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“Some sort of periodical is an essential life-line in village such as ours”

Welcome to West Farleigh’s own

Distributed freely in May 2018 Edition no 499
Editors: Stephen Norman, Helen Swan and Jacky Taylor
Website: Email: Upcoming Events:
See back page

West Farleigh Church Open Day and Plant Sale

All Saints Church, West Farleigh is having an open day and plant sale on
Sunday 13th May from 11am to 4pm. Coffee, cake and cream teas will be
available all day. In this Lifeline

Bob Caudwell will give a rare organ recital from 12 noon (see below for Pastoral newsletter……….. 2
highlights of his extraordinary and eventful career) and the Farleighs’ Choir West Farleigh in Bloom.… 3
will be singing in the afternoon. Flower arranging at All… 4
There will also be an exhibition about the history of the church and the
village. Do come along for an enjoyable afternoon and stock up your View from the Garden…… 5
garden: flowers, shrubs and vegetables. The plants are mostly locally Farleigh Feathers…………. 6
grown and good value. View from the Scoreboard..7
Organisations ………………. 7
Bob Caudwell: soldier, musician and teacher Events………………………. 8
Robert Caudwell was born on 24th June, 1920, in Ollerton, Notts. His father
was a professional violinist and pianist, and Bob himself learned to play the Don’t forget to look at our
piano early. In 1940, he joined up, and saw active service in North Africa, website for much more
Italy and Greece with the Liverpool Welsh 46th tank regiment, as part of information about our village
the 8th Armoured Division. The regiment acquired armour during its travels:
Bob drove a captured German halftrack “halfway up both sides of Italy,”
and an American halftrack from Athens to Thessaloniki and back. He
Please contact the editors if you
managed to keep up with his music. He took part in 3 concerts in Cairo
would like an article in Lifeline or
and in 1946, he gave a concert broadcast by the BBC from Athens!
on the Website – Email
Late in the war, he was sent to Athens as infantry, a dangerous assignment.
Greece was on the brink of civil
war. He and his comrades were
able to escape the fighting only
with the help of the Special Boat Follow us on Facebook
Squadron and the RAF.
This wartime photo was taken at the
top of Mt Etna in Sicily by his
captain Wood Brown (nicknamed
“Autumn Tints”).
After a brief spell in insurance, Bob
became a teacher –of both maths
and music. It was the beginning of a long and successful career. He Do look at our website and
became a fellow of the Royal College of Organists, and his choirs and look at weekly activities.
many pupils distinguished themselves in competition and their subsequent
musical careers. The “retired” Bob moved south to Kent in 1996, as active You will amazed what goes
as ever. There he met his close friend Margeret Howe and started his 20 on.
year partnership with the Linton organ and choir. We have been
immensely fortunate to have had Bob play at West Farleigh for the past
decade. You can hear him play on 13th May!

Deadline for June issue of LIFELINE: 20th May 2018

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Pastoral Newsletter
What do Cher, James Stewart, Betty Driver, Benjamin Guinness and Joe Cocker
have in common?

They all have/had May birthdays. I wonder how many of our readers can add
their name to the list who also share birthdays in May?

Birthdays are special occasions which we like to celebrate. Each of us I am sure have our own traditions of
celebrating. In my family the person whose birthday it is chooses where they want to eat and then the family
gather together to celebrate with them.

On May the 20th is a special birthday, but unlike other birthdays it is not always on the same date each year.
Have you guessed which birthday I am talking about? This year on May the 20 th is Pentecost, what is known as
the birthday of the Church. Like all birthdays it marked with presents and celebrations. The reason the date
varies is because Jesus' resurrection was the beginning of a whole new life and occurred so near the spring
feasts, it was determined that Easter would always be calculated as the first Sunday after the first full moon
after the vernal equinox and Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter.

Pentecost is the story of how God sent his Holy Spirit (the third person of the Trinity) to dwell in the hearts of men
women and children. His presence is indeed a present to all who receive Him. The Holy Spirit, is the person
who reveals God to us, He inspires us, convicts us of faith and teaches us all truth. He is a gift that changes lives
and the best news is that He is a free gift to anyone and everyone who would like to receive Him. Why not
read the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit to God’s people for yourself (Acts 2.)

We in the Benefice will be celebrating God’s birthday gift to us, on May 20th and we offer a warm welcome to
you all to come and join us. Details of services and times can be found in this News Letter.

Every Blessing
Rev. Eileen Doyle

Services at All Saints

Sunday 6th May 8.00 am Holy Communion (Traditional)
Sunday 13th May 11.00 am Morning Prayer (Modern)
Sunday 27th May 9.30 am Holy Communion (Modern)

Our Ministry Team

Rev Peter Callway, Rector: 01622 747570 Call for Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals, not Fridays
Rev David Jones, Hon. Associate Rector 01622 741474. Not Fridays
Rev Eileen Doyle, Associate Rector 01622 204241. Not Mondays and Tuesdays
Becky Parnham, Children and Families Worker 07949 646885

Little Angels

Are you looking after a baby or and under 5? Are you about on Friday lunchtime from1pm - 2.30 pm? Come
on down to All Saints Church and meet other mums and toddlers. Mums, Dads, Grans, Grandads, carers – you
will all be warmly welcomed. For more information contact Becky on 07949 646865

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West Farleigh in Bloom
Sunflower Competition!

Tallest Sunflower – Who in West Farleigh can grow the tallest sunflower this summer?
Please plant them in your front garden or bobbing over a garden wall. In July they
will be judged for their height and a prize given for the tallest plant grown. Multiple
entries per household welcome!

Best sunflower display – Sunflowers come in many varieties, not just the giant kind.
We are sure that many smiles will be created when passing these potential displays.
Judging will again occur in July.
Please do fill out the below entry form so we know who is entering. If it’s possible to email it
to or else drop the entry into The Good Intent pub on the green for us to collect:

Name .........................................

Address .........................................

Under 18

19 - 35
Age Range
36 - 70


On Friday 20th April Monty Don suggested that his Gardener's World viewers plant their sunflower seedlings
this weekend. We whole heartedly agree! There seems to be quite a buzz in the village already around the
Sunflower competition, however as a reminder - Tallest Sunflower competition in your front gardens as well as
best Sunflower display visible to the road with judging this July.

There are many ideas forming to add colour and support wildlife in West Farleigh. On Sunday 22nd April a
working party focused their attention on the triangle that adjoins Lower Road up from Teston Bridge with the
aim to add some colour. On Thursday 26th April Kent Wildlife Trust are visiting the village to look at the
possibility of Roadside Nature Reserves and to give a tour of Quarry Wood. In the meantime BBC2 are also
showcasing the Britain in Bloom competition at 6:30 in the evenings that may give us all some ideas as well.

More detailed information about the competition visit

Welcome Little Eli

Sarah and Adam Wisdom moved into Charlton Lane, three years ago with
son Jack, now aged 6. Five months ago, Eli came along, much to the
delight of Jack. Jack is an amazingly loving and caring brother. Long may
it last! When it comes to sharing Lego, it might be different!

They moved from Borough Green. They have no regrets.

Adam was persuaded by Paul Baines to join the Sports Club and play
football. This enabled them to make many local friends.

They enjoy living in the village and appreciate the friendliness of the
Sarah is a teacher and will be going back to work in due course.
Adam has his own travel business based in Maidstone. It is great to see so many young children in the
village, most going to East Farleigh School and getting to know one another. They dilute those elderly
residents, who have been here for years and give the village new life.

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Flower arranging at All Saints
Each week there are beautiful flowers on display at All Saints Church, all created by the talented hands of a
dedicated group of volunteers. Sue O'Donnell, Ann Ayears,
Deb Bailey and Tracy Ward rotate every 2 weeks to add
colour, vibrancy and natural beauty to enjoy whilst the church
is being used, whether by the congregation, Pilates classes,
Little Angels toddler group or the sports club for quizzes.

There has been a long evolution of flower arrangers

brightening our church, historically Margaret Evans (Court Farm
Oast), Sue Day (Tutsham farm), Sue Morelock (Court Lodge),
Joyce Morgan and many others too. Sue started when her
children were young and they used to help out too. She went
to classes, joined Wateringbury Flower Club, learnt from other
volunteers and received good advice. Ann first started after a
flower arranging demonstration at The Farleighs WI and they
both were able to arrange the church flowers for their children’s weddings.

Every week of the year, except for Lent, they fill the church with flowers by either growing the flowers in their
own gardens, receiving bouquets from other neighbours gardens or being donated bunches of flowers by
people who want to celebrate the memory of a loved one at special times of the year. At Christmas they go
to Whittingtons flower wholesaler in Rochester to enhance their displays. They aim not to use dark colours
such as purple as these recede against the walls when viewed. They must also ensure that they enhance the
collection of Christmas Trees that also decorate the church during Advent whilst leaving room for the choir
and congregation!

This week they included Tulips, Carnations, Hebe, Heather,

Skimmia, Eucalyptus, Palm leaves and Roses, many taken
from Ann's own garden on Charlton Lane. The second display
included an ornamental willow frame with gerberas creating
a beautiful collection of pink and green.

They are also keen to hear from anyone interested in helping

out with the displays, as ever drop an email to if you would like to know more.

Cathryn Meddemmen


A three day, 2 night trip has been arranged to Norfolk on the 3, 4 and 5 December 2018
There will be a luxury Executive coach from the village. We will stop off at a place of interest for lunch, a
look round or Christmas shopping on the way up and on the way home. Places to be announced
nearer the time. We will be staying at the Pheasant Hotel, Kelling. On the Tuesday, we will visit Holt, an
old Market town with lots of interesting pubs, cafes and shops during the day, before going back to our
hotel for an early supper prior to going to the Thursford Spectacular in the evening

The Spectacular has a bigger stage than any of the London Theatres and a huge, very professional
If you have not been you will be amazed. If you have been before, you know you will enjoy it again.
Two breakfasts and two evening meals included.
£275 per person including a ticket for the Show. A deposit of £75 will secure you a place.
Email or ring Helen 01622 814445

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View from the Garden by Jon Fenlon

The garden is now in bloom and full of life. It’s time to plant up your hanging baskets
and harden off your cannas and dahlias by leaving them out during the day and
taking them in at night for a week or two. Just keep an eye on the weather and

Keep track of your climbing and rambling roses as they

start to grow as you do not want the new shoots braking
off. The same goes for climbers like clematis and sweet
peas keep them tied in to a frame work to get the best display and to stop
them from splaying out and smothering other plants.

Also look out for pests and diseases. Blackspot on roses can be sprayed with
systemic fungicide. Make sure you read the label and spray at the correct time
for the most effect.

Try your best to keep on top of the weeding, this will not only make your garden
look tidy it will mean less competition for water and nutrients for your other
plants which in turn will make your plants develop and grow stronger.

Whilst weeding don't be tempted to

clear the foliage from spring bulbs that
have finished flowering until the foliage
has faded. This will allow the bulb to get
the most energy stores for next year.

Now the weather should be warming

up, so make sure you water your pots
and add a granular fertilizer or liquid
feed depending on what is in your pots.
All pots will require different amounts of
watering each week depending on the
plants you have in them. You can get
water crystals that store water which
should mean you can water them less.
They are available at most garden centres.

See Jon’s blog in full colour on

NEXT West Farleigh Litter Pick

Sunday 6 May at t9.00 am
As a way of enjoying the middle spring sunshine forecast for early May (I just checked with BBC’s Carol
Kirkwood and she confirmed it), a wander around the lanes of our village and a chat to friends, followed
by a nice cup of coffee and sizzling bacon butty, is hard to beat.
Yes, well, you have to pick up a bit of litter as well. But who says there’s any such thing as a free lunch?
If you fancy joining us, as always please just turn up on the day, or contact Tel Baines on 815267 or Brian
Cushing on 812341 (

We look forward to seeing you!

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Farleigh Feathers by Ray Morris

Visitors to the Medway Valley

Spring has finally arrived and the breeding season is under way. In mid-April, blue
tits were already building nests in the five recently-erected nestboxes in East
Farleigh churchyard – and I expect to find clutches of up to fourteen eggs when I
check the nests at the start of May. At the same time, the great tits using the nest
boxes in my garden were a little more advanced. When I checked them, the nests
were complete, but looked empty. However, a probing finger revealed that each
contained three (half the full clutch of 6 – 8) buried deep in the animal-hair lining
of the nest cup. Virtually all small birds lay one egg a day, first thing in the morning
after the shell has been added to egg overnight as it descends the oviduct. The
parents (usually, but not always, the female) only start incubating them when the clutch is complete.
Great tits, however, have evolved the practice of concealing the eggs, out of sight of potential
predators that might just happen upon the nest, until the last egg is laid and the female starts sitting on
them. Watch this space for regular progress reports. If you happened to miss David Attenborough’s
fascinating programme about eggs a few weeks ago it’s worth
seeking it out on iPlayer.

A cuckoo was reported in the village on 11th April and has been heard
almost daily since, and the explosive song of the blackcap (like a
robin on steroids) is a daily feature in most gardens with a reasonable
size tree. The swans on the river at East Farleigh almost certainly have
eggs – but does anyone know where their nest is? Some village swan-
watchers were concerned about one that often seems simply to be floating with its head tucked under
a wing. Although many UK mute swans have been affected by avian flu this winter, there have been no
signs in Kent’s swans, so it is unlikely to be ill. In this case it is probably a male who has little to do while his
mate incubates the eggs. So he is just loafing: no comment needed ladies!

Another exciting visitor seen in the valley (perched on the pylon near Barnjet Priory on the other side of
the river) is a peregrine falcon. Peregrines like nothing better than a plump pigeon, so they are now
doing well in the South East where tall buildings and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of pigeons are to
their liking. Unfortunately they are still illegally persecuted, along with other birds of prey, in parts of
northern England and Scotland where grouse are intensively reared for shooting for sport. So keep your
eyes peeled for the fastest animal on earth, above us here in The Farleighs!

See Ray’s article in full colour on

Congratulations to Ian Pearce’s on running the Marathon

I have lived in the village since 2006 with my wife Sharona and our two girls Bethany
and Rachel. My ties to the village started with my colleague Terry Baines who
invited me to play football over 20 years ago!
To run the London Marathon has been a lifelong ambition that I have wanted to
achieve and this year I managed to secure a place running for the Royal British
Five months later and over 450 training miles run in all weathers (not many of them
good!) I finally achieved that ambition on Sunday 22nd April by competing in the
hottest race on record!
I completed the 26.2 miles in 4 hours 19 minutes, slower than I had trained for but I
was very happy with this considering the conditions.
If anyone would like to donate to this very worthy cause then please visit and search for Ian Pearce/Royal British Legion.
So that’s one ambition ticked off the list, I wonder what could be next ???

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View from the Scoreboard by Terry Baines
Football: Coming to the end of the season our 1st XI are not in the running for another promotion but by in
large have competed well against some difficulties in player availability. Let’s hope we have a more settled
team next season. Our two games last month resulted in two draws, against Snodland 2-2 and Larkfield 1-1.

Our 2nd XI started the month with a disappointing defeat in our cup semi-final versus Seal, however after
drawing 1-1 against Hawkenbury we needed a win against Penshurst to secure promotion which we duly did
winning 3-1. Congratulations to all concerned, a great achievement in our first season in the Sevenoaks

However at the time of writing, our fine season is not at the end, on Saturday 21 st April we played against Seal
again in another cup final and hopefully we can ‘Seal’ victory again this time! Watch this space next month!
Our Vets have played two, Ashburton lost 4-2 and Riverside lost 2-0.

Cricket: Our season starts in just a couple of weeks, if there are still players in the village or elsewhere who
would enjoy a game of cricket in a good social atmosphere, please get in touch with me.

On Sunday 26th August we are having a village BBQ at West Farleigh Club in Charlton Lane. It kicks off from
1pm, please bring your own food and drink with you and if you have a spare BBQ so much the better. It is
hoped to be a good social afternoon and if it goes well we could make it a more regular event. Please
contact either myself or Brian (812341) for further details.

Club news
Lucky ton-up winners last month were:

No. 18 Wendy Stockwell £25 – No. 132 Brian Tillott £20 – No. 21 Terry Ayears £10

Yours in sport, Tel (815267)

The Evergreens were challenged by a musical quiz. Snippets from 60s and 70s. We knew
the tunes but could not remember the titles. Introduction music from TV programmes
was also tricky, even though the tunes were all familiar to us. The second meeting in
April will be a trip on the Kentish Lady with a fish and chips lunch. On 8th May we hope
to go to the Cafe at Kenward House for afternoon tea. On the 22nd May we will be
having lunch in the WI Hall, Some of our members will be speaking after lunch, always

If you are retired and live in, close by or have a connection with East or West Farleigh and would like to join
us, ring Helen 814445 or Terry 814561 for more information. Transport can be easily arranged.

In April, we had an energetic meeting as we had a visit and demonstration from the
Kettle Bridge Clogs. I was very surprised with the dancing and playing on the piano
accordion and concertinas. It was most enjoyable, we joined in with the singing and then
the dancing. It gave everyone a good feeling and made us leave with a smile. We are
going to play tenpin bowling next week and then a visit to the recycling centre in May. In
our May meeting we are holding our AGM with elections for the President and
Committee, we are also arranging in house entertainment for our members. We have a
wish meeting on the 30th May with Stephen Harmer from Hadlow College, who is giving a talk on History of
Gardens. All are welcome, husbands as well, there will be an entrance fee of £3 for non-members.

Do not forget our Prom Night with local group Pete and Co 14th July tickets from Jacky on 01622 236421. Why
don’t you drop in on our next meeting on the 9th May we would love to see you?

Pam Lindon, Tel: 07711590402

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Date and time Event and venue

Saturday 6 May East Farleigh Farmers’ Market

10.00 am to 13.00 pm Shama will be back doing eyebrow threading, tinting etc. Communigrow should
have more fresh produce on offer this month including rhubarb. We always offer
meat, sausages, preserves, apple juice, eggs, fudge, cakes and patisserie
alongside a number of craft items for both you and your home. If you have never
visited do come along and see what you are missing!!

Saturday 12th May Dandelion Time May Fair at Elmscroft

12noon to 3pm Traditional games and activities. Wander in the garden or have a donkey ride.
BBQ and tearoom


10.30am – 4pm The annual Plant Sale will be held at All Saints this year.
There will be an historical exhibition, coffee and cake in the morning and Cream
Teas in the afternoon.

Sunday 20th May Morgan Car talk

14.00 pm to 16.00 pm Brands Hatch Morgan will host an afternoon at Manor Farm Wateringbury. View
the cars and ask the experts. Refreshments will be available and you may win a
ride in a Morgan. Tickets £5 in advance. More information from Edward Mellor
07557 263802. Proceed towards the upkeep of Wateringbury Church

Monday 21st May Annual Parish Council Meeting

18.30 pm onwards The Annual Parish Council meeting will follow the May Parish Council Meeting.
Come along and see what has gone on in the villages, meet your councillors
and enjoy the refreshments

Saturday 23rd June East Farleigh Fete De La Musique

The energetic and vibrant Old School Samba Band will be opening the fete at
1pm, followed by and engaging afternoon of music from local bands and
entertainment for everyone. Stalls and Games, Hot Food, Beer and Pimms Tent,
WI Tea, Tombola, Crockery Smash, Coconut Shy, Bouncy Castle, Pony rides and
much more. East Farleigh Recreation Ground, Vicarage Lane (behind the
school). Due to local regulations, dogs are not allowed.

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