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Small Group: Cause and Effect Word Prompts


Science Lynch 4th

Students will work on identifying cause and effect using word prompts. The focus is that the
cause does not have to be written before the effect.

Group 1: 2:30-2:50 -Ella, Kendra, Isaac, Jaelyn, Brady, Sam, Clara, Charlotte, Maddi, Adan R
Group 2: 2:50-3:10 -Hatem, Xander, Rylie, Brennan, Aiden N, Owen, Chloe, Gracie
Group 3: 3:10-3:30 -Kam, Dimitri, Eli, Marafee, Kyleigh, Mingeun, Damian


OBJECTIVES Students can identify the cause and effect in short word situations.

Students can identify that the cause does not have to be written before the

I DO Review the concept of cause and effect; tie in with the cause and effect T-
Chart from CIA

 Let’s quickly review what cause and effect means.

 Cause is what WHY something happens
 Effect is WHAT happened
 Which happens first, the cause or the effect?
 Let’s look back at our cause and effect chart from CIA a few days
ago, what is a new cause and effect that we could add to it?

WE DO Hand out Cause and Effect situation cards, pg 1

 Let’s read the first situation

 Now turn and talk with a partner what you think caused the pig to
run out of the barn?
 What is the cause?
 When we read this situation, did we read the cause first, or the
effect first?
 We read about the effect first, not the cause. When reading, the
cause does not have to be the first thing that we read, but it has to
happen first in time order (show and read purple cause and effect
poster)(then show and read the pink cause poster)
 What is the effect in the situation?
 Turn and talk with your partner about the effect.
 The effect happens after the cause in time order (show orange
 Work with the person sitting next to you and write the cause and
the effect on the back of your sheet, label it #2

YOU DO  Look at cause and effect numbers 3 and 4

 Independently write on the back of the page what you think the
cause is, then what the effect is for both #3 and #4.


 Cause and effect word 1. Repeat with all small groups

prompts 1
 Clipboards
 Pencils

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