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Mandeep Kaur

I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not copied from any
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Student’s Signature:
Q 1. System software is different from operating system. How?
System software is computer software designed to operate the
computer hardware and to provide and maintain a platform for
running application software.
• Systems software refers to the Operating System and all
utility programs (like Compiler, Loader, Linker, and
Debugger) that manage computer resources at a low level.
• Systems software refers to the Operating System and all
utility programs (like Compiler, Loader, Linker, and
Debugger) that manage computer resources at a low level.
• A term for a complicated set of programs that act together
to allow a computer, and other programs, to function.
• The software that controls the operations of a computer
system. It is a group of programs rather than one program.
Operating system has the following conditions which satisfy the
conditions of being a system:
• Multi-user: Allows two or more users to run programs at
the same time. Some operating systems permit hundreds or
even thousands of concurrent users.
• Multiprocessing: Supports running a program on more
than one CPU.
• Multitasking: Allows more than one program to run
• Multithreading: Allows different parts of a single program
to run concurrently.
• Real time: Responds to input instantly. General-purpose
operating systems, such as DOS and UNIX, are not real-
Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which
other programs, called application programs, can run. The
application programs must be written to run on top of a particular
operating system. Your choice of operating system, therefore,
determines to a great extent the applications you can run. For PCs,
the most popular operating systems are DOS, OS/2, and Windows,
but others are available, such as Linux.

As a user, you normally interact with the operating system through

a set of commands. For example, the DOS operating system
contains commands such as COPY and RENAME for copying files and
changing the names of files, respectively. The commands are
accepted and executed by a part of the operating system called the
command processor or command line interpreter. Graphical user
interfaces allow you to enter commands by pointing and clicking at
objects that appear on the screen.

Q 2. Operating system rules the system give your comments? Give its
architectural details?
To put it in the simplest of words, an operating system is a
computer program written to make the computer understandable
to the User who does not know the assembly level language of
the computer.
Rules of Operating System:

1.Management of the Processor

2.Management of the R.A.M

3.Management of the Input/output

4.Management of the Execution of Application

5.Management of the Authorization

6. File Management

Simple view:
The computer architecture of a computing system defines its
attributes as seen by the programs that are executed in that
system, that is, the conceptual structure and functional behaviour
of the machine hardware. Then, the computer architect defines
the functions to be executed in the hardware and the protocol to
be used by the software in order to exploit such functions. Note
that the architecture has nothing to do with the organization of
the data flow, the logical design, the physical design, and the
performance of any particular implementation in the hardware.
An Operating System is the layer between the hardware and
software, as in

The kernel of an operating system is the part responsible for all other
operations. When a computer boots up, it goes through some
initialisation functions, such as checking memory. It then loads the
kernel and switches control to it. The kernel then starts up all the
processes needed to communicate with the user and the rest of the
environment (e.g. the LAN)

The kernel is always loaded into memory, and kernel functions always
run, handling processes, memory, files and devices.

The traditional structure of a kernel is a layered system, such as UNIX.

In this, all layers are part of the kernel, and each layer can talk to only
a few other layers. Application programs and utilities live above the
kernel. The UNIX kernel looks like

Most of the Operating Systems being built now use instead a micro
kernel, which minimises the size of the kernel. Many traditional
services are made into user level services. Communication being
services is often by an explicit message passing mechanism.
The major micro-kernel Operating System is Mach. Many others use

the concepts of Mach.

Q 3. Assemblers, compilers, linker and loader are termed as programming

systems? Give
Assemblers-assembler is used to translate assembly language statements into
the target computer's machine code. The assembler performs a more or less
isomorphic translation (a one-to-one mapping) from mnemonic statements
into machine instructions and data. This is in contrast with high-level
languages, in which a single statement generally results in many machine
There are two types of assemblers based on how many passes through the
source are needed to produce the executable program.
Assemblers are generally simpler to write than compilers for high-level
languages, and have been available since the 1950s. Modern assemblers,
especially for RISC based architectures, such as MIPS, Sun SPARC, and HP
PA-RISC, as well as x86(-64), optimize instruction scheduling to exploit the
CPU pipeline efficiently.

Compiler-A compiler is a computer program (or set of programs) that

transforms source code written in a computer language (the source language)
into another computer language (the target language, often having a binary
form known as object code). The most common reason for wanting to transform
source code is to create an executable program. E.g. Are c, c++ vb, and c
Loader-A loader is a routine that loads an object program and prepars it for
exeqution. There are various loading schemes: absolute, relocating, and direct
linking. In general, the loader must load, relocate, and link the object program.
Example-if a user wished to employee a square root subroutine, he would have
to right his main program so that it would transfer to the location assigned to the
square root routine (sqrt).his program and subroutine would be assembled
together. If a second user wished to use the same subroutine, he also would
assemble it along with his own program, and the complete machine language
translation would be loaded into memory.
Linker-linker is the part of an operating system (OS) that loads and links the
shared libraries for an executable when it is executed. The specific operating
system and executable format determine how the dynamic linker functions and
how it is implemented. Linking is often referred to as a process that is
performed at compile time of the executable while a dynamic linker is in
actuality a special loader that loads external shared libraries into a running
process and then binds those shared libraries dynamically to the running
Q 4. Give application areas of various types of operating system with
An operating system (OS) is an interface between hardware and
user, which is responsible for the management and coordination of
activities and the sharing of the resources of a computer, that acts as a
host for computing applications run on the machine. One of the
purposes of an operating system is to handle the resource allocation
and access protection of the hardware.
The different types of operating systems are as under:
• Real-time operating system (RTOS) - Real-time operating
systems are used to control machinery, scientific instruments
and industrial systems. An RTOS typically has very little user-
interface capability, and no end-user utilities, since the system
will be a "sealed box" when delivered for use. A very important
part of an RTOS is managing the resources of the computer so
that a particular operation executes in precisely the same
amount of time, every time it occurs. In a complex machine,
having a part move more quickly just because system
resources are available may be just as catastrophic as having
it not move at all because the system is busy.

• Single-user, single task - As the name implies, this

operating system is designed to manage the computer so that
one user can effectively do one thing at a time. The Palm OS
for Palm handheld computers is a good example of a modern
single-user, single-task operating system.

• Single-user, multi-tasking - This is the type of operating

system most people use on their desktop and laptop
computers today. Microsoft's Windows and Apple's Mac OS
platforms are both examples of operating systems that will let
a single user have several programs in operation at the same
time. For example, it's entirely possible for a Windows user to
be writing a note in a word processor while downloading a file
from the Internet while printing the text of an e-mail message.
• Multi-user - A multi-user operating system allows many
different users to take advantage of the computer's resources
simultaneously. The operating system must make sure that
the requirements of the various users are balanced, and that
each of the programs they are using has sufficient and
separate resources so that a problem with one user doesn't
affect the entire community of users. Unix, VMS and
mainframe operating systems, such as MVS, are examples of
multi-user operating systems.

Part B
Q 1. Operating system can be divided into how many parts give details of
The operating system's tasks, in the most general sense, fall into six

•Processor management:
The basic unit of software that the operating system deals with in
scheduling the work done by the processor is either a process or a
thread, depending on the operating system.
It's tempting to think of a process as an application, but that gives an
incomplete picture of how processes relate to the operating system
and hardware. The application you see (word processor, spreadsheet
or game) is, indeed, a process, but that application may cause several
other processes to begin, for tasks like communications with other
devices or other computers
•Memory storage and management:

When an operating system manages the computer's memory, there

are two broad tasks to be accomplished:
 Each process must have enough memory in which to execute,
and it can neither run into the memory space of another
process nor be run into by another process.
 The different types of memory in the system must be used
properly so that each process can run most effectively.
The first task requires the operating system to set up memory
boundaries for types of software and for individual applications.

As an example, let's look at an imaginary small system with 1

megabyte (1,000 kilobytes) of RAM. During the boot process, the
operating system of our imaginary computer is designed to go to the
top of available memory and then "back up" far enough to meet the
needs of the operating system itself. Let's say that the operating
system needs 300 kilobytes to run. Now, the operating system goes to
the bottom of the pool of RAM and starts building up with the various
driver software required to control the hardware subsystems of the
computer. In our imaginary computer, the drivers take up 200
kilobytes. So after getting the operating system completely loaded,
there are 500 kilobytes remaining for application processes.
•Device management:
The path between the operating system and virtually all hardware not
on the computer's motherboard goes through a special program called
a driver. Much of a driver's function is to be the translator between the
electrical signals of the hardware subsystems and the high-level
programming languages of the operating system and application
programs. Drivers take data that the operating system has defined as
a file and translate them into streams of bits placed in specific
locations on storage devices, or a series of laser pulses in a printer.
•Application interface:
Just as drivers provide a way for applications to make use of
hardware subsystems without having to know every detail of the
hardware's operation, application program interfaces (APIs) let
application programmers use functions of the computer and
operating system without having to directly keep track of all the
details in the CPU's operation. Let's look at the example of creating
a hard disk file for holding data to see why this can be important.
•User interface:
In the end user interface provides the platform to the user to
interact with the computer or any type of machine. Just as the API
provides a consistent way for applications to use the resources of
the computer system, a user interface (UI) brings structure to the
interaction between a user and the computer. In the last decade,
almost all development in user interfaces has been in the area of
the graphical user interface (GUI), with two models, Apple's
Macintosh and Microsoft's Windows, receiving most of the attention
and gaining most of the market share. The popular open-source
Linux operating system also supports a graphical user interface.

Q2. Machine language differs from assembly language give examples?

Write a program to
display your name using any of machine languages?
Machine language-Machine code or machine language is a system of
instructions and data executed directly by a computer's central processing
unit. Machine code may be regarded as a primitive (and cumbersome)
programming language or as the lowest-level representation of a compiled
and/or assembled computer program.. Machine code is sometimes called
native code when referring to platform-dependent parts of language features
or libraries. Machine code should not be confused with so called "byte
code", which is executed by an interpreter.
The MIPS architecture provides a specific example for a machine code whose
instructions are always 32 bits long. The general type of instruction is given by
the op (operation) field, the highest 6 bits. J-type (jump) and I-type (immediate)
instructions are fully specified by op. R-type (register) instructions include an
additional field funct to determine the exact operation. The fields used in these
types are:

6 5 5 5 5 6 bits
[ op | rs | rt | rd |shamt| funct] R-type
[ op | rs | rt | address/immediate] I-type
[ op | target address ] J-type

rs, rt, and rd indicate register operands; shamt gives a shift amount; and the
address or immediate fields contain an operand directly.

For example adding the registers 1 and 2 and placing the result in register 6 is

[ op | rs | rt | rd |shamt| funct]
0 1 2 6 0 32 decimal
000000 00001 00010 00110 00000 100000 binary

Load a value into register 8, taken from the memory cell 68 cells after the
location listed in register 3:

[ op | rs | rt | address/immediate]
35 3 8 68 decimal
100011 00011 01000 00000 00001 000100 binary
Jumping to the address 1024:

[ op | target address ]
2 1024 decimal
000010 00000 00000 00000 10000 000000 binary

Assembly language-A program written in assembly language consists of a

series of instructions--mnemonics that correspond to a stream of executable
instructions, when translated by an assembler, that can be loaded into memory
and executed.

For example- an x86/IA-32 processor can execute the following binary

instruction ('MOV') as expressed in machine language (see x86 assembly

Hexadecimal: B0 61 (Binary: 10110000 01100001)

The equivalent assembly language representation is easier to remember

(example in Intel syntax, more mnemonic):

MOV AL, 61h

This instruction means:

Move (really a copy) the hexadecimal value '61' into the processor register
known as "AL". (The h-suffix means hexadecimal or = 97 in decimal)

Q3. Explain algorithm of pass 1 of two-pass assembler.

First pass:
1. Scans the code

2. Validates the tokens

3. Creates a symbol table

First Pass: Constructing the Symbol Table
1. Find the .ORIG statement, which tells us the address of the first
•Initialize location counter (LC), which keeps track of the current instruction.
2. for each non-empty line in the program:
a) If line contains a label, add label and LC to symbol table.
b) Increment LC.

NOTE: If statement is .BLKW or .STRINGZ, increment LC by the number of

words allocated.
3.Stop when .END statement is reached.

Q4. Explain algorithm of pass 2 of two-pass assembler.

Second Pass:
1. Solves forward references
2. Converts the code to the machine code

Second Pass: Generating Machine Language

•For each executable assembly language statement, generate the corresponding

machine language instruction

•If operand is a label, look up the address from the symbol table.

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