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2 Emergency Response Plan (ERP)

6.2.1 Introduction
Emergency can happens any time without any warning and the worker must always
alert with their surroundings therefore each facilities needs to construct a strategic
emergency response plan. The emergency response plan includes the details of action
to be taken in case of any emergency which covers fires, explosions, floods,
earthquakes, toxic material releases, civil disturbances or workplace violence (Albury,
2011). All the potential emergencies that can be expected in the workplace are list out
together with the details of procedure that need to be taken by the employees for
example natural disaster, any threat or accident involves the transport of chemical.
However, as for natural disaster response plan for example; hurricane, earthquake or
tornado are unlikely to occur in Malaysia therefore, neither plans for this types of
emergency will nor take into considerations. The plant layout which clearly show the
emergency escape routes and the assembly area are included together in the
emergency response plan.

Emergency response plan should include all type of major accident and
emergency response plan are likely to separate into two; on-site and off-site
emergency (Environemnt, 1989). On-site emergency only involves the person
working in the factory and the equipment meanwhile, off-site emergency is the
accident that affect inside of the factory but it may be uncontrollable and spread
outside the factory as well.

It important to identify a central authority for off-site emergency for example

fire brigade, police, hospitals or civil defence. The responders at the time of disaster
should be fully informed on their respective roles and properly trained in fields
relevant to the potential effects of the accident (Environemnt, 1989). The information
require for example type and location of hazard, key person in charge or run-off and
dispersion pathways should be known in advance. The effectiveness of response plan
should be access by doing proper planning and a lot of training so that in case of any
accident happens, the employees are well prepared and not panicking.
6.2.1 Emergency Response Team (ERT)

Various type of crisis or emergency can take place at the workplace may be due to
natural phenomenon, human carelessness or lacks of the equipment. During the
emergency, the disaster area need to be secured in order to prevent unauthorized
access and to protect the equipment inside the plant. Before the relevant authorities
such as fire and rescue department, police or ambulance arrive to deal with the
situations, the ERT is the first responder that will mitigate and control an emergency
situation according to established plans and procedure set by the plant’s emergency
response plan during initial stages of the crisis occur. They also need to ensure the
operational synergy between ERT and relevant authorities (

An ERT is a special team that responds to emergencies to ensure proper

employees evacuation and safety, to shut down building services and utilities and also
works together with civil authorities including evaluate the areas that are safe to re-
entry. They are the person that are competently trained in preventing any emergency
from escalating into major disaster. Detailed emergency plan is construct so that the
emergency response team personnel can access to the emergency quickly.
6.2.2 Objectives

This chapter will focus on the emergency response plan for the entire octanol plant in
case of any emergency happens to assist employees so that they know what to do when
emergency occurs. The emergency plans that are construct for octanol plant are
evacuation procedure, threat response plan, natural disaster response plan,
transportation response plan, first-aid measure, personal protective equipment used
and including the plant layout.

The evacuation procedure focus on how the employees should evacuate the
building in case of fire or any other emergency and where to gather outside the
buildings. Threat response plan can be used in case of any terrorists, saboteurs or any
employees that are unsatisfied and rage occurs in the plant. Any natural disaster can
happen in no time such as flood or land sliding and response plan are construct to alert
the employees during the unexpected event. Transportation response plan are specific
for the driver in case of any accident during transporting the chemical such as crash,
explosion, fire or spill of the chemical.

It is important to all the employees in octanol production plant to know how to

deal and response quickly and also can reduce the damage to the equipment if the
guidance is followed properly. All of the emergency plan created to ensure all the
facilities receive the same information to be in case of emergency and the safety of
employees including visitors, contractor or anyone else in the plant are secured.
6.2.3 Emergency Response Procedure

i. General Evacuation Procedure

1. When fire alarm activated, everyone must leave the building immediately and
follow the instruction given by public safety officers or emergency response
team members.
2. Get your workplace ready to be left unattended, shut down computer and turn
off electrical equipment, if safe to do so.
3. Exit the building by using the nearest exit or exit stairwell.
4. Never use elevators in an emergency evacuation.
5. If the nearest exit or exit stairwell is filled by smoke, fire or other hazards,
please proceed to another one.
6. During stairwell evacuation, hold the handrail and stay to the right side of the
stairwell and not pushing other people
7. Once outside the building, assemble at the designated assembly area and wait
for instructions from emergency personnel.
8. Do not re-enter the building until emergency personnel announce it safe to do

ii. Threat

Threats may arise internally or externally. Chemical plants which handle hazardous
chemicals has a potential target for terrorists, saboteurs, criminals, and even
disgruntled employees (Baybutt & Ready, 2003). In the case of any threats occur, the
actions to be taken are as follows:

 Implement measures to control vehicle bombs and the smuggling of

explosive devices on-site by employees, contractors or others that helps
avoid the most common form of attack by terrorists
 Implement measures to avoid process manipulation from inside or outside
the facility to avoid likely forms of attack by insiders
 Ensure there are visible security measures in place like provide deterrence
 Ensure intruders will be detected by provide the opportunity for a response
 If reliance is being placed on deterrence, detection and delay, ensure a
suitable response can be made to an attack, most likely by law enforcement
personnel, including the effective use of lethal force, if necessary

iii. Natural Disaster

Natural disasters are known as any catastrophic event that is caused by nature or natural
processes of the earth (, 2017). Floods or severe storms are some
examples of natural disaster. In the case of any natural disaster occur, the actions to be
taken are as follows:

 Indicate evacuation path, another means of escape, make these known to all
staff, keep the path unobstructed
 Identify clearly and definitely the safe locations for staff to gather for head
counts to ensure that everyone has left the danger zone. Appoint individuals to
assist employees with disabilities
 Carry out treatment of the injured and search for the missing simultaneously
with efforts to contain the emergency
 Allocate alternate sources of medical aid when normal facilities may be in the
danger zone
 Ensure the safety of all staff (and/or the general public) first, then deal with the

iv. Transportation

It is important to have an effective response to a road transport emergency to eliminate

the hazards and lessen their impact if an incident occurs. An event where there is either
a major transport operational problem likes, a fire, major spill or serious traffic incident
or where there is a loss of life or considerable environmental damage and there is a
possibility of media coverage refers to an emergency situation (“ROAD TRANSPORT
emergency occur:

 On receiving a serious incident report, assesses whether the situation calls for
deployment of the emergency team to the scene of incident.
 Informs key management personnel and company spokesperson of current
situation and reports periodically if the situation escalates.
 Ensures a proper clean-up operation is done and that the area is safely and
environmentally stable to return to normal.
 Gathers data for full incident investigation.

v. First Aid Measure

Plant must have basic-aid facilities and trained first-aiders. The first-aid equipment
should be regularly checked and maintained to ensure that its condition is satisfactory.
In case of any emergency occur:

 Ensure all the employees are aware with emergency contact and call
 Apply first aid on injured persons only if qualified
 The doctor should be prepared for any foreseeable type of injury
 The doctors and hospital should be informed of the nature of the chemical
 The label of the Chemical Safety Data Sheet of the chemical involved are sent
to the doctor

The first-aid equipment must be frequently and regularly checked and maintained to
ensure that its condition is satisfactory. Records should be kept of all checks and
maintenance. Arrangements must be made with a local hospital or doctor for
immediate assistance to be provided in an emergency. The doctor and hospital must
be informed of the nature of the chemicals handled and they should have necessary
antidotes. In case of emergency, the label of the Chemical Safety Data Sheet of the
chemical involved must be sent to the doctor with the patient. For further information
on the recommended first aid facilities please refer to The Guidelines on First-Aid in
Workplace published by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health. For
detailed advice on firstaid relating to chemicals, the chemical safety data sheet must
be consulted.

vi. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Hazard are everywhere. Hazards can be defined as unsafe condition and unsafe act
that could potentially cause accidents or harms. Personal protective equipment is any
equipment which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and which protects
him against one or more risks to health or safety and any additional accessory designed
to meet that objective (Against, Hazards, Safety, & Resources, 2005).

Controlling a hazard at its source is the best way to protect employees (Article, 2004).
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that employers
protect their employees from workplace hazards that can cause injury.

Requirement for PPE

To ensure the greatest possible protection for employees in the workplace, the
cooperative efforts of both employers and employees will help in establishing and
maintaining a safe and healthful work environment. In general, employers are
responsible for:

i. Performing a “hazard assessment” of the workplace to identify and control

physical and health hazards
ii. Identifying and providing appropriate PPE for employees
iii. Training employees in the use and care of the PPE
iv. Maintaining PPE, including replacing worn or damaged PPE
v. Periodically reviewing, updating and evaluating the effectiveness of the PPE

In general, employees should:

i. Properly wear PPE

ii. Attend training sessions on PPE
iii. Care for, clean and maintain PPE
iv. Inform a supervisor of the need to repair or replace PPE

Types of PPE

Eyes and Face Protection

Thousands of people are blinded each year from work related eye injuries. Injuries that
could have been prevented, if only people would have used eye or face protection.
Examples of eyes and face protections and their specification are:

Safety Glasses
 Much stronger and more resistant to impact and heat than regular glasses

 Equipped with side shields that give protection from hazards

 Safety glasses should be approved to meet standards

 Should fit comfortable on face through all job tasks

 Ensure that glasses are not too big or too tight

 Limitation - does not seal around eyes, could allow small droplets to come in
contact with eyes


 Surround the eye area to give more protection in situations to encounter

splashing liquids, fumes, vapors, powders, dusts, and mists
 Must indicate that they are chemical splash goggles to be worn for that purpose
 Limitation - uncomfortable to wear with other head gear like helmet, ear muffs
or respirator

Head Protection

Injuries to the head could involve the brain, eyes, nose and mouth. Thus, head
protection and safety are very important to prevent hazard like accident result in shocks
and burns, falling or flying object and so on. To protect head, a hard hat are necessary
and their specification are:

 Rigid shell help to resists and deflects blows to the head

 A suspension system inside the hat that acts as a shock absorber
 Some hats serve as an insulator against electrical shocks
 Some hard hats can be modified so can add face shields, goggles, hoods, or
hearing protection to them

Hand Protection

Hands are important because without fingers or hands, our ability to work would be
greatly reduced. Gloves is the hand protection and the types of gloves and their
specification are:

 Metal mesh gloves - resist sharp edges and prevent cuts

 Leather gloves - shield hands from rough surfaces
 Vinyl and neoprene gloves - protect hands against toxic chemicals
 Rubber gloves - protect when working around electricity
 Padded cloth gloves - protect hands from sharp edges, slivers, dirt, and vibration
 Heat resistant gloves - protect hands from heat and flames
 Latex disposable gloves - used to protect hands from germ and bacteria
 Lead-lined gloves - used to protect hands from radiation sources

Foot Protection

Foot is rigid enough to support the weight of entire body. Without feet and toes, ability
to work would be greatly reduced. As for foot protection, safety shoes and boots are
must. Examples for safety shoes and boots are:

 Butyl footwear - protects against most ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, acids, salts,
and alkalies
 Electrostatic dissipating footwear - conducts static electricity to floors that are
 Electrical hazard footwear - insulated with tough rubber to prevent shocks and
burns from electricity

Body Protection

Skin acts as a natural barrier to the elements. Chemicals can break down the skin barrier
and allow secondary infections to manifest. Body protection is necessary to protect
from temperature stress, chemical contacts and radiation. Examples for body protection
and their description are:

 Insulated Coats and Pants – to prevent fire resistant, heat resistant and cold
 Sleeves and Aprons – to ensure work well when pouring or manipulating
chemical to reduce splash and make sure the sleeves and aprons are appropriate
for the chemical
 Chemical suits - designed to provide complete protection to the respiratory,
sight or skin from hazardous vapors, gases, particulates, sudden splash. Totally
encapsulated, vapor tight as it is a set with hood, face shield, boots & gloves

Against, P. P. E., Hazards, C., Safety, O., & Resources, H. (2005). Guidelines on The u.
Guidelines on the Use of PPE Against Chemical Hazards, (October), 1–68.

Albury, N. S. (2011). Emergency Response Procedures. Western AG Supplies PTY LTD, 32.

Article, F. (2004). Personal Protective Equipment, 1–32.

Bahari, A., & Hassan, H. (1994). Emergency Preparedness Amongst Emergency Response
Team in Managing Accidents at the Workplace Involving Hazardous Materials Vis-a-
Vis the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, 1–23. Retrieved from
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Article/2008%5CnAzuddin, B & Hanum, H.%5CnEmergency preparedness amongst
emergency team in managing accidents at the workplace involving hazardous materials
vis-a-vis the occupational safety an

Emergency action plan in RMGs - Op-Ed - observerbd. (n.d.).Retrieved from

Emergency Procedures - Evacuation _ USC Administrative Operations. (n.d.). Retrieved


Baybutt, P., & Ready, V. (2003). Strategies for protecting process plants against terrorism,
sabotage and other criminal acts. Homeland Defense Journal, 2, 1–7.

Environemnt, S. C. on P. of the. (1989). Methods of assessing and reducing injury from

chemical accidents, 75–81. Retrieved from


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