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Task Analysis

Learning Competency

Identify the causes and treatment of diseases of the major organs.


a. Enumerate and identify the lungs ailments and their treatment.

b. Discuss the causes of certain lung ailments.
c. Apply the necessary treatment to certain lung ailments.

Guide Card

Activity Card # 1

Complete the diagram below by writing the different ailments of the lungs.
Read and answer the question.

Ana is the daughter of Mang Carlos. Ana’s father is a smoker. He smokes

frequently. After few years, they notice that Ana is always weak. She experience
dizziness, shortness of breath, vomiting and nausea.

Identify Ana’s illness and the possible causes. Explain your answer and suggest
possible actions on how to improve Ana’s condition.

Activity Card # 3

Jumbled Letters

Arrange the letters to form the correct word being defined.

1. A T H S A M - it is a condition where person experiences difficulty in


2. P N U M O E I A N - it is an inflammation of the lungs.

3. D L O C - it is marked by sneezing, runny nose, coughing, sore throat and

sometimes fever and headache.

4. L N U G R E C C A N - it develops in response to prolonged exposure to

irritants like tobacco smoke.
5. T B U E R U C L S O I S - it is an acute or chronic infectious disease of the
lungs. It is a highly communicable disease.

A. Multiple Choice

Encircle the correct letter of your answer.

1. It is a condition where a person experiences difficulty in breathing.

a. Rhinitis c.asthma

b. pneumonia d. cold

2. It is characterized by persistent coughing and sometimes fever.

a. Bronchitis c. Lung Cancer

b. Cold d. rhinitis

3. A lung ailment in which the person has a cough that produces a yellow- green

a. Bronchitis c. Tubrculosis

b. Pneumonia d. lung cancer

4. It develops in response to prolonged exposure to infants like tobacco smoke.

a. Tuberculosis c. asthma

b. Lung cancer d. bronchitis

5. It is an acute or chronic infectiousdiseas of the lungs.

a. Lung cancer c. tuberculosis

b. Bronchitis d. rhinitis

B. Draw a happy face ( ) if the statement shows correct practices and sad
face ( ) if the statement shows incorrect practices.

____________ 1. Feed the patient with nutririous food.

____________ 2. If the patient has fever, let him/her take a bath.

____________ 3. Keep the surroundings clean and open the windows to allow
fresh air.

____________ 4. Give the patient the prescribe medicine.

____________ 5. Get enough rest, sleep and exercise daily.

Activity 3






A. 1. b B. 1.

2.a 2.

3. b 3.

4. b 4.

5. c 5.


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