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Lesson Plan

Lesson : Uses of Ammonia

Aim :

To study the uses of ammonia.

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to :

• explain the manufacture of nitric acid by the catalytic oxidation of ammonia

• explain the uses of ammonia and its salts as fertilisers.

• describe the manufacture of ammonium sulphate.

Assumed prior knowledge :

Students should already be familiar with :

1. the manufacture of ammonia by the Haber process

2. the concept of percentage composition of an element in a compound.

Underlying Principles

1. Making the invisible, visible.

2. Enabling students to know what to look for.


Questions in the student notes are designed to enable all students to complete the activity.
The pop-up answers are provided for the students to view when they have considered their
responses. Worksheet questions include questions that require recall, understanding and
application of the new concepts learned.

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Development of Lesson :

No. Steps Strategy Resources

1 Set Induction. • Teacher to get students to recall how
(Ascertaining prior ammonia is manufactured by the Haber
knowledge and process. Teacher to get students to
introducing lesson suggest the uses of ammonia.
topic for the day).
• Teacher to point out lesson objectives of
the day.

2 Student Activity Teacher to go through Activities 1 and 2 • Courseware

with the students.

Activity 1 : Manufacture of nitric acid

Students get to view the manufacture of

nitric acid by the Ostwald process.

Activity 2 : Uses of ammonia

Students get to view the use of ammonia

as a fertiliser. They get to compare the
nitrogen content of a few ammonium salt
fertilisers. Students also get to view how
ammonium sulphate is manufactured from
ammoniacal liquour.

3 Evaluation • Students to answer questions in the • Worksheet

worksheet on their own.

4 Extension activity • Students to read up reference materials • References

on their own.

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Worksheet Answers

1. Manufacture of nitric acid

1.1 a. Oxidation

b. 4NH3 + 5O2 4NO + 6H2O

c. Ammonia from the Haber process

Oxygen from the air

d. Pressure: , Temperature: 850 °C, Catalyst: Platinum.

e. Nitrogen monoxide.

2. Uses of ammonia

2.1 a. NH3 + HNO3 NH4NO3

b. % of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate = x 100 = 35%
c. % of nitrogen in ammonia = x 100 = 82.4%

Ammonia is a more effective fertiliser than ammonium nitrate because it has a higher
nitrogen content.

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