Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance:: CEP Lesson Plan Form

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. Halverson Date: 4/10/17

School: A Colorado High School Grade Level: 10

Content Area: Agriculture

Title: Creating Your Own Flower arrangement Lesson #: 1 of 1

Lesson Idea/Topic During this lesson I am going to teach the basis of a floral design and
and how to create a floral design using the tools specified for the job at
Rational/Relevance: hand. This is a lesson of importance to my students because it’s a
What are you going to component of the ag industry we don’t always think about. Exploring
teach and why is this all facets of the ag industry will open my students minds to possible
lesson of importance to careers they may like to enter. Getting the basis of floral design down
your students? How is can help lead to interests and careers in landscape design. This lesson
it relevant to students will also teach my students the importance of the appearance of
of this age and products. By looking at their completed floral design and the color
background? schemes they chose they can wrap their heads around how appearance
may affect profitability or successfulness.

Student Profile: Write My plant science class 75% female and 25% male. 90% of these
a narrative about your students are part of the FFA Chapter at the school, while only 60% are
learners. What are their from an ag background. Out of this 60% only 35% of them work with
special needs? crops or flowers. Only 1 of my 20 students has ever tried to create a
Exceptionalities? flower arrangement and she works with a florist. I will differentiate for
Giftedness? Alternative her and create a harder project and add more parts to her assignment.
ways of learning? The rest of the class will be starting from scratch. I have 5 students
Maturity? who are in a design class so I am prepared for them to understand this
Engagement? concept and move through the lesson a little bit quicker then those who
Motivation? aren’t. I will prepare something extra if I feel they need to be
challenged. This is a class where the majority of the students do better
with hands on activities so keeping their attention while giving my
instructions might be difficult especially with the distraction of the
flowers they can choose from. Once we get started there’s only one or
two students who may have issues being mature and using all the tools
correctly so I will keep my eyes on them. The motivation is generally
high as long as I can keep my students on track.

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the

 Understand and demonstrate floral construction techniques

 Identify tools and materials used in floral design and their appropriate use

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Understandings: (Big Ideas)

 Plant color combination selection can influence outcome of floral arrangemnt

 Types of plants chosen can contribute to value and desirability of floral arrangement

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select
applicable questions from standards)


 How do different choices effect successfulness of a design?


 How can different types and events and holidays determine what sort of color scheme you
would choose for your arrangement?

 How does availability and cost of plants influence plant selection?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)

I can (What do we want students to know/be able to do?):

This means (How do we know they know/can do it?):

LT 1: I can: explain the effects of color scheme on the overall appearance of a floral design

This means: I will be able to choose my own cohesive color scheme for my floral arrangement and
defend my reasoning behind my color choices on exit slip for today

LT2: I can: Identify the tools needed to create a basic floral design in a green foam floral block

This means: I will be able to identify and use the tools to create a floral design that will receive a passing

LT3: I can: Apply what I have learned about design and appearance to activities outside of floral design

This means: I will be able to look at presentations I design and projects I create, critically and can decide
if the design takes away from my credibility.

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Name: Creating Your Own Flower Arrangement
Should be a creative title for you and the
students to associate with the activity. Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to give students hands on experience in floral design. They
Think of the purpose as the mini-rationale have the opportunity to make their own decisions regarding color and tool choices after listening to
for what you are trying to accomplish my tips and tricks. It will allow them to realize the importance of color and correct use of tools on
through this lesson. the final product appearance. It will also allow students to decide if they want to pursue a career in
floral or landscape design.

Approx. Time and Materials Time: My lesson on tools, color scheme, and arrangement execution will only take approximately 20
How long do you expect the activity to last minutes, but the class period lasts a total of 1 hour. That gives the students 40 minutes to complete
and what materials will you need? their design.

 3 rolls florist’s tape
 3 rolls clear tape
 3 rolls stem tape
 2 .22 gauge wire
 10 shears
 10 florist’s scissors
 20 green foam floral blocks
Anticipatory Set I will begin the class period with a “Do Now” that will both focus my students on the lesson as well
The “hook” to grab students’ attention. as connect the lesson to life outside of my classroom. The two questions will be:
These are actions and statements by the 1. Think of a project or presentation that you’ve done and didn’t get the grade you had hoped
teacher to relate the experiences of the for. What was the design of this project like? Was it organized and creative or was it
students to the objectives of the lesson, To cluttered and messy? Do you think appearance contributed to your grade?
put students into a receptive frame of 2. What do you already know about floral design? What would you like to know?
mind. After taking about 5 minutes to complete their ”Do Now” I will have them share out a few of their
 To focus student attention on the answers and then we will move on to how the questions relate to the day’s lesson.
 To create an organizing
framework for the ideas,
principles, or information that is

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to follow (advanced organizers)

An anticipatory set is used any time a
different activity or new concept is to be
How do you intend to engage your
students in thinking during the The strategy I intend to use is a Do Now
Anticipatory Set?
I am using this strategy here because:
Why are you using it at this point in your It will start the students thinking about the lesson at hand as well as why it could be important to
lesson? their lives outside of the classroom. It will focus their thinking onto the lesson while making it
applicable to their lives even if they don’t intend on becoming a florist, floral designer, or landscape
Teacher Actions Student Actions Data Collected
Procedures 1. Teacher will greet students and 1. Student will each work on 1. The Do Now will allow me
(Include a play-by-play account of what take attendance as they walk in their “Do Now” on their own to assess where students are
students and teacher will do from the and then ensure they all begin for about 5 minutes. (Do Now: in their understanding of
minute they arrive to the minute they working on their “Do Now” as Individual guided) floral design. I can better
leave your classroom. Indicate the length soon as the bell rings. (Guided) 2. At the end of the 5 minutes prepare for my students’
of each segment of the lesson. List actual 2. As the students are working on allowed for the “Do Now” the levels and adjust my lesson to
minutes.) their “Do Now” I will walk around students will do a share out of be more or less specific.
Indicate whether each is: the room and engage a couple of ideas for about 3 minutes. They
-teacher input/actions, student actions students just to check in with will be expected to give 2. After my lesson, allowing
-modeling their preliminary thoughts on the thoughtful answers. (Whole student to pick out their own
-questioning strategies “Do Now.” (Check for class, guided) color combinations will show
-guided/unguided: understanding) 3. The students will be me who listened and took
-whole-class practice 3. If a student gives an answer expected to write the learning notes and who did not
-group practice that doesn’t make sense or isn’t targets down in their
-individual practice correct during the call out I will notebooks as a reference for 3. Also when I am walking
-check for understanding question them a little bit further their exit slip. (Individual) around asking questions I will
-other to get their thinking back on the 4. The students should be be able to guage whether or
right track. (Check for individually taking detailed not students are
understanding) notes as I talk about tools and understanding whether they
4. After completing the “Do importance things to think made good decisions or bad
Now” I will read and briefly about while arranging. ones regarding their

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explain the learning targets to However, students should be arrangements.

the class which will take about 2 jotting down quick notes while
minutes. (Teacher input) I am demonstrating how to 4. Based off of when each
5. I will then begin my 10 minute make an arrangement so that student completes their
lesson about floral design tools, they can watch most of my arrangement I can
different types of floral designs, demonstration. (Individual, differentiate where they can
and the importance of color student action) go from there. More
schemes and appearances in a 5. After I am done teaching the advanced students will self
floral design. I will be discussing students have the remaining 30 reflect, while struggling
the importance of appearance on minutes of the class to work on student will come in later and
projects, during interviews, on their designs before doing the get some individualized help
floral designs and how it can exit slip. (Group practice,
make or break success. We will unguided, questioning 5. The Exit Slip will show
talk about cost of flowers, strategies) which students understood
availability of flowers, and how 6. Students will be expected to why we did a floral design
florists will stock up on certain use tools correctly, have lesson and which ones
types of flowers before certain chosen a pleasing color design, couldn’t connect it to things
events and holidays. (Teacher prepare cut flowers at right outside the classroom.
input) height for the holder and for
6. After the lesson I will take 5 the arrangement itself, and
minutes to show the class how to overall just try their hardest to
use all of the tools while I show create a pleasing arrangement.
them how to make a proper (Individual practice)
flower arrangement by putting 7. Students who finish early
the stems in the green foam will be asked to write a short 5
floral blocks. We will look at color sentence paragraph on how
choice, arrangement, height of they would improve their
flowers, and picking a single arrangement if they could.
flower to be a little bit taller and (Individual practice)
act as a focal point. I will also 8. Students who are really
stress that its better to cut a stem struggling can come in during
too long over too short. lunch or study hall to continue
(Modeling) working on their arrangement.
7. Following the lesson I will (Individual practice)

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instruct students to begin picking 9. When cleaning up students

up the material they need for will be expected to be efficient
their arrangement while being and throw away all plant debris
clear that they will be sharing and put all tools back in the
tools. They will also pick out their proper location. (Whole class)
own flowers to see if they 10. Students now have 5
listened when I talked about minutes for their exit slip on
color choices. Each student will how design effects outcome
be making their own and they will turn these slips in
arrangement. 5 minutes. as they walk out the door.
(Student action, check for (Whole class, check for
understanding) understanding)
8. While students are working I
will be walking around
monitoring how tools are being
used and engaging students by
asking them questions about
their arrangements: “If this was
for an event, what type of event
would it be for? After working
with these colors do you stand by
your choice in color
combination? What’s been the
most difficult part of creating this
arrangement?” (Questioning
9. 8 minutes before the end of
class students will be asked to
clean up. This should only take 3
minutes. (Teacher input)
10. With 5 minutes left to do the
exit slip I will ask students to
write down how they can now
see how design effects outcome.

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How do you intend to engage your

students in thinking during the The strategy I intend to use is: Questioning
I am using this strategy here because: it will allow me to determine the understanding of the
Why are you using it at this point in your students and if I realize they are way off the ball I can ask some more guided questions to get them
lesson? to a place of better understanding. The questioning will keep students thinking as they work and
won’t let not try at this project since it won’t be graded hard.

Closure The closure will be the exit slip in my classroom to bring the class back to the purpose of the activity
Those actions or statements by a teacher and get them thinking about the importance of the design project outside of floral design. The Do
that are designed to bring a lesson Now for the next class period will be looking at classmate’s floral arrangements and talking about
presentation to an appropriate conclusion. first thoughts and impressions when they first look at the arrangement.
Used to help students bring things
together in their own minds, to make
sense out of what has just been taught.
“Any Questions? No. OK, let’s move on” is
not closure. Closure is used:
 To cue students to the fact that
they have arrived at an important
point in the lesson or the end of a
 To help organize student learning
To help form a coherent picture and to
How do you intend to engage your
students in thinking during CLOSURE? The strategy I intend to use is Exit Slip

Why are you using it at this point in your I am using this strategy here because: It can help students self reflect on what they learned and can
lesson? refocus them after a fun and hectic activity. It brings the lesson back into perspective for each
individual student.

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Content Process Product Environment

Fill in the blank Already have Won’t be graded I can sit less
Differentiation: notes. Detailed plants cut to an as difficultly. advanced kids by
Differentiation should be embedded definitions and acceptable height Might be given more advanced
throughout your whole lesson!!
pictures. One on or provide less requirements kids who may be
This is to make sure you have met the one help from options for color for final product willing to help
needs of your students on IEPS or 504. me. combinations them out or give
Consider your student profile narrative instead of letting them pointers
at the beginning. What do your them just pick
students need to be engaged and anything
successful? Content Process Product Environment
To modify: If the activity is too advanced Advanced Students will be After activity Allowing more
for a child, how will you modify it so that students can expected to have students advanced kids to
they can be successful? research a more incorporate more take their final help less
To extend: If the activity is too easy for a unconventional of a variety of product and advanced kids
Extensions: arrangement to flowers and critique it. I will can be more of a
child, how will you extend it to develop
their emerging skills? try colors effectively go through and challenge for the
critique it and we advanced
will compare our students.
Assessment Reflection: (data
LT1: I will know if a student can explain the effects of color scheme on the overall appearance of
analysis) their floral design by talking to them while they are working and by getting feedback from each
How will you know if students met the
student on what they think of their final product. If they don’t like it, it’s a good possibility that the
learning targets? Write a description of
color scheme was probably wrong.
what you were looking for in each
LT2: I will know if students can identify the tools needed to create a basic floral design by observing
which tools they use for different tasks. Also by looking at the floral designs I will be able to tell if
they were using the tools as they were supposed to be used.

LT3: This one will be harder to assess, but their exit slip will be a good indication on whether or not
they understood how design effects a product. I can look at future projects they do in my class and
assess if they understood the lesson.

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data connected to
the learning target(s) to justify your level of achievement)

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)

This lesson was not completed at the middle school so I am unable to

complete a post lesson reflection

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