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Cristina O’Farrill

Dramatic Literature
Dr. Carol Moe
December 13, 2017
Hamilton Assignment

10 Activities inspired by Hamilton

Activity#1- Pictionary
Objective: The student will be able to illustrate a vocabulary word using pictures
Students will already have knowledge on each of these words.
Instructions: Divide the class in two teams. Choose two students; one from each group and
place them in the back of the classroom. Show them a flashcard with the same vocabulary
word. Tell students to make an illustration on the board, but without using letters or
numbers. Students from each team need to guess the vocabulary word from the student’s
description. The team that gets the most vocabulary words correct wins.

10 Vocabulary Words
1. impoverished
2. scholar
3. slaves
4. immigrant
5. ammunition
6. sorrow
7. hurl
8. pedestal
9. fleeting
10. insidious

Activity #2- Create your own Musical

Objective: Students will improve their writing skills and will have appreciation of music
Instructions: Divide the group in four teams. Give each group a musical number from the
play for students to rewrite the scene and set.

For example:
1. 1776 place New York setting- I am not throwing away my shots!
2. Message from King George
Activity #3- Who’s Hamilton?

Objective: Appreciation of historical events, improve writing skills, research , analysis, and
oral communication to increase fluency.

Instructions: Having the students seen the musical number that introduces Who is
Hamilton? Have students research the biography of Hamilton and the Founding Fathers.
Have them prepare a monologue of their chosen character to present to the class.

Activity#4- Making Connections

Objective: Students will improve writing skills, analytical thinking, and appreciation of

Instructions: Given the themes of race, immigration, and ambition of the play, have
students make a research on some historical references such as: The Boston Massacre, The
Boston Tea Party, or the early days of the revolution and write an essay connecting these
historical events with Hamilton.

Activity #5- Personal Pronouns

Objective: Students will improve grammar skills
Instructions: Using the passage of Angelica meeting Hamilton, the students will add the
following pronouns where needed (I, her, him, she, he, my, mine ).

1. Angelica:
If __I___ tell _her___ that ____I___ love ___him____ she’d be silently resigned. He’d
be _____mine____ _______she__ would say, I’m fine.
2. Angelica:
But when _____I__ fantasize at night, it’s Alexander’s eyes as ___I_ romanticize what
might have been if ____I______ hadn’t sized _____him____ up so quickly.
3. Angelica:
At least _____my____ dear Eliza’s ____his____ wife. At least ______I____ keep ____
his____ eyes in ___my___ life.
Activity #6- Charades
Objective: Students will guess the vocabulary word that is being acted out
Students will already have knowledge on each of these words.
Instructions: Divide the class in two teams. Choose two students; one from each group and
place them in the back of the classroom. Show them a flashcard with the same vocabulary
word. Tell students to act out the word without speaking or writing on the board. Tell
members of each team they cannot shout out random words, and a point will be deducted
for each incorrect guess. The team with the most points wins.

Vocabulary words:


Activity #7: Adjectives

1. Introduce adjectives to students
2. Include the following video to better understand the meaning and function of
 What are Adjectives? English Grammar for Beginners | Basic English | ESL
3. Review the mentioned adjectives from the video and write them on the board. Tell
students to think of their own adjectives. To extend the activity, you may tell them
to describe a partner.
4. Now that students have a better understanding of adjectives, tell them they will
make a list to describe Alexander Hamilton. But first they will watch the following
YouTube video:
 Hamilton - Alexander Hamilton lyrics
5. Students may work individually or in pairs when making the list (8-10 adjectives) of
adjectives describing Hamilton. Tell them to write complete sentences using five of
the adjectives from the list. The sentences must be about Hamilton.
Activity #8: Character Profile
Instructions: Students will create a profile of Alexander Hamilton. The will include the
following: Traits, childhood hardships, achievements, and important quotes. Each part will
be written separately and labeled. Remind students their writing and grammar will be
evaluated. So, they should be writing complete sentences.

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