Section - A Description of Samples Based On Demographic Variables

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1. Age of a mother
a) 18-20 years
b) 20-25 years
c) >25 years
2. Religion
a) Hindu
b) Christian
c) Muslim
d) Others
3. Education of the father
a) Illiterate
b) Primary school
c) Secondary school
d) Diploma / graduate
4. Education of the mother
a) Illiterate
b) Primary school
c) Secondary school
d) Diploma / graduate
5. Occupation of the father
a) Government job
b) Coolie
c) Private employee
d) Others
6. Occupation of the father
a) Government job
b) Coolie
c) Private employee
d) Others
7. Residence
a) Urban
b) Rural
8. Birth order
a) First child
b) Second child
c) Third child
d) Fourth child
9. Family income
a) Above ₹10,000
b) ₹7,000 – 9,999
c) ₹3,000 – 6,999
d) Below ₹2,999
10. Family type
a) Nuclear family
b) Joint family

1. What are all the causes are there for the eating problems among toddlers?
a) Developmental Disabilities, Medical conditions and Behavioural Problems
b) Neurological Conditions and Anatomical Anomalies
c) Both A and B
d) None the Above
2. What are the feeding problems are there among children which are consider as major
mental developmental disabilities?
b) Slow Eating disorder
c) Autism, Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy
d) All the Above
3. Which of the Medical condition is most prevalent among children in order have
eating problems or refusal of food?
a) Gastro-oesophageal reflux
b) Slow Eating disorder
c) Cerebral Palsy
d) Oral Disorders
4. What are the Neurological developmental delay which associated to the eating
problems in toddlers?
a) Oral Motor Delays and Dysphagia
b) Digestive Disorders
c) Cerebral Palsy
d) None of the Above
5. What are main five functionally issues in toddlers which defined as the feeding
a) Oral Motor Delays and Dysphagia
b) Food Refusal, Type of Food Selected, Food Selected by Texture, Behavioural
Problems, oral motor delays, or dysphagia.
c) Cerebral Palsy
d) Only having Neurological Problems
6. What are the two indicators for malnutrition associated by Eating Problems?
a) Vitamin A deficiency and Wasting
b) Under nutrition and Under Weight
c) Wasting and Stunting
d) All the above
7. What are major the common eating patterns in toddlers which causing Eating
a) Eat favourite foods, only eats one or two things, only eats junk food,
Eat new foods
b) Eating little food, Eating Full Healthy Meals
c) Eating all in Wanted Time
d) None of the above
8. What are all the common Mealtime Mistakes parents doing to toddler which creates
eating problems?
a) Giving only vegetarian - foods, Bargaining and forcing to eat
b) Not Discussing your diet to Child and asking their wish
c) Giving food while watching TV, Playing
d) All the above
9. Which of the following are highly prevalent global nutrition problems?
a) Vitamin A deficiency
b) Under nutrition
c) Obesity
d) All the above
10. In what ways can governments promote good nutrition to reduce the eating
Problems among toddlers?
a) Surveys to monitor nutrition
b) Publishing dietary guidelines
c) Legislating against false claims
d) All the above
11. What are all the habits that induce the child to stop eating properly?
a) Playing and watching TV
b) Eating at bed time or Bad table manners
c) Improper Cooked Food
d) All the above
12. What are all the behavioural problems in children whom having the problem to take
a) Adamant Behaviour / Temper tantrum
b) Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Hyperactive Disorder
c) Anger, Aggression Behaviour
d) All the above
13. What are the common health problem which cause Eating Disorder?
a) Constipation, Food allergies, Overweight, Vomiting, Underweight, Fear
b) Struggles to eat meals
c) Refuse to Eat
d) Stomach upset, Stomach pain, Vomiting
14. what are all the ways can get child willingness to reduce eating problem?
a) Try new foods, E eat vegetables, promote good appetite.
b) avoid taking drink than eat, Reduces the anxious / frustrated feeling
c) Both A and B
d) Only B
15. What are the parent behaviours that induce Eating problem to the toddlers?
a) Not allowing to self-feed, excessive attention, frequent offering of snacks
or meal
b) Not allowing to explore / play with food, giving fluid before or with meals
c) Forceful –feeding / coercing to eat, meals timing is lasting too long
d) All the Above

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