Dynamic Modelling

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Dynamic Modeling of Induction Motor Taking Into Account Thermal

Département de Génie-Electrique
Université de Jijel
Laboratoire d’études et de modélisation en électrotechnique, Université de Jijel (L.A.M.E.L).
BP 98 - Ouled Aïssa-Jijel 18000

Abstract: – The study of thermal behaviour is useful to identify causes of failure in electrical machines. This
work details a two dimensional model for computing the magnetic and thermal finite element solution of
induction motor using a weak coupling algorithm. In order to improve the accuracy of the adopted numerical
formulation, the decrease of the electric conductivity with temperature is taking into account.

Key-Words: - Induction motor, voltage equations, thermal analysis, coupled problem, finite element method,
losses, hot spot, overheating

1 Introduction 2 Electromagnetic problem

In different types of electrical energy transducers Distributed heat sources are calculated by solving
such as electrical machines, it is important to study the voltage source eddy current problem, accounting
the electromagnetic behaviour jointly with the for saturation in a dynamic rotating model.
thermal behaviour [1][2]. Two interactions justify
such a coupled view.
• Most thermal energy sources heating up these 2.1 Field equations
devices are in fact electromagnetic losses. Magnetodynamic complex formulation for the
Generally, these heat sources are a function of electromagnetic problem is used.
the local electromagnetic field. Therefore they
represent a coupling of the electromagnetic field ∇× ( υ ∇× A ) = J ex in stator windings
to the thermal field. ∇ × (υ ∇ × A ) = 0 in air gap
Many material characteristics playing a role in
∇ × (υ ∇× A ) + j ωS g σ E + σ E ∇ V = 0 in rotor windings (1)

the electromagnetic field are depending on the

local temperature. For instance, the electrical ∇ × (υ ∇ × A ) = 0 in core materials
conductivity of a copper conductor may change A=0 on the outer boundary
about 30 % over the temperature interval of where
some 100 °C in which most electrical machines A: Magnetic vector potential, J: Inductor current
operate. density, υ: Reluctivity, σ : Electric conductivity, V:
Scalar potential, ωs: Pulsation of the rotor currents, g:
In this paper the implementation of a coupled Slip of the rotor.
electromagnetic-thermal field problem is presented.
In order to estimate the thermal impact on the
induction motors a comparison between two 2.2 Voltage equations
simulations is realized. The first simulation is done External voltage source is connected externally to
with a constant electric conductivity. In the second the finite element region. For this case stator
the dependency of the electric conductivity on equivalent circuit equation is given by:
temperature is taking into account. U i = Rtête i ph + j ωs Ltête + ∆Vi with i = 1,2,3 (2)

Rtête: End windings resistance, Ltête: End windings T: Temperature, ρ: Specific mass, Cp: Specific heat,
inductance, V: Scalar potential difference between λ : Thermal conductivity, hc: Convection coefficient,
the ends of stator’s conductors. hr: Radiation coefficient, Ta: Ambient temperature, n:
R tête L tête ∆V1 Outer normal vector to the boundary.
U1 R tête L tête ∆V2 The finite element model of the heat conduction
problem with mixed boundary conditions
U2 R tête L tête ∆V3 (convection, radiation) and thermal sources is given
n by the following matrix equation [4]:
U3 ∂ [T ]
[K ] + [M ] [T ] = [F ] (5)
Fig.1 Stator equivalent circuit
[K]: Thermal capacity matrix, [M]: Thermal
Voltage equations are not constructed for the conductivity matrix, [F]: heating sources vector.
rotor winding because we assumed that the ends of Contact resistances and thin insulation layers are
the rotor are equipotential surfaces of the scalar considered in order to obtain a realistic temperature
potential. distribution [5].

2.3 Coupling field equations to voltage

4 Coupled electromagnetic-thermal
Field and voltage equations should be solved problem
together as a system of equation [3]. Weak coupled modeling between electromagnetic
Magnetic matrix Coupling matrix and thermal phenomena is adopted. In order to obtain
 [S ( A)] − [P][C]   [ A] 
T  [0]  solutions of the coupled problem two approaches are
=  [U]  (3) used:

− [C][P]
[Rph] [Ltête] [ iph ]  j ωs 

• The first approach consists of solving the
Electric matrix
electromagnetic and thermal problems in
Coupling matrix
successive steps with up-dating the reluctivity.
where • In the second approach the equations are solved
U: Phase’s voltage vector, iph: Phase’s current vector. sequentially with up-dating the reluctivity and
the electric conductivity.
Because of the nonlinearity of the core materials The two coupled models are applied on a three-
the system of equations must be solved iteratively phase induction motor.
(fixed-point technique).
The heat sources associated with magnetic field

T [°C] Temperature obtained by the first model

are Joule losses caused by the driving currents and 140
Temperature obtained by the second model
the induced eddy currents. Iron losses occur in 135

ferromagnetic materials subject to hysteresis 130



3 Transient thermal problem 115

The heat generation q of electromagnetic nature 110

0 0 .0 1 0 .0 2 0 .0 3 0 .0 4 0 .0 5 0 .0 6 0 .0 7 0 .0 8

results in coupling of the source term of the right- Fig.2 Temperature variation along r [m]

hand side of the thermal equation. Heat transfer the machine radius

inside the machine is described by the following

equations: In order to analyze the effect of the thermal
dependency of electric conductivity and the
∂T contribution of the iron losses for the temperature
ρ Cp = ∇. ( λ ∇ T )+q in all the domain
∂t raise some results are presented in table 1.
λ ∂T
− = ( hc + hr ) ( Tp − Tref ) on the boundary
TMax [°C]
6 Conclusion
The results presented here, proof that the
Without iron losses, constant conductivity 128,86 temperature dependency of the electric material
Without iron losses, thermal dependent conductivity 134,13 characteristics must be considered when an accurate
With iron losses, constant conductivity 132,5
simulation of induction motor is required.

With iron losses, thermal dependent conductivity 138

Table 1 Hot spot temperatures References:

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The computed 2D magnetic and 2D thermal S.R. Arruda, ‘A thermal analysis of induction
solution fields since the decrease electric motors using a weak coupled modeling’, IEEE
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[2] Y. Lee, H.B. Lee, S.Y. Hahn, ‘Temperature
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sources by finite element method’ , IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 33, n° 2, pp.
1718-1721, March 1997.
[3] E. Vassent, G. Meunier, A. Foggia, ‘Simulation
of induction machines using complex
magnetodynamic finite element method coupled
Fig.3 Equipotential lines of the
with the circuit equations’, IEEE Transactions
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Dark regions indicate the hottest spots (138°C), [4] G. Dhatt et G. Touzot, ‘Une représentation de la
i.e., the rotor. It can be seen that a considerable méthode des éléments finis’ ,Ed. Maloine, Paris,
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element modeling of thermal contact resistances
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1,pp. 15-19, January/February 2001.

Fig.4 Isothermal lines in the

induction motor

The evolution of temperature in different parts of

the machine since the decrease electric conductivity
is taking into account is shown in figure 5.

T[°C] rotor bars

140 rotor core
stator winding
120 frame





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
t [h]
Fig.5 Evolution of temperature in different parts of
the machine

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