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Renewable energy is generally electricity supplied from sources, such as wind power,
solar power, geothermal energy, hydropower and various forms of biomass. These
sources have been coined renewable due to their continuous replenishment and
availability for use over and over again. The popularity of renewable energy has
experienced a significant upsurge in recent times due to the exhaustion of
conventional power generation methods and increasing realization of its adverse
effects on the environment. This popularity has been bolstered by cutting edge
research and ground breaking technology that has been introduced so far to aid in the
effective tapping of these natural resources and it is estimated that renewable sources
might contribute about 20% – 50% to energy consumption in the latter part of the 21 st
century. Facts from the World Wind Energy Association estimates that by 2010,
160GW of wind power capacity is expected to be installed worldwide which implies
an anticipated net growth rate of more than 21% per year.

This project focuses on the utilization of wind energy as a renewable source. In the
United States alone, wind capacity has grown about 45% to 16.7GW and it continues
to grow with the facilitation of new wind projects. The aim of this major qualifying
project is to design and implement a magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine
system that has the ability to operate in both high and low wind speed conditions. Our
choice for this model is to showcase its efficiency in varying wind conditions as
compared to the traditional horizontal axis wind turbine and contribute to its steady
growing popularity for the purpose of mass utilization in the near future as a reliable
source of power generation.

Unlike the traditional horizontal axis wind turbine, this design is levitated via maglev
(magnetic levitation) vertically on a rotor shaft. This maglev technology, which will
be looked at in great detail, serves as an efficient replacement for ball bearings used
on the conventional wind turbine and is usually implemented with permanent
magnets. This levitation will be used between the rotating shaft of the turbine blades
and the base of the whole wind turbine system. The conceptual design also entails the
usage of spiral shaped blades and with continuing effective research into the

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functioning of sails in varying wind speeds and other factors, an efficient shape and
size will be determined for a suitable turbine blade for the project. With the
appropriate mechanisms in place, we expect to harness enough wind for power
generation by way of an axial flux generator built from permanent magnets and
copper coils. The arrangement of the magnets will cultivate an effective magnetic
field and the copper coils will facilitate voltage capture due to the changing magnetic
field. The varying output voltage obtained at this juncture will then be passed through
a DC-DC converter to achieve a steady output DC voltage.

1.1 World energy requirement:

Energy markets have combined crisis recovery and strong industry dynamism. Energy
consumption in the G20 soared by more than 5% in 2010, after the slight decrease of
2009. This strong increase is the result of two converging trends. On the one-hand,
industrialized countries, which experienced sharp decreases in energy demand in
2009, recovered firmly in 2010, almost coming back to historical trends. Oil, gas,
coal, and electricity markets followed the same trend. On the other hand, China and
India, which showed no signs of slowing down in 2009, continued their intense
demand for all forms of energy.

World energy resources and consumption review the world energy resources and use.
More than half of the energy has been consumed in the last two decades since the
industrial revolution, despite advances in efficiency and sustainability. According to
IEA world statistics in four years (2004–2008) the world population increased 5%,
annual CO2 emissions increased 10% and gross energy production increased 10%.

Most energy is used in the country of origin, since it is cheaper to transport final
products than raw materials.

In 2008 the share export of the total energy production by fuel was:

Oil 50%
Gas 25%
Hard coal 14%
Electricity 1%

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Most of the world's energy resources are from the sun's rays hitting earth. Some of
that energy has been preserved as fossil energy; some is directly or indirectly usable;
for example, via wind, hydro- or wave power. The term solar constant is the amount
of incoming solar electromagnetic radiation per unit area, measured on the outer
surface of Earth's atmosphere, in a plane perpendicular to the rays. The solar constant
includes all types of solar radiation, not just visible light. It is measured by satellite to
be roughly 1366 watts per square meter, though it fluctuates by about 6.9% during a
year—from 1412 W/m2 in early January to 1321 W/m2in early July, due to the Earth's
varying distance from the sun, and by a few parts per thousand from day to day. For
the whole Earth, with a cross section of 127,400,000 km 2, the total energy rate is 174
pet watts (1.740×1017 W), plus or minus 3.5%. This value is the total rate of solar
energy received by the planet; about half, 89 PW, reaches the Earth's surface.

Renewable energy is generally electricity supplied from sources, such as wind power,
solar power, geothermal energy, hydropower and various forms of biomass. These
sources have been coined renewable due to their continuous replenishment and
availability for use over and over again. The popularity of renewable energy has
experienced a significant upsurge in recent times due to the exhaustion of
conventional power generation methods and increasing realization of its adverse
effects on the environment. This popularity has been bolstered by cutting edge
research and ground breaking technology that has been introduced so far to aid in the
effective tapping of these natural resources and it is estimated that renewable sources
might contribute about 20% – 50% to energy consumption in the latter part of the 21st
century. Facts from the World Wind Energy Association estimates that by 2010,
160GW of wind power capacity is expected to be installed worldwide which implies
an anticipated net growth rate of more than 21% per year.

Although wind has been harnessed for centuries, it has only emerged as a major part
of our energy solution quite recently. Before the 21st century, wind was primarily
used to pump water from wells and to grind grain, but over the last twenty years the
cost of wind energy has dropped by more than 80 percent, turning it into the most
affordable form of clean energy. Recent advances have allowed for sophisticated
wind technologies, which previously sat in the mind of thoughtful engineers and
inventers, to be developed into cost-effective, reliable solutions.

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For a small wind turbine to be effective, it must produce energy across a wide range
of wind speeds. It must be able to generate energy from winds that are switching
directions and gusting. It must also be very quiet, so that it will not disturb people
living nearby, and it certainly helps if it is pleasing to the eye as well.

Wind power harnesses the power of the wind to propel the blades of wind turbines.
These turbines cause the rotation of magnets, which creates electricity. Wind towers
are usually built together on wind farms.

World energy resources and consumption review the world energy resources and use.
More than half of the energy has been consumed in the last two decades since the
industrial revolution, despite advances in efficiency and sustainability. Most energy is
used in the country of origin, since it is cheaper to transport final products than raw

Fig. 1.1 World Energy Requirement

1.2 Conventional Sources of Energy:

Our modern lifestyles are powered by several different sources. While scientists are
hard at work trying to figure out more efficient and environmentally friendly ways of
generating this energy, there are some fuels that we just can't do without for the time

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being. Conventional sources of energy are ones that have been with us for a while,
and American citizens use them every day, both at home and at work.

1.2.1 Coal

Coal is a sedimentary rock formed when living matter is compressed over a long
period of time. Like all fossil fuels, it is nonrenewable, which means that once we use
all of it, it's gone. According to the Energy Information Administration, there are four
different kinds of coal, classified by how much carbon they contain. The harder the
coal, the darker it is and the more energy it contains. Coal is plentiful in the United
States, unlike other kinds of fossil fuels.

Fig-1.2 Conventional Source Fulfilling the Requirement

1.2.2 Oil

Petroleum (oil) is a liquid hydrocarbon that was also formed by decomposing organic
matter. The U.S. Department of Energy points out how important oil is to Americans,
as it accommodates more than 40 percent of American energy needs and accounts for
more than 99 percent of the fuel we put into our cars. Like coal, oil is used to produce
electricity by burning it to boil water, which is subsequently put through a turbine that
generates power.

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1.2.3 Natural Gas

Natural gas is a colorless, shapeless and odorless gaseous hydrocarbon that is often
found atop oil deposits. (In order to make it safer, the government adds a chemical
that makes the gas smell like rotten eggs, so you know if there's a leak.) Natural gas is
often used in homes and businesses as fuel for water heaters and stoves and furnaces.
In recent years, it has been used to power buses, as it is considered slightly cleaner
than gasoline.

1.2.4 Hydropower

Hydropower has been with humanity for a long time. To take advantage of the energy
in a rushing river, people put a wheel under the surface to capture the mechanical
energy. Originally, these water wheels powered grain mills, spinning a grindstone
directly. As the nation became electrified, the water's mechanical energy was used to
spin turbines, generating electricity. Niagara Falls is studded with power plants that
serve people in both Canada and the U.S.

1.2.5 Wood

Wood and other biomass (carbon-based materials) contain less energy than oil or coal,
because their carbon has not been condensed over millions of years. On the other
hand, wood produces portable, easy-to-control energy. Wood stoves in homes keep
people warm, and wood is always a quick, easy solution for a midsummer barbecue.

1.2.6 Nuclear

Most people wouldn't immediately consider nuclear power a commonplace form of

energy. Engineer, professor and wind turbine designer Frank Leslie, however, includes
it on a list of conventional energy sources. Perhaps he's right. After all, nuclear
technology has been refined since it was first harnessed, demonstrating a exemplary
safety record marred only by the meltdowns at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.
Perhaps nuclear power should be considered conventional as, in the past year,
American power plants generated 8.5 quadrillion BTUs of energy, supplying
approximately 20 percent of our electricity supply.

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1.3 Future of non-conventional energy

1.3.1 Solar Energy

Solar Power was once considered, like nuclear power, ‘too cheap to meter’ but this
proved illusory because of the high cost of photovoltaic cells and due to limited
demand. Experts however believe that with mass production and improvement in
technology, the unit price would drop and this would make it attractive for the
consumers in relation to thermal or hydro power.

1.3.2 Bio fuels

In view of worldwide demand for energy and concern for environmental safety there
is needed to search for alternatives to petrol and diesel for use in automobiles. The
Government of India has now permitted the use of 5%ethanol blended petrol.

1.3.3 Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

In both Hydrogen and Fuel Cells electricity is produced through an electro-chemical

reaction between hydrogen and oxygen gases. The fuel cells are efficient, compact
and reliable for automotive applications.

1.3.4 Ocean thermal and Tidal energy

The vast potential of energy of the seas and oceans which cover about three fourth of
our planet, can make a significant contribution to meet the energy needs.

1.3.5 Wind Energy

The evolution of windmills into wind turbines did not happen overnight and attempts
to produce electricity with windmills date back to the beginning of the century. It was
Denmark which erected the first batch of steel windmills specially built for generation
of electricity. After World War II, the development of wind turbines was totally
hampered due to the installation of massive conventional power stations using fossil
fuels available at low cost.

1.4 Non-Conventional Energy Development in India-an

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India has significant potential for generation of power from renewable energy sources
such as Wind, Small Hydro, Biomass and Solar Energy. Special emphasis has
therefore, been given to the generation of grid quality power from renewable sources
of energy. Planning Commission of Government of India in its Integrated Energy
Policy Report (IEPR) covering all sources of energy including renewable energy
sources has highlighted the need to maximally develop domestic supply options and
diversify energy sources for sustainable energy availability. It has also projected that
renewables may account for 5 to 6 per cent of India’s energy mix by 2031-32 and has
observed that the distributed nature of renewables can provide many socio-economic
benefits for the country, including its rural, tribal and remote areas. Meanwhile, The
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy has proposed an outlay ofRS.10.4 Million for
the 11th Plan period from to 2007-2012 for development of New Bio and renewable
energy in the country.

Table 1.1: various energy sources in India

1.4.1 Wind:
Wind energy is a very affordable form of renewable energy. According to the
American Wind Energy Association, wind power costs just 40% as much as solar
power. Excellent incentives are available to make wind power the right choice. One

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of the greatest advantages of Wind Energy is that it is ample. Secondly, wind energy is
renewable. Some other advantages of Wind Energy are that it is widely distributed,
cheap, and also reducing toxic gas emissions. Wind Energy is also advantageous over
traditional methods of creating energy, in the sense that it is getting cheaper and
cheaper to produce wind energy. Wind Energy may soon be the cheapest way to
produce energy on a large scale.

The cost of producing wind energy has come down by at least eighty percent since the
eighties. Along with economy, Wind Energy is also said to diminish the greenhouse
effect. Also, wind energy generates no pollution. Wind Energy is also a more
permanent type of energy. The wind will exist till the time the sun exists, which is
roughly another four billion years. Theoretically, if all the wind power available to
humankind is harnessed, there can be ten times of energy we use, readily available.
One other advantage of wind energy that it is readily available around the globe, and
therefore there would be no need of dependence for energy for any country. Wind
energy may be the answer to the globe's question of energy in the face of the rising
petroleum and gas prices and continuously decreasing the reserves of the conventional

1.4.2 Wind based Power Plant INDIA:

The development of wind power in India began in the 1990s, and has significantly
increased in the last few years. Although a relative newcomer to the wind industry
compared with Denmark or the US, India has the fifth largest installed wind power
capacity in the world. In 2009-10 India's growth rate is highest among the other top
four countries.

The worldwide installed capacity of wind power reached 157,899 MW by the end of
2009. USA (35,159 MW), Germany (25,777 MW), Spain (19,149 MW) and China
(25,104 MW) are ahead of India in fifth position. The short gestation periods for
installing wind turbines, and the increasing reliability and performance of wind
energy machines has made wind power a favoured choice for capacity addition in

Suzlon, as Indian-owned Company, emerged on the global scene in the past decade,
and by 2006 had captured almost 7.7 % of market share in global wind turbine sales.

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Suzlon is currently the leading manufacturer of wind turbines for the Indian market,
holding some 52 percent of market share in India. Suzlon’s success has made India
the developing country leader in advanced wind turbine technology.

As of 31 Dec 2010 the installed capacity of wind power in India was 13065.37 MW,
mainly spread across Tamil Nadu (4906.74 MW), Maharashtra (2077.70 MW),
Gujarat (1863.64 MW), Karnataka (1472.75 MW), Rajasthan (1088.37 MW), Madhya
Pradesh (229.39 MW), Andhra Pradesh (136.05 MW), Kerala (27.75 MW), Orissa
(2MW), West Bengal (1.1 MW) and other states (3.20 MW) It is estimated that 6,000
MW of additional wind power capacity will be installed in India by 2012. Wind power
accounts for 6% of India's total installed power capacity, and it generates 1.6% of the
country's power.

Suzlon Energy Limited, India’s largest wind turbine manufacturer, announced

crossing 5,000 MW (megawatt) of cumulative installations in India, underlining the
strong momentum in India's fast growing wind energy market. This cumulative power
generation capacity has the potential to light up four million homes annually. Suzlon
has cumulatively added over 5,000 MW of wind power capacity for over 1,500
customers in India across 40 sites in eight States. Suzlon accounts for nearly half of
the country’s total wind installations. In the key states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra
and Gujarat, Suzlon’s installation base is over 1,000 MW each. Leading corporates
such as the Bajaj Group, the Birla Group, MSPL, DLF, the Tata Group, the Reliance
Group, the ITC Group, L&T, as well as public sector companies like GSPL, HPCL,
Indian Railways, Rajasthan Mines & Minerals, GACL, GSPC, GSFC, Indian Oil,
ONGC and State Bank of India (SBI), amongst others, have chosen Suzlon for their
wind power projects. Suzlon is India's largest wind turbine manufacturer and has been
leading the wind energy market in India for the past 12 years with nearly 50 percent
YoY market share. The company has a workforce of 9,000 employees in India, and
eight manufacturing facilities across the country.

1.4.3 State-level wind power

A) Tamil Nadu (4906.74 MW)

Tamil Nadu is the state with the most wind generating capacity: 4906.74 MW at the
end of the March 2010. Not far from Aralvaimozhi, the Muppandal wind farm, the

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largest in the subcontinent, is located near the once impoverished village of

Muppandal, supplying the villagers with electricity for work. The village had been
selected as the showcase for India's $2 billion clean energy program which provides
foreign companies with tax breaks for establishing fields of wind turbines in the area.

In february 2009, Shriram EPC bagged INR 700 million contract for setting up of 60
units of 250 KW (totaling 15 MW) wind turbines in Tirunelveli district by Cape
Energy.[15] Enercon is also playing a major role in development of wind energy in
India. In Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore and Tiruppur Districts having more wind Mills
from 2002 onwards,specially, Chittipalayam, Kethanoor, Gudimangalam,
Poolavadi,Murungappatti (MGV
Place),Sunkaramudaku,KongalNagaram,Gomangalam, Anthiur are the high wind
power production places in the both districts.

B) Maharashtra (2077.70 MW)

Maharashtra is second only to Tamil Nadu in terms of generating capacity. Suzlon has
been heavily involved. Suzlon operates what was once Asia's largest wind farm, the
Vankusawade Wind Park (201 MW), near the Koyna reservoir in Satara district of

C) Gujarat (1863.64 MW)

Samana & Sadodar in Jamanagar district is set to host energy companies like China
Light Power (CLP) and Tata Power have pledged to invest up to 8.15 billion ($189.5
million) in different projects in the area. CLP, through its India subsidiary CLP India,
is investing close to 5 billion for installing 126 wind turbines in Samana that will
generate 100.8 MW power. Tata Power has installed wind turbines in the same area
for generating 50 MW power at a cost of 3.15 billion. Both projects are expected to
become operational by early next year, according to government sources. The Gujarat
government, which is banking heavily on wind power, has identified Samana as an
ideal location for installation of 450 turbines that can generate a total of 360 MW. To
encourage investment in wind energy development in the state, the government has
introduced a raft of incentives including a higher wind energy tariff. Samana has a
high tension transmission grid and electricity generated by wind turbines can be fed
into it. For this purpose, a substation at Sadodar has been installed. Both projects are

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being executed by Everson Ltd, a joint venture between Enesco of Germany and
Mumbai-based Mehra group.

ONGC Ltd has commissioned its first wind power project. The 51 MW project is
located at Motisindholi in Kutch district of Gujarat. ONGC had placed the EPC order
on Suzlon Energy in January 2008, for setting up the wind farm comprising 34
turbines of 1.5 MW each. Work on the project had begun in February 2008, and it is
learnt that the first three turbines had begun production within 43 days of starting
construction work. Power from this 308 crore captive wind farm will be wheeled to
the Gujarat state grid for onward use by ONGC at its Ankleshwar, Ahmedabad,
Mehsana and Vadodara centres. ONGC has targeted to develop a captive wind power
capacity of around 200 MW in the next two years.

D) Karnataka (1472.75 MW)

There are many small wind farms in Karnataka, making it one of the states in India
which has a high number of wind mill farms. Chitradurga, Gadag are some of the
districts where there are a large number of Windmills. Chitradurga alone has over
20000 wind turbines.

The 13.2 MW Arasinagundi (ARA) and 16.5 MW Anaburu (ANA) wind farms are
ACCIONA’S first in India. Located in the Davangere district (Karnataka State), they
have a total installed capacity of 29.7 MW and comprise a total 18 Vestas 1.65MW
wind turbines supplied by Vestas Wind Technology India Pvt. Ltd.

The ARA wind farm was commissioned in June 2008 and the ANA wind farm, in
September 2008. Each facility has signed a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
with Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM) for off-take of 100% of the
output. ARA and ANA are Acciona’s first wind farms eligible for CER credits under
the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

ACCIONA is in talks with the World Bank for The Spanish Carbon Fund which is
assessing participation in the project as buyer for CERs likely to arise between 2010
and 2012. An environmental and social assessment has been conducted as part of the
procedure and related documents have been provided. These are included below,
consistent with the requirement of the World Bank's disclosure policy.

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E) Rajasthan (1088.37 MW)

Gurgaon-headquartered Gujarat Fluorochemicals Ltd is in an advanced stage of

commissioning a large wind farm in Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. A senior
officialtold Projectmonitor that out of the total 31.5 mw capacity, 12 mw had been
completed so far. The remaining capacity would come on line shortly, he added. For
the INOX Group company, this would be the largest wind farm. In 2006-07, GFL
commissioned a 23.1-mw wind power project at Gudhe village near Panchgani in
Satara district of Maharashtra. Both the wind farms will be grid-connected and will
earn carbon credits for the company, the official noted. In an independent
development, cement major ACC Ltd has proposed to set up a new wind power
project in Rajasthan with a capacity of around 11 mw. Expected to cost around 60
crore, the wind farm will meet the power requirements of the company's Lakheri
cement unit where capacity was raised from 0.9 million tpa to 1.5 million tpa through
a modernisation plan. For ACC, this would be the second wind power project after the
9-mw farm at Udayathoor in Tirunelvelli district of Tamil Nadu.[citation needed]
Rajasthan is emerging as an important destination for new wind farms, although it is
currently not amongst the top five states in terms of installed capacity. As of 2007
end, this northern state had a total of 496 mw, accounting for a 6.3 per cent share in
India's total capacity.

F) Madhya Pradesh (229.39 MW)

In consideration of unique concept, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh has sanctioned another

15 MW project to MPWL at Nagda Hills near Dewas. All the 25 WEGs have been
commissioned on 31.03.2008 and under successful operation.

G) Kerala (27.75 MW)

The first wind farm of the state was set up at Kanjikode in Palakkad district. It has a
generating capacity of 23.00 MW. A new wind farm project was launched with private
participation at Ramakkalmedu in Idukki district. The project, which was inaugurated
by chief minister V. S. Achuthanandan in April 2008, aims at generating 10.5 MW of

The Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT), an

autonomous body under the Department of Power, Government of Kerala, is setting

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up wind farms on private land in various parts of the state to generate a total of 600
mw of power. The agency has identified 16 sites for setting up wind farms through
private developers. To start with, ANERT will establish a demonstration project to
generate 2 mw of power at Ramakkalmedu in Idukki district in association with the
Kerala State Electricity Board. The project is slated to cost 21 crore. Other wind farm
sites include Palakkad and Thiruvananthapuram districts. The contribution of non-
conventional energy in the total 6,095 mw power potential is just 5.5 per cent, a share
the Kerala government wants to increase by 30 per cent. ANERT is engaged in the
field of development and promotion of renewable sources of energy in Kerala. It is
also the nodal agency for implementing renewable energy programmes of the Union
ministry of non-conventional energy sources.

H) West Bengal (1.10MW)

The total installation in West Bengal is just 1.10 MW as there was only 0.5 MW
additions in 2006-2007 and none between 2007–2008 and 2008–200950 MW wind
energy project is going to install soon. Suzlon Energy Ltd plans to set up a large wind-
power project in West Bengal Suzlon Energy Ltd is planning to set up a large wind-
power project in West Bengal, for which it is looking at coastal Midnapore and South
24-Parganas districts. According to SP Gon Chaudhuri, chairman of the West Bengal
Renewable Energy Development Agency, the 50 MW project would supply grid-
quality power. Gon Chaudhuri, who is also the principal secretary in the power
department, said the project would be the biggest in West Bengal using wind energy.
At present, Suzlon experts are looking for the best site. Suzlon aims to generate the
power solely for commercial purpose and sell it to local power distribution outfits like
the West Bengal State Electricity Board (WBSEB).Suzlon will install, without taking
recourse to the funding available from the Indian Renewable Energy Development
Agency (Ireda), said Gon Chaudhuri. There are five wind-power units in West Bengal,
at Frazerganj, generating a total of around 1 MW. At Sagar Island, there is a
composite wind-diesel plant generating 1 MW. In West Bengal, power companies are
being encouraged to buy power generated by units based on renewable energy. The
generating units are being offered special rates.

Power Plant Producer Location State Capacity

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Suzlon Energy Ltd. Satara Dist. Maharashtra 259
Wind Park
Aban Loyd Chiles
Cape Comorin Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu 33
Offshore Ltd.
Kayathar Subhash Subhash Ltd. Kayathar Tamil Nadu 30
Ramakkalmedu Subhash Ltd. Ramakkalmedu Kerala 25
Muppandal Wind
Muppandal Wind Muppandal Tamil Nadu 22
Gudimangalam Wind
Gudimangalam Gudimangalam Tamil Nadu 21
Puthlur RCI Wescare (India) Ltd. Puthlur 20
Lamda Danida Danida India Ltd. Lamda Gujarat 15
Mohan Breweries &
Chennai Mohan Chennai Tamil Nadu 15
Distilleries Ltd.
Jamgudrani MP MP Windfarms Ltd. Dewas 14
Jogmatti BSES BSES Ltd. Karnataka 14
Newam Power
Perungudi Newam Perungudi Tamil Nadu 12
Company Ltd.
Kethanur Wind
Kethanur Wind Farm Kethanur Tamil Nadu 11
Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh State Andhra
Hyderabad 10
APSRTC Road Transport Corp. Pradesh
Madras Cements Ltd. Muppandal Tamil Nadu 10
Poolavadi Chettinad Cement
Poolavadi Tamil Nadu 10
Chettinad Corp. Ltd.
Shalivahana Green
Shalivahana Wind Tirupur Tamil Nadu 20.4
Energy. Ltd.
Table 1.2 :Main Power Plants in India

1.5 Wind Power

Undoubtedly, the performance and efficiency of wind power system solely dependent
on the power of wind and its availability. Wind is known to be another form of solar
energy because it comes about as a result of uneven heating of the atmosphere by the
sun coupled with the abstract topography of the earth’s surface. With wind turbines,
two categories of winds are relevant to their applications, namely local winds and
planetary winds. The latter is the most dominant and it is usually a major factor in
deciding sites for very effective wind turbines especially with the horizontal axis

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These winds are usually found along shore lines, mountain tops, valleys and open
plains. The former is the type you will find in regular environments like the city or
rural areas, basically where settlements are present. This type of wind is not
conducive for effective power generation; it only has a lot of worth when it
accompanies moving planetary winds.

1.5.1 Wind Power Technology

Wind power technology is the various infrastructure and process that promote the
harnessing of wind generation for mechanical power and electricity. This basically
entails the wind and characteristics related to its strength and direction, as well as the
functioning of both internal and external components of a wind turbine with respect to
wind behavior.

As mentioned earlier the effective functioning of a wind turbine is dictated by the

wind availability in an area and if the amount of power it has is sufficient enough to
keep the blades in constant rotation. The wind power increases as a function of the
cube of the velocity of the wind and this power is calculable with respect to the area
in which the wind is present as well as the wind velocity. When wind is blowing the
energy available is kinetic due to the motion of the wind so the power of the wind is
related to the kinetic energy.

1.5.2 Types of Wind Turbines

Many types of turbines exist today and their designs are usually inclined towards one
of the two categories: horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) and vertical-axis wind
turbines (VAWTs). As the name pertains, each turbine is distinguished by the
orientation of their rotor shafts. The former is the more conventional and common
type everyone has come to know, while the latter due to its seldom usage and
exploitation, is quiet unpopular.

A) Horizontal axis wind turbine:

Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) have the main rotor shaft and electrical
generator at the top of a tower, and must be pointed into the wind. Small turbines are
pointed by a simple wind vane, while large turbines generally use a wind sensor

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coupled with a servo motor. Most have a gearbox, which turns the slow rotation of the
blades into a quicker rotation that is more suitable to drive an electrical generator.

Fig 1.3- A First Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

Since a tower produces turbulence behind it, the turbine is usually positioned upwind
of its supporting tower. Turbine blades are made stiff to prevent the blades from being
pushed into the tower by high winds. Additionally, the blades are placed a
considerable distance in front of the tower and are sometimes tilted forward into the
wind a small amount.

Downwind machines have been built, despite the problem of turbulence, because they
don't need an additional mechanism for keeping them in line with the wind, and
because in high winds the blades can be allowed to bend which reduces their swept
area and thus their wind resistance. Since cyclical turbulence may lead to fatigue
failures, most HAWTs are of upwind design.

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Fig 1.4- Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT)


Vertical-axis wind turbines (or VAWTs) have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically.
Key advantages of this arrangement are that the turbine does not need to be pointed
into the wind to be effective. This is an advantage on sites where the wind direction is
highly variable, for example when integrated into buildings. The key disadvantages
include the low rotational speed with the consequential higher torque and hence
higher cost of the drive train, the inherently lower power coefficient, the 360 degree
rotation of the aerofoil within the wind flow during each cycle and hence the highly
dynamic loading on the blade, the pulsating torque generated by some rotor designs
on the drive train, and the difficulty to model the wind flow accurately and hence the
challenges of analyzing and designing the rotor prior to fabricating a prototype.

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Fig 1.5- Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)

With a vertical axis, the generator and gearbox can be placed near the ground, hence
avoiding the need of a tower and improving accessibility for maintenance. Drawbacks
for this configuration include that wind speeds are lower close to the ground, so less
wind energy is available for a given size turbine, and wind shear more severe close to
the ground, so the rotor experiences higher loads. Air flow near the ground and other
objects can create turbulent flow, which can introduce issues of vibration, including
noise and bearing wear which may increase the maintenance or shorten the service
life. However, when a turbine is mounted on a rooftop, the building generally
redirects wind over the roof and these can double the wind speed at the turbine. If the
height of the rooftop mounted turbine tower is approximately 50% of the building
height, this is near the optimum for maximum wind energy and minimum wind
turbulence. It should be borne in mind that wind speeds within the built environment
are generally much lower than at exposed rural sites.

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1.6 Vertical-axis wind turbine

1.6.1 Basic principle of vertical axis-machine
Wind machine is a kind of energy conversion device, which converts wind energy into
mechanical, electric or heat energy. According to their rotor layout, wind turbines can
be categorized into horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) and vertical-axis wind
turbines. The rotor of a HAWT is horizontal and must point to the wind. The rotating
plane of HAWT blades is perpendicular to the wind direction during operation. The
turbine blades are radial and their number is commonly 2~3. The shape of a turbine
blade is always similar to a wing. It is perpendicular to the rotating shaft and there is
an angle between the blade and rotating plane. Since the HAWT works on the
principle of airfoil lift, its torque tends to be large and efficiency high in utilizing
wind energy. Yaw device is necessary to turn the blades rotating plane in line with the
wind direction. The HAWTs have been investigated thoroughly in theory and have the
advantages of high wind energy utilization efficiency. They are the mainstream
commercial products of the current wind turbine technology.

The shaft of a VAWT is perpendicular to the ground and the wind direction. VAWT
accepts the wind from all horizontal directions; there is no need of a yaw control
devices, making the structure design simple and reducing precession force on blades.
Comparing to HAWT, a VAWT has the advantages of low noise and less adverse
effect on environment.

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1 nose clip, 2 blade nose, 3 blade support pole, 4 wheel arm, 5 upper cover, 6 baffle, 7
position disk, 8 bearing cover, 9 upper ratchet, 10 lower ratchet, 11 generator support,
12 turbine frame, 13 ventral shield, 14 support shelf.

Fig. 1.6 Components of a vertical-axis wind turbine

There are two kinds of VAWTs. The first kind works on the principle of wind drag. Its
typical structure is the S-type (Savonius) wind turbine, such as the cup-shaped wind
wheel blades for wind-speed measurement. The S-type wind turbine consists of two
axis - staggered half cylinders, and the starting torque is large. Unsymmetrical
airflows exist around the rotor producing the lateral thrust to the turbine blades. The
second kind of VAWT works on the principle of airfoil lift. Its typical application is
Darrieus wind turbines. Darrieus wind turbines have various forms, including H- type
and ф-type. An H-type wind turbine has a simple structure, but centrifugal force may
generate serious bending stress on its turbine wheel connections. The flexural blades
in ф-type wind turbine only bear the tension without centrifugal load; the bending
stress in blades of ф-type wind turbine is therefore mitigated.

The VAWT wheel rotates in a horizontal plane and there is no vertical motion of the
blades. Researchers used to believe that the tip-speed ratio (the ratio of blade tip
rotational speed to wind speed) of VAWT cannot be greater than 1, and therefore the
associated wind energy efficiency is lower than that of a HAWT. The VAWT blades
were designed by using blade element momentum method. But the airflow through a
VAWT, typically separated unstable flows, is more complicated than those of HAWT.
The blades elements moment theory is not suitable for its analysis and design, and this
is one reason for less development in VAWT. But as technology progressing,
researchers have realized that only S-type VAWTs are limited by the tip-speed ratio
less than 1. For the lift-type wind wheel (Darrieus-type) the tip-speed ratio can reach
as high as 6. Therefore, its wind energy utilization efficiency is not lower than HAWT.
Recognizing the advantage, many institutions have started investigation on VAWTs
and achieved considerable advancement in recent years.

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1.6.2 Different vertical axis wind turbines

As the wind power technology develops, the unique advantages of VAWTs have been
unveiled and appreciated, especially for those small wind turbine applications. The
recent progress in VAWT research has enabled many commercializations of small
VAWTs as follows.

A) Sail S-type roof VAWT

Figure 1.7 shows the VAWT manufactured by Enviro-Energies Holdings, a Canadian

company. The main line of its production is a 10KW wind turbine, with advantages of
lowspeed, high power output, quiet operation, and maintenance free. It can be
installed on roof for domestic power need.

Fig. 1.7 VAWT made by Enviro-Energies and installed on the company’s roof

B) Light type VAWT

As shown in Figure 1.8, Urban Green Energy (

products/uge-4k) has developed and patented a revolutionary new dual axis design
that eliminates the main concern of other vertical axis wind turbines that is premature
bearing failure. Its vertical axis machines include those rated for 600W, 1KW and
4KW. They can be installed on top of a tower, roof and other suitable places. These
wind turbines can be connected to utility grid. They are made of glass or carbon
fibers. The 4KW model weighs about 461Kg, cuts in wind speed at 3.5m/s and is
rated at wind speed 12m/s.

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Fig. 1.8. VAWT made by Urban Green Energy

C) H type VAWT

Figure 1.9 shows a small VAWT developed by Ropatec of Italy. The Ropatec products
are sold to more than thirty countries worldwide, supplying reliable electrical power
for families, farms, remote pastoral areas, communications companies and enterprise
groups. Its VAWTs have four ratings, i.e., 1KW, 3KW, 6KW and 20KW. The 20KW
wind turbine has 5 blades; the others have 3 blades.


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D) Aesthetic VAWT

A new type of VAWT as shown in Figure 1.10 has been developed by Oy Windside in
Finland. The wind turbine as a derivative of marine engineering, can be used for
charging batteries and provide an environment-friendly image. One of the applications
of Oy Windside wind turbines is about “wind art”. The concept is to integrate the
wind turbine into art and provide lighting. The aesthetics function and ecological
concept are both considered in the turbine design.

Fig.1.10. Aesthetic VAWT made by Oy Windside in Finland.

E) Drag-type and lift-type combined VAWT

Figure 1.11 shows the VAWT produced by Green Giant Tech, Taiwan. Green Giant
Tech has combined the benefits of the Savonius-type blade and the Darrieus-type
blade, applying both the drag and lift forces of wind power. Its VAWT includes three
models rated at 400W, 3.6KW and 5KW. It also manufactures street lighting devices
for wind and solar power.

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Fig. 1.11. VAWT made by Green Giant Tech's in Taiwan


This section introduces and provides a brief description of the major components and
factors that will contribute to an efficiently functioning wind turbine. These factors
are wind power, the generator, magnet levitation and the DC-DC converter. Later
sections will provide an in-depth look into the essence of each factor and its function
and importance to the overall operation of the vertical axis wind turbine.

A. Wind Power

Undoubtedly, the project’s ability to function is solely dependent on the power of

wind and its availability. Wind is known to be another form of solar energy because it
comes about as a result of uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun coupled with
the abstract topography of the earth’s surface . With wind turbines, two categories of
winds are relevant to their applications, namely local winds and planetary winds. The
latter is the most dominant and it is usually a major factor in deciding sites for very
effective wind turbines especially with the horizontal axis types.

These winds are usually found along shore lines, mountain tops, valleys and open
plains. The former is the type you will find in regular environments like the city or
rural areas, basically where settlements are present. This type of wind is not
conducive for effective power generation; it only has a lot of worth when it
accompanies moving planetary winds . In later chapters, more focus will be placed on

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the power of wind and effective ways to design wind turbines for optimal wind power

B. Generator

The basic understanding of a generator is that it converts mechanical energy to

electrical energy. Generators are utilized extensively in various applications and for
the most part have similarities that exist between these applications. However the few
differences present is what really distinguishes a system operating on an AC motor
from another on the same principle of operation and likewise with DC motors. With
the axial flux generator design, its operability is based on permanent magnet
alternators where the concept of magnets and magnetic fields are the dominant factors
in this form of generator functioning.

These generators have air gap surface perpendicular to the rotating axis and the air
gap generates magnetic fluxes parallel to the axis. In further chapters we will take a
detailed look into their basic operation and the configuration of our design.

C. Magnetic Levitation

Also known as maglev, this phenomenon operates on the repulsion characteristics of

permanent magnets. This technology has been predominantly utilized in the rail
industry in the Far East to provide very fast and reliable transportation on maglev
trains and with ongoing research its popularity is increasingly attaining new heights.
Using a pair of permanent magnets like neodymium magnets and substantial support
magnetic levitation can easily be experienced. By placing these two magnets on top of
each other with like polarities facing each other, the magnetic repulsion will be strong
enough to keep both magnets at a distance away from each other. The force created as
a result of this repulsion can be used for suspension purposes and is strong enough to

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balance the weight of an object depending on the threshold of the magnets.

Fig 1.12: magnetic levitation

1.8 Magnetic suspension for vertical axis wind turbine

Maglev Engineering Research Center, Shandong University, China has committed to

the magnetic bearing research and related product development. Recently, magnetic
suspension technology has been applied to the vertical axis wind turbine, in which the
entire rotor weight of a VAWT was suspended by magnetic bearing. The turbine
friction was greatly reduced, and start-up wind speed decreased. Figure 7 shows the
magnetically suspended and self-pitched VAWT for street lighting.

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Since the self-pitch technique and magnetic suspension were applied to the Shandong
University VAWT, the wind power efficiency and system performance of the wind
turbine have been greatly improved. The manufacturing cost and operational cost
were also effectively reduced. This new magnetically suspended vertical-axis wind
generator has irreplaceable advantages compared with other VAWTs in the market.
Due to its low cost and suitability for high-power single devices, this new VAWT
design will have broad commercial potential.

Fig. 1.13 . Magnetically suspended and self-pitched VAWT from Maglev Engineering

1.9 Application of magnetic suspension in wind turbine

1.9.1 Principle and types of magnetic suspension

Magnetic suspension means that an object is suspended by magnetic attraction and/or

repulsion forces to achieve non-contact support and low-friction in motion. The
magnetic suspension as a branch in mechatronics technology, involves disciplines in
electromagnetism, power electronics, signal processing, control engineering, statics
and dynamics. Therefore, the development of the magnetic suspension technology has
been closely related to and relied on the development of these fields of disciplines.
Because of no mechanical contact in the magnetic bearing, it has many advantages,
including no wear, no contamination, suitable for long-term use in vacuum and
corrosive environment, no mechanical friction, low noise, low power loss and no need
of lubrication or sealing. Therefore, magnetic suspension technology can be used for

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high-speed applications to eliminate mechanical problems related to lubrication and

power loss.

There are many applications of the magnetic suspension technology, including maglev
train and magnetic bearing. Many countries have developed different types of maglev
trains; Germany, Japan and China are among those having the most mature maglev
technology. The fastest speed of the maglev train can reach 500km/h. On the other
hand, the magnetic bearing technology has been widely applied in the aerospace
industry, medical health field and new energy power. Some magnetic bearings have
been tested in space shuttles and rockets in USA and Japan and achieved satisfactory
performances. There were magnetic bearings successfully implemented in artificial
heart pump developed by University of Virginia and University of Utah.

Base on the source of the magnetic field, magnetic bearings can be classified into
three kinds as follows:

1. Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) -

The magnetic field is controllable. The control system detects the position of the rotor
and actively controls the suspension of the rotor. The bearing stiffness and damping
are electronically tuneable and the load capacity is large. The principle of active
magnetic suspension is depicted by a simple magnetic suspension system in Figure 8,
which shows a displacement sensor, controller and actuator. The actuator includes
electromagnets and power amplifiers. Assuming there is a downward perturbation, the
position change of the suspended object, such as the rotor in Figure 8, can be detected
by the sensor and the displacement signal immediately is transmitted to the controller.
The signal will be transformed into a command by the microprocessor of the
controller, which in turn produces a change or increase of control current in the
electromagnets. The suspended object will be then pulled back up to its original
position by the changing magnetic field generated in the electromagnet. Therefore, the
rotor will always be kept at a preset position regardless the perturbation is down or up.

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2. Passive Magnetic Bearing (PMB) –

As showed in Figure 9, the PMB magnetic field is created using permanent magnets
or superconductors. The rotor is suspended by passive magnetic forces. The
advantages of PMB are its simple structure, low cost, low power loss, etc., but the
load capacity of PMB is small and so is the stiffness.

3. Hybrid magnetic bearing (HMB) –

As showed in figure 10, the mechanical structure of HMB includes electromagnet and
permanent magnet (or superconductor); the magnetic force is generated by both the
permanent magnet and electromagnet. Its structure complexity, cost and performance
are average between AMB and PMB.

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1 rotor, 2 permanent magnets, 3 stator, 4 electromagnet coils.

Fig. 10. Hybrid magnetic bearing
Based on the functions of magnet bearings, magnetic bearing can be further classified
as axial (thrust) magnetic bearing and radial magnetic bearing.

1.9.2 Magnetic suspension technology in wind turbine

Permanent magnet bearing has the advantages of low power consumption, no

mechanical contact and suitable for severe adverse environment. In recent years, with
the rapid development of permanent magnet material, the technology of permanent
magnetic suspension has been expanded to wind turbine applications. This has greatly
reduced the cost and stringency of wind power. Specifically, the application of
magnetic suspension to wind turbines has achieved the following advantages:

1. Starting wind speed is reduced by magnetic suspension due to reduced bearing

friction and power output of wind turbine is increased for the same wind speed.

2. Magnetic suspension has largely changed the traditional wind turbine rotor system
design using special rolling-element or oil-film bearings. These traditional bearings
depend on careful lubrication and sealing for long service life, impact resistance, and
high reliability. The magnetic suspension not only reduces the cost of the bearings and
their maintenance, but also reduces the downtime of the wind turbine and therefore,
improves the over-all efficiency of the system.

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Magnetic suspension technology applied to wind turbine is an emerging technology;

the development of maglev magnetic wind turbine is just beginning. Although there
claimed many maglev wind turbine products have been developed, relevant published
studies are rare. Currently, the studies on magnetic suspension of wind turbines have
been focused on the HAWTs. A typical magnetic suspension for an HAWT is to use
PMB in radial directions and a mechanical bearing or a ball in axial direction.

Figure 11 shows a magnetic suspension system of wind turbine with five degrees of
freedom using radial and axial magnetic bearings.

Fig. 1.14. Magnetic suspension system of vertical axis wind turbine

1 lower backup thrust ring, 2 axial magnetic bearing, 3 radial magnetic bearing, 4
generator, 5 upper backup bearing, 6 lower backup bearing, 7 rotor shaft, 8 radial
magnetic bearing stator, 9 shell, 10 upper backup thrust ring, 11 axial magnetic
bearing rotor disk, 12 axial magnetic bearing stator, 13 radial magnetic bearing rotor,
14 generator rotor, 15 generator stator.

The thrust (axial) bearing is the most important part of the VAWT magnetic
suspension system. It supports the weight of the blades and generator rotor. An
implementation of the thrust bearing using permanent magnets is presented in Figure

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12(a). A passive radial bearing structure resisting radial disturbance is shown in

Figure 12(b).

Fig. 1.15 . Axial (a) and radial (b) magnetic bearing in VAWT

PMBs are normally made of NdFeB (neodymium iron boron) magnets. These
magnets are currently the best choice for magnetic bearings because of its high
magnetic energy product and low cost. Also its process-ability is better than other
permanent materials, such as SmCo alloy. But the temperature stability and erosion
resistance are needed to improve for NdFeB magnets. Inferior to SmCo, typical
NdFeB Curie temperature is 312°C and reversible temperature coefficient of
remanence is -0.13/°C. Typical NdFeB working temperature is below 80°C. For better
temperature stability and erosion resistance, the NdFeB magnets chosen for wind
turbines have been manufactured by hot-rolling process. The process yields good
tension strength, and oxidation resistance.



The purpose of this project was to create Magnetic levitation weight reduction
structure for a vertical wind turbine generator includes a frame, a fixed permanent
magnet, an axle, a revolving permanent magnet, a blade hub, and a generator. The
fixed permanent magnet fixed to the frame has a first repulsive surface. The axle is
connected to the frame. The revolving permanent magnet fixed to the axle has a
second repulsive surface in relation to the first repulsive surface of the fixed
permanent magnet. Both the first and the second repulsive surfaces repel with each
other. The blade hub and the generator are connected to the axle. When the revolving
permanent magnet is rotated, the axle functions as a balance center. An out structure
supports the stator and the rotor is placed over turbine head.
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The main components of the system are the maglev zone, blade hub and Auxiliary
Current (AC) generator. It will convert the kinetic energy from the wind to the
electricity for usage. A modified roof ventilator is used as wind turbine. The main
function of the free spinning roof ventilator is to provide fresh air in roof space and
living area all year round 24 hours a day free of charge. The new idea of the magnetic
levitation helps to improve the turbine speed and electrical production. This
modification has benefits of the better air ventilation, but also has extra electricity
supply for load appliances. The concept behind wind turbine vents is that the turning
blades will help force air out of the attic. The blades or vanes are shaped to allow for
maximum wind catching ability, resulting in rotation at minimal winds speeds of 8
kph or lower. This project demonstrates the utilization of the renewable resource
(wind energy) in an efficient way. This type of generation can be used in remote
places where conventional power supply is uneconomic. The methodology can be
used for hybrid power generation. Generated power by this method can be used ON
and OFF grid. The power so generated can be effectively used for Street/domestic
lighting and domestic appliances. Inclusion of inverter the power generated can be
used for both AC as well as DC loads.

Now a day, we will ultimately need to search for renewable or virtually inexhaustible
energy for the human development to continue. Renewable energy is generally
electricity supplied from sources, such as wind power, solar power, geothermal
energy, hydropower and various forms of biomass. The popularity of renewable
energy has experienced a significant upsurge in recent times due to the exhaustion of
conventional power generation methods. The exploration of renewable energy is the
only approach to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Among the renewable energy
sources Wind Energy is one of the fastest growing energy sources which is growing at
the rate of 30% annual graph.

The wind speeds in most of Asian zone is much lower than 7 m/s, especially in the
cities, but the mechanical frictional resistance of existing wind turbines is too big,
usually it can't start up when the wind speed is not big enough. This project introduces
structure and principle of the proposed magnetic levitation wind turbine for better
utilization of wind energy. Maglev Wind turbine has the features of no mechanical
contact, no friction etc. minimizing the damping in the magnetic levitation wind

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turbine, which enables the wind turbine start up with low speed wind and work with

The Maglev wind turbine, which was first unveiled at the Wind Power Asia exhibition
in Beijing, is expected take wind power technology to the next level with magnetic
levitation. Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) into turbine system in order to increases the
efficiency. If the efficiency of a wind turbine is increased, then more power can be
generated thus decreasing the need for expensive power generators that cause
pollution. Since one of the main complaints about wind turbines is the sound they
produce, this is a huge advantage over other turbine designs.

Many types of turbines exist today and their designs are usually inclined towards one
of the two categories: horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) and vertical-axis wind
turbines (VAWTs). As the name pertains, each turbine is distinguished by the
orientation of their rotor shafts. The former is the more conventional and common
type everyone has come to know, while the latter due to its seldom usage and
exploitation, is quiet unpopular. The HAWTs usually consist of two or three propeller-
like blades attached to a horizontal and mounted on bearings the top of a support

When the wind blows, the blades of the turbine are set in motion which drives a
generator that produces AC electricity. For optimal efficiency, these horizontal
turbines are usually made to point into the wind with the aid of a sensor and a
servomotor or a wind vane for smaller wind turbine applications. With the vertical
axis wind turbines, the concept behind their operation is similar to that of the
horizontal designs. The major difference is the orientation of the rotors and generator,
which are all vertically arranged, and usually on a shaft for support and stability. This
also results in a different response of the turbine blades to the wind in relation to that
of the horizontal configurations.

Their design makes it possible for them to utilize the wind power from every direction
unlike the HAWTs that depend on lift forces from the wind similar to the lift off
concept of an airplane. Vertical axis wind turbines are further subdivided into two
major types namely the Darrieus model and the Savonius model. Darrieus Model
which was named after designer and French aeronautical engineer, Georges Darrieus.

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This form of this design is best described as an eggbeater with the blades, two or three
of them bent into a c-shape on the shaft.

Finnish engineer Sigurd Savonius invented the Savonius model. The functioning of
this model is dependent on drag forces from the wind. This drag force produced is a
differential of the wind hitting by the inner part of the scoops and the wind blowing
against the back of the scoops. Like the Darrieus model, the Savonius turbines will
work with winds approaching in any direction and also work well with lower wind
speeds due to their very low clearance off the ground. With the vertical axis wind
turbines, the concept behind their operation is similar to that of the horizontal designs.
The major difference is the orientation of the rotors and generator, which are all
vertically arranged, and usually on a shaft for support and stability. This also results in
a different response of the turbine blades to the wind in relation to that of the
horizontal configurations.

Regenedyne Maglev Wind Power Generation (RMWPG) is the advanced method of

harnessing the kinetic energy of wind. The word Regenedyne means generation by
renewable source (wind) and in this type of generation the spinning turbine floats on
the magnetic cushion, just as the high-speed train floats above the rail track hence the
name Regenedyne Maglev Wind Power Generation. The Maglev wind turbine design
is a vast departure from conventional propeller designs. Its main advantages are that it
uses frictionless bearings and a magnetic levitation design and it does not need to vast
spaces required by more conventional wind turbines. It also requires little if any

The Maglev wind turbine was first unveiled at the Wind Power Asia exhibition in
Beijing 2007. The unique operating principle behind this design is through magnetic
levitation. Magnetic levitation is supposedly an extremely efficient system for wind
energy. The vertically oriented blades of the wind turbine are suspended in the air
replacing any need for ball bearings.

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In this chapter we’ve discussed about the last decade literature survey for the
advanced implement and design of maglev wind mill with additional solar power
generation. We’ve found some proposed literature survey given below:

Vishal D Dhareppagol et al. [1] proposed this new model of wind turbine uses
magnetic levitation to reduce the internal friction of the rotor which is considered as a
revolution in the field of wind technology, producing 20% more energy than a
conventional turbine, at the same time decreasing operational costs by 50% over the
traditional wind turbine. Hence this technology provides an extreme efficient,
versatile and elegant method of producing power from wind with nearly zero
pollution. Our choice for this model is to showcase its efficiency in varying wind
conditions as compared to the traditional horizontal axis wind turbine and
contribute to its steady growing popularity for the purpose of mass utilization in the
near future as a reliable source of power generation.

Minu John et al. [2] proposed Magnetic pressure is used to counteract the effects of
the gravitational and any other accelerations. The principal advantage of a maglev
windmill from a conventional one is, as the rotor is floating in the air due to levitation,
mechanical friction is totally eliminated. That makes the rotation possible in very low
wind speeds. Maglev wind turbines have several advantages over conventional wind
turbines. For instance, they’re able to use winds with starting speeds as low as 1.5
meters per second (m/s). Also, they could operate in winds exceeding 40 m/s.

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Dinesh N Nagarkar [3] Proposed electricity can be obtained by converting

kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy by using wind turbine. There are two
types of wind turbine, one is conventional wind turbine and other is maglev wind
turbine, but generation of electricity using maglev technology is now becoming more
competitive. It works on the principle of electromagnetism. It has colossal structure. It
has several advantages over conventional wind turbine and has certain applications.
Richard D. Thornton [4] Proposed Maglev has the potential to be more efficient
and affordable than alternative technologies for many transportation applications. To
achieve this potential we need new designs that build on what we have learned from
existing maglev designs, while taking advantage of supporting technology that did not
exist when most of them were created. The keys to reducing energy intensity are to
use light vehicles with low aerodynamic drag, use a linear synchronous motor that is
excited in short sections, and operate with a dynamic schedule that achieves a high
load factor. The key to affordability is to use small, light vehicles that can operate on
less expensive guide ways, and require less power for propulsion. This paper provides
more details on these issues, provides estimates of what is feasible with today’s
technology, and discusses how to choose performance parameters, such as speed and
acceleration, so as to maximize the probability that maglev will become the
technology of choice for a wide range of applications. It also includes an historical
perspective and recommendations for future development.

Pankaj R Amratan Ingle [5] focused on the implementation of maglev principle
on vertical axis wind turbine so as to use in not only for industrial purposes but also
every home can be use renewable energy to en light their lives and to become a part of
healthy society to live in a beautiful , pollution free environment. As we all know the
today fossil fuel rates, availability, their impact on environment, if they will use
continuously in a proportion now we are using then it will be not possible to live on
earth & some peoples already started to plan to live on the moon and mars. Joke so
far. By placing the magnets below the vertical rotor of the wind turbine and on the
base of the frame ,so that because of magnetic repulsion the rotor will required very
low starting wind speed, and there is very less friction and it replaces conventional
ball bearing.

Nianxian Wang [6] Proposed Maglev wind turbine generator (MWTG)
technology has been widely studied due to its low loss, low maintenance cost, and

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high reliability. However, the dynamics of the magnetic bearing system differ from
the traditional mechanical bearing system. A horizontal axial MWTG supported with a
permanent magnetic bearing is designed in this research and the radial forces and the
natural frequencies of the rotor system are studied. The results show that the generator
has a cyclical magnetic force and an unreasonable bearing stiffness may mean that the
rotor system needs to work in the resonance region; the bearing stiffness is the key
factor to avoid this problem.



3.1) Project Objective:

 To create new opportunities in low-speed areas, with starting speed as low as
1.5 m/s. By use of Magnetic levitation to reduces the friction & eliminates
need of bearings in wind mill.

 To convert wind energy into electrical energy remarkably cheap with low
operating cost.

 By use of Magnetic levitation due to absence of friction to convert energy with

very less noise production compare to existing conventional wind mills.

 In design and fabrication of magnetic lift wind mill with the dimensions
600mm*600mm to balance the rotor under the repulsive force of (Nd Fe B
magnet) magnetic field.

3.2) Solution Approach:

Literature survey

Problem formulation

Designing of model

Selection of material

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Fabrication of model

Testing of equipments


3.3) Design

Fig 3.1: designing of savonius wind mill


1. Vertical axis wnd turbine

2. Savonius type of rotor

3. Maximum wind speed assumed to be 7m/s

4. Two blade are used in the wind mill

1: Terms used

P: Power or work done by the wind per second (Rotational speed)

A: Area of blade (effective blade)

Cp: Betz coefficient (tells how much convention of mass into energy achieved)

V: wind velocity (maximum is used in calculation) = 7m/s

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2: Formula used

Substituting all the values in equation (1)

We get :

Subsituting the value

P = 121.422 A

A= h*w

H= height of blade

W= width of blade


P= 364.266 w

Now we have to take any value of force which is applied by the air on the blade.

Condition 1:

Let F= 50N

A: Curved area of blade

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F= 50 N

w=36.78 cm

h=73.5 cm

** Not used as stability of such rotor will be difficult

Condition 2:

Let F=25 N

w=25.78 cm

h=50.23 cm

 Final dimension of the blade

fos = factor of safety = 3(assume)

So, design is safe

1: Blade material:

2: width (w) = 25.78 cm

Height (h)= 50.23 cm

3: Base dia rotor = 60cm

4: top dia = 50 cm (should be equal to 2w)

5: stator dia= 70cm (greater than base dia rotor)

 Finding the rotational speed of rotor ( theoretical )

Ft= 25 N (assuming all force applied is in horizontal direction)

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Substituting value of Power (P) and torque(T)

We get:

N =140 rpm


Max Force = 25 Newton

So, only a part of it will be in downward direction because of air in blades.

Let assume = ½ maximum force =12.5 Newton

Max wt of rotor = 2kg

Total weight = 3kg

We are using N52 magnets ( ring type)

Pull force = 7lb = 3.5 kg

So it can easily lift the rotor

Force by magnet > force by rotor + wind force

Material used mild steel

Moment = max force * length

Assumed length = 1m

Moment= 25 Nm

m= mass of blades

m= 700grm

Fc = 39 Newton

Assume this centrifugal force is applied at centre of the shaft

M centrifugal = 37.5 = 18.5 Nm

Total moment = 18,5 + 25 = 43.5 Nm

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So this can be easily sustained by mild steel shaft


d= 12 mm

3.4) Working Principle:

The basic working principle of a wind turbine is when air moves quickly, in the form
of wind, the kinetic energy is captured by the turbine blades. The blades start to rotate
and spin a shaft that leads from the hub of the rotor to a generator and produce
electricity. The high speed shaft drives the generator to produce electricity. The low
speed shaft of wind turbine is connected to shaft of high speed drives through gears to
increase their rotational speed during operation. Using the effects of magnetic
repulsion, spiral shaped wind turbine blades will be fitted on a rod for stability during
rotation and suspended on magnets as a replacement for ball bearings which are
normally used on conventional wind turbines. The energy that can be extracted from
the wind is directly proportional to the cube of the wind speed. We can then calculate
the power converted from the wind into rotational energy in the turbine using

3.5) Implementation:

In this project Magnetic levitation weight reduction structure for a vertical wind
turbine generator included. The fixed permanent magnet fixed to the frame has a
first repulsive surface. The axle is connected to the frame. The revolving permanent
magnet fixed to the axle has a second repulsive surface in relation to the first
repulsive surface of the fixed permanent magnet. Both the first and the second
repulsive surfaces repel with each other. The blade hub and the generator are
connected to the axle. When the revolving permanent magnet is rotated, the axle
functions as a balance center. An out structure supports the stator and the rotor is
placed over turbine head. The main components of the system are the maglev zone,

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blade hub and Auxiliary Current (AC) generator. It will convert the kinetic energy from
the wind to the electricity for usage. A modified roof ventilator is used as wind
turbine. The main function of the free spinning roof ventilator is to provide fresh air
in roof space and living area all year round 24 hours a day free of charge. The new
idea of the magnetic levitation helps to improve the turbine speed and electrical
production. This modification has benefits of the better air ventilation, but also has
extra electricity supply for load appliances.

3.6) Schematic Diagram

Fig 3.2: schematic diagram

Above figure gives an idea of maglev wind turbine. This phenomenon operates on
the repulsion characteristics of permanent magnet. This technology has been
predominantly utilized in the rail industry in the far east to provide very fast and
reliable transportation on maglev trains and with ongoing research its popularity is
increasingly attaining new heights . using a pair of permanent magnets like
neodymium magnets and substantial support magnetic levitation cn easily be
experienced. By placing these two magnets on top of each other, the magnetic
repulsion will be strong enough to keep magnet at a distance away from each other.
The force created as a rsult of this repulsion can be used for suspension purposes
and is strong enough to balance the weight of an object depending on threshold of

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3.7) Component Description

3.7.1 Neodymium Magnets

The Neodymium metal element is initially separated from refined Rare Earth oxides
in an electrolytic furnace. The "Rare Earth" elements are lanthanides (also called
lanthanides) and the term arises from the uncommon oxide minerals used to isolate
the elements. Although the term "Rare Earth" is used, it does not mean that the
chemical elements are scarce. The Rare Earth elements are abundant e.g. Neodymium
element is more common than gold. The Neodymium, Iron and Boron are measured
out and put in a vacuum induction furnace to form an alloy. Other elements are also
added, as required for specific grades e.g. Cobalt, Copper, Gadolinium and
Dysprosium (e.g. to assist with corrosion resistance). The mixture is melted due to the
high frequency heating and melting the mixture. In simplified terms, the "Neo" alloy
is like a cake mixture with each factory having its own recipe for each grade. The
resultant melted alloy is then cooled to form ingots of alloy. The alloy ingots are then
broken down by hydrogen decrepitating (HD) or hydrogenation disproportionate
desorption and recombination (HDDR) and jet milled down in a nitrogen and argon
atmosphere to a micron sized powder (about 3 microns or less in size). The
neodymium magnet is given a protective coating. It is imperative that the drying is
thorough otherwise water is locked into the plated Neodymium magnet and the
magnet will corrode from the inside out. The Rare Earth elements are abundant e.g.
Neodymium element is more common than gold. The Neodymium, Iron and Boron
are measured out and put in a vacuum induction furnace to form an alloy. The Rare

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Earth elements are abundant e.g. Neodymium element is more common than

Fig 3.3: neodymium magnet

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Fig 3.4: repulsion and attraction action by magnet Magnet Placement

Two ring type neodymium (NdFeB) magnets of grade N-52 of outer diameter 40 mm,
inner diameter 20 mm and thickness 10 mm are placed at the center of the shaft by
which the required levitation between the stator and the rotor is obtained. Similar
Rectangular type magnets of 25 mm diameter are arranged as alternate poles one after
the other, along the periphery of the rotor made of plywood of 40mm diameter. These
magnets are responsible for the useful flux that is going to be utilized by the power
generation system.

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Fig 3.5: placement of magnets on rotor

An electromagnetic coil is an electrical conductor such as a wire in the shape of a coil,

spiral or helix. Electromagnetic coils are used in electrical engineering, in applications
where electric currents interact with magnetic fields, in devices such as inductors,
electromagnets, transformers, and sensor coils. Either an electric current is passed
through the wire of the coil to generate a magnetic field, or conversely an external
time-varying magnetic field through the interior of the coil generates an EMF
(voltage) in the conductor. A current through any conductor creates a circular
magnetic field around the conductor due to Ampere's law. The advantage of using the
coil shape is that it increases the strength of magnetic field produced by a given
current. The magnetic fields generated by the separate turns of wire all pass through
the center of the coil and add (superpose) to produce a strong field there.[3] The more
turns of wire, the stronger the field produced. Conversely, a changing external
magnetic flux induces a voltage in a conductor such as a wire, due to Faraday's law of
induction.[3][4] The induced voltage can be increased by winding the wire into a coil,
because the field lines intersect the circuit multiple times. The direction of the
magnetic field produced by a coil can be determined by the right hand grip rule. If the

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fingers of the right hand are wrapped around the magnetic core of a coil in the
direction of conventional current through the wire, the thumb will point in the
direction the magnetic field lines pass through the coil. The end of a magnetic core
from which the field lines emerge is defined to be the North Pole. Coil Arrangement

22 gauge wires of 65 turns each are used as coils for power generation. 12 sets of such
coils are used in the prototype. These coils are arranged in the periphery of the stator
exactly in a line to the arranged disc magnets. The coils are raised to a certain height
for maximum utilization of the magnetic flux. Each set of such coils are connected in
series to obtain maximum output voltage.

Fig 3.6: placement of coils in series on stator

The series connection of the coils is preferred over the parallel connection for
optimizing a level between the output current and voltage. This is not the only point
on which an obvious analogy exists between windmills and sailing-vessels, both being
wind-driven mechanisms. Without sails a mill is a mill no more; sails are essential to
it. Due to the presence of these harmonics, the total harmonic distortion is high and
the input power factor is poor. Due to problems associated with low power factor and
harmonics, utilities will enforce harmonic standards and guidelines which will limit
the amount of current distortion allowed into the utility and thus the simple diode
rectifiers may not in use.

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3.7.3 Wind Sail

The principal components of a windmill are of course the SAILS. Indeed, it is the
sails which transmit the wind power to all those parts which together form the
windmill. Without sails a mill is a mill no more; sails are essential to it. It is obvious
that the shape and the construction of the sails are of primary importance, for they
determine the proportion of the energy which Can be transmitted from the wind to the
mill. It is the same thing as with a sailing-vessel, where the shape, position, and size
of the sail determine in the first place the propulsion and the speed of the vessel. This
is not the only point on which an obvious analogy exists between windmills and
sailing-vessels, both being wind-driven mechanisms. Without sails a mill is a mill no
more; sails are essential to it. It is obvious that the shape and the construction of the
sails are of primary importance, for they determine the proportion of the energy which
can be transmitted from the wind to the mill. Just as the sail is spread out as a wing-
shaped surface behind the mast on a vessel, so behind the stock of a windmill sail
there is a surface slightly inclined to the common plane, consisting in this case of a
sail-cloth covering the frame. This frame is a system of bars mortised into the stock
and connected together with laths or up longs. The bars in the transverse direction
project slightly through the stock and are connected in the longitudinal direction by
the up longs. Attached to the stock are the leading boards, a set of boards which may
be compared to some extent to a foresail before the mast. The wind, blowing on the
sails, gives a sideways force component which makes the sails turn.

Fig 3.7: front view of wind turbine set up

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4.1) Experimental Analysis

To analyze the magnetic lift wind mill an experimental analysis was conducted. Wind velocity Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)

1 2.1 0.175 0.031 .0054
2 2.8 0.24 0.035 .0084
3 4.2 0.472 0.04 .0188

4.2) Advantages and Disadvantages:

4.2.1) Advantages:

 It is independent of wind direction no additional force is required to drive


 Savonius wind turbine has good starting torque.

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 It is simple in construction and also maintenance is easy.

 It has low noise and emissions.

4.2.2) Disadvantages
Every system or machine with the highest efficiency and performance has one or the
other demerit. Similarly this maglev wind turbine also has few disadvantages as stated

 The capital cost of wind power is third higher than conventional thermal

 Further electrical problems like voltage flicker and variable frequency affect
the implementation of wind farm.

 Because of their low height they cannot capture the wind energy stored in
higher altitudes.

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Over all, the magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine was a success. The
rotors that were designed harnessed enough air to rotate the stator at low and high
wind speeds while keeping the center of mass closer to the base yielding stability. The
wind turbine rotors and stator levitated properly using permanent magnets which
allowed for a smooth rotation with negligible friction. The Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
(VAWT) with magnetic levitation performed better than the conventional wind
turbine. Tests results VAWT model has lower starting wind speed compare to
conventional one. The rotational speed of maglev VAWT is higher. The time taken for
the maglev wind turbine to stop rotating is longer than that of conventional.
Therefore, the Maglev wind turbine is more suitable for power generation application.
The home for the magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine would be in
residential areas. Here it can be mounted to a roof and be very efficient and able to
extract free clean energy thus experiencing a reduction in their utility cost and also
contribute to the “Green Energy” awareness that is increasingly gaining popularity.

At the end of the project, the magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine was a
success. The rotors that were designed harnessed enough air to rotate at low and high
wind speeds while keeping the centre of mass closer to the base yielding stability. The
ntheconstructionofthemodel. An aluminium shaft was used to avoid the wobbling
movement of the rotor. Overall, the magnetic levitation wind turbine was a successful

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The home for the magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine would be in
residential areas. Here it can be mounted to a roof and be very efficient and practical.
A home owner would be able to extract free clean energy thus experiencing a
reduction in their utility cost and also contribute to the “Green Energy” awareness that
is increasingly gaining popularity. The maglev windmill can be designed for using in
a moderate scale power generation ranging from 400 Watts to 1 KW. Also it is
suitable for integrating with the hybrid power generation units consisting of solar and
other natural resources.

 The technology is expected to create new opportunities in low-speed areas, with

starting speed as low as 1.5m/s & cut in speed of 3m/s.

 It is configured to capture wind from any direction and convert wind to energy at
very high efficiency.

 Magnetic levitation reduces the friction & eliminates need of bearings.

 Today wind turbines are considered to be the most developed form of renewable
energy technology.

 Able to deliver clean green-power for less than one cent per kilowatt hour.

 This new technology is remarkably cheap with low operating cost. Less noise
compared to existing conventional wind turbines.

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