Advisory For Scouts and Guides For Animals & Birds - Mrs. Sukanya Kadyan Berwal

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Advisory for Scouts and Guides for animals & birds.

As per article 51 A (g) of Indian Constitution read with the ethos of BSG adopted as basic
principle, I Naresh Kadyan, being Commissioner (Headquarter), BSG, Haryana, advised
as below:

1. Oath for adoption of abandoned animals and birds, keeping water bowls outside our
premises and to provide – donate food articles to these stray animals and birds.
2. Awareness about adulterated food and drinks, endorsing the prohibition on
oxytocin injections, misused for lactation.
3. Awareness towards proper disposal of garbage including polythene, which is
harmful to the stray animals and birds.
4. Awareness camps towards animal’s welfare, I being Master Trainer, AWBI and
Representative of United Nations affiliated OIPA in India with Chairman, PFA
Haryana, ready to give my specialization for training at grassroots level.
5. Formation of “Kindness Clubs: Scouts & Guides for Animals” at each and every
affiliated Schools all around India.
6. Restoration of five freedoms of animals and birds as:
The 5 freedoms are a set of internationally-recognized animal welfare standards.
They outline what we as animal owners and carers must provide. They are not just
things we want to do for our animals, but also things we must do in order to be
responsible owners as defined under section 3 of the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals Act, 1960; Responsibilities of a custodians of animals and birds.
The 5 freedoms are:
1. Freedom from hunger and thirst (food and water):
All animals deserve access to clean water and a well-balanced, nutritious diet.
Freedom from hunger and thirst provides for animals most basic needs by allowing
that animal to remain in good health and full of vitality.
2. Freedom from discomfort (shelter):
All animals should live in an appropriate environment. The conditions and
surroundings given to an animal contribute to its overall well-being. By providing
an animal with shelter and a comfortable resting area, you are ensuring that the
animal remains healthy and happy.
3. Freedom from pain, injury and disease (medical care):
All animals should be entitled to immediate veterinary attention when sick or
injured to avoid unnecessary suffering. In certain cases, unnecessary pain and
injury can be prevented through regular visits to a vet.
4. Freedom to express normal behaviour (exercise):
All animals should be allowed to express normal behaviours. A normal behaviour is
the way an animal acts in its natural environment. Enough space, proper shelter
and housing as well as adequate exercise, opportunity to play and the company of
the animal's own kind encourages the expression of normal behaviours.
5. Freedom from fear and distress (love and understanding):
All animals deserve to be happy. Ensuring conditions that avoid unnecessary
anxiety and stress will help to provide freedom from mental suffering. While
favourable physical conditions are essential, appropriate mental conditions are also
important to good animal welfare.
Of course, no freedom is enough in isolation and as such we must provide our animals with
the 5 freedoms all the time, so they can live happy and healthy lives.
Hence, we all are duty bounds to treat our animals and birds in humane way instead as
goods, as they also have life, sentiments and feelings.
I appreciate Mrs. Sharda Kadyan offered her premises for National Training Center for
animal welfare.

With scouting spirits,

Naresh Kadyan with Mrs. Sharda Kadyan, Abhishek Kadyan, Mrs. Suman Malik Kadyan
& Mrs. Sukanya Kadyan Berwal.

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