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Se crete Ts Main etd aes INA [== Tata McGraw-Hill Published by Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 7 West Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110.008 ‘Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE 2012 Copyright © 2011, by Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any fotm or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publishers. The program listings (if any) may be entered, stored and executed in a computer system, but they may not be reproduced for publi ‘This edition can be exported from India only by the publishers, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited. Price: & 625.00 ISBN (13):978-0-07-132928.-6 ISBN (10): 0-07-132928-5 Vice President and Managing Director—MGraw-Hill Education: Asia Pacific Region: Ajay Shukla Head—Test Prep and School: ¥. Biju Kumar Publishing Manager—Test Prep: KN Prakash Manager (Sponsoring): Abhishek Sharma Editorial Executive: Pratibha Singh ‘Asst Manager (Developmental Editing): Anubha Srivastava Junior Manager—Production: Medha Arora Dy Marketing Manager: Niju Sreedharan General Manager—Production: Rajender P. Ghansela ‘Asst General Manager—Production: 8. L. Dogra Information contained in this work has been obtained by Tata McGraw-Hill, from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither Tata McGraw-Hill nor its authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and neither Tata McGraw-Hill nor its authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information. This work is published with the understanding that Tata McGraw-Hill and its authors are supplying information bat are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an ‘Typeset at Script Makers, 19, A1-B, DDA Market, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110 063, and text and cover printed at Gopsons, A-2 & 3 Sector-64, Noida, U.P. 201301 Cover Designer: K Anoop DAALCRZCDAYDB een Contents Syllabus Format tions in this Book 1. Complex Numbers 2. Theory of Equations 3. Progressions 4. Logarithm 5. Permutations and Combinations 6. Binomial Theorem 7. Matrices 8. Determinants 9. Probability 10. Trigonometry 11, Trigonometric Equations 12, Solution of Triangles and Applications of Trigonometry 13. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 14, Cartesian System of Coordinates and Locus 15,_Straight Lines 16__Circles 17. Conic Section (Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola) 18, Three Dimensional Geometry 19_Eunctions 20. Limit and Continuity 21. Differentiation 22. Applications of Derivatives 23. Indefinite Integration 24. Definite Integrals 25,_Differential Equations 26. Vector Algebra LT-JEE 2008 Mathematics (Solved Paper-l) HIT-JEE 2008 Mathematics (Solved Paper-I1) HIT-JEE 2009 Mathematics (Solved Paper-1) HIT-JEE 2009 Mathematics (Solved Paper-I1) HT-JEE 2010 Mathematics (Solved Paper-1) HIT-JEE 2010 Mathematics (Solved Paper-I1) 10.1-10.48 1A-1LI8 12.1-12.46 13.24 14,1-14.20 19.1-19.33 20.1-20.44 21.1-21.48 24.1-24.55 25.1-25.38 26.1-26.40 rk, ae. Copyrighted material Format of Questions in this Book SECTION A Straicut Opsective Type ‘This section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which only one answer is correct. SECTION B Murtiete Correct Answers Tyre This section contains multiple correct answers type questions. Each question has four choices (a), (b), (€) and (d), out of which one or more answers are correct. SECTION C Linkep ComPREHENSION TYPE Each set in this section contains a paragraph followed by questions. Each question has four choices (a), (b), (¢) and (d), out of which one or more answers are correct. SECTION D Waite tHe ANSWER TYPE Each question in this section has an answer which is a non-negative integer. (Contd) xii Format of Questions in this Book SECTION E Matrix Marcu Type ‘Each question in this section contains statements given in two columns, which have to be matched. Statements ‘in Columa I are labelled as a, b, ¢ and-d whereas statements in Column II are labelled as p, q, r and s, The answers to these questions have to be appropriately bubbled as illustrated in the following example. Ifthe correct matches are a—g, a—1, b—p, b's, c—s and d—q, then the correctly bubbied matrix will look like the following. pat REASONING TYPE } Bach question in section has four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which only one is correct. Mark your choices as follows: (@) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is a correct explanation for STATEMENT-1 (6) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for STATEMENT- STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False (d) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True Cuapter + ComP_Lex NUMBERS 4.1. DEFINITIONS A number of the form a + ib where a, b € R, the set of real numbers, and i = J—1, is called a complex number. A complex number can also be defined as an ordered pair of real numbers a and b, and may be written as-(a, 6), where the first number denotes the real part and the second number denotes the imaginary part. If z =a + ib, then the real part of z is denoted by Re(z) and the imaginary part of z is denoted by Im(2). ‘A complex number z is said to be purely real if Im(z)= 0 and is said to be purely imaginary if Re(z) = 0. Note that the complex number 0 = 0 + i0 is both purely real and purely imaginary. Itis the only complex number with this property. We denote the set of all complex numbers by C. That C= {a + ibla,b © R}. Two complex numbers z; = ay + ib, and 2, = a + iby are said to be equal if a, = a, and by =by. 1.2 ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS WITH COMPLEX NUMBERS 1. Addition: (a + ib) + (c + id 2. Subtraction: (a+ ib) ~(c + id 3. Multiplication: (a + ib) (c + id) = (ac ~ bd) + iad + be) 4. Reciprocal: If at least one of a, b is non-zero then the reciprocal of a + bi is given by 1 a-ib a+ib (a+ib)(a-ib) S. Quotient: If at least one of c, d is non-zero, then quotient of a + bi and ¢ + di is given by (a +c)+i(b+d) (ac) +i(b-d) abi _(a+ib)(c-id) _(ac+bd)+i(be~ad) e+di (c+id)(c~id) +d? actbd , ,be-ad C+ ed 1.3 CONJUGATE OF COMPLEX NUMBER Let :=a + ib be a complex number. We define conjugate of z, denoted by Z to be the complex number a — ib. That is, if z= a + ib, then Z ~ ib. Properties of Conjugate of a Complex Number @ 427 RH i) @ Gili) z+ tiv) (v) z= 2 ee zis purely real (vi) 2+ Z =0€ zis purely imaginary. (vil) <2 = (Re(@P + fIm@)P* (iii) (x) &) (xi) (=) slit +0 a (xii) If PQ) = ay + ay 2 tay? +... +a, 2" where dy, aj, ... dy and z are complex number, then P(2) = dy +4,(Z)+4,(z +a, (Z)" = Pe where P(z) = a, +a,z+a,27 ++++4,2" = £© where P (2) and Q (2) are Oe ‘ polynomials in z, and Q(z) # 0, then P@) (xiii) If R(@) R@ 1.2 Course in Mathematics for ITT-JEE j1 42 4) a 4, (xiv) fz =| 45), then bb lt 4s a a where a,, bj ¢; (i= 1, 2, 3) are complex numbers. 4.4 MODULUS OF A COMPLEX NUMBER Let z = @ + ib be a complex number. We define the modulus or the absolute value of be the real number |Va?+5* and denote it by Iz1. ‘Note that 12120 ze C Properties of Modulus ety If zis a complex number, then @ ld=0ez= (i) = igl=ba=bel iii) - 121 S Re(z) slat (iv) lel s Ime) $ tel @) ez ker If z,, % are two complex numbers, then (vi) ey zal = lel gh aay (2 (wii) le lg? + lgP + z+ 1% = ley? + leg)? + 2Re(ziz2) (viii) lay + 2. (ix) Izy - a = lay? + le? - zy -a = Ig? + lef? - 2Re(ziZ2) (x) lay + 2 + ley — 23 = 20a + LP) (xi) Ifa and b are real numbers and z,, z, are complex numbers, then lazy + begl® + Woz, — azyl® = (a? + B) (Izy! + leg?) (xii) If zy, 2 # 0, then Iz, + 2 = lzyP + ley ° a is purely imaginary. 2 (xiii) Triangle Inequality. If 2, and z, are two complex aumbers, then Z, + z3! $ Iz! + lzl. ‘The equality holds if and only if :,z, 20. Hn general, lzj'#Z, +. + APS lz + led # + el and the sign equality sign holds if and only if the ratio of any two non-zero terms is positive, (xiv) Izy ~ 231 S kyl + leat (ev) sy! bel + lel (xvi) Izy ~ 2a 2 Hl! ~ tel (xvii) If @,, ay, a3, are four complex numbers, then k-a@l+k-al+k-ajl+k - a > max {la - a! + la, — at: 1, m,n are distinct integers lying in {2, 3, 4) and m 0 tan“(yixj+e if x<0,y20 -2*)} arg (2)=Jran“(yla)—x if x0 In fact, if z= r (cos 6 +i sin ), then z is also given by -n2 if x=0,y<0 z= 7 [cos (ke +0) + i sin (2k +8)] Caution A usual mistake committed by the students is to take the argument of z =.x+ iy as tan” (y/2x) irrespective of the values of x and y. Kindly remember that tan (y/x) lies in the interval (~ 2/2, 212) whereas the principal value of argument of z lies in the interval (~ , 2). 4.7 POLAR FORM OF A COMPLEX NUMBER Let z be a non-zero complex number, then we can write 7 (os @+ isin 8) lel and 0 = arg (2). where where kis any integer. Euler's Formula ‘The complex number cos 8+ i sin Bis denoted by e or cis @ That is e's tis O= cos 0+ isin O ‘Some Important Results involving Argument If z, znd zy are complex numbers, then @ arg (Z) = ~ arg @) 14 Course in Mathematics for LIT-JEE (ii) arg (zy 23) = ang (e:) + arg (2) In fact, arg (21 2) = where rg (z)) + ang (z_) + 2k 0 if - cary (z,) +arg(z,) Se ke {1 if ~2e-, ys) respectively. Sum By definition, 2, + z» should be represented by the point (4, + x3, ¥ + y)- This point is nothing but the vertex P which completes the parallelogram with the line segments joining the origin with z, and z, as the adjacent sides. See Fig. 13 Poy tai ty Fig. 1.3 Note that the addition of two complex numbers z, and z, follows the same law of addition as that of vectors, represented both in magnitude and direction by the line ‘segments joining the origin and the points representing 2, and 2, for OP, + OP; = OP, + P,P = OP Difference We first represent ~ z, by P’; so that PP’ is bisected at O. Complete the parallelogram OP, PP’. ‘Then, it can be easily seen that P represents the difference As OP, PP; is a parallelogram so P,P = OP’. Using vector notation, we have OP, ~ OP, = OP, + P,O = OP, + OP’; = OP, + P,P = OP = P,P, Pur Fig. 14 Note the complex number z, ~ z; is represented by the vector P3P;, where the points P, and P, represent the complex number 2, and z, respectively. Note that arg(z; ~z,) is the angle through which OX must be rotated in the anticlockwise direction so that it becomes parallel to P,P, Product (Multiplication) Let 2, =r(cos @, +isin 6) and z, =r; (cos 6 + isin 8). Then 225 rrp (C0s 8 +isin &) (cos & + isin A) = 1) ty (cost, + B) +i sin (B, + &)} Thus tz g1= rr, and argtz, 23) = @ + & This shows that modulus of the product of two complex numbers is the product of their moduli, and the argument of the product of any two complex numbers is the sum of their arguments. Using this, we shall derive a geometrical interpretation of the product of two complex numbers. Let £ be a point on the x-axis such that OE = 1 unit. (See Fig 1.5.) Complete the triangle OPE. Now, taking OP; as the base, construct a triangle OPP, similar to OPE so that OP : OP, = OP; OE ie, OP = OP, - OP; : OE = 11 Also 2P,0P = ZEOP, = ZXOP, = 6, Thus ZXOP= 6 + & Hence P represents the complex number for which the modulus is ryr and the argument is 6, + @. That is, it represents the complex number z; z. Complex Numbers 1S Fig. 1.5 Quotient Let 2, = 1, (cos 6, + isin 6) and z, =r, (cos 6, + isin @), We take z) 0, so that r) #0. Now _ Fi cos 8, +i sin A) ry (608 8, + isin 8) feos (6, = 0) + i sin (8, -8)) bd We shall use this to get a geometrical interpretation of the quotient of a complex number by a non-zero complex number, Let P; and P, represent 2, and zy respectively, On OP; construct the triangle OPP; similar to OEP, where E lies on the x-axis and OE = I unit. (See Fig. 1.6.) Now, OP : OE= ir Also ZXOP = 8, - 0 ‘The point P thus represents the quotient z,/23, since its ‘modulus is r\/ry and its arguments is 8, ~ 8,. 1.6 Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE Remark ) Note that if 6, and @, are the principal values of arg z, | and arg z; then @, + 8, is not necessarily the principal value of arg(z, z2), nor is 6 — @ necessarily the principal value of arg(z;/:3). Interpretation of arg (3) nna If 4, Zp. are the vertices of a triangle ABC described in the counter-clockwise sense, then Fig. 17 Corollary The points zz, 25 will be collinear if and only if angle a= 0 or x, ie., if and only if 2 = is 27 purely real. Fig. 1.8 B Interpretation of ara { Let 2), 2,23 and z, be four complex numbers. Then the line joining z, and zy is inclined to the line joining z, and z, at the following angle: «n(222) Corollary ‘The line joining z, and z; is inclined at 90° to the line joining z, and z, if are x ($2) “84 + ik(c, — 2), where k is a non-zero real 19). ive, if number. (Fij Fig. 1.9 1.40 SOME IMPORTANT GEOMETRICAL RESULTS AND EQUATIONS 1. Distance Formula Distance between A(z;) and B(z,) is given by AB = Izy a Ble.) AG) Fig. 1.10 2. Section Formula The point P(z) which divides the join of the segment AB in the ratio m : n is given by ee) sr) AG) Fig. 1.11 3. Mid-point Formula Mid-point M(z) of the segment AB is given by 1 ze t+) Be) Me) 4G) Fig. 1.12 4. Condition(s) for four non-collinear A(z,), Blz2), Ces) and D(zq) to represent vertices of a (i) Parallelogram The diagonals AC and BD must bisect cach other t 1 1 quits Faery ° aytyenty Dee cen Ai) BG) Fig. 1.13 i) Rhombus (a) the diagonals AC and BD bisect each other ° +e + % and (b) a pair of two adjacent sides are equal, for instance, AD = AB yak, 2)! Dew ce) AG) Bey Fig. 1.14 Complex Numbers 1.7 (iii) Square (a) the diagonals AC and BD bisect each other 2 ytnenty (b) a pair of adjacent sides are equal; for instance, AD = AB y= al=ly- a! (©) the two diagonals are equal, that is, AC = BD € Izy ~ a1 = ley - 2h Di) cus) No asd Aw) Bu) Fig. 1.15 (iv) Rectangle (a) the diagonals AC and BD bisect each other oe atnenty (b) the diagonals AC and BD are equal ky -aely- 2h Des) Ce) Pe ae | - aie AG) Be) Fig. 1.16 ‘Showing that four non-collinear points form a 1.8 Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE 5. Centroid, Incentre, Orthocentre and Circum- centre of a Triangle Let ABC be a triangle with vertices A(z,), B(z3) and Cz), (i) Centroid G(z) of the AABC is the point of concurrence of medians of AABC and is given by 1 t= 5 Gitar 4 5 e 3 D c Fig. 1.7 (ii) Incentre (2) of the AABC is the point of concurrence of internal bisectors of angles of AABC and is given by az, +be, +62, atbte Fig. 1.18 ii) Circumcentre S(z) of the AABC is the point of concurrence of perpendicular bisectors of sides of AABC and is given by (- lal H@-vlal + -adlal %— 4) + HG — 4) + HZ — z= Fig. 1.19 (iv) Orthocentre H(z) of the AABC is the point of concurrence of altitudes of ABC and is aiven by 2a af iiah ad 2% Wellaf ay a 5 i [igh gt = (an A) s+ (an BY, + (tan O)2, tan A+ tan B+ tan C px (2S00A) 5 + (b see Bz, +(e 80 Oe, asec A+bsec B+csecC Ati) or or aD cs) Fig. 1.20 Remark In case circumcentre of AABC is at the oti orthocentre of triangle is given by z; + z) + 23. See Example 22.

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