Plans and Guidelines of BB

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BOSCO Uganda - Business Plan Competition

1.2 million shillings in cash prizes

ECU - Entrepreneurship Club Uganda, sponsored by BOSCO Uganda will hold its first business plan competition at
Bardege ICT Centre on Saturday, April 16, 2016 starting promptly at 10 a.m. Bardege ICT Centre is located in Gulu
adjacent to Bardege division office, opposite the car wash behind the former UCHUMI supermarket. To participate
in this competition, please submit your written business plan to BOSCO Uganda by 5pm on Thursday, April 14.
You may submit your business plan in person at Bardege ICT-Centre, Caritas Office in For God, or you can submit
it digitally to Once your business plan has been received, you will be assigned a
presentation time. If the assigned time does not work for you, please contact BOSCO Uganda at 0775772847 to
switch your presentation to another time slot.

10am – 10:15am Introductory remarks from BOSCO organizers & Entrepreneurship Club Chairman
10:15am – 1pm Participating teams / individuals present their business plans
1pm – 1:20pm Break while judges compile results
1:20pm – 1:40pm Announcement of competition winners & concluding remarks.

Event Description
This business plan competition has been organized to improve the business plan writing and presentation skills of
entrepreneurs in Uganda. It is hoped that this exercise may assist entrepreneurs to acquire funding from
microfinance institutions. Some prize money will be given out for the best presentations. Business plans &
presentations will be judged based on how well the guidelines below are met and also on the merits of the
business idea itself.
Prize money will be given out as follows:
1st place 500,000 shs
2nd place 350,000 shs
3rd place 200,000 shs
4th place 150,000 shs

Three judges will determine the winners of the competition by assigning scores based on this rubric:
Written Business Plan
 Style 3 pts
 Content / completeness 7 pts
 Slideshow (PowerPoint) 3 pts
 Content & presentation quality 7 pts
 Creativity of business idea 5 pts
 Potential impact of the business 5 pts
 Preparedness of team for this business 5 pts

Business Plan Guidelines

 Style
o Font size: 12
o 2 to 10 pages in length.
 Content
o Title page
 Name of the business
 Names of all members of your team
o Executive Summary
 This comes directly after the title page but we advise you to write it last. This is an overall
summary of your business plan.
o Products and Services
 Price of your product(s)
 Description of the problem or the need that you are trying to solve or attend
 Description of your solution
o Market Analysis Summary-
 Description of the market that your business is in.
 Size of this market
 Description of any relevant market trends
 Description of competitors
 Population that your business is targeting
o Strategy & Implementation Summary
 Marketing plan
 Sales plan
 Location & facilities
 Technology
 Equipment & tools
 Milestones
o Company & Management Summary
 Organizational structure
 Management team (write a paragraph about each team member)
 Company ownership (tell what percentage of the company is owned by each team
o Financial Plan
 How much you need to start your business
 Include a budget if possible
 How much you expect to earn per month once your business is running well.
o Impact
 How your business will benefit the world

Presentation Guidelines

To be eligible for this competition, each team is required to present to a panel of judges.

 Presentations should be approximately 5 minutes in length.

 Presentations should cover the main points of the business plan. All team members should present.
 PowerPoint presentations are recommended but not required.

Pictures or samples of business products, services or facilities may be incorporated into presentations

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