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SNNY SSX TATA McGRAW HILL’S (We SERIES for aaa aad other engineering entrance examinations =. INV NZ Tata McGraw-Hill Published by the Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 7 West Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110 008. Calcul for IIT-JEE Copyright © 2011, by Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, ‘No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, clectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publishers. The progeam listings (if any) may be entered, stored and executed in a computer system, but they may not be reproduced for publication. This edition can be exported from India only by the publishers, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited ISBN (13): 978-0-07-067077-8 ISBN (10): 0-07-067077-3, Vice President and Managing Director—McGraw-Hill Education: Asia Pacific Region: Ajay Shukla Head: Test Prep and School: V Biju Kumar Publishing Manager: Test Prep: K N Prakash Manager (Sponsoring): Abhishek Sharma Editorial Executive: Pratibha Singh Junior Executive (Editorial Services): Anupma Rai Junior Manager—Production: Medha Arora ‘Dy Marketing Manager: Niju Sreedharan General Manager—Production: Rajendra P Ghansela ‘Asst General Manager—Production: B L Dogra Information contained in this work has been obtained by Tata McGraw-Hill, from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither Tata McGraw-Hill nor its authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of eny information published herein, and neither Tata McGraw-Hill nor its authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or ‘damagés arising out of use of this information. This work is published with the understanding that Tata McGraw-Hill and its authors are supplying information but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. Ifsuch services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought. ‘Typeset at The Composers, 260, C.A. Apt., Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110 063 and printed at Avon Primers, Plot No. 16, Main Loni Road, Jawahar Nagar, Industrial Area, Shahdara, Delhi—1 10004 Cover Designer: K Anoop Cover printed at: SDR Printers RAXBCRQZDDRZX EOer ken Contents Preface Biss tae 3._Continuity and Differentiability Bimauis 5. Tangent and Normal 6. Rate Measure 7. Rolle’s and L.M.V. Theorem 9. Indefinite Integration 10. Definite Integration LL. Properties of Definite Integration 12. Area Bound by Curves STERN 14. Differential Equation Annexure—Questions of Calculus in IIT-JEE 2010 v vi 1,1—1.135 21-2.59 3.1 -3.41 41-442 51-535 6.1 -6.17 71-718 8.1 - 8.34 9.1 -9.94 10.1 - 10.7 11-1141 12.1-12.17 13.1 - 13.5 14.1 - 14.53 Al-A6 Copyrighted material chapter I Function 1.1 CALCULUS Calculus is that branch of mathematics in which we study the relation between variables, its properties and application. 1.2 FUNCTION Function is that branch of calculus in which we study the geometrical figures and its properties obtained by relation between variables. 1.2.1 Types of Function There are two types of function: (a) Single-valued function (b) Multi-valued function Single-valued Function Graphically if a straight line parallel to y-axis intersect the curve of function at only one point then function is called single valued function (Figs. 1.1 & 1.2). Janis yeaxis MAA... - y= ty ya Single-valued ‘Single-velued function function Fig. Fig. 1.2 Mathematically, if one value of independent variable of any function represents one value of their dependent variable at a time then the function is called single-valued function. 1.2 Calculus for ITT-JEE eg. f(x) =sin{log x} +1 Here, put x =1, y = f(1) = sin{log 1} + 1=1 Hence, given function is a single-valued function, Multi-valued Function Graphically, if'a straight line parallel to y-axis intersects the curve of function at more than one point then the function is called multi-valued function. yaxis A paxis Fig. 1.3 Fig. 1.4 vbax paris Fig. 1.5 Mathematically, if one value of an independent variable of any function represents more than one value of the dependent variable at a time then the function is called multi-valued function. Generally, multi-valued function has undefined form. eg Yer a4 Put x=1,)7+ 1? =4 syssv3 Hence, given function is a multi-valued function. 1.2.2 Representation of Function ‘A function can be represented by the following forms:- (@) Arrow form (b) Order pair form Funetion 13 (©) Tabular form (@) Verbal description form (e) Standard equation or formula form (8) Graphical form Arrow Form If 4 and B are two non-empty sets and f is a relation which associates each element of set 4 with unique clement of set B, then fis called function from A to B. It is denoted as f: A> B s(ys fe-i ey a F:A3B Fig. 1.6 For f: 4 > B in Fig. 1.6: (Set A is called domain of function f(x). (ii) Set B is called co-domain or range of function. Gili) If co-domain of a function is equal to its range then the function is called onto function but if the range of function is a subset of its co-domain then the function is called into function. (iv) If A and B are to non-empty sets having m and 1 numbers of elements respectively, then number of functions f : 4 —> Bis (") e.g, If4™={1,2,3,4} and B= {a, , c} then numberof functions or mappings fA —> Bis (1) =3*=81 (W) For every v € A, there exist ye B, such that, y= f(x) i.e. each element of set A has image in B but there may be elements in B which are not image of any element of A. (vi) Same element of A cannot be associated to distinct elements of B ie. image of each element of A is unique but distinct clement of A may be associated to the same element of B. i.e. more than one element of A may have same image in set B Order Pair Form Form of function Rx Y)= (Op Vis Oa, Ia), oes One Pad is called function in order pair form having domain + X,} and range, y © {V, ¥o, se Mad KE (tty 14 Caleulus for ITIEE \ n Example 1/1 If f: ¥ — R where f(x) = a, sete ion te Raeetion in order par form. * Qnat i oe Soli: Given on = ET Putting n= 1, 2, 3,4,..... successively, we get 1 til 1” @a4ty 2 2” eas 4 —_,. 3 2-341)? aie ne 4-441? 1 Hence, order pair form of given function is ‘(le Tabular Form If set of values of independent and dependent variables of any function are given in table due to this form of function can be evaluate called function in tabular form (Table 1.1). Table 1.4 eg. x 1 10 10? | 10° y 0 1 2; 3 From table, form of function is p= logiox + L Dependent variable Independent variable Here, domain, x ¢ {1, 10, 107, 10°, ...} and range, ye {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} Verbal Description Form Form of function in which independent variable and dependent variable are defined in verbal form then function is called verbal description form. ° Funetion eg. States State's capital Fig. .7 Standard Equation of Formula Form Any standard formula or equation in two variables represent function. eg. Area of a circle = m7 = yen? bog Dependent variable Independent variable eg. W-3y=5 2,5 > Fea v + Dependent Independent variable variable Graphical Form Any specified curve represent single valued function or multivalued function x-axis represents domain of function and y-axis represent co-domain or range of function, Fig 1.8 1.6 Caleulus for HT 1.3. MORE TYPES OF FUNCTIONS. 1, Algebraic Functions A function in which dependent and independent varicbles are held in simple form with algebraic sign is called algebraic function. Types of Algebraic Function (2) Polynomial function (b) Constant function (c) Identity function (d) Rational function (¢) Irrational function (© Modulus function (g) Signum function (h) Greatest integral function (i) Least integral function (j) Fractional part of function (&) Geometrical function 2. Transcendental Functions A function in which independent variable is defined with mathematical term is called transcendental function. Types of Transcendental Function (a) Trigonometric function (b) Inverse trigonometric function (©) Logarithmic function () Exponential function Function 1.7 3. Multi Functions A function which is neither algebraic nor transcendental is called multi function. Types of Multi Function (a) Composite function (b) Periodic function (©) Even function (d) Odd function (e) Even extensive function (8) Odd extensive function (g) Implicit function (b) Explicit function () Monotonic function () Increasing function (k) Strictly Increasing function ()) Decreasing function (m) Strictly decreasing function () One-One function or Injective function (0) Many-one function (p) Onto function or surjective function (q) Into function (®) One-One onto function or Bijective function (8) Partial function (®) Identical function (u) Inverse function (v) Bounded function 1.3.1. Algebraic Functions Polynomial Function ‘A function of form fl) = apx" + a,x"! + ax"? + ...... + dy, where a, #0 and power of x is a whole number is called polynomial function. Some Basic Polynomial Functions @ y=fw=r Domain, x € (- ©, e) Range, y € [0, 0) Graph is symmetric about y-axis Gi) y= fx)=0 Domain, x VR Range, y VR Graph is symmetric about origin or opposite Quardants 1.8 Caleulus for ITIEE, ee Fig. 1.12 Fig. 1.13 Gi) y= fly =x4 Domain x VR Range, y € [0, =) Graph is symmetric about y-axis y= f) =",ne TL Domain x VR Range, y € [0, °°) Graph is symmetric about y-axis ye Fig. 1.14 Fig. 115 @ year" ner Domain, x VR Range, y VR Graph is symmetric about origin or opposite quardants Tips: (i) Graph of function f(x) = aor" + a,x"! + ax? +. ... +a, where a, # 0 is {ommeri about y-axis, when nm is even integer symmetrical about origin or opposite quadrant, when 1 is odd integer (i) If y= f(x) is any funetion then its graph is eee about y-axis, when f(—x) = f(x) symmetrical about origin or opposite quadrant, f(—x Funetion 1.9 Constant Function praxis A function in which the value of independent variable changes yok but the value of dependent variable does not change then the =H x-axis function is called a constant function Domain, x VR Range, y € {k} Graph is symmetric about y-axis Fig. 1.16 ‘Tips: If the first order derivative of function is equal to zero, then function must be constant function. Tips: Graph of constant function must be parallel to x-axis. 2 2 EXaiaple 1:2) If Fo= ((8)) + (3)} where f’(x) = fx) and g(x) = f(a) and given F(5)= 5 then F(10) is IIT-JEE-2001 (@ 5 (b) 10 @o qd) 15 Solution Given 4 F(x) =0 F(x) is constant function F(®) = F(S) = F(10) = 5 Identity Function ‘A function of form, y = f(x) = x is called Identity function. Graph 4 x-axis y= fQ) =x Domain, x VR Fig 107 Range, y VR The graph is symmetrical about origin or, opposite quadrants Coleulus for ITIEE, Rational Function f If f(x) and g(x) are any two polynomial functions then a function of the form y = a where g(x) # a(x 0 is called rational function. Some Basic Rational Functions @ y=tw= 4 Domain, x ¥ R-{0} Range, y V R- {0} The graph is symmetric about origin or opposite quadrant. a a Gi) y=R= Z Domain, x V R-{0} Range, y < (0, =) The graph is symmetrical about y-axis. Gi) y= ft) - Lene rh x Domain, x ¥ R-{0} Range, y V R-{0} ‘The graph is symmetric about origin or opposite quadrants yeaxis \ s Fig, 1,18 Fig. 1.19 Fig, 1.20 x-axis Funation Wy y= Sooner Domain, x V R- {0} Range, y € (0, ») ‘And graph is symmetrical about y-axis. ) y= ponel” Domain, x V R - {0} Range, y € (-=, 0) And graph is symmetrical about y-axis. " 1 (vi) y=-— ne ary Domain x V R - {0} Range y V R— {0} And graph is symmetric about origin or opposite quadrant. Irrational Functions L i Fig. 1.24 Lad 7 S A function of the form in which an independent variable is held under a radical sign. Tips: (a) £(24/x)= defined forx 20 (b) £74 YR) = defined x VR Some basic irrational functions @ y= f= Ve Domain, x € [0, 2) Range, y € [0, =) + 1.12 Caleulus for ITIEE Gi) y= f= Domain, x VR Range, y VR And graph is symmetrical about origin or opposite quadrants Fig. 1.25 Gil) y=) Wane r Domain xe [0,) Range, y € [0, «) Fig. 1.26 (iv) y= f= "Vx ner Domain, x V R Range, y VR And graph is symmetric about origin or opposite quadrants. Fig. 1.27 Modulus Function A function of the form, y = f(x) = |x| is called Modulus function where +x, when x>0 I= jox, when <0 0, when x=0 Graph of Modulus Function y= fl) =h Domain, x VR Range, y € [0, -) and graph is symmetric about y-axis, Concept of Modulus +x, whenx>0 Form: y= f()={-x, whenx<0 0, whenx=0 Fig. 1.28 Function 1.13 Tip: Geometrically, y = |x| represents the distance of real number x from the origin on real line. ‘Example 1.3° No. of solutions of equation 29:5 Wee ! is (a) 2 @ (d) None of these ‘Soltion| Given equation, B+5+4=0 ita atin bits j +S t4=0 > #2 4+5x+4=0 = xe-l-4 (Neglect) Now, Ifx <0 then x =—x +5 pi +4=0 > 2-Sx+4=0 = , 4 (Neglect) Hence given equation has no solution. +(x-a@), whenx>a Form I: y=() =br-a|=4-(x-a), whenx e+3n-4 3+ JOvI6 => Hence, number of solutions of given the cquation is 3. 1.14 Caleulus for TEE, Properties of Modulus 1. If|fQ)| a then f(x) > @ and fx) < -a 4. IE |G)| 2 a then f(x) 2 a and fx) $ a 5. If |f{x)| =+ f(x) then fle) 2 0 6. If |f{%)| =~ flx) then fx) <0 7. TE |f)| + {gd} = [fle) + g(0)| then fx) - g(x) 20 8 9 0. . fle) = g(x) |S}fG9] + 1209) (Ree) = aC2) 2 |x) — jeCe)} . Ifa)" = (f))2n, ne Example 1.5. The sum of all the real roots of the equation |x— 2? + x — 2|-2 =0 is (@4 (b) 3 0 @1 Sokution Given equation fe- 2 + [r~2)-2=0 Ifx >2 then |x — 2) =+(r- 2) be- 2? +[x-2}-2=0 = (= 2? + (@-2)-2=0 = ¥-3x=0 = x= O (neglect) and. x= 3 Now, If x <2 then |x ~ 2)=-(x~ 2) be-2 + e-2)-2=0 > @-2P-@-2)-2=0 => w~Sx+4=0 x= Land x =4 (neglect) Hence, the sum ofall roas of given equation is (143) =4 Signum Function The form of function Vl oe when x20 yete=7x [xt 0, = whenx=0 +1, when x>0 is called signum function denoted as sgn(x) where sgn(x)= j—I, when x<0 0, whenx=0 Funetion 1.15 Graph of Signum Function » x#0 As sgn (x) = 4121 0, x=0 +1, x>0 = 4-1, x<0 0, x=0 Fig. 120 Domain x VR Range, y € {-1, 0, 1} ‘And graph (Fig. 1.29) is symmetric about origin or in opposite quadrant. Greatest Integral Function Ifx be any real satisfy n 1, 01, 0< fx) <1, (xvii) log, flx) > 0 Equivalent to { f(x)21, or, 0< flx) <1, fe (xviii) log, f(x) 2 0 Equivalent to (xix) log, f(x) < 0 Equivalent to { or, 01 when 01 when01 when 01 Funetion 1.23 f(x)2g(x) whena>l (@xi) log, fix) 2 log, g(x) Equivalent to 4 or, flx)S g(x) whenOI (xxii) log, flx) < log, g(x) Equivalent to jor, fx)2 g(x), when 0 1 Fig. 1.47 Fig. 1.48 Gi) y= ffx) = a", where 00 ‘Sobition’ Given, g@) = 1+x-p]=1+ G1 => g(x) is greater than 1 Hence, fog(x) = f(g(x)) = 1 Example 8" If f(x) = “4 then find fofoitx). Solition’ Given f(x) = os 1 As £09) = ese le Hence, fofofts) = £(74))) 1 @ “Teo =)" Example 1.9) let f(x) = Me £60) = fff}, PO = FRO}, ...... then find f°!) ‘Solution fix) a £(x)-1_ f(x)+1 (ae xt+t Pea) = £ffla)} = HIS Function 1.29 £@)-1 Fe) =F OT = giGct. fe) FPO = BOT a ~f@stlazt FOO} = Bat Here f(x) repeats itself at an interval of k= 4 21%) =) = f 2010 = $02x4+2 DESL HAO! let £- {2, 3, 4,5} > (3, 4,5, 9} and g: (3, 4,5, 9} — {7, 11, 15} be function defined as f(2) = 3, f(3) = 4, £(4) = £5) = 5 and g(3) = g(4) = 7, g(5) = g(9) = 11 Find goftx) ifi_Given As gof(2) = g{f(2)} = eG) =7 ) “gofiS) = g{A(5)} = a(S) = 11 gofls) = 12,7), 3.7) 4, 10,6, 11} Properties of Composite Function 1. If f(x) and g(x) are any two functions, then fog(x) exists if the range of g(x) is domain of f(x). 2. If gof(x) is one-one function, then ff) is one-one function. 3. If gof(x) is onto function then g(x) is also onto function. 4, If f(x) and g(x) are one-one and onto function then gof{x) is one-one onto function. 5. If f(x) and g(x) are any two function then fog(x) # goftx) but if fog(x) = gof{x) then fog(x) = x. Periodic Function Graphically, if graph of function repeats with certain interval then function is called periodic func- tion and the magnitude of certain interval is called periodic function. 1.30 Calculus for ITJEE, ‘Mathematically. If function fx) is called periodic function then f(T +x) = ffx) where {71 is called neriod of fix) cg. fle) = sin x On +x) Xx) = sin x is periodic function with period 27 For evaluate period of perindic fimnetion use: () write given function fo) (ii) for periodic function f(T + x) = fix) then use following formula which ever to be required (a) If sin @ = sin oF then 6 = nn + (—1)" (b) If-cos @ = cos ox then @ = 2nm + ct (c) Iftan @ = tan ox then @ = nm +o (iii) Put least positive integer n for which variable to be eliminate to get period 7 of given function ww eg. fi = fsinx for periodic function {7 +2 =f) = Jan Tox) = Jinx = sin(T +x) > sin(T +x) =m + 1)" Put =2. T+x=2n+x > T=2n <. fx) = J sinx is periodic function with period 2x Properties of Periodic Function 1. Tfaconstant quantity added, subtracted, multiplied or divided in periodic function, the period remains same i.e. Tf f(x) is periodic fu with period T then (a) k- f(x) is periodic with period T (b) Ax = 9 is periodic with period T (©) f(x) £h is periodic with period T e.g. flx) = sin(x + 2009) — 2010 = Periodic with period 2x in(2x + x) = sin x = f(x) p . If fix) is perindic function with perind T then f{kx) is also periodic function with period —— ei where k#0 c= Se eg. flr) = tan(2010r — 8) = Periodic with nevi (32 } eI Aw Funetion 1.31 . Function sin'x, cos"x, sec"s and cosec"x are periodic then their period is defined as % when nis even integer or, 2n, when 1 is odd integer or fractional eg. fx) = sin’ x = Periodic with period 2 But f(x) = sin", = Periodic with period x Function tan’x and cot"x are periodic with period x for any real value of eg. Gx) = tan7010y, = Periodic with period x . Function |sin x, |cos x), |tan x), |cot x}, jsec x| and |cosec x| are periodic with period m. Algebraic function is periodic but period does not exist. A constant function is periodic but does not have fundamental period. . If x) is trigonometrical function (sin x, cos x, tan x, cot x, sec x, cosec.x) then {f{x)}° is also periodic with period If fx) and g(x) are periodic function with period 7, and T> respectively then period of the function y = f{x) + g(x) is defined as LCM.of (fT). when at least one of f (x) & g(x) be odd fiction or, 3(LCM.of T; and T,) when f (x) and g(x) are even function Note: @ LCM of 7; and 7, means eam, of numerator of 7; and T, hic. of numerator of T, and 7, (i) L.C.M of rational with rational is possible. (iii) L.C.M. of irrational with irrational is possible. (iv) L.C.M rational and irrational is not possible. e.g. fx) = 3 sin(2009x — 5) ~ 4 tan (2010x— 7) here, period of 3sin(2009x — 5) = 3 and period of 4 tan (2010x - 7) = SiG 1,32 Calculus for ITT-JEE 4 2n 2a = Lem, of [~~ and -—— period of f(x) = 1.c.m. of 2009 2010 _ Lem, of 2x and z hic.f of 2009 and 2010 =2n eg. fx) = cos 6x + {2x} 2n ; 1 f -2nal Here, period of cos 6m x= EE = and period of {2x} = 3 Lemof Land] _ period of f{x) = Lem. ot(§ and 3} 3° 2) hefof3and2— e.g. fx) = cos 3mx +sec Tnx =2%22 Here, period of cos3mx=37 => an and period of sec 7k. x = $2 =2 period of f{3) = ftlemot 2&2) “1 10, If f(x) and g(x) are two periodic functions with period T, and 7, respectively then y = f{z) « a(x) may be periodic with period defined as L.c.m of T, and 7 , when (x) and g(x) are odd function jor 3 (Lom of 7; and 7,) when at east one of f(x), g(x) be even function. eg. fle) =2 sin x - cos x Here, g(x) = sin x= period 2 = odd function and h(x) = cosx = period 2n = even function 4. Period of f(x) = 2 sin x cos x * $ Gem of 2n and 2m) = 7 12. Function 1,33 Alternative flx) =2 sin x cos x in 2x Qn 2 iG . If(¢) and g(x) are periodic flmction with period 7, and 1; then h(x) = £2) may be periodic, 8 (x) f If periodic then period of h(x) = = is defined as L.C.M. of 7; and; , when f (x) and g(x) are odd function or (lem of 7, and 7, ) when at least one of f (x), g (x) be even function. Tips: Product and division of two periodic functions may or may not be a periodic function. sinx eg. fix) = cos x Here, (x) = sin x= periodic with period 2 and h(n) = cos x = periodic with period 27 f(x) = = = periodic with period 0s x = 5 (lem of 2n and 2n) =n Alternative sin oe fx) = =2* = tan x = Periodic with period 1 cos x There is an exception to the |.c.m. rule. In function where modulus is involved, the l.c.m. rules gives the period of the function but it may not be a fundamental period. eg. fx) = [sin x] + jeos x] = periodic with period defined as Le.m. of mand x = % Which is indeed period of sin aj + |cos x| but it is not fundamental period Since sin( + z Jf z } =|sin x| + loox 31 1.34 Calaulus for ITJEF, Which show that fundamental period of f(x) is $ Tips: x, whena#b @ Period ofa sin s|+5[60801= 4 ae yoy Lem (2.3) when m#n mn (ii) Period of [sin me| + cos nx| = or Jiemot(,£) whenm=n 2 ma eg. fl) = [sin 2x] + eos 2x] Here, period of |sin 2x| = ; and period of cos 2x| = S Period of f(x) = |sin 2x| + |cos 2x| 1 x = >| Lemof — and Yflemer e.g. f(x) =2 |sin 2x] -3 |cos 2x| Here, period of |sin 2x1 = * and Period of {cos 2x| = $ Period of f{x) is Ex) vem ot(5}e2 e.g. fx) = sin 2x] + [cos 3x] Here, period of |sin 2x| = : and period of [cos 3x| = 5 Period of given function f(x) 2 ona E = Lem of and = Lem of 5 and 5 _ Lemof rand Hof .of 2and3 Function 1.35 13. If f(x) and g(x) are periodic functions then fog(x) and gof{x) are periodic functions with period defined as period of g(x), when f (x) is odd function y= faa} = oF peodtee, when f (x) is even function e.g. f(x) = cos (sinx) riodic function With period = Because cos x is even function But f(x) = sin (cos.x) = periodie funetion with period 2m because sin x is odd function 14, If f(x) and g(a) are non periodic functions then fog(x) and goflx) are not periodic functions. 15. If f{x) is periodic function but g(x) is not periodic function then fog(x) is not periodic but gof(x) is periodic function. eg. f(c) = sin x = periodic with period 2x and g(x) = Vx = non periodic in VE = non periodic but goflx) = gfftx)} = Jsins = Periodic with period 2n 16. If f{x) is any periodic function with period 7 then first order derivative (x) may be periodic function with period T eg. fx) = sinx = periodic with period x and (x) = 2 sin cos x = sin 2x = periodic with period x 17. If f{x) is any periodic function with period T then {f{x)dr may or may not be periodic function. e.g. f(x) = sin x = Periodic with period 2x = ffjdx= bin x de =cosx +e Periodic with period 2x fog() = ftetx)} but fix)= sin*x = periodic with period => [Rede = fin? x de I-cos2x oy = [Sars [Far x sin2x 24 = Non periodic function, 1.36 Calculus for IT-JEE 18. Function f(x) =x {x] = {x} is periodic with period 1 and flx) = {nx} is periodic with period (; ) where n 0 n 19. If f(x) is any periodic function with period then g(x) = a” is also periodic function with period T eg. flx)= (2010)°* Periodic with period 2 20. If {x) is any function and its graph is symmetric about the lines x = a and x = b where a f(-x) el As, (x) - x) = | 4-42 41]- % e-1 2 Hence, given function is even function. Odd Function Graphically, if graph of function is symmetrical about the origin or opposite quadrant then function is called odd function. y= (3 = odd function ed = odd function Fig. 1.66 Fig. 1.67 Mathematically, Function f(x) is called odd function if and only if &(-x) =~) => fix) + fa) =0 1 Calculus for ITTIEE, Example 112° Show that function f(x) = log (x+ yx? +1) is odd function. Solution, Given f(x) ~ log (x + yx?+1) and &{-x) = log (Cx + fx? 1) f(-x) + fx) = log G/x?+1-x) + log (yx? +142) = log{ (yx? +1 +3) Gfx? +1 —a)} = log (x? + 1-27} = log 1 =0. Hence, fix) is odd function. Properties of Odd and Even Function Bemsawawn= 13. 15. 16. . Sum of two odd functions is odd function. . Sum of two even functions is an even function. . Sum of an odd function and an even function is neither even nor odd function. . Difference between two odd functions is odd function. |. Difference between two even functions is even function. . Difference between an odd function and an even function is neither odd nor even function. ‘The products of multiplication of two odd functions is an even function. }.. The products of multiplication of two even functions is an even function. . The products of multiplication of an odd and an even function is an odd function. ). Division of two odd functions gives an even function. A. 12, Division of two even functions gives an even function. Division of an odd and an even function gives an odd function. If f(z) is any orbitary function then f(x) + f(x) represent an even function and f{-x) —f(x) represents an odd function. Hence, f(r) can be expressed as a sum of an even function and an odd function as. fe)= Fife) tem} + ditt} eg. Express function f(x) = ¢“ as a sum of an odd and an even function. Solution: Given f(x) = €*, f{-x) = e* fe) 5+ F(-x)} + Fe) f(-x)} = e‘te* * 2 2 = even function + odd function . If f(x) is any odd function then its first order derivative f"(x) is even function odd + odd = odd function os x + 3x7 = even + even = even function If f(x) is any even function then its first order derivative f(x) represents odd function. ‘When the function is either of an odd or an even then their square becomes an even function. and f'() Funetion 1.39 17. If f{x) is even function then y = a" is also even function but if f(x) is any odd function then y = a™ is orbitary function. e.g. fle) = (2010)°°* = even function but fle) = (2010)%"* = neither even nor odd function 18. If f{x) is any odd function then J *f(x) dx is even fiction. 19. If f(x) is any even function then [*f(x) dx is an odd function. 20. If f(x) and g(x) are even functions then fog(x) and gof{x) are even functions. 21. If fx) and g(x) are odd functions then fog(x) and gof(x) are odd functions. 22. If f(x) is odd and g(x) is even function then fog(s) and gof{(x) are even function. Tips: As even function is symmetric about y-axis due to this even function is not one-one function. wen Extensive Function if f(x) is even function in [0, a] then form of function f(x), when0SxSa B(x) = f(-x), when-asx<0 |called even extensive function. ix, -2s382 Example 19) if f{)= | sin’x+tanx, 2 B then f(a) > f(B) and If 0. 5] is increasing function Ans. True Calculus Method Function f(x) is called increasing function in [a, 6] if and only if f(x) 2 0x € [a, 5] Example 4.16 If f(x) = x- e*' then flx) is IIT-JEE 2001 = (a) Increasing on [3 7 (b) Decreases on R a1 (© Increases on R (d) Decreases on [24] Solution Given fi) =x et -9 Differentiate w.r.t. x fe) =o tet it for increasing function f(x) 2 0 => apattyt 20 e950 2-2 444120 = 2? -x-150 > (x 1)(2r +1) $0 = fx) is increasing on [4 Ans. (a) Example 1.17. Consider the following S and R S: both sin x, cos.x are decreasing function in (12, m) R: Ifa differentiable function decreases in the interval (a,b) then its derivative also decreases in (a, b) HIT-JEE 2000 Which of the following is true? (a) Both $ and 2 are wrong. (b) Both S and 2 are correct but R is not the comect explanation of R. (©) Sis correct and R is the correct explanation for S. (d) Sis correct and R is wrong. 1.42 Calculus for IT-JEE Solution Given ‘Sin x and cos x are decreases in (1/2, m) Now it t= 4, xe (1.2 Then f= <0 ¥ = If f(x) decreases then f(x) is increasing function in (1, 2) +. Ris not truc but S is truc. Ans. (d) ‘Exaniplé 1018) The function f(x) = sin*x + cos*r increases if IIT-JEE 1999 n x 3a 3a Sa Su an @ O £(«) = 4sin’x cos x — 4 cos? x sin x =-sin dx o| en «:. For increasing function £(c) 20 => -sin 4x 20 > sin 4x <0 As, sinz <0 Then nSzS2n Mec? . For sin 4x SO => mses 2x © > fexs 4 an x Ans (b), Fex £ (x) = tx +2) + De- 1) Funetion 1.43 pr increasing function FG) 2 0=9 0x + 2+ IH 20 x€ (9, -2)U (1, 0) U (1,9) ips: Newton Leibniz theorem fa) = fe) wad then wa¢ SOP — (g(a) SE? be tly Increasing Function Function {{x) is called strictly increasing function if and only if (x) 0 i.e. tangent to the curve of function cannot be parallel to x-axis Ate) _ ao dx EGaApLEETW’ Let the function g : (2, +) > (4 5) be given by g(x) = 2 tan\(e") — 5 then g(x) is IIT-JEE 2008 (@) Even and is strictly increasing in (0, ) (b) Odd and is strictly decreasing in (e°, =) (©) Odd and is strictly increasing in (=, ) (4) Neither even nor odd, but is strictly increasing in (ce, oo) Solution — glu) = 2 tan(e)— 5 = 2 tan (e) — tan”! (e") ~ cot Ye") = tan (ec) — cot! (e“) be g(-) = tan !(e) — cot(e) = —{tanrl(e) — cote} = -a(u), + g(u) is odd function Now, gt) = tame") — core") = tu) = tar'(@) ~ cant (+) 2 1 > gu) = (22) e . g(u) is strictly increasing Ans: (¢) 1.44 Caleulus for IT: Decreasing Function Graphically, if graph of function decreases with increasing value of independent variable of function and increases with decreasing value of independent variable then function is called decreasing function. y=log,, ti) Fig. 1.72 Fig. 1.73: Mathematically, function f(x) is called increasing function Ifo < B then f(a) > £(B) and if o> B then f(a) < {(B) eg. at i _afl 44241 7 Here 1 <2 but 1) > 2) . f(a) is decreasing function. Calculus Method Function f{x) is called decreasing function if and only if f(x) <0. andat x= 2, ((2)= Example 1.21. The function f(x) = a = is IIT-JEE 1995 loge» (a) Increasing on (0, ») (®) decreasing on (0, o) (©) Neither increasing nor decreasing (@) none of these — fy = Reet log(e+x) wag pote lott f(s) = 8 ® flog(e+x)}" Funetion 1.45 (e+ x)log(e+ x) (n+ x)log(n+ x) (e+ x\(n+x)flog(e + x)}* For decreasing function f%(x) < 0 (c+ logle + x)~ (n+ los(n+ 2) <4 (e+ x) + xMlog(e + x)}? => xe (=) Strictly Decreasing Function Function {{x) is called strictly decreasing function if and only if £(x) <0 ie. tangent to the curve of function cannot parallel to x — axis, Example 1,22 At what values of ‘a’ does the function f{x) = 2 + ax 2° strictly decreased for all real x. Solistion fix)=2 + ax-x7 = a-3P<05a<3r Here, min” value of 3x? = 0 Hence,a <0 Properties of Monotonic Functions 1. 2. 3. 7. 8. 9: 10. i. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. a ‘Sum of two decreasing functions is a decreasing function. Sum of two increasing functions is increasing function. Sum of increasing function and decreasing functions is neither increasing nor decreasing function. 4. Difference between two increasing functions is neither increasing nor decreasing function. 5. 6. If f(x) is increasing function and g(x) is decreasing function then f{x) — g(x) is increasing Difference between two decreasing functions is neither increasing nor decreasing function. function but g(x) — f{x) is a decreasing function. Reciprocal of increasing function is decreasing funetion. Reciprocal of decreasing function is an increasing function. Negative of an increasing function is negative decreasing function. Negative of decreasing function is negative increasing function. Product of two positive decreasing functions is a decreasing function. Product of two positive increasing functions is an increasing function. Product of an increasing function and a decreasing function is neither increasing function nor decreasing function. Division of two positive increasing functions is neither an increasing function nor a decreasing function. Division of two positive decreasing functions is neither increasing nor decreasing function. If f(x) is increasing function and g(x) is decreasing function then ay is increasing function g(x and 2 is a decreasing function. f(z) . If f(x) and g(x) are two increasing functions then fog(x) or goftx) is also an increasing function, 1.46 Calculus for IT, 18. If ffx) and g(x) are two decreasing functions then fog(x) or gof(x) is an increasing funetion. 19. If f(x) is an increasing function and g(x) is a decreasing function then fog(x) or goftx) is decreasing function. 20. Polynomial function of an odd function may be an increasing function, One-One Function Graphically, if a straight line parallel to x-axis, intersects the graph of function at only one point the| function is called one-one or injective function. axis praxis A h / | j — = axis } > xaxis yet y= logx Fig. 1.74 Fig. 1.75 Mathematically, function f(x) is called one-one function, if f(a) = f{B) then ot = B and other relatior between o. and B represents value of @ or B be imaginary value. Example 1.23. x)=.) + 3x +1 Solution tet f(a) = f(8) oO +30+1= f+ 3R+1 (@ -B)+ (a -B)=0 (2.- B) {07 + of + B* +3} =0 Bora’ +B? +oB+3=0 Bor, o7 +B? +oB+3=0 lere, at = 0,8°+3=0 B= 23 =2V3i = imaginary fix) = x° + 3x +1 is one — one function Calculus Method Function f(x) is called one -one function if and only if f(x) > or f(x) <0 ii certain interval. Fuuuary u Example 1.24" Let function: 8 ~ R be defined by f(x) = 2x + sin x for x R then f(x) is one ~ one function ‘Tne of false. IIT-JEE 2003 Solution Given fix) = 2x + sin x = fee) =2+cosx>0 Function LAT => f@>0 f(z) = 2x + sin x is one ~ one function. ‘Example 1.25". Function (x) = = is one- one function. True or false. x Bollatid® Given function fx) = r#-1 x41 eran tt 44D dx Her, f@)= cane ~— oso Gt a flx) = —— is one — one function. x41 Ans. True. Note: if A and B are any two non empty sets have m and n numbers of elements respectively then of one — one function ” 2 teas pe {Pu Whenn2m 0, whenn A Séliition Given A 1,2, 3,4}, m4) =4 a,b}, (B) = 2 +. No. of one — one function F : A ~> B is*P, Many-One Function Graphically, if a is a straight line parallel to x — axis intersecting the curve of function at more than one points then function is called many-one function. vaxis yeaxis axis aaxis yell yore Fig. 1.76 Fig. 1.77 1.48 Caleulus for ITTIEE, Mathematically function f(x) is called many-one function if f(ct) = {(B) then o # B or if a = B but other relation between o and B represent real values of a and f. Example 1.27 fx) = x7 + Se +7 Solution Let fla) - (8) => of +50+7=f2+5B+7 = (a -B) + 5(a- => (a-Bia+B+5: = a=Bora+B+5=0 Here, o& and B always represent real values ~. f(x) = x7 + Sx +7 is many-one function. Calculus Method Function fix) is called many-one function if and only if f(x) > 0 or f(x) < 0 cannot be defined in certain internal, eg. f= +50 +7 20, when x> = @)=2et5= 2 <0, whenx< en <> f(x) =x? + 5x +7 is many — one function. Onto Function or Surjective Function If the function f : 4 + B such that each element of B is the f image of at least one element in 4 then function f : A — B is called onto function. Tips: If f : A — B then Co-domain of function is B but values of y for which their independent variable is defined called range of function. Tips: If y = f(x) be given function then Co-domain of function is y VR Example 1.28 If f : (0, >) — [0, -) and fix) = a then f(x) is (@) one - one and onto (b) one — one but not onto (©) onto but not one— one (@) none TIT-JEE 2003 Solition. Given f= tex = fay= 5 >0 x)= ayy = fix) is one — one function. Now, f : [0, «) — [0, 2) Here , Co — domain , y € [0, ) As~ ~~ ay tyeex stl Funetion 1,49 => Iny Here, x to be defined when | -y #0. => y#1 => range ye [0, =) —(1) => range # co-domain Hence, f(x) is one ~ one but not onto function. = ‘) is a onto function then set of values of a is Ce ‘Example'1.29 were [ © C,~) @ none I @ {4} © Soli) Given 2) = sie! 24 mi t:n | +l ° 62 ffx) is onto function x x gts = a+1>0 = ae (1, cycaans a. . [if xis rational __ [0 if-xisrational . “Example'4.30 n= {5 if xisirtional 4 w= if xisirretional " f— 8 is TIT-JEE 2005 (@) neither one ~ one nor onto (b) one-one and onto (©) one-one and into @ many - one and onto "Solation’ Given wf itsismtiont [0 if xisrationa £2)" lo, itxisimational “4 8) |x, if xisirrational x, — if xis rational Here, no-ao={% if xis irrational => Ale) ~ gla) has range, y VR also flx) ~ g(x) co-domain y VR and Zera)-g@>0 when x is rational and 2 =f/(x)- g(x) <0 when x is irrational, f(x) — g(2) is one-one and onto function, 1.50 Tips: If 4 and B are two sets having m and n elements respectively such that | n(4) = m= 4 and (B)=n=2 ‘Number of surjection from A to B - Eyre) ral = Cyt + CAP? C0) =-2+16=14 Into Function A function f : 4 > Bis an into function, if there exist an element in B having no pre-image in A. Or, Function f : A - B is not onto then function is into. Tips: If range of function is the subset of their co-domain then the function is called into function. One-One onto Function ‘The function represent one — one and onto behavior is called one-one onto function. 1:32. Let the fimetion defined in colurnn -I have domain | — >.> | and range (—c0, 00) an 2°72 TIT-JEE 1992 ‘Column- 1 Column-Ii (@) 1+2 (a) onto but not one-one Gi) tans (b) one — one but not onto (@) one-one and onto Solution Given f: (3 3) Jee Here, co-domain, y € (-%, ©) @ fey =1+2e = f@)=2>0 => {{x) is one- one function -1 and y= 1422 x => rangeyVR +. fla) = 1 + 2 is one-one and onto function. Funeti 1.51 (ii) ) = tan x => fG)=sec"x 20 => f(x) is one - one function ‘Now, (2) = tan x Range of f(x), y VR => range = Co-domain -: €(2) is one — one onto function. Tips: If A and B are two non empty sets each having number of elements then numbers of one - one onto function = n! eg. If A= {1,mn} and B= {a,b,c} then no. of one — one onto functions f: A> Bis3!=3x2x1 =6 Partial Function If function f(x) can be obtained from a relation then function f(x) will be called partial function. Example 1.33 Find f(x) which satisfies relation f{x) + 241 - x)=x+2 Solution’ Given f(z) + 20 -3) =x? +2 @ pac (1-3) place a A -x) + 2-0-0} = xP +2 = f(1 x) + ffx) = 1+. 2 +2 w@ @-2xGi) fx) + 261 - x)= 27 +2 261 — x) + 49) = 2x? - ar + 6 fix) — 4f(x) = 7 +2) - 2? - 4x + 6) => -3ffx) = x? + dx - 4 x a4r44 - {) = ——— = required partial function Identical Function Two functions ffx) and g(x) are called identical when (@) f(x) can be expressed into g(x) (b) Range of f(x) is equal to range of g(r) and domain of f(x) is equal to domain of g(x). Bacenniple 34" f(xy = 2° +" and g(x) = 22 +1 then Ale) and g(x) are identical, True or False? Solition) Given fie) = debate ent” 2) ratke e's) =2@) fix) and g(x) two identical functions. 1.52 Calculus for IIT-JEE Bounded Function If f(x) is any function satisfying |f{x)| s m where m is positive real or a S f{x) S b then function flx) is called bounded function. Beample 38" x)= sin x+ f3cosx+5 ‘Souition t= ofbsnx+ Beosx} +5 =2 s(x +2 } 5 3 Here, fx)" = 7 and Re)miget = 3 => 7s fx) $3 Hence f(x) is bounded function. Inverse Function Graphically, if graph of function f(x) and g(x) are mirror image to each other with respect to line mirror y = x then both fiunc- tions f(x) and g(x) are called inverse to each other. Mathematically, for inverse of function use, (i) Let f: A — B where y = f{x) (ii) First establish that f: A — B is bijective and hence invert- ible. Simplify y = f(x) to express it as x = g(y) now, g(x) is the inverse of f(z). Tips: If g(x) is the inverse of f(x) then f{g(x)} = x Tips: If only y = f(x) is given without mentioning the set A and B, then A and B are taken as the natural domain and in range of f(x) respectively. Tips: If f(x) is increasing function then f(x) is also increasing function. Tips: If f(x) is decreasing function then f(x) is also decreasing function Tips: If f(x) is even function then f(x) is also even function Tips: If f(x) is odd function then f(z) is also odd function jaBeamiple!4.36" If £: (1, ) — [2, 2] is given by fix) =x + : then f-"() is equal to @ ata o = wy SlPe4 @ 1+ Ja 2 14x? 4 UT-JEE 2001 TESLA Given f : [1, =] > [2, «] Here, co-domain y € (2, «] and domain, x € [1, °] Function 1.53 As yefeyere lt x = yet syne tl = Saye tl=0 = = Papes ats 2 Here, at yo dxe AEH 38 gp SW gett yn4 2 z 2 Mee tieo4 2 (URSABNGINESAY Let (2) = 5, x1, then for what value of ois f(x) = zis IIT-JEE 2001 @) v2 ) -V2 © @-1 (GWolition Given fx) - 22 xt = _of(e) = {fOO} F@+i ae ax G@rDesi But f {f{a)} =x ax = ts =x (e+Dxt1 Put x=ltoseta’=(a+1)+1 > a@=-lor2 Butif =I then Ans: (4) 1.382) Suppose f{x) = (x + 1), for x 2 ~1. If g(x) is the function whose graph is the reflection of the ‘graph of f(x) with respect to the line y= x then g(x) is equal to TIT-JEE 2002 @ -VE-1x20 @) x>-l | @ yetijx2-1 @ vr-1x20 tl (r+)? 1.54 Caleulus for ITJEE. Solution Given fe) =@+ IP x2-1 As we known if g(x) is the reflection of f(x) in the line y = x then g(x) is the inverse of x). ay -xtlox=yy-1 = t"@)= Je - 1,120 Ans: (d). ‘Example 1,39. If the function f : [1, ©) — [1, =] is defined by f(x) = 2°) then f(x) is, “e-) © (4) ) Z(t+yFralogas) (© F11-YFF4I0g;s) (4) none of above LIT-JEE 1999 ‘Solution Given y= et) => log, y= x00 — 1 => x -xlogyy 3 Le yiv tog ay 2 For y2, (1-yi+ 4log,y) $0 (4s fix aloway } 2 = files 3+ VF alogss} 1.4 SOLUTION OF EQUATION Use:- () Write given equation x) = g@). (ii) Draw graphs of y= f{x) and y = g(x) in a plane. Giii) Number of solutions of given equation is the point of intersection of the curves. aw Example 1.40 Number of solutions of equation |x| = eis Z (@ 2 1 ye ©) 3 @4 ‘Solution Given equation bl =e Here, No. of points of intersection of curve = 2 = No. of solutions (fig. 1.78). Fig. 1.79 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function sinz < z (ig. 1.84) Here, 3c 2< 5 4 0 Solution Given cos 2x — sin 2x 2 0 > Al Jpeorze- sn2s)o = onf2ee§ pe Let z=2e+ = cosz20 Here, “— ses = dn 5 det F s2un+ 5 =m = Sxsan+t 1.6 DOMAIN Ast Av-anis Ww Fig. 1.86 ‘The values of independent variable of any function for which their dependent variable is defined, is called a domain of the function. For evaluating domain of function use the following concepts:~ 1.6.1 Concept I Form of function y = aa then for domain use, y to be defined when denominator g(x) # 0 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function 1.61, a Here, wee Jet 2 ~ z + = bog, +120 3 1 2 Fig. 1.88 > fons + log; 22.0 = log:x?> 0 = PElo2-1205 e+ N20 xe (-1] U1, =) @ and (ii) vo 7 Js = we -os.2<0 - 2 2 mm Fig. 1.89 > o r-450 (2+ 2) <0 xef-2,2] oy From (i) and (ii) Fig. 1.90 2 Domain of f(x) xe [-2,-1] U [1,2] 1.6.6 Concept VI If function is an algebraic function, then use the following points (a) Ifa>Oand D= 2b? —4ac <0 then ax? + bx +c is always positive. (b) Ifa< and D= & —4ac <0 then ax? + br + cis always negative. 2009 ‘Example’1.55)) Find the domain of f(x) = (x7+x+1) 7 ‘Solution Given aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. a Function 1 “eset (i) From (i) & (ii) oe on \ (x me Up ge) at The domain of f(x) x 5 x 2nn—%,2nn—* Jul 2nn +2, 2nn+ xe (20-5 *) (20+ 5.20 1.6.9 Concept IX If the function is related to the greatest integer, least integer modulus or fractionsl part then use their properties for domain. ‘Example 1.60. Find the domain of flx) = log,» (4— fx) Soldtion Given f(x) = log,» (4—[) Here, f{x) is defined for @ 4-205 hs4 = 45x54 Gi) [7] >0,41 => [P]22. (+ [lis integer} = 22> (- VI\e+ J2)20 xe (9, -V2)U (V2 =) from (i) & (ii) a 42 V2 4 Fig. 1.98 Domain of fix) xe [4,-v2] U(¥2 4) Tips (a) |x| 2.x when x <0 and |x] $x cannot define for any real x (bt) [x] Sx,x V R but [x] > x not defined. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function 1.69 Using AM GM, we get 1 1 2 isin x] issalal 1 } 2 {sin xj] cos x] 1 1 sy jsinx| * Joos x] 2 2(2|cosee 2x |)!? {Where (cosec 2x) 2 1} ! 1339 at gel, jsinx| [eos x| The range of f(x) € (2V2,—-) VxeR Example 1.68 Find the range of the function f(x) = 3 sin x + 4 cos.x-1 ‘Solution Given function f(x) =3 sinx + 4 cos r~1 Divide and multiply right side by 5 103 {antisesl orani(oaenmeranacns = f(x) = 5 sin(x 40) - 1 {let cos ot = 3/5 then sin Here, maximum value of f(x) = 4 and minimum value is ~6 Hence, the range of the given function is (-6,4 ] = 4/5} 1.7.3. Method-HI Substitution Method If the domain of the function does not contain interval, then find values of y putting the values of x from the domain, The set of all values of y will be the range . Example 1.69 Find the range of the function f(x) — 4C, 4 @-yit Here, (i) x !is defined for x= {0,1 2,3 yrs.) (ii) (4-0)! is defined for x = {. -1,0 ,1,2,3,4} From (i) and (ii) the domain of given function is x = {0, 1, 2, 3,4) els a G=0)101 Solution Given function f(x) = 4C, Now, atx=0, f(0)= “Cy atx=1, )=*C, =4 4a @-p! 4! atx=2, f(2)=4C, @pni aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Funetion 1.73 yasint(x+ 1) Domain, xe [-2,0] Range, yeR Fig. 1.115 Fig 1.116 1.8.4 Concept 4 If f(x) is any function then for graph of function f(x ~ &) where k > 0 use: (i Draw the graph of function y = fix). (ii) Then shift the graph of function through ‘A’ units towards the right side the y-axis. (1, 0) yext A y=? Domain Domain xeR reR Range, y € [0, =) Range, y € (0, =) Fig. 1,117 Fig. 1.118 ™ (2.0) ™ yah y=lx-] Domain Domain xeR xeR Range, y € [0, =) Range, y € [0, =) Fig, 1.119 Fig. 1.120 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function 1.77 y= sine Domain xeCll] Range, y © R Range, y VR Fig, 1.129 Fig: 1.130 1.8.8 Concept 8 If f{x) is any function then for graph of function (t | where k>1 use:- (i) Draw the graph of function y = f(x) i) Stretch the graph of function through ‘&” times along x-axis. y= eosx yous (3) Domain x V& Domain x VR Range, » € [-1, 1] Ronge,y¥R Fig. 1.131 Fig. 1.132 | ystanx Domain, H aVR-ent | Domain sn Range, y VR " Range, y VR Fig. 1.133 Fig. 1.134 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function 1.81 > > H > ye logs y= log (=x) y= log (-x) Domain x € [0,~] Domain.x € [-, 0} Domain x € [-«, 0] Range, y VR I Range, y VR Range, yW R Fig 1.154 Fig. 1.155, Fig. 1.156 1.8.12 Concept 12 If f(x) is any function then for graph of function [f(x)| use:- (i) Draw the graph of function y = f(a) (ii) Take the part of f(x) above the x-axis and take mirror image of the portion of graph which lies below the x-axis with respect to x-axis as plane mirror to get graph of function y = |f(2)| d= lex Domain x ¢ [0,-] Range, vv R Fig. 1.157 y=sinx y=|sin x] Domain x ¥ R Domain xe R Range, y € [-1, 1] Range, y € [0,1] 1 Fig. 1:159 Fig. 1.160 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function 1.85 1.8.16 Concept 16 If y = f(x) is any function then for graph of function |p| = |f(x)| use:- (i) Draw the graph of function y = f(x). (ii) Take the part of f(x) which lies above the x-axis and its mirror image with respect to x-axis as plane mirror to get graph of function |y| = f(x). (iii) Then take the part of |y} = f(x) above the x-axis and take the mirror image of the portion of graph which lies below the x-axis with respect to x-axis as plane mirror to get graph of function |y| = {fte)]. ‘ ’ - Ce Iy| = flog x1 y= loge y= Mog x] Fig. 1.185 Fig, 1.186 A 4 » _—| yrernl yale] Iy| le 1.187 Fig 1488 Fig. 1,189, ‘ A vn 5 a y= [sin x} yt bins] Fig. 1.190 Fig. £191 Fig. 1.192 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function 1.89 yesinx Fig. 1.209 yates Fig. 1.211 Fig. 1.212 1.8.21 Concept 21 If f(x) and g(x) are two functions then for graph of the function h(x) = Maximum {f{x), g@)} = Max. ff), 209} use:- (i) Draw the graph of function y = f(x) and y = g(x) and defined their points of intersection. (ii) Between the two points of intersection use h(x) ~ Maximum (f(x), g(<)} = Max. {flx), g()} = {ro when f(x) 2 g(x) g(x), when g(x)2 f(x) yrmax” (1,427) Fig, 1.213, Fig. 1.214 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Funetion 1.93 1.8.26 Concept 26 If f(x) and g(x) are two functions then for graph of function h(x) = 2 use:- 3) (@) Find maximum and minimum value of f(). © meewernemwmnmengune 2 ol a4 ce tl ey BE a(x) a(x) ee) g() glx) (iii) Draw the graph of y = —4— and y = g(x) + — separately on the plane then graph a(x) f(x) of function h(x) = —— lies between a(x) them, sinx eg. ye —> e ~1Ssinxs1 Divide all three sides by ny ‘in e Fig. 1.223. 1.8.27 Concept 27 If f(x) be any non zero function then for graph of function ie use: © (i) Find critical points where fix) = 0 and represent critical points on x-axis. Gi) If.x =. is critical point then draw graph of x =a and use (a) When f(«) increases then —— de- f(x) creases. (b) When f(x) decreases then —— in- f(x) creases (c) When flx) > 0 then —— 5 «2 or, -20 f(x) according as flx) > 0 or f(s) <0 in the neighbourhood. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Funetion, 1.97 Trewise SOLVED EXAMPLES ‘Type-I: Problems Based on Value of Function at a Point Example 1.70° 1 x) = 14% then the vatue of £22-FC2 ig equal to I=% 1+ {£0} @1 () V2 ( x-1 (d) None of these Géliition, Given f(x = 1 £69)-£0°) _ 1+ {feo Answer: (b) Type-Il: Problems Based on Composite Function Example 1.71. If f(x) ~sin'x + sit + 3) + cos cos{ ++) and (3) = I then the value of goftx) is equal to @ 13 ) 0 Os @1 —— ce? ya antl ea x 5) _ Solution. Given flx) = sin? x + sin?| x44] + cos xcos[ x+4 | and ef 5 | = 1 As f(x) = sin? x + sin (+6) + sonssne{ 4] = sin? + 4 (sin <4 V5 cos x) + L008 x(cos r+ /5 sins) = Foo? r+ oF )= 5 2 softs) = eto} = (3) =! Answer: (d) Example 1,72 If f(x) = (a — x")!" where a> 0 and n is positive integer then f{f(x)} =x. Truc or False. Solution Given y= fe)=(a-x)'" FEF} = Fla — x) = fa — (a — YM = Answer: True. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Funetion 1,101 (@) Even extension of the function f(x) is f(x), when 0Sx £1) =3 + (=v Play =3 + (1 x4, Answer. (a) Example 1,95 The inverse of the function f(x) = 1, (lex 1, (lex lex @ yo=( 33] (b) jee 2] © we i*) @ None of these at Solution Let y =a - : = = 2e tog, a = tog, 2! Jao v= htop, ( 2#!) .. tp = tog, (244 y-1 2 y= Piao CT Answer: (b) ‘Type-XII: Problems Based on Domain of Function I-x } then the domain of f{x) is @ FL (b) (2, 3] ©) (1,2) @ 2) ExAfiple!196" If fx) = ssf ‘Soliition’ Given function f(x) = sf a } Here. f(x) is defined for >0=91-x>0and y4-x7 >0 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function 1.109 And x>0,°-1>0end2-141 = ¥> 0.x (24-1) U(1o9) and #4 V2 = xe (1, ¥2)U (2,6) @ From equation (1) ad (2), we get xe(v2,~) Hence, domain of fix) is (2 , »») Answer. (a) ‘Example 1/104" The domain of the function fix) = tan“! fx(z+1) + yx*+x+1 is @ (1,0) ) {-1, 0} ©) Ge,-1] U 10, 2) @)_ Ce, 29) ‘Solution tan {x(x +1) is defined, if x(v+ 1) 20 orxS-lorx20 a) [x?+x+1 is defined, if0<.?+x+121 Now east = (-4}-3 20, for all real x Q) Also, StxtlsoxxetlsOm-lsxs0 Q) From, (1), (2) and (3), we get domain of f= {-1, 0}. Answer. (b) Example'1:105° The domain of the function tix) = sin~'{ —4— is 34 2e05« 1 ® ® (@) Inn-% 0 for all real x, 4 —— <1 0x2 342cosx nis x x = Im~ = R, fix) = ) £:[-4,0] > 2, fix) (©) f: [4,0] > R, fo (d) None of these ‘Type-VI: Problems Based on Implicit and Explicit Functions 1, Function 2”—2” = 2xis (a) Implicit function (b) Explicit function (©) Periodic function (@) None 2. Function x’ — cos” (a) Implicit function () Explicit function (©) Periodic function (d) None 3. Function 10” + 10"= 5 is (a) Implicit function (b) Explicit function (©) Periodic function ‘y= mis (@) None ‘Type-VII: Problems Based on Monotonic Function 1. Let f(x) = Je"(x— 1) (v2) then fx) de~ creases in the interval (a) (~, -2) (b) (2-1) (©) (1,2) @) 2, =) Xv a a . The function f(x) = © . If fix) = ee and g(x) 1.117 axy is ere (a) Increasing (b) Decreasing and odd (©) Even (@) Increasing and even —-,03 (a) None of these . Value of a does the curve f(x) = x(a’ — 2a —2) + cos xalways remain monotonic for all real x is (a)aeR (©) a>0 (© 1-V2 0) when (0) = 15, £(2) = 30, £4) = 90 2x +1, when x2 3. Let fx) = j5, when 2exs3 2x-5 when x>3 then find the value of (2V2), V8), (flog, 1024 ) 3*-1, when -1 {0, 1] where g(x) = 4x(1 — x) then find (i) fog(x) (ii) gofta) 1.121 I «ws . Let f(x) = > PE) = FD}, Pe) = fF lx) = FEP(X)} for, k= find £°"%@), AE). 1,2, 3... |. Let fx) = sin? x + sit (x+$) + cos # Bx, woot =f. then find g(ftx)}- IPR) = = #1 then show that f{f()} ~{(2)naeo . If fx) = cos(log 2), show that 2-f(x)-f(y) — fom Osx one +ay= $+ JF@)-(EO? for real x, Show that f(x) is periodic function with period 2a. . Let flx, y) be a periodic function satisfy fx, y) = fQx + 2y, 2y ~ 2x) for all real x andy. Let g(x) = 2%, 0) show that g(x) is a periodic function with period 12. . Find the period of f(x) which satisfy (a) f(r — 1) +f +1) = V3 fe). (b) flx +p) = 1+ (1 - 31a) + 3F@) - egy" (co) fe — 1) + £0 + 3) = ot 1) + fe + 5) . Ifa> | find the period of following func- tions (fla) = ab* Gi) f= a4 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function 1,125 login Peal) Gi) fx) = logix} 0) earn) (ii) f(x) = sin! ea . gat (iv) f(x) = sin Lax? — 31 “ Resmi () f@) = J2{x}P-3{x}41, x € 1 . tL 1] sin? x-+sinx+1 6. IF A) , where [.] denotes the (ii) x)= fon! (3x— 433) + greatest integral function less than equal to x, then find the domain of the function. 7 7. The domain (x) is defined in [0, 1), then Oe find the domain of the function f (tan x). log, 3 8. Find the domain of the function cos! (2x-1) . Find the domain of the following algebraic function: (ili) f&) = @ m= | 9. The domain of the function f(x) is (0, 1, 2 n3x 42x then find the domain of the function f(e") rm + f(inpx)) Gi) fe) = J2-p] +f 1+ bf 10, Find the domain of the function f(x) = (i) 2) = y1-Ji-Vl-¥ {sin an+?} (iv) f@@) = yx? - x2 +x4-x41 11. If (x) = sin x + cos x, g(x) = x7 - 1, then 1/2008 find gof{x) is invertible in the domain , () fe) = (x7 +241) 4, Find the domain of the following function 12. 1F0< A <1 and A) = 8 r=3) . which related to factorial ie @ f= , Gi) fx) = "8 *C, + Pg then find domain of fix). 13. If £{g(x)} is defined in interval [0,1], then Gi) )= ft O25 find range of function g(x). Find the domain of the following greatest ‘Type-XIII: Problems Based on integral, least integral, fractional part func- Range of Function tion: w 1. Find the range of the function sin x + 4 cos x @ f&)= aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Function 1.129 (@) Qn+1,2n),neN R: Function f(x) = log x is the inverse of 10. At f(t) =x" — 16x+2 then f{x)=0 has only function g(x) = one root in (1, 1] | A: Let £: R= {1, 2,3} 7 A be a function R: f(-1) ané f(1) are opposite signs. 11. A: The domain of the function f(x) = sin! defined by fx) = xhoos txt tan tris 1 , Risin’! x and cos‘ x is defined in jx} $ 1 Se RS) mene tinctiae, and tan ' x defined for all x. Rilfeither of f()>Oorf()<0,Vx€ 19. A: Every equation f(x) =x + 2x? + x +2 domain of f(x) then y = f{x) is one-one has at least one negative root, function. B: Every equation of odd degree has at . Aty =—x + sin x and its inverse intersect east one real root whose sign is oppo- the curve y=~ x. site to that of its constant term, R: Let f(x) be an invertible function and 13. Az A continuous one-one onto function is f(x) be the inverse of f(x) then y= fix) always monotonic function. and y= f(a) intersect either of the line B: A continuous function is one-one only x+eory=x. when it is monotonic. . Az flx) = [x| is not one-one function, 14, A:lFF@)>0Vxe R,£(3)=0 and g(x) = R: The negative real number are not the flan? x - 2 tan x + 4) then g(x) in in- images of any real numbers. creasing in (1/4, 7/2). = fix) is defined by x? - cos! y= R: g(x) = fi(tan x -1)' + 3) = ef) > 0 then domain of y= flx) is R always true. R:cosy € [0, n]. 15. Az For a, Which of neat. correct a4art or decreasing in the interval (©). fs) = is one-one fune- tion. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Funetion, 1.133, Type-II: Problem Based on Composite Function L @) gots) = BORD) 6 10,1] (ex? 2-4 3.2 ; Type-IlI: Problems Based on Periodic Function 3. (a) 12 () 2p (8 4. @) Gi) t 5. (i) 2k Gi) 2k Git) 1 (is) 2" mx wt Type-IV: Problems Based on Odd and Even Functions 5 @ Sreanzacaime wpm osm 2 2 5. [x] 6. (@) Odd function (b) even function __(@) even function (4) odd funtion (e) even when n is even and odd when » is odd (f) even function Type-V: Problems Based on Odd Extensive and Even Extensive Functions log (—x+ x? +1) , when -10 Oie. Wt f(x) = ta+h Sm cos| = Example 2.24 Evaluate the limit It soa xl Sa cos{ == Solution. Given It = rot tl Put x =-1 +h where h 0 cos It z >) x41 [~ eos (-@)=cos 0 als sin{ x-% Example 2.25 Evaluate the limit, “4 snd —yeosx Solution Given, 4 stusT=JBcos aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 2.22 Caleulus for ITE log}1 tt voli at ee a k atte e “Ts me jee ao aie 242 hol 1+ 2h 2.5.4 Exponential Limits sits eo If f(x) is any exponential function i.e. (x)= (constant) then It f(x) is called exponential limit, To solve exponential limit use Form (i) 0, when0I 3"+2" Example 2.32 Evaluate the limit It | 355; yo 4 2 Solution Given It (5 Divide Numerator and Denominator by 3" an oa 4p oes s ag | BE SPs novo 72" [none] 3” 27 or Form Ie ff Where It ffx) = finite value = and _It_g(x) = finite value = m Then It (= " aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 2.26 Calculus for IT-JEE, Example 242 Evaluste the mit It tin ‘E] } (IIT (JEE)-2006) Solution Given It {ont-(2)"} sho x sin x] <1 => I (siny”* =0 ey aye nme) at door base ete ‘Use L’ Hospital’s rules wf!) of (lee homer 0. 2.6 L’ HOSPITAL’S RULE Use following steps:- (® First change given limit into form (S)e () (ii) L’ Hospital’s rule is f%)_ , f@_, tw f(x) xoag(x) x70g (x) reg (x) xag(x) Tips () L’ Hospital's rule is applicable only when the form of limit is (e(=) (ID) If the form of limit is (0 - -) then bring suitable factor in the denominator 1 For Example bomen = 1 2/0) eee 2 (I) When the form of limit is (ee ~ o) then simplified until it reduces to the form (S)e: (=) (IV) When the form of limit is 1”, ~°,0° then let required limit is P, then take logarithm and proceed. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 2.30 Calculus for IT-JEE Divide all side by n° then take limit It alll side, ane(n +1) * me ea & a SL Ween e]t ont (Pex) + (2 x]+ a+. 0 [2] Example 251 Evaluate te | ‘iti Given tt (2x) +[2?-x] 413? x] +... tL x) a As, Pex-1<[Palstex = Pex-1<[2-x]sPox = Pox-1

Oas x—> 00. Then t &-v@"+y] a whe fehl GED aovolh WRF h)f sok 1-(+A) - Some Jem] apa fom « wells Jarratt ened: anf iiss} i412 yp ete 5 Me +Y3x-2 Exaiiple 257) Evaluate It v5.9 Be Given we ERM +S Ae se f5x-2 + 3Bx-2 Put x= lly, when x > 0%,» 0. Ei ge Siig tO y MEER pats ts se J5x-2 +4 _ i ae f5r-2 + fen? 40 sh G3 + 1,G-29)"9 Multiply above and below by y'? aasy'S4syite B t ae * So [S=2y) +a) 5 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 2.38 Calculus for ITE = t& AGP + 2x =D (24 2x—1) 23 eat (x-4(R42) ed (HD) OG TYPE-I: PROBLEMS BASED ON TRIGONOMETRIC LIMITS ‘Example 2:67” Find the limits using equivalent infinitesimals: @ tim veda (om it3= + (in x)? x0 In + 5x) 0 e (tan“!x)? (1-cos.x)(e*- osx) @ tim (sin x — tan x)* — x(1- cos2x)? i © i xe x0 Stan *x + Ssin*x - = sin’ (tim S23 nd —5s) (6) tim A=908+2sin" x —sinte, 20 an Jee PD =) ‘Solution (@) tim 22 a fig Ft x90 Inf +5x) x30 Sx Hence, limit does not exist. © ti D3 n= en") (©) tim LT ses2)(e*= C053) ° 2 x" = 0 ifn<3 = lin af if nes. * o ifn>3 tim (Si0= tanx)~ x= costs)? fim & eae s(trt/2)? 50 Stan "x4 Ssin x m0 Bx 45x? @ | 5 * ase GCS» Jim S072 tn =52)_ 2 Le Ven Wh OD) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 2.42 Calculus for WTJEE Intex rece)| o ie. lime = * , [poring =e] lim MULE +800) x0 x ie. Since the denominator approaches zero, the numerator should also approach zero for a finite limit to exist. Thus, we have Tim g(x) =0. Nov, using L’Hospital’s Rule the above equation reduces to tim +80) = ratex + a0) ie. 1 +g (0) =3, gives (0) =2 fit Inftg6ot oO Hence, we have lim] [i oe a 2 Byample2.77 Evaluate tim| #24 +242" sail” +2043 Leoowte tee? pee . 12x ce Solution Given tim| *5**** Fol xo+2y43 Put =1+1 where t> Oasx— 1 “a? cost 2sin2(e tiem) 208! _ fig 28i0 12) aoe et ack = lim soll x? 42043 . (ugteses lim| Meee val ed Example 2.78 Evaluate lim (: ae +4 Solution Given lim el xom( xt] aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 2.46 s a a eS 2 Calculus for IP-IEE St @) ayayay. (B) eee. It (sy is equal to @) 1 (do r0\ x oe 10. If (x) is a polynomial of least degree such (d) none of these 2 gayle si that (222) =e? then f(x) is equal to ma * is (b) & (a) 42x (d) none of these (b) 2x7 +3 cosee (©) = +23 yg (ee is equal to (4) Cannot be defined x30| 1-tanx @ 1 (b) & Type-lV: Problems Based on © Ve (@) none of these — Logarithmic Limit ee x it ( =e? then ais equal t Ing +24) soe ar=1 1, Value oflimit j, 4—2In@ +) } is equal @1 (b) 2 7 at h oe to (4) cannot be found @ 0 6) 1 it (0.2) Re ATRIOS. Joma) 5 (© -1 (d) None of these ne (ph? ‘equal to 2. ae) = SME =D then it flx) is (a) 2 (b) 4 log, (x-1) xa? (©) 8 (a) 0 equal to 5 : a) 1 2 i yt ytere De =e? then (a, b) is 5 4 e 0 (@) (24) (b) (8.4) 3. It Tog: g(tan22 x) is equal to (©) (16,8) {d) None of these x0 If x;, x2 are the distinct roots of the equa- @i (b) e? tion ax? + bx +¢=O then It {+sin (© Ve (d) none of these a oe x80 (ae? +hrte)}"" is 4. If f= — and g(x) = |x| + £0) ea By eA @e ‘ &) then It (loggn, x8) is () @® (d) None of these x90" (a) 1 (b) 0 (©) dae (d) none of these . The value of 5, where ‘gel afte 1 5. The value of tt cosylog{ “—}} is Fay S @,>0,i=1, 2,3, ...i8 equal to aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 2.50 3. Find value of following limits (it 3xsin| (3) lt Saal Gi) tt anesio( 2) ie x sen yp 898: Gi) or ae jw) tt xtsinx+1 ase x+COSX Type-IIl: Problems Based on Logarithmic Limit Find value of following limits @ mt ee (i) atx & Gi} 1p BEEN = los S-2) x30 x ‘Type TV: Problems Based on Exponential Limit 1. Find value of following limits js (aby © hy x 2. Find value of following limits @ It eal qi) tt Gel whl ty ell On It log {1+ (x-a)} Calculus for UT-JEE, oo fay 3. Find value of following limits Wx @ n{=(3++)) “ 3 x-3 ® (Za) 2 oh ii 14+5x’ ov Sa} ne rm n+l om esi] 4. Forx > 0 find value of Ie, (Gin)! +(x} 5. Ifa, b,c, dare positive then find the value —_ 1+ of af aa) ‘Type-V: Problems Based on Miscellaneous Limit ‘Ysin Ade Lie tt 2 x30 yf is a non zero definite number, then find value of n. f(tan!x) dx 2. Find value of it © 3. Evaluate wt | —Lfe-? ar- rls g aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 2.54 Caleulus for ITEE 3. Match Column I with Column IT Column I @) If It (cosx+ asin bx) = &, then <0 () If (1 tax + or" =e, then © If n = 2 then 4, Match Column I with Column II Column I (n+? an ° — 1000? +1 fn If — th ©) TF) 100n? +152 @ ifm = » then © f)= @ f= —t_ Type Il: Assertion- Reason Directions: The following questions contains of two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R). Examine these two state- ments carefully and decide the correct answer us- ing the options given below: (a) Both A and Rare true and R is the correct, explanation of A () Both A and Rare true but Ris not the cor- rect explanation of A (©) Ais true but R is false (@) A is false but R is true. 1. Let f(x) and g(x) is real valued function defined on (-1, 1) such that g9”(x) is 4, It fx) =e fo 5. It f)<-l tf) Column II 1, ab=2 2. ab=3 3. ab=4 5. atb=4 Column II It 1 A fis 1 2. It so 3. Ht ty 212 4. It fy Gy) 12 ) = m2 wi) 180 2 @2 ii) does not exist Git) 2 Ww oS 4 Gi) does not exist (il) F ™ BE x @3 (i) 20? Gil) 0 (iy) 1 Type-I Problems Based on Exponential Limit @1 G1 Gi) 2/5 ‘Type-IV: Problems Based on Exponential Limit 1 @12 (ii) log, @ Gil) log, (a/b) (iv) loge a x log, b 2 We Gi) Ve (ii) e 3. ) Gi) Gii) (iv) &? 4.1 Salt Type-V: Problems Based on Miscellaneous Limit 1.6 Ra 3. 0 4.0 5. 2 2 BIA LEVEL III: MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS Type-I: Passage Passage-I 1. © 2. (b) 3. (b) 4@) 5. (@) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Continuity and Differentiability 3.3 yexexel ™ continuous at x ® 4, rT also continuous itt at everywhere Fig.3.5 2sgn(x), when x>0 Example 3:2" If a fimction fix) is defined as fx) = 2, when x=0 then 2-2x when x<0 (@) ffx) is continuous atx =0 (b) fa) is discontinuous at x = 0 (©) ffx) is bounded fanction (@) None of these 2sgn(x), when x>0 ‘Solution Given function fx) = 2, when x=0 2-2x whenx<0 LHLofiiator=0) it fay= lt @-29)= Mt (2-20-H}=2 of fe) at br tf i @-20= It 2-20- A} he = = +h)=2x1=2 B00 I 2ome= 2 sO b= 291 +1, x>0 MHL offi) st @=0)= Mo fx) = I 2=2 (v sene=|-1, x<0 0, x=0 Here, LLL = MHL. = RELL. Hence, f(x) is continuous at x = 0 Esxamaple’33) Let fle + ») = f(x) + fy) for all x and y if x) is continuous at x = a then show that fx) is continuous for all x Solution’ Given ix + y) = fle) + £) forall x and y. ‘And f(x) is continuous at x= 0 ie. It, fix) = £10) = RO + A) = f{0 —A) = f(0) = 0 then prove that fx) is continuous at x = ¢ hf) =Ale)= Ie = ht fe) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Continuity and Differentiability And R.HLL of fx) at (x = 1) Mat A om gctonBoas * f{e) is discontinuous at x= 1 Hence, function f(x) is continuous in (0, 2] except at x ~ 1 3.3 DISCONTINUOUS FUNCTION (A) Graphically—If Graph of any function is break at a point or in interval then function is called discontinuous function at that point or in interval. * 3 > gt = discontinuous ate =0 Fig: 3.10 Fig. 3.11 Fig, 3.42 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Continuity and Differentiability 3.41 = bk f@= tt (?} Hl ate (5)- xadek aden x | 4002) Aso Sh M.HLL. of function f(x) at (x = 0) = It, fe) -0 And RHLL. of function f(x) at (x = 0) - moe te tee (elie Mlse ~ tam Men (a5 AG) Here, LHL. #MHL.#RHL. Hence, function f(x) is infinite discontinuous at x= 0 Removal Discontinuous Function If value of L.H.L of function f(x) at x = a, M.HLL of function fix) at x = aand RHLL of function x) at x = a, represent finite value but It fx) = tay # It f(0, then function f(x) is called removal discontinuous function at x=a, ‘Example 3:11 Show that function f{x) is removal discontinuous at x = 5 where x, when OSxS 1 = tine when Lexet fw) en Sere 1, when x=— 2 1 x, when 0 0, “© f(a) is continuous at x = 0, LHS = RHS = (0) aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Continuity and Differentiability =f (1) [+4] =f (1) 444) = 8f" (1). Hence (a) is the correct answer. Exam it: ge enemene ise *Taar* Qx+1+Gx+1) +98, then atx =0, flr) (@) has no limit (0) is discontinuous (©) is continuous but not differentiable (@) és differentiable ‘Solution’ We have, for x #0, f(x) = a 1 (+x Qx+D Qx+)+Gx+0) “Ri . Sitaram | in|] 1 x40 For x =, f(x) = 0. thus, f(x) = 13 so [@- ee Cleary, fins fay = im, gy = 1 # £0), So, f(x) is discontinuous at x = 0 Hence (b) the correct answer. 3 3x<0 Example 3.38 wey= | ‘then 2r+l 120° (a) Both f(x) and f([x|) are differentiable at x = 0 (b) f(x) is differentiable but f({x\) is not differentiable at x (c) f([x)) is differentiable but f(x) is not differentiable at x (a) both f(x) and flx|) are not differentiable at x= 0 Soi We nave LF () = mn (O=D=AO f(x) is not differentiable at x = 0. Also, ffx <0 or x2 0, then 2 0 f(x) = 2 fi + 1 for all x. £0+)-O) _ ig Ba h aso RP O= jim and Lf’ (0) = lim ra} fllx) is differentiable at x = 0. Hence (c) is the correct answer. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Continuity and Differentiability 3.31 10. The value of p for which the function f(x) 7. At the point x = 1, the function f (x) = =F eo, feiss eocxs] sin(x/p) In rs x 12(1n 4)°,x=O may be Continuous at x= 0 is (a) Continuous and differentiable (@ 1 (b) 2 (b) Continuous and not differentiable © 3 @) 4 (c) Discontinuous and differentiable (d) Discontinuous and not differentiable ‘Type VI: Problems Based on. 8. Let f: R > R be a function defined by f(x) Verification of Differentiability of = max.{x , x*}. The set of all points where Function f(x) is not differentiable is: @ 1h (b) (1, (©) {0,1} (@) (1,0, 1} . The left hand derivative of f(x) = [x] sin (nx) at x = k, an integer is: @ CIS-De (b) CI k-Dt © CYtkn @) Cyt lkn 2. The sct of all points, where function f (x) = x/(1 + |x} is differentiable, is: (@) C9) (b) 0.) (©) 22,0) U (0, 6%) (d) none of these 3. The value of the derivative of |x ~ 1] + |x-3latx=2is: (@ -2 (b) 0 (© 2 (d) not defined . The number of points at which the func- tion f(x) = x — 0.5] = {Jy — I|tan x does not have derivative in the interval [0, 2] is: (a) 1 (b) 2 © 3 (d) 4 . Let [.] denote the greatest integer function and f(x) = [tan? x]. then: (@) It, £6) does not exist & (b) fix) is continuous at x-0 (c) fix) is not differentiable at x = 0 (d) fO)=1 6. Let (2) = 4 and f(2) = 1 then ees ¥ It by: ro (a) 2 (b) -2 () -4 (d) 3 9. Let/: R — R be such that f (1) ~3 and (1) Wis =6. Then Te) is equal to: @1 (b) el” Oe @e 10. Let fi R R is a differentiable function and f(1) = 4. Then the value of fay 2t ie adr (@) 87) (b) 4f° (1) (6) 2° (1) (@ fd) He g@) = xfs), where fz) = {pena *#0 4 y= 0, consider the O:x=0, following statements: (i) gis differentiable but g” is not con- tinuous ii) _g is differentiable while f is not dif ferentiable (iii) both f and g are differentiable (iv) g is differentiable but g’ is continu- ous. Then correct statements are: (a) (i), (i) (b) @, Gi) ©) Gi, Gi) (d) all four aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Continuity and Differentiability fs (b) s = {ax +(1-a)x? Vae (0, )} (c) s=s= {ax +(1-@x’ Vae R} (a) s = {ax+(1—a)x’ Vac (0, 2} 8. If fis real- valued differentiable function satisfying f(x) ~ 10) | <(@x- pF xye R and f(0) = 0, then f (1) = (a) 1 (b) 2 (©) 0 @)-1 9. Let £’(x) = —f(x) and g(x) = £’(x) and f(x) = (f(x/2))? +(g(x/2). If (5) = 5, then £10) = (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15 @o 10. Let f(x) = x3 + x be function and g(x) = { F(x), 720 ba f(-[x), x<0 (a) g(x) is continuous Vxe R (b) g(x) is continuous Vx & only (©) g(x) is continuous Vx € R* only (a) g(x) is discontinuous Vx ¢ R only LEVEL II: TOPIC-WISE SUBJEC- TIVE TYPE QUESTIONS Type I: Problems Based on Existence of SAS | when x>0 1. If f(x) = ta then find when x<0 x alt fle) 2. If Ie, fla) exist then find ke f(x) where x, whenx<0 fx) = 4x? 1 when x=0 when x<0 bel 3. If possible find the value of Me x0 x 2 4. Does It * x32 |x exist? ‘Type Il: Problems based on verification of continuity of function at a point. _ 5x4 Het hay = ie =3x when 1) 2@ 3. @ Passage IT 1. (d) 2@ 3. @ Passage IIT 1. (©) 2@ 3. &) Passage IV 1 © 2 @ 3. @ v 1. (b) 2. @ 3. ©) Type Hl: Column-Matching }, (b) —fii, iv}, (c) —{iii, iv}, (d) -{i, ii} (b) ~fiv}, (c) ~{ii}, @) ~ fii} (b) -fiv, v}, (c) ~{iii} Type Ill: Assertion-Reason 1. @ 2@ 3© 4. 3. © 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. ) a) 10. (b) chapter Differentiation 4.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we will investigate the derivative as a function derived from f{x) by considering the limit at each point of domain of f{x). The process for calculating derivative of a function is called differentiation of function. There are two principles to evaluate differentiation of any function: (D Differentiation of function by first principle (Il) Differentiation of function by second principle 4.1.1 Differentiation of Function by First Principle Use following steps for differentiation: @ Write expression for f(x) and fx + h) f(xth)-£(x) (i) Expand - and simplify. si) Lilie Ciepltied' form nd Had Pj cn (EPDM) (i) Using simplified form and find () = 5-= It, ; , to get differentiation of fune- tion fx) wrt. x by first principle. Example 4.1. Find the differentiation of x w.r.t. sin x. Solution Given function fix) = sin x and f(x + h) = sin(x + h) 1 KET - MA) _ yy sin(x +) -sinw ht bo h xXthox xthtx «of A/2 axth 1/2. c0s| =k 2 Jb osx Hence, differentiation of f{x) = sin x w.rt. x is cos x Example 4.2 Find the differentiation of e" w.r.t. x. ‘Solution Given function f(x) = e and f(x +h) =et*# 42 Calculus for 11 t= x. 4 fe+)-fe) hoo h Hence, differentiation of f(2) = ef wart. x is e* Example 433. Find the differentiation of log, x wart. x. ‘Sokition Given function f{x) = log, x and fl +h) = log, (x + h) dy _ 4 fa+h-fa) Fare oe he = j, Be(z+ A) “log, x “0 A (0 1p Wee) xo Hence, differentiation of ft) = log, x wart. is 4 x Example 4.4° Find the differentiation of sin”! x w.rst. x. Solution Given y = sin”! x = fly) = sin y = x and fly + h) = sin (y+ A) tyy= X= te SAA =f0)_ 4 singy +) —sin y eo hk “ok sinf 22) go 22M4Y | ginf M2 Yy2,00g{ * M2 =i 2 2 =I a0 h ho) h dy = & epg) 1-1-1 qyissin?y yi-x? de dx) cos ae Hence, differentiation of fx) = sin! x wrt. xis 4.1.2 Differentiation of Fun n by Second Prin In this principle we can directly use differential co-efficient of standard functions as formula. asi @ Ity=sinx then 182) — cos x (cos 2) (ii) Ify= cos x then ~~ =-sin x de dttanx) Gi) 1fy= tan x then — see": dx (iv) ( (wi) wii) (iii) (ix) & (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) Differentiation 43 . d(sec.x) Ify=sec x then = see x-tanx a if d(cotx) _ ‘5 ‘y= cot x then —5—- = ~cosee? x d(cosec x) Ify = cosee x then —————- = cosee x cot x dx (sins ity= sie! xen SO V acesae Ity=cor! ten SO) --_ ax oS d(tan™! Iy= tan” x then san Dl 1+? d(cot! x) Ify= cot x then ———— ‘y= ot! x then awed Ify= sec" x then acer dy d(cosee! Ify=cosec™ x then Sooser 9) 1, when{2n-1 rex ane) 2 2 d(sin“! (sinx) _ Ce Ify= sin" (sin x) then ol when( 244 \rexe rtd }e does not define, when x= [an n%, ne | (cos! (cos x) _|!s when 2nt nel d(sin(sin“! x) (xvi) If y= sin(sin x) then = 1, where-1> = 1 d(cosec(cosec™! x ‘xix) If y= cosec(cosec”! x) then ACC 1, where [x{ > 1 » & 4 d(sec(sec x) (xx) Ify= sec(sec"? x) then ———=——— = 1, where fr| > 1 | 4 d(cot (cot™ (xxi) If y= eot(eot x) then d (xxii) Ify=¢ then = =e & (xxiii) If y= a* then 4 =a" loga. (xxiv) Ify= tog, then wi y= log, then Fas 1 d (xxv) Ify= log, x= y= log, e.log, x then get log,e 4 (xxvi) Ify~.x" then Ps =n", Gavi) Ity= VX then gee (xxviii) Ify= 1 then gt Differentiation 45 1, whenx>0 , a Ify= |x| then = (xxix) Ify =x] then ee hen 25 4 (xxx) Ify= ves'( 7) then 2 2—_|__ (As, 1 ~ cos x = vers x, 1 ~ sin x= covers 2). a Prone MENTAL RULES FOR DIFFERENTIATION » = Ato) where & is real constant. x fy = kia) then Ruled ay Ify —k then ee = 0 where & is real constant, x Rule * = SEO) + 8G)} _ Ify = f(x) + g(x) then 2 ms a Rule-TV Ify = f(x) ~ g(a) then 2 o. AE) - gO} _ dC) _ dg(x) dx dx dx Rule-V Uy =f) + 2G) then SZ = SEY BO (9) A 4 79) SHO Rule-VI HN} ay BOD gS d\——~ = F(x! ©) 4. & ine } ae ae Ify = — g@ dx de ae 4.6 Calculus for HTIEE Example 4.5 Find the differentiation of function y = Sxt+ 6x? = x41 Solution Given function y = x = 3 = y Se, ft GO , M8) 15.246-1 dx ax dx dx dx dx x eer) Example 4.6 Find the differentiation of function y a Solution Given function y (“ + ) Ix Example 4.7 Find the differentiation of function y = x" log x Solution Given function y = x" log x oie 4 > Sy, Me tog 8) 6 4 M008) 4 Iog eAOD = 433 loge +.0 dx dx dx dx Examiple 4.8 Find the differentiation of function f(x) = *="25* then find (3) TFeos 2 Solution Given fx) = d(1+cosx) 08) ae 2sin x (1+ cos x}? Differentiation 47 Fxample-4:9) If y = (x ~ a) (x - b) then find x for which 2 ix Solitiaet’ Given function y = (x - a) (x ~ b) = yetisas tar 2 =2x-(a+by ix ate AlQ, 2 $05 2e—(a+)=0x= Example-410) 16) = + then find P14) 4.3 COMPOSITE FUNCTION Composite function If f(x) and g(x) are any two function then fog (x) = fig(x)} = composition of g(x) im fx) wrt. x and gof (x) = g{fx)} = composition of flx) in g(x) wrt. x 4.3.1 Differentiation of Composite Function To differentiate composite function use: (@) Write given function y = fog(x) = f{g(<)} (b) Differentiate both side w.r.t. x & NBO} ANCHE). ica of a6} weet-eGO\(d.e.of aCe) wrta)l ax ds digi) x Higiimple'4/41 Find the differentiation of function y= eViX a" *¥ ‘Solalion’ Given function y = IM +h +0) Calealus for ITJEE 48 = dy _ del MaFrtive)) gl giBlaFebrO) aftnan? bn +6)} dla? +b 40) ax dy Afin(ax?+bx-+e)} (ax? +bx +e) de ror) > & © Sage py = Bart ; ae tbe te art be +e dx Example 4.12) Find the differentiation of function y=sin’ Solution’ Given function y=sin? fax?+be-+e dy _ d{sin’ Yar? +6x +e) ax de _ sing? +bx+cP «Singer tbe tc} d{yax’+bx+c} d{ar?+bx+c} “afsinjar+oxec} dfjarrbrtcy dare br +c} dx _ 3sin? Yax? +bx +0 -cosyax’ + bx +0 -Qax+b) 2Yax?+bxte Example 4.13. Find the differentiation of function y = cos(sin"' x) Solution Given function y = cos(sin™ x) dy _ d{cos(sin“'x)} | d{sin“! x} ax dfsin"'x) dx = -sin(sin-! x) Ieee Example 4.14 Find the differentiation of function y = tan (log x) > Sélution Given function y = tan” (log x) = dy _ d{tan"'(og.2)} dflog x} 1 ax d{logx) dx [+ (og aif fie Example 4.15 Find the differentiation of function y= tar’ ( = “i fee) Solution Given function y= tan ( z Differentiation 49 Put x =tan a = 0 = tan”! x 2 20427) Example/4:16') Find the differentiation of function y = tan"! (3) Put, dy, tans} 2 ax de Tax fcr Examiple 417! Find the differentiation of function y = sin’ ‘Solution Given function y = sin Put, x= cos a= y~ sin! yi—x? ~ sin J1—cos*a = sin {sin ao} - & ot dy _ > cost y= = = ax yi-x? 4.3.2 Differentiation of Implicit Function. Implicit Function Form of function in which independent and dependent variables are not defined ie. dependent variable cannot express in the form of independent variable then the function is called implicit function. For differentiate implicit function use: (a) Differentiate the given relation between x and y w.r-t. x (b) Bring all the terms containing 2 on left hand side and remaining term on right hand side then x dy fing 2 meat (©) Use the given relation between x and y to get the result in simplified form. 4.10 Caleulus for ITJEE, Example 4.18 If x = y log, (xy) then find &. x Solution Given function x = y log, (xy) dx _ dilog, xv) AY j= yMlogex + loge yt ay > ra PR a a 1g Ta 11 dy dy ay ay 1= y= I D124 De tog yy > ft y 2 eng, ft» de eae = dx x-y x-y_ _v(x-y dx -x{l+logxy}xfl+x/y} xl xty Example 4.49 Ify-log,(x +) then find = ir Solution Given function y log, (x + y) = sin(xy) + tog, (c+ 9) 2 + ybllotele +}. dla ») _dtsin ay} dl) dx dx y} dx dixy) dx dy 1 }d@) , do) ydC) , xd) tog (+ yy + yb _J8@) SO) | coscayy 28D = nal rte ile = 2} oo dx” dx 2 5 gy resent ax 2 4 tog(r+ y) — x c0s(9) x+y Example 4.20. ifxy = + y? then find 2. x ‘Solution, Given function xy = x° + 3° 3 3 at} _ de’+y") dr de 2 > dy 2 Se dx x-3y Example 4.21 If xe” = y + sin‘, then at x= 0, * is equal to @ -1 ) 1 © 0 (d) none of these Solition’ When x = 0, we get Differentiation On differentiating both sides of the given equation wrt. x, we get 4x0 xP py 2? 42 sinxcosx dx dx On putting x = 0,» = 0, we get 2°+0-09) o{2| +0 -|2| +2sin 0cos 0 Jo. 4 Joo = [2], a, 10,0) ‘Example 4:22) If y ~ fx) and it follows the relation x cos y + y cos x= 7, then y” (0) is equal to: (IT-JEE-2005) @ -1 0) Om @t Solution’ Given x cos y + y cos x= Put, x=OyQ=n Differentiate both side x _ dy dy aay 2 eeazs roe’ xsiny +00sy-ysinx + eos x. 2 =0 © Put, x=0,y/O)=1 Again, differentiate (1) both side w.rt. x, then put x=0 To get, yan ‘Exaniplé/4:28") If y is a function of x and log(x + y) — 2xy then value of y’(0) is equal to: (IT-JEE-2004) @ 1 ) -1 @2 @ 0 ‘Solution’ Given log(x + y) = 2xy Differentiate both side w.r.t, x 4.3.3 Differentiation of Parametric Function Parametric Function: Form of function in which x and y are defined with any parametric, then funetion is called parametric function. To differentiate parametric function use: (a) Write given parametric function y = (0) and x = g(¢) where ¢ is parameter. (&) Differentiate y = {¢) and x = g(*) w.r.t. parameter t ie. dy df dx _ a{e(9} Evaluate — and — de de ddr 412 Caleulus for ITJEE, a dia ‘ _. dy _ dy/de Hence, differentiation of parametric function w.r.t.x ie 2 = — dx dx/dz Py dy _(dy/at Note 22 py (Ci) det d? x (d? x/dt) Exaiiiplé'4.24! The derivative niggoS Deere ne x alex? @1 © -1 © ; (@) none of these . tayo ar (te >) arecort Ayes * QWite Put 2-2 ~; flese8 1 [izcos® and feceee ese eaat flvcose 2sec8 2 = cos'cos? 22 = cos"'cos? =8 2°72 AY oy ar Exiiiple 4.25 > The derivative of f(tan x) wart, g(sce x) at is (a) $ &) v2 @1 (@) none of these Solution Let y = f(tan x) and w= g(sec x) 3 2 =f" (tan x) sec? x and ¢ =g (sec x)secx tan x dy _ dy /du__ f'(tan.x)sec* x du dx/ dx g(secx)sec x tan x x [2] -_ frp 0-8 ole s(%¥ int 8H Differentiation a 2v2_ 1 4 2 eanipls/426 lise # andy = 6, then & is equal to 2 #.[o-+og’y tog +2] oftstoges © (+ log 2) ® (1+ log 1) f (1+ og loge +4 © “a (@) none of these Solution We have x= = ef8! = B= M8 (1 + logs) = #1 + 10g) Also, yet = logy=tlogt= el loge => LD x greet (1 + top 9 log r+ ee". y dt i | 1 : 1'| d+ loge) loge ++ oy ely t ar [re +logiloge + hea TaD 2 Example 4.27 o equals to (IT (JEE)-2007) = ei, 8 2 3 fy a&y) (ay ay (dy ay \f dy sy {2} (2 axfax a) (22 fe 4 (33) ® (2 dx S) lay © -\a2 jae Example 4228 Let f(a) be differentiable function on the interval (0, ) such that (1) = A a It onto for each x > 0 then f(x) is (UT (JEE)-2007) x tax 2 2 1.2 @ 1.2 @ @ -++4 @t 3x3 3x3 xox x 414 Calculus for ITT-JEE Solution Given Use, L'Hospital Rule 4 4p MO EPO oy 21 3 atten Fey ey = BI tox 1 dx x Solve differential equetion, to get fay= - 2+ oe, 3x 3 4.3.4 Differentiation of Logarithmic and Exponential Function Logarithmic Function Form of function y = (variable)"*"*>" is called logarithmic function and y = (constant)*"# ig called exponential function. Differentiation To differentiate function use: (a) Write given function. (b) Take log both side and simplify. (c) Differentiate simplify form w.t.t. x Example 4.29 If f(x) = logs log, x, then f’(e) is equal to 1 (a) © log 5 (b) ~e logs © —~ (@ none of these elog5 ‘Solution Given (hy £ (&) = log, log, x = or logs (log x) — logs(log 3) logs (log x) ~ logs (log 3) = log(logx) _ See? — tons on 3) o@e tt. jogs “logx' x "4 1 Lee 1 Cee logS loge e elogs” Fxample 4.30. Ify~ °°" then * is equal to Ix (@) 28S (2togiogx +1) (&) 228 (2 log loge +1) log y log y (©) 22182 dog togx +1) (d) none of these xlogx Differentiation 4.15 Bolutionl| We have, y= te" => log y = (log x)!8 "8 - log x = log log y = log log x - log log x + log log x Differentiating wat x, we get &Y _Y18Y 9 og og x +). dx xlogx EXiiHplEABT? Let g(x) = log{flx)} where f(x) is a twice differentiable positive function. On (0,e) such that fox +1) = xf(x) then for N = 1, 2,3, 4 coe (UT (JEE}-2008) 1)_ (1). ath) 1 1 1d 1 rt Scher he 1 ® {tek art w febede “awl 11 1 1. 1 © ~afiete he 7 ‘an @ hide bor to Soltion! Given f(x + 1) = xf(x) and BE) ~ log {fx)} => g(x + 1) ~ log(fx + 1) = log(xflx)) = log x + log Rx) = log x + g(x) > atx +1) - g(x) = log x Differentiate two times both side w.rt. x = toy set)-g{x-1)-—4+ orv-ro=-boefertfeftpots Put, x= 123,45. __ 4 QN-1)? 1 “ae 416 Calculus for ITTJEE TIPS AND TRICKS ._ If (x) is any polynomial and f{a) = f(6) then at least one root of equation f"(x) = 0 lying in [a, b]. 2. Ifo. isa repeated root of equation f(x) = 0, then o- is also root of equation f(x) = 0. 3. If wisrepeated common root of the equation f(x) ~ 0 and g(x) = 0 then cts alsoa common root of the equation f(x) = 0 and g'(x) = 0. 4. If f(x) = 0 is a polynomial equation has n number of real roots then the equation f(x) = 0 will have (n ~ 1) real roots, £”(x) = 0 will have (n — 2) real roots ...... But its converse may or may not be true. 5. If f(x) is any polynomial function and sign of f(a) and f(b) are opposite then equation f(x) = 0 represents odd numbers of real root. Graphically {0, 40) Fig. 14.1 Here, equation {(x) ~ 0 defined only Fig. 14.2 Here, f(x) ~ 0 defined 3 real roots one root 6. If f(x) is any polynomial function and sign of f(a) and {{b) are same then equation f(x) = 0 represents real or imaginary roots. In this case. if roots of equation f(x) = 0 are real then even number of real roots can be defined. Graphically aay fa, f(@)} (,£(8)) {a, f(a)}) Fig. 14.8 Here, f(x) ~ 0 cannot defined real roots Fig. 14.4 Here, ffx) = 0 defined 4 real roots Differentiation 417 7. Differentiation of a Determinant fi ff TEF@)= |g. 828 Hy ty hy Where fi fasf35 81582833 ty Fvhy; are functions of x, thon NA A \h fh fl |A hf F@)=|g a2 gs|tle, 2 g3/+|e 2: 8 hoy Iy| |e hy I] | gy i fh fl |i fk Al A A Abo F@)=|s/ g g3|+{f £2 8 +/g & 83 Wo Dy Ay) Yh BEI) I hy 8. Form of binomial co-efficient series in which natural numbers occurs as the product of bino- mial co-efficient then for sum of series use following steps Step-(I): If natural co-efficient of last term of series is M, then divide M by n to get quotient Q and R be the remainder ic. M=1Q +R Step-(II): As, (1 + x)" = "Cy + "Cx + "Cy? + "Cyd + + °C Put x? in place of x and multiply both sides by x*, then differentiate both sides with respect to x, one times, two times, three times, ......... according to numbers of natural numbers multiply in each term of given series. Step-(IH1): Put x = | or —1 ori or-i or etc. according to given series. Exammple4.92 If (1 +x)" = Cy + Cet Ge +t OX, Show that Cy - 2» Cy +3-C)~...# CI)" (n= VC, Solution’ Given series is Cy -2- C, +3 - Cy +...+ C1 n+ DG, [Here numerical value of the last term is (n + 1). C, and terms are altemately positive and negative. Co-efficient of C, is (v + 1)] n)n=10 Given, (1 +x)" = Cy + Cyr + Gy? to Ga" n 1 Multiplying both sides by x, we get xe (+a) = Crt Cyt + Gy +... 40,01 Dif, both sides w. r. to x, we get L(+ xen xy! = Cyt Cp rt C32 +... +6, - (2 + De” Putting x = -1, we get Gy ~ 2G, + B.Cg oe FEI (n+ DC, =(1- 1)" + Clad - 11 =040=0 4.18 Calculus for IIT-JEE sinx cosx sinx a ple 4.33. Ify=|cosx -sinx cos then equal to x x 1 1 @1 (b) -1 ©o (A) none of these 6 osx -sinx coss| |sinx cosx sinx| sins cosx sing] Solution F ~ [pose -sinx cosx/+|-sinx —cosx ~sins}+foosx ~sinx cosy ix x 1 1 x 1 1 1 o 0 lsinx cosx sin] lsinx cosx sinx|+ x tot a cosx sin. J-sin x cos. = 0+ (cos’ x + sin? x Exdmple-4,94" If f(x) = (cos x +i sin x) (cos 2x +i sin 2x) (cos 3x +i + sin 3x) ... (cos mx + sin nx) and f(1) = 1, then f” (1) is equal to 2 “ e+) © (2) © (2) (@) none of these (cos mx * i sin mx) Soliition fx) = (cos x + i sin x) (cos 2x + i sin 2x) (cos 3x + isin 3x) ... = 008 (e+ 2x + 3x4... + px) + sin (x + 2x + Bx +... + ma) +) nln tt cos Dy 4 i sin = f@= HON sn MD + scostt0,| oe (“3 D (22 x isnt Ds) - {J f@) rw- (yr (2 10. Differentiation of integral function Let ta) = “f’s(odethen Pe) =e) - eo apis stay un) Differentiation 4.19 Example'4235° Let f(x) = f sind then find £"@) ae ‘Solution Given fx) = J sincar ak £%(x) = sim(x? ~ x) x (2x — 1) - sin 2x x 2 = (2x — 1) sin(x? — x) -2 sin 2x dif . . a + From en at any pointx = a exist only when x =a is in the domain of f(z) as well as of f(x). é . Let y= fx) is any differentiable function then » = = = f(x) is also a differentiable function x dy 2 of x. The derivative of = is denoted as te ory, or f(x) which is also differentiable func- tion in x. ay Hence, I'm is postive integer then n-th derivative of y= fx) is denoted as y, oF f(s) or <> x! or D'(x). . n-th derivative of some special function (a) Day = (log a)'a* (b) Die)" =" al" (c) @) Ifm>nthen D'(ax + by" = m(m— 1)... (m= n+ Val (ax t by" = — atax + by" (n=m) ii) Ifm

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