Virgo, March 2018

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Virgo, M)rch 2018

Ann#bel G#t
M#r 1 2018, 2137pm

A full moon )rrives in your sign this month, Virgo.

Welcome to Pisces se#son! M#rch opens with # full moon in your sign on the
first, which is sure to be intense. Full moons #re emotion#l, so plenty of feelings
will be in the #ir for you to #ddress #nd rele#se. (Full moons #re #ll #bout
rele#se, so cry those te#rs, Virgo!) Theyʼre #lso exh#usting, so donʼt overbook
yourself—which you h#ve # tendency to do. You do so much for others, Virgo,
but how much #ttention #re you giving to yourself?

The Sun is currently in Pisces, shining down on the rel#tionship sector of your
ch#rt #nd bringing your focus to your p#rtnerships; however, this full moon is in
your sign, shining its light on you. Wh#t do you need? A clim#x will t#ke pl#ce
in your rel#tionships, especi#lly concerning time m#n#gement #nd self-c#re. If
youʼve been holding b#ck on #sking for wh#t you need, now is the time to stop
being # m#rtyr #nd m#ke some dem#nds.
Astrologers h#ve long #ccused you of being # control fre#k, but I know the
truth #bout you, little virgin: You truly w#nt to help #s m#ny people #s possible
while m#n#ging your own shit effectively—which me#ns doing things in # w#y
th#t works for you . Doing things your w#y h#snʼt been e#sy recently, but now,
with this full moon, itʼs time for you to get everything sorted out.
Luckily, Venus #nd Jupiter will sh#re some good vibes on this d#y, #nd on
M#rch 2, your pl#net#ry ruler Mercury will #lso connect with Jupiter. Jupiter is
the pl#net of growth #nd good luck, #nd itʼs currently in W#ter sign Scorpio,
#ctiv#ting the communic#tion sector of your ch#rt. This bodes well for
smoothing over #ny misunderst#ndings #nd for helping you connect with the
people you w#nt to p#rtner with (rom#ntic#lly or otherwise!).

An especi#lly e#sygoing d#y for you to w#tch out for this month is M#rch 4,
when your ruling pl#net Mercury meets with Venus. The vibe will be gentle,
people will be in the mood to soci#lize. The Sun will #lso meet dre#my Neptune
on this d#y, m#king for # l#zy yet im#gin#tive #tmosphere. Neptuneʼs n#ture is
to dissolve, #nd the Sun is the pl#net of the ego—weʼll #ll be #ble to let go of
our bullshit tod#y (unless, of course, “letting go” stresses you out, in which
c#se you m#y f#ce some p#r#noi#. Le#rn to let go, Virgo!).

Thereʼs # new moon in Pisces on M#rch 17, m#rking the beginning of # new
cycle in your rel#tionships.
The energy shifts on M#rch 6, when both Mercury #nd love-#nd-money pl#net
Venus enter Aries. Aries rules # very priv#te sector of your ch#rt, #nd these
pl#netsʼ entr#nce into it will find you t#lking #bout sex #nd intim#cy, #s well #s
complic#ted issues #round money. This is # powerful time to go deeper in your
rel#tionships on # physic#l #nd emotion#l level.
Sex, emotion#l intim#cy, #nd sh#red resources continue to be # big theme #s
Aries se#son begins on M#rch 20—which is #nother big d#y you will w#nt to
circle on your c#lend#r. Your ruling pl#net Mercury will meet Venus #g#in on
this d#y, m#king this #nother exciting time to connect with others. Expect to
le#rn some secrets or to sh#re # tr#nsform#tive experience with someone.
D#ylight s#vings begins on M#rch 11, which will find Mercury squ#ring off with
S#turn. You c#n expect stress #round communic#tion will #rrive, though you
will feel intensely focused, which could prove helpful., M#rs connects with
Ur#nus tod#y, too, bringing big surprises #nd pushing you forw#rd #round #n
emotion#lly intense situ#tion. Fin#lly, the Sun connects with Pluto, offering #
cre#tive tr#nsform#tion in your p#rtnerships—plenty of ups #nd downs tod#y,
Thereʼs # new moon in Pisces on M#rch 17, m#rking the beginning of # new
cycle in your rel#tionships. Pisces is # deeply emotion#l sign. Youʼre very
emotion#l #s well, Virgo, but #s #n E#rth sign, you h#ve #n e#sier time st#ying
in the moment th#n Pisces, whose symbol is two fish, bound by rope hooked
intro their mouths, f#cing two different directions—p#st #nd future—swimming
in # deep oce#n with riptides, w#ves, #nd whirl pools (so you see, itʼs #ll very
complic#ted for Pisces people). You, conversely, sit with your deep thoughts
#nd emotions #t the be#ch, using the oppos#ble thumbs Pisces l#cks to
org#nize se#shells into sections #nd piles th#t help you work through your
problems: This pile is how upset going to work 3nd h3ving to sit next to K3ren
m3kes me, but this pile shows how h3ppy I 3m when I get my check.

Is your w#y better th#n Pisces w#y? No! As complic#ted #s Piscesʼs oce#n is,
they wouldnʼt w#ste time m#king stupid piles of rocks on the be#ch—they
intuitively know wh#t they w#nt. (They just h#ve # h#rd time expressing it.) You
#nd Pisces go #bout things differently, but you compliment e#ch other
immensely—Piscesʼs cre#tive im#gin#tion plus your pr#ctic#l #ppro#ch is #
phenomen#l combin#tion. During this new moon, use the energy to reconnect
with your p#rtners #nd bring your t#lents together to cre#te # fresh st#rt.
Also on M#rch 17, M#rs enters fellow E#rth sign C#pricorn, igniting the
rom#nce #nd cre#tivity sector of your ch#rt #nd energizing you to m#ke #rt,
h#ve fun, celebr#te with your friends, #nd flirt up # storm. C#pricorn is #
driven, h#rdworking energy, but it #lso knows how to p#rty. M#rs, the pl#net of
w#r, is fiery #nd #lw#ys on # mission. If youʼve been feeling #imless, youʼll
reconnect with your purpose when M#rs rolls through C#pricorn.
Your biggest concern this month will prob#bly be Mercury retrogr#de, which
begins on M#rch 22 #nd ends on April 15. Bec#use Mercury is your pl#net#ry
ruler, you #lw#ys feel # little extr# fucked up when the retrogr#de comes
#round. You know the w#rnings: W#tch out for miscommunic#tions #nd del#ys,
hold off on purch#sing expensive items or electronics, #nd #void tr#vel, signing
contr#cts, or m#king import#nt #greements.
This Mercury retrogr#de is likely to be more emotion#l for you th#n usu#l, #s
youʼll find yourself reflecting on times of grief, #nd youʼll be letting go of
thoughts #nd emotions you m#y h#ve been repressing. This is # powerful time
for tr#nsform#tion, #nd if you use the energy well youʼll be #ble to let go of the
thinking p#tterns or ide#s th#t #re no longer serving you. Lovers from your p#st
will come b#ck #round, #nd old debts will reemerge for you to rep#y.

Thereʼs # second full moon M#rch 31. This one will be in Libr#, bringing your
#ttention to your fin#nces #s well #s issues concerning self-worth #nd security.
Aries se#son h#s found you tot#lly enmeshed with other peopleʼs shit: their
emotions, sh#red resources, #ll th#t complic#ted rel#tionship stuff th#t
h#ppens when you become intertwined. This full moon—in cool, logic#l Libr#,
the sign of b#l#nce—will m#rk # time for compromise #nd cle#r bound#ries
#bout who owns wh#t. (Not just liter#lly, like, Who owns this hoody you 3nd I
h3ve been sh3ring for 3 few weeks now? but #lso emotion#lly, like, Just
bec3use your ex texted you nonstop doesnʼt me3n you need to sn3p 3t me if I
send you two texts in 3 row.)
Venus enters fellow E#rth sign T#urus on M#rch 31, cre#ting # slow, sensu#l
energy. Things will st#rt to feel much chiller now, #fter # not#bly hectic month.
Youʼll be in # light #nd e#sy mood, feeling philosophic#l, e#ger to see the world
#nd le#rn new things. Good news will #rrive from f#r#w#y pl#ces, or you might
even develop # long-dist#nce crush. Venus in T#urus will #lso bring you
blessings if youʼre tr#veling or studying in school. Good luck this M#rch, Virgo,
#nd see you in April!

FULL MOON in Virgo M)rch 1st / 2nd 2018~

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*FULL MOON* in Virgo on the Pisces 3xis c3lls us to ground our roots deep into
Mother E3rth to 3nchor ourselves through the emotion3l se3s th3t h3ve been
The more we open up, the more we feel, 3nd the more 3ttuned we become to
the suffering of others 3nd our de3r pl3net E3rth. The injustices 3nd the
tr3gedies 3re numerous 3nd we 3re 3ll 3ching for ch3nge. 
Virgo is the he3ler within, reminding us to embody our Spirit so we c3n bring
3bout forth re3l ch3nge in our lives for the benefit of 3ll.
Her medicine is love in service, 3nd her pr3ctic3l m3gic helps us stre3mline our
directive so we c3n focus on how best to be in service of our collective he3ling.
Here 3re the MYSTIC MAMMA Astr3l Insights from our beloved fe3tured
interpreters of the pl3net3ry tides.
First from the 3lw3ys insightful LEAH WHITEHORSE  from her LUA Astrology:
“This Full Moon in Virgo… h3s her work cut out for her 3s she opposes both the
Sun 3nd Neptune in Pisces.
“The Moon-Sun opposition sets the conscious mind 3t odds with the
unconscious 3nd sh3dow m3teri3l c3n be projected on others.
“The Moon-Neptune opposition is slippery, reflecting only wh3t we w3nt to
“There 3re six bodies swimming with the Fishes. With Mercury, the ruler of this
lun3tion 3mongst them, it could feel like everything we touch just flows through
our fingers.
“Itʼs h3rd to cont3in 3nd difficult to org3nize. We could 3lso feel intellectu3lly
compromised 3s 3 l3ck of pl3nets in 3ir signs m3kes it h3rd to think.
“Wh3tʼs more, the 3tmosphere is super-sensitive which is ch3llenging for the
no-nonsense Virgo Moon.
“In Pisces our gu3rd is down. Weʼre soft 3nd m3lle3ble, ch3nge3ble, utterly
ruled by 3 swell of emotion. And Virgo doesnʼt know wh3t to do with it.
“Instinctively she w3nts to put it 3ll in order but thereʼs so much th3t feels out
of pl3ce th3t we feel in d3nger of being overwhelmed…
“Th3nkfully we do h3ve 3n 3nchor… The Full Moon trines sensible S3turn in
“S3turn reminds us th3t we c3n t3ke it slow. We donʼt h3ve to resolve
everything 3t once.
“If we feel lost, 3ll we need to do is to touch b3se with something re3l 3nd
“Focusing on the pr3ctic3lities, something Virgo is good 3t 3nyw3y, will help to
ch3nnel the rising tide of emotions into something constructive.
“We c3n ch3nge the rules of how we work. We c3n t3ke on the 3uthorities. We
c3n spe3k to the boss or the government 3gency involved.
“We c3n support 3 gr3ssroots project or simply get our own house in order so
th3t we h3ve time 3nd energy 3v3il3ble to de3l with wider problems…
“Itʼs 3bout being responsible 3nd 3ccount3ble, climbing the mount3in one step
3t 3 time…
“Mercuryʼs conjunctions to Venus 3nd Chiron shows th3t spe3king from the
he3rt c3n go 3 long w3y tow3rds 3ddressing the wounds between us.
“These three bodies 3ll trine wise Jupiter in Scorpio 3s well so t3lking 3bout
wh3t hurts builds bridges 3nd deepens bonds…
“There is 3lso the potenti3l to ch3nnel the whisper of our intuition into
something th3t h3s re3l power to ch3nge the structure of our lives.”
© Copyright 2018 ~LEAH WHITEHORSE All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful  PAT LILES from The Power
“Jupiter, in w3ter sign Scorpio, is trining Mercury/Venus. We 3re lent support to
go deep 3nd willingness to rele3se wh3t h3s been unconscious 3nd holding us
in sep3r3tion from our 3rtistic musings, from deeper 3ccept3nce of the unique
3nd powerful soul we 3re.
“If your mind 3nd he3d t3lk 3re holding you 3t 3rms length from self
3ccept3nce of 3ll th3t you 3re, t3ke up Jupiterʼs offer to free you from the
psychologic3l skeletons th3t you 3re dr3gging into the 3ren3 of new
“With so much Pisce3n support, Mercury c3n help you surrender ment3lly 3nd
use your feminine, w3ter n3ture to guide you into union with th3t which is
gre3ter th3n self. 
“One te3ching indigenous people embody 3nd sh3re in their ritu3ls 3nd d3ily
lives is the 3bility to turn over guilt, burdens 3nd sufferings to higher power ~ 3
profound 3nd simple 3ct th3t western cultures seem to l3ck 3nd therefore,
unnecess3rily c3rry physic3l, ment3l 3nd emotion3l lo3ds in their d3ily lives. 
“Use this Full Moon to surrender your he3rt, your mind, your burdens to Gre3t
Spirit, Mother E3rth, F3ther Sky. 
“Your t3sk is not guilt or suffering, but gr3titude.”
© Copyright 2018 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved 
From the inspired CATHY PAGANO:
“We h3ve entered 3 time very much like the e3rly 70s, when there were
protests 3nd civic disruption…
“Th3tʼs where the ARTS come in. Pisces is very much connected to Art, for it is
the sign not only of spirit but of im3gin3tion, which uses the vehicle of the Arts
to express itself.
“…especi3lly since it w3s our 3rtists (think John Lennon) 3nd musici3ns who
led the w3y in the 70s for our cultur3l revolution. Now we once 3g3in need
our 3rtists to help ch3nge the collective tides.
“Art spe3ks to the he3rt 3nd so I 3sk, where 3re our musici3ns, our B3rds, our
3rtists, our d3ncers? Where 3re they telling the story of NOW, of wh3t it me3ns
to t3ke 3 st3nd 3t these most d3ngerous 3nd be3utiful times of cultur3l
“Mercury, Venus 3nd Chiron 3re conjunct in l3te Pisces, giving voice to he3ling
“With 3 strong trine from Jupiter in Scorpio, just before Jupiter turns
retrogr3de on M3rch 8th, we h3ve the 3bility to dig deep into the soul, f3cing
the wounds of this lifetime 3nd m3ny previous ones.
“Wh3t better w3y to express wh3t we discover th3n through Art? Art is one of
the blessings of Pisces.
“And 3s we le3ve the Pisce3n Age, we need to t3ke our Artists seriously. And
they need to t3ke themselves seriously 3nd tell us the story of our times.
“Th3t will begin 3 gre3t he3ling of our collective psyche.
“Itʼs time to bring more he3lthy nourishment into our collective lives, 3nd th3t
begins in our own lives.
“Donʼt forget th3t we 3re 3ll 3rtists, so d3nce 3nd sing, pl3y music, cre3te 3rt
3nd story 3nd sh3re it with your communities.”
© Copyright 2018 ~CATHY PAGANO  All Rights Reserved
From the insightful PAM YOUNGHANS from her North Point Astrology:
“THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the degree of the Full Moon (11°23′ Virgo) reinforces
the theme of dispelling illusion 3nd seeing re3lity: 
‘After the wedding, the groom sn3tches the veil 3w3y from his
bride: The penetr3ting 3nd unveiling power of the tr3ined mind.ʼ
“In his interpret3tion of this symbol, 3strologer D3ne Rudhy3r writes, ‘There
c3n be 3n unveiling of mysteries, long protected by secrecy.ʼ
“Much is coming forw3rd now th3t h3s been held host3ge by our desire not to
f3ce re3lity. The revel3tion of truth m3y not be comfort3ble, but it is the first
step tow3rd finding solutions to our problems.
“Wh3t will we see when the veil is sn3tched 3w3y, 3nd how will it 3ffect our
journey from here?”

© Copyright 2018 ~PAM YOUNGHANS All Rights Reserved

Intuitive Astrology: M)rch Full Moon 2018

The M#rch 1st-2nd Full Moon f#lls in the e#rth sign of Virgo #nd occurs #t 11
degrees. 11 is considered # m#ster number in numerology #nd represents
#w#kenings, higher consciousness, #nd the opening of port#ls into higher
re#lms #nd dimensions.
All of this m#kes this Full Moon highly ch#rged #nd will give the st#rt of M#rch
# m#gic#l energy th#t will be fun to explore.

Full Moonʼs #re usu#lly rele#se points, but under this Full Moon we #re going to
feel extremely guided. It is #lmost like the r#di#ting energy of this Moon is
going to pull or shift us in the direction we need to be he#ding.
It is import#nt to p#y #ttention to wh#t unfolds #round this Full Moon, #s it is
likely th#t you m#y receive some insights or intuitive pings #bout #re#s of your
life th#t h#ve felt clouded or foggy.
F#lling in the pr#ctic#l e#rth sign of Virgo, this Full Moon is going to help us
m#ke decisions in our lives from # pl#ce of pr#ctic#lity. It is likely th#t wherever
we #re guided will n#tur#lly feel like the right move, #nd we will be #ble to find
our confidence to forge #he#d.
Virgo energy #lso rules over the digestive system #nd the integr#tion of ide#s.
Wh#t ide#s or new life ch#nges do you need to “digest”? Wh#t energy #re you
#bsorbing #nd is it nourishing?
This Full Moon is #lso the perfect time to t#ke inventory of wh#t you #re filling
your life with #nd if it is serving you. This c#n be done on # physic#l, emotion#l,
#nd spiritu#l level, in order to cre#te # sense of b#l#nce #nd wellbeing.
If you h#ve been struggling to “digest” recent life events, this Full Moon is #lso
going to provide you with some support. Perh#ps keep #n open mind #nd see if
you c#n find the silver-lining or the positive #spects of wh#t h#s unfolded.
Every experience th#t comes to us in life is there to help us grow #nd evolve,
#nd looking #t life this w#y c#n sometimes help us to see things from # bigger
picture point of view.
This Full Moon will re#lly be helping us with this #nd guiding us #long #s to
where we need to focus our #ttention. Simply setting the intention to be
guided, #nd surrendering yourself to the m#gnificent Moon c#n help you to
tune in to the wisdom th#t is on offer.
The M#rch Full Moon is #lso working in t#ndem with the Febru#ry Sol#r Eclipse
#nd is the l#st Full Moon before the st#rt of the #strologic#l ye#r.
If there #re things you need to rele#se from the ye#r gone p#ssed, or
unresolved business th#t w#s stirred #round the Sol#r Eclipse, this Full Moon
will definitely be giving you # helping h#nd.
Journ#lling #nd medit#tion #re #lso gre#t w#ys to help tune into this energy
#nd will help you to receive the guid#nce you #re looking for.
Even though Full Moonʼs #re #bout rele#sing, this Full Moon #lso c#rries #
strong m#nifest#tion potenti#l #s well. Think #bout wh#t energy you would like
to bring into your life, or think #bout wh#t you would like to fill your life with #nd
set #n intention to m#ke it h#ppen.
Bec#use this Full Moon is closely linked to the re#lms of he#lth #nd he#ling, it
is #lso the perfect time to schedule # checkup, st#rt # new exercise regime, or
visit #n energy he#ler.
By p#ying #ttention to your over#ll wellness, this Full Moon will help you to feel
nourished from the inside out. Any #ctions t#ken to nurture your he#lth #nd
wellbeing will #lso be #mplified #nd you #re likely to see gre#t benefits.
Over#ll, this is # be#utiful Full Moon th#t strikes the perfect b#l#nce between
being m#gic#l, sensitive, #nd intuitive, with being pr#ctic#l #nd very guid#nce
There #re so m#ny w#ys to enjoy the energy of this Full Moon, but tuning into
both your intuitive #nd pr#ctic#l sides, #nd nourishing your mind, body, #nd
spirit will re#lly help you to m#ke the most of this be#utiful Virgo 11 Full Moon.

How The Complic)ted Full Moon In Virgo Will Seriously

Affect Your Love Life This Month

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K#te Rose
Love, Self
Febru#ry 28, 2018
The theme for this moon is cle)r.
On M#rch 1st or 2nd, depending upon loc#tion, there will be # full moon in
Virgo, effectively ch#nging wh#t your horoscope s#ys #bout your
life. Currently, we h#ve the m#jority of our sky swimming through w#tery #nd
rom#ntic Pisces, so this e#rth energy will be much needed for moving forw#rd
#nd beginning # new month.

In #strology, Virgo is #ll #bout pr#ctic#lity #nd logic, which c#n seem #s if it is

in contr#st to Pisces; however, these two zodi#c signs #re comp#tible bec#use
of the w#y their differences complement one #nother in # productive #nd
benefici#l w#y.

RELATED: Which Astrology Life Cycle You're In According To Your Age

(And Your Ruling Pl)net)

While this moon is in Virgo, it )ctu)lly touches upon one of the st)rs in the
constell)tion Leo, which me)ns th)t we will )lw)ys h)ve ) bit of
p)ssion)te fire with this moon )s well.

To h#ve w#ter, fire, #nd e#rth #ll colliding with one moon me#ns th#t weʼre
going to be de#ling with # lot. Potenti#lly, this could be # re#lly difficult moon,
but how it pl#ys out will depend on how we h#ndle the situ#tion.

This full moon c#n bring up issues of honesty, trust, loy#lty #nd unh#ppiness,
but these qu#lities c#n exist #t #ny given time for #ny of us; it just depends on
how we h#ndle them.
In rel#tionships, sometimes we shrug #w#y from the difficult convers#tions
bec#use we #re unsure how to be honest #nd still hold onto the m#gic of love.
But in doing so, we #lso lose #n #spect of re#lness which is cruci#l for moving
forw#rd in the connection with our lover. This moon will be ch#llenging #ll of us
to re#lly look #t own our stuff — our wounds, our p#sts, our mist#kes, #nd of
course, our hopes.

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We c#nʼt re#lly move forw#rd in love until we c#n m#ke pe#ce with where weʼve
been. And M#rch likes to ch#nge things up, to hit the "on" switch #nd st#rt
something new, but not before we cle#r up #nd rele#se our p#sts.
While we might be c)lled to cle)r up )nd est)blish bound)ries with ex-
lovers, itʼs )lso ) time when we )re going to be c)lled to look )t how f)r
weʼve come in terms of our p)tterns of beh)vior )nd levels of self-

It seems th#t so often we just like to focus on the feel good #spects of
rel#tionships while forgetting th#t # rel#tionship is just #s strong for its #bility
to overcome the difficult moments #s it is for the times spent in l#ughter #nd in
love. For m#ny of us, weʼve been becoming incre#singly more #w#re in our
rel#tionships, not just in reg#rds to wh#t we w#nt but #lso wh#t we #re working
through, like our triggers #nd p#st wounds.

RELATED: Wh)t The Pl)nets Your Horoscope Alw)ys Mentions Actu)lly


This me#ns th#t rel#tionships #re not just #bout where to go on # Frid#y night,
but sitting down #nd owning our mist#kes is # w#y to help us begin to m#ke
different choices. For m#ny of us, it comes down to getting sick of ourselves,
so we become motiv#ted to m#ke ch#nges. But none of us #re truly #lone in
this world #nd we need rel#tionships with other people to help work through
those p#tterns of beh#vior.
Our M#rch full moon is going to be giving us two choices: to keep doing things
the s#me w#y #nd see #rguments ensue out of irr#tion#l beh#vior, or to t#ke
responsibility for why we #re feeling # p#rticul#r w#y #nd t#lk it out with our
lover inste#d of bl#ming them for how we feel.
If we c#n m#ke the h#rd choices #nd truly do the work th#t this moon is #sking
of us, we will re#p the benefits of those choices, growing closer with our
p#rtner #nd h#ving #n incre#sed level of sexu#l st#min# #nd #ttr#ction. But if
not, we will h#ve to h#sh it out the h#rd w#y through fights #nd #rguments until
we get to the root of the problem.
This isnʼt to s)y th)t one w)y is more prefer)ble th)n the other; r)ther, we
)re )ll )t different st)ges in our development, )nd for some of us we )re
)t the point where the only thing to do is liter)lly st)rt m)king different
choices, versus still h)ving to le)rn the import)nce of self-)w)reness.

A full moon highlights #re#s of pol#rity in our lives bec#use of the #spect of the
Sun #nd Moon, so itʼs no different wh#t we will be feeling. Itʼs going to be # pull
between wh#t we w#nt #nd wh#t we need, wh#t we feel re#dy for #nd wh#t we
#re comfort#ble with, #nd st#ying in one pl#ce #nd moving forw#rd.
But these energies #renʼt here to trick us or hold us up from growth; inste#d,
they #re here to help us consider multiple f#ctors before we #ctu#lly m#ke #
In truth, while we #re not defined by our p#sts, they will become # p#rt of our
fr#mework. Itʼs not th#t we need to c#rry #round the he#vy burden of mist#kes
or regrets; r#ther, it's #bout forgiving ourselves #nd letting these events silently
become p#rt of our history — not so weʼll be reminded of the p#in, but so we
donʼt m#ke the s#me mist#ke #g#in.

During the first two weeks of M#rch, we #re #sked to utilize this Pisces energy
#nd truly reflect on where weʼve been #nd why we h#ve m#de the choices we
h#ve. Itʼs #bout being honest with ourselves, moving beyond our mist#kes, #nd
knowing th#t nothing th#t is me#nt for us c#n truly ever be ruined.
We #ll h#ve to cle#r the deck sometimes, w#sh cle#n # new sl#te, not
forgetting or er#sing everything, but so we h#ve the room for th#t new
beginning. Itʼs #bout cle#ring #nd rele#sing #ll th#t weʼve been through so we
c#n st#rt living # life th#t weʼre proud of — one th#t truly feels good #ll the w#y
down to our souls.

Full Moon 1 M)rch 2018 – Detoxify

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The full moon on Thursd)y M)rch 1, 2018 is )t 11 degrees Virgo. The full
moon M#rch 2018 #strology ch#rt shows #n opposition to Neptune. This
me#ns confusion #nd deception in rel#tionships bec#use of neg#tive emotions,
beh#viors #nd h#bits. A ch#llenging fixed st#r conjunction incre#ses the
likelihood of problems bec#use of lying, selfishness, immor#lity #nd me#nness.
The M#rch 2018 full moon m#kes # helpful #spect to S#turn which me#ns you
c#n t#ke responsibility for your ch#llenging beh#viors. You c#n dr#w on extr#
self-discipline, p#tience #nd determin#tion to bre#k b#d h#bits #nd improve
your life. This is # good full moon to consult doctors #nd psychologists or visit
# reh#b center. Detoxify your body #nd soul.

Full Moon Me)ning

A full moon occurs when the Sun is opposite the Moon. This highlights
opposing forces or pol#rities in your life such #s your work versus home, or
wh#t you need versus wh#t you w#nt. Inner tension #nd extern#l pressures c#n
le#d to person#l conflict #nd crises th#t dr#in your energy. Your home, f#mily
#nd intim#te rel#tionships comes into sh#rper focus following # full moon.
The lun#r qu#lities of emotions #nd instincts re#ch their pe#k #t # full moon.
Use you incre#sed emotion#l strength #nd intuition to overcome #ny
rel#tionship ch#llenges. Subconscious #w#reness #llows for #n imp#rti#l #nd
b#l#nced look #t your person#l rel#tionships. You will cle#rly see #ny
rel#tionship dyn#mics or neg#tive feelings c#using dish#rmony.
A full moon h#s # rel#tionship to the previous new moon. Your Febru)ry 15
sol)r eclipse go#ls c#n now be fine-tuned or completed, it is h#rvest time. You
c#n m#ke emotion#l #djustments in response to those new go#ls. The full
moon M#rch 2018 #strology l#sts for two weeks up to the M#rch 17 new moon.

Full Moon M)rch 2018 Astrology

The M#rch 1 full moon #t 11°23′ Virgo Sign is #ctu#lly in Leo Constell#tion.
At 11°34′ Virgo Sign on the B#ck of the Lion is the fixed st#r Zosm#. Moon
conjunct Zosm# c#n c#use depression but #lso good instincts #nd visions. Also
drug #ddiction or sensitivity, motion sickness or #nxiety felt in stom#ch. This is
not # h#ppy st#r with # n#ture like th#t of S#turn #nd Venus. In gener#l:
it c#uses benefit by disgr#ce, selfishness, egotism, immor#lity, me#nness,
mel#ncholy, unh#ppiness of mind #nd fe#r of poison, #nd gives #n
unre#son#ble, sh#meless #nd egotistic#l n#ture. [¹]
In mund#ne #strology Leo Constell)tion is #ssoci#ted with roy#l events
especi#lly the #scension or de#th of kings #nd queens, the election or de#th of
he#ds of st#te, #ss#ssin#tions uprisings #nd m#ss#cres, currency #nd the
stock exch#nge, the V#tic#n #nd Europe#n Union.

Full Moon M#rch 2018 Astrology Ch#rt

Full Moon Aspects

Full Moon opposite Neptune me#ns your instincts #nd psychic impressions
will be neg#tively influenced by your subconscious fe#rs #nd therefore be
in#ccur#te. You m#y experience str#nge feelings or h#ve nightm#res #nd
should #void hypnosis #nd psychic #ctivities like sé#nces.
Full moon M#rch 2018 opposite Neptune m#y incre#se your emotion#l
sensitivity to such # level th#t you misunderst#nd others #nd become confused
#bout your own feelings. You should t#ke extr# c#re in your de#lings with
others bec#use you #re likely to get the wrong impression #nd they will get the
wrong impression #bout you.
You m#y over ide#lize someone #nd ignore their neg#tive ch#r#cter tr#its. This
would le#ve you vulner#ble to deception #nd sc#nd#l. You should be very cle#r
#nd honest #bout your intentions #nd #void gossip. Do not t#ke too seriously
your feelings #bout wh#t people think or s#y #bout you. You could e#sily
become discour#ged, p#r#noid, dissolutioned, sc#red, or feel guilty #nd we#k.
Moon opposite Neptune is #ctu#lly very simil#r to Zosm#. Therefore, the full
moon m#y trigger depressive moods, #ddiction, over sensitivity, #nxiety #nd
illness, especi#lly if you #re #lre#dy prone to such things. T#ke extr#
prec#utions if you #re not feeling well #s you could be more susceptible to
infection. Alcohol #nd drugs will likely h#ve # stronger effect #nd could even
c#use poisoning or overdose.
Fixed st#r Zosm# #nd the opposition to Neptune m#ke this # ch#llenging full
moon but there #re positives. Neptune stimul#tes your im#gin#tion, cre#tivity
#nd comp#ssion. Good things to do during this two-week moon ph#se include
ch#rity work #nd visiting sick or elderly friends #nd rel#tives. Rel#x with #
movie or music or try singing in the shower. Try to rel#x #nd not t#ke life too
Full moon trine S)turn is # big positive bec#use it gives the p#tience #nd
emotion#l strength to h#ndle sensitive or difficult rel#tionship issues. S#turn
common sense #nd re#lity will cle#r up #ny self-delusion or f#nt#sies you m#y
h#ve #bout others. S#turn gives # grounded feeling if you #re feeling upset #nd
e#ses the Neptune feeling of confusion #nd disorient#tion. However, this
#spect is not #s strong #s the opposition to Neptune. Your instincts m#y not
be so deceptive but you should still not rely on them.
When m#king decisions you should rely on your r#tion#l mind, not your gut
feelings. Seek #dvice from #n elder or profession#l. Tr#dition#l v#lues #nd old
h#bits c#n bring solutions to new problems. This is # good moon ph#se to visit
your p#rents #nd gr#ndp#rents or p#y respect to your #ncestors. You will feel
dr#wn to the p#st #nd would g#in # lot of comfort #nd re#ssur#nce from
flicking through old photos #nd keeps#kes.

Full Moon M)rch 2018 Astrology Summ)ry

Full moon M#rch 2018 conjunct fixed st#r Zosm# #nd opposite Neptune will
shine # light on #ny neg#tive emotions, beh#viors #nd h#bits you m#y h#ve.
These m#y include deception, lying, selfishness, immor#lity #nd me#nness.
Your fe#rs #nd #ny #ddictions will #lso be more problem#tic. They will become
obvious through person#l inter#ctions, especi#lly your intim#te rel#tionships
such #s your p#rtner #nd f#mily.
A helpful #spect to S#turn me#ns this is # full moon to t#ke responsibility for
your ch#llenging beh#viors. You c#n dr#w on extr# self-discipline, p#tience
#nd determin#tion to bre#k b#d h#bits #nd improve your life. S#turn #lso
provides support structures to help you. You c#n seek emotion#l support #nd
nourishment from your f#mily or p#rtner.
This is # good full moon to consult doctors #nd psychologists or visit # reh#b
center or other support #gency. You c#n #lso setup your own structures #nd
routines b#sed on # he#lthy diet #nd lifestyle. You c#n st#rt by detoxifying your
body #nd st#rting #nd exercise regimen.
The Full Moon In Virgo 2018 Will Shine A Light On Your
Emotion)l Needs
By Roy# B#cklund# d#y #go

M#rch 2018 is oozing so much pl#net#ry m#gic, you might see st#rs glowing in
your peripher#l vision. We've got two full moons this month, one on M#r. 1 #nd
one on M#r. 31, which is considered # blue moon. This is the second time #
blue moon h#s h#ppened in 2018 #lone, which is #stoundingly r#re. If th#t isn't
enough proof th#t M#rch is speci#l, the #strologic#l me#ning behind the full
moon in Virgo 2018 on M#r. 1 should definitely ch#nge your mind. Prep#re for
M#rch to be # month th#t ch#nges everything.
The full moon is #lw#ys # signific#nt time, #s it symbolizes the culmin#tion of
the lun#r cycle. It's when import#nt periods of our lives come to fruition #nd we
#re powered up with # m#ximum #mount of spiritu#l vit#lity. In other words, the
full moon is when we're #ble to re#lly m#ke sh*t h#ppen. When it's over, we
proceed into the w#ning moon ph#se until we re#ch # new moon, where #ll our
concerns #re wiped cle#n so we c#n st#rt #new. This process repe#ts itself,
over #nd over #g#in.
This Virgo full moon will be #bsorbing its glow from the Sun in Pisces, m#king
for # combin#tion th#t will revit#lize us from inside-out. Virgo is # meticulous
e#rth sign, concerned with det#ils, org#niz#tion, #nd pl#nning. Pisces, on the
other h#nd, is # w#ter sign th#t #llows our emotions to pool on the surf#ce,
where we c#n re#lly feel on them. This is why the Virgo full moon will force us
to sort through our inner-most feelings #nd undergo import#nt ch#nges in our
lives th#t will eventu#lly m#ke us h#ppier individu#ls.

Explore Wh)t Youʼve Been L)cking

Everything th#t's not working for you in life will feel especi#lly obvious to you
during the Virgo full moon. The job th#t you c#n't st#nd, the one you go to
every d#y on #uto-pilot while ignoring your gut feeling th#t you need to be
doing something else. The going-nowhere rel#tionship you're in, the one you
just c#n't bring yourself to le#ve bec#use you're #fr#id of being #lone. The w#y
you go #long with the toxic w#y your f#mily controls you, just so you c#n
#ppe#se them. Th#t boss you're #fr#id to st#nd up to, the one who instills fe#r
in you #s # form of "motiv#tion." Everything th#t's weighing you down, no
m#tter wh#t it is, will feel too he#vy for you to ignore.
I know it's # lot e#sier to brush these things under the t#ble, but there's no
longer room under the t#ble for your b#gg#ge. F#cing your fe#rs is #lw#ys
difficult but if you w#nt to grow in life #nd t#ke your over#ll well-being to #
much better pl#ce, you need to look these things de#d in the eye #nd t#ke
ch#rge — the Virgo full moon w#nts you to.
Detox & Cle)nse

You might be so#king in some st#rtling re#liz#tions #bout your life during this
time. It's difficult enough #s it is so don't feel pressured to m#ke #ny big
decisions just yet. Right now, #llow yourself time to org#nize your life in little
w#ys th#t m#ke # big difference. Something #s simple #s w#xing your
eyebrows, getting your t#xes done, re#ding # book, or even just m#king your
bed #fter you w#ke up in the morning c#n do wonders for your ment#l he#lth.
Also, tre#t yourself to pe#ce #nd serenity, wherever you c#n find it. T#ke the
scenic drive home from work, so you c#n listen to the entire episode of your
f#vorite podc#st. Spend #n extr# hour cooking # he#lthy dinner for yourself
from scr#tch. W#ke up 15 minutes e#rly in the morning so you c#n pr#ctice
some yog# before work.
You h#ve plenty of time to g#ther the cour#ge to m#ke dr#stic ch#nges to your
life. It doesn't h#ve to h#ppen right now. Let your thoughts t#ke full form before
you #ct on them.

M)ke A Pl)n For Your Future Self

Whenever you feel re#dy, formul#te # pl#n to put these thoughts into #ction. If
you've #lw#ys w#nted to be # d#ncer, get out there #nd enroll in # d#nce cl#ss.
If you've never left the continent#l U.S., m#ybe it's time to fin#lly l#y down the
groundwork #nd s#ve up enough money to fly to Europe. If you know your
t#lents #ren't being put to good use #t your job, perh#ps it's time to offici#lly
st#rt looking for # new one.
Try to remember not to get overwhelmed here. These improvements in your life
t#ke time. As the s#ying goes, Rome w#sn't built in # d#y. It w#s built one brick
#t # time. And you, my de#r, #re just #s m#gnificent #nd #m#zing #s Rome.
The Virgo moon will help you re#lize th#t.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

This Full Moon is especi#lly powerful for you. Inste#d of looking for w#ys to be
of service to others, you'll st#rt #sserting your own needs. This will trigger
some glorious shifts. Although you h#ve no intention of #b#ndoning people
who rely on you, it will be e#sier to p#mper #nd c#re for yourself.
Inste#d of st#ying up l#te to m#ke gourmet lunches for the kids, you'll s#vor #n
#ll-night re#ding binge. R#ther th#n v#cuuming under the couch, you'll put the
finishing touches on # writing project you st#rted long #go. There's never been
# better time to get # m#keover. Inste#d of r#dic#lly overh#uling your im#ge,
opt for # look th#t emph#sizes your best fe#tures.

The Full Moon rises in service-oriented Virgo on M#rch 1, 2018. This is #n ide#l
time to finish outst#nding projects, complete he#lth go#ls, #nd submit job
#pplic#tions. Bec#use f#nt#sy-oriented Neptune opposes this Full Moon, we
#re ch#llenged to be re#listic. R#ther th#n strive for perfection, it's better to
meet de#dlines. When you c#n't get wh#t you w#nt, settle for wh#t you need.
Dedic#ted S#turn does m#ke # trine to this Full Moon, which indic#tes its
effects will be long-l#sting #nd benefici#l. One completed #ssignment will le#d
to # regul#r series of projects. If you were successful in losing weight through #
fitness progr#m, the trend will continue. Any job th#t is #ccepted should be #
source of ste#dy income. This Full Moon builds solid found#tions, not

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