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an SS Wee 2A, SE eee Mae aed =, WwW W. Tecru itment. guru luge - Holhing ee should be folinwed by Gul, not by than IncoTect: Air Bunegucrat This fs nothing aise than red-toptsm. Correct Mr Gureaucraf This is nothing etse bul red-tapism. Rade : The comaiative conjunctions indeed... but ae used to emphasis the Contrast between fhe first and the second parts of the statement. Incormect | am indeed happy with my school bul E produces famous men. Correct: | am indeed happy with omy school hal & produces famouw: men. Rude = in a “not onfy ... but also .. "sentence, the wert shoud ages with ihe Town of pronoun mentioned second, thal =, ihe one afer bul aso because thés is the car being emphasised. Incorrect: Mot ony the students bul giso the teacher were responsi for what hapoened in the class, Correct: Mot ony fhe sfoderts tt also the teacher wos responsitée for what haopened in the class. Rage > Not onfy — bul also always comes betore the same pot of speech. Incorrect They not ony gave me standing ovation but also a cash prize of “pod. Correct: They gave me not only standing ovgiion bet also a cash pine of "000. Aue : Such 6 weet & cents 8 oGaegoy whereas such..that emphasises the degres of something by mentioning is consequence. Incorrect Each member of the affance agrees to take such oction as it OSI Necessary. CGerrect: Each member of the alliance agrees to fake such action thai it deers necessary. Fife: > The conjunction Tesi” is tolowed by “shoul”. Incomect: Work hard lest you would fail. amect Work hard les$ you should fail Mote: “Lest” is 2 negative word There shoud be no use of “hot”, “hoihing’, “pener™, “no” wiih best”. Incomect: Word hard lest pou should not fad. Correct Word hart lest you should fail Rude > The conjunction so—as is used for comparison in a negaltwe serisnoe weheregs—aos is weed in a positive of affirmative senience Incormect: He is. nota ball os his brother Conrect: He bs mot so tall as tis brother, Flue >The conjunciion, “both is. foliwed by “and” and not by “2s weil as" or “along wit? Incorect: Goth the boys as well as fhe gts were ashe. Correct: Both the boys ond the gis were ateent Fluke = The conjunction “uniess” denoies. condition whereas “uni denoies Hime. Incorrect: Undii you work feed, you will not succeed Gerect Uness you Work fac. pou will not succeed. Note > Uniess” and “Un ae negalive words. There should be po use of “net nothing®, “never with uniess and unii. Questions based on above concepts. Directions: Im each of the following questions, find out which part of the ‘Ssemfence has an ervor. The eror may be grammatical or idiomatic. if there Is. no mistaee, the answer fs ‘No error’. 4. The managing Girecior wed 25 jaf the Goad members was in (by favour Of taking strict action (c¥ against ihe stiting workers. {dy No error je) 2. Uniess he does not rium (aW al the Gory books (by he will not be Tedeved jc from the service 4 No enor fei 3. You mast einer fell ime jay ihe whole story or (ey, at peas tne (oy first hail of i ge Mo error [a @. The od woman has had fhe [al best medical facilities avaiable jby bat she wil not be cued uniess: she does. nol have ic a strong desire to hey No ero je) 5, Hardly had | reached jaf the ainport where (by 8 leant about the powerful (eV bomb explosion.jdW Mo error fe} 6. The manager of the bani (all was busy; so he asied tham (b¥ to come and sec him between tao to ff these in the afermoonddy No error (6) 7. Because he ls physically jal ssrong, theeefore he was (DV selected for ihe schodl [ov bowing team. (df ho ecor de) Formation. THis 1s Not sn official one, a aS ee ee ee ee ee ee ee had in cook heii NEE e Ment . guru &. Even fhough ihe shirt Gay is rather expensive Dat fo | wish fo purchase icv B wth my own money.jdy Mo error fe) 70. Unies Anish OOS mol (Peto afl the tary boos, Gv he wl mot be awarded dow the pass certificate. fay Mo enor fe) Arcwers will be provided soon a, Add ‘as’ before Swell” a: Riegilace “does not return! with ‘retums” ‘©, No error G, Repiace “does not hawe’ with tas’ (b; Replace where’ with when" C, Reptace Wo with ‘and 1b; Remove eretore’ 1 Replace “and wim ‘or bb; Remove tut" So ee ee pee $0. a¢ Replace ‘unless’ with i xzmation. This is not an of ficial one corguncion WW. 4 conjunction is a word which mersiy joins fogether sentences of dauses, and sometimes, words. 1. That Is: ai DESUTu! Dla! and | have beer Lene, @ That bs the beautiful place where | have been to: Classes of Conjunctions Conjunction: an divided into ben classes: 1) Coodinaling ond 7] Sub ordinatires. 1. Covordinating conjunction - It joins together clauses: of equal rans, Foreg. He is slow, bat be is sure 2. Bub-ondinaiing conumection © it joins fjogether clauses im which one is dependent on the other. For ag Gino you wish io eccel in fe, you must lam English. Some mies Aue: Stamety should be fodowed by when, nat by than. Incorect: Scarcely had be arived than he had to leave again. Correct: Scarcsty had he arhved when the had to leave again. Rude > No sooner is followed by than, not by bul. Incorrect: Mio sooner hadi reached fhe station bal tie fain bet. Domect (No sooner hed we reached the stagion thar the fain et Note = "No sooner A. than 8" is very simiiar io “Scarcely A_ when EP and has aimost ihe same meaning. Rade : Do not we seldom of ever in place of seldom or newer. Incorect: Thenational network seldom on ever ieiecasts good programmes. Correct The nalional nehwortk seddom or never telecasts good programmes. Rude : Comeiafive conjonciions should be fodowed by the same pet of Speech. Incormect He neither agreed fo my proposal nor io his. Comrect He agreed nefiher bo my proposal mor to bis. Rute : NeGher 5 fodowed by nor, not by oF. Incorrect: The phone nefiher went dead or worked property. (Corect The [hone nether went dead nor worked ormperty. Rage > The conjunction thal ts not wed before I}. sentence in direct narration. 1) an Inberogaiine ocveerD oF Iniengetive GronoUn nthe indieect narration. Incorrect: He said hal, Ut ts: none of my business”. Correct He said, "It is nore of my business.” Incorrect: He asked me that which was the way fo the siation_ Correct He asked me which was fhe way to the stallion. Rage > ARRough goes wih yet or a comma (.) In the other clause. Incorrect: Altnough Manohar is hardworking, nul he does mot pet a job. Correct: Although Manohar is hardworking. yet he dows mot get a job Note : ThoughARhough used with confradiciory sentences Seniences BNDres sing Opposite ews! Fore ee en ee ee ne nn official one,

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