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im various management entrance exams we have seen 7 basic types of Parajum bees: od sentence he * Ogentence tye * @ sentence type - Usually when there ae 0 sentences given, the ist senience and fhe Oth sentence are given im the comect position and he 4 Sentences. between these oe jumibtes up. Parajumbies ae mot necessaiy a best of your language sifis. The good thing abeul parjumbles is that ewen f you ove otherwise weak in Engish, that i f you find RC, vocadulary of grammar a challenge, pou can sill scone eaemety will parajumbies. This is because you need fo be a mechanical BS possible in your apomach. The ideal approach for sohring parajumiies a mechanical one. Most people jose focus. by reading the statements gwen over and over again. Gometimes, fs nest fo mpossitte to make ct which wentence fodows which one and ali the options jock equally Cormect The greatest mistace i Go iy and read the Barajumibie in fhe sequence given in each option. Solving afi options completely will only confuse you ond waste lol of time. The fest woy io solve 2: perajumbie & bo iy and ieniify mandalocy pairs. A mandainry (pair is. a sequence thal you know cannot exist in any otter order. There are many types of mandatory pairs. Brut these is only one basic fool fo igentfy mandatory pairs - read mechanically and inok onty for keywords that wil heip you form @ sequence oF conection Tynes of Mandatory Pairs: 4. Names, proper nowns and pronouns: Sometimes we can identity mandatory paws. of a longer sequence by the het Of ine Names, BOGE NOUNS and OMONOUns used For inatamne: A Both were very angry B. Singh accused Jogi of corruption. _ Raman Singh ordered enquiry against his predecessor Ajit Jogi, It lear fom ine above example that saalemert C. which has the full names of both persons, should pescede the other tro statements. Statement 5B wees ony the second names of fhe comemed pecoie. Ard statement A substitutes. fhe names with the pronoun “both”. Thos, A should folie 8, and EB shoud follow 0. Therefore, the comect oner & CBA. 2 Caose-e@ect There are instances where a clear cause. efiect relationship may ecaist in the form of a mandalory pair or may fun theaaph the entire pangjumbte. For example: JA. Whe Bachin is 2 greg! batsman, Kamibll's name is olen asocisiec with scams. 8. Sachin Tenduliar and ined KambS are gos friends. GC. AS a result, thelr cefationstip has become sinined. Here i is easy fo see thal fhe use of “as a resi” in statement C_ stablishes 2. cause and effect reiaiorehin. The comect sequence therefore. & BAC. 3. Chronology: Al Lines YOU Gan S68 Ing Chain of events ini ihe panajumible. | could also Beer nee en ae ee cy. AA A BOP eee ee! ee eee, Pe ee eee the ight one. WWW. recruitment .quru For mntance: A in onder to fae fal acvartage of fhe ongoing city sale you mat possess. a geod credit card. B. 8 would also be nice to have friends to accompany yo. C. Secoesfy, you should hawe a weticle o you oem. As you can see in the above emample, siatement C follow siatemert A A Ofes. ine first and C ofves ihe second condition. The use of “atso” in tels you thal @ should foiow C. Therefor. ACE & the comect order. 4 Time reference: Some quesSon have 2 stalement thal refers to. 2 pod in time. The reference Maybe in the past, present of future. Accordingly, you can decide its place in the sequence For exami. JA It the future perhaps. we may ive on Mars, 8. During the Stone Age. man ihved in caves. GC. Presen@y, man ives in concrete Junge ‘The use of “Stone Age” in sishemen! (B. “presentiy” in C and “future” in A mame if easy for us to identify fhe sequence. The past will alvays come first, foRowed! (by Ine [eset ond then the future. The ocorect sequence then i, BCA. 5. Obvious openers: ‘You may sometimes come ocrmes shalements that are obvious openers. Le. ft is obviows that the panguenbte wil begin with thoes statements. These sitements can be definiions, untwersal truths or chdosophical statements: For instance: A. The stratosphere & one of the ayers of the atmosphere B. itis he upper potion of the atmosphere, 2 needy lsolhennal layer Payer of constant Sempergiune) that bs tocated above the froposphere. ©. 8 eqiemds from & lower boundary of about 6 fo 17 km 4 to fms) aifiuce to tts uoper bouncasy Ge straiopause) at abou 9D km (i miles) [his Gear do see fhe WT in 8 and © refers to the “stratosphere” in statement. A. Etatement.A is fhus an cfviews opener and ihe comect onder is ASC (. Obvious comciusions: Sometimes, you can cosily figure out the conchusion in ihe pangumbée. The conclusion helps in sfiminaie choices of to identify a mandatory pair For suampte: A. On fhe manieipiece were beo clocks, some dogs. brass candlesticks anc @ tinted photograph of Annie. 8. You o8ed af the weetyrowm wegetatle garden through a stued fan's lege. ower a parindge’s head, atong the red-paint-stained breast of a sdf wike duck. GC. The best foes sett of maotn-falis and fur and damp and dead pnts anc Siae, sour git. Two giass cases on wooden coffinbores ined ihe window wall. O_ was obvious that fie room was rarely used. au Gan see thal C introguces the room, A and 8 further cescebe ft and O condudes fhe parogranh. 7. Kenwords: Warts like — so, fherefore. however, hence, thus, mormover, bul, becaus., Nevertheless. yet. etc. — also heip identify mandaiory pairs. For matance: 4. Yet, the cable guys contra Swords of he market. 8. Telephom fms ore cow cutting dowm Geir prices to complete anc (eat their shaves of the inemet macket C. Cable net comectons are expensive. DB. The & because there is a powing demand for high speed iniemet access It & clear fom the abowe example hai CA is a mandatory par C0 pu pcross a point that cable net comections are expensive. The use of “yer in A, Shows thal despiie being eipensive. they hold a major share in the Markel. The use of “because” in D gives a reason for fis phenomenon This, C. A and 0 ar connecied to cach offer in that oder Giaiement 6 Qtees fhe e@ect of the phenomencn on the telephone firms. Hence, CADE 6 the compo! sequence. (8. General fo spectiic: EOmenTES one GES Confused abou! whether to move tom gene to specific o from spectic to general ormation. This is not an official one B_ He said that we could offer discounts and incentives to encourage people fo buy in fewer QUanifes but fo uy mone frequently: ©. (tscounts could wary fom 10 to 15 per cent on every purchase D. The lesser the quaniity. the more frequently customers wil have fo visit the sto. The more frequent the visits, the more incentives they oan eam. In this case the confusion could te between BC O and BOC. Here, we will 2 fom general fo specific. C is 2 specific example for D and not vice wera. Thersfone, ihe correct sequence ASDC. in onder to master pecajumibies if important to understand their sfructure. Let's sinwly build up on fhe concept of ‘pomjumbles”. Go ferough ihe TORN SOEs Samples and foliow the instructions given. 1. Questions can become easy to solve if you pay more attenien fo only the first few worts of every statement For ntanoe AL Althougih, ke fie Talapadas, the Pardeshis also claim to be Aajpers. and Kshattiyas, most of them have not yet adopted baditional Rajoul names for their ineages. B. Oniy recently a few lineages have begun fo patronize the Vahivancha Barots, who tawe veconied ther remembersd shallow genealogies and Qiafted them on io mythical genealogies. 6. Each Pardeshl lingeage is known after Es wilage of ong, D_ The latter provide them with Rajput clan names, tut they corey use them in moermal Bee in the above case, by reading only the highlighted words, you can clearty see a relationship between CBC fais aboot Paresh ineages and 8 continoss as © stats with ‘only mooceniiy a few Uneages.........” Thus ony by reading the first few words of every statement you can esiablish of least one mandaiony parr and usually eiminate of best 2 choices. @ Let's now team bo associgie keywords. ideas and farm sequences. Lat at the folinwing examples. A&A Mary Westen observers, aed unde ther mfuence mony Indlan S0nGias and social critics ao, have written hat India wes amos completely a stagnant country, wilhol fae history, Hl she came into fite- Qing contact wih Westem civilization in the eghieenth cendary. B_ The so-called point famslly is one suc netabbe Inestittion G. There is a well-established viewpoint witch alleges thal Hindu social Institutiens hare had a bikghting effect on india’s social and economic developement OD. They conéend Thal the economy ong society in thes country, ano indeed the India mind, had remained frocen for about fo fhowsand years fil ihe Erich congues! of india infeduced 2 vital element of dynamism ino the ‘nthe’ sockety. in the aowe example — can be seen clearty that CB are mandatory pairs. C fake of fhe blighiing effect Hindu social insiftufons bawe hed on the Indian BLOnOMmy and society; and B continues Dy saying that ine joint tamiy 6 one Buch insifulion. The they’ in D, refers to the observers, scholars and office. in.A. Therefore AD ts aiso 9 mandatory pair. Thos the comect sequence Caan. 3. Now fef's lea fo bulld up from sad sequences to bigger ones. 1 A Such is the diffioutty 2 cap faces in becoming a dragon. B. Some ae swept away by the by the strong curents. some fall prey io ages, hawics, dies, and awis, and other ae netied, scooped up of even shot with arrows by fishenren who ine both banks of the fais, In the gdowe case. B describes the Giterent difficulties and A otwiously sums up the eeplanation as it starts with ‘such is fhe difficufy’. BA is then ihe Mandainy sequence 1A, Minamoto and Taira were Hive two falthful watchdogs af the gates of the iminerial porta 8. They manefied af ihe eiegant pafiies of ihe noun notes and thew lacie, just as monkeys in the bees are entaptuesd by the sgt of the moon and ihe Stars. giitiering in fhe sky. ©_ They were eager & guard the empenm 5 bumble mountain fol ars fo fds: fhe ful moon on the ffieenth nighi of the eighth monn as it rises fom behind ite mountains. Here. the ‘they in C cisely refers: to the two faithful waichdogs’ In A. Therefore AC is a mandatory pow. The correct sequence then bk ACE. HL A. Tne ost Wr Ones oe he famlly anc ihe school. B. Much of the anger that publicty eapressed against the hierarchy of Castein the newspapers. on television, In conferences-+ purpoeeiess if not ormation. This is mot an official one 6 CUE Pe a ae 4" ©. Those whet Wee die! abSiNlSarts TPE feavaiied Bttquallty hunter Dartoularty im the demain that | have discussed must direct ther attention to the etMUEone that Oe Ge Tea obstackes in the path of al scvance. D. Equality of feast af the figher fevels of society, cam no fonger be significaniy adwanced by atiching caste. D Wiroguces fhe fact that equality can mo longer be establishes by aiacking caste. @ confinues the point abou! anger agains! hierarchy if caste. The Mandainy par i 08 and nol BD because 0 is more general than B.C ihe DO2S On fo Kientity ine real obefacies aed A names ihe moss important ones. CA is therefor anolhe mandaloyy sequence. The carect sequence then bs. OBCA. WW. 0) The mighty wart General LU Muang, whose mother had been Gevoured by a figer, shot an arrow at the shone he befieved was the figer A Later he came fo be inown 2 General Stone Tiger B. Bul one fee reared ft was only a store, he was unable fo pleroe It again. C_ The acrow pemetrated the stone all the way up to & feathers. D_ Ths story applies to you. Though enemies burk in the walt for you, your resolute: taith has foresfalied great Gangers beforn they could begin. (0) Realizing this, you must strengthen pour talth more than ever. | clearty infoduces a siay and A sums up fhai stay. C and B figue between. 0 tatks about fhe relevance of the sory and finds continuation in I The comect sequence then és |-CBAD-I. W. AL She fad cherished hope-fled visions of America os a land of freedom and democracy. B_ Also, being 2 foreigner, she could nol mace hese? undersinad weil in Engish, and they feated her ooldy. Al the same time, ber husband had become physically abusive, and a nift had grown betereen them. ©. Sadly. however, fis. womans dream had been shatiered. Life with her indaws was by no means easy financially. DO. She was not alone; mary peod)e in those days fumed ther eyes admbingly to Aumerica, magining 1 as some sont of dream land. E. Her sense of regret grew wih each passing day. As her feelings of Icon and Despair GeSpened, She would Ofer stand crying on the beach, waiching the ofmsan sun sel into the sea beyond fhe horizon F. The tears that streamed down her cheeks Sooded her aiready wounded Rearwitn an aching, empty coldness, thus imensifying her somow. 46s an obvious opener. It fais about her hopes and desea about America. 0 continues the point and tales: further about other women who had dreamé of america. C then mentions that her dream were sadly shafiered. 8 adds more points abowl how her dreams ween shafiersd: E tks aboot her sense of regret and F starts by Gaiking of her consequent tear and sorcw. The comect sequence thao ts ADCBEF. Now Ghai you Know the real tricks needed to crack pamgqumbies. attempt the folowing exercises on your Own. Ewercise Based Gn This: Okenion (2. 7: Rearrange the following six sermienoes (Aj, iB), (6), (OD) (E) ang /F) in the proper sequence to fem 2 meaningi! paragraph: then answer ie questions giver bevow them. (A) We af fefogquicktest fs mabe sure Mat oor cliests recetve he best and the quickest serdoes In dhe fede of (T. (8) Information Techoology fas fanstemed a fol in tvs decade and fils mefamonmbosis is eaceedingly quick. fC) The weer can pow gef the desired informafion in a fraction of 2 second. (OJOur oewer packages now Deovm (jn a far better way fan oor cies eed fo pet in ihe oes (£) Our search enpines dave been astoundingiy oowerlw fo process and fenon Me required imomator to toe oper. iF) These Improvements perfor a rea! magic, in the rue sense of the fenm, fo faciiftafe quicker access. 1 Which oof fhe Sowing wi be fe FIFTH sesience after rearrangement? Ha HE ge 40 HE 2 Wien of ihe folowing will be fhe SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement? Ha Be Formation. This is not an official one. ao Www. recruitment. guru mE 2 Which of fhe fotowing wif fe fie AIRST sesience after rearrangement? wa Ba axe ao aE a Which oof ie following wi be fheSECOWD sentence after rearrangement? Ha Re age 40 HE & hich of te following will be the FOURTH senience after rearrangement? oa eB ne aD aF @ Which of the following wil be ihe THIRD sentence after Frarrangemert? a4 DB Re ai RE Answers. FOr MmBERLo Gordie Ss not an official one.

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