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Standard 2: The teacher of PK-12 music has skills in creating, arranging, and improvising.

I know the characteristics, ranges and traditional usages of various musical sound sources to
make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of content.

As a uband conductor I have to know the ranges and problems that occur within each instrument
group to help out the students on new instruments. I have taken many instrumental tech classes
to help know the guidelines for each instrument. Because of the classes I have taken, I am able
to teach students how to write music. Students can use this skill to arrange music for themselves
or an ensemble.
Writing music could lead students to a leadership position in their ensemble to
arrange parts for their section, or it could take the student to competitions in their community.
I can improvise melodies and accompaniments that are stylistically appropriate over various
harmonic progressions for modeling and teaching improvisation. My main instrument is piano
which helps me model harmonic progression for a classroom. Students benefit from this
because it helps the student understand the theory behind music. Students are assessed by
being able to identify a progression. Once students understand the theory, they advance in
their musicianship skills as well as their composition skills.

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