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More than 300 people

reported to Addenbrooke’s A&E within 24 hours.
The hospital took the
extraordinary step of cancelling all
surgery, including cancer and urgent cases,
after it ran out of beds with 33 patients
waiting for a space. . . .


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Here’s how you can
support NHS staff
THE News is standing with with ambulances unable to
the extraordinary staff at get patients through
Addenbrooke’s as they hospital doors. Instead,
continue to battle through dedicated staff sat with
one crisis from another. patients in their
Yesterday, the hospital ambulances.
reached breaking point, There seems to be a
cancelling all surgeries and never-ending tale of woe
pleading with people to with Addenbrooke’s but we
attend A&E only in an can’t blame the staff.
absolute emergency. Everyone from nurses,
Here at the News we doctors, cleaning staff and
continue to be blown away caterers are fighting to
by the incredible work of keep Addenbrooke’s going.
all the dedicated staff who Aneurin Bevan, the
keep the hospital afloat mastermind of the NHS
even in these times of said: “The NHS will last as
crisis. long as there are folk left
The NHS has been with faith to fight for it”
battered by continuous So we’re supporting the
cuts and even stellar staff who fight to make the
hospitals like NHS a possibility in our
Addenbrooke’s can’t county every day.
escape the trap. Help us support them:
Staff are being stretched Think twice before you
to their limits and services head to A&E. When you’re
at the hospital appear to at the hospital don’t forget
be reaching breaking to tell the staff just how
point. much you appreciate
In the last few months them.
the hospital has been Here’s what the hospital
besieged by one crisis needs:
after another. ■ Only go to A&E in an
Back in September absolute emergency or
nurses protested against after an accident.
the real terms wages ■ Patients can help by not Nurses on Ward D9 at
falling and slammed the bringing large numbers of Addenbrooke’s pictured
shortage of nurses across friends and family to A&E. during a quieter period –
the NHS. ■ Don’t visit patients if you a carol service and
In December last year have flu-like symptoms or Christmas party in 2016
the winter crisis peaked diarrhoea.

Letter shows extent

Bes e
Pr id £ 3 0
, 0
of crisis at hospital
P a cas
in 4 dvan 0
h a 0 RACHAEL MCMENEMY AND NO beds available, 33 outstand- the target waiting time. 7am sent home at 10am really not
8h ce RAYMOND BROWN ing bed requests and 50 patients The hospital is diverting ambu- fair very stressful for him!”
our waiting in A&E. lances and pleading with people A Cambridge University Hos-
s newsdesk@ It also says all surgery has been to only go to A&E in an absolute pital spokesman said: “We can
cancelled, even operations for emergency. confirm that the hospital is at
We buy any home A LEAKED document has detailed
the ongoing crisis at Adden-
cancer and urgent cases. Across social media people
The document says: “We have have been detailing their stories
Opel Level Four, the highest level
of alert, after seeing exceptional
in as little as 7 days brooke’s. taken the extraordinary from the last 24 hours. levels of acutely unwell patients

An internal newsletter sent to action to cancel all Sinead Benton needing inpatient beds. We are
the News, shows the extent of the planned surgery wrote on Facebook: taking action to ease pressures
 Get a free, no obligation cash offer crisis with no beds available, including cancer and “I was there with and create flow through the hos-
within 24 hours diverted ambulances and all urgent cases, to free my sister last pital.
 Completion within 7 days – or to your timing operations cancelled – even can- up resources across night the queue “We are temporarily diverting
cer and urgent surgeries. the organisation.” We have taken the was out of the ambulances to other trusts and
 No estate agent’s fees Cambridge University Hospi- Ward G3 is closed door at 4.30pm elective surgery has been can-
 We’ll pay your solicitor’s fees tals, the trust which runs Adden- entirely due to she had to stand celled. We would like to apologise
brooke’s, called the cancellation infection control action to cancel all outside for an to patients for the inconve-
 Any condition, any location of every operation an ‘extraor- issues and all non planned surgery... hour even though nience.
dinary’ event. emergency meetings Internal she could barely “Patients can help us at this
It has also been reported that in have been cancelled. keep herself upright time by only coming into A&E if it
CALL FOR FREE the last 24 hours patients have The hospital is also using
to then have to wait is an accident or emergency and
0808 273 1287 had to queue out the door at A&E
and some patients reportedly had
a day surgery unit as a tem-
porary discharging facility.
in the waiting room for
4 hours to be seen. To then wait
by not bringing large numbers of
family or friends into the depart- to wait more than 12 hours to be According to the leaked doc- in the assessment area for a ment where seating is at a pre-
seen. ument there were 316 people who bed. Didn’t get the ward until mium.
The hospital confirmed yester- attended A&E on Monday with 2am.” “Details of further medical sup-
day they were operating at the 131 breaches of the four-hour Karen Isaacson also wrote on port can be found on the Cam-
‘highest level of alert’. wait target. Facebook: “My father-in-law (87) bridgeshire and Peterborough
The leaked newsletter, dated By yesterday afternoon there has just been sent home can- Clinical Commissioning Group
UK’s No. 1 Home-Buying Company yesterday says there are currently were an additional 79 breaches of celled operation (cancer)... in at website.” CCN-EO1-S2 CAMBRIDGE NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 2018 5

Trust criticised for also
treating private patients
FOLLOWING the declaration of 2012 to lift the cap on the
a major internal incident after number of private patients that
it ran out of beds, NHS hospitals can treat.
Addenbrooke’s has been “At that time, I challenged
criticised for treating the then chief executive of
thousands of private patients. Addenbrooke’s, who at the
Ambulances are being AGM said that the ‘direction of
diverted and all operations travel’ was for Addenbrooke’s
have been cancelled, even to attract more private
cancer and urgent surgeries. patients.
But data released using “Addenbrooke’s still takes
Freedom of Information laws relatively few private patients –
has revealed the number of the real problem was the
private patients billed by Government’s failure to listen
Addenbrooke’s in a year was to advice last year that the
2,000 – bringing in £5.3 NHS needed more resources.
million. Mrs May ignored the advice,
The number of private and the pressures we see today
patients invoiced between are a direct consequence.”
January 2017 and December The hospital trust has
2017 was 2,024 with the defended the number of
number of private patient private patients it treats.
transactions at 3,478. A hospital spokesman said:
The total value of invoices “Cambridge University
generated was £5,331,659. Hospitals looks after a tiny
A total of 8,451 private proportion of private patients
patients used beds at the compared to many other
Cambridge hospital from 2012- hospitals and the reason for
17. that is simple: we lack the
Cambridge MP Daniel capacity to accommodate
Zeichner told the News: “NHS them.
hospitals should be for NHS “Any private patients that we
patients, which is why I do see are treated when
strongly opposed the decision demand on our hospital beds is
by the Conservative/Liberal not high, as NHS patients are
Democrat Coalition back in always prioritised.”

People are being seen in the A&E

for sore throats and headaches
people are turning up for
emergency treatment at FILTERS FOR MOST MAKES OF WATER
Addenbrooke’s have been SOFTENERS…
revealed as the News
reports that the hospital Aquadial, Aquastream, Autotrol, Bruner, Clack, Culligan,
has issued a black alert in Ecowater, Harveys, Hague, Lakeside, Kinetico,
its A&E. Monarch, Permutit, Ultrapure, Waterboss and
It is the highest level many more brands..
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the hospital is under “SPECIAL OFFER” Lakeside Salt Delivery “
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statistics show more than
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throat last year. their GP rather than going seek medical care outside 40 Bags @ £142.00 Including VAT Delivered (£3.55 each)
The data, which covers to A&E. the emergency department 100 Bags @ £310.00 Including VAT Delivered £3.10 each)
April to November 2017, Experts were quick to before arrival, either by Salt Tablets/ Granular Salt 25kg
lists at least 134 visits to point out that people going seeing their GP or phoning 10 Bags @ £70.50 Including VAT Delivered (£7.05 each) If you book your service
its emergency department to the hospital with minor NHS 111. 20 Bags @ £135.00 Including VAT Delivered (£6.75 each)
by end of May 2018 and
because of the complaint. complaints were not the “The real pressure on our 49 Bags @ £311.15 Including VAT Delivered (£6.35 each)
The list also includes 382 main source of pressure on emergency departments Salt Blocks 08kg use the promotional
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140 Boxes @ £434.00 Including VAT Delivered (£3.10 each)
NHS has released figures of emergency care committee problems – patients who you a FREE 25kg bag
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analysis of A&E visits to Emergency Medicine, said: urgently but very often
NHS hospital trusts, broken “The number of patients face long waits due to
down by chief complaint. presenting to the inadequate bed numbers.”
While in some instances emergency department Across hospitals in
these complaints can be with these complaints is England, more than
quite debilitating or the relatively low and crucially 272,000 people were left
symptom of a more serious these patients are less time waiting in A&E for more
problem, in most cases consuming to treat and do than four hours in February
someone with a headache, not require admission. alone – 15 per cent of all Unit 6, Enterprise Court, Eagle Business Park, Yaxley, Cambs, PE7 3EN.
a blocked nose or a sore “Many of these patients attendances.
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