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SREE . BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA {English Translation) BY BANGALORE VENKATA RANAK, 4.R.2.5., Edréer, The Astrological Magarine Authors “Eada Predichve Astrology", “The Huda Progeessed Horessope", "Astrology for Deginers, “A Mastusl of Hinde Astrology", "“Graha and Bhava Bolas”, "How to Judge a Horoscope", “Astrology and Modern Thought *, "The Hund System of Medwine’, “Indian States Souvenir , World Predictions for the Mext Five ¥cars", Three Hundred Impostant Combinations Etc, mn , De 5G | wpeot Al Rights Reserved RAMAN PUBLICATIONS P.O. MALLESWARAM, BANGALORE SECONG EUITION. Brice per Sopyt Rs, 8/3 or aga? POSTAGE EXTRA Bh. 10/8 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA {ENGUSH TRANSLATION} CONTENTS CHAPTER I Lagea or Cirst House Mesha or Aries Vushabha or Taurus Mithuna or Gertun: hharkataka or Cancer Sumha or Leo Kanya or Virgo Thula or Libra Vrischtka ot Scorpio Dhanur of Sagittarius Makara ot Capctcorn Kumbhe or Aquarits Meena or Pisces il Dhanayoga Nirdhanayogas ar comb nations for poverty Education Tastes or Flavours Til Brothers iv Conveyances and Fortune v Enem esand Diseases VI Seventh House Indications VII Health and Longevity VUI Fortunate Combinations IX Rayayogas X% = Combinations for Death XI Results of Dasag KEE Ordinary Combinations XUI Graba Malka Yoras XIV Planetary Rulershins ete Pace 13 15 18 19 al 26 28 30 32 34 32 41 48 54 60 62 65 70 76 86 94 99 104 112 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA LENOLIBH TRANSLATION) By 8, V. RAMAN, MRAS PREFACE ——Oelestial ight Shine inward, and the mind through all her pawers trradiate there plant eyes, all mist irom thence Purge and disperse that ] may see ond tell Of things invisible to mortal sight ~—MILTON Astrolozy holds 4 promnent place im the hfe of every Indian Noimportant work ts done or activity undertaken without first consulting the horoscope When such 1 the case rt behoves on every thinking mdividual to maintain the dignity and party of the science by imeistimg on the neces sity of a systematic study of the subject on ritronal and approved hees Such a study is possible only when standard baoks are publisited In the present day, the subject is so mms handled and misused by mnorant and ii informed astrologers that each Tom, Dich and Harry calls himself an astrologer and some of the credulaus public fall an easy prey to the snares setup by such quachs The educated public will do well to study the genera) princaples of the science so that if at all they wish to consult an astrologer, such knowledge mucht guide them to select the right sort of person It 1s with a view to enabling the educated public to have an insight mto the gencral priziciples of astrology that dhis translation 1s presented Bhavartha Ratuakara 15 + short treatise on astrology, com- posed by the great Ramanuja and the way the different primciples are pte sented by the author will not fail to makea power/ul impresston on the minds of the readers, ip I have not simply given the translation leaving the readers to seek their own explanations of dificult principles and combinations. I have tried to explain the difficulties as best as I could by way of notes in appropriate places and by way of examples where such examples are needed. I am sure thts work will be hked by my readers just as all my other books have been hked and appreciated by them. I must express my obligations to the great Sanskrit scholar of the old orthedox type (for whose knowledge I have great regard} who helped me te decipher some of the difficult stanzas but who has preferred to remain anonymous. BanGaLorE. } B. V. RAMAN,, 43.1944 Editor The Astrological Magazine SREE BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA {ENGLISH TRINSLATION) By B. V. RAMAN, RAS INTRODUCTION HAVARTHA RATNABLARA 1 1 treatise on astrology said to have been written by St: Ramanusacharya and tt deals with the subject tn a masterly way The transla tion notes and examples! hive given in these pages will speah for thentselves Several books have been written by meon asltology-—some of them compilitions and some of them pro ducts of my researches in the field of practicalastrolagy I have always felt that the rea} astrologier! truths lay hidden am the Sanskrit language and the only way te bring them to the nebce of the general public is to render them mito Enghsh and explain the principles to the best of my bumble absjiry and expenence My grand father late Prof B Surjanaran Rao has done into English some of the most important works such as Brhat Jathaba, Saruariha Ciluntamant Jars Sutras etc , and his translations hive been immensely hhed by the eduented publie not only for the clarity with which difficult Sanskrit terms bave been put into plain Enghsh but also for the vast practical experience he has brought to bear upon the inimatable notes he has given There area number of books extant in Sanskrit on astrology and I pitched my attention on this partictilar book because I found that the several combi nations mentioned mm it are not only useful and workable in actual practice but the entire subject of astrolory has been dealt with 5) stematically and yet conasely I had decided to bring out a translation of thie book three years ago but I had to put of tte cecision as J wanted to rest die vanous principles rather exhaustively by applying them to practical horoscopes before I could bring them to the notice of the public vt The difficulties of a translator are indeed many. Prof, Rao’s mtroduction to Sar. atha Chutthamant willmake clear the pitfalls an the way of a translater Turstly he should be swell versed in the subject he wishes to interpret Secondly he should possess. a goad hnow ledge of the languare into which he mtends the transition to be made Thirdly ino subject like astrology, mere scholarship and linguistic ability alone are not sufficient to make one a successful translater He should possess vast practical etpersence which would enable him to Appreciate how fara gen combination can be made use of to suit different catnittes Fourthly the flexibility of the Sancknt language has been a great stumbling block in the way of nghtly understanding the technical terms Take the following verse and see whether the head or the tatl of it can be made even by an expert m Sanskrit Isnguage unless he imows the ke; MAMASAW MARIRAMBHA The principles of astrology are couched in symbolic Janguage and ave not famihar with these techniealttes would only get confounded The above line gies the friendships, enmuttes, etc, for the Suny hile 2 hteral Tendering would gue a hotch potch mearang Astrology 1s purely a technical subject and no amount of mere Scholarship im English or in Sanskrit would be of ant uss unfess one 15 thoroughly familar with the important priperples of the science The translater responsibility resis more upon conveying the sprit of the onginal writer than upon simply interpreting the stanzas word by word In other words the transfahon must be hiberat rather than hiteral Moreover, a translation devoid of suitable explanations, examples and nates will not serve the Purpose for which at is intende: rns’aton means the interpretation ut upon the author by the translator and not the orginal forcible eeptes sion of the author Therefore the cifficultres of a translator are real and not imaginary Ta my translation of this work J have b as faithful to the orginal a8 possible not losing sight ofthe vis fact that the spit of the author should be convayed to the readers rather than a verbaten rendering or word to word translation Some scholars seem ta believe that they will have rendered a great service to astrology if they publish literal translations of the original Sanskrit works They would even translate the name of the author such as for instance Kesava Daivagna as Kesava the astrologer, ignomog the fact that the words Daivagna, Sastri, ete, are used as suffixes after the name I shall now say something about the work under const deration and its vwthor, The back is divided into 14 Te rangas or Chapters ‘The total number of stanzas is 384, the first chapter beng the largest contammng 130 stanzas and the 5th Choipter being the smallest contamme only 8 stanzas Almost Ul Sanskrit books deal with the essentials of astrology ipthe first chapter while this author bas consigned the element ary prrtciples tothelastone The First Chapter begins with a delmeation of the favourable and unfavourable dispositions of planets for persons born in different Lagnas The author has made some departures at certain places from the cannons. of Parasar—meaning the principles of astrology as current now Tor instance while dealing with Vrishaba Lagni he says thit Sarum 1s not a yoraktwrak. for Taurus m spite of the fact that he owns the 9th and 10th houses I have ted to explain such departures tn the notes to the approptiate stanzas) = The Second Chapter deals with Dhanasogas (combinations for wealth), Nirdhana yopas (combinations for poverty), Vidya (edueation} and Bfvkths (tastes) contains 33 stanzas Chapter Three deals with brothers, (RarathrwJ in the course of 10 stanzas while the Dourth Chanter gives a fairly exhaus tire treatment of Vetana bhegsa yoga (corabinations for possessing conveyaneées atid genetal fortune} Tneidentally, two stanzas dispose off the fifth house The sixth house cam. prehending enemies and diseases (Satruroga) is discussed yn the Fiith Chapter m the cotrse of 8 stanzas while the th house forms the subject matter of the 13 stanzas composing the Sixth Chapter Healthand longevity (Aysrarogs a) is dis posed off im the course of 13 stanzas im the Seventh Cha ter while the ninth house indications going under the pevetal ferm of Tortunate Combinations, (Bhaeyay oga) are dealt with x lif’ in the Evehth Chapter. The Ninth Chapter contains 29 stanz1s and deals with Raja yoga and Punya yoga The Tenth Chapter, devoted to Maraka or death, gives a number of important combmations which enable one to predict the pends and sub periods under which one's death ts likely to happen The Eleventh Chapter gives imformation about the results of Dasa (Mahedasaphata) The principles adum brited here are no doubt consistent with the general cannons of Parisan system, but certain combinations appear te be apparently contradictory and not explainable according to the general rules of Dasa interpretation I have found such combinations workable im the majority of cases im actual practite To give an illustration, Stanza 26 of the Eleventh Chapter suggests that one becomes timid in the course of Rahn Dasa if Mercury is in the 3rd house Wht Rehu has to do with Mercury in such a combination I cannot say The third is the house of courage and Mercury being an impotent planet, his situation in the third mdicates want of courage But why durmg the Dasa af Rahn, the subject should loose covrage when Mercury is im the third is not understandable You will however find that even the most courageous person becomes somewhat timid in the bhukthi of Mercury dunng Rahu Dasa This, of course 1s my own observation ‘The Twelfth Chapter deals with " Ordinary Combinations” (Grahasamanya yoga) and gives combinations which would add vitality to the various bhavas and which would render the bhavas weak The Thirteenth Chapter deals with Malka yoga or combinations which would be formed by the disposition of planets in the fashion of a garland or wreath commencing from the Lagna and different houses The last or Fourteenth Chapter gives the elements of astrology such as planetary ownerskips, exaltations, friendships, enmities ete Thus it will be seen that the author has surveyed the entire field of bhalabhaga or predictive astrology im a comprehensive and yet concise manner, his treatment of certain bhavas such as the fifth house being rather meagre As regards the auth the only evidences availabl. invocation at the begsnnin part of each chapter from or, his parentage and his place, ¢ are the two stanzas following the g of the beck and the concluding which we gather the informatroa ae that he isthe son of Sree Ghasyam Jagannatharya (whois highly fearned in astrology, 2 gsm among scholars and well versed in Agamas) residing m the Mahakshetra of Mangaladri and befonging to the Bharadvaja gotra The name of the author 1s given at the end of each chapter as Sree Rama najacharya, who I am inched to think 1s none other than the gteat Visishttadwaita philosopher. Tt 15 a fashion with many of the orenta!l scholars—both Indian and Vurepean—to fangh at the suggestion that astrological works were also coinposed by poets like Kahdasa and Acharyas hike Saniara and Rama nujya ‘Walidasa the great poet and dramatist has written the fikmots = Jyotirtidabharcne and Uttarakalawrrte, masterpieces on the astrological science, m addition to the achievements inthe field of drama In Jzotirtidabdharana he has given a description of the fleet of Vikramaditya the Great whose contemporary he was and which fact has been made clear by the following stanza (Vide Joytiry idabharana} ” DVANUANTHARIH KSHAPANARGMARASIMITA SANKU BHETHALABHATTA GUATARARPARA hALIDASAL “KHYATHO VARAUANIHIRO NRIPATHADSSADHAY AM VATVARARUCIIIRNAVA VIRRAMASY A Vet Dr Kern, the editor of © Biblothtca Indica Series in the introduction he bas guen to Varahambiras Brihat Samhita, denies the fact of Kahdasa anil Vthramadity: having bee conternporartes and intro laces a p eudo Kalidas whenever facts do not fit into his pet theoties and prejudices Of course for him the usual vuthorities are Wilson, Weber & Co, and not the great Indian scholars of the orthodox type who alone are competent to speak on such subjects bearing on Indian History, Philosophy and Sciences The great Adwaita philosopher Sanharacharja has no doubt pre duced the most valuable treatises by was of commentaries on Vedas and Upanishads, but fe has also written books on astrology and astronomy For instance the famaus astronomical work " Macharadarpana™ 1s sad te have beeq writtea by the greit Sankaracharya When wehavein our oh times people who can claim proficiency in more than ore, subject it 1s no wonder that master minds hhe Kalidasa, * Sankara, Ramanuja and Varahamilura who were versatile gemiuses could write with authority on more than one subject Thus it will be seen that when the authorship of “ Bhavartha Rathnakara’ 1s attributed,to Sree Ramanujacharya, asis evident from the closing part of each chapter, it 15 no wonder that the said Ramanuyacharya could be none other than the great Visishtadwaita philosopher Preyudices play a great part in suppressing truth and especially, when one has to deal with a subject hhe astrology, one’s prejudices (unless one 1s really broadminded and cares for nothing but truth) will have a free vent Until the contrary is proved there 1s no harm im accept ing the fact brought out m each chapter that “ Bhavartha Ratnakara 1s written by the great Ramanujacharya I have tried to be as simple and clear as possible both im my translation, and explanation and J am sure readers will like the translation, especially beciuse I have tried to meorpa rate into the notes the experience, humble as it may be I have gathered both in my study and practice during the last . sixteen years of my labours im this field I have only one request to make before my reiders and that:s if you find any mistakes or omusszons in my trans ation and notes and if you have any reasonable and con structive criticisms to offer bring them to my notice and f shall rectify them in the next edition I shall feel myself rewarded if readers find the book intetesting and instructive BANGALORE, B ANGALOR } V RAMAN, MEAS SREE BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA ENGLISH TRANSLATION By B. V, RAMAN, MRAS CHAPTER L LAGHA OR FIRST HOUSE Mrsia Lacxa Stanza [ Foraperson born in Mesha lagna, Raya Yoga will undoubtedly result by the combination of the lords of the 4th and 5th houses, Stanza 2. Astrologers opie that for as person born m Mesha lagna, Venus lord of the . 2nd and 71h will become a Maraka, 7 Stanza 3. For a Mesha lagna person Jupiter, lord of the 9th and 12th, becomes 4 Maraka af he occupies the 10th house. Stanza. 4 For a_ person born in Meshg lagna the mere combination of the lords of ty, Sth and 10th, vez., Jupiter and Saturn dogs nat result in Rajayoga; This is certain, BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA Ww NOTES The author's treatment of the subject is quite com prehensive, interesting and umaqve The first four stanzas make clear the following points in respect of persons born in Mesha lagna I Raya yogais caused by the mere combination of the lords of the 4th and Sth, ors , the Moon and the Sun The nature of the Raja yoga, the extent of its influence and other similar details tre not elborated by the tuthor so that much skil and experience are necessary on the part of the reader whe wishes to apply the primaples to actual horoscopes 2 Venus lord of the 2nd and 7th becomes 1 Maraka Parasara says that because \ enus happens to be lord of the 2nd and 7th he cannot himself become capable of inflicting death but cin become a Marakha only when he 1s in conjunction with other Marahas such as Mercury and Saturn as Kervleeyaalso gives expression to Parasaras view when at observes thus Sukrassakshannahauthasyadstiikerala tiruaya meaning that Sukra by himself cannot become a Maraka In my humble experience I have been able t comet across a number of cases in which persons born inoMesh lagna have died 1n the course of Sukri Dasa 3 jupiter, lord of the 9th and 12th can beceme 2 Maraka if he occupies the 10th house It 1s not clear as to why the author mmclines to the view that Jupiter can become a Maraka only when he 1s im the 10th house Probably the author feels that because Jupiter becomes neecha (debilitated) in the 10th from Mesha he loses all benefic influences Parasara on the other hand says that the Sun and Jupiter are benefics far Mecha lagna Keraleeya says that Mercury and Saturn become Marakas for Mesha yaena “Etwill be seen that an exammation of a number of BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 3 horoscopes reveals that Mercury is the determimant of death as he is lord of the 3rd and 6th ne es es ee In Chart No 1 death acentred in the 20th year Lagna of the native, in the sub period ef Satur in the Gan’ Kethu| major period of Mercury sun Moon} = Mercury s power to hill has Venus} CHART |__| been fortified by lus con Mars Not Junction with Venus Rah anu 4 The mere combination of Jupiter and Saturn lords Saturn Jumter! of Sth and 10th does not result in a Raja yora This view is also supported by the great Pargenra when he says that good will nat be produced when Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction Nasubliam Yogamathrana Pradt aved Santyeevayoh For Mesha lagna though Siturn is lord of the 10th he stands blemished becaust he ts also the Lithlord The evil is strong enough to vitiate Jupiter the 9th lord when he happens to be associated with the llth lord Hence the association of Saturn with Jupiter will not confer any yoga 7 in Chart Ne 2 the nitive lost hts appointment -———| mm Guru Dasa Sant bhokth: though both are placed in the 5th house aspected by No 2 exalted Mars = However Mars Satumn| mm Mercurys sub Period, the position was regained while death also tock place SMTY [Moon] at the end of Mercury CHART 4 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA Sianga 5. A person born when Mesha is rising: will have fear from small pox, weapons and wounds So say the learned (in astrology) Stanza 6 If Mars 1s in conyunction with the 6th and 8th lords, death, occurs 1n the course of his Dasa and Bhuhthi, by diseases Pertaining to the head Stanza 7"For one born 1h Mesha, if the lord ofthe. 2nd,1s in the 12th, he becomes good For those born 1n other lagnas the 2nd lord does not become good if he 1s placed tm the 12th Stanza 8 For one born in Mesha lagna Kuya no doubt becomes a Maraha if he is in conjunction with Venus, but sti he will be capable of causing Yoga also Stanza 9 For a person born in Mesha lagna Kuja will certainly become a } oga Karaka (conferer of fame) 1f he occupies the 2nd house with Jupiter and Venus Stanza 10 Tor one born in Mesha lagna, Kuja does not produce any Yoga if ne occupies the 3rd house with Jupiter and Venus Stanza 11 Kuja wall surely become a Yogaharaha for one who takes his birth in Mesha lagna, 1f he asin the 4th house combined with Jupiter Stanqga 12. For a peison born in Mesha lagna, Kuja in the 5th house surely causes yoga im the course of his own dasa BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 5 NOTES In the above 8 slohas the author explains the various combinations which render Mars the lord of lagna (+) capable of inflicting death and (4) capable of conferring yoga or fame Summanising the above we find that- 1, Death occurs in the Mars Dasa by diseases pertaining to the head if Mars ts assoctated with €th and 8th lords. It 1s not clear as to what the author means when he refers to Mars being m association with 8th lord “Snasntawa- SHTAMANATHES 1 YUTHO BHUMISUTHO Yap!” Mars as himself the Sth lord for Mesha lagna. Consequently the 6th sloha should be taken to mean that when Mars conjoms the 6th lord, death will be caused in lus Dasa This combination 1s petfectly understandable because, Mars though Lagnadi- puthi can become a Maraha when he os im conjunction with the 6th lord (Mercury) who is also the lord of the 3rd. 2 Stanza § says that Kujya becomes a Maraka, if he is m conjunction with Venus But this does not prevent huja from conferring Yoga also Chart No 2 piven above reveals that Budha did not only give mse to good results during his bhukthi, but intheted death also Simularly, as Lagnadipathn, lhuya can confer beneficial results while as lord of sth in conjunction wath lord of the 7th he can cause death also, The way the varrous principles are enumerated clearly reveals the authors profound hnowledge of the various technicalities of the astrological science. 3. Stanza 9 says that Kuja can become Yogaharaka if he 1s in the 2nd with Juptter and Venus, while the 10th sloka says that the above yoga gets cancelled if the combination occurs in the 3rd house. Venus is lord of the 2ad while Jupiter 1s ford of the 9th Mars is lord of lagna, This combination of the fords of lagna, 2nd and 9th is Certainly indicative of immense wealth and therefore Kua becomes a Yogtharakha, When this combination oceurs m the 3rd house the potency is lost. 4. When Kuya 1s cn the 4th (Cancer) with Jupiter the former becomes quite capable of conferrmg Yoga. 6 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA When Kuya is m the 4th for a person born in Mesha, the planet becomes debilitated If Jupiter 1s im Cancer, where he will be exalted, the Neecha effect of Kua is cancelled with the result, Lagnadipathi is subject to a distinct Neechabhanga Raja Yoga In all these cases Kuja seems to confer more of fame than of material possession or wealth Humble as my experience has been, I have aluays found Kuja mahing the native famous rather than rich 5 According to stanza 12 Kujya confers fame in his Dasa tf be 15 in the Sth The fifth is Leo or Simha—a friendly sign Lagnadhrpatht in the 5th is always held to be good, though Paratara and Lomasa say that the natrve will not have much happiness from children and that the first child does not live “LAGNESA PANCHAMA MANEE SUTHASOWAHLAMCHA MADHYAMAM DPRADHAMAPATHIA NASASYAD KRODHL RAJAPRAVESAH Kuya may become a Yogaharaka but may tender the native unhappy in respect of children 6 Stanza 7 reveals thtt only in regard to Mesha lagna lord of 2nd m the 12th is good For other lagnas such 3 disposition of the 2nd lord renders him evil This 1s a0 important principle worth noting and tts rationale ts perfectly understandable Lord of the 2nd from Mesha is Sukra, when he isin the 12th or Meena, he gets exalted and thereby the 2nd lord becomes strong Stanza 17. Fora person born in Mesha, Guru, m the 11th house cannot give rise to any yoga during his dasa Stanza I4 For one born in Mesha, Budha and Kuja in the 6th wall give rise to wounds, shin BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 7 eruptions, small pox and the like during their Dasas. Stanza 15. A Person born in Mesha lagna will possess self-earned fortune and some wealth also, if Mars and Venus are in the 7th house. Stanza 16. For one born in Mesha lagna Mars in the 8th house does not produce yoga, he will however confer some fame tf he is in conjunction with the Sun and Venus Stanza 17. Fer a person born in Mesha lagna if the Sun and Mars are in the 9th as also Jupiter and Venus, and Saturn 1s in the 7th, then Mars produces special yoga. Stanza 18 For aperson born in Mesha lagna, Venus becomes capable of giving tse to yoga provided he is in lagna with the Sun unaspected by jupiter Stanza 19. Venus aspected by Jupiter will hot certainly confer any Yoga Burt the Sun aspected by Jupiter becomes a yogaharaha. Stanza 20. For a person born in Mesha lagna, if the Sun, Mercury and Venus are in the llth, they will give rise to fortune during their respective dasas. Stanza 21. Foraperson born in Mesha,Raja yoga is caused if the Sun or Afoon is in Cancer. __ Stanza 22, A person born in Mesha lagna will have dips in the Ganges in the dasas of Venus, 8 BHAVARTAA RATNAKARA Jupiter and the Sun :f the said planets are in the 10th. NOTES. The above stanzas are simple enough and do not eall for any elaborate explanations However we may summiatise the various principles enunciated therein so that the reader may understand them clearly {1) Jupiter does not produce any yoga in las dasa (2) Mars and Mercury give mse to wounds, shin eruptions, cuts and the lithe in ther dasis (3) Mars cannot produce any yoga by himself when he 1sin the Sthin his own house, but can confer slight fame if heis with the Sunand Yenus (4) The situation of Venus and Mars in the 7th 1s favourable for self acquisition of fortune and wealth (5) Mars causes spectal yoga when the Sun and Mars and Jumter and Venus arein Dhanas and Saturn 1s inthe 7th (6) Venus confers some fame sfheisin jagna with the Sun unaspected by Jupiter while the Sun confers fame when he recerves Jupiter's aspect (8) The dasa of the Sun Sun, Mercury and Venus will sens Raha | Mats | prove beneficial of the said Mer planets are in the itth and finally (9) The Sun or the fupiter] CHART | Moon Moon in Cancer 15 beneficial No 3 as causing a Raya yoga Sat in Chart No 3 the 1125 aQUrti Noon is in the 4th causing a Rayayoga Venus is in Kethu lagna and 1s unaspected by Jupiter The native has risen from humble begmnings to n fairly responsible position. VrisHapna LAGNA Stanza 1, Fora person born in Vrishabha lagna Saturn does not become Yogaharaha in BHAVARTHA RATNABARA 9 spite of his owning the 9th and 10th houses from lagna, nor do the Sun and Mercury become capable of producing Yoga even if they occupy the lagna Stanza 2. A person born in Vrishabha jagna will have dips in Ganges 1f Rahu 3s tn the 10th or Mars and Jupiter are in Capricorn Stanza 3 For one born in Vrishabha lagna Chandra becomes capable of producing yoga if he occupies the 4th Chandra also produces yoga if aspected by Jupiter or Mercury Stanza 4 [Fora person born in Vrishabha fagna Mars becomes a benefice in the 7th house Long hfe ys indicated 1f the Sun and lord of the Oth are in the Ith v Sianga 5 Yor one born im Vrishabha lagna if Jupiter and Mercury are in conjunction or in mutual aspect Dhanayoga 1s caused ¢ Stanza 6 The Dhanayoga becomes defunct if Jupiter and Mercury are in conjunction with or aspected by Mars NOTLS The great Parasara observes thus = ‘RAJALOGARARAH SARSHADERA LEtA RAVEH SuTHA meaning that Saturn is the only planet capable of producmg Rajayoga for Vrishibha Ingna In the face of this assertion by no less a personage than Parasia the author of the work Observes that Satuen even though ford of the oth and JOth does not produce yoga When two great authors express two different viens we have to stich to the Opiniens of the grenter of the two, of rely upon our own expertience to BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA Parasara 1s undoubtedly the greatest because he ts not only a Maharshi but what he says 1s held to be beyond question. Our author in condemning Saturn as incapable of giving good results might have had im view reasons justifiable in their own way and he mht not certainly have meant any distes- pect for Parasara. When stanza I 1s clear no other meaning can be read into it than what it imphes. Probably the author felt that Sam, though he may produce Rajayoga by owning the 9th and 10th houses, might render the native unable to achieve in full measure the freits of such yoga because Sani is by intrinsic nature a malefic. Prof. B. Surya- narayan Rao'’s words are still ringing fresh in my mind when he said to me that Sam would doubtless produce Rayayoga but he would not enable the person to consolidate his gains— political and material Agam much depends upon how Saturn 1s situated in the horoscope If he isin the 10th 118 a good position. If he is im the 2nd at yields destructive mfluences. The native earns money, fame and reputation but an outlet for the exit of all these will be present in some form or other Tn stanza 3, Chandra is said to be capable of causing yoga if be occupies the fourth heuse But accordimg to Parasara, the Moon:s evil for Vrishabha lagna If the Moon 1s aspected by Jupiter a yora 1s said to result. Combinations enunciated m stanzas 5 and 6 seem to be sound and reasonable Dhanayoga 1s caused by the conjune- tion of Jupiter and Mercury (lerd of 2) and this Dhana- yoga becomes defunctif Mars also joins the combination. Mars rs lord of 12 (house of loss) and naturally wealth indicated wall be removed by the 12th lord + Stanza 7. For one born m Vrishabha lagna Jupiter, Mercury and Mars become Yogakarakas if they are combined together or aspect one another. Stanza 8. For a person born in Vrishabha lagna, Mars dasa will give financial prosperity and Jupiter’s dasa produces mixed results; pro- BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA it vided Budha isin a Kendra, he produces yoga ” in the course of his dasa Stanza 9 _ For one born in Vrishabha lagna, during Budha Dasa powerful yoga will be caused, if Budha and Venus are indagna and Jupiter is in the seventh Stanza 10 For a person born in Vishabha af Mars and Venus are in lagna, and Jupiter 1s in Makara the Dasas of Budha and Guru will prove fortunate Stanza 1] A person born in Vrishabha will have dips in Ganges during the dasas of Kuya and Rahu if Saturn Mercury and Mats arein the 9th and Rahu 1s situated in Kumbha Stanza 12 Gurudasa will cause Dhanayoga, ifthe Moon and Venus are in the 6th and Mercury and Jupiter are in the 11th Stanza 13. A person born in Vrshabha lagna will undoubtedly get plenty of wealth in the course of Sukradasa, and he will also enjoy “ Bhagyayoga ” Stanza if One born in Vrishabha will not have much Dhanayoga if the Moon ts situated in agna Stanza 15 If birth happens in other signs (than Taurus) and the Moon 1sinlagnathen the native wiil certainly become fortunate NOTES In these nine stanzas, the format: ent hinds of combinations of Stance ae eas Bathe differ ing we may observe that, with reference to Vrishabha lagna = 12 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARS (1) Mars, Jupiter and Mercury can preauce jogt {confer fame) by mutual combination and aspect Budh and Kuya may give rise to yogi as lords of ath and 7th but how Jupiter being lord of 8th and [1th can form yoga ts rncompre hensible Gura ¢1n preduce fairly good results if he 1s in the 10th house and not otherwise (2) Access to wealth in Mars Dasa muted results in Gnru Dasa, and power and fame in Budha Dast (if Budha ts m* Kendra) may be predicted (3) Good results will be produced in Budha Dasa if Badhs and Venus are in lagna and Jupiter is m the 7th (4) Guru and Budht Dasas will be fortunate if Venus and Mars are in lagna and Jupiter isin Mal ara It wall be seen in this combination that Jupiter should be in Makara (9 lb house) where he is Meecha This neecha effect 1s said to be cancelled by the disposition of Mars, Mercury and Venus in lagna (5) There will be access to wealth in Guru Dasa if the Moon (lord of 3} and Venus (lord of 6) are m the 6th aad Mercury and Jupiter are tn the Lith (6) The presence of the Moon 1a lagna deprives wealth Moon w | Raha Lagna In Chart Ke 4 Jupiter as with Mercury (lord of 2 and 5}and the Sun (lord of Sttur Jupiter 4)inthe 10th The Sun Mer ‘\ercury’ cury combmation is a dis Sun,| CHART 4 tinct Rajajyoga and Jupiter, No 4+ probably by virtue of his ° connection with this Raja v q yoga derived power to do - goed in respect of the Bhiva Venus Rethu Mars occupied by him ‘The native built up bis reputation in the course of Gurn Dasa and had good earmmgs throughout BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 13 the penod At the end of this Disa however he fell seriously il and in the bhal th of Rahy (mark Rohu ts in the 12th tuling feet and aspected by Aujya) two fingers im the left foot of the mittxe were removed by a surgical operation From the Moon Guru is lord of the 9th and 1s im the 11th and the disposition of planets from the Moon should not be ignored when making predictions MirHuva LAGNA Stanza 1 For a person bornin Mithuna Jagna if the Sun ond Mercury are placed in the 3rd house Mercury will surely produce yoga in hig Disa besides giving rise to beneficial results Stanza 2 Tf Venus Mars and the Moon are in the second durmg Sukridas1 there will be ac- cess to wealth for 2 person born in Mithuna ligna Stanza 3 Tor one born in Mithunaif Mars 1$ in the second and the Moon and Saturn are in the 8th then during the dasa of Saturn — Stanza 4 Saturn will give mixed results Mars wil) undoubtedly give rise to Dhanayoga in his das1 Stanza 5 If Mars and Sxturn are in the 2nd and the Moon asin the 8th then when the dasas of Saturn ind Mars commence — Stanza 6 The native loses wealth and property will be destroyed but still he will retain some money Stanza 7 The Moon whos the lard 2nd does not become a Maraka fora person bens in Mithuna lagna = This 1s undoubted 14 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA Stanza 8 A powerful Dhanayoga will be caused for a person born in Mathuna lagna if the Moon and Mars are in the 11th and Saturn is in the 9th Stanza 9 The native will have dips in Ganges and other sacred rivers in the dasas of Guru and Sani provided these planets are in the Sth house Stanza 10. If Mercury 1s 1n the f{th house the native will have misunderstandings with hus eldest brother NOTES The combinations are clear and can be easily understood by the readers Kuya is a malefic for Mithana lagna but according toe Stanza + one will have access ta wealth m Kwa Dasa if Mars is m the 2nd and Saturn and the Moon are inthe 8th This means that Mars will be in debilitatton and also imples presence of Neechabhanga (by virtue of the Moon lord of 2 aspecting the 2nd as also Saturn lord of 9th), otherwise Kuya cannot Give financial prosperity. Stanza 6 makes it clear thatif Mars and Saturn are in the 2nd and the Moon is im the 8th wealth will be destroyed in Mars Dasa The differentiation in disposition for giving wealth and taking away wealth 1s that for the former result Satura must be in the 8th with the Moon while Mars should be in the 2nd, and for the latter the Moon must be in the Sth while Saturn and Mars must be in the 2nd ss The centre of gravity ts Satum He will destroy the mdications of the 2nd if he 1s present there These ate indeed unique combinations and call for much power of analysis on the part of the reader to understand their ptoper implication. Stanva 8 says that the Moon and Mars in the Llth and +, Saturn in the 9th give rise to atnmense wealth, BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 15 Mars In Chart No 3 the Moon fethu) wsinthe 1th The native Lagna) rose from ordinary rungs and made a lot af moncy The Moon 1s free from any afflictions and this is a great CHART Na 5(———) asset ‘There are no fewer than 6 planets m the ascen Ill 58 dant and the 10th house fp I——--|_ Thus indicates 1n active and Mencuny VERU sum Moo dupirer Toon SATURN rapidly moving mind fitted Rabu to play a mughty part 4 KAPRATAKA LAGNA Stanza I Guru does not cause any special yoga for one born in Karkataha lagna But Budha ts productive of yoga for a person born in Mahara ‘ Stanza 2 Mars becomes yogakaraha for a person born in Cancer because be owns the >th and 10th houses Stanza Z Venus causes yoga if he ts placed exther in the 12th or i the 2nd house, 1n other places he will not produce any yora Stanza4_— A person born in Karkataha lagna will become wealthy and fortunate 1f Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are in the 2nd house and the Sun and Venus are in the 9th house Stanza 3 Fora person born in Karhataha, if Mercury and Venus are in the 5th Mercury will produce yoga in the course of hus dasa Stanzao 1f Mercury, Venus and the Moon are in the Ilth house, Jupiter in the ascendant and Saturn in the s0th ‘ 16 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA Stanza 7 thenativewill become a king who is capable, famous and of good character. This particular combination goes under the name of Maharajayoga in Brihat Jathaka. + NOTES Guru though lord of 9 for Karkataha Yapna will not produce Rayayoga while Budha produces Rajayoga for Makara lagna In both these cases, the planets in question own the 6th and 9th houses,—but why should Budha_ cause yoga The explanation is simple In respect of Budha along with the 9th lordship, exaltation place 1s also combined while this is not the cnse in reference to Guru If you examine carefully several horoscopes of persons born in Karkataha lagna you will invanably find that Jupiter in nS Basa has given nse to both good and bid results—bad in respect of debts, diseases and enemies Though Guru may not cause Rayayoga in the strict cerse, he has promoted the business and professional prospects miolving the nativeat the same time im musunderstandings troubles, annoyances and all health . Venus in the 12th or 2nd gies rise to a benefic yora. Venus 1s lord of the 4th and 11th and his presence im the 2nd though in an immucal house 1s approved by the author. Mars Sat | \ Rahu tN nets The subject of Chart No.6 \ | 38 short, strong, nervous, % extremely sensitive and dark Le tm complexion ‘The native xt agecuny| 15 urinviginative, muserly, ——-—| Cart No 6/.-—— mean and undignifiedand cau tious There are ees eral male- fic combinationsia thrs horos- 11.23 Jupiter! cope amd we are concerned a a with only two points, tr, yon ) Cancer msing as ngna and Kehu Venus being placed in the 2nd The natve earned fairly decently and also acauired BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 7 Stanza § A person born in Karkataha lagna will become rich if the Sun and Mars are tm the 10th house Death will occur in the course of Guru Dasa Stanza 9 A person born in Karhataka lagna will enjoy Raja yoga in the course of Sukra Dasa if Mercury and Venus are in the 12th house Stanza 10 Tor a person born in Karkataka the combination of the Moon and Jupiter in Lagna results ina Raja yogn This makes him fortunate and famous Stanza 1] Raja yoga is also caused af the Moon 1s im [lagna and Mars is in Mahara Stanza 12 If the Moon 1s in lagna and Saturn is im Libra then also Raya yoga is produced Stanza 13° Raya yoga results if the Moon is In lagna and the Sun is in Anes Stanza 14 Ifthe Moon and Mars are in lagna, the Sun and Mereury are in the 4th, and Venus 1s in the tith — Stanza 15 The native loses wealth im the courseof the Sun‘s Dasa while in other dasas he Wall engoy poad results Stanja 16 Thenatwe willsurely have d in the Ganges in Rahu dasa if jupiter ted Mercury are inthe [tth and Saturn and Rahu are in the 5th 18 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 4» NOTES These mine stanzas give several Raja yogas and the; need no explanation as the stanzas are quite simple Sima LAGhA Stanza 1 For a person born in Simha lagna if the Sun, Mercury and Mars are conjomed together good wealth 1s indicated Stanza 2 If the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury are combined together good wealth 13 indicated Stanza 3 Hf the Sun and Mercury are in conjunction, the native will enjoy some fortune Stanga4 The learned in Astrology say that for a person born im Simha lagna, Jupiter and Venus do not produce any yoga On the other hand they cause destruction of the yoga Stanza 5 For a person born in Simha lagna, Venus becomes a benefic mm the 3rd house, he becomes a malefic in the 10th Therefore Sukhra can produce no yoga Stanza 6 The subject gains much wealth and fortune in Budha dasa if the Sun, Mercury and Mars are in lagna Stanja7 Sami causes yoga in his dasa if Kuya and Sam are in the 12th This 1s certain NOTES The Sun, Mereury and Mars are said to give rive to wealth if in mutual combination The Sun ts Jord of Jagna, eMercury lord of wealth and Mars is of course yogakaraha BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 19 Thus all the three planets have acquired Some power or other todo good. Jupiter is lord of Sth Therefore bis association isalso permissible. Hf the Sun and Mercury are combined some fortune is granted while Mars stepping in gives immense fortune. As Jupiter and Venus are lords of the 8th and Jrd their combination 1 not conducive to prosperity. Venus in the 3rd 1s good while m the 10th he os bad as he owns a kendra besides being located there. Saniin the 12th with Kujais good, Thus it will be seen that the Sun, Mercury and Mars play an important role in case of persons born in Simha lagna, while other planets will be able to do some good under cértain special conditions Sun Mars /Venus | Moon | | es Wit Mer | 3 Kethu 4 Raka Jupiter —£Jenarr No 7) — Cuart No 3\— —— c Sun pethe Moon Lagna to 1138_ aga Mer a t i$ a & earn ano] ie In Char! No 7 the Sun and Mercury are in the 10th together, The natne 1s earning decently but he has not sewed anything Onthe other hand in Chart No. 8, the Sun and Mercury are together in lagna and the native is in very well to do circumstances though he had a chechered career, Rania LaGna Stanza 1, For person born in Kanya la : ie agna if the Sun is related to Venus or the Koon by mutual conjunction, aspect, etc. there will be Recess to wealth i the course of Sun’s dasa, 20 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA NOTES ‘ Here is 4 combination which suggests that a planet who is the lord of 12th or the house of loss gives access to wealth under certain conditions. As the Sun happens to be the lord of 12th for Kanya he cannot give mdependent results He partakes of the results of the planets he 1s m_ conjunction with or aspected by, As Venus 1s lord of the 2nd and the 9th and the Moon 1s the Jord of the 11th, the Sun gives restilts pertaimng to wealth, fortune atid gains. It 1s such combi- nations which are elusive im their nature and escape the notice of students of Astrology. Stanza 2. The person becomes bereft of wealth in Sukra Dasa Mixed results will happen in the course of Chandra Dasa. NOTES Here evil results are predicted in the course of Sukra Dasa provided Suhra 1s connected with the Sun by conjunc- tion or aspect as given in the preceding stanza As Venus is the natural enemy of the Sun, and as the Sun becomes beneficial to produce good results, Wenus probably becomes deprived of the good results he would have produced pertaming to the 2nd and 9th houses if he ‘were not connected with the Sun either by aspect or by conjunctions The evil results asersbed for Venus Dasa should not be predicted 1f Venus is not subject to conjunction or aspect of the Sun. Stanza 3, A person bornin Kanya, with the Moon and Venus in the 7th, Jupiter in the 1ith and the Sun in Aries will, during the Dasas of Guru and Sukra:— Stanza 4. Possess 4 or 5 wives who will be alive. And one born in Kanya will also possess women of high rank. ¥ P BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 21 NOTES + Ths 1s a difficult combination because tt stys that a petson bornin Kanya with the Moon and Venus i tie 7th, Jupiter in the Lith and the Sun in Ames, will possess 4 or 5 wives in the course of dasas of Guru and Sukra The combi nationis indeed rare Three planets are exalted—Venus in the 7th, Sum in the 8th and Jupiter in the 11th, The combination cin be adopted to suit modern times and condi tions to the extent that a person born with planets disposed as Stated abave will have a romantic hfe Stanja 5 For one bornin Kanya, Guru and Suhra in the 4th produce yoga in the course of their dasas NOTTS Guru or Jupiter happens to be lord of 4th while Venus is lord of 9th hus the combination of the lords of the 4th and 9th—a quadrant and a trine respectively, results in Rayi you. and the planets therefore are empowered fo give good results m the course of their dasis and buktins = In actual practice it ts found that Venus Dasa will be more beneficial than that of Jupiter, because Jupiter becomes afflicted, being lord of a Kendra Stauga 6 A person bornin Kanya lagna will enjoy beneficial results in the course of Saturn's dasa provided Saturn 1s in the 11th, THULA LAGNA Stanza i For one born in Thula Sant produces yoga Though lord of the 3rd and 6th Guru also becomes capable of producing yoga, NOTES That Saturn becomes yortkaraky for Thula lagna is understandable when we take inte account that he owns the dthand 5th bouses Guru is ford of the 3rd and 6th ang wn ths particular case he 1s supposed to produce yoea for the ns. 2 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA sunple reason that the 3rd and 6th from Thula happen to be upachaya signs and hence beneficial. Dut the combination 1s quite agaist the ordinary rules of astrology which suggest that lords of 3rd, 6th and 11th are always bad. Stanza 2. For a person born in Thula, though Mars lord of the 2nd and 7th happens to be a malefic, he does not hill the native. There is no doubt about it. NOTES Mars becomes a Maraka and gets the death inflicting power because he owns the 2nd and 7th houses. The author seems toopine that inspite of Mars becoming a Maraka he will not kill the mative Why he does not hill 15 not explaimed. Marsss a malefic planet and bis owning a Kendra neutralises the evil. This power of neutralising can at best be interpreted as of some stgmificance in the sense that Mars tn the course of his dasa may not cause muck harm to the natite. But this does not mean that he cannot Adi fim. Ina number of horoscopes which we have m our possession there 1s ample evidence to show that Mars bas Killed the native Therefore im the light of actual expenence one has to apply this stanza carefully so that the meaning may not be literally interpreted. Stanza 3. For a person born in Thula if Jupiter and Venus are together, or aspect each other or get themselves aspected by Saturn and Mars: Stanza 4. Or they are in the signs owned by Saturn and Mars, then during Guru Dasa Suhra Bhukthi or Sukra Dasa Guru Bhukthi the native suffers from small-poa, wounds er other similar complaints. NOTES These tno stanzas are mmportant because'they enable the render to predict what results pertaining to Jupiter are BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 33 Produced during the sub period of Venus, m the major period of Jupiter or vice versa under certain given conditions They are i—(1) Jupiter and Venus should be an conjunction, (2) or they should aspect each ather, (3) or they both should be aspected by Saturn and Mars, (4) or they should be situated in the signs owned by Saturn and Mars If any of the above 4 combimations prevail then the person 1s to suffer from small pox, nounds and similar other complaints Here again much care 1s necessary on the part of the Astrologer to understind the exact sigmfcance of the above combinations In Chart No 9 given below Lagniis Thula, Jupiter and Venus are in the tenth Saturn ts in Lagna and Mars isin Capricorn =Thas almost all the condi ttons comprehended in the above two stanzas are satisfied Jupiter & Venus are together im one side and beth of them ate aspected by Saturn and Mars But vet the native Tt did not suffer fram small pox Jupiter! but had only some wounds Venus! and cuts im the course of Cart No 9 Lagna Saturn Gurnudasa In such a typical M. horoscope a reader will notice ars that Juprter 1s exalted, Mars —~——-| 1 exalted and Saturn is exalted Evidently the rale fie influences which are sup posed te actrné by a conglo meration of the evs) effects are minimised for the simple reason that Jupiters benefic effects have overpowered those of Mars Stanza 5 For one born in Thulaif the Sun and Mercury occupying the [2th are aspected by Saturn the father will be fortunate and wall hve to middle age NOTES Onty ate canditiaa should be satsGied and that ss both the Sun and Mercury should be im the 12th and they should at BHAVARTHA RATHNAhARA , beaspected by Saturn The Sun is the Pithruharaha and naturally his presence in the 12th aspected by Saturn 15 supposed to reduce the longevity of the father Stanza 6 For a person bornin Thulaif the Sun, Saturn and Mercury are in any way related to Mars either by combination or by aspect, then Kaya becomes capable of producing immense £00 Stanza 7 For one born in Thula rf the Sun Saturn and Mercury are combined with Mars or the Moon, Raja 5 oga 1s produced NOTES The above two stanzas reveal that Auya 1s capable of domg much good if he is combined with the Sun, Saturn and Mercury and that Raya yoga is caused if the same three planets are combined with the Moon er Mars Here agai the respective places in which the combinations oceur and the aspects good or bad to which the planets are subject seem to determine the nature and extent of Raya yoga Stanza8S A person born in Thula with the Sun Venus and Mercury in Lagna, becomes fortunate and wealthy Stanza 9 If Mercury Saturn and Venus are in lagna, or Moon and Mars are in the 7th then in the course of the Dasa of Mercury — Stanza 10 A person born in Thula lagna becomes mich and fortunate ‘There 1s no doubt about it NOTLS The above tnree stanzas mdicate 4 combination under qwhich one born ta Thula can become rich and fortunate and a7 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 25 the particular Dasa in which prosperity wil be on the ascendant ‘When the Sun Venus and Mercury arein lagna (Thula) then the Sun 1s debifituted, Venus 1s in his own house and Mercury lord of the 9th is in the lagna in a fnendly house The situation of Venus in Lagna Kendra cancels the effect of the debilitation of the Sun Thus when the lord of lagna (Venus), lord of the 9th (Mercury), lord of the 11th (the Sun) are together im lagna 1 powerful combination 1s produced Added to these if Saturn is also in lagna that will be an additional qualificition because Siturn 3 yous karaka for Thuis figna exalted in Ingn1 fortifies the strength of the Horoscope immensely The good effects are further supplemented by the Moon and the Mars being sn the 7th causing whitis called Chandramangalayoga and hence the entire combination becomes \ its own way Stanza i] Tor a person born in Thula a powerful Raja yoga 1s caused by the presence of Jupiter in the 8th, Saturn in the 9th and Mars and Mercury in the Ith Stanza 12 A person bornin Thuta becomes fortunate during Sam dasa provided Jupiter 1s in the 6th or 12th and the Moon 1s 1n lagna Stanza 13 Tor one born in Thula Venus becomes a Marakaif ke isin Lagna Mars does Not become a Maraka even though he is lord of the 2nd and 7th NOTES There was considerable controversy going on in the columns of The Astrological Magazine whether a planet which becomes lagnadhipath: can also become a Maraha ‘This was a test question which several readers af The Astro logical Migazino tried to answer m several ways In Dr Tagore s Horoscope according Vimshottan, Jupiter lord of Lagna became the Mataka Another great writer held the Wiew quoting from Parasira that lord of lagna can never +come a Maraka Thiswas controverted, by other well hnown 26 BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA scholars who im spite of their’ contention that lord of Lagna under certain circumstance can beome a Maraha quoted in defence of their contention extracts from Jathaka OChaudrtka and views propounded by Prof. B. Suryanarayana Rao im his English Translation of Jaihaka Chandrsha In our humble oprmnion it is as clear as day light that any planet can become 2 Maraha irrespective of the fact, he us lord of Lagna or not. This view 1s supported by the above stanza when the Author says that Venus becomes a Maraka for people born in Thula Lagna if he happens to stay im Lagna. And this as fully proved m a number of cases. Stanza 14. For one born in Thula, Raja yoga will be caused :f Saturnis in Lagna and the Moon is in Cancer Stanza 15 A person born in Thula with Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars in Aquarius and Rahu in the 10th will undertake pilgrimages and have dips in sacred waters in the course of Rahu dasa VRISCHIAA LAGNA _. Stanza 1. For a person born in Vrischika. if Jupiter and Mercury are in conjunction or in mutual aspect, much wealth will be conferred. Stanza 2. If Jupiter is in the third the native will have a charitable disposition If the Sun, Mercury and Venus are in the 7th, Stanza 3. then during the pertod (dasa) of Mercury the person will enjoy much fame and power. . . Stanza 4. A person born in Vrischika lagna will undoubtedly become very fortunate and wealthy if Jupiter and Mercury are in the 5th and the Moon is in the 11th. BHAVARTHA RATNAKARA 27 Stanza 5. Fot a person born in Vrischika lagna, if Jupiter, the Moon and Kethu are in the Oth house, fame and power will be conferred dur- ing Guru Dasa while Kethu Dasa will be ordinary. NOTES The Author has devoted 22 stanzas for Meena lagna while he has dispensed with Vrischika lagna within a short space The combinations given are no doubt valuable. According to Parasara Guru is a benefic for Wrischika lagna as he is lord of the Znd and 3th while a combination of the lords of the Sth and 10th (the Moon and the Sun respectively) tesultsin'n Raja voga But in this work the author seems to stress on the importance of the mutual conjunction and aspect of Budha and Guru. Budha is evil ashe Js Jord of the 8th and llth but he seems to lose the evil nature by being placed im the seventh house with Venus and the Sun (veete Stanza 2, supra}te the extent thatduring his Dasa, Buda will confer fame and power ‘The temporary evil of ownership, acquired by Budha seems to disappear by his presence in Pistes with Jupiter and by the Moon being in Virgo or the eleventh This combination (stanza 4) may be diagrammatically represented thus as in Chart No, 10, 4 Stanza 4 pives the comb: nation for immense wealth and fortune. Jupiter is the Tord of wealth and fortune and heisin the 5th aspected by the Moon ford of the 9th. Junster _ Mereu | ' ~ ls There is thus Gaja kesar: yoga also which will farther fortly the house of wealth, Mereury though evil (by lordship) happens to be lord Of gains and the forces of the 2nd, Sth, 9th and 11th focussed on the 5th house B88 rise to adsstinct Dhana yoga. ——IcuartNo.10;—~ w C a} § 5 Lagnal 7 Moon The principle adumb: in Stanza § may be further extended, thus: rated

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