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Advocacy and Organizing for Social Justice:

Government Relations at Catholic Charities

Camille Smith

The Office of Government Relations furthers the mission

This year I completed over 250 hours of the agency by working collaboratively with stakeholders
1.) Identify how Because I got to both schedule, manage,
serving as a Social Justice Intern with the to improve the lives of those we serve through advocacy
organizations can and attend meetings, I got to be
Government Relations Department at and program sustainability. My primary tasks with the
influence the thoroughly involved in the advocacy
Catholic Charities. In addition to the Office of Government Relations are:
government process and see how organizations and
internship itself, I had to opportunity to be a ²  Grant preparation and writing
officials can have mututally beneficial
part of our nine-person cohort, meeting ²  Advocacy and policy writing relationships and goals
every few weeks to reflect on not only our ²  Elected official interaction
²  Research 2.) Analyze solutions Having the opportunity to research and
experiences in the office, but as leaders for to social problems evaluate actual social services CC
social justice. Though at the beginning of ²  Meeting and Site Visits
provides gave me powerful insight on
the year we all were acquaintances at best, tangible solutions to issues I care about
we grew together through our community My primary areas of focus are:
building, reflection, and discussions. We ²  Immigration 3.) Understand the One of the most powerful lessons I
challenged each other’s perspectives and ²  Rehabilition needs of underserved learned about serving communities in
assumptions about critical social issues, ²  Homelessness communities need is the value of asset-based
and collectively processed our roles as ²  Child Care community development: using a
determined agents for positive social
Two Feet of communities strengths to further
change. Love in Action identify and bolster their goals

1.) Ignatian I viewed my role as an opportunity to both

Char Approach: Social learn from and offer new perspectives to
itable Engagement the way work is done in Government
Works Relations by focusing on our common goal
Basic of improving human dignity of life
Aid In Need
divid s
2.) Interpersonal Throughout the year, I put myself in the
Skills: Dialogue position to attend site visits and learn from
in Community community members what they need from
service providers and funders
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
3.) Application: By engaging with coworkers about their
committed citizens can change the world.
Self-efficacy personal journeys in policy and advocacy, I
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead
became better able to discern how to
merge my mission with creativity, analysis,
I served as the Government Relations Department’s very
and knowledge to be an agent for change
Missions first intern, so part of my role was determining with my
supervisors what gaps needed to be filled. The 4.) Learning How Being a part of the SJI cohort helped me
As a student who chose Loyola for its social
department is often very busy working eith the schedules to Learn: Critical make meaning of my internship in
justice mission, the deicsion to work at
of elected officials and trying to meet grant deadlines, Reflection connection with academic knowledge and
Catholic Charities was natural to me. The
thus, much of my work focused on easing this pressure personal perspetives. I now feel I can
missions of both institutions go hand-in-
for the rest of the department.The first half of the year, I better birdge the gap between theory and
spent a lot of time logging our interactions with elected practicality when it comes to service and
officials, as well as scheduling, and attending new ones. justice
“Catholic Charities fulfills the Church’s role in
the mission of charity to anyone in need by
The second half of the year I helped the department
providing compassionate, competent and Conclusion & Acknowledgements
prepare for our annual Advocacy Days visit to elected
professional services that strengthen and Being a part of the Social Justice Internship program with
officials in Springfield by doing research and a summary
support individuals, families and communities Catholic Charities not only exposed me to more knowledge
on everyone representing the communities we work in. I concerning issues of organizing, leadership, and social justice,
based on the value and dignity of human life. In
also got to spend much more time working on federal but also strengthened my capacity to effectively make change in
order to remain faithful to our mission, Catholic these areas. Though coming into this program I anticipated these
grant applications for two programs: Adult Opioid
Charities is guided by these core values: results, I did not know how they would feel tangible to me. As I
Prevention and Individual Develpoment Accounts for now prepare to graduate and pursue a career in policy, I feel more
Respect, Compassion, Competence and
Refugees. By working on these grant applications, I had equipped and ready than ever to do work guided by the mission of
Stewardship.” social justice. This is all thanks to the skills I have gained in policy
the opportunity to conduct research on the social issues
they concerned and meet with various members and work itself and my personal and introspective development as
“Loyola University Chicago is the school of someone who wants to effect change.
partners of the agency that support these projects. While
choice for those who wish to seek new
my work with officials and policy aimed to remove root I want to give a special thank you to our SJI coordinator, Andrew
knowledge in the service of humanity in a world- Miller, my supervisors, Stephanie Johnson, Claire Pluard, Ann
causes and improve structures for social justice, my cwork
renowned urban center as members of a diverse Grelecki, and everyone else in the SJI program and Catholic
writing grants sought to meet basic needs and aid Charities who have supported and motivated me throughout this
learning community that values freedom of
individuals in our communities program all year!
inquiry, the pursuit of truth and care for others.”

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