Mann (2010) described higher levels of psychosocial problems in school and cyberbullying, and carried out quantitative and more
cyberbullying than in school bullying. Again, it should be noted qualitative analyses.
that most of the studies yielding these kinds of results failed to In the light of the literature mentioned in Section 1.3., showing
control for the co-occurrence of bullying and cyberbullying. the singularity of cyberbullying at several different levels, we
hypothesized that it constitutes a different form of aggressive
behavior that needs to be distinguished from school bullying.
1.3. Singularity of cyberbullying
More precisely, we tested the following hypotheses:
Above and beyond the above-mentioned divergences regarding
H1. The majority of students involved in cyberbullying are not
prevalence and psychosocial problems, cyberbullying can be dis-
simultaneously involved in school bullying;
tinguished from school bullying on many other dimensions.
Although many cyberattacks are similar to those perpetrated in
schools (threats, insults, etc.) some have no equivalent in school H2. The psychosocial characteristics (internalizing problems and
bullying. This is the case for the creation of a virtual group target- externalizing behaviors) of students involved in cyberbullying dif-
ing a schoolmate or the hacking of someone’s personal space. fer from those of students involved in school bullying.
Moreover, cyberbullying is not limited in either time or place
(Kowalski & Limber, 2007; Raskauskas & Stoltz, 2007). While
school bullying is often restricted to the time when the victim is 2. Methods
present in school, aggression via new technologies can occur at
any time of the day or night, and can pursue students into their 2.1. Procedure
homes, and even into their bedrooms.
In schools, bullies can often be identified and, to a certain Adolescents from three junior high schools and two high schools
extent, avoided. In cyberspace, attacks can be rendered anonymous in Tours (Indre et Loire, France) and its suburbs took part in this
through the use of pseudonyms, causing considerable distress for study. All the students attending these five schools were invited
victims (Kowalski & Limber, 2007; Li, 2007; Mishna, Saini, & to take part (N = 1646). The occupation of the head of the household
Solomon, 2009; Smith et al., 2008; Ybarra, Diener-West, et al., was used to ascertain the adolescents’ social background, based on
2007; Ybarra, Espelage, et al., 2007). the classification system used by the French authorities (High
Instant and massive dissemination is another particular feature income A, High income B, Average, and Disadvantaged) (Ministry of
of cyberbullying. Most episodes of school bullying occur in front of National Education, 2011). The data for the students invited to take
only a few schoolmates (Olweus & Limber, 2010), whereas in part matched national averages: 17.2% in the High income A group
cyberspace, information and files can be spread quickly and remain (national = 17.5%); 16.3% in the High income B group (national =
available for a long time, thereby increasing the number of poten- 12.7%); 26.1% in the Average group (national = 27.0%); and 40.5%
tial bystanders (Kowalski et al., 2014; Li, 2007). in the Disadvantaged group (national = 42.7%).
Lastly, unlike face-to-face relationships, the use of media such As recommended in France (Kubiszewski, Fontaine, Chasseigne,
as cellphones or computers lacks nonverbal communication & Rusch, 2014), data were collected during individual, anonymous
(Kowalski et al., 2014). Cyberbullies cannot visualize the emotional interviews conducted by trained researchers who administered the
state and pain they inflict on their victims. Many authors have sug- measures used in this study. Parents were informed and sent a pas-
gested that the lack of direct feedback, combined with the possibil- sive consent form via their son/daughter. On prearranged dates,
ity of retaining one’s anonymity, prompts individuals to engage in those students who had agreed to take part were given a 30-min
even more hostile and aggressive behaviors (Postmes, Spears, & appointment by the school staff and were met individually in
Lea, 1998). One of the variants of Milgram’s famous experiment quiet, private rooms that had been made available for the present
(1974) incidentally corroborates this notion. He showed that when study. Before each interview, the adolescents were told that their
participants could not see or hear the suffering simulated by the participation was voluntary and that their responses would be kept
actor to whom they had to administer electric shocks, these mock confidential. The protocol was submitted to and approved by the
electric shocks more often reached a lethal intensity, compared school health services of the education district in the Indre-et-Loire
with situations in which the participants received emotional feed- département (France) and by the schools’ governing board. Data
back. Cyberspace therefore fosters disinhibition, as neatly illus- were collected two weeks after the start of the second term of
trated in a study by Aricak et al. (2008), who found that 59% of the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 school years.
students in their sample admitted to saying things online that they Of the 1646 students, 187 did not take part for two main rea-
would not say face to face. sons: parental or adolescent refusal, and absence of the student
on the day fixed for the interview. The final participation rate
was 88.6% (N = 1459). A few (n = 37) of the participants were not
1.4. Objective and hypotheses sufficiently familiar with the French language, and their data were
therefore excluded from the analyses.
Although several studies have already explored the overlap
between school bullying and cyberbullying, the results are often 2.2. Sample
divergent and need to be confirmed by further quantitative and
qualitative analyses. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, many studies The final sample consisted of 1422 students (boys = 57%,
have investigated the problems associated with school bullying n = 808; girls = 43%, n = 614) in Grades Six to 12 of junior high
and cyberbullying without controlling for the effect of being school and vocational high school (n = 257 in Gr 6, n = 219 in Gr
involved in both forms of bullying. 7, n = 227 in Gr 8, n = 233 in Gr 9, n = 165 in Gr 10, n = 171 in Gr
The main aim of the present study was thus to measure the 11 and n = 150 in Gr 12). Ages ranged from 10 to 18 years. Mean
degree of overlap between school bullying and cyberbullying age was 14.3 years (SD = 2.7).
52 V. Kubiszewski et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 43 (2015) 49–57

2.3. Measures Externalizing behaviors (aggression, antisocial behavior). The

aggression scale we used was developed by Solberg and Olweus
2.3.1. School bullying (2003) (a = .84). There were 6 items (e.g., ‘‘If I disagree with a
The revised Bully/Victim Questionnaire (rBVQ; Solberg & boy or a girl my age, I easily get angry and yell at him or her’’).
Olweus, 2003) is a reliable and valid self-report measure of bully- The response options were the same as before, with a high score
ing in France (Kubiszewski et al., 2014) that assesses the partici- indicating a high level of aggression.
pants’ experience of bullying at school. A detailed definition of Next, adolescents were asked eight questions developed by
bullying (see Solberg & Olweus, 2003) is read aloud to the partici- Bendixen and Olweus (1999) to assess antisocial behavior (e.g.,
pant by the investigator. Students are asked to think of bullying ‘‘Have you ever scribbled on the school building?’’ or ‘‘Have you
events that have occurred at school in the last 2-3 months. The ever skipped school a whole day?’’). The response options were:
rBVQ comes in two parts: the first part has seven questions about Seldom or never, Sometimes, Fairly often, Often, and Very often. High
situations experienced as a victim, and the second has seven ques- scores indicated high levels of antisocial behavior. The reliability of
tions about situations experienced as a bully. The response alterna- the total scale was .84.
tives are: ‘‘I haven’t bullied/been bullied by other students’’, ‘‘I have
bullied/been bullied by other students only once or twice’’,
2.4. Data analysis
‘‘. . .. . .2-3 times a month’’, ‘‘. . .. . .about once a week’’, and
‘‘. . .. . .several times a week’’. As recommended (Solberg &
2.4.1. Prevalence of cyberbullying and comparisons with school
Olweus, 2003), we considered that an adolescent was involved in
bullying if she/he answered ‘‘2-3 times a month’’ or more. Students
The overlap between school bullying and cyberbullying was
who reported that they had both been bullied and had bullied
assessed by analyzing the prevalence of students who were simul-
other students 2-3 times a month or more were identified as bul-
taneously involved in both. Then, to test the hypothesis that these
lies/victims, those who reported that they had solely been bullied
two forms of bullying concern different students, we looked at
were classified as victims, those who had solely bullied were clas-
whether the majority of students involved in cyberbullying were
sified as bullies, and those who were neither victims nor bullies
neutral in school bullying.
were considered to be neutral.

2.3.2. Cyberbullying 2.4.2. Comparison of psychosocial problems associated with

The cyberbullying questionnaire we used contained the items of cyberbullying and school bullying, taking modality of involvement into
the Electronic Bullying Questionnaire by Kowalski and Limber account
(2007), and was partly modeled on the rBVQ. This second question- Previous studies had failed to consider whether some students
naire assessed the occurrence of aggressive behaviors such as simultaneously engage in school and cyberbullying. In order to
insults, teasing, exclusion, hacking or depreciation that can occur overcome this major limitation, we therefore created new groups
on the Internet or via a cellphone. Each student was classified as of students, according to the different modalities of involvement
a cybervictim, cyberbully, cyberbully-victim or cyberneutral. In accor- (i.e., noninvolved, involvement in school bullying, cyberbullying,
dance with many studies, and the recommendations of some or both). This allowed comparing the psychosocial problems asso-
authors (Gámez-Guadix et al., 2013; Juvonen & Gross, 2008; ciated with each form of bullying. To make the analyses clearer,
Kowalski & Limber, 2007; Li, 2007; Vieno, Gini, & Santinello, adolescents who were engaged in both school and cyberbullying,
2011; Ybarra & Mitchell, 2004) the cut-of ‘‘only one or twice’’ but with a different profile in each, were excluded from the analy-
was used to define an attack as cyberbullying. The choice of this ses (Table 1).
cut-off point was justified by two arguments. The first one con- An exploratory approach using multiple correspondence analy-
cerns possible prolonged exposure to a single attack. In cyberbully- sis (MCA) enabled to bring to light the relationships between the
ing, attacks can remain online or in the cellphone for quite a while, different response categories for the variables explored in this
and can be consulted frequently and at different times by the vic- study. It was thus possible to submit the data to an overall qualita-
tims, as well as by their schoolmates (Dooley, Pyzalski, & Cross, tive analysis that simultaneously included the following variable
2009; Raskauskas & Stoltz, 2007; Slonje et al., 2013). The other response categories:
argument concerns the numbers of cyberbystanders, which can
gradually increase if the single attack remains online, thus increas- For the bullying profile and modality of involvement variable
ing and prolonging the victim’s distress (Dooley et al., 2009). (cf. Table 1), the response categories were noninvolved, school
victim, cybervictim, cyber & school-victim, school bully, cyber-
2.3.3. Psychosocial problems bully, cyber & school bully, school bully-victim, cyberbully-vic- Internalizing problems (perceived social disintegration, psy- tim, and cyber & school bully-victim.
chological distress). Perceived social disintegration was measured Data on the four psychosocial problems considered in this study
using six items developed by Solberg and Olweus (2003) (e.g., were recoded to obtain dichotomous variables: absence of the
‘‘You feel less well liked than other students in your class’’). There problem (mean scores < 90th percentile) or presence of the
were six possible responses to these statements: Doesn’t apply at problem (mean scores P 90th percentile). Thus, for each of the
all, Doesn’t really apply, Applies somewhat, Applies fairly well, Applies four psychosocial variables (perceived social disintegration, psy-
well, and Applies exactly. A high score indicated a high level of self- chological distress, aggression, and antisocial behavior), the
perceived social disintegration. Cronbach’s alpha for this variable response categories were presence of the difficulty (+) and
was .76. absence of the difficulty ( ).
Students’ psychological distress (depression tendencies and low
self-esteem) was assessed by means of 11 items taken from two Then, ANOVAs were used to conduct a quantitative analysis of
scales by Alsaker and Olweus (Alsaker, Dundas, & Olweus, 1991; internalizing problems and externalizing behaviors associated
Alsaker & Olweus, 1986) (e.g., ‘‘I am often sad without seeing any with each form of bullying. Students involved in school bullying,
reason for it’’). The response options were the same as for the per- cyberbullying, or both were compared with each other, as well as
ceived social disintegration measure. Cronbach’s alpha for this with the noninvolved group, by means of Tukey’s HSD post hoc
scale was .86. test. This post hoc test is particularly suitable when large numbers
V. Kubiszewski et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 43 (2015) 49–57 53

Table 1
Modalities of involvement in school and cyberbullying.

Profiles in school bullying

Neutral Victim Bully Bully-victim
Profiles in cyberbullying
Cyberneutral Noninvolved School victim School bully School bully-/victim
Cybervictim Cybervictim Cyber & school victim / /
Cyberbully Cyberbully / Cyber & school bully /
Cyberbully-victim Cyberbully-victim / / Cyber & school bully-victim

Note. ‘‘/’’ indicates combinations excluded from the analysis because they concerned so few adolescents (n = 5–17) and because we wanted the data to be as clear as possible.
It is common for these combinations to be represented by only a few participants (see also Kowalski & Limber, 2013).

of 2  2 comparisons are undertaken as it reduces the risk of com- cyberbullying or both were associated with psychosocial problems
mitting Type-1 errors (Howell, 2008). (right side of Fig. 1A), unlike the noninvolved student profile (left
All the analyses were performed with STATISTICA Version 10. side of Fig. 1A). Regarding involvement in cyberbullying only,
Regarding sample size, statistical significance was set at p < 0.001. although cyberbullies stood out on this dimension, the other two
profiles (cybervictim and cyberbully/victim) did not2 (Fig. 1A).
Dimension 2 differentiated between school and cyber & school
3. Results
victims at one end, characterized by internalizing problems (social
disintegration and psychological distress), and school, cyber- and
3.1. Prevalence of cyberbullying and comparisons with school bullying
cyber & school bullies, and school bully-victims at the other end,
all characterized by externalizing behaviors (aggression and anti-
In the sample, 366 students (26%) reported being involved in
social behaviors). Cybervictims and cyberbully-victims were not
school bullying: 211 of them were victims (15% of the sample),
differentiated on the axis, nor were noninvolved students (Fig. 1B).
109 were bullies (8% of the sample) and 46 were bullies/victims
Dimension 3 distinguished between the two externalizing
(3% of the sample).
behaviors considered in this study. Aggression was associated with
Regarding cyberbullying, 386 (27%) students reported being
school bullies, cyber & school bully-victims, and cyber & school vic-
involved in this kind of activity in cyberspace: 249 of them (18%)
tims. By contrast, antisocial behavior was linked to bullies and
were cybervictims, 59 (4%) were cyberbullies and 76 (5%) were
bully-victims in the cyber and cyber & school modalities.
Dimension 2 of the MCA revealed an association between exter-
Concerning the question of profile stability across cyber and
nalizing behaviors, bullies and bully-victims, and an association
school bullying, results showed that these two forms of bullying
between internalizing problems and victims. As a consequence,
overlapped very little. Overall, less than a quarter of students had
in the quantitative analysis (Table 2) intended to explore psycho-
the same profile in both cyber and school bullying: 13% (n = 10)
social problems as a function of modality of involvement, we only
of cyberbully-victims were also bullies/victims at school, 22%
considered internalizing problems for victims and externalizing
(n = 13) of cyberbullies were also school bullies; and 26% (n = 66)
behaviors for bullies and bully-victims.
of cybervictims were also victims at school. Moreover, in the
Results in Table 2 show that school victims and those who were
majority of cases, adolescents involved in cyberbullying were not
subjected to both forms of aggression (cyber & school) had signif-
the same as those involved in school bullying: 62% (n = 155) of
icantly higher levels of perceived social disintegration than cyber-
cybervictims, 60% (n = 36) of cyberbullies and 51% (n = 59) of
victims (Cohen’s d = 0.75) and noninvolved students (Cohen’s
cyberbully-victims had a neutral profile in school bullying.
d = 0.95), who did not differ significantly from each other. Concern-
ing psychological distress, school and cyber & school victims had
3.2. Comparison of psychosocial problems associated with significantly higher scores (Cohen’s d = 0.6; 0.96; 1.22; 0.86). Once
cyberbullying and school bullying, taking modality of involvement into again, cybervictims and noninvolved students did not differ signif-
account icantly from each other on this psychosocial problem.
For bullies, analyses show that those who are engaged in school
As the students involved in cyberbullying were, in most cases, and in cyber & school bullying had significantly higher aggression
not the same as those involved in school bullying, in order to gain scores than cyberbullies (Cohen’s d = 0.72 and 1.02) and nonin-
a more accurate picture of the potential differences between cyber volved students (Cohen’s d = 1.26 and 1.61), who did not differ sig-
and school bullying in terms of attendant psychosocial problems, nificantly from each other. Concerning antisocial behaviors, cyber
we divided the students into four groups according to their modal- & school bullies had the highest scores, and noninvolved students
ity of involvement: noninvolved, cyberbullying only, school bully- the lowest ones. Contrary to the results for aggression, cyber- and
ing only, or both (cyber & school) (Table 1). school bullies did not differ from each other on the level of antiso-
Three main dimensions were highlighted by the MCA, corre- cial behavior.
sponding to 32.6% of the explained inertia1: 13.3% of the inertia Then, school and cyber & school bullies/victims had higher
was explained by Dimension 1, 11.3% by Dimension 2 and 7.99% aggression scores than cyber bullies/victims (Cohen’s d = 1.18 and
by Dimension 3 (Fig. 1). 1.36) and noninvolved students (Cohen’s d = 1.60 and 1.71). The
Results presented in Fig. 1A show that Dimension 1 contrasted level of antisocial behavior was higher for ‘‘cyber & school’’
noninvolved students with those involved in bullying. Psychosocial bully-victims than for cyberbully-victims (Cohen’s d = 0.81). None-
problems were grouped with the students involved in bullying. theless, school bully-victims did not differ from either cyber- or
Thus, all the profiles of the students involved in school bullying, cyber & school bully-victims on levels of antisocial behavior.

Greenacre (2010) recommends only retaining dimensions with eigenvalues > 1/Q,
where Q is the number of variables. As five variables were studied, we retained A response category with coordinates of less than 0.5 on one axis was not
dimensions with eigenvalues above 0.2. discriminated on the dimension associated with this axis (Husson, Lê, & Pagès, 2009).
54 V. Kubiszewski et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 43 (2015) 49–57

Fig. 1. Exploratory analyses with multiple correspondence analyses of profiles and modalities of bullying involvement, as well as psychosocial problems (perceived social
disintegration, psychological distress, aggressiveness and antisocial behavior). j Psychosocial problems (+=presence; = absence), s profiles of students involved in
cyberbullying only, d profiles of students involved in school bullying only and e similar profiles in school bullying and cyberbullying.

4. Discussion 4.1. Prevalence of cyberbullying and comparisons with school bullying

The abundant literature on cyberbullying published in the past This study suggests that cyberbullying represents just as much a
few years highlights the importance of improving our knowledge public health problem as school bullying. Results showed that com-
of this aggressive behavior and its underlying processes. In this parably elevated proportions of students were involved in each of
context, the aim of the present study was to examine the two these forms of bullying: more than one in four. One possible expla-
forms of bullying that researchers have been focusing their atten- nation for this result could be that cyberbullying is an extension of
tion on, namely school bullying and cyberbullying. More specifi- school bullying (Fontaine, 2009; Juvonen & Gross, 2008). However,
cally, its purpose was to determine whether these two kinds of results did not confirm this notion, as more than half of the students
aggression are comparable, or if they should instead be viewed involved in cyberbullying were neutral at school.
separately, owing to substantial differences. To answer this ques- The distribution of students according to their different cyber-
tion, prevalence of these two forms of bullying and their related bullying and school-bullying profiles is another aspect of the pres-
psychosocial problems were examined. ent study that led to distinguish between these two forms of
V. Kubiszewski et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 43 (2015) 49–57 55

Table 2
Mean scores (standard deviation) on internalizing problems and externalizing behaviors as a function of bullying involvement modality for victims, bullies, bully-victims and
noninvolved students.

Non-involveda Cyber b
Schoolc Cyber & schoold F [g2] Tukey’s HSD
Internalizing problems in victims: (n = 827) (n = 154) (n = 127) (n = 66) (3,1170)
Perceived social disintegration 1.67 (.69) 1.84 (.68) 2.40 (1.03) 2.52 (1.09) 54.90*** [0.12] a, b < c, d
Psychological distress 1.91 (.73) 2.22 (.82) 2.79 (1.06) 3.06 (1.09) 78.05*** [0.17] a < b < c, d
Externalizing behaviors in bullies: (n = 827) (n = 35) (n = 64) (n = 13) (3,935)
Aggressiveness 1.42 (0.47) 1.73 (0.63) 2.26 (0.82) 2.45 (0.77) 71.22*** [0.19] a < b < c, d
Antisocial behavior 1.36 (0.37) 1.71 (0.53) 1.72 (0.50) 2.38 (1.02) 48.09*** [0.13] a < b, c < d
Externalizing behaviors in bully-victims: (n = 827) (n = 39) (n = 20) (n = 10) (3,892)
Aggressiveness 1.42 (.47) 1.72 (.53) 2.64 (.97) 2.98 (1.20) 73.29*** [0.20] a < b < c, d
Antisocial behavior 1.36 (.37) 1.68 (.53) 1.93 (.58) 2.16 (.65) 35.27*** [0.11] a < b ~ c; b < d; c ~ d

Noninvolved = students involved neither in cyberbullying nor in school bullying.
Cyber only = students involved in cyberbullying but not school bullying.
School only = students involved in school bullying but not cyberbullying.
Cyber & school = students involved in both cyberbullying and school bullying.
p < 0.001.

aggression. Even though total prevalence and victim prevalence decreased inhibition (Livingstone et al., 2011; Postmes et al.,
were comparable for both forms of bullying, more students saw 1998). This dehumanization is a possible explanation for our result
themselves as bully-victims in cyberbullying than in school bully- showing that cyberbullies are less aggressive - but not less antiso-
ing. This result is similar to the findings of many other studies, in cial - than school bullies. Some adolescents who would not display
which the proportion of students claiming to be cyberbully-victims aggressive behavior in face-to-face interactions may feel suffi-
has been found to be close to or higher than the proportion of ciently unconstrained by social norms to indulge in these behav-
cyberbullies (Kowalski & Limber, 2007; Li, 2007; Vieno et al., iors in cyberspace. This postulate is moreover reinforced by the
2011; Wang et al., 2009). A parallel can be drawn between these results of research demonstrating that young people who perpe-
data and the discourse of students invited to take part in focus trate cyberbullying feel less guilty and have less of a bad con-
groups on cyberbullying perceptions: for them, the disinhibition science than the perpetrators of school bullying (Wachs, 2012).
generated by cyberspace and by the opportunity to remain anony- The victims of bullying at school or in cyberspace were clearly
mous encourages even students perceived of as shy or vulnerable differentiated. In the MCA, the cybervictim modality was not dif-
at school to persecute their schoolmates (Mishna et al., 2009; ferentiated on any of the three dimensions considered, whereas
Smith et al., 2008). However, this ease of aggression does not pro- the school victim modality made an important contribution on
tect them from cyberaggression, which could explain the higher two dimensions. Moreover, quantitative analyses showed that
rate of cyberbully-victims compared with the rate of school cybervictims were no different from noninvolved students for
bully-victims. perceived social disintegration, and exhibited lower levels of this
The first part of our results indicated that students involved in internalizing problem than school victims. Previous studies had
cyberbullying and students involved in school bullying mostly led to the conclusion that many students know how to end or
belonged to different groups. On the whole, the results of our anal- restrict cyberbullying, by blocking or printing out the cyberbully’s
yses led to infer that cyberbullying is not an extension of school messages, restricting access to their personal spaces on online
bullying, but instead provides other students with new opportuni- social networking sites, and so on (Agatston, Kowalski, &
ties to become bullies. Limber, 2007; Fenaughty & Harré, 2013). The EU KIDS ONLINE
Moreover, this study yielded data on the prevalence of cyber- survey published in 2011 seemed to confirm this conclusion, as
bullying and school bullying among French adolescents that were more than half of the students assessed had the skills needed
lacking in the scientific literature. to protect themselves on the Internet (Livingstone et al., 2011).
We can hypothesize that knowledge of these different strategies,
4.2. Comparison of psychosocial problems associated with added to the fact that cyberbullying does not systematically occur
cyberbullying and school bullying, taking modality of involvement into directly in front of schoolmates in the playground, could explain
account the differences observed between victims in cyberspace only
and victims at school only, regarding perceived social
A second way of investigating the possible overlap of these two disintegration.
forms of bullying was to determine whether the adolescents with In our sample, cybervictims also had lower levels of psycholog-
the different cyberbullying profiles had the same psychosocial ical distress than school victims, again lending weight to the idea
characteristics as their school-bullying counterparts. that cyberbullying and school bullying are different phenomena.
The MCA initially revealed an association between externalizing This result is in agreement with a number other studies (Jose,
behaviors and all modalities of involvement as perpetrators (cyber- Kljakovic, Scheib, & Notter, 2012; Livingstone et al., 2011; Ortega
bullying, school bullying, or both cyber & school bullying). How- et al., 2009; Ybarra et al., 2006). For example, research by José
ever, Dimension 3 of the MCA, together with the results of the et al. (2012) suggested that cyberbullying is less devastating on
quantitative analyses, appeared to nuance this association. Cyber- an emotional level than school bullying. Moreover, a study by
bullies appeared to be less aggressive than school bullies, but with Ybarra et al. (2006) indicated that more than half of the victims
comparable levels of antisocial behavior. Unlike face-to-face of cyberbullying were not emotionally impacted by this kind of
exchanges, the use of a computer or cellphone is devoid of the non- aggression. For the authors, attacks that occur at school are more
verbal communication that is supposed to convey the interlocu- difficult to avoid than those that occur in cyberspace, and thus dis-
tor’s emotional state. Many authors have suggested that the lack turb young people more. It may be easier for students to stop this
of direct emotional feedback, combined with the possibility of kind of abusive relationship in cyberspace, using their knowledge
remaining anonymous, engenders hostile behaviors based on of the many strategies mentioned above.
56 V. Kubiszewski et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 43 (2015) 49–57

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