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About the Test:

 Level: Kindergarten (second semester period- spring)

 Approximate time: 30-40 minutes
 This assessment will be given at the end of the unit. It focuses on the key common core
standards that have been taught to date.
 Features to be tested: The test consists of two parts. The first part will require students to
listen to a short passage retrieved from http://www.comprehension-
worksheets/campfire-cookout/ A series of questions will accompany the short reading
passage. The second part consists of matching the sound with the letter.
 Part I: Listening comprehension skills
 Part II: Letter Names and Phonics short a, f, n, b
 What is tested? The objectives which will be tested are the following:
 Answer questions about a text.
 Answer questions about key details in a text.
 Use information from a text to answer questions.
 Describe the connection between individuals, events, ideas, or information in a
 Identify the reasons an author gives to support points
 Confirm understanding of a text read aloud, information presented orally, or
through other media by asking/answering questions and requesting clarification.
 Draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from a text read
 Identify letter sounds
 Match letter with sound
 Scoring the Test: Each correct response is worth 1 point. The test has a total amount of 8
Testing Parts Possible Score Students
Listening 4
Letter Names and 4
Total score 8

 Interpreting the results:

Strong 90%-100%
Developing 80%-89%
Emerging 70%-79%
Not Evident 0%-69%
Item Number Outcomes to Assess Task Types Points
Test Objective Skill
Listening Comprehension
1 Test listening details Multiple 1
comprehension Choice
2 Test listening details Multiple 1
comprehension Choice
3 Test listening Author’s Multiple 1
comprehension purpose Choice
4 Test listening Drawing Multiple 1
comprehension conclusions Choice
Letter Names and Phonics
5 Test phonemic Identifies initial Multiple 1
awareness sound and Choice
skills matches it with
6 Test phonemic Identifies initial Multiple 1
awareness sound and Choice
skills matches it with
7 Test phonemic Identifies initial Multiple 1
awareness sound and Choice
skills matches it with
8 Test phonemic Identifies initial Multiple 1
awareness sound and Choice
skills matches it with
Total Time: Approx.-30-40

Prompt Attributes (PA): Throughout the assessment, the student will listen to a short passage.
A series of questions will accompany the short reading passage. Then, they will have the second
part which will consist of matching the sound with the letter.
Response Attributes (RA): Students will choose the correct response. In the first part, the
student will have three alternative answers to select from. The student will circle the correct
response. In the second part, the student will only have three alternative answers to select from.
The student will circle the correct response.

Listening Comprehension
Say: Look at the picture and listen carefully as I read a story about it. You will answer questions
about the story afterwards.
**(Teacher) read the following story aloud slowly.
Campfire Cookout
Cut some wood. Pick up some small sticks, too. They help start the fire. Carry the wood to the
fire pit. Bring some matches. Light the fire. Carry the food to the fire. Bring some hot dogs. Start
to cook them. Cut some onions really small. Pick your toppings. Eat in the fire light. Campfires
are fun, but be careful!

1. Put your finger on number 1. What food is cooked over the fire? A hot dog; a fish; a
marshmallow. Circle the answer
2. Turn the page.
3. Put your finger on number 2. What is the first thing you need to make a fire? A pail
of water; a flower; chopped wood. Circle the answer
Put your finger on number 3. How does the author feel about campfires? Campfires
make the author feel mad; campfires are fun; campfires make the author feel sad. Circle
the answer
4. Put your finger on number 4. The authors says “Campfires are fun, but be
careful!” What could happen in a campfire if you are not careful? Circle two things
that could happen. You can burn your finger; there could be a forest fire; all forest
animals will get happy because you are making a campfire.

Letter Names and Phonics

Say: Now we will do an example of what you are going to be doing during the rest of the
assessment. You can say the answer because it is practice. Now, let’s go to the box. Do you see
the flower? What letter does flower begin with? Yes, letter F. Circle letter F. We will be doing
the same thing on the following exercises but you cannot say the answer. Now, listen to the name
of the object and circle the letter it begins with. Remember, you cannot say the answer.
Put your finger on number 5. The object you see is an apple. What letter does apple begin with,
A, B OR N? Circle the letter.
Put your finger on number 6. The object you see is a bat. What letter does bat begin with, T, B,
OR F? Circle the letter.
Put your finger on number 7. The object you see is a foot. What letter does foot begin with, A, F,
or N? Circle the letter.
Put your finger on number 8. The object you see is a nest. What letter does nest begin with, N,B,
or F? Circle the letter.
Listening comprehension

The Campfire Cookout


3. 3.



5. A B N

6. T B F

7. A F N

8. N B F

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