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La prueba de Lengua Extranjera: INGLÉS consta de dos opciones (A y B).

El alumno/a tiene que

por una de ellasDE ACCESO
y responder todas lasA LA UNIVERSIDAD
preguntas de la misma.





“Pills against the suffering of others” is the name of an unusual campaign by Médicins
sans Frontières (MSF) that is turning out to be quite a success. Four months after its
launch, it is possible that four million boxes will have been sold in Spain by the end of
April. For those who have not yet come across them, “Pills against the suffering of
5 others” are mint sweets sold in packages of six, one for every forgotten disease. They are
available at pharmacies for just one euro. The funds raised by the campaign, which is
proving very successful, go towards financing MSF projects to treat these illnesses. The
novelty of the concept is that aid is provided through a simple gesture, and just one euro
is enough to help improve the lives of thousands of neglected sufferers.

10 The funds raised so far are being used to treat Chagas disease and HIV in Bolivia and
Zimbabwe. In this African nation, MSF treats 11,000 patients a year, many of them
children, while in Bolivia the money has been used to cover the cost of a project initiated
last year with 5,000 tests to detect Chagas disease, which will mean treatment for more
than 4,000 patients by the end of 2011.

15 MSF is grateful to Spanish society for its reaction and to the pharmaceutical sector for
its support, for both are crucial to the campaign’s success. Personalities from the world
of cinema, literature, music, gastronomy and television have also shown support.
Worthy of special mention is a commercial featuring the late Luis García Berlanga, a
demonstration of the great film-maker’s generosity, and also an effective tool for
20 making people aware that rescuing millions of sufferers from neglect is inexcusably a
task for everyone.

From RONDA Iberia Magazine April 2011

1.- Say whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE according to the text.
Copy the evidence from the text. No marks will be given without the evidence. (1.5

a) – The campaign has been a failure.

b) – We can buy the boxes in supermarkets.

c) – These special pills are extremely expensive.

2.- Choose ONLY THREE of the following words and write a synonym (=), an
opposite ( ≠), a definition or a sentence (only one of these four) to show that you
understand their meaning in the text. Use your own words. (1.5 points)

a) - available (line 6) d) – crucial (line 16)

b) – novelty (line 8) e) – aware (line 20)

c) – improve (line 9) f) – neglect (line 20)

3.- Read this conversation between two people. Complete their conversation. Write
the numbers (1-8) and each complete sentence on your exam paper. (2 points)

PHILIP: Are you still going out with Kate?

WILLIAM: No, we (1)…………………. weeks ago and now she’s not speaking to me.
PHILIP: Are you sad about it?
WILLIAM: Yes, I miss her a lot. I keep phoning and texting her but (2) ……………..
PHILIP: Have you tried talking to her best friend?
WILLIAM: Yes, but she doesn’t want to talk to me either.
PHILIP: What are you going to do then? Why not (3) …………...?
WILLIAM: No, I couldn’t do that. She’s my first and last love.
PHILIP: That’s silly. Look at me. I (4) …………………. so far.
WILLIAM: Ten girlfriends, I know, but I’m not like you. I’m different. I (5) ………. one
PHILIP: Don’t be ridiculous. Forget about your girlfriend. Let’s (6) ……………….
WILLIAM: You know I don’t drink alcohol.
PHILIP: But I’m afraid you need it now. It will help you forget.
WILLIAM: I (7) …………………………
PHILIP: Then, (8) …………………………?
WILLIAM: I don’t know what I can do.

4.- Choose only 4 of the following situations. Write what you would say in or about
each one to show that you understand the context of the situation. Between 6 and 20
words. (2 points)

1.- Your best friend seems unhappy. Give her/him some suggestions.
2.- There are black clouds in the sky. Make a prediction.
3.- You think you’ve got the flu. Tell the doctor about your symptoms.
4.- Your friend doesn’t know which dress to buy. Help her decide.
5.- You sister is starting to light a cigarette inside a bar in your town. Tell her why she
6.- Someone is criticising your best friend. Stop him.

5.- Write a composition of about 100 words on ONE of the following topics. (3 points)

a) – The importance of NGOs in underdeveloped countries.

b) – Write a letter to a friend who has just told you he/she has HIV.
La prueba de Lengua Extranjera: INGLÉS consta de dos opciones (A y B). El alumno/a tiene que
optar por una de ellas y responder todas las preguntas de la misma.






A Dog’s Life?
The old saying that a dog is man’s best friend has been around for centuries, and few
people who have dogs of their own would argue with it.

Famous for their affectionate and loyal nature, dogs are often regarded as friends rather
than pets. Children and old people are particularly inclined to develop close relationships
with their dogs. Dogs often give the impression that they know exactly what their owners
want, without being told. This sensitivity is what makes them seem almost human.

After centuries of being bred to be domestic animals, dogs have developed into safe
companions. It is true that the occasional dog can go wild and attack someone, sometimes
10 causing severe injuries. Such cases are rare, though, and almost always involve animals
that have been trained to be aggressive. This doesn’t mean that dogs are naturally violent
or dangerous, simply that they can be trained to perform a number of tasks. In fact, their
capacity to learn and follow instructions is what makes dogs so valuable as working

15 During the long history of mankind’s association with animals, the role of the dog has
changed. At one time dogs were simply domestic animals that performed a useful
function. Today, of course, the majority of dogs are kept as household pets, although there
are still some animals engaged in important occupations. These include working on
farms, helping blind people navigate their way through life and assisting the police and
security forces.
Many owners like to treat their pet dogs like human beings, but do some people go too
far? When you look at the extremes to which some owners go, it would certainly seem
so. Aren’t expensive, fashionable coats for dogs a waste of money? Surely designer
beds for dogs costing over £1,000 are ridiculous. But these are just some of the items
available from the exclusive dog boutiques to be found in many major cities around the

1.- Say whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE according to the text.
Copy the evidence from the text. No marks will be given without the evidence. (1.5

a) – Dogs sometimes guess their owners’ wishes.

b) – Dogs have always been kept as pets.

c) – According to the text, it is impossible to spend too much money on a pet dog.

2.- Choose ONLY THREE of the following words and write a synonym (=), an
opposite ( ≠), a definition or a sentence (only one of these four) to show that you
understand their meaning in the text. Use your own words. (1.5 points)

a) - loyal (line 3) d) – to train (line 11)

b) - sensitivity (line 6) e) – to be engaged in (line 17)
c) – occasional (line 8) f) – waste (line 22)

3.- Read this conversation between two people. Complete their conversation. Write
the numbers (1-8) and each complete sentence on your exam paper. (2 points)

LUCY.- (1)……………………………………….. new dress?

PAT.- It’s green.
LUCY.- (2)…………………………………………………?
PAT.- No, not really. Just three pounds.
LUCY.- Oh, that’s very cheap. (3)………………………………?
PAT.- Yes of course. Come upstairs. It’s in my room?
LUCY.- Thank you.
PAT.- Look! (4) ……………………………!
LUCY.- Oh, (5) ……………………………….!
PAT.- I’m glad you like it. My hat’s new too.
LUCY.- (6) …………………….? (7) ………………………?
PAT.- No, not that one. The red one.
LUCY.- Oh, Pat, it’s a beautiful hat. (8) ………………………………in the same place?

4.- Choose only 4 of the following situations. Write what you would say in or about
each one to show that you understand the context of the situation. Between 6 and 20
words. (2 points)

1.- The I-pad you bought last week doesn’t work. Make a complaint.
2.-. Your sister has just passed her driving test. What do you say to her?
3.- You’re late for an exam. Make an excuse.
4.- You have just seen a good film. Convince a friend to go to see it.
5.- Explain to someone what to do with old paper and plastic.
6.- You’re bringing your girlfriend home to meet your parents. What do you say?

5.- Write a composition of about 100 words on ONE of the following topics. (3 points)

a) – Sometimes animals are better treated than children. Discuss.

b) – What animal is your favourite pet? Why?

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