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Grades VII-VIII Limba englezã

ATENÞIE! Subiectele de la 1 la 10 valoreazã câte 3 puncte, cele de la 11 la 20 câte 4 puncte, cele

de la 21 la 30 câte 5 puncte, iar de la 31 la 40 din nou câte 4 puncte.
Se acordã 40 de puncte din oficiu. Punctajul maxim este de 200 puncte.

1. In what country is Danish spoken?

A) Finland B) Brazil C) Holland D) Switzerland E) Denmark
2. Which is the nationality of a person who lives in the Netherlands?
A) Bulgarian B) Swedish C) Dutch D) Danish E) German

3. If you overtake the fifth person in a competition, on what position would you be?
A) the first B) the third C) the last D) the fifth E) the sixth
4. You’ve just broken your grandma’s favourite porcelain. So, you expect her to tell you off.
A) To congratulate you. B) To tell you something. C) To be worried about you.
D) To be pleased with you. E) To be angry with you.
5. Choose the word that doesn’t rhyme with the others:
A) nail B) ball C) snail D) whale E) trail
6. How long have you been playing the trumpet?
A) About 50 cm. B) For four years. C) In my room.
D) By myself. E) Last year
7. I’m going to Kansas next weekend so I have to travel ............... .
A) south B) southern C) in south D) to south E) at south
8. I went to a Chinese class this morning, but I didn’t learn anything. It was just ............... .
A) a loss of time B) a waste of time C) a time loss D) a time out E) timeless
9. There should be a better way to start a day than ............... every morning.
A) get up B) wake up C) waking D) waking up E) to get up

10. Play - game

Think - thought
Believe - ...............
A) believer B) belief C) believable D) believed E) belif
11. Samantha is always …………… her nails.
A) chewing B) biting C) eating D) drinking E) drawing

12. “I’ll be in touch” means that I’ll ............... later.

A) contact you B) meet you C) come to you D) see you E) visit you

13. I’m glad you ............... me about it. I have almost forgotten.
A) remained B) remembered C) reminded D) recalled E) rephrased
14. I lent your brother some money. He ............... me $ 300.
A) gives B) owns C) owes D) borrows E) lends

15. There ............... my money!

A) go B) walk C) walks D) goes E) leaves
Limba englezã

16. I have been .... by a mosquito. I’m OK with that but the sounds it made kept me awake all night.
A) bited B) bitten C) biten D) bait E) bit
17. Which word cannot be used:
“How ............... you rearrange the letters in the words “New Door” to make one word?”
A) would B) could C) can D) should E) might
18. “You don’t have to do it” means ............... .
A) “It isn’t necessary to do it.” B) “You mustn’t do it.” C) “ You can wait.”
D) “It isn’t a good idea to do it.” E) “You should think about it.”
19. Stop shouting, …… ?
A) will you B) won’t you C) do you D) don’t you E) are you
20. I am the owner of a pet store. If I put in one parrot per cage, I have one bird too many. If
I put in two parrots per cage, I have one cage too many. How many cages and parrots do I have?
A) I have 1 cage and 2 parrots B) I have 2 cages and 3 parrots
C) I have 3 cages and 4 parrots D) I have 4 cages and 5 parrots
E) I have 5 cages and 6 parrots

21. I’m looking forward to ............... .

A) have to hear you B) hear you C) be allowed to hear you D) hearing from you E) hear
22. He …… his right hand towards the …… sun and felt its warmth in the palm of his hand.
A) rose / rising B) raised / rising C) rose / raising
D) raised / raising E) raising / rised
23. May I open the window? What do you answer?
A) I’d rather you didn’t. B) Not at all. C) No really. D) No, thank you. E) Not.
24. You ............... this test 20 years ago. You were not born.
A) may have taken B) must have taken C) needn’t have taken
D) couldn’t have taken E) shouldn’t have taken
25. ‘I saw him the other day’ means I saw him ............... .
A) the day after tomorrow B) a few days ago C) several weeks ago D) tomorrow E) yesterday
26. A: “What if I forget everything? What if my pen runs out?”
B: “……………. Stop worrying! You’ll be fine! Just don’t panic!”
A) For goodness’ sake! B) For goodness sake! C) For godness, sake!
D) For godness’ sake! E) For godnes’s sake!
27. She was run over by a car hurrying along the road. Which sentence means the same thing?
A) While hurrying along the road, she was hit by a car.
B) She was hit by a car which was hurrying along the road.
C) She hit a car while hurrying along the road.
D) She was hurrying along the road when she was hit by a car.
E) The car was run over by a hurrying woman.
28. They couldn’t find what they wanted, so they had to build their house from ……… .
A) begin B) beginning C) scratch D) scrape E) first
29. Maggie Mathematical has five sons. One is called Alpha, another is called Beta, the third is called
Gamma and the fourth is called Fred. What is the fifth son’s name. Guess the fifth son.
A) Math B) John C) Albert D) What E) Who

Limba englezã

30. We were talking on the verandah when we saw our uncle pulling a ………. on the path.
A) heavy long rectangular brown wooden chest B) long heavy rectangular brown wooden chest
C) long heavy brown rectangular wooden chest D) long heavy wooden brown rectangular chest
E) heavy long brown wooden rectangular chest
31. Which one is a word not related to “Strange”.
A) weird B) odd C) peculiar D) queer E) different
32. He looked at his watch quickly. Find a synonym for looked:
A) searched B) reached C) glanced D) sobbed E) raced
33. . …………., you won’t find any Eskimos in the desert
A) Obviously B) Personally C) Unusually D) Unexpectedly E) Unclearly
34. No, ............... a good time at this party. Let’s leave!
A) I’m not having B) I don’t have C) I will be having D) I didn’t have E) I have
35. If somebody is illiterate, they ............... .
A) can’t speak well B) can’t read or write C) don’t like literature
D) don’t write legibly E) are ill
36. Americans like to say the Statue of Liberty is in good condition for a woman ............... her age.
A) with B) on C) of D) for E) at
37. “Soda” and “pop” are general words for ............... .
A) candy B) alcoholic drinks C) soft drinks D) music E) food
38. ”I have to make a reservation to go to London.”, means the same with:
A) I have to book a room. B) I have to hit the books. C) I have to book a flight.
D) I have to sign up. E) I have to write a check.
39. I started ............... when I realized I wasn’t going to finish the test. How about you?
A) panicing B) relaxing C) pancaking D) panicking E) paniking
40. How long is it from two to two to two two?
A) two minutes B) five minutes C) a couple of seconds D) four minutes E) two hours


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