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Lesson: World War I: propaganda poster project

Class: World History

Date Taught: April 20, 2018

Anticipatory Set: (5 minutes)

 Remind students of the three elements (Color, slogan, and image) that must be included
in their posters.

Objective & Purpose:

 The Student will be able to apply their knowledge of propaganda in the form of slogans
and images.

 Glencoe World History text book
 Computer, printer and internet access
 Poster boards, color pencils, markers, and crayons.

 Students will be given time to work on the finishing touches of their posters.
(5-10 minutes)
 Students will present their propaganda posters and provide their representative country,
slogan, and purpose of their selected image. (20-30 minutes) (2-5 minutes each)
 The teacher will probe and question the presenting students and ask the class to weigh in
on the presented poster.

Modeling: (1-2 minutes)

 The teacher will explain how the students should be able to present their posters and the
questions the student should be able to answer.

Check for Understanding: (1-2 minutes)

 Probe students on their definition of propaganda, and how their and others’ posters
present this idea.

Guided Practice:
 N/A

Independent Practice: (10 minutes)

 Students will read Chapter 23, Section 3 of Glencoe World History text book on the
Russia Revolution.

Closure: (5-minutes)
 Disclose to the students what the lessons will be on Monday and next week.

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