Lesson Plan: Lesson: D-Block Elements (I)

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Lesson Plan

Lesson : d-Block Elements (I)

Aim :

To study the d-block elements in terms of their variable oxidation states.

Learning Outcomes :

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to :

• explain the variable oxidation states of d-block elements in terms of the relative
energies of the 3d and 4s orbitals

• state the oxidation states of the d-block elements in their common cations, oxides
and oxoanions

• explain qualitatively the relative stabilities of the +2 and +3 oxidation states

Assumed prior knowledge :

Students should already be familiar with :

1. the concept of oxidation states

2. the electronic configuration of d-block elements

3. the concept of standard reduction potentials.

Underlying Principles

1. Making the invisible, visible.

2. Enabling students to know what to look for.


Questions in the student notes are designed to enable all students to complete the activity.
The pop-up answers are provided for the students to view when they have considered their
responses. Worksheet questions include questions that require recall, understanding and
application of the new concepts learned.

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Development of Lesson :

No. Steps Strategy Resources

1 Set Induction. • Teacher to quiz students to ensure that
(Ascertaining prior they have the prior knowledge required.
knowledge and
introducing lesson • Teacher to point out lesson objectives of
topic for the day). the day.

2 Student Activity Teacher to go through Activities 1 and 2 • Courseware

with the students.

Activity 1 : Variable oxidation states

Students get to find out that transition

elements can exhibit variable oxidation
states because of their ability to lose
electrons from both the 4s and 3d
orbitals. They also get to compare the
relative stability of the +2 oxidation state
across the row.

Activity 2 : Colour

Students get to find out that the colours of

the transition metal compounds are due
to d-d electronic transitions.

3 Evaluation • Students to answer questions in the • Worksheet

worksheet on their own.

4 Extension activity • Students to read up reference materials • References

on their own.

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Worksheet Answers

1. Variable oxidation states

1.1 Ni, Cu, Cr

1.2 a. Sc = +3 (+III), Mn = +7 (+VII), Zn = +2 (+II)

b. The maximum oxidation states correspond to the number of valence electrons

in the 3d and 4s orbitals.

c. The tendency for the d electrons to participate in bonding decreases.

1.3 a. The 3d and 4s electrons have similar energies.

b. Cu: Cu2O (+1) and CuO (+2)

Cr: Cr2O3 (+3) and CrO3 (+6)

c. CrO42− and Cr2O72−

1.4 C

2. Colour

2.1 a. Orange

b. Yellow

c. Purple

d. Pink

2.2 Sc3+ has empty d orbitals and Zn2+ has fully filled d orbitals whereas Cr3+ has partially
filled d orbitals. Hence, d-d electronic transitions can only occur in Cr3+ and not in
Sc3+ and Zn2+.


Energy Gaseous
Cu2+ ion

[Cu(H2O)4]2+ [Cu(H2O)4]2+
Ground state Excited state

2.4 a. The metal ion

b. The oxidation state of the metal ion
c. The ligand

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