Math 300 PrefacetoStudent

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Math 300 : Preface to the Student

Read the Preface to the Student on pages x-xii and answer the following questions.

1.Your authors welcome you to a course that is the study of….

2. What is inductive reasoning?

3. What is deductive reasoning?

4. Natural and social scientists tend to use this type of reasoning: ________________________.

Mathematicians are distinguished by this type of reasoning: _________________________.

5. The second full paragraph on p. xi has some important information for you as you begin this
course. What is the first goal of this text (and course)? Why are you learning proof techniques?
Why would employers find this type of reasoning valuable?

6.T/F Definitions are critical in mathematics.

7. Why are definitions in mathematics stated with the “if and only if” connective?

8. Define:
x is an even integer
x is an odd integer
a divides b for integers a, b
an integer p is prime
a real number x is rational

9. Prove 6 is an even integer using the definition of even integer.

10. Why are definitions helpful?

11.What is the goal of the text and this course?

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