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Table of contents

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. OVERVIEW OF THE CURRICULUM FOR CHILLI PRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 11
3. CHILLI PRODUCTION CURRICULUM CONTENTS (TEACHING AND LEARNING GUIDE) ...................................................... 14

3.1 Module 1: Selection, treatment and storage of suitable seed ................................................................................................ 14

3.2 Module 2: Carryout land preparation and sowing of seeds .................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Module 3: Carryout weed management................................................................................................................................. 28
3.4 Module 4: Carryout fertilizer management as per soil condition ............................................................................................ 31
3.5 Module 5: Carryout pest management .................................................................................................................................. 35
3.6 Module 6: Carryout harvesting and post harvesting management ......................................................................................... 39

4. ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE ...................................................................................................................................................... 50

5. LIST OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 73
6. LIST OF CONSUMABLES......................................................................................................................................................... 76


1.1 Description of the structure of the course

Following is the structure of the course:

Module # Title Theory Practical Total

(hours) (hours) (hour)
1 Selection, treatment and storage of suitable seed
38 hours 162 hours 200 hours
2 Carryout land preparation and management
18hours 72hours 90 hours
3 Carryout weed management 20hours 85hours 105hours
4 Carryout fertilizer management as per soil condition
15hours 60hours 75 hours
5 Carryout pest management
20 hours 65hours 85hours
6 Carryout harvesting and post harvesting management
45 hours 200 hours 245hours

1.2 Duration of the course:

The proposed curriculum is composed of 6 modules that will be covered in 800 hrs. It is proposed that the course
may be delivered in six months period (Five days a week).Training can also be scheduled on part time bases or in
the evening classes. The distribution of contact hours is given below:

Total 800 hrs.
Theory 156 hrs. (20%)
Practical 644 hrs. (80%)

1.3 Purpose of the training programme:

The purpose of the training is to provide skilled manpower to improve the existing crop production and protection
practices. This will increase the on-farm productivity, resulting in producing better quality and will ultimately bring
economic benefits to the producer.

1.4 Specific characteristics of this training programme:

 The training programme shall be organized in an institute that has a field area for growing of chillies or a
nearby chilli growing area.
 This training programme will be more productive for the farmers who may already be involved in chilli
 The training program shall be more effective and beneficial if the trainers have experience and knowledge
about chilli production, protection and other aspects of handling.

1.5 Main objectives of the training programme

Following are the main objectives of the training programme:

 Capacity building in trainees for adopting good agricultural practices in all stages of chilli production with
higher yields and to prevent contamination of unwanted materials, organisms and substances in the harvest.
 To develop characteristics such as self reliance, reliability, responsibility, team sense and ability to lead the
program in the field.
 To maximize chilli production using improved procedures of cultivation
 To protect the harvest during picking, drying, storage and marketing.

1.6 Skill development by action orientation:

The student must have the following skills after action orientation:

 The ability to collaboratively lead to a positive community change and improvement in the system
 Ensure hygienic practices at work
 Contribute in creating an environment that leads to the safe handling of product
 Perform tasks in a responsible manner
 Develop a sense of duty

1.7 Entry level of trainees

 Middle preferably Matric

 Traceable reference
 Minimum age limit for trainees will be 14 or above 14 years

1.8 Minimum qualification for teachers

Minimum qualification for trainers should be a graduate degree in agriculture or related subject. The main aim of
training providers is to develop work related skills and competency through comprehensive action orientation. This
includes the willingness and ability of a student to act appropriately and professionally in different situations at
work. The willingness and ability of students depends largely on the teacher‟s skills to perform goal-oriented tasks.
This can be achieved by putting their technical knowledge and skills to use by developing a programme of practical
assessment that reflects learning outcomes given in the curriculum.

The trainer will also support students in developing personal characteristics such as self reliance, reliability,
responsibility, group sense and the ability to lead. An understanding of hygiene and sanitary conditions and its
impact on society is required. The adoption of suitable practices during all stages of chilli production to avoid
contamination of unwanted materials, organisms, substances should be the focal area of teaching.

1.9 Medium of instruction

Urdu, local language

1.10 Laws and Regulations

 Good Agricultural Practices

 Good Harvesting Practices
 Good Storage Practices

 Pakistan Standard and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA). 2009. Standard Development Center, Agriculture
and Food Division,
 Codex General Standard for contaminants and toxins in food and feed. Codex Stan 193-1995
 Commission Regulation (EU). 2010. No.165/2010 of 26 February 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No
1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuff as regards aflatoxins (Text with EEA
 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

1.11 Recommended teaching materials

 Manual on the application of the HACCP system in mycotoxin prevention and control. FAO Food and
Nutrition Paper 73.
 Cultivation of Chillies in Sindh, Pakistan published by Shan Foods (Pvt) ltd in collaboration with PARC.
 Cultivation of vegetable in Sindh, Pakistan. By A W Khoso.
 A research paper entitled “Impact of discoloration and picking practices of red chillies on aflatoxins levels” by
Sahar, N., Arif, S., Afzal, Q., Ahmed, M., Ara, J. and Chaudhry Q. Published in International Journal of
Botany. 2013. 45(5):1669-1672.

1.12 Suggested distribution of modules

Following is the suggested sequence of modules:

Module-1: Selection, treatment and storage of suitable seed

Module-2: Carryout land preparation and management

Module-3: Carryout weed management

Module-4: Carryout fertilizer management as per soil condition

Module-5: Carryout pest management

Module-6: Carryout harvesting and post harvesting management

The sequence of modules 2, 3, 4 and 5 are interchangeable.

1.13 Definition of the trade

Chillies produced using traditional practices are liable to quantitative and qualitative deteriorations that ultimately
results into economic losses for the grower and to the exports. Moreover, the presence of toxins in the harvest has
an impact on the health of consumers. This course aims to increase the chilli productivity by adopting modern and
systematic methods of cultivation. It also aims to protect the harvest from developing toxic chemicals that cause
health concerns through advancements in the picking, drying, storage and marketing practices. The course will
develop expertise in the stake holders of chilli production and initial processing by providing them with specific
training keeping in view their job requirements.

1.14 Competencies gained after completion of the course

The student must have the following competencies:

 Select healthy and appropriate seeds for chilli production
 Identify the appropriate chilli lots for the production of seed and and the subsequent handling and
 Select and prepare land for sowing of chilli seeds following appropriate procedures.
 Apply the suitable weedicides for the removal of weeds in the chilli fields.
 Select and timely apply suitable fertilizers as per soil requirement.
 Monitor the crop for insect pests and to control them by applying appropriate procedures.
 Pick the ripened chilli timely and then transfer them safely to the drying fields with all possible care and
 Select and prepare the drying yards for the harvest and to undertake drying as per requirement by adopting
appropriate procedures.
 Recognize the damaged chillies in the field and during subsequent production stages and be able to handle
them using suitable procedures.
 Inspect and select the sites for storage of seeds and dried chillies and store the harvest using recommended

1.15 Worker trades

 Good health
 Data recording and analytical skills
 Hardworking

 Team spirit and ability to manage the farm workers
 Desire to produce results

1.16 Opportunities for employment and advancement

Chillies are an important cash crop of Sindh, with an average production of about 137000 tons annually utilizing an
area of about 64900 hectares. About 90% of the chillies produced in Pakistan are cultivated in Sindh. In the past
substantial quantity of the produce was exported with annual earnings of millions of dollars. However during the
past few years the situation has changed and as a result of detection by aflatoxins, many countries has stopped the
import of chillies from Pakistan. Moreover, the production has also not remained competitive to the international
market due to poor per hectare yields. The chilli farmers are quite aware of the situation and there is a dire demand
from the growers for providing the technical support for the production of chillies and its post harvest management.
The induction of trained man power in the system is likely to bring improvements in the system as they will be taken
up and employed by different stake holders in chillies business. It is anticipated that need of such persons is
enormous and they will be hired by producers and processors at reasonable and competitive rates.


Module Title and Aim Learning Units Theory1 Workplace2 Timeframe

Days/hour Days/hour of modules
s s
Module 1:Selection, LU-1: Select appropriate lots for producing seeds / or 38 hours 162 hours 200 hours
treatment and storage procure registered seeds
of suitable seed
LU-2: Segregate the appropriate pods on the basis of
their physical appearance
Aim:To select, treat LU-3: Extract the seeds from selected chilli pods and
and store suitable seed separate the undersized seeds using appropriate
for crop production procedure
LU-4: Undertake seed treatment
LU-5: Pack and tag the seeds
LU-6: Inspect and select the site for storage of seeds
and store the seeds under proper conditions keeping
their germination intact

Module 2: Carryout LU-1: : Prepare the land as per required procedures 18hours 72hours 90hours
land preparation and including LASER land levelling and preparation of
management ridges
LU-2: Sow the seeds either by direct seeding or

Learning hours in training provider premises
Training workshop, laboratory and on-the-job workplace

Aim: To prepare land through nursery transplantation
for sowing of chilli LU-3: Check, perform and maintain the irrigation of
seeds by following crop
appropriate procedures

Module 3:Carryout LU-1:Select and apply suitable weedicides for chilli 20hours 85hours 105hours
weed management crop
LU2: Identify weeds in the chilli field and apply
procedures for their removal
Aim: The aim of this
module is to Apply the
suitable weedicides
and removal of weeds
from the chilli field

Module 4:Carryout LU-1:Determine the soil suitability for growing chillies 15hours 60hours 75hours
fertilizer management LU-2: Select and apply suitable fertilizers on the basis
as per soil condition of soil composition
LU-3: Use organic fertilizers and fertilizer supplements
Aim: Selection and
timely application of
suitable fertilizers at
the required level

Module 5:Carryout LU-1: Recognize insect pests and diseases, and 20hours 65hours 85hours
pest management access their nature of damage at various chilli
production stages
LU-2: Determine the dosage and method of application
Aim: Monitoring the of pesticides
crop and control of
insect pests and

Module 6: Carryout LU-1: Recognize the picking stage and pick the 45hours 200hours 245hours
harvesting and post ripened chillies properly
LU-2: Pack and transport the freshly harvested chillies
to the drying area
LU-3: Undertake drying by following the suitable
Aim: Picking the procedures
ripened chilli and their
LU-4: Pack the dried chillies in suitable material and
subsequent drying and
transport to the godowns or market
LU-5: Store chillies under proper conditions


3.1 Module 1: Selection, treatment and storage of suitable seed

Objective of the Module:To select, treat and storesuitable seed for crop production

Duration: 200 hours Theory: 38 hours Practice: 162 hours

Learning Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place

LU-1: Trainee will be able to:  Chilli varieties and Total: 35hrs.  Sampler (3) Theory: Class
Select its sub types room/farm field
 Identify different Theory: 7hrs.  Triple beam
appropriate varieties of chillies  Hybrid varieties Practical: 28hrs. balance (2) Practical:
lots for
 Recognize the sub  Healthy pods/seeds  Stationery items  Chilli
producing types of chilli variety e.g. pen, pencil, warehouse/seed
seeds / or  Damaged
„Dandi cut‟ calculator etc. company dealers
procure pods/seeds
 Recognize hybrid  Seed counter  Laboratory
registered  Shrivelled pods
varieties of chillies board
seeds  Effect of good seed
 Calculate the  Aflatoxin meter
quality on
proportion of different (ELIZA reader)
productivity and
sub types of Dandi
occurrence of  Moisture meter
cut chillies within a
chilli lot Consumables:
 Procedure to
 Distinguish between
normal and damaged determine the  Varieties of chilli
pods proportion of
 Blotter paper
healthy seeds in the
 Identify shrivelled
offered  Petri dishes
chilli pods
 Sample collection
 Recognize the chillies
 Selection of bags
that are likely to be
appropriate chilli
fungal infested,  Tetrazolium
field for seed
discoloured, black powder
spotted etc.
 ELISA test kits for
 Picking of healthy
 Calculate the detection of
and diseased free
proportion of normal aflatoxins
pods for seed
pods in a lot
 Calculate the
 Knowledge about
proportion of
germination test to
damaged pods in a
ascertain the seed
 Decide suitable chilli
 Role of moisture in
lots for seed
chilli quality
 Role of aflatoxin in
 Procure good chilli
chilli supply chain
seeds that are
disease free, pure  Permissible limits of
variety etc. from aflatoxin in various
authorized / reliable countries and
dealers. prevailing situation
in Pakistan
 Ascertain the quality
of seed offered for  Impact of mixing of
procurement by damaged pods with
undertaking physical healthier pods
germination test
 Perform germination
test on seeds offered
for procurement
 Perform moisture test
or get the sample
tested from laboratory
 Perform aflatoxin test
or get the chilli
sample analyzed for
aflatoxin from

LU-2:  Separate the healthier  Damaged pods Total:30hrs.  Stationery items Theory: Class
Segregate and damaged pods including e.g. pen, pencil, room/farm field
the from selected chilli discoloured, calculator etc. Practical:
appropriate lots immature, cracked, Practical:24hrs.
pods on the  Photographs of  Chilli warehouse
shrivelled, viscera
 Separate the various normal and
basis of bored, viscera  Laboratory
types of damages damaged chilli
their opened, black
including pods (available in
physical spotted and fungal
discoloration, research reports)
appearance damaged.
 Triple beam
immaturities etc.  Impact of
balance (2)
 Recognize the extent
r/damaged pods on  Screens of suitable
of damage in the chilli
crop productivity seeds and shaker
pods e.g. minor,
moderate and severe.  Extent of damage in
chilli pods
 Test the damaged
pods using  Procedures to
appropriate tests like safely handle the
visual analysis damaged pods Consumables:
 Handle severely  Procedure to  Gloves
damaged chilli pods determine the
properly proportion of  Mask
various damaged  Bags
 Identify the suitable
pods in chilli lot
pods from selected
lots for seed  Procedure of
production segregating sub
types of Dandi cut
 Segregate the sub
types within Dandicut
on the basis of  Physically damaged
physical and Infested chillies
 Separate shrivelled
chilli pods
 Separate infested
chillies from the chilli

LU-3:  Select the site for  Knowledge about Total:30hrs.  Sieves Theory: Class
Extract the extraction of seeds the appropriate room/farm field
procedures for seed Theory:6hrs.  Chilli crusher like
seeds from from chilli lots
extraction huge crusher etc. Practical:
selected  Optimize the Practical:24hrs.
(03)  Chilli warehouse
chilli pods conditions of
and extraction site  The merits and  Magnet (03)
demerits of various  Laboratory
separate  Transfer the chilli lots Consumables:
the procedures for
to the extraction site
crushing the chilli  Gloves
undersized  Perform cleaning and
pods for separation
seeds other necessary of seeds  Mask
using arrangements at
 Bags
appropriate extraction site  Impact of under
procedure  Select suitable means sized/damaged  First aid box (03)
of crushing of chilli seeds on crop
pods productivity
 Perform mechanical
crushing of chilli pods  Knowledge about
to obtain the seeds the optimum
 Operate extraction conditions for
equipments selecting the site of
 Perform crushing of seed extraction
chillies manually
 Recognize the  Impact of proper
undesirable materials selection of
in crushed chillies extraction site
 Select suitable means
of separating  Maintenance of
undesirable materials extraction
 Separate the equipments
undesirable materials
from seeds such as
 Knowledge about
inorganic materials,
the importance of
debris etc.
good seed in chilli
 Recognize the under production
sized seeds
 Select suitable means
of separating  Importance of
undersized seeds separation of
from normal seeds undesirable
materials from
 Screen the extracted
crushed chillies
seeds to remove the
under size seeds
 Calculate the seed
yield from the given
chilli lot
LU-4:  Select suitable means  Importance of seed Total:30hrs.  Sprayer for Theory: Class
Undertake of treating the seeds treatment applying room/farm field
 Components of Theory:4hrs.
seed  Select suitable fungicides/insectici Practical:
treatment seed treatments Practical: 26hrs. des (3)
fungicide and /or
and dressing  Chilli warehouse
insecticides for
 Impact of treated  Green net for seed
treating the screened
seeds on plant drying
germination  Insecticide mixing
 Obtain fungicide or
insecticide from  Information about drums
reliable source suitable
fungicide/insecticide Consumables:
 Calculate the dosage
of fungicide or
application for chilli  Fungicides/Insectic
seed treatment ides
insecticides for larger
 Impact of
and smaller batches
application of  Gloves, mask and
 Treat seeds of larger other precautionary
and smaller batches at items
dosage of fungicide/
recommended doses
using appropriate
insecticide during  First aid box (3)
seed treatment
application procedures
 Safety measures for
 Handle the equipment
the usage of
used for seed
 Cleanliness and
 Select the suitable
calibration of
means after seed
equipment for seed
 Proper post-treatment
handling of seeds
such as drying of

LU-5: Pack  Segregate the chilli  Merits and Total:35hrs.  Stationery items Theory: Class
and tag the seeds according to demerits of various Theory: 7hrs. e.g. pen, pencil, room/farm field
seeds their date of entry, packaging material Register etc. Practical:
quality etc.  Impact of Practical:28hrs.
 Packaging material  Chilli
 Select appropriate appropriate
packing material packaging on godowns/storage
 Select suitable storability of seeds area
means of packaging  Storage of different
the chilli seeds varieties/ types in  Tags
 Pack the seeds separate lots  Bags
properly  Knowledge about
 Design the label for the proper
chilli seeds to include registration of
date of entry, person different chilli lots
involved etc.  Tagging/labelling
 label different chilli of seeds for
lots with identity, identification
quantity, dates etc.
 Register the details
of chilli lots including
date of
eatment, names of
person involved in
the process

 Prerequisites of  Stationery items

LU-6:  Examine the storage Total:40hrs. Theory: Class
conditions good storage e.g. pen, pencil, room/farm field
Inspect and Theory:10hrs.
select the  Select the suitable calculator etc.
 Factors effecting Practical:30hrs. Practical:
storage area
site for  Recognize the storage of seeds  Phosphine meter  Chilli
storage of presence of pests in  Preventive, (02) godowns/storage
storage area protective and area
seeds and  Knap sacks sprayer
store the  Identify the type of corrective
pests (like rodents, measures for
seeds  Humidity meter (05)
insects etc.) present control of insects
under in storage area and mites during
proper  Thermometer (05)
 Calculate the extent storage
conditions of damage caused  Identification of
keeping by pests insects and mites Consumables:
their  Select the suitable that infests stored
means of seeds  Phosphine tablets
disinfestations of  Impact of  Plastic sheet
storage area temperature,
 Calculate the dosage humidity, packing  Blotter paper
required for material etc. on  Petri dishes
disinfestations of seed viability
during storage  Sample collection
 bags
 Disinfest the store Periodic Inspection
from any pre-existing of stores and
infestation using produce
contact insecticides  Importance of
and ensuring the seed viability
hygienic conditions  Procedures to test
 Fumigation of seeds seed viability
if and when required  Criteria for
to ascertain insect acceptability of
infestation during seeds on the basis
storage of viability test
 Inspect the site of  Determination of
chillies to ensure the seed rate on the
proper storage basis of
 Maintain the storage
conditions germination test
unfavourable for
growth and
development of fungi
and insects ensuring
proper ventilation
 Perform the viability
test prior to sowing
using ready to use

3.2 Module 2: Carryout land preparation and sowing of seeds
Objective of the Module:To prepare land for sowing of chilli seeds using appropriate procedures

Duration: 90 hours Theory: 18 hours Practice: 72 hours

Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Learning Place

LU-1: Prepare  Recognize different  Ploughing to Total:30hrs.  Stationery Theory: Class

the land as per types of weeds and remove the debris items e.g. pen, room/farm field
required other unwanted of previous crop pencil, etc. Practical:
procedures materials in the field  LASER leveller  Chilli growing
including LASER  Importance of (2)
 Select suitable field
and levelling and removing weeds  Ridger(02)
means for removal of
preparation of before sowing
unwanted material in  Rotavator (02)
fields  Tractor (02)
 Impact of weeds
 Manage weeds and on productivity  Plows like
other unwanted  Land levelling with Mould board
material using and without laser and cultivator
chemical and etc. (02)
physical methods Consumables:
 Evaluate physical  Importance of  Diesel
conditions to levelling and merits
 Mobil oil
determine the type and demerits of
and texture of soil using laser leveller

 Level land by using

 Importance of ridge

procedure formation in the
 Preparation of
uniform ridges at
recommended  Importance of
distances maintaining
appropriate ridge-
 Calculate the size of to-ridge and plant-
the growing field for to-plant distance
application of keeping in view the
weedicide, fertilizer, variety, soil and
pesticide etc. water availability.

 Impact of altering
plant to plant and
row to row
 Land preparation
by appropriate
plough by use of
machinery like
tractor, cultivator,
mouldboard etc.

LU-2: Sow the  Select the method  Merits and demerits of Total:30 hrs.  Stationery Theory: Class
seeds either by for the sowing of direct seeding and items e.g. pen, room/farm field
Theory:6 hrs.
direct seeding or seeds (direct seeding nursery transplantation pencil, Practical:
Practical:24 Calculator etc.
through nursery or nursery
 Calculating the seed  Chilli growing
transplantation transplantation) requirements sowing hrs.  Water sprinkler field
rates for nursery and (10)
 Sow the seeds
for direct seeding Consumables:
properly in case of
direct seeding  Differentiate between  Chilli seeds
sowing through direct  Pots
 Select the site for
seeding or
nursery  Straw
 Prepare the nursery
 Precautions during
beds using
seed sowing
appropriate distances
 Development of
 Cover the seed with
nursery properly
appropriate material
and procedure  Maintenance of the
nursery plants
 Showering the
nursery at suitable  Method of
intervals e.g. 3-4 transplantation of
days seedlings to the field
 Maintenance of  Precautions during
nursery plants for transplantation
 Recognize the
emergence stage
 Recognize the stage
for the saplings to be
transplanted from the
nursery to the

growing field
 Uproot unhealthy
saplings from the
nursery after a
suitable period e.g. 2
 Fungicidal treatment
of nursery sapling
before sowing in
 Uproot and transplant
the saplings from
nursery in the main

LU-3: Check,  Select the  Different irrigation Total:30 hrs.  Stationery Theory: Class
perform and appropriate irrigation systems items e.g. pen, room/farm field
Theory:6 hrs.
maintain the system on the basis pencil, etc. Practical:
 Suitable irrigation Practical:24
irrigation of crop of availability, water
system for chilli hrs.  pH meter (03)  Chilli growing
quality (e.g. pH,  TDS meter field
hardness, TDS etc.) (03)
 Check the
 Draw water sample Consumables:
performance of
for pH, hardness and  pH stripes
available irrigation
TDS testing
 Perform pH test of
 Adaptation of
water sample

 Determine hardness procedures to irrigate
of water for irrigation the crop
 Determine the total  Importance of proper
dissolved solids irrigation system to
(TDS) in water chilli crop
 Check the irrigation  Knowledge about
system irrigation management
 Irrigate the land by  Impact of suitable
adapting suitable frequency of irrigation
 Determination of the
 Managing irrigation crop requirement for
intervals as per crop irrigation
 Managing the
unsuitable water
using appropriate

3.3 Module 3: Carryout weed management
Objective of the Module: Application of the suitable weedicides and removal of weeds from the chilli fields
Duration: 105 hours Theory: 20 hours Practical:85 hours

Learning Unit Learning Learning Elements Duration Materials Learning

Outcomes Required Place
LU-1:Select and  Select the  Types of weed Total:50hrs.  Stationery Theory:
apply suitable suitable items e.g. Class
weedicides for weedicides  Impact of weeds on the pen, pencil, room/farm
Practical:40hrs. etc. field
chilli crop  Get the selected production of chillies
weedicide from  Sprayer (3) Practical:
registered  Chilli
 Nozzles (12)
certified/ reliable
 Types of weedicides growing
dealers  Photographs field
of different
 Apply the  Knowledge regarding the weeds of
mode of action of different chillies
 Determine the weedicides Consumables:
proper timings of
weedicide  Weedicides
 Recommended application
application at  Precautionary
weed growth procedures and dosage of
weedicides kit for
stage applying
 Select weedicides
appropriate including
sprayers  Types of sprayer mask, gloves
 Select
appropriate  Importance of usage of  First aid box
nozzles for different sprayers
sprayers (03)
 Calibrate the  Calibration of selected
selected sprayers
 Select
methods of

LU2:Identify  Recognize the Total:55hrs.  Stationery Theory:

weeds in the weeds in the items e.g. Class
chilli field  Types of weeds commonly grown Theory:10hrs.
pen, pencil, room/farm
chilli field and
on the chilli field Practical:45hrs. etc. field
apply procedures  Select the
for their removal appropriate  Knowing the difference between  Photographs Practical:
method to the types of weeds of common  Chilli
prevent weed weeds growing
 Merits of prevention and control of
 Apply the weeds in the field  Sickles (10) field
 Pick axe (10)
preventive  Information about the different
measures for methods of weed control  Khurpee (10)
weeds Consumables:
 Importance of weed removal at
 Select proper timings  weedicides
method of weed  Knowledge about Integrated Weed  gloves
removal Management Practices (IWMP)  masks
 Remove the  First aid box
weeds at (3)

 Remove weeds
 Remove weeds
 Remove weeds

3.4 Module 4: Carryout fertilizer management as per soil condition
Objective of the Module: Selection and application of suitable fertilizers at right time and at required level

Duration: 75 hours Theory: 15 hours Practice: 60 hours

Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Learning

Required Place
LU-1:  Use suitable  Type of soils and their Total:25hrs.  Stationery Theory:
Determine the equipment for soil suitability for chilli production items e.g. Class
soil suitability sampling pen, pencil, room/farm
 Knowledge about drawing Practical:20hrs. Register etc. field
for growing
 Draw the the soil samples
chillies  Soil samplers Practical:
representative soil
 Storage of soil samples to Consumables:  Chilli
conserve moisture and other growing
 Perform  Soil sample
factors field
randomized  Visit of
 Importance of randomized bags
sampling of soil soil
soil sampling
 Label the soil testing
 Equipment requirement and laboratory
sample with all
their utility for sampling
information e.g.  Basic soil requirements for
date of sampling, production of chillies
sampler name and  Important components of a
initials etc. soil analysis report
 Select the suitable  Interpretation of soil
and reliable

laboratory for soil analysis report
 Get soil tested from
a laboratory
 Determine the soil
fertility by examining
the soil test report
 Recognize typical
soil types for
determining the
suitability for chilli

LU-2: Select  Select appropriate  Knowing the different Total:20hrs.  Stationery Theory:
and apply fertilizers for the soil properties of soil items e.g. Class
suitable on the basis of soil pen, pencil, room/farm
and crop  Soil deficiencies and their Practical:16hrs. calculator field
fertilizers on
requirement management etc.
the basis of soil Practical:
composition  Interpretation of soil testing  Chilli
 Obtain selected
fertilizers from reports to determine soil Consumables: growing
certified/ reliable fertility field
 Fertilizers
dealers  Importance of fertilizers 
 Role of fertilizers in crop  Gloves
 Apply the required production
dosage of fertilizer
using appropriate  Types of fertilizers and their
procedures utility
 Calculating the fertilizer
 Identify the optimum dose requirement in the light
timings of fertilizer of soil analysis report
application for best
results  Method of applying fertilizer
at the time of soil preparation
 Calculate the  Reasons to apply fertilizers
fertilizer dosage
 Proper timing of fertilizers
 Determine the mode application
of action of selected
 Impact of timings of fertilizer
application on crop
 Interpret the soil test  Impact of fertilizer dose on
report crop productivity

LU-3: Use  Select appropriate  Importance of organic Total:30hrs.  Stationery Theory:

organic organic fertilizers fertilizers items e.g. Class
fertilizers and such as cattle pen, pencil, room/farm
manure, cereal and  Difference between Practical:24hrs. etc. field
legume stovers and organic and chemical
supplements  Pick axe (10) Practical:
wood land litter on fertilizers
the basis of soil and  Trolley (10)  Chilli
crop requirement, growing
cost and availability  Proper application of field
etc. organic fertilizers Consumables:
 Organic and
 Compost the  Difference between inorganic
organic fertilizer by nutrients and minerals fertilizers
utilizing various
materials such as  Fertilizer
straw, tree leaves,  Type of nutrients and supplements
farmyard manure minerals essential for
 Farmyard
soil manure
 Use of organic
fertilizer as per  Importance of nutrients
requirement by
and minerals in
appropriate improving the soil fertility
procedures like
board casting,  Procedures to apply
banding and spot nutrients and minerals.
application (or side-
dressing)  Determinating the soil
requirements of
 Apply nutrients
/minerals for nutrients and minerals
fertilizers  Importance of
application of organic
 Use organic fertilizer at proper timing
fertilizer at proper
 Impact of fertilizer
 Calculate the ratio
of different nutrients
for fertilizer

3.5 Module 5: Carryout pest management
Objective of the Module: Monitoring the crop and control of insect pests

Duration: 85 hours Theory: 20 hours Practical: 65 hours

Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Learning

Required Place
LU-1:  Identify the insect  Knowledge about insect pests Total:45hrs.  Stationery Theory:
Recognize pests of chillies and and diseases items e.g. Class
insect pests diseases pen, pencil, room/farm
 Insect pests and their Practical:35hrs. calculator field
and diseases,
 Relate insect pests relationship with climatic etc. Practical:
and access
and diseases with factors
their nature of  Photographs  Chilli
climatic factors
damage at  Identification of various pest of various growin
species insect and
various chilli  Calculate losses fungi
g field
production due to insect attack  Losses due to insect pest
stages  Magnifying
attack glass (5)
 Determine the
economic threshold  Insect pests and diseases of
level for different chillies and their timings of
insect pests occurrence
 Insecticides
 Recognize the  Role of insects as a vectors of
 Fungicides
insect species and bacterial, viral and fungal
diseases that attack diseases  Masks
at particular stages  Gloves
 Developmental stages of
of crop production

 Monitor the crop for insect pests  First aid box
determining the (3)
 Feeding sites of insects
level of insect
activity  Sampling for detection of
 Collect samples for insects and their relative
insect identification abundance
and their
comparative  Determining economic
occurrence threshold levels (ETL) for
 Recognize mouldy different insect pests
pods  Determining the timing of
 Separate mouldy pesticide application keeping
pods in view their ETL
 Select the
fungicide according
to mould attack
 Identify different
growth stages of
insect pests

LU-2:  Differentiating the  Types of insecticides and their Total:40hrs.  Stationery Theory:
Determine the types of use items e.g. Class
dosage and insecticides/fungicid pen, pencil, room/farm
es  Mode of action of different Practical:30hrs. calculator field
method of
 Selecting types of pesticides etc. Practical:
application of
pesticides  Sprayers (3)  Chilli
 Differentiation between generic  Nozzles (12) growin
and branded pesticides g
 Obtaining  Magnifying field
insecticides/fungicid  Concept of active ingredient in glass (5)
es from reliable calculating the dose
 Preparation of suspension for
 Prepare the solution Consumables:
crop spraying
insecticides/fungicid  Insecticides
es before applying
to the crop  Impact of pH on insecticidal  Fungicides
 Use the knap sack activity  Masks
sprayer and its
adjustment for crop  Gloves
 Knowledge regarding the knap
sack sprayer  First aid box
 Determine the (3)
frequency and
interval of pesticide  Importance of the usage of
application, keeping knap sack sprayer
in view infestation
levels  Adjustments in knap sack
 Apply pesticide sprayer for its optimum use
using safety
 Select the  Determining the need of
appropriate sprayer pesticide applications
 Calibrate the
sprayer  Timings and frequency of
 Select proper pesticide application
nozzle of sprayer
 Inspect the crop at  Procedures of applying
different stages of
production for insect pesticides
pest and diseases
attack  Principles of the safe usage of


 Advantages of applying
precautionary measures for

3.6 Module 6: Carryout harvesting and post harvesting management
Objective of the Module:Picking the ripened chilli and their subsequent drying and storage

Duration: 245 hours Theory: 45 hours Practical: 200 hours

Learning Unit Learning Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning

Outcomes Place
LU-1:  Identify picking  The importance of picking in Total:40hrs. Consumables: Theory:
Recognize the stages on the determining chilli quality Class
Theory:8hrs.  Bags
picking stage basis of ripening room/farm
 The number of possible Practical:32hrs.  Chilli collecting field
and pick the of pods
pickings baskets
ripened Practical:
 Decide on the  First aid box (03)
chillies  Importance of suitable timing  Chilli
picking time
properly of picking growing
 Determine the field
 Difference between ripened,
number of
damaged and immature pods
pickings required
 Procedures to handle
 Differentiate
immature and damaged
between mature
and immature
pods  Types of damages in chillies

 Distinguish  Impact of damaged pods on

between damaged the quality of chilli lot
and normal pods  Procedures for picking without
 Understand the causing damage to pods
different types of  The impact of improper picking
damages to chilli

pods on the quality of chilli
 Manage immature  Impact of handling damaged
and damaged chillies separately
 Pick chillies
 Adopt
measures during
 Handle the mature
chillies while
picking from the
 Recognize the
damaged pods on
the chilli plant
 Handle the
damaged chillies

LU-2:Pack  Select suitable  Impact of suitable containers Total:40hrs.  Stationery items Theory:
and transport containers for for collection of chillies e.g. pen, pencil, Class
the chillies to carrying calculator etc. room/farm
fresh/mature  Suitable procedure of chilli Practical:32hrs. field
the drying
bagging  Donkey cart (02)
chillies like Practical:
area Consumables:

baskets,  Appropriate means to transport  Bags  Chilli
cotton/jute bags chillies to the drying area growing
 Containers/baskets
 Calculate the cost  Impact of improper transport on
effectiveness of the quality and physical injury
freshly harvested of chillies
chilli carrier
 Calculations to determine the
 Determine the cost effectiveness of freshly
impact of carrier harvested chilli carriers and its
on damaging of transportation to drying areas
 Type of damages likely to be
 Pack the chillies occurred during transportation
properly to  Information about weather
forecasting at time of
damages during
transportation transportation
 Handling of fresh chillies in
 Select suitable unusual weather
means of
transport like self
carry, donkey cart
etc. to reduce
damages on the
basis of distance,
cost etc.

 Calculate the cost

effectiveness of
different types of
transport for
freshly harvested

 Determine the
impact of
transport on
inducing any
damage to chilli

 Transport chillies
from farm to the
drying area

 Manage the
freshly picked
chillies during
unusual weather
e.g. rains

LU-3:  Identify the  Introduction to drying surfaces Total:90 hrs.  Stationery items Theory:
Undertake suitable areas for e.g. pen, pencil, Class
 Effects of different drying Theory:13hrs.
drying by the drying of chillies etc. room/farm
surfaces on chilli quality Practical:77hrs. field
following the  Tool used for
 Identify the  Identification and best turning of chilli Practical:
suitable drying pods during drying
procedures utilization of drying surface  Chilli
surface that may
help the removal of  Impact of optimization the  Moisture meter for growing
moisture and chillies (10) field
drying practices
maintain the
 Good Drying Practices (GDP)
hygiene of produce
 Effect of improper drying on
 Prepare a suitable chilli quality Consumables:
drying surface or  Knowing the completion stage  Dehydrants like
use of other means of drying Victoria oil etc.
of drying
 Relationship of environmental  Bags
factors with drying period
 Identify the  Sheets to cover
surface which is  Importance of sorting the
chilli pods during
unhygienic for damaged pods night
drying purpose  Importance of handling of
damaged pods separately  Green net
 Dry chillies on
green net or other

 Covering the
chillies being dried
with suitable
material to prevent
dampness from

 Distinguish
between saline and
non-saline surfaces

 Dry chillies upto

the suitable
moisture level
following the Good
Drying Practices
(GDP). This may
include procedures
to minimize human
or animal
interference at
drying field.

 Ensure single
layer of produce
during drying etc.

 Handle chillies at
night during drying

 Recognize the
undesirable chillies
such as
cracked, viscera
open, viscera bored
and black spotted

 Separate the
undesirable chillies
from the drying field

 Determine
moisture content in
chillies during and
after drying

 Maintain hygienic
conditions during

 Recognize the
completion of drying
period on the basis
of moisture, colour

LU-4: Pack  Select suitable  Suitable packing materials for Total:30 hrs.  Stationery items Theory:
the dried packing material chillies e.g. pen, pencil, Class
Theory:8 hrs.
chillies in for dried chillies calculators etc. room/farm
like jute /cotton Practical:22hrs. field
suitable  Good practices for packing of  Packaging material
bags etc. that may Practical:
material and chilli pods  Donkey cart (02)
help to prevent
transport to any possible  Chilli
 Containers
the godowns damage to pods  Importance of packaging in growing
or market during maintaining chilli quality field
transportation Consumables:
 Proper transportation of chillies  Cotton/jute bags
 Pack chillies using
from drying field to godowns
procedures to  Calculation of cost
avoid over filling, effectiveness of dried chilli
damaging etc. carrier and its transportation
 Impact of improper
transportation on prevention of
 Transport chilli damage to chilli
bags from drying
field to storage
godowns and/or
markets with
measures to avoid
overloading, delay

 Calculate the cost

effectiveness of
dried chilli carrier

 Determine the
impact of carrier
on physical injury
to chilli

 Pack the chillies

properly to
damages during

 Select suitable
means of
transport like self
carry, donkey cart
etc. to reduce
damages on the
basis of distance,
cost etc.

 Calculate the cost
effectiveness of

 Determine the
impact of
transport on
physical injury to
chilli pods

 Transport chillies
from drying area

LU-5: Store  Inspect the  Impact of storage conditions Total:45hrs.  Stationery items Theory:
chillies under storage site to on chilli quality e.g. pen, pencil, Class
proper check its  Inspection and selection of site etc. room/farm
suitability for the for storage of chillies Practical:37hrs. field
conditions  Phosphine meter
storage of dried  Packing and tagging the chilli Practical:
chillies lots
 Humidity meter  Chilli
 Storage of chillies under stores/
 Check the site for (10)
insect pests proper conditions gowdowns
 Thermometer (10)
 Management of periodic
 Identify insect inspection of stores  Inch tapes (3)
pest species at  Importance of periodic
storage site inspection of stores to ensure Consumables:
chilli quality
 Identify type of  Phosphine tablets
 Influence of humidity and
rodents presence temperature on storage of  Mask
at storage site chillies  Gloves
 Selection of pesticide
 First aid box (03)
according to timing and
 Inspect the
dosage  Covering sheet
storage site for
proper ventilation

 Check that the

storage area is
suitable for

 Ensure
acceptable levels
of humidity and
temperature in

 Measure the total

storage area

 Apply suitable
contact insecticide
the storage site if

 Pack and tag the

chilli lots to

include the details
like date of entry,
persons involved

 Store chillies
under proper
conditions to
retain chilli quality
and to keep them
free from insects,
rodents and
infestation etc.

 Undertake the
inspection of
stores to ensure
maintenance of
chilli quality


Good assessment practices should be used for sessional and final assessments. Such practices by vocational
training providers during sessional and final assessments will form the basis of qualifying the trainees.

4.1 Differences between sessional and final assessment

Sessional assessment shall be on an all-time basis. Its purpose is to provide feedback on what students are

 to the student: will identify achievement and areas for further teaching and its level.
 to the teacher: will evaluate the effectiveness of teaching, and guide to determine the future plan.

Assessors need to devise sessional assessments for both theoretical and practical work. Guidance is provided
in the assessment strategy

Final assessment is the assessment, usually on completion of a course or module, which says if the student has
"passed". It is - or should be - undertaken with reference to all the objectives or outcomes of the course, and is

usually fairly formal. Considerations of security - ensuring that the student who gets the credit is the person who
did the work - assume considerable importance in final assessment.

4.2 Methods of assessment

For lessons with a high quantity of theory, written or oral tests related to learning outcomes and/ or learning
content can be conducted. For work place lessons, assessment will focus on the quality of planning and
executing the related process along with the quality of the product and/or evaluation of the process.

Methods will include direct assessment, as the most desirable form of assessment. For this, evidence shall be
obtained by directly observing the student's performance.

Examples for direct assessment of a chilli producer will include:

 Work performances, for example picking of mature red chillies without damaging and their proper packing and
transportation to the drying field.

 Demonstrations, for example the treatment of chilli seeds and testing of viability of seeds.

 Direct questioning, where the assessor will ask the student how to manage weeds in the field or spray pesticides
or apply fertilizers etc.

 Paper-based tests, such as multiple choice or short answer questions on farm handling, hygienic and safety
issues, or working with others.

Indirect assessment shall be used where the performance could not be watched
and evidence is gained indirectly.

Examples for indirect assessment of a chilli producer will include:

 Proper drying of chillies: dried upto the extent that will retain chilli‟s quality and will be safe against
microbial attack during subsequent handling.
 Storage of chillies, the methods adopted to store chillies.

Indirect assessment should only be a second choice (In some cases, it may not even be guaranteed that the work
products were produced by the person being assessed).

4.3 Principles of assessment

All assessments should be valid, reliable, fair and flexible:

Fairness means that there should be no advantages or disadvantages for any assessed person. For example, it
should not happen that one student gets prior information about the type of work performance that will be
assessed, while another candidate does not get any prior information.

Validity means that a valid assessment assesses what it claims to assess. For example, if the ability to pick the
chillies from field is to be assessed and certified, the assessment should involve performance criteria thatare
directly related to chilli crop and field. An interview about picking or harvesting of different crops would not meet
the performance criteria.

Reliability means that the assessment is consistent and reproducible. For example, if the work performance of
preparing a drying surface and methods adopted to dry the chillies has been assessed, another assessor (e.g. the
future employer) should be able to see the same work performance and witness the same level of achievement.

Flexibility means that the assessor has to be flexible concerning the assessment approach. For example, if there
is a power failure during the assessment, the assessor should modify the arrangements to accommodate the
students' needs.

4.4 Assessment strategy for the Chilli production Curriculum

This curriculum consists of 6 modules:

 Module 1: Selection, treatment and storage of suitable seed

 Module 2: Carryout land preparation and management
 Module 3: Carryout weed management
 Module 4: Carryout fertilizer management as per soil condition
 Module 5: Carryout pest management
 Module 6: Carryout harvesting and post harvesting management

4.5 Suggestion for sessional assessment

The sessional assessment for all modules shall be in two parts: theoretical assessment and practical
assessment. The sessional marks shall contribute to the final qualification.

Theoretical assessment for all learning modules must consist of a written paper lasting at least one hour per
module. This can be a combination of multiple choice and short answer questions.

For practical assessment, all procedures and methods for the modules must be assessed on a sessional basis.
Guidance is provided under the title Planning for assessment.

4.6 Suggestion for final assessment

Final assessment shall be in two parts: theoretical assessment and practical assessment. The final
assessment marks shall contribute to the final qualification. The final theoretical assessment shall consist
of multiple choice and short answer questions, covering all modules. For practical assessment, the
growing field, storage site, drying areas shall be selected to assess the competencies of student expected
to be gained after this training course.

It is also proposed that the assessment may take place in such a way that covers each of the modules. Time and
markings may be distributed according to the importance of module that is reflected from the time invested during
teaching. The distribution of time and markings for assessment are given below:
Distribution of time and markings for assessment
Total Out of total hrs. / markings Practical
MODULE 1 25% 5% 20%
MODULE 2 11% 2% 9%
MODULE 3 13% 3% 10%
MODULE 4 9% 2% 7%
MODULE 5 11% 2% 9%
MODULE 6 31% 6% 25%
Total 100% 20% 80%

Few examples that examiner may use for the assessment are given below:


LU-1:Select appropriate Trainee should be able to: Trainee will be asked for:
lots for producing seeds /
or procure registered
 Identify different varieties of chillies including  Chilli varieties and their sub types
sub types of chilli variety „Dandi cut‟ and  Hybrid varieties
hybrid varieties of chillies
 Healthy pods/seeds
 Calculate the proportion of different sub
 Damaged pods/seeds
types of Dandi cut chillies; normal pods;
damaged pods within a given chilli sample  Shrivelled pods
 Distinguish between normal and damaged  Effect of good seed quality on productivity and
pods occurrence of diseases
 Identify shrivelled chilli pods; fungal infested,  Knowledge about germination test to ascertain
physically damaged, discoloured etc. the seed quality
 Perform germination test on chilli seed  Role of moisture in chilli quality
 Role of aflatoxin in chilli supply chain
 Determine moisture content and aflatoxin
 Permissible limits of aflatoxin in various
level in chilli sample
countries and prevailing situation in Pakistan
 Impact of mixing of damaged pods with
healthier pods

LU-2: Segregate the  Identify various types of damages (including  Damaged pods including discoloured,
appropriate pods on the discoloration, shrivelling, immaturation etc.) immature, cracked, shrivelled, viscera bored,
viscera opened, black spotted and fungal
basis of their physical  Recognize the extent of damage in the chilli damaged.
appearance pods e.g. minor, moderate and severe.  Understand the impact of
 Identify the suitable pods for seed appropriate/healthier/damaged pods on crop
production productivity
 Segregate the sub types within Dandi cut  What type of damaged pods are most harmful
based on physical characteristics and how to handle severely damaged chilli
 Separate shrivelled chilli pods
 Separate infested chillies from the chilli lot

LU-3: Extract the seeds  Perform cleaning and other necessary  The merits and demerits of various procedures
from selected chilli pods arrangements at extraction site for crushing the chilli pods for separation of
and separate the  Perform mechanical crushing of chilli pods to
undersized seeds using obtain the seeds  Impact of under sized/damaged seeds on crop
appropriate procedure  Operate crushing equipment
 Procedures of seed extraction from chilli lot.
 Perform crushing of chillies manually
 Optimum conditions at extraction site
 Recognize the undesirable materials in
 Suitable means of separating undesirable
crushed chillies
 Separate the undesirable materials from
seeds such as inorganic materials, debris  Suitable means of separating undersized seeds
etc. from normal seeds
 Recognize the under sized seeds
 Screen the extracted seeds to remove the
under size seeds
 Calculate the seed yield from the given chilli
 Importance of seed treatment
LU-4: Undertake seed  Select suitable fungicide and /or insecticide
treatment for treating the screened seeds  Components of seed treatments and dressing
 Handle the equipments required for seed  Impact of treated seeds on plant germination
treatment  Suitable means of treating the seeds
 Perform seed treatment  Calculate the dosage of fungicide or insecticide
 Handle the seeds after treatment such as for larger and smaller batches
drying of seeds  Procedures to treat seeds of larger and smaller
batches at recommended doses using
appropriate application procedures

LU-5: Pack and tag the  Select appropriate packing material  Merits and demerits of various packing
seeds  Pack the seeds properly material
 Design the label for chilli seeds to include  Use of appropriate packing for seed storage
date of entry, person involved etc.  Storage of different varieties/ types in separate
 Label different chilli lots mentioning identity, lots
quantity, dates etc.  Tagging/labelling of seeds for identification
 Register the details of chilli lot including  Features of segregating the chilli lots
date of procurement/entry/treatment, names according to their date of entry, quality etc.
of person involved in the process  Suitable means of packaging the chilli seeds

 Pre-requisites of good storage management

LU-6: Inspect and select  Recognize the presence of pests in storage
area  Factors effecting storage of seeds
the site for storage of
 Identify the type of pests (like rodents,  Preventive, protective and corrective measures
seeds and store the for the control of insects and mites during
seeds under proper insects etc.) present in storage area
 Determine the extent of damage caused by
conditions keeping their
pests  Identification of insects and mites that infests
germination intact stored seeds
 Select the suitable means of disinfestations
of storage area  Impact of temperature, humidity, packing
 Calculate the dosage requirement of material etc. on seed viability during storage
pesticide disinfestations of pests.  Periodic Inspection of stores and produce
 Disinfest the store from any pre-existing  Importance of seed viability
infestation using contact insecticides and  Procedures to test seed viability
ensuring the hygienic conditions  Criteria for acceptability of seeds on the basis

 Perform the viability test prior to sowing of viability test
using ready to use methods  Determine the seed rate on the basis of
germination test

LU-1: Prepare the land as  Recognize weeds and other unwanted materials  Rotavation to remove the debris of previous crop
per required procedures in the field  Importance of removing debris and weeds before
including LASER land sowing
 Select suitable means for the removal of
levelling and preparation of
unwanted material  Land levelling with and without laser leveller
ridges  Importance of levelling and merits and demerits of
 Evaluate physical conditions to determine using laser leveller
texture and type of soil  Importance of ridge formation
 Prepare the land by appropriate ploughs and  The ridge-to-ridge and plant-to-plant distances
machinery like tractor, cultivator, mouldboard keeping in view the soil type and variety
 Impact of altering plant to plant and row to row
 Operate tractor and other machinery
 Level land by using appropriate procedure
 Procedures to manage debris, weeds and other
 Prepare the ridges uniformly at recommended unwanted materials
 Calculate the size of growing field for application
of weedicide, fertilizer, pesticide etc.

LU-2: Sow the seeds either  Sow the seeds properly in case of direct seeding  Merits and demerits of direct seeding and nursery
by direct seeding or through transplantation
 Prepare the nursery beds with appropriate
nursery transplantation
measurement and distances  Calculating the seed sowing rates for nursery and
direct seeding
 Broadcast the seeds
 Differentiate between sowing through broadcasting
 Recognize the emergence stage

 Recognize the stage of saplings to be and transplantation
transplanted from nursery to the growing field
 Precautions to be undertaken during seed sowing
 Uproot and transplant the saplings from nursery
 Developing a disease-free nursery
to the main field
 Maintenance of the nursery plants
 Procedure of transplantation of seedlings to the
 Precautions required during transplantation

LU-3: Check, perform and  Draw water sample for determining the pH,  Different irrigation systems
maintain the irrigation of hardness and TDS testing
 Selection of suitable irrigation system for chilli
 Perform pH test on water sample or get it production
 Check the performance of available irrigation
 Determine hardness of water or get it analyzed. system procedure
 Determine the total dissolved solids (TDS) in  Adaptation of recommended procedures to irrigate
water sample or get it analyzed the crop
 Irrigate the land by adopting suitable procedures  Importance of proper irrigation system to chilli crop
 Manage the unsuitable water  Knowledge about the irrigation management
 Impact of suitable frequency of irrigation
 Determination the crop requirements for irrigation
 Importance of water quality and its effectiveness on
(e.g. pH, hardness, TDS etc. )


LU-1: Select and apply  Select the suitable weedicide  Type of weeds
suitable weedicides for chilli
 Select appropriate sprayers  Damage induced due to weeds to the crop
crop  Types of weedicides
 Select appropriate nozzles for sprayers
 Recommended application procedures and
 Apply the weedicide at appropriate dosage dosage of weedicides
 Calibrate the selected sprayers  Importance of sprayers
 Types of sprayer
 Select appropriate method of weedicide
application  Obtain the selected weedicide from certified/
reliable dealers

LU2:Identify weeds in the  Recognize the weeds in chilli field  Types of weeds commonly grown in chilli field
chilli field and apply  Select appropriate method to prevent weeds  Knowing the difference between different weeds
procedures for their removal
 Apply the appropriate preventive measure for  Merits of prevention and control of weeds in the field
 Select appropriate method of weed removal
 Remove the weeds at proper timings
 Remove weeds manually
 Remove weeds mechanically
 Remove weeds chemically

LU-1: Determine the soil  Use appropriate equipment for soil sampling  Type of soils and their suitability for chilli
suitability for growing chillies production

 Draw the representative soil samples  Knowledge about drawing the soil samples
 Perform randomized sampling of soil  Storage of soil samples to conserve moisture and
other factors
 Label the soil sample with all required information
e.g. date of sampling, sampler‟s name and initials  Importance of randomized soil sampling
 Equipment requirement and their use for sampling
 Determine the soil fertility by evaluating soil test
report  Basic soil requirements for growing chilli
 Recognize typical soil types suitable for chilli  Important components of a soil analysis report
 Interpretation of soil analysis report
 Selection of laboratory for soil testing

LU-2: Select and apply  Interpret the soil test report  Knowing the different properties of soil
suitable fertilizers on the  Select appropriate fertilizers for the soil on the
basis of soil and crop requirements  Soil deficiencies and their management
basis of soil composition
 Interpretation of soil testing reports to determine soil
 Apply the required dosage of fertilizer using fertility and it‟s needs
suitable procedure
 Importance of fertilizers
 Role of fertilizers in crop production
 Identify the optimum timings of fertilizer  Types of fertilizers and their utility
application for best results
 Calculating the fertilizer dose in the light of soil
 Calculate the fertilizer dosage analysis report

 Determine the mode of action of selected  Method of applying fertilizer at the time of soil
fertilizer preparation
 Reasons to apply fertilizers

 Proper timing of fertilizers application

 Impact of fertilizer application timings on crop
 Impact of fertilizer dose on crop productivity
 Importance of organic fertilizers
LU-3: Use organic fertilizers  Select appropriate organic fertilizers such as
and fertilizer supplements cattle manure, cereal and legume stovers and  Difference between organic and inorganic fertilizers
wood land litter on the basis of soil and crop  Proper application of organic fertilizers
requirement, cost and source etc.  Difference between nutrients and minerals
 Type of nutrients and minerals that are essential
 Compose the organic fertilizer by using various for soil
materials such as straw, tree leaves, farmyard
manure etc.  Importance of nutrients and minerals in improving
the soil fertility
 Use of organic fertilizer as per requirement by  Procedures to apply nutrients and minerals.
adopting appropriate procedures of application  Determination the soil requirements of nutrients
like board casting, banding and spot application and minerals
(or side-dressing)
 Timings of using organic fertilizer at proper time
 Apply nutrients /minerals for supplementing

 Calculate the ratio of different nutrients for

fertilizer supplementation

LU-1:Recognize insect  Identify the insect pests of chillies  Knowledge about the insect pests
pests and diseases, and
 Calculate the losses due to insect attack  Insect pests and their relationship with climatic
access their nature of
damage at various chilli
production stages  Recognize the insect species that attacks at  Identification of various pest species
particular stage of crop production
 Losses due to insect pest attack
 Monitor the crop for determining the level of
 Insect pests of chillies and their timings of
insect activity
 Collect samples for insect identification and their occurrence
comparative occurrence  Role of insects as a vector of bacterial, viral and
 Recognize the mouldy pods fungal diseases
 Select the appropriate insecticide/fungicide  Developmental stages of insect pests
according to requirement
 Identify different growth stages of insect pests  Feeding sites of insects
 Sampling for detection of insects and their relative
 Determining economic threshold levels(ETL) for
different insect pests
 Determining the timing of pesticide application
keeping in view their ETL

LU-2: Determine the dosage  Differentiate the types of pesticides  Types of insecticides and their use
and method of application of  Select appropriate pesticides  Mode of action of different types of pesticides
insecticides  Prepare pesticides before their application to the  Differentiation between generic and branded
crop pesticides
 Use the knap sack sprayer and its adjustment for
crop spraying  Concept of active ingredient in calculating the dose
 Apply pesticide using safety measures  Preparation of suspension for crop spraying
 Select the appropriate sprayer  Impact of pH on insecticidal activity
 Calibrate the sprayer  Knowledge about the knap sack sprayer
 Select proper nozzle of sprayer  Importance of usage of knap sack sprayer
 Adjustments in knap sack sprayer for its optimum
 Determining the need of pesticide applications
 Timings and frequency of pesticide application
 Procedures of applying pesticides
 Principles of safe use of pesticides
 Advantages of applying the precautionary measures
for operators


LU-1: Recognize the picking  Differentiate between mature and immature pods  The importance of picking in determining chilli
stage and pick the ripened quality
 Distinguish between damaged and normal pods
chillies properly
 Number of possible pickings
 Understand the different types of damages to
chilli pods  Importance of the suitable timings of picking
 Manage immature and damaged chillies  Difference between ripened, damaged and
immature pods
 Pick chillies properly
 Methods of handling immature and damaged chillies
 Adopt precautionary measures during picking
 Handling of the mature chillies during and after
 Types of damages to chilli pods
 Impact of damaged pods on the overall quality of
 Recognize the damaged pods on the chilli plant
chilli lot
 Keep the damaged chillies separately
 Procedures for picking without causing damage
 The impact of improper picking on the ultimate
quality of produce
 Impact of handling damaged chillies separately

LU-2: Pack and transport  Select suitable carrier of fresh/mature chillies like  Impact of suitable containers for the collection of
the chillies to the drying area wooden/plastic baskets, cotton/jute bags chillies

 Bag the chillies properly to minimize damages  Suitable procedure of chilli bagging
during transportation  Using appropriate procedures to transport chillies to
the drying area
 Transport chillies from field to the drying area
 Impact of improper transport on the quality of chillies

LU-3: Undertake drying by  Identify the suitable area for drying  Introduction to drying surfaces
following the suitable
 Identify the suitable drying yard to facilitate the  Effects of different drying surfaces on chilli quality
removal of moisture and maintain the hygiene of  Identification and best utilization of drying surface
 Impact of optimizing the drying practices
 Prepare a suitable drying surface or use of other  Good Drying Practices (GDP)
means of drying  Effect of improper drying on chilli quality
 Knowing the completion stage of drying
 Identify the surface which is unhygienic for drying
 Relationship of environmental factors with drying
 Dry chillies on green net or other sheets  Importance of sorting the damaged pods
 Importance of keeping the damaged pods
 Distinguish between saline and non-saline separately

 Dry chillies upto the suitable moisture level by

following Good Drying Practices (GDP). This may
include procedures to minimize human/animal
interference in drying field.

 Ensure spreading a single layer of produce at the

time of drying etc.

 Recognize the undesirable chillies such as

discoloured, cracked, viscera open, viscera bored
and black spotted pods

 Determine moisture content in chillies during and

after drying

LU-4: Pack the dried chillies  Select suitable packing material for dried chillies  Suitable packing materials for chillies
in suitable material and like jute /cotton bags etc. that may help to  What are the good practices for packing of chilli
transport to the godowns or overcome the damage of dried pods during pods
market  Importance of packaging in maintaining the chilli
 Pack chillies using appropriate procedures to quality
avoid over filling, damage etc.  Proper transportation of chillies from drying field to

 Transport chilli bags from drying field to storage

godowns and/or markets with precautionary
measures to avoid overloading, delay etc.

 Transport chillies from growing field to the drying


 Impact of storage conditions on chilli quality

LU-5: Store chillies under  Inspect the storage site to check its suitability for
proper conditions the storage of chillies  Inspection and selection of the site for storage of
 Check the site for pests  Packing and tagging the chilli lots
 Storage of chillies under proper conditions
 Identify insect species at storage site  Management of periodic inspection of stores

 Identify type of rodents present at storage site

 Check that the storage area is suitable for


 Check the site for maintenance of humidity and


 Measure the total storage area

 Apply suitable contact insecticide to disinfest the
storage site if required

 Pack and tag the chilli lots to include the details

like date of entry, persons involved etc.

 Store chillies under proper conditions to retain

chilli quality and wholesomeness for example
free of insects, rodents and microbial infestation

4.7 Structure of the assessment team

The number of assessors must meet the needs of the students and the training provider. For example, where two
assessors are conducting the assessment, there must be a maximum of five students per assessor. In this
example, a group of 20 students shall therefore require assessments to be carried out over a four-day period.

4.8 Planning for assessment

Sessional assessment: assessors need to plan in advance how they will conduct sessional assessments for each
module. The tables on the following pages are for assessors to use to insert how many hours of theoretical and
practical assessment will be conducted and what the scheduled dates are.

Final assessment: Training providers need to decide ways to combine modules into a cohesive two-day final
assessment programme for each group of five students. Training providers must agree the settings for practical
assessments in advance.

4.9 Planning aid for sessional assessment

Module 1: Selection, treatment and storage of suitable seed

Learning Units Assessment Scheduled

methodology dates

LU-1: Select appropriate lots for producing seeds / or procure registered seeds
LU-2: Segregate the appropriate pods on the basis of their physical appearance
LU-3: Extract the seeds from selected chilli pods and separate the undersized seeds using
appropriate procedure
LU-4: Undertake seed treatment
LU-5: Pack and tag the seeds
LU-6: Inspect and select the site for storage of seeds and store the seeds under proper
conditions keeping their germination intact

Module 2: Carryout land preparation and management

Learning Units Assessment Scheduled

Methodology dates

LU-1: Prepare the land as per required procedures including laser levelling of the cultivation land
and preparation of ridges
LU-2: Sow the seeds either by direct seeding or through nursery transplantation
LU-3: Check, perform and maintain the irrigation of crop

Module 3: Carryout weed management

Learning Units Assessment Scheduled

methodology dates

LU-1: Select and apply suitable weedicides for chilli crop

LU2:Identify weeds in the chilli field and procedures to remove them appropriately

Module 4: Carryout fertilizer management as per soil condition

Learning Units Assessment Scheduled

methodology dates

LU-1:Determine the soil suitability for growing chillies

LU-2: Select and apply suitable fertilizers on the basis of soil composition
LU-3: Use organic fertilizers and fertilizer supplements

Module 5: Carryout pest management

Learning Units Assessment Scheduled

methodology dates

LU-1: Recognize insect pests and diseases, and access their nature of damage at various chilli
production stages
LU-2: Determine the dosage and method of application of pesticides

Module 6: Carryout harvesting and post harvesting management

Learning Units Assessment Scheduled

methodology dates

LU-1: Recognize the picking stage and pick the ripened chillies properly
LU-2: Pack and transport the freshly harvested chillies to the drying area
LU-3: Undertake drying by following the suitable procedures
LU-4: Pack the dried chillies in suitable material and transport to the godowns or market
LU-5: Store chillies under proper conditions


S. No. Description Quantity

1. Sampler 03
2. Soil sampler 03
3. Triple beam balance 02
ELISA reader for mycotoxin analysis 02

Photographs of normal and damaged chilli pods (available in research reports)


Sprayer for applying fungicides/insecticides 03

Phosphine meter 10

Knap sacks sprayer 03

Laser leveller 02

Ridger 02

Photographs of common weeds

Photographs of various pest insects

pH meter 10

TDS meter 10

Sickles 10

Mould board plow 05

Inch tape 03

Thermometer 10

Moisture meter 10

Tool used for turning of chilli pods during drying 03

Donkey cart 02

Pick axe 10

Tractor 02

Sheet cover for chilli during night at drying stage

Nozzles 12

Magnifying glass 05

Khurpee 10

Water sprinkler 10

Cultivator 02

Magnet 05

Seed counter board 03

Chilli cursher 03


 Varieties of chilli
 Blotter paper
 Petri dishes
 Sample collection bags
 Gloves
 ELISA test kits for aflatoxin analysis
 Mask
 Fungicides/Insecticides
 Tags
 bags
 Phosphine tablets
 Green net
 Plastic sheet
 Blotter paper
 Petri dishes
 Sample collection bags
 Chilli seeds
 Pots
 Weedicides
 Precautionary kit for applying weedicides including mask, gloves etc.
 Soil sample collection bags
 Fertilizers
 Dehydrants like Victoria oil
 Pesticides
 pH strips
 First aid box
 Farmyard manure
 Organic and inorganic fertilizers
 Fertilizer Supplement
 Straws
 Pots
 Chilli seeds
 Diesel
 Mobile oil
 Tetrazolium powder
 Stationery items e.g. pen, pencil, calculator etc.


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