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Scientific Journals Master of Management UBL 2018



Ni Made Citta Iswari

Master of Management Budi Luhur University


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel pelatihan, integritas, dan disiplin kerja
terhadap kinerja karyawan tanpa fraud secara simultan dan parsial, serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelatihan,
integritas, dan disiplin kerja di PT.Bank DKI wilayah Tangerang Selatan. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang
digunakan adalah metode survey untuk mendapatkan data primer yang selanjutnya diolah dalam software SPSS
versi 20. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi kepustakaan dan kuesioner kepada 51 responden. Model
penelitian ini menggunakan model regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, diperoleh nilai
koefisien determinasi sebesar 74.2 % yang artinya pelatihan, integritas, dan disiplin kerja berpengaruh
signifikan secara simultan dan parsial terhadap kinerja karyawan tanpa fraud di PT.Bank DKI Wilayah
Tangerang Selatan.

Kata kunci : Pelatihan, Integritas, Disiplin kerja, Kinerja Karyawan tanpa fraud


The banking industry has an important role as a source of capital and financial
intermediaries. As a financial institution, a bank is a business entity that collects funds from the
public in the form of savings and distributes it to the community to improve the standard of living of
many people. The customer is a party that uses the bank's services and thus the bank has two
functions: collecting funds from the community and second as a channel of funds to the community.
Banks and customers have a very close relationship where the relationship is based on the
relationship on the basis of law and trust.
As a company based on financial services, the human resources factor is inherent in the
company. Professional and high integrity human resources are needed in a banking industry, because
banks are financial institutions that are trusted by the community as customers to keep their funds.
HR or bank employees are at the forefront of banking operations. In doing the work, employees are
required to understand the SOP and jobdesk respectively so that things that are not desirable like
fraud can be minimized. Fraud action is one of the problems that occurred in PT.Bank DKI, because
almost every year the action of fraud is found. Fraud is a deliberate acts or omissions committed to
deceive, deceive, and manipulate banks, customers, or other parties that occur in the bank
The number of Fraud cases that occurred in PT.Bank DKI for three years ie 2014-2016 based
on calculations performed by the Audit group PT.Bank DKI is as follows
Table 1. Fraud cases in PT.Bank DKI
No Years Number of cases

1 2014 6 cases
2 2015 5 cases
3 2016 5 cases
Source : Audit group


Definition of Employee Performance without fraud

Performance by Bernardin (2010) is an outcome record generated from the function
of a particular job or activity over a specified period of time. Albrecht (2012) cheating is a
general term, and includes all the ways in which human intelligence is imposed by an
individual to create a way to gain benefit from others from false representations.

Definition of Training
Training according to Dessler (2011) is the process of assisting the workforce to gain
effectiveness in their present or future work through developing the habit of thinking, action,
skill, knowledge, and attitudes.

Definition of Integrity
According to Arens (2008) integrity means a person acting according to his
conscience, under any circumstances.

Definition of Work Discipline

According to Rivai (2011) work discipline is a tool that managers use to
communicate with employees so that they are willing to change behavior and as an effort to
increase awareness and willingness of a person in fulfilling all the rules in the company.

Research paradigm
To further clarify the direction of research that shows that there is influence between
training, integrity, and work discipline on the performance of employees without fraud then
created the research paradigm as follows:

Picture 1. Research paradigm

Source : Researcher, 2017

Development of Hypotheses

Hypothesis is a temporary statement or answer about something or problem to be

studied. Hypothesis in this research is as follows:
1. There is influence of training variable on employee performance

without fraud.

2. The influence of the integrity variable on employee performance

without fraud.

3. There is influence of work discipline variable on employee performance

without fraud.

4. There is influence of training variables, integrity, and work discipline

on employee performance without fraud.


Type of Research
Type of research used in this research is descriptive type. In the descriptive type, data
collection is used to test the hypothesis in this study through the assessment of the attitude or
opinion of the individual (in this case the employee at Bank DKI in South Tangerang region).
). In this study, researchers used survey methods to obtain primary data. Primary data
obtained by giving questionnaires directly to the respondents.

Data collection technique

Data collection techniques that the authors do in the preparation of this study are as
1. Library research
This research was conducted to obtain secondary data by reading, collecting data, studying
text book, and reference books such as journal and other print media in library and internet.
2. Questionnaire
Data collection techniques with this questionnaire is the collection of data through a list of
statements given to respondents in this case the employees of PT.Bank DKI Tangerang
Selatan region. The list of statements is arranged in such a way as to be able to answer in five
levels of statement responses. The scale order used for the assessment is:
• Strongly agree (5)
• Agree (4)
• Doubtful (3)
• Disagree (2)
• Strongly disagree (1)

Population and Sample Research

The target population of this research are employees of PT.Bank DKI Tangerang Selatan
Area consisting of BSD Branch, Nature Sutera Sub-Branch, Bintaro Sub-Branch Office,
Karawaci Sub-Branch Office, Pamulang Helper Branch Office and Kelapa Dua Cash Office
with total employees in Tangerang South as many as 51 employees (especially employees who
have received integrated anti fraud training).

Research model
The research model used to test the hypothesis related to the influence of training,
integrity, and work discipline on the performance of employees without fraud in banking
operations in PT.Bank DKI Tangerang Selatan region is as follows multiple linear regression
model with the following formula:
Y = a + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3
where Y: Employee performance without fraud
a: Constants
b1: Regression coefficient X1
b2: Regression coefficient X2
b3: Regression coefficient X3
X1: Training
X2: Integrity
X3: Work discipline

Validity test
According Sugiyono (2012) validity is the degree of accuracy between the actual data
occurred on the object of research with data obtained on the basis of research reports.
A. Results of the validity test of training variables

Table 2. Result of validiity test of training

Item Statement Correlation Limit value Conclusion
1 0.39 0.30 Valid
2 0.61 0.30 Valid
3 0.71 0.30 Valid
4 0.71 0.30 Valid
5 0.63 0.30 Valid
6 0.69 0.30 Valid
7 0.69 0.30 Valid
8 0.60 0.30 Valid
9 0.69 0.30 Valid
10 0.43 0.30 Valid
11 0.72 0.30 Valid
12 0.55 0.30 Valid
13 0.31 0.30 Valid
14 0.62 0.30 Valid
Source : Researcher, 2017
it is known that the statement item on the training variable is valid, because the correlation
value exceeds the limit value is 0.30.

B. Results of validity test of integrity variable

Table 3. Results of validity test of integrity variable

Item statement Correlation Limit Value Conclusion
1 0.66 0.30 Valid
2 0.59 0.30 Valid
3 0.61 0.30 Valid
4 0.67 0.30 Valid
5 0.66 0.30 Valid
6 0.56 0.30 Valid
7 0.74 0.30 Valid
8 0.57 0.30 Valid
9 0.55 0.30 Valid
10 0.77 0.30 Valid
11 0.61 0.30 Valid
Source: Researcher, 2017
it is known that the statement item on the integrity variable is valid, because the
correlation value exceeds the limit value of 0.30.
C. Results of validity test of work discipline variavble
Table 4. Results of validity test of work discipline variable
Item statement Correlation Limit value Conclusion
1 0.59 0.30 Valid
2 0.53 0.30 Valid
3 0.73 0.30 Valid
4 0.40 0.30 Valid
5 0.76 0.30 Valid
6 0.39 0.30 Valid
Source: Researcher, 2017
it is known that the statement item of the work discipline variable is valid, because the
correlation value exceeds the limit value of 0.30.

D. Results of validity employee performance without fraud

Table 5. Results of validity test of employee performance without fraud
Item statement Correlation Limit value Conclusion
1 0.36 0.30 Valid
2 0.40 0.30 Valid
3 0.60 0.30 Valid
4 0.32 0.30 Valid
5 0.48 0.30 Valid
6 0.59 0.30 Valid
7 0.45 0.30 Valid
8 0.42 0.30 Valid
9 0.39 0.30 Valid
Source: Researcher, 2017
it is known that the statement item of the employee performance without fraud variable is
valid, because the correlation value exceeds the limit value of 0.30.

Reliability Test
According Sugiyono (2012) reliability with respect to the degree of consistency and stability
of data or findings. In other words, reliability is the level of confidence of a measurement result. It
is recommended that the reliability coefficient between 0.70 - 0.80 is good enough for basic
research purposes (Kaplan-Saccuzzo, 2016).
A. The results of the training variable reliability test
It is known that the reliability value for a valid training variable item is 0.873. The result of
reliability coefficient obtained in the criteria of good reliability value because the coefficient
of 0.70-0.80 is good enough for research.
B. Reliability test results of integrity variables
It is known that the reliability value for a valid integrity variable item is 0.856. The result of
the reliability coefficient obtained in the criterion of good reliability value because the
coefficient of 0.70-0.80 is good enough for research.
C. Reliability test results variable work discipline
It is known that the reliability value for a valid work discipline variable item is 0.856. The
result of reliability coefficient obtained in the criteria of good reliability value because the
coefficient of 0.70-0.80 is good enough for research.
D. Reliability test results of employee performance variable without fraud
It is known that the reliability value for an employee performance variable item without a
valid fraud is 0.724. The result of reliability coefficient obtained in the criteria of good
reliability value because the coefficient of 0.70-0.80 is good enough for research.

Normality test
Normality test aims to test whether in the regression model the dependent variable and
variables both have a normal distribution or not.

Table 6. Results of Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
d Residual
N 51
Mean .00000000
Normal Parametersa,b
Std. Deviation 3.84730275
Absolute .122
Most Extreme
Positive .122
Negative -.110
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .873
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .431
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
Source : Resourcher, 2017
it can be seen that the test of normality test using one sample kolmogorov sminrnov test shows
a significance value of 0.431. Because the significance is greater than 0.05 then the residual value is

Source : Resourcher, 2017

the result of the normal spss output p-plot shows that the distribution of the data points
spreads around the diagonal line and the dispersion of data points is in the direction of the diagonal
line so it can be concluded that the data is normal.

Multicollinearity Test
This test aims to test whether the regression model found a correlation between independent
variables. Multicollinearity test results are as follows:
Training of tolerance values = 0.939 and VIF = 1.065
Integrity value of toleance = 0.886 and VIF = 1.129
Work discipline values of tolerance = 0.891 and VIF = 1.122
it can be seen that the tolerance value of each independent variable (training, integrity, and
work discipline)> 0.1 and VIF value of each independent variable also <10 it can be concluded that
between independent variables does not occur multicollinearity.

Heteroscedasticity Test
The test aims to examine whether in the regression model the variance and residual inequality of one
observation to another observation occurs.
Source : Resourcher, 2017

it is known that the dispersion of the output of the scatterplot image, obtained dots spread
below and above the Y axis, and does not have a regular pattern. Then it can be concluded that the
above free variable does not occur heteroskedastisitas or homoscedasticity.

Autocorrelation Test
The autocorrelation test is used to see if there is a linear correlation between the error
sequences of observations sorted by time (time series data). Size in determining whether or not there
is an autocorrelation problem with the Durbin-Watson Test (DW), with the following conditions:
• There is a positive autocorrelation if DW is below -2 (DW <-2).
• No autocorrelation occurs if DW is between -2 and +2 or -2 <DW +2
Table 7. Results of autocorrelation test
Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-Watson
Square the Estimate
1 .328 .108 .051 3.113 1.557
Source : Resourcher, 2017

it is known that the output of the Durbin-Watson value summary model is 1.557
which is located between -2 and +2 or -2 <+2, so it is concluded that the above data
occurs negative autocorrelation (no autocorrelation.


Profile of PT.Bank DKI

PT. Bank DKI is a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) whose shareholding is owned by the
provincial government of DKI Jakarta and PD Pasar Jaya. Bank DKI was first established in Jakarta
under the name "PT.Bank Pembangunan Daerah Djakarta Raya" as stated in the deed of
establishment of a limited liability company of Djakarta Raya Regional Development Bank No.30
dated 11 April 1961.
The scope of activities of PT.Bank DKI is to carry out general banking activities. With the
vision of "Being a Modern & High-Value Regional Bank, Maintaining a Balance between Benefits &
Development of Jakarta" and the mission of "Supporting Jakarta's development by being the
preferred bank for transactions, SMEs and realizing a less-cash society", "Achieving business success
by utilizing access to Jakarta community ", and" Maximizing the role of Jakarta partner to drive
commercial success ".

Demographics of Respondents
1. It is known that 26 respondents from 51 respondents are male and 25 respondents from 51
respondents are female, so it can be concluded that the majority of respondents PT.Bank DKI
Tangerang Selatan region is male.
2. It can be seen that 35 respondents from 51 respondents aged 20-30 years, 12 respondents
from 51 respondents aged 21-40 years, and 4 respondents from 51 respondents aged 41-50
years, so it can be concluded that the majority of respondents who work at PT. Bank DKI
area of South Tangerang 20-30 years old.
3. It is known that 14 respondents have diploma 3 (D3) from a total of 51 respondents, 3
respondents have master's degree (S2) from a total of 51 respondents, and 34 respondents
have undergraduate education (S1) from a total of 51 respondents, so it can be concluded
that the majority of respondents in PT.Bank DKI Tangerang Selatan region educated
undergraduate (S1).
4. It can be seen that there are 2 respondents with a working period of <20 years from a total of
51 respondents, 45 respondents with a working period of 1-10 years from a total of 51
respondents, and 4 respondents with a working period of 11-20 years out of a total of 51
respondents, it is concluded that the majority of respondents who work in PT.Bank DKI
Tangerang Selatan region is respondents with tenure of 1-10 years.

Respondent Response Distribution to Each Variable

1. Total of all responses of respondents to the training variables are as many as 714 responses
(51 respondents x 14 statements).
2. Total of all responses of respondents to the integrity variable is 561 responses (51
respondents x 11 statements).
3. Total of all responses of respondents to work discipline variables are as many as 306
responses (51 respondents x 6 statements).
4. Total of all responses of respondents to employee performance variables without fraud is as
much as 459 responses (51 respondents x 9 statements).

Simultaneous Test
The simultaneous tests for training variables, integrity, and work discipline on employee
performance without fraud are as follows:

Table 8. Results of simultaneous test

Model Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 116.899 3 38.966 2.863 .000b
1 Residual 639.611 47 13.609
Total 756.510 50
a. Dependent Variable: Kinerja karyawan tanpa fraud
b. Predictors: (Constant), Disiplin kerja, integritas, pelatihan
Source : Resourcher, 2017
it can be seen that the value of F (F arithmetic) obtained for training variables, integrity, and
work discipline on employee performance variable without fraud is 2,863. The value of F arithmetic
obtained is greater than F table that is 2.840. (F table <F arithmetic). Then for the significance
obtained based on spss test output is 0.00 which is smaller than sig α = 0.05 (Sig <0.05), so it can be
concluded that the training, integrity, and work discipline significantly affect employee performance
without fraud.
Based on the simultaneous test results, then obtained multiple regression equation that is:
Y = 13.942 + 1.202 X1 + 0.976 X2 + 0.567 X3
Information :
Y = Employee Performance without Fraud
X1 = Training
X2 = Integrity
X3 = Work discipline
The multiple regression equation can be interpreted as follows:
1. The constant value of 13,942 implies that employee performance without fraud will be worth
13,942 if training, integrity, and work discipline are ignored or have no variation or zero
2. Any increase in training variables of one unit, then there will be an increase in employee
performance without fraud of 1202 assuming variable integrity and work discipline is fixed or
cateris paribus.
3. Any increase in the training variable of one unit, then there will be an increase in employee
performance without fraud of 0.976 with the assumption of training variables and work
discipline is fixed or cateris paribus.
4. Any increase in the variable discipline of work of one unit, then there will be an increase in
employee performance without fraud of 0.567 with the assumption of training variables and
integrity is fixed or cateris paribus.

Partial Test of Training Variable

Partial test results for training variable are presented in table 9 below:
Table 9. Results of partial test of training variables
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
23.236 6.344 3.663 .000
1 )
Training .351 .114 .404 3.095 .003
Source : Resourcher, 2017

It is known that the significance value for the training variable is 0.003 which is less than the
significance value (sig <α = 0.05). Then for the value of t arithmetic obtained for 3,095 which is
greater than the value of t table of 2.012 (t table <t arithmetic) so it can be concluded that H0
rejected which means training variables partially have a significant effect on employee performance
without fraud.

Partial Test of Integrity Variable

Partial test results for the integrity variable are presented in table 10 below:
Table 10. Results of partial test of integrity variable
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 108.724 53.714 2.024 .000
Integritas 3.771 1.124 .432 3.354 .002
Source : Resourcher, 2017
It is known that the value of significance for the integrity variable is 0.002 which is less than
the significance value (sig <α = 0.05). Then for the value of t arithmetic obtained for 3354
which is greater than the value of t table of 2.012 (t table <t count) so that it can be
concluded that H0 rejected which means the variable integrity partially have a significant
effect on employee performance without fraud.
Partial Test of Work Discipline Variable
Partial test results for work discipline variable are presented in table 11 below :
Table 11. Result of partial tets of work discipline variable

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 51.719 5.288 9.781 .000
Disiplin kerja .681 .209 .421 3.253 .002
Source : Resourcher, 2017
it is known that the significance value for the work discipline variable is 0.002 which is less than
the significance value (sig <α = 0.05). Then for the value of t arithmetic obtained for 3.253
which is greater than the value of t table of 2.012 (t table <t arithmetic) so it can be concluded
that H0 rejected which means work discipline variable partially have a significant effect on
employee performance without fraud.

Determination Test
The coefficient of determination is used to find out how much the influence of training (X1),
integrity (X2), and work discipline (X3) on employee performance without fraud. The test results of
the coefficient of determination are shown in table 12 below:
Table 12. Result of determination test
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
1 .879a .772 .742 870.80
Source : Resourcher, 2017
Based on table 4:18 note that the value of adjusted R square is 0.742. This shows that the training,
integrity, and work discipline simultaneously contributes the effect of 0.742 to the employee's performance
without fraud (Y), while the rest of 22.8% is influenced by other variables outside this regression model.

Based on the results of tests that have been done before, then the conclusions that can be
obtained based on the results of this study are:
1. Training, Integrity, and Work Discipline significantly influence Employee Performance
without Fraud simultaneously.
2. Training has a significant effect on Employee Performance without Fraud partially.
3. Integrity has a significant effect on Employee Performance without Fraud partially.
4. Work discipline significantly influence Employee Performance without Fraud partially.
5. Training gives the biggest contribution to Employee Performance without Fraud based on the
most respondent's answer to indicator strongly agree and agree.
6. Work discipline gives the smallest contribution to Employee Performance without Fraud
based on the most respondent answer to indicator strongly agree and agree.

Based on the results of research that has been done, the researcher gives some suggestions
such as:
1. Training, Integrity, and Discipline of work is a unity that gives a positive impact on employee
performance, therefore expected company and employees support each other in order to
create employee performance without fraud.
2. Training, Integrity, and Work Discipline simultaneously proved to have a significant effect on
Employee Performance without Fraud, therefore PT.Bank DKI as a company and employees
as workers are expected to be more active and active again in organizing and participating in
training activities that will be cultivate awareness of integrity and discipline in work.
3. Partial training proved to have a significant effect on Employee Performance without Fraud,
for that the researcher suggested that PT.Bank DKI in the future can conduct better training
in order to realize the performance of employees free of fraud.
4. Integrity partially proved to have a significant effect on Employee Performance without
Fraud, for that researchers suggest that employees of PT.Bank DKI can be more active again
to raise awareness of integrity in themselves so as to avoid fraud.
5. Work discipline partially proved to have a significant effect on Employee Performance
without Fraud, for that researchers suggest that employees more aware of the culture of
discipline in work to avoid fraud.

Based on the results of research that has been done, the researcher gives some
recommendations that are:
1. PT.Bank DKI in conducting training should prioritize the latest training materials not
just refreshment and keep putting forward the values of work culture (Professional,
Integrity, and Customer Focus).
2. Employees to always be vigilant and introspective against things that can harm yourself
and the company with always put integrity (banker ethics) and discipline in work to avoid


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