Program of Study & Course Description

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CHEDRO Caraga 2018- Monitoring Workbook and Revised Curriculum Submission


ased on the Monitoring Workbook by CHED-TPET
Complete this Program Workbook for EACH degree program you are offering.

Begin by filling up Basic HEI and Program Info sheet.

f a certain document is not available please indicate "Not Available", if not applicable indicate "Not
plicable". If it is in the website or "cloud", please indicate URL if required.
Program Outcomes, a sample list per PSG issued is attached.

Proposed Program of Study effective AY 2018-2019. Note that this is to be submitted in hardcopy and to be
ONTENTS NOTED" by CHEDRO Caraga if it meets the minimum requirements per issued PSG.
Course Description per HEI final revised curriculum.
Curriculum Map using the Code used by the Technical Panel, as indicated in the PSG.
Course Pre-requisite sheet. A graphical presentation may be done.
Proposed Faculty rooster for basic/core, allied, professional, major/specialization and elective major cours

Proposed Learning Resources which include library resources.

Proposed Laboratory facilities.
Accomplish the Transmittal Sheet.
Save this file with a filename "2018-BSXXX-HEIName MW with Revised Curriculum", for example "2018-
CE-SDSSU Main Campus MW with Revised Curriculum"
e: The "Proposed Program of Study" sheet should be printed, signed and submitted for CHEDRO Contents Notation.
y Program of Studies that meets the minimum CHED requirements, as prescribed in the relevant CHED PSGs, will be stamped "Content
ed" by CHEDRO Caraga.
Submit Printed and Signed Copy of this sheet.
Name of HEI: Bachelor of Arts/Science in (Do not Abbreviate)
Field of Specialization/Major:
Name of Program: Full Name of HEI and Campus if Applicable
Based on CMO No. __15___, Series of 2017
Effectivity: AY 2018-2019
I. Program of Study
First Semester
Course No. of Hours
Descriptive Title Units Pre-requisite(s) Co-requisite(s)
Number Lec Lab
Understanding the Self 3 0 3
Theoritical Foundation of Nursing 3 0 3
Anatomy and Physiology 3 2 3
Biochemistry 3 2 3
Mathematics in the Modern World 3 3
Religious, Religious Experience and Spiritality. 3 3
JEEP Start 1 3 3
Physical Fitness 3
Total 21 4 27

Summer or Third Term

Course Lec hours Lab hours
Descriptive Title Number Units Pre-requisite(s) Co-requisite(s)

First Semester
Course No. of Hours
Descriptive Title Number Units Pre-requisite(s) Co-requisite(s)
Lect Lab

Nursing Leadesrhip and Management 4 0 9 MSN-B 327, Nres-B 326

Decent Work Employment and Transcultural Nursing 3 0 7 MSN-B 327, Psychia 328

The Entrepreneurial Mind of a Nurse 3 0 3 Elective 2

Nursing Care nof clients with life threatening conditions, acutely ill/ Multi-organ Problems, High Acuity and Emergency Situation (Acute and Chronic) 4 0 3 MSN-B 327, Psychia 328
Total 14 0 22


Course No. of Hours

Descriptive Title Number Units Pre-requisite(s) Co-requisite(s)
Lect Lab
Disaster Nursing 2 3 MSC-C 429,NLCM 430,DeWET 431
Intensive Nursing Practicum(Hospital and community Settings) with JEEP 0 0 8 MSC-C 429,NLCM 430,DeWET 431
The Contemporary World 3 0 3
Total 5 0 14

II. Summary
Name of Program: PSG: CMO No. _________, S. 2018
Courses Courses
Number Number of
of Units Units
Required by PSG This Revised Curriculum
General Education Courses General Education Courses
Mandated Courses (Rizal, PE and NSTP) Mandated Courses (Rizal, PE and NSTP)
Institutional Courses
Professional Courses Professional Courses
Major Courses Major Courses
Electives Electives
Required by PSG Total This Revised Curriculum Total

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Program Head Dean of College / Equivalent

Recommended by: Approved by:

Vice President for Academic Affairs/Head of Academics President/Campus Director


Note: Reviewed by and Recommended by parts may be changed depending on the Institution's process.
III. Course Description
Note: List down as course appears on the Program of Study.
Course Descriptive Title Course Description No. of Units
Number Credit
MedSurg - C Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acutely ill/ Multi-organ This course deals with the concepts, principles, dimensions of 9
429 Problems, High Acuity and Emergency Situation (Acute and Chronic) quality health care with emphasis on actual application of the
theories, principles and concepts of clinical nursing practice as well
as integrating the multiple roles of professional nursing as a vehicle
to enhance critical thinking and communication skills to groups of
clients in varied settings to refine nursing skills in the different basic
nursing services specifically those with life threatening conditions/
acutely ill/ multi-organ problems/ high acuity and emergency
situations, acute and chronic.

DN 431 Disaster Nursing 3

This course deals with the application of concepts, principles and
strategies in disaster risk reduction and management to help save
lives and build resilience as well as integrating the multiple roles of
professional nursing as a vehicle to enhance critical thinking in
varied settings during disaster and calamities both natural and

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