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My future classroom’s motivation outline

1. Active learning and projects that will incorporate student autonomy.

a. This influences students ability to be driven to be independent and life-

long learners.

2. Using relevant and authentic material to show the purpose for learning.

a. By keeping the material current and authentic, it proves to students that

there is a real reason they are leaning the skills that they will need in their

future endeavors.

3. Collaboration and productive struggle to instill growth mindset.

a. While struggling with learning can be discouraging, it reflects how true

learning is outside of the classroom environment. In addition to productive

struggle, working with others is beneficial to learn how to work with

teammates on a common goal.

4. Inquiry based projects and learning that are driven by the student’s interests.

a. Student voice and choice is an important motivator and keeps students

learning and engaged in topics that are interesting to them.

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