How Leading CIOs Are Preparing For A Digital Transformation - EY

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Born to be digital:

how leading CIOs

are preparing
for a digital
Digital technologies are increasingly
disruptive forces in our industries and
economies. For CIOs, these technologies
represent an enormous opportunity to forge
a new role as drivers of transformational
change in their organizations. To seize this
opportunity, CIOs will need to learn new
skills, approaches and attitudes.

Tom Velema Europe, Middle East, India and
Africa IT Advisory Leader
EY, Netherlands

Frank Harmsen Executive Director

IT Advisory, Advisory Center
EY, Netherlands

Andre Wiedenhofer Manager

Advisory Services
EY, Germany

26 Volume 6 │ Issue 1 27
Born to be digital: how leading CIOs are preparing for a digital transformation

65% of digital-ready
CIOs devote time
to discussing how
IT can research and
develop new products
and services for the
business, compared
with only 50% of
typical CIOs.

ew research from EY1 they must think like commercial executives man and at one stage I was CEO of a real Part of the strategic challenge facing Having set out this vision, however, CIOs
identifies the attributes to who are focused on strategic thinking rather estate agency; I have also been chief of CIOs is to communicate the vision. Almost must also be able to implement it. More
which digital-ready CIOs than technologists who are concerned with retail business in a company. That makes it 9 in 10 (87%) digital-ready CIOs are than 8 in 10 (82%) digital-ready CIOs stress
should now be aspiring. Based operations or kit. much easier for me to combine the business especially focused on setting out a vision of their focus on the need to design and
on quantitative and qualitative “I am not an IT guy,” says Mathiesen. issues with IT and I think we will see more of how IT can drive business transformation, execute business strategy, compared with
research conducted with CIOs “In my younger days, I was a strategic this in the future.” compared with only 72% of CIOs generally. only 64% of typical CIOs.
who are already especially engaged on the These are exacting demands, says Bruno
strategic elements of their roles, especially Ménard, the CIO of French pharmaceutical
at IT-intensive companies, it paints a giant Sanofi. “The core expectation of
portrait of the mindset needed by CIOs the CEO will be that their CIO is a good
who are determined to embrace the shift manager who can control costs but, in
to digital. businesses embracing digital, they also
The lessons from those CIOs who can want much more than this — someone who
justifiably claim to already be digital- can push change management as a real
ready are clear, and they apply across all business partner.”
organizations, no matter what their level of
IT intensity. In particular, these digital-ready 2. A
 relentless commitment
CIOs share six crucial characteristics:
to innovation
Digital-ready CIOs are obsessed with
1. A strategic vision for how innovation: they are constantly on the
technology will transform look-out for opportunities for IT to cut
the business, and a roadmap costs, boost revenues, create efficiencies or
facilitate the development of new products
for implementing that
and services. They look across the business
transformation. in order to seek out and grasp as many of
Digital-ready CIOs can articulate a vision of these opportunities as possible.
how their business needs to develop and “If I look at the expectations of my
the role that new technologies will play board members, they are really around
in that evolution. They understand what innovation,” says Bruno Ménard of Sanofi.
digital means for every area of the business, “What does digital mean for my business,
whether operational or customer-facing, how can I create competitive strengths,
and they make convincing arguments for how can I create resource from digital, how
why their organizations should embrace do I manage a digital transformation? How
these opportunities. do I help my business teams to really shift
In practice, this means that digital-ready or integrate digital in what they do?” A CIO
CIOs must have a strong grasp of their able to demonstrate excellence in these
company’s business model — its products areas — and more — will be seen as a crucial
and services and how these get to market. agent of change, Ménard suggests.
In short, says Lars Mathiesen, the CIO of
1. Born to be digital: how leading CIOs are preparing for a
digital transformation, EY, 2014. Danish financial services group Nykredit,

28 Volume 6 │ Issue 1 29
Born to be digital: how leading CIOs are preparing for a digital transformation

Digital-ready CIOs understand the need In the past, CIOs have sometimes acted
to take charge of the innovation pipeline. as gatekeepers, sanctioning projects, or
All this talk that ‘the More than 7 in 10 digital-ready CIOs (71%) not, on the basis of their technological 82% digital-ready CIOs
CIO is dead’ is sort of strongly agree that they are responsible viability and cost. Today, digital-ready CIOs stress their focus on
for driving the adoption of disruptive recognize they need to be the ones pushing
silly, but the role is technologies within their organizations — the projects — and to work more closely the need to design
going to change - I can particularly in areas such as cloud, mobile with business partners in order to turn their and execute business
and analytics — compared with 51% of hopes into reality.
sit here and say ‘you CIOs generally. “All this talk that ‘the CIO is dead’ is sort strategy, compared
have to ask me’ but, if These CIOs are also notably more of silly, but the role is going to change — I with only 64% of
comfortable with driving innovation can sit here and say ‘you have to ask me’
I say no too often, I am throughout the business, rather than but, if I say no too often, I am not going to typical CIOs.
not going to be asked. simply in IT itself. Some 65% of digital-ready be asked,” says Philipp Erler, the CIO of the
CIOs devote time to discussing how IT can German retailer Zalando. “Vice versa, I have
And vice versa, I have research and develop new products and to provide solutions and act proactively.”
Lars Mathiesen of Nykredit says that
to provide solutions services for the business, compared with In particular, digital-ready CIOs are
CIOs have to learn how to inspire both those
only 50% of typical CIOs. notably more determined to forge close
and act proactively. Part of the challenge, adds Ménard, relationships with the CMO — 59% cite this
around them and the key decision-makers
at the business. “Closer collaboration with
Philipp Erler, CIO, Zalando is to build organizational structures that as very strong, compared with 37% of
the business and its management is going
ensure IT can go on delivering innovation CIOs generally. As CIOs and CMOs move
to become more important for IT in the
consistently day after day. “There is still closer together, their shared expertise
future,” he says. “We’ve got to get into
a need to improve the maturity of IT can be a powerful voice for monetizing
the front office and we’ve got to get to the
governance as it relates to innovation,” he customer insights.
management team — inspiring the whole
says. “We are currently reorganizing IT to
management group is going to be a vital
split the roles of delivery and demand — the 4. An ability to communicate role for CIOs in the future.”
demand part is about being a business
the potential of IT to key Part of the challenge will be to learn how
partner and organizing for that. We’re
business partners to speak the language of the rest of the
trying to prepare, so that IT can be very
business — and to become more familiar
astute in what it proposes and how it Nine out of 10 digital-ready CIOs say that
with the politics that operate within all
answers questions — we come to the skills, such as communication and the
organizations. “It’s the area where I have
conversation with thought-out proposals in ability to influence people, are especially
to develop most,” says Philipp Erler of
terms of timeline and resources.” important in their role, compared with 79%
Zalando. “It’s not necessarily a matter
of CIOs generally. No wonder: it is one thing
of social competence but about how to
to have a vision of what digital technologies
3. A close focus on how IT can reach political understandings and to
might offer the company, but quite another
drive growth — and strong to set out that vision to colleagues — many
forge alliances.”
relationships with business CIOs who establish their credibility
of whom may be less IT-literate — in such
will find they are more likely to be
partners, such as the front a compelling way that they are willing to
listened to, Erler adds. “At our company,
sanction investment in it.
office, that enable this leadership and acceptance derive from
competence,” he says. “So that’s about the

30 Volume 6 │ Issue 1 31
Born to be digital: how leading CIOs are preparing for a digital transformation

it’s also about people management.” Digital-ready CIOs do not have different
Digital-ready CIOs are comfortable concerns from their colleagues — indeed,
I work in financial looking outwards from the summit of IT, EY’s research shows that they share the
services, which is rather than at what lies beneath them. same anxieties as their peers about issues
They recognize that, while incremental ranging from resources to innovation. The
highly regulated, so I improvements within their own difference is that they are more willing to
have to be cautious, departments will deliver benefits to the try out different solutions. With initiatives
business, the more valuable prizes are to such as small-scale pilot studies, they take
but all CIOs have be found in using disruptive technologies to calculated risks. Sometimes those projects
to be prepared to develop better business models throughout fail, but that is part of the learning process.
the organization. Digital-ready CIOs accept that, without
experiment more. these setbacks, they will never reach the
Herman de Prins, CIO, UCB 6. T
 he courage to take transformational targets they have set
for themselves. 
calculated risks
Making the leap to become a digital-ready
CIO requires courage. There is a need to
order to free up their own time for more
step out of established comfort zones,
strategic concerns.
learn new skills, forge new relationships
Philipp Erler of Zalando says that he
and try to take advantage of opportunities
would not have been interested in the CIO
that simply did not exist when most CIOs
role if it did not encompass this strategic
began their careers. For these reasons,
element. “I was not the kind of person
digital-ready CIOs are more likely to be
who did, for example, office networking
risk-takers — and that is important, since
projects — that seemed relatively unexciting
many of the technologies they are now
to me,” he says. “Much of what I did in the
exploring are relatively untested. There are
past was really product development, and
risks involved in adopting them — both for
now I see my role as strategic — how do I
the business and for CIOs themselves, who
projects that I have done and completed of basic IT operations. Instead, issues structure my platform so that it supports
put their credibility on the line by making
successfully on the one hand, but on the such as change management and the goals of the company, how do I actively
the case for these technologies.
other hand, it’s also about the way you process improvements are more
As CIOs and CMOs drive it forward, and how do I ensure
Herman de Prins, CIO of Belgium
that IT is in a position to help enable new
are able to participate in discussions with likely to be consuming their time. This move closer together, business models?”
pharmaceutical company UCB, says that
the business.” reflects an important characteristic of too many CIOs are risk-averse. “I talk to my
digital-ready CIOs: they see their role
their shared expertise Sanofi’s Bruno Ménard also believes
colleagues at other companies and they
that this broader responsibility is what
5. A determination to move as being much wider than delivering can be a powerful makes the CIO role so attractive. “It is a
don’t even dare to set up a small pilot study
operational excellence. within IT to establish whether something
beyond the operational
This is not to say that digital-ready
voice for monetizing great position because you need to have an
works,” he says. “I work in financial
elements of the CIO role CIOs do not understand the importance of customer insights. understanding of the entire company — on
services, which is highly regulated, so I
EY’s survey results reveal that digital- “keeping the lights on.” Instead, the key is the one hand, you must supply the services,
have to be cautious, but all CIOs have to be
ready CIOs are far less likely to report that how they prioritize their responsibilities. so it’s very operational, but on the other, it’s
prepared to experiment more.”
they have increased their prioritization Many have appointed key lieutenants in increasingly strategic and innovative, and

32 Volume 6 │ Issue 1 33

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