I. Listen To The Story and Answer The Questions

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I. Listen to the story and answer the questions.

1) The woman is going on … .

A. a package tour
B. holiday
C. a voyage
2) They are going on holiday for … .
A. two weeks
B. a month
C. one week
3) They are going to … .
A. a different country
B. same resort
C. different resort
4) They are staying in … .
A. a small village by the sea
B. a town by the ocean
C. a village in the forest
5) The woman is going to … every day on holiday.
A. cook
B. eat out
C. do the cleaning
6) Her husband can cook … .
A. different dishes
B. nothing
C. Italian food
7) Food in local restaurants is said to be … .
A. exquisite
B. dreadful
C. loathsome
8) The man hopes that… .
A. their life becomes better
B. Malta isn’t worse than Crete
C. Malta is as good as Crete
9) The man has already … his trip.
A. booked
B. thought about
C. had
10) They are talking about … .
A. their rest
B. their leave
C. their recess

II. Read the text attentively and choose the right form from the variants
Alice was beginning to get very tired … (11) by her sister on the bank, and …
(12) nothing to … (13): once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was
reading, but it … (14) pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the … (15) a
book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversation?”
So she was considering in her … (16) mind (as well as she could, for the hot day
made her feel very … (17) and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-
chain … (18) be worth the trouble … (19) getting up and picking the daisies, when
suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes … (20) close by her.

11) A. of sitting B. to sitting C. of sit

12) A. to have B. of having C. having
13) A. do B. make C. behave
14) A. had no B. hadn’t C. was no
15) A. sense of B. use in C. use of
16) A. self B. own C. private
17) A. sleeping B. sleepy C. sleep
18) A. must B. should C. would
19) A. of B. at C. for
20) A. was running B. ran C. run

III. Complete the phrases using the information from the text.
21) Alice was … .
A. busy
B. curious
C. bored
22) She … the book.
A. looked into
B. didn’t look into
C. looked at
23) There were no … in the book.
A. colloquies
B. letters
C. conversants
24) She felt stupid because of the … .
A. hot day
B. lots of insects
C. rain
25) Alice was … different things.
A. writing a book about
B. musing on
C. declaiming
26) She was thinking about … a daisy-chain.
A. making
B. buying
C. netting
27) The day was … .
A. a broiler
B. heated
C. tropical
28) Alice saw a White Rabbit … .
A. in the bushes
B. run very close
C. near the tree
29) The White Rabbit was … .
A. picking daisies
B. very tired
C. running
30) Alice felt … .
A. stupid
B. nice
C. common

IV. Complete the dialogue.

A is for Alice, S is for Sister
A: Stop reading!!! There is the rabbit!!!
S: 31) I don’t see any rabbit! Did he run off the rails?
A: No, he didn’t tell he was … .
A. lost
B. on a train
C. fast
S: 32) Did he run around?
A: No, he didn’t tell he … .
A. had any hardships
B. got in a circle
C. was tired
S: 33) Did he run aground?
A: No, he didn’t tell he wanted … .
A. to stop flying
B. to set himself afloat
C. to stop running
S: 34) Did he run foul of you?
A: No, he didn’t … .
A. conflict with me
B. hit me
C. see me
S: 35) Did he run with somebody?
A: No, he … .
A. didn’t have a companion
B. didn’t have any friends
C. didn’t carry anything
S: 36) Did he run for luck?
A: I think he didn’t want to … .
A. be too lucky
B. be caught
C. risk anything
S: 37) Did he cut and run?
A: I’m not sure if he was … .
A. bolting
B. a gardener
C. bowing
S: 38) Did he run messages?
A: I don’t know if he was … .
A. a commissionaire
B. a tailor
C. a postman
S: 39) Did he run rings around you?
A: No, he didn’t … .
A. circulate
B. frighten me
C. surpass
S: 40) Did he run into the ground?
A: I am not sure if he … .
A. tried too hard
B. disappeared
C. hurt his leg
S: So, you don’t know a single thing about that mysterious Rabbit… .

V. Choose the correct explanation for the words according to their

meaning in the text.
41) peep =
A. glance B. peenge C. glare
42) conversations =
A. oral B. speaks C. dialogues
43) considering =
A. thought B. thinking over C. thinking away
44) daisy-chain =
A. wreath B. fetter C. shackle
45) trouble =
A. labour B. calamity C. beshrew
46) bank =
A. bar B. footstool C. bench
47) picture =
A. scene B. canvas C. illustration
48) pleasure =
A. dislike B. vile C. delectation
49) worth =
A. a bit B. worth while C. worth little
50) pick =
A. peck B. pet C. pickle
VI. Choose the correct answer.
51) I think I … on Saturday, but I’m not sure.
A. am getting my hair cut
B. may get my hair cut
C. will have cut my hair
52) He … when he can afford it.
A. will have painted his house
B. is going to have his house painted
C. would paint his house
53) You should take malaria tablets before going to India … you get bitten by a mosquito.
A. if
B. by chance
C. in case
54) The dog only has one meal, but the puppies … three times a day.
A. have to be feed
B. must be feeding
C. need feeding
55) The exam was too difficult … .
A. for finishing for him
B. to him for completing
C. for him to complete
56) I have a good job. I’m … sales and marketing.
A. the responsible for
B. in charge of
C. in charge for
57) I … a friend called Bob, but we’ve stopped writing to each other.
A. used to have
B. was having
C. would have
58) If someone does you a favor, you … a favor in return.
A. will do them
B. should do them
C. could do for them
59) There are a lot of journalists outside. What’s …?
A. carrying on
B. coming across
C. going on
60) … people in my town go to work by car.
A. Most of
B. The most of
C. Most of the

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