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Miss I can do that myself

April 2018 by Heather

TeWhariki Learning:
Wellbeing: you will experience an environment
where your emotional wellbeing is nurtured and
where you can express your feelings and needs
Belonging: You know that you have a place and
Contribution:You are affirmed as an
individual where we appreciate
your own ability to learn
Communication: you develop
verbal/non verbal communication
skills for a range of purposes
Exploration: your play is valued as
meaningful and the importance of
spontaneous play is recognised

Lamis, you saw that the teachers were getting

everything ready for lunch today so you decided to
help. You took a chair down from the pile, sat on it
to make sure that it was the right size
then put it by the table. You did the
same with the next chair and the
one after that. In fact you repeated this
procedure until there were no chairs left stacked.
You then sat on one chair, put your hands
together and said our Dua before having your
bottle. Well done Lamis. It is amazing just how
much you have learned in the short time you have
been at centre. Keep the learning coming and I look
forward watching you learn every time you are at

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