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Track and Field Practice Plan

Team: Windsor Charter Academy Middle School Track and Field Date: 3/22/2018 Time: 3:30-5:30 Location: Gymnasium, Soccer field
Age: 10-13
Time of Season: Early Season, Week 1, Day 3
Number of Coaches: 9 coaches
Number of Athletes: 50
Time: 120 minutes
Equipment Needed:
Game: “Four Kingdoms”
 30 cones
 12 bowling pins
 50 penny jerseys
 12 hula hoops
 30 soft dodgeball balls
 12 hurdles
 Measuring tape
 Stopwatch
 2 batons
Each athlete is required to bring their own equipment:
 Athletic Clothing
 T-Shirt
 Shorts
 Socks
 Running Shoes
Safety Notes: Each discipline will have at least one coach in charge of supervising the athletes. The hurdles will be set to the lowest possible height
to avoid collision and possible harm to the athlete or equipment.
Practice Goal: Focus on the fundamentals of hurdling. Work on the hand offs for a sprinting relay
New Skills: Learn how to properly jump over a hurdle in the most effective and efficient manner.
Physical Goals The goal of this practice is to lay the base for the fundamentals of
hurdling and sprinting along with baton handoffs.
Technical Goals The technical goal of this practice is to work on learning the most
effective way to challenge a hurdle and to work on fast foot recovery.
Tactical Goals The tactical goal of this practice is to focus working on a good start to
the race and running effectively and efficiently over hurdles to avoid
possible collisions.
Mental Goals The mental goal of this practice is to work on learning a new
discipline and work with the athletes that may be scared or hesitant.

WARM-UP: The warm up will be performed outside on the grass field.

Work on running form and 10 meters, out and back N/A
High Knees 3:30-
the actions needed to run
Work on running form and 10 meters, out and back N/A
Butt Kicks 3:33-
the actions needed to run
A-Skips 3:36- Work on plyometric action to 10 meters out N/A
3:40 improve muscular action
B-Skips 3:40- Work on plyometric action to 10 meters back N/A
44 improve muscular action
Improve flexibility of Both feet, right over left, left N/A
Reach Toes 3:44- hamstrings and lower back over right.
3:46 Count out loud with athletes 1-
Improve flexibility of Reaching out with one arm to N/A
3:46- hamstrings and ability to the right leg, then left while
Hurdle Stretch
3:48 move body in proper hurdling sitting
form. Count aloud with athletes 1-15
Game: Four Kingdoms
Rules : Work on Identify the different interval
1. Each team will have 3 bowling developing locations.
 30 cones
pins placed in the center of 3 sprinting form Cues:
hula hoops in each corner of the and adapting  Jailbreak: allows all  12 bowling pins
gymnasium. to the athletes to exit the
 50 penny jerseys
2. Each team will have a boundary variability of center jail
that they may cross in order to running  12 hula hoops
try and knock over the opposing different
 30 soft dodgeball
team’s bowling pins with balls. distances.
3. In an athlete is hit with a ball 3:48-3:50 Explanation
they must go to the center of the of game
gymnasium and wait for a 3:50-4:30
teammate to free them.
4. If all of a team’s pins are
knocked over, that team is out
and must sit down.
5. Each team will consist of 12-13
members with a different colored
penny jersey.

During this time, the athletes will pick Clean up the equipment and
up and put away the equipment from the allow the athletes to choose
game. what events they would like
After everything is picked up; each 4:30- to participate in.
coach will assemble with the athletes 4:35
that are wanting to do that activity for
the day and prepare the drill.
NEW SKILL: Hurdling form
Coaches will demonstrate the form of a Work on the fundamentals of Demonstrate the proper 12 hurdles
hurdle takeoff and landing . The coaches a hurdle jump. technique of a baton pass.
will allow any experineced athletes to Practice leading with one leg Cues:
demonstrate in order to allow the and landing on the same leg  Attack the hurdle!
inexperienced athletes to watch a peer in order to increase the  Don’t stutter step!
perform the skill. recovery speed.  Fast back leg

Practicing Handoffs
Teams will be assigned into 4 different Work on handoffs for relay Demonstrate the proper 2x Batons
groups of 4. Each group will be given a races. These skills will be technique of a baton pass. Stopwatch
baton. The teams will then jog in a line useful for performing a Cues:
one after the other, with the back runner handoff efficiently.  STICK
having the baton to start. Every time the  Pick up the pace
coach yells « stick » every 10 meters,
the person in back will hand it to the
person in front. This will continue until 4 :35-
the front runner has the baton. The front 5 :10
runner will then drop the baton for the
rear runner to pick up and continue the
drill. After one successful attempt, going
a full lap around the field the speed will
increase. The runners will then perform
the same actions at a faster speed, more
of a run rather than a jog.
Cool Down Stretches
Work on running form and 10 meters, out and back N/A
High Knees 5:10-
the actions needed to run
Work on running form and 10 meters, out and back N/A
Butt Kicks 5:13-
the actions needed to run
A-Skips 5:16- Work on plyometric action to 10 meters out N/A
5:20 improve muscular action
B-Skips 5:20- Work on plyometric action to 10 meters back N/A
5:24 improve muscular action
Improve flexibility of Both feet, right over left, left N/A
Reach Toes 5:24- hamstrings and lower back over right.
5:26 Count out loud with athletes 1-
Improve flexibility of Reaching out with one arm to N/A
5:26- hamstrings and ability to the right leg, then left while
Hurdle Stretch
5:28 move body in proper hurdling sitting
form. Count aloud with athletes 1-15

NOTES : Some time may be allowed between the transitions due to the size of the team it may be difficult to get all of the athletes on the
same page. If this is the case, reduce the amount of time practicing drills to make sure that the athletes recieve ample time to cooldown.
Allow the athletes to have water in case it is very warm to avoid dehydration.
Game Diagram

Coaches will wander around ensuring that fairness

is maintained throughout the teams.
During this time, the coaches may work on what
they are planning for the individual practices.
Sprint Diagram

Red lines are the points where the coach will yell
“STICK” for the athletes to hand off the baton.
The coach will have a stopwatch and will have the
athletes progressively speed up while still
performing the handoffs for up to 10 laps.
Hurdle Diagram

The coach will start each round of hurdles for the

The athletes will then run the hurdles and loop
back around to get ready to start again.

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