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Name: …………………………………………….. Register No: …………………………………..

MET’s School of Engineering, Mala

Kuruvilasseri PO, Mala, Thrissur - 680732
KTU Series Test (ST) – 01 – February 2018
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Class: S6 Date: Time: 9.30am-10.30am Max. Marks: 20

Part A (Answer any Three questions)

1. Define calibration and readability.

2. Differentiate accuracy and precision.
3. What do you mean by measurement?
4. List any two instruments for the measurement of surface roughness. ( 3*2= 6 marks)

Part B (Answer any Two questions)

5. Explain the working of LVDT with neat sketch.

6. Suggest a suitable instrument for the measurement of strain developed in a cantilever beam and
explain its working principle.
7. What are the uses of sine bar? Explain any one. (2*4= 8 marks)

Part C (Answer any One question)

8. Explain Talysurf instrument with neat sketch.

9. Explain the working principle and laws of thermocouples.
10. What are the classifications of errors? (1*6= 6marks)

Signature of the Faculty Signature of Scrutiny Head

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