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Lesson Plan Template

Date Subject Number of students Grade

11 - 03 -2018 Math 25 KG2”6

Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

Classroom management
Achieved lesson plan outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Students will be able to …… (Write the outcome
word for word)
Students will be able to identify circles, squares,
triangles, and rectangles.

Lesson Introduction
Questions to be asked during whole group activity
Whole group activity: Time__15 mins_____ (Identify Blooms Taxonomy for each question) A
minimum of 1 low level question and 2 high level
Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points) questions is expected:

What will you do in order to introduce the concept

Remembering (low level):
to the students?
 Watch shapes story.
 Ask the students what they have noticed from
the video and which shape. Understanding (low level):

Active Engagement: (Bullet points) Applying (low level):

 Place a blue square, yellow circle, orange

rectangle, and red triangle on the carpet. Analyzing (high level):
 I will describe a shape and the students
have to guess which one it is.

Link: (Bullet points) Evaluating (high level):

 Ask the students to describe any shape.

 Let them draw the shape on the air
Creating (high level):

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1 Learning Center 2 Learning Center 3 Learning Center 4

Matching shapes Imagine pictures Paint with shapes Play-Dough

Small Group Learning Centers: Time___10___

Learning Center 1 Title: (Bullet points) Learning Center 2 Title: (Bullet points)

- I will give the students a paper with shapes. - I will give the students some shapes. And ask
- The students have to match them together them to draw any thing from their imagination.
- The students will draw a house, garden,
flowers…etc. from their imagination.

Learning Center 3 Title: (Bullet points) Learning Center 4 Title: (Bullet points)

- I will give the students papers and painting

colors. - I will give the students a Play-Dough.
- The students will make a pattern with the shapes. - The students have to create a shape with it.

Closing activity: Time: ___5mins___

I will make sure that the students understand by showing some shapes and ask them name
each shape.
I will let the students draw the shape on the air.
I will let the students find any shape from the natural materials.

Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning outcome?
What evidence will you show to prove this?
I will check the students understanding through describing the shapes by their lines and

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