3 - Initial Self-Evaluation of Writing Skills Rudra

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INTO City Graduate Diploma

Academic writing skills

Initial self-evaluation of writing skills

 Complete a self-evaluation of the following aspects of academic research & writing:

Section 1

Academic research Never Very Needs Easy Very

tried difficult work Easy
Using advanced search techniques x
(e.g. Boolean logic, wildcard characters)
Creating a search strategy x
Finding academic sources x
Evaluating academic sources x
Using databases x
Using academic journal articles for research x

Academic writing Never Very Needs Easy Very

tried difficult work Easy
Understanding the essay title/question x
Brainstorming ideas to answer the question x
Planning your essay x
Writing introductions x
Writing thesis statements x
Structuring paragraphs x
Writing topic sentences x
Providing evidence to support arguments x
Paraphrasing x
Summarising x
Writing conclusions x
Avoiding irrelevant information (unity) x
Linking ideas and paragraphs (cohesion) x
Referencing accurately x
Providing critical analysis and evaluation x
Using cautious language (hedging) x
Using correct grammar x
Using vocabulary accurately x
Using a wide range of academic vocabulary x
Using correct punctuation x
Using correct spelling x
Writing to the word limit x
Writing within the time given (deadlines/exams) x
Section 2

 Which of the areas above do you feel you need to work on the most (top 5)?

1 Evaluating academic sources fully (not cherry picking relevant bits that
misrepresent the author)
2 Planning an essay
3 Cohesion
4 Writing introductions
5 Writing topic sentences

 How can you independently improve on these areas during this course? Think of specific
actions for each area you selected:

1 Paying careful attention to article abstracts, and check if key language points
validate my interpretations of the content against them.
2 Taking enough time to perform extended reading, in advance of the planning
process. Also, creating multiple different outlines rather than performing updates
on the same one.
Using strategies such as mind maps.
3 Updating first drafts of pieces of writing, on content, over and above just
Taking time to plan and structure the essay-using outlines / mind maps etc.
4 Same as 2
5 Perform more extensive readings, so as to be able to condense own topic
sentences to the correct level of length and complexity.

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